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During the larval-pupal transformation, various regions of the epidermis of Manduca sexta larvae have previously been found to require different lengths of exposure to the prothoracic glands in order to form pupal cuticle. To distinguish between requirements for differing threshold concentrations of ecdysone and those for differing durations of exposure to ecdysone, wandering stage larval epidermis was cultured in Grace's medium. When most of the thick larval cuticle was removed, the epidermis responded to concentrations of β-ecdysone of 1.0 μ/ml or greater for 4 days by forming cysts which later formed tanned pupal cuticle. No fat body or protein supplement was required. When the larval integument was explanted intact, similar requirements for cuticle formation and for tanning were found. All regions of the fifth abdominal segment required similar concentrations of β-ecdysone (0.4–0.6 μg/ml) for 4 days for 50% to form pupal cuticle, but gin trap epidermis required the least exposure to a threshold concentration of ecdysone (1.5 days in 0.9 μg/ml). The anterior dorsal intersegmental region required about 0.5 day longer, followed by the posterior intersegmental and the dorsal intrasegmental regions. Thus, the duration of exposure seemed more important. About 1 day longer of exposure to ecdysone was required for subsequent tanning of the new cuticle than for cuticle formation, yet tanning of the cuticle did not occur with prolonged exposure to ecdysone.  相似文献   

The morphogenetic activity of three hormonal substances—α-ecdysone, β-ecdysone, and inokosterone—has been studied in vitro on isolated imaginal leg discs of third-instar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster.In the presence of α-ecdysone (0.3–3 μg/ml) and also of the phytohormone inokosterone (0.3–3 μg/ml), the discs underwent metamorphosis, as characterized by complete evagination (in less than 24 hr), secretion, and shedding (48 hr after explanation) of the pupal cuticle, secretion, and structural differentiation of the imaginal cuticle, namely pigmentation and formation of claws, bristles, and hairs (during days 3–6).In the presence of β-ecdysone (10, 6, 3, 0.3, 0.03, 0.003 μg/ml), evagination was always abnormal and incomplete. With all concentrations but the lowest, the partially everted legs had a swollen appearance and, at all concentrations, the subsequent development was inhibited. No imaginal differentiation occurred at any of the concentrations tested.Larval fat body or larval epidermis added to the isolated discs had no influence on their response to either α-ecdysone or β-ecdysone.Changing the osmotic pressure of the β-ecdysone containing medium likewise did not alter the noxious effect of β-ecdysone.Discs cultured first in the presence of β-ecdysone (for 24 hr), then transferred to fresh medium containing α-ecdysone were unable to undergo normal development. The inhibitory effect of β-ecdysone thus appears to be irreversible.Discs cultured first in the presence of α-ecdysone (for 24, 48 or 72 hr), then transferred to β-ecdysone containing medium, were unable to continue their normal differentiation. Further development was blocked within a few hours after the transfer.Results are discussed in view of results obtained with other in vitro and in vivo cultivation techniques. In conclusion, isolated leg discs of Drosophila are unable to respond physiologically to exogenous β-ecdysone. Only α-ecdysone and inokosterone will induce complete and normal metamorphosis in leg discs cultured in vitro.  相似文献   

The switchover from a larval to a pupal epidermal commitment was studied on integument tissue fragments from early last-instar larvae (1–2 days after ecdysis) of Chilo suppressalis cultured in Grace's medium containing 0.01–0.5 μg/ml 20-hydroxyecdysone for 24–72 hr. Fragments were subsequently cultured in medium containing 1 μg/ml 20-hydroxyecdysone for 24 hr and maintained in hormone-free media for 6 additional days. The degree of switchover induction was measured as the ratio of the number of tissue fragments showing pupal characteristics to the total number of fragments used. The degree of switchover increased with the duration of culture, as well as with the concentration of the hormone (up to 0.1 μg/ml), in the first hormonal treatment. Above this concentration, apolysis and new cuticle formation were induced without change in the epidermal commitment. Cultured integument fragments from larvae in the diapause stage, 40–50 days after hatching, and from those in the penultimate stage, showed the switchover under almost the same hormonal conditions as those used with tissue from the early last-instar larvae. After the first hormone treatment, culture in hormone-free medium was unnecessary for cuticle tanning. Juvenile hormone II added to the medium (3 ng/ml) in the first hormonal treatment completely inhibited the switchover induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone. The potential use of the C. suppressalis integument as a bioassay system for juvenoids is discussed.  相似文献   

