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采用活体观察、吉姆萨与干银法染色等技术,运用国际间统一特定方法及齿体定位描述法对采自广西地区的罗非鱼(单性鱼吉富、奥尼系列)的外寄生车轮虫进行详细的形态分类学与多样性研究,研究结果共计获得车轮虫属2种,拟车轮虫属与三分虫属各1种,分别为:刺纹车轮虫Trichodina centrostrigata Basson et al.,1983、异齿车轮虫Trichodina heterodentata Duncan,1977、非洲拟车轮虫Paratrichodina africana Kazubski&El-Tantawy,1986与直齿三分虫Tripartiella orthodens Basson&Van As,1987。其中,非洲拟车轮虫为中国新纪录,刺纹车轮虫和直齿三分虫为中国广西地区新纪录。非洲拟车轮虫表现出寄主和寄生部位的专一性;进一步应用SPSS统计软件对非洲拟车轮虫进行了种群差异性分析。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(3):564-573
研究对采自南中国海的7种海水鱼类进行了调查研究, 并分离获得4种隶属于车轮虫属的种类,分别为浦氏车轮虫Trichodina puytoraci Lom, 1962; 日本车轮虫Trichodina japonica Imai, et al., 1991; 直钩车轮虫Trichodina rectuncinata Raabe, 1958 与鲀车轮虫Trichodina fugu Imai, et al., 1997。研究发现鲀车轮虫Trichodina fugu Imai, et al., 1997为寄主鱼虫纹东方鲀Takifugu vermicularis的病原, 且能在野生条件下将其致死。上述4种车轮虫的形态分类学数据均基于干银法标本获得。研究是对我国南中国海车轮虫的首次报道。    相似文献   

研究对采自南中国海的7种海水鱼类进行了调查研究,并分离获得4种隶属于车轮虫属的种类,分别为浦氏车轮虫Trichodina puytoraci Lom,1962;日本车轮虫Trichodina japonica Imai,et al.,1991;直钩车轮虫Trichodina rectuncinata Raabe,1958与鲀车轮虫Trichodina fugu Imai,et al.,1997。研究发现鲀车轮虫Trichodina fugu Imai,et al.,1997为寄主鱼虫纹东方鲀Takifugu vermicularis的病原,且能在野生条件下将其致死。上述4种车轮虫的形态分类学数据均基于干银法标本获得。研究是对我国南中国海车轮虫的首次报道。  相似文献   

在对重庆地区进行鱼类寄生虫学的调查过程中,从鲫鳃表获得3种隶属于车轮虫属Trichodina Ehrenberg,1830的外寄生车轮虫,其中含一新种,短棘车轮虫Trichodina brevicirra sp.nov,其典型的鉴别性特征为其短细的齿棘。另外两种车轮虫分别为沃玛车轮虫Trichodina ngoma Van As&Basson,1992与网状车轮虫Trichodina reticulata Hirschman&Partsch,1955;沃玛车轮虫为亚洲新记录种。文章对网状车轮虫的3种群进行了详尽的比较讨论研究,尽管该三种群间存在着细微的种群内差异,但网状车轮虫的典型特征则显而易见地存在于三种群间,即为附着盘中央具有8-16个球状或卵圆形的中央颗粒。    相似文献   

鲫鱼寄生车轮虫一新种的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文记述了寄生在鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)体表和鳃上一种新的车轮虫(Trichodina carassii sp.nov.),虫体直径70(54.6—80.4)μm,附着盘直径58(51.6—67.2)μm,齿环直径32(27.0—36.2)μm,齿体25—30个,齿环中央有7—14个旧齿体残余物形成的颗粒结构。大核马蹄形。小核短杆状,在大核一端的外侧,其位置略有变动。口沟390—400°。齿钩镰刀状,齿棘较直,侧面具有若干个缺刻,末端钝圆或平截,近锥体的后方有一个不太明显的小突起。    相似文献   

