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2015年4~9月,采用焦点动物取样法,通过人工观察及监控设备记录,在青海省祁连县研究了2窝在人工巢中繁殖的大■(Buteo hemilasius)行为。构建了大■亲鸟及雏鸟在繁殖期的行为谱,将亲鸟繁殖期内的行为划分为12项30种,将雏鸟的行为划分为9项25种。研究发现,大■繁殖期开始于4月中下旬,持续至8月中旬结束,平均(112.0±2.0)d(n=2);将繁殖期划分为孵卵前期、孵卵期、育雏期及雏鸟成熟期。利用单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)比对了雌雄亲鸟之间,以及不同时期间亲鸟、雏鸟的行为时间分配。结果显示,(1)雌雄大■之间的行为时间分配在孵卵前期及孵卵期差异不显著(P0.05),在育雏期及雏鸟成熟期差异显著(P0.05)。在这两个时期,雌性栖停行为所占比例显著高于雄性(P0.01),而捕食行为占比显著低于雄性(P0.01)。(2)雌性大■行为时间分配在不同时期均变化显著(P0.05),雄性大■行为时间分配在育雏期与雏鸟成熟期间差异不显著,其余各个时期间差异显著(P0.05)。(3)大■雏鸟行为时间分配在育雏期与成熟期之间差异显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

绿鹭的繁殖习性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年4-9月在合肥市对绿鹭(Butorides striatus)的繁殖习性进行了观察。绿鹭营巢生境主要选择在建筑物附近的高大阔叶树上,常一树一巢,未见与其他鹭类混群营巢。每巢产3-5枚卵,孵卵期21d,育雏期41d,42日龄后幼鸟离巢飞走,出飞存活率62.5%。育雏期雏鸟主要食物为小型鱼类。在4所大学校园及1处公园统计到有效巢56个,推算绿鹭224只。绿鹭在合肥繁殖属首次记录。  相似文献   

2008年6至8月及2018年6月和7月,采用实地观察、测量和红外相机监测方法对新疆乌鲁木齐郊外头屯河流域欧夜鹰(Caprimulgus europaeus)的栖息环境、巢间距、窝卵数、孵卵、育雏、幼鸟生长及移巢行为进行了调查和分析。利用红外相机监测3个巢,监测时间分别为 15 d、23 d和11 d,共拍摄照片8 462 张,视频4 152个片段,约40 h,经过筛选得到有效照片6 807张。结果表明,欧夜鹰的巢均置于河道中央的河心岛及乱石滩沙地上,周围植被稀疏。两巢间距最近为69 m,巢密度3 ~ 7个/km2。每窝产卵2枚(n = 7),卵长径为(30.53 ± 0.88)mm,卵短径为(21.39 ± 0.85)mm,卵体积为(7.13 ± 0.50)cm3,卵重为(7.27 ± 0.38)g(n = 5)。孵卵期为15或16 d,孵卵期成鸟离巢觅食呈双峰型,分别在天黑后的20:00 ~ 21:00时和黎明前的03:00 ~ 04:00时。育雏期为16 ~ 18 d,育雏期和孵卵期成鸟活动强度存在明显的差异,成鸟喂食幼鸟亦呈双峰型,分别在夜里的20:30 ~ 22:30时和黎明前的02:30 ~ 04:30时。成鸟的行为谱可分为9类46种,幼鸟的行为谱可分为6类32种。雏鸟的体重、体长、翅长生长发育遵循Logistic方程规律,呈曲线变化,尾长、跗跖长和嘴峰长则遵循线性生长规律。欧夜鹰的移巢行为十分独特:一是为了躲避日晒,以避免幼鸟被阳光灼伤;二是避开干扰(天敌、牧群、洪水及人类活动等)。  相似文献   

国内关于靴隼雕(Hieraaetus pennata)资料缺乏,仅有几例新纪录报道,无繁殖信息。本文报道2010~2016年间靴隼雕在新疆南部和北部的繁殖与分布状况。靴隼雕巢址选择开阔的地带,营巢于大树上(n=7),巢距地面高度在7~12 m,巢直径约74~102 cm。窝卵数2~3枚,孵卵期37~40 d,育雏期48~58 d,繁殖期持续4~5个月。育雏前期与后期亲鸟的行为变化较大。其巢区附近野生动物资源丰富,食物以鸟类为主,主要是水鸟的幼鸟(体重小于300 g);哺乳类包括草兔(Lepus capensis)、大耳猬(Hemiechinus auritus)、鼹形田鼠(Ellobius talpinus)等。在新疆和硕利用红外相机监测32 d,共收获77 894张图片。育雏期人工观察16 d,约248 h,同时拍下行为照片及录像作为辅助记录。育雏前期,雌鸟的陪护时间占88.43%,雄鸟只有3.26%。亲鸟育雏期的活动节律、投食次数呈现单峰型;续巢频次则为双峰型。在中亚,靴隼雕有明显"东扩"之趋势。通过野外观察靴隼雕的行为,了解繁殖状况,积累基础资料,对其种群保护和管理具有意义。  相似文献   