Slow infusions of β-ecdysone are more effective in eliciting a normal physiological response than are discrete injections of the hormone. Infusion of β-ecdysone into final instar larvae in the presence of juvenile hormone (JH) induces apolysis and the deposition of a normal larval cuticle. In the absence of JH larvae display the prodromal symptoms of pupation (exposure of the heart, purging of the gut, etc.) in response to a β-ecdysone infusion. The occurrence of certain covert physiological events that accompany the exposure of the heart are evidently necessary to prepare a larva for pupation. An infusion of β-ecdysone can induce apolysis and pupal cuticle deposition only after the prodromal signs of pupation have become evident. Of the two pulses of ecdysone that normally precede pupation in Manduca, the first is apparently responsible for the genetic switchover from larval to pupal development whereas the second one triggers apolysis and the subsequent events that lead to pupation. Results obtained from infusion experiments in which the dose and exposure time were varied independently are consistent with the idea that ecdysone has to be present for a certain minimum time above a threshold concentration to induce a physiological response. The requisite exposure time is apparently not dose-dependent.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) activity, ecdysone titre, and developmental competence of the epidermis were determined in last instar larvae and pupae of Galleria mellonella. Haemolymph JHE activity reaches a peak before increases are observed in ecdysone titre both during larval-pupal and pupal-adult metamorphosis. JHE activity is low during the penultimate larval instar although general esterase activity is relatively high. In last instar larvae two ecdysone peaks are noted after the increase in JHE activity. Furthermore, epidermal cell reprogramming occurs just after the increase in haemolymph JHE activity and possibly before the first increase in ecdysone titre. This was tested by injection of high doses of β-ecdysone into last instar larvae of different ages resulting in rapid cuticle deposition. Reprogramming occurred if the resulting cuticle was of the pupal type. These correlative observations may increase our understanding of the relative importance of an ecdysone surge in the absence of JH in reprogramming of the insect epidermis.  相似文献   

When epidermis from wandering stage tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) larvae was exposed to 5 μg/ml 20-hydroxyecdysone for 3 days, then exposed to hormone-free Grace's medium, the newly formed pupal cuticle tanned slowly up to 35% of its area by day 12. The addition of 1.3 mM dopamine on either day 4 or 5 slightly increased the area tanned and addition of β-alanine (to 11.2 mM) on days 3–5 enhanced tanning 2–2.5-fold by day 8. Later addition had no effect. When pharate pupal cuticle about 24 h before ecdysis was explanted to Grace's medium, little tanning occurred in 24 h unless dopa or dopamine or their derivatives were added; β-alanine up to 4.4 mM had no effect. Partial tanning occurred in 10 mM dopa or dopamine. More effective were N-β-alanylnorepinephrine and N-β-alanyldopamine which produced nearly maximal tanning at 1 and 5 mM respectively. Up to 10 mM N-β-acetylnorepinephrine had little effect. Thus, dopamine and β-alanine are important to cuticular tanning in vitro and apparently need to be incorporated into the exocuticle during its synthesis. Maximal tanning of this exocuticle then requires further incorporation of β-alanyl conjugates.  相似文献   