胡银亨  蔡礼元 《现代生物医学进展》2011,11(16):3052-3054,3116
目的:我们对泸州市鲇类寄生车轮虫进行调查,对于已经发现,但由于原来的技术水限制需要重新描述的,或缺少资料的车轮虫,给予重新描述或补充新的资料。方法:用国际间统一的干银法染色以显示车轮虫的附着盘结构和口围绕度,用Lom(1958)倡导的"统一的特定方法"(Uniform specifi characteristic system)进行测量,用Van&Bassion(1989)提供的方法描述车轮虫的齿体。结果:对寄生在泸州地区养殖鱼类斑点叉尾鮰(Ietalurus punetaus)的鳃上的车轮虫进行了描述,该车轮虫是矩形车轮虫(Trichodina rectangli)。结论:矩形车轮虫是陈启鎏和谢杏人1964年在青鱼、草鱼等鱼身体上发现的,但是没有显微照片。国际上有许多它的同种异名的车轮虫的描述,这些文献也只有附着盘的显微照片。斑点叉尾鮰是矩形车轮虫的新寄主记录。本研究用国际统一的方法对矩形车轮虫进行描述,并绘出了矩形车轮虫的齿体定位图,提供了完整的统计数据,以及完整的显微照片,即附着盘、口围绕度和细胞核显微照片。  相似文献   

胡银亨  蔡礼元 《生物磁学》2011,(16):3052-3054,3116
目的:我们对泸州市鲇类寄生车轮虫进行调查,对于已经发现,但由于原来的技术水限制需要重新描述的,或缺少资料的车轮虫,给予重新描述或补充新的资料。方法:用国际间统一的千银法染色以显示车轮虫的附着盘结构和口围绕度,用Lom(1958)倡导的”统一的特定方法”(Uniform specific characteristic system)进行测量,用Van&Bassion(1989)提供的方法描述车轮虫的齿体。结果:对寄生在泸州地区养殖鱼类斑点叉尾鲴(Ietalums punetaus)的鳃上的车轮虫进行了描述,该车轮虫是矩形车轮虫( Trichodina rectangli)。结论:矩形车轮虫是陈启鎏和谢杏人1964年在青鱼、草鱼等鱼身体上发现的,但是没有显微照片。国际上有许多它的同种异名的车轮虫的描述,这些文献也只有附着盘的显微照片。斑点叉尾鲡是矩形车轮虫的新寄主记录。本研究用国际统一的方法对矩形车轮虫进行描述,并绘出了矩形车轮虫的齿体定位图,提供了完整的统计数据,以及完整的显微照片,即附着盘、口围绕度和细胞核显微照片。  相似文献   

重庆地区鲫鱼外寄生车轮虫的记述及一新种描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了寄生于重庆地区淡水养殖鲫鱼鳃上的车轮虫属2种,小车轮虫属1种,其中1新种和中国2新纪录种.文中对新种作了详细的描述并提供了新种(包括成体与幼体分裂期)及新纪录种附着盘的银染标本照片及齿体的线条图.  相似文献   

显著车轮虫无性繁殖过程中,其新齿环在分裂前期发生于旧齿环和辐线环之间;由细线状圆环分节以覆瓦式排列,其数目常为旧环的一倍,少数个体有增多。随着虫体发育,新环依次长出齿钩、锥体、齿棘。旧环则依齿钩、齿棘、锥体、齿钩柄的顺序消失;口沟、伸缩泡均在分裂前期分裂,各自形成两个新的口沟、伸缩泡;新辐线在子体发育初或中期才发生于新齿环外缘,总数为旧辐线的一倍。该虫无性繁殖以24小时为一周期。分裂前期需0.5—1小时;分裂期需1—3分钟。幼虫生长发育期需1.5—3小时。成虫生长成熟期需20—22小时。无论幼虫、童虫和成虫,均能感染鱼苗并影响其生长发育。  相似文献   

