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神农架地区典型草本群落中的昆虫访花行为比较 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对神农架地区不同海拔高度(1,000–2,600 m)的典型草本群落中的昆虫访花行为进行了初步的监测和统计。在9个样地中共观察到鳞翅目、膜翅目、双翅目11科昆虫访花, 访花者的类群在不同海拔高度的群落中有所不同, 但明显与植物群落的物种组成有关。对昆虫访花频率的监测发现, 不同物种组成的草本群落中, 所有昆虫访花的总频率和不同类群的昆虫访花频率都有差异, 正在开花的物种较多的群落中通常能吸引相对较多的访花者。同一种植物在不同的群落背景中受访频率差异显著, 如花被不甚显著的酸模(Rumex acetosa)在某些群落中未观察到访花者, 在另一些群落中却有昆虫频繁访问。而花被显著的血见愁老鹳草(Geranium henryi)在各群落中都有频繁的昆虫访问。一些植物(如广布野豌豆Vicia cracca)虽然在不同群落中都有昆虫访问, 但访花者类群却有较大差异。作者认为, 在植物群落中, 不同植物的花在吸引昆虫传粉方面存在着一定的相互作用, 在研究特定植物的虫媒传粉时应重视该植物种群所处的群落背景所起的作用。 相似文献
濒危植物柄扁桃的传粉者及其访花行为 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对濒危植物柄扁桃(Amygdalus pedunculata)访花昆虫的种类、访花行为、访花频率和日活动规律进行了研究.结果表明:柄扁桃的访花昆虫有5目17科19属21种,其中传粉昆虫为3目11科13属15种,主要的传粉昆虫为黑颚条蜂(Anthophora melanognatha)、密林熊蜂(Bombus patagiatus)、大蜂虻(Bombylius major)、黄腿食蚜蝇(Syrphus ribesii)及红足隧蜂(Halictus rubicundus);主要传粉昆虫的日活动规律差异较大,活动高峰期彼此交错;黑颚条蜂具有体积大、携粉量大、小花停留时间短等特点,为柄扁桃传粉的效率最高,今后应加强其生物学、传粉生态学方面的研究. 相似文献
阳春砂仁(Amomum villosumLour.)是我国四大南药之一,但花的形态结构较特殊,不易自然授粉。通过野外调查,在3个砂仁种植场共采集到砂仁的访花昆虫21种,其中蜜蜂类11种,蚂蚁类10种。蜜蜂类中,以黄绿彩带蜂Nomia strigataSmith和东方蜜蜂中华亚种Apis(Siamatapis)cerana ceranaFabricius较常见;蚂蚁类中,以细纹小家蚁Monomorium destructor(Jerdon)和黑头酸臭蚁Tapinomamelanocephalum(Fabricius)较常见。此外,还观察记录了黄绿彩带蜂、东方蜜蜂和蚂蚁的访花行为,以及黄绿彩带蜂的筑巢行为。 相似文献
【目的】明确黄胸木蜂Xylocopa appendiculata的访花植物种类和访花行为, 为进一步开发和利用木蜂资源奠定基础。【方法】 2009-2011年连续3年, 在洛阳地区黄胸木蜂的活动期3-10月, 采用目测、 拍照等方法记录其访花植物及访花行为, 记录和统计访花植物的生物学特征; 测量访花植物种类被盗蜜后盗蜜口的大小。【结果】在洛阳地区黄胸木蜂访花植物种类为27科52种, 主要的访花植物有25种。采访的植物种类中, 忍冬科和豆科植物最多, 分别为9种和8种, 占采访植物种类的17.31%和15.38%; 其中黄胸木蜂盗蜜的植物有16种, 占其采访植物种类的30.77%。在采访的植物种类中, 黄胸木蜂喜欢采访中等花型、 两侧对称的紫色、 黄色和白色花。在不同植物上, 黄胸木蜂的盗蜜口大小和访花频率不同, 黄胸木蜂在臭牡丹上的盗蜜口最大, 为9.43±1.91 mm, 蝟实上的盗蜜口最小, 为3.46±0.98 mm; 在紫薇上的访花速度最快, 访花频率为25.71±2.36朵/min; 在蜀葵上的单花停留时间和访花间隔时间均最长, 单花停留时间5.89±3.34 s, 访花间隔时间为2.63±2.04 s。【结论】在洛阳地区黄胸木蜂访花植物种类多、 访花时间长。对于不同的植物种类, 黄胸木蜂的访花行为和访花频率有差异。 相似文献