Expression of Manduca Broad-Complex (BR-C) mRNA in the larval epidermis is under the dual control of ecdysone and juvenile hormone (JH). Immunocytochemistry with antibodies that recognize the core, Z2, and Z4 domains of Manduca BR-C proteins showed that BR-C appearance not only temporally correlates with pupal commitment of the epidermis on day 3 of the fifth (final) larval instar, but also occurs in a strict spatial pattern within the abdominal segment similar to that seen for the loss of sensitivity to JH. Levels of Z2 and Z4 BR-C proteins shift with Z2 predominating at pupal commitment and Z4 dominant during early pupal cuticle synthesis. Both induction of BR-C mRNA in the epidermis by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and its suppression by JH were shown to be independent of new protein synthesis. For suppression JH must be present during the initial exposure to 20E. When JH was given 6 h after 20E, suppression was only seen in those regions that had not yet expressed BR-C. In the wing discs BR-C was first detected earlier 1.5 days after ecdysis, coincident with the pupal commitment of the wing. Our findings suggest that BR-C expression is one of the first molecular events underlying pupal commitment of both epidermis and wing discs.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the larval epidermis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, contains a 29 kDa nuclear protein (JP29) that binds pothoaffinity analogs of juvenile hormone (JH), but does not bind JH I with high affinity. We now find that JP29 is also associated with the insecticyanin granules, and we show that JP29 mRNA is regulated in a complex fashion by both 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and JH. Studies with day 2 fourth instar larval epidermis in vitro showed that a molting concentration 12 μg/ml) of 20E caused the disappearance of JP29 mRNA, irrespective of the presence or absence of JH; this effect was dependent on the concentration of 20E (ED50=200 ng/ml). The reappearance of JP29 mRNA around the time of ecdysis required the presence of JH at head capsule slippage (HCS), since little appeared in larvae allatectomized about 6 h before HCS unless JH I was applied at the time of HCS. Maintenance of JP29 mRNA in fifth instar epidermis also required the continued presence of JH in both isolated abdomens and in vitro. Culture of either day 1 or day 2 fifth instar epidermis without hormones for 24 h caused decline of JP29 mRNA, which was accelerated by 20E in a concentration-dependent manner (ED50 = 30 and 10 ng/ml 20E respectively). When day 2 epidermis was exposed to 500 ng/ml 20E for 24 h to cause pupal commitment, JP29 mRNA disappeared. Neither methoprene nor JH I (in either the presence or the absence of the esterase inhibitor O-ethyl, S-phenyl phosphamidethiolate [EPPAT]) was able to prevent this loss, although both slowed its rate. The mRNA for the larval cuticle protein LCP14 was found to be regulated similarly to that for JP29 by 20E, but differently by JH. The JP29 protein was relatively long-live, persisting after the disappearance of its mRNA for at least 19 h during the larval molt and for more than 24 h in vitro. Although trace amounts of JP29 are found for the first 12 h after pupal ecdysis, injection of 5 μg JH II into pupae during the critical period to cause the synthesis of a second pupal cuticle had no effect on the amount of JP29 present. Thus, although the presence of JP29 in larval epidermis is associated with and dependent on JH, high amounts are not associated with the “status quo” action of JH on the pupa. The role of this protein consequently remains obscure. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:409–428, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The epidermis of final instar tobacco hornworm larvae,Manduca sexta, becomes committed to pupal differentiation in response to ecdysteroid in the absence of juvenile hormone (JH). Many changes in protein synthetic patterns have been noted during this time (Kiely and Riddiford 1985). To determine which of these changes are caused by ecdysteroid and which are important for the change of commitment, we have incubated larvally-committed epidermis for 24 h with 1 g/ml 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE) and 3 g/ml epoxygeranylsesamole (EGS) (a JH mimic), with 3 g/ml EGS alone, or in hormone-free medium. Synthesis of larval-specific proteins such as insecticyanin and larval cuticular proteins was reduced to trace amounts or was undetectable after culture with 20HE for 24 h. The larval cuticular proteins that are greatly increasedin vivo on day 3 were not synthesized after exposure to 20HEin vitro. Ecdysteroid increased the synthesis of many of the proteins first seenin vivo on day 3 or during the wandering stage. The synthesis of about half of these latter proteins was inhibited by JH, indicating that they were likely part of the change of commitment. Other proteins that appear at this stagein vivo showed increased synthesis also in hormone-free medium and therefore were independent of the change of commitment.  相似文献   