鲫寄生车轮虫一新种的描述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文记述了寄生在鲫鱼鳃上的车轮虫属一新种——Trichodina paranigra sp.nov.。文中采用Lom(1960)所倡导的统一特定方法及由Van As & Basson(1989)提出的齿体各鉴定特征的定位描述,对本新种的各形态学特征(包括虫体外形、附着盘、齿体、辐线、中央颗粒、核器、口围绕体等)进行了较为详尽的描述,并对本种与相似种进行了比较研究。文中还为齿体定位描述模式图新增了两个参数。  相似文献   

A limnetic peritrichous ciliate, Epistylis plicatilis Ehrenberg, 1831, was collected from a freshwater ditch beside Moshan Hill, Wuhan, China. Its morphology, infraciliature, and morphogenesis were investigated based on specimens examined in vivo, following staining with protargol and by scanning electron microscopy. The characteristics of the Wuhan population of E. plicatilis are as follows: 1) colonial, each colony typically comprising 30–50 individuals, with a dichotomously branched, noncontractile stalk; 2) fully expanded zooids measure 90–155 × 30–50 µm in vivo; 3) a series of 6 or 7 conspicuous folds appear in the posterior region of the zooid when it contracts; 4) single horseshoe‐shaped macronucleus oriented transversely; 5) single contractile vacuole located in peristomial region on dorsal wall of infundibulum; 6) myoneme system comprises 20–24 longitudinal fibers, peristomial disk fibers as a wreath‐like net and peristomial ring fibers; 7) narrowly spaced transverse striations on the surface of the body; 8) infundibular polykineties 1 and 2 are three‐rowed, infundibular polykinety 3 is two‐rowed; and 9) stomatogenesis is of the buccokinetal type; in the new oral apparatus, infundibular polykineties 2 and 3, the haplokinety, and the germinal kinety all originate from the germinal kinety of the parental oral apparatus whereas the polykinety and infundibular polykinety 1 originate from the parental haplokinety. An improved diagnosis of E. plicatilis is supplied. J. Morphol. 275:882–893, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the present study, we provide morphological and molecular characterization of two Trichodina species, T. acuta Lom, 1970 and T. funduli Wellborn, 1967, isolated from koi (Cyprinus carpio) and loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus), respectively. Morphological characters of the two Trichodina species were mainly investigated on the basis of dry silver nitrate-impregnated specimens. Both species are medium-sized and possess well-developed denticles comprising strongly sickle-shaped blades, well-developed central parts, and straight rays. Trichodina acuta can be easily distinguished from the other Trichodina species that possess a clear central circle by the well-developed sharp blade apophysis, and the gap between ray tip and central circle. Trichodina funduli is a poorly known species that is easily confused with T. heterodentata Duncan, 1977, however the latter species has thinner denticles. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences of Trichodina acuta and T. funduli were incorporated into phylogenetic analyses. Our findings suggest that the phylogenetic lineage of trichodinids might not correspond with their living environments, host species or even some morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of peritrich ciliates from brackish biotopes is rarely investigated, especially members of the genus Pseudovorticella. Here, the morphology of three species of Pseudovorticella, i.e. P. cf. vestita (Stokes, 1883) Jankowski, 1976, P. spathulata sp. n., and P. qinghaiensis sp. n. isolated from brackish waters were studied. Pseudovorticella cf. vestita is characterized by inverted bell‐shaped cell; a J‐shaped macronucleus; a single contractile vacuole ventrally located; P3 three‐rowed; pellicle striated with highly developed pellicular vesicles; 18–22 transverse silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, and 9–13 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Pseudovorticella spathulata sp. n. differs from its congeners by the following combination of characters: elongate‐elliptical cell; a single contractile vacuole near ventral wall of infundibulum; a J‐shaped macronucleus; P3 three‐rowed; 24–34 silverlines between oral area and aboral trochal band and 6–10 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Pseudovorticella qinghaiensis sp. n. is characterized by: cell with an oval outline; a single contractile vacuole near ventral wall of infundibulum; a C‐shaped macronucleus; P3 three‐rowed; 30–35 and 9–11 transverse silverlines above and below the trochal band, respectively. The SSU rDNA sequences of five Pseudovorticella species, namely P. annulata, P. monilata, P. parakenti, P. spathulata sp. n., and P. cf. vestita, plus that of Zoothamnium hartwigi, are reported for the first time and their evolutionary relationships are investigated. Five undefined Pseudovorticella forms are considered might be conspecific with P. monilata. Two congeners are conspecific with P. spathulata sp. n. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences reveal that Pseudovorticella is not monophyletic and Z. hartwigi clusters with its congeners as expected.  相似文献   