对兴安鹿蹄草(Pyrola dahurica(H.Andr.)Kom.)访花昆虫种类、访花频率、访花时间、访花行为进行初步研究。结果表明:(1)兴安鹿蹄草的访花昆虫有3目、10科、16种,其中传粉昆虫为5科9种,主要的传粉昆虫为杂棘蝇Phaonia hybridassp.、熊蜂Bombus ignitus、东北驼花天牛Piidonia puziloi(Soisky)及花蚤Mordellidae sp.。(2)各种传粉昆虫访花频率差异较大,杂棘蝇和花蚤日访花有2次高峰,分别在上午9:00~10:00时和下午14:00~15:00时;熊蜂日访花频率较低,在中午11:00~12:00和下午15:00~16:00时较高;东北驼花天牛日访花高峰出现在中午前后。(3)东北驼花天牛访花时间较长,10~15min,主要吃兴安鹿蹄草花粉。杂棘蝇访花时间较短,10~25s,主要舔食柱头分泌物。熊蜂访花时间最短只有5~10s,主要吃兴安鹿蹄草花粉。 相似文献
八角金盘(Fatsia japonica(Thunb.)Dccne.et Planch.)为冬季开花植物,探讨其访花昆虫种类及访花行为对研究冬季开花植物的传粉生物学规律具有重要意义。对八角金盘访花昆虫种类、访花频率、访花时间、访花行为进行了初步研究。结果发现:八角金盘的传粉昆虫有2目、3科、3种,主要为膜翅目胡蜂科金环胡蜂Vespa mandarinia Smith、双翅目食蚜蝇科斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇Scaeva pyrastri(L.)及丽蝇科大头金蝇Chrysomya(Compsomyia)megacephala(Fabricius);八角金盘提供的酬物主要为花粉与花蜜,食蚜蝇舔食其花粉与花蜜,而金环胡蜂与大头金蝇主要吮吸花蜜;金环胡蜂、大头金蝇及斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇的访花高峰均在10:30—14:30;斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇访花时间较长,5~10min,金环胡蜂访花时间较短,8~30s,大头金蝇访花时间最短只有3~5s。八角金盘具有较低的自花授粉能力,但主要为异花授粉植物。 相似文献
刺五加、短梗五加的花蜜分泌节律、花蜜成分及访花者多样性的比较研究 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
野外定位观测刺五加(Eleutherococcus senticosus)、短梗五加(E.sessiliflorus)的花蜜分泌节律、访花者的多样性,室内分析其花蜜的主要成分。结果表明,刺五加雄株的花杂在开花1-3(4)d分泌花蜜,雌株在开花5-7,6-8或7-9d分泌花蜜;短梗五加以及刺五加两性株的部分花杂,在开花后有两次分泌花蜜的过程:第1次与花药开裂散粉时间一致,第2次与柱头具可授性的时间一致。而且,刺五加和短梗五加都由动物帮助传粉,花蜜分泌的时间与多数访花者的访花时间一致,在一天之中,散出花粉的花朵分泌花蜜的时间早于接受花粉的花杂,这种时间差异应该是植物控制该 花者流向并导致传粉成功的关键。短梗五加与刺五加之间以及刺五加不同性别的植株之间,花蜜的成分及相对含量各有特点,但都以果糖和葡萄糖为主。在刺五加、短梗五加花朵上记录到的访花昆明分别为50余种和40余种,多数隶属于膜翅目、鳞翅目、鞘翅目和半翅目。其中膜翅目的胡蜂、马蜂、熊蜂,双翅目的食蚜蝇、寄蝇等是刺五加、短梗五加的常见访花者。 相似文献
披针叶黄华(Thermopsis lanceolata)是我国西部地区早春重要野生蜜源植物,也是一种重要的固沙植物,然而对其繁殖特性的研究甚少.本文在系统调查披针叶黄华的访花昆虫基础上,确定其主要传粉昆虫种类、访花行为、传粉过程以及日活动规律,以期揭示主要访花者行为对其有性繁殖的影响.作者在内蒙古毛乌素沙地设置1个10m×10 m的样方,于2010和2011年在披针叶黄华盛花期,采用目测、拍照和摄像等方式对传粉昆虫进行观测,记录样方内主要访花昆虫种类、数量、访花行为及日活动规律.研究表明,大和切叶蜂(Megachile japonica)和戎拟孔蜂(Hoplitis princeps)是披针叶黄华的主要传粉者,但两种昆虫的访花频率存在显著差异;晴天时,大和切叶蜂在19:00-13:00和16:00-18:00出现两个活动高峰,而戎拟孔蜂只在11:30-16:30出现1个活动高峰,两种蜂的访花活动高峰期存在互补关系.大和切叶蜂访花同时具有盗蜜行为,但其盗蜜行为对披针叶黄华的结籽率没有显著影响.根据种群数量、访花频率综合判断,大和切叶蜂是披针叶黄华优势传粉蜂. 相似文献