Wing discs from late final-instar Ephestia larvae form only pupal cuticle when immediately implanted into pupae which subsequently undergo metamorphosis. However, either pupal or adult structures are made in vitro depending on (1) the ecdysterone dose and/or (2) disc cell proliferation. Continuous culture in ecdysterone (0.5–5.0 μg/ml) results in the appearance of transparent cuticle. On the basis of several criteria, this untanned cuticle is postulated to be scaleless adult cuticle. Discs pulsed with 0.5 μg/ml ecdysterone for 48–120 hr, or with 5.0 μg/ml for 24 hr, formed tanned cuticle. Lower doses of ecdysterone (i.e., 0.5 μg/ml for 24 hr or continuous exposure to 0.05 μg/ml) trigger adult scale formation. Enhancement of [3H]thymidine incorporation by these latter doses suggests the occurrence of disc cell divisions and polyploidization. The choice between pupal and adult pathways by wing discs of this age can be controlled exclusively by ecdysterone; juvenile hormone need not be involved in vitro.  相似文献   

The haemolymph ecdysteroid titre of the last larval and pupal stadia of Calpodes ethlius was determined by radioimmunoassay. During the last larval stadium, four significant ecdysteroid peaks are present, two of which have been reported for other Lepidoptera. The first peak occurs 12 hr after ecdysis and correlates temporally with nucleolar activity, RNA synthesis and organelle formation in the fat body and epidermis. It correlates also with fat body DNA synthesis, polyploidy and the initiation of a low rate of lipid synthesis. Another peak, at 78 hr, starts its increase when the prothoracic glands no longer require the influence of the brain to produce ecdysone for pupation, and marks the first critical period. It correlates with the initiation of epidermal DNA synthesis and mitosis, and with the progressive determination of pupal characteristics (change in commitment, reprogramming). This ecdysteroid peak may also be involved in the massive intermoult syntheses in the epidermis (lamellate cuticle, wax) and the fat body (lipid, protein). The largest ecdysteroid peak is seen at 162 hr, 6 hr after the tissues no longer require the prothoracic glands for pupation (second critical period). It correlates temporally with the cessation of massive synthetic activity in both epidermis and fat body and initiates preparation for pupal synthesis in both tissues. At this time the ratio of ecdysone: 20-hydroxyecdysone is ~ 1 : 6.6.In common with other Lepidoptera, a single large ecdysteroid peak occurs during the first half of the pupal stadium. Comparisons between these events and the ecdysteroid titre are made between Calpodes and other insects.  相似文献   