2006~2009年在黑龙江省牡丹江地区对凤头麦鸡Vanellus vanellus繁殖生态习性进行了观察.凤头麦鸡在牡丹江属夏侯鸟,每年3月末4月初迁来,9月下旬迁走,居留期约6个月;4月底开始筑巢,繁殖期间的配偶关系为一雄一雌,营巢于沼泽草甸,也有个体将巢筑于田边或荒地中,个别将巢直接筑在农田的垄上.巢比较简单,在1~2 d内完成.巢筑成后的7~10 d开始产卵.每窝4枚,平均卵重25.2 g,最后一枚卵产出后即开始孵卵,孵化期为24~29 d, 孵化率50%~100%;幼鸟为早成鸟,育雏期30 d左右.  相似文献   

2003年3月~2004年5月在四川省南充市区的校园和公园内对红头长尾山雀(Aegithalosconcinnus)的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果表明,红头长尾山雀在2月上旬开始求偶、配对。2月中旬开始营巢,巢多筑于圆柏、凤尾竹等上,营巢期10~11 d,影响巢址选择主要因素6种。3月初产卵,窝卵数(5.17±0.41)枚;轮流昼夜孵卵,孵卵期为14~15 d;育雏高峰期每日9:00~10:00、16:00~17:00时,育雏期为14 d。从孵卵开始到育雏结束,其中3个巢均有一个帮手,与生殖鸟轮流孵卵和育雏。  相似文献   

2007~2009年每年5~7月对四川省绵阳地区黑卷尾Dicrurus macrocercus的繁殖生态进行了观察.结果 表明,在绵阳,黑卷尾5月初迁入,5月中旬开始筑巢,巢深(6.73±1.41)cm、巢位高(6.38±1.27)m,巢内径为(9.88±1.54) cm,外径为(12.87±2.75) cm;5月底6月初产卵, 窝卵数多为3~5枚,平均卵重4.61 g,平均卵长径24.4 mm,平均卵短径17.4 mm;孵卵期(16±1) d,育雏期15~17 d,在幼鸟8~12日龄亲鸟育雏频次最高,平均为(8.23±2.13) 次/d.  相似文献   

四川雉鹑繁殖习性初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2005~2008年,在四川省雅江县对四川雉鹑(Tetraophasis szechenyii)的繁殖习性,包括巢、卵、孵卵时间、生长量度和日行为节律进行了初步观察.四川雉鹑同时营树上巢和地面巢,以树上巢为主,占68%(n=25);产卵期集中在4月,正常窝卵数2~5枚(n=9),窝卵孵化率为63.89%(n=12);雌鸟在孵卵期每天离巢1次,离巢平均时间(63.0±22.6)min(n=18),孵卵期24~29 d(n=4);150日龄幼鸟的体重接近成体.在繁殖期,四川雉鹑6:30~7:00时从夜栖树上飞下,行至觅食地觅食,17:00时左右返回夜栖地,19:00~19:30时上树夜栖.  相似文献   

灰椋鸟的繁殖生态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1994年 3月至 7月在吉林省左家自然保护区对灰椋鸟的繁殖生态研究发现 ,在 1 2 2hm2 的面积内共有 36个灰椋鸟巢 ,繁殖密度为 0 32 1巢 hm2 。繁殖期由 4月 2 4日持续到 7月 1 1日共 79d。平均窝卵数为 5 89(SD =1 1 7,n =36 ) ,窝卵数同繁殖季节呈显著负相关 (r=-0 75 72 ,P <0 0 1 )。平均孵化期为1 3 6d ,平均育雏期 2 1 6d。平均每巢出飞 5 1只幼鸟。幼体 (卵、雏鸟 )死亡的最主要原因是人为干扰。  相似文献   