马家柚是江西优质水果品种,但自花授粉结实率低,需要异花传粉。昆虫是自然界中重要的传粉媒介,通过调查马家柚访花昆虫种类和了解马家柚的花部特征,可为使用昆虫实现马家柚授粉提供参考依据。本研究首先调查了马家柚的访花昆虫种类,其次对马家柚花不同形态参数进行测量,并采用蒸馏法提取马家柚鲜花的精油及利用GC-MS分析挥发油的组分。马家柚共有访花昆虫23种,隶属于5目 12科,其中中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana是最常见的访花昆虫。马家柚的花为双性花,具白色花瓣,黄色花药和绿色柱头。花朵盛开后,花瓣分离,呈辐射对称。雄蕊围绕雌蕊着生,花丝28~47枚。雌蕊具近球形柱头,直径为5.10±0.88 mm,表面具乳白色液体。从马家柚花挥发油中共获得78种化合物,鉴定出其中73种,相对含量占99.40%。挥发油中萜类化合物种类最多,共有39种,相对含量为70.19%;其次是脂肪酸衍生物,有30种,相对含量为28.53%;苯环类化合物4种,相对含量为0.60%。含量较高的组分是法尼醇,α-橙花叔醇和芳樟醇,其含量分别是28.48%、12.85%、10.12%。马家柚访花昆虫种类多样,这可能与其花部结构特征及丰富多样的挥发物作为视觉和嗅觉信号吸引不同类型昆虫有关。 相似文献
Mark A. Genung Jean-Philippe Lessard Claire B. Brown Windy A. Bunn Melissa A. Cregger Wm. Nicholas Reynolds Emmi Felker-Quinn Mary L. Stevenson Amanda S. Hartley Gregory M. Crutsinger Jennifer A. Schweitzer Joseph K. Bailey 《PloS one》2010,5(1)
In the emerging field of community and ecosystem genetics, genetic variation and diversity in dominant plant species have been shown to play fundamental roles in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem function. However, the importance of intraspecific genetic variation and diversity to floral abundance and pollinator visitation has received little attention.Methodology/Principal Findings
Using an experimental common garden that manipulated genotypic diversity (the number of distinct genotypes per plot) of Solidago altissima, we document that genotypic diversity of a dominant plant can indirectly influence flower visitor abundance. Across two years, we found that 1) plant genotype explained 45% and 92% of the variation in flower visitor abundance in 2007 and 2008, respectively; and 2) plant genotypic diversity had a positive and non-additive effect on floral abundance and the abundance of flower visitors, as plots established with multiple genotypes produced 25% more flowers and received 45% more flower visits than would be expected under an additive model.Conclusions/Significance
These results provide evidence that declines in genotypic diversity may be an important but little considered factor for understanding plant-pollinator dynamics, with implications for the global decline in pollinators due to reduced plant diversity in both agricultural and natural ecosystems. 相似文献12.