Hormonal Control of Epidermal Cell Development   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. During larval life the insect epidermis makes a larvalcuticle and certain pigments due to the presence of juvenilehormone (JH) at critical times during the molt cycle. The presenceof JH also permits growth of imaginal discs and maintains strictlylarval epidermis. At metamorphosis the lepidopteran epidermisresponds to a low level of 20- hydroxyecdysone (20HE) in theabsence of JH by becoming pupally committed, then later it formsa pupal cuticle when more 20HE appears, even though JH is present.During the change of commitment, DNA synthesis occurs but isnot essential, whereas both RN A and protein synthesis are.The major changes in the translatable mRNA population at thistime are threefold: a decline in most larval cuticle mRNAs,a transient increase followed by a disappearance of a few larvalcuticle mRNAs, and an appearance of at least one ‘pupalcommitment’ mRNA and two to three mRNAs for small pupalcuticular proteins. Similar changes are seen in the proteinsynthetic patterns. Thus, a pupally committed cell is one whichcan no longer make larval products but which is not yet ableto make most pupal products. Juvenile hormone prevents the changeto pupal commitment by directing some of both the primary andthe secondary actions of 20HE on the genome.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reviews the effects of insect hormones on lepidopteran imaginal discs cultured in vitro.β-ecdysone stimulated both evagination and cuticle deposition of wing discs ofPlodia interpunctella (Hübner). However, evagination required a shorter exposure to ecdysone than did cuticle deposition. Cuticle deposition was obtained under the following conditions: (a) a 24-hr pulse ofβ-ecdysone (0.5–5.0μg/ml); (b) continuous treatment with 0.2μg/mlβ-ecdysone; or (c) continuous treatment with 0.5 to 50.0μg/mlβ-ecdysone in medium conditioned with larval fat body. Investigations of some biochemical effects of ecdysone showed that RNA and protein synthesis was required for evagination and cuticle deposition. In particular, studies with actinomycin D and cycloheximide (at nontoxic levels) showed that RNA and protein synthesis during the ecdysone-dependent period was essential for subsequent development. These findings support the hypothesis that stimulation of macromolecular synthesis is fundamental to the action of ecdysone on imaginal discs. The influence of beta-ecdysone on chitin synthesis was also examined.β-ecdysone stimulated uptake and incorporation of tritiated-glucosamine by culturedP. interpunctella wing discs. Addition of hexosamines to the culture medium had no influence on ecdysone-induced cuticle deposition, but inhibition of glucose-uptake by cytochalasin B prevented the formation of cuticle. The action of ecdysone on particular enzymes in the chitin pathway remains to be elucidated. Presented in the formal symposium on Information Transfer in Eukaryotic Cells, at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Montreal, Quebec, June 2–5, 1975.  相似文献   

In the absence of other organ systems, β-ecdysone (0·05 to 0·10 μg/ml culture medium) stimulates the shortening of interganglionic connectives of Galleria mellonella that occurs during metamorphosis. There is a direct relations-ship between the amount of β-ecdysone in the medium and the fraction of the sample shortening to at least half the initial length. β-Ecdysone is ~ 140 × more active than α-ecdysone in eliciting the response. When β-ecdysone and other ecdysone analogues are assayed on this system at uniform dosages (10 μg/ml tissue culture medium), the order of effectiveness (percentage sample shortening to at least half the initial length) is: cyasterone > ponasterone-A = β-ecdysone > inokosterone > α-ecdysone. 22-Iso-α-ecdysone is ineffective in stimulating shortening.  相似文献   

 Insect molting and metamorphosis are orchestrated by ecdysteroids with juvenile hormone (JH) preventing the actions of ecdysteroids necessary for metamorphosis. During the molt and metamorphosis of the dorsal abdominal epidermis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, the isoforms involved in the ecdysone receptor (EcR)/Ultraspiracle (USP) complex change with the most dramatic switch being the loss of USP-1 and the appearance of USP-2 during the larval and pupal molts. We show here that this switch in USP isoforms is mediated by high 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and that the presence of JH is necessary for the down-regulation of USP-1 mRNA. The decrease of USP-1 mRNA in day 2 fourth instar larval epidermis in vitro required exposure to a high concentration (10–5 M) of 20E equivalent to the peak ecdysteroid concentration in vivo, whereas the increase of USP-2 mRNA occurred at lower concentrations (effective concentrations, EC50=6.3×10–7 M). During the pupal molt of allatectomized larvae which lack JH, USP-2 mRNA increased normally with the increasing ecdysteroid titer, whereas USP-1 mRNA remained high until pupation. When day 2 fifth instar larval epidermis was exposed to 500 ng/ml 20E in the absence of JH to cause pupal commitment of the cells by 24 h, USP-1 RNA remained at its high preculture level for 12 h, then increased two- to threefold by 24 h. The increase was prevented by the presence of 1 μg/ml JH I which also prevents the pupal commitment of the cells. By contrast, USP-2 mRNA increased steadily with the same EC50 as in fourth stage epidermis, irrespective of the presence or absence of JH. Under the same conditions, mRNAs for both EcR-B1 and EcR-A isoforms were up-regulated by 20E, each in its own time-dependent manner, similar to that seen in vivo. These initial mRNA increases were unaffected by the presence of JH I, but those seen after 12 h exposure to 20E were prevented by JH, indicating a difference in response between larvally and pupally committed cells. The presence of JH which maintained larval commitment of the cells also prolonged the half-life of the EcR proteins in these cells. These results indicate that both EcR and USP RNAs are regulated by 20E and can be modulated by JH in a complex manner with only that of USP-2 apparently unaffected. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 5 August 1998  相似文献   