During an investigation of parasitic ciliates in northern China, two Trichodina species, T. acuta Lom, 1970 and T. nigra Lom, 1960, were isolated from the freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758. The morphology of each species was investigated based on dry silver nitrate-stained specimens. In addition, the molecular phylogeny of each was analyzed based on small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequence data. Trichodina acuta can be distinguished from its congeners by the undefined periphery of the central circle, the distinct gap between the rays and the central circle, and the distinctly sickle-shaped blades. Trichodina nigra is a cosmopolitan ciliate and is characterized by its densely linked denticles, broad, rounded spatula-shaped blades, robust central parts, and well developed rays. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that T. acuta and T. nigra nest within different clades, supporting the assertion that the GC content of SSU rDNA sequences could reflect evolutionary relationships among Trichodina species.  相似文献   

A new marine peritrich ciliate, Pseudovorticella sinensis n. sp. was isolated from a shrimp-farming pond in the littoral area of Qingdao, China. The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were studied based on living and silver-impregnated specimens. This species is characterized by (1) an elongated bell-shaped body that measures 50-60 x 35-45 microm in vivo, (2) one large, ventrally located contractile vacuole, and (3) a pellicle covered by a layer of transparent, cortical vesicles. The number of transverse silverlines from the peristomial area to the aboral ciliary wreath is 26-32, and from the aboral ciliary wreath to the scopula is 12-15. The stalk measures about 160-250 microm long x 5-6 microm wide. The spasmoneme has one row of conspicuous thecoplasmic granules, which are about 0.8 microm in diameter.  相似文献   

Lagenophrys novazealandae n. sp. occurs on the gills of Paranephrops zealandicus, a parastacid crayfish from New Zealand. The new species has the hemispheroidal lorica most common among members of its genus and is distinguished by its possession of large tubercles on the thickened edge of the anterior lip of the lorica aperture, a deep cleft in the left side of the lip's edge, and a ovoid to reniform macronucleus located in the right-hand part of the body. It is probable that an as yet unnamed species of Lagenophrys known to occur on another species of Paranephrops in New Zealand is distinct from L. novazealandae but phylogenetically related to it. Lagenophrys petila n. sp. occurs on setae of Parastacoides tasmanicus, a parastacid from Tasmania. The new species has an ovoid lorica tapering to a slender pseudostalk at the posterior end, a type of lorica possessed by only two other members of its genus that also attach to their host's setae. It is distinguished from the other ovoid species by the proportions of the lorica, the extreme shortness of the lips of the lorica aperture, and an ovoid macronucleus located in the right, anterior part of the body. Clefts in the lips of L. novazealandae and other members of Lagenophrys may function as points of flexure to allow the lips to bend in ways that accommodate interspecific differences in the size of the epistomial disk and its operation during suspension feeding.  相似文献   