Four saprophytic and pathogenic fungi were isolated from the leaf surface of Calliandra haematocephala, a tropical legume known to contain large amounts of rare nonprotein imino acids in its leaves and seeds. The fungi Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus sp., Curvularia sp., and Penicillium sp. were cultured in the laboratory and tested for susceptibility to leaf extracts of the host plant and to proline, pipecolic acid, cis-5-hydroxypipecolic acid, and 2,4-trans-4,5-cis-4,5-dihydroxypipecolic acid. Fungal spore germination and germ tube growth were measured. Aspergillus sp. was inhibited by plant extracts and by pipecolic acid and cis-5-hydroxypipecolic acid. Curvularia sp. growth was stimulated by plant extracts and by pipecolic acid. The other two fungi were unaffected by any of the treatments. The data indicate that imino acids may play a role in the specific resistance of Calliandra spp. to Aspergillus sp. 相似文献
Fungitoxic effects of nonprotein imino acids on growth of saprophytic fungi isolated from the leaf surface of Calliandra haematocephala. 下载免费PDF全文
Four saprophytic and pathogenic fungi were isolated from the leaf surface of Calliandra haematocephala, a tropical legume known to contain large amounts of rare nonprotein imino acids in its leaves and seeds. The fungi Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus sp., Curvularia sp., and Penicillium sp. were cultured in the laboratory and tested for susceptibility to leaf extracts of the host plant and to proline, pipecolic acid, cis-5-hydroxypipecolic acid, and 2,4-trans-4,5-cis-4,5-dihydroxypipecolic acid. Fungal spore germination and germ tube growth were measured. Aspergillus sp. was inhibited by plant extracts and by pipecolic acid and cis-5-hydroxypipecolic acid. Curvularia sp. growth was stimulated by plant extracts and by pipecolic acid. The other two fungi were unaffected by any of the treatments. The data indicate that imino acids may play a role in the specific resistance of Calliandra spp. to Aspergillus sp. 相似文献
植物由营养生长状态转向生殖生长状态(成花转变)是发育过程中的重要一步。经过一段时期营养生长的植株,便自动进入成花感受态,在这种状态下植株才能够对外界信号产生应答反应而启动成花过程。本文主要讨论光周期和温度对成花的作用。 相似文献
Despite increasing knowledge about the effects of habitat loss on pollinators in natural landscapes, information is very limited regarding the underlying mechanisms of forest fragmentation affecting plant-pollinator interactions in such landscapes. Here, we used a network approach to describe the effects of forest fragmentation on the patterns of interactions involving the understory dominant palm Astrocaryum mexicanum (Arecaceae) and its floral visitors (including both effective and non-effective pollinators) at the individual level in a Mexican tropical rainforest landscape. Specifically, we asked: (i) Does fragment size affect the structure of individual-based plant-pollinator networks? (ii) Does the core of highly interacting visitor species change along the fragmentation size gradient? (iii) Does forest fragment size influence the abundance of effective pollinators of A. mexicanum? We found that fragment size did not affect the topological structure of the individual-based palm-pollinator network. Furthermore, while the composition of peripheral non-effective pollinators changed depending on fragment size, effective core generalist species of pollinators remained stable. We also observed that both abundance and variance of effective pollinators of male and female flowers of A. mexicanum increased with forest fragment size. These findings indicate that the presence of effective pollinators in the core of all forest fragments could keep the network structure stable along the gradient of forest fragmentation. In addition, pollination of A. mexicanum could be more effective in larger fragments, since the greater abundance of pollinators in these fragments may increase the amount of pollen and diversity of pollen donors between flowers of individual plants. Given the prevalence of fragmentation in tropical ecosystems, our results indicate that the current patterns of land use will have consequences on the underlying mechanisms of pollination in remnant forests. 相似文献