In the salivary gland chromosomes of late-third instar larvae and in late (8- to 12-hr) prepupae of Drosophila melanogaster, there are ecdysone-induced sequences of puffing patterns which can be reproduced in vitro. These two sequences are separated by a period when the glands are thought to be exposed to a low titer of β-ecdysone and during which they acquire the competence to respond to ecdysone at the late prepupal puff sites. Attempts to modify either the late larval or the late prepupal responses to ecdysone in vitro by the simultaneous addition of juvenile hormone (JH) with ecdysone, to larval or prepupal glands, respectively, are unsuccessful. If, however, JH (ca. 10?6M) is added to larval glands cultured 6 hr in ecdysone and then 3 hr in JH alone, the subsequent induction of prepupal ecdysone puffs is inhibited. Thus the role of JH appears to lie in modifying the acquisition of competence to respond to ecdysone rather than in a direct antagonism between the two hormones.  相似文献   

Summary In the tobacco hornworm,Manduca sexta, the epidermis which underlies the larval crochets is the first tissue to become independent of the prothoracic glands (PG) in a larval molt. In each successive larval molt, crochet forming cells increase in size, form hooks at their distal ends and, finally, secrete cuticle. This paper examines the endocrine requirements for competence to molt and describes parallel cultures in vivo and in vitro to define the hormonal control of crochet molting. When implanted into a fourth instar host larva prior to initiation of the last larval molt, competent crochet epidermis molted, forming crochets synchronously with its host. In the fourth instar, competence to form crochets is attained slowly during the first two days following ecdysis from the third instar. During the feeding phase of the fifth (last) instar, the crochet epidermis remains competent to molt (to form an extra sixth instar set of crochets) until the larva attains a weight of about 4.5 gm. Then, concurrent with the decline in the titer of juvenile hormone (JH) in the hemolymph, competence to form crochets declines. A similar loss of competence did not occur when fourth instar crochet epidermis was exposed to a declining JH titer by culture in either fourth instar isolated abdomens for 72 h or in fifth instar host larvae between 4 and 7 gm. Responses of crochet epidermis cultured in vitro also were examined. Competent fourth instar crochet epidermis formed crochets following 3–6 h exposure to ecdysone in vitro. Six ×10–7M -ecdysone was required for 50% response, whereas a 10–50-fold higher concentration of -ecdysone was necessary. Although formation of morphologically complete crochets in vitro proceeded with similar time course to that in situ, no molt-induced growth occurred in vitro. When crochet epidermis was exposed to ecdysone in vitro immediately after explantation, exogenous JH was not required for molting. But when tissue was first cultured for 72 h without hormones, subsequent molting in vitro could not be elicited, although molting still could occur when the tissue subsequently was implanted into a fourth instar host. Exposure to corpora allata or to JH during the 72 h of culture in vivo partially prevented the loss in capacity to respond to ecdysone in vitro, suggesting that JH may be one factor involved directly or indirectly in maintenance of tissue responsiveness.Preliminary presentation of some of this work given at the December, 1973 Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists (Fain and Riddiford, 1973)  相似文献   

Ecdysone haemolymph levels and in vivo development of imaginal wing discs have been studied during the last larval instar of Pieris brassicae.During this period, β-ecdysone variations show two successive peaks, the first one related to the induction of wandering stage, and the second (main) one to pupal cuticle synthesis. The observed situation is very similar to that of Manduca sexta. Imaginal wing disc growth is composed of several genetically programmed steps that need the presence of ecdysone, but do not appear very closely linked to circulating hormone levels. It seems that ecdysone haemolymph peaks should be considered as periods where ecdysone levels are above a threshold value.  相似文献   

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