Four new species of Vorticella, V. parachiangi sp. n., V. scapiformis sp. n., V. sphaeroidalis sp. n., and V. paralima sp. n., were isolated from coastal brackish waters of southern China. Their morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were investigated based on observations of specimens both in vivo and following silver staining. Vorticella parachiangi sp. n. is distinguished by: a J‐shaped macronucleus; a single dorsally located contractile vacuole; a two‐rowed infundibular polykinetid 3, in which row 1 is shorter than row 2; 21–31 silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, 6–11 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Vorticella scapiformis sp. n. is characterized by its conspicuously thin and irregularly edged peristomial lip; a J‐shaped macronucleus; a single, ventrally located contractile vacuole; row 1 of the infundibular polykinetid 3 proximally shortened; 18–25 silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band, 8–12 between aboral trochal band and scopula. Vorticella sphaeroidalis sp. n. can be identified by its small, sub‐spherical zooid; a C‐shaped macronucleus; a ventrally located contractile vacuole; an aboral trochal band adjacent to the scopula; 16–18 silverlines between persitome and aboral trochal band, two between aboral trochal band and scopula. Vorticella paralima sp. n. can be identified by its ovoidal zooid; a J‐shaped macronucleus; a dorsally positioned contractile vacuole; rows 1 and 2 of the infundibular polykinetid 3 proximally shortened; 26–35 silverlines from peristome to aboral trochal band, and 7–13 from aboral trochal band to scopula. The SSU rDNA genes of these four species were sequenced and their phylogeny was analyzed.  相似文献   

A population of a trichodinid (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) was found in the gut of the surgeonfish Acanthurus xanthopterus collected from Hawaii, South Africa and New Guinea and described as a new species. This is only the second record of a trichodinid from the intestine of a marine fish. In all the fish specimens examined, the micro-fauna normally found in other species of the fish family. Acanthuridae was absent and replaced entirely by the trichodinid population.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of three peritrichous ciliates, Zoothamnium bucciniiformum sp. n., Zoothamnium florens sp. n., and Zoothamnium zhanjiangense sp. n., were investigated based on both living and silver‐stained specimens. Zoothamnium bucciniiformum sp. n., collected from coastal waters (salinity 30‰) off Zhanjiang, southern China, can be distinguished by the following characters: dichotomously branched stalk, peristomial lip with medial circumferential infolding, contractile vacuole apically positioned, 32–49 silverlines between the anterior end and the aboral trochal band, 15–26 between the aboral trochal band and the scopula; two kineties in peniculus 3, not parallel to each other. Zoothamnium florens sp. n., collected from a mangrove wetland (salinity 13‰) off Zhanjiang, is characterized by its large conical zooid, tuberculate peristomial lip, asymmetrical dichotomously branched colony, 59–81 silverlines between the anterior end and the aboral trochal band and 29–36 between the aboral trochal band and the scopula. Zoothamnium zhanjiangense, collected from a mangrove wetland (salinity about 9.5‰) off Zhanjiang, differs from its congeners by the alternately branched stalk, peristomial lip with medial circumferential infolding, 40–63 silverlines from the peristomial area to the aboral trochal band and 13–24 from the aboral trochal band to the scopula. The comparison and analysis of SSU rDNA sequences also support present identifications.  相似文献   

Peritrich ciliates are commonly found colonizing living substrates. Although this a well known phenomenon, biological aspects of this relationship need to be studied in more detail. Assessment of growth rates in peritrichs has been the subject of very few studies. Only species in the genera Carchesium Ehrenberg, 1830 and Vorticella Linnaeus, 1767 had their growth rates evaluated in the field and in the laboratory. In the present study, growth, colonization (colonies/host), and proliferation (zooids/colony) rates of the peritrich epibiont Zoothamnium intermedium Precht, 1935 attached to the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana 1848 were evaluated in the laboratory in two food regimes: bacteria only, and algal based diet. Results showed that growth, colonization, and proliferation rates were similar for both diets. Maximum growth rates obtained for Z. intermedium was 0.85 and 0.83 per day, for bacteria and algae respectively. Maximum colonization rates were 0.5 per day for both diets, and the maximum proliferation rates were 0.44 and 0.42 per day for bacteria and algae respectively. These results demonstrate that Z. intermedium is able to grow at the same rate of other peritrichs on bacterial and algal based diets.  相似文献   

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