Few studies have documented the activity patterns of both predators and their common prey over 24 h diel cycles. This study documents the temporal periodicity of two common resident predators of juvenile reef fishes, Cephalopholis cyanostigma (rockcod) and Pseudochromis fuscus (dottyback) and compares these to the activity and foraging pattern of a common prey species, juvenile Pomacentrus moluccensis (lemon damselfish). Detailed observations of activity in the field and using 24 h infrared video in the laboratory revealed that the two predators had very different activity patterns. C. cyanostigma was active over the whole 24 h period, with a peak in feeding strikes at dusk and increased activity at both dawn and dusk, while P. fuscus was not active at night and had its highest strike rates at midday. The activity and foraging pattern of P. moluccensis directly opposes that of C. cyanostigma with individuals reducing strike rate and intraspecific aggression at both dawn and dusk, and reducing distance from shelter and boldness at dusk only. Juveniles examined were just outside the size-selection window of P. fuscus. We suggest that the relatively predictable diel behaviour of coral reef predators results from physiological factors such as visual sensory abilities, circadian rhythmicity, variation in hunting profitability, and predation risk at different times of the day. Our study suggests that the diel periodicity of P. moluccensis behaviour may represent a response to increased predation risk at times when both the ability to efficiently capture food and visually detect predators is reduced. 相似文献
Disturbances are a primary facilitator of the growth and spread of invasive species. However, the effects of large-scale disturbances, such as hurricanes and tropical storms, on the broad geographic patterns of invasive species growth and spread have not been investigated. We used historical aerial imagery to determine the growth rate of invasive Phragmites australis patches in wetlands along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States. These were relatively undisturbed wetlands where P. australis had room for unrestricted growth. Over the past several decades, invasive P. australis stands expanded in size by 6–35% per year. Based on tropical storm and hurricane activity over that same time period, we found that the frequency of hurricane-force winds explained 81% of the variation in P. australis growth over this broad geographic range. The expansion of P. australis stands was strongly and positively correlated with hurricane frequency. In light of the many climatic models that predict an increase in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes over the next century, these results suggest a strong link between climate change and species invasion and a challenging future ahead for the management of invasive species. 相似文献
光温外界信号、植株状态与成花决定 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
植物由营养生长状态转向生殖生长状态(成花转变)是发育过程中的重要一步。经过一段时期营养生长的植株,便自动进入成花感受态,在这种状态下植株才能够对外界信号产生应答反应而启动成花过程。本文主要讨论光周期和温度对成花的作用 相似文献
采用超声波辅助提取方法,以胡桃楸为原料,在单因素实验的基础上研究一年内不同月份胡桃楸不同部位总黄酮、总酚的含量变化,同时对胡桃楸提取物体外抗肿瘤活性进行初步评价。结果显示,乙醇浓度60%,超声时间40 min,料液比1:20,提取温度30℃为最佳提取参数。在此条件下,不同采摘时期胡桃楸不同部位的总黄酮、总酚含量存在显著差异。5~7月份叶和小枝的总黄酮及总酚含量明显高于8~10月份,其中7月份叶的总黄酮总酚含量最高,分别为12.56±0.33和76.98±3.73 mg·g-1,然而茎皮总黄酮、总酚含量随月份增加呈持续下降趋势。体外抗肿瘤研究表明胡桃楸叶提取物对人肝癌细胞SMMC-7721、人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7和人口腔表皮样癌细胞KB的增殖抑制作用,其中7月份胡桃楸叶提取物对人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞增殖抑制作用更明显,其IC50值为0.24 mg·mL-1。本研究为胡桃楸资源的合理开发及利用提供一定的理论基础。 相似文献
四种植物内生真菌的分离及其抗肿瘤活性的筛选 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从银杏、合欢、臭椿和苦楝的树皮中分离到61株内生真菌。MTT法检测显示在45.9%的菌株发酵液粗提物在200 μg/mL时对人食道癌细胞EC109的生长抑制率大于50%。其中6株内生真菌(YX5, YX17, YX36, KL1, CC1, CC5)在50 μg/mL时仍具有较高的细胞毒活性, 且活性成分主要分布在菌株的发酵液中。合欢内生真菌中的活性菌株比例最小, 在50 μg/mL时均未显示任何对EC109细胞的抑制作用。银杏中的高活性菌株比例最大, 占银杏内生真菌的15.8%。银杏分离菌株YX5的活性最为突出, 其发酵液粗提物对3种肿瘤细胞EC109, HONE1和HeLa的抑制率IC50分别是18.3 μg/mL、3.6 μg/mL和6.5 μg/mL。研究结果表明, 作为抗肿瘤药物的潜在来源银杏内生真菌值得关注。 相似文献