2004~2006年的3~7月,在辽宁省白石砬子国家级自然保护区,对杂色山雀(Parus varius)的繁殖及繁殖成功率进行了初步研究。结果显示,杂色山雀主要营巢于海拔400~900m的阔叶杂木林、针叶林及林缘地带;繁殖期在3~7月,其洞巢种类多样,筑巢期约15d;巢为碗状,巢结构的2/3由苔藓构成;窝卵数为6~8枚,平均(6·92±0·92)枚(n=13);雌鸟单独孵卵,孵化期为(14·00±0·00)d(n=10);育雏由雌雄鸟共同承担,育雏期为(17·50±0·58)d(n=4)。杂色山雀繁殖成功率为50·95%,繁殖力为2·22。人为干扰是造成卵和雏鸟损失的主要原因,占总损失的74·19%。  相似文献   

The aim of this report has been to present results concerning analytical quality controls of Hg analysis of fish and sediment, analyses of Fe, Ca, total-P, K, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, colour and hardness (Ca + Mg) of lake water samples. Despite the fact that these are standard parameters in many regular water control programs, there are major differences in the reliability with which these parameters can be determined. The focus here is on an overall inter-laboratory comparison between the parameters. Six laboratories have been involved in the analysis. Selected results: pH gives the lowest (average) relative standard deviation (error), about 2 %; conductivity gives an error of about 5–7 %; alkalinity yields an average error of as much as 13–25 %, which is the largest among the parameters studied here; colour also gives a high error, 9–15 %; hardness gives a relative standard deviation of about 6–7 %. Of the other parameters (i. e., Hg, Fe, Ca and P), Hg gives the best reliability and Fe and P the lowest. To have knowledge of the reliability of the analytical data is of paramount importance in most control programs and research projects.  相似文献   

The cell has been represented as a charged liquid drop. Contrary to the DLVO-theory, the effect of the surface potential upon the value of the interfacial tension of the cell membrane has also been taken into consideration. The cell membrane has visco-elastic properties and its constituents may move against each other. Cell movement is caused by the appearance of a small number of the electrically charged constituents of the cell membrane on the leading edge of the cell. This produces a local decrease in the surface tension and the cell membrane expansion. At the moment of contact between two cells proton transfers occur between the strongly negatively charged microvilli of one cell and the body of the other, analogous to a condenser breakdown. This, through the effect on the surface tension, causes contact inhibition of movement. The distribution of the proton dissociable groups modifies the interaction between the cells (differentiation) and between the cell and the substratum (adhesion). Adsorption of the charged compounds at the surface of the cell membrane, decreasing the surface potential and increasing the surface tension, causes the phenomena of chemotaxis, phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Cell division, considered in the terms of the surface energy, requires an adequate supply of considerable quantities of energy inversely proportional to the surface potential value. In case of a reduction of the distance between the cells, their surface potential and the energetic barrier of the cell division processes increases, and causes contact inhibition of cell division. Due to their high charge, division of neoplastic cells is inhibited much later than division of normal cells, or is completely ininhibited due to geometric conditions. Fusion of the cell membrane in the intra-cellular and intercellular processes is a reverse process in relation to the cell division.  相似文献   

The effect of age and gender on major, minor, and trace element contents in the intact rib bone of 80 relatively healthy 15–55-year-old women and men was investigated. Contents or upper limit of contents of 16 chemical elements in the rib bone were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Mean values (M?±?SΕΜ) for the mass fraction of Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Na, P, S, Sr, and Zn (milligram per kilogram of dry bone) were as follows: 2.54?±?0.16, 171,400?±?4,050, 1.35?±?0.22, 140?±?11, 1,874?±?71, 0.049?±?0.011, 2,139?±?38, 5,378?±?88, 75,140?±?1,660, 1,881?±?51, 291?±?20, and 92.8?±?1.5, respectively. The upper limits of contents of Al, B, Mn, and V were <7.20, <0.65, <0.36, and <0.03, respectively. Statistically significant tendency for the Ca, Mg, and P content to decrease with age was found in the human rib bone, regardless of gender. The mass fraction of Fe in the male rib bone increases with age. It was shown that higher Ca, Mg, Na, P, and Sr mass fractions as well as lower Fe content were typical of female ribs as compared to those in male ribs.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

2-Dimethylaminomethylene-1-benzosuberone 1 was coupled with diazotized aniline derivatives to afford a series of the hitherto unreported 2-arylazo-1-benzosuberones 3ai. The tautomeric structure and the effect of substituents on the tautomeric form (s) of the products 3ai were discussed. Similar coupling of the enaminone 1 with diazonium salts of heterocyclic amines gave the respective fused azolotriazino-benzosuberones. Some of the newly synthesized compounds showed potent antimicrobial, anti-HCV, antioxidant, antitumor (as topoisomerase I inhibitors), and antimicrobial activities.  相似文献   

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