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Chemotaxis plays a role in the social behaviour of Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
Myxococcus xanthus is a Gram-negative bacterium that glides on a solid surface and displays a wide range of social behaviour including microbial development. The frz genes are homologues to the chemotaxis genes of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium and have been shown to be involved in microbial development. However, chemotaxis has never been clearly demonstrated in Myxococcus. In this study, we showed that M. xanthus exhibited tactic movements to many chemicals when they were subjected to steep and stable chemical gradients. M. xanthus was observed to spread into areas with abundant nutrients like yeast extract or Casitone and avoid areas with no nutrients or repellents (short-chain alcohols or DMSO. Responses to attractants and repellents were additive. Movement towards attractants or away from repellents required the frz genes and was correlated with methylation or demethylation of FrzCD, a methyl-accepting taxis protein. Furthermore, the frz genes were found to be required for both fruiting body formation during starvation and swarming in nutrient-rich medium. In wild-type strains, cells near the colony edge were observed to swarm towards the surrounding growth medium and to contain highly methylated FrzCD; cells near the colony centre contained mainly demethylated FrzCD and showed directed movement towards the colony edge. FrzCD was also found to be methylated during the aggregation stage of fruiting body formation on agar but largely demethylated in cells shaken in liquid starvation media. An frzf mutant failed to exhibit directed cell movements and no longer showed modification of FrzCD under these conditions. These observations suggest that M. xanthus does show chemotactic movements, that these movements require the frz genes, and that chemotaxis plays a very important role in the social behaviour of this organism.  相似文献   

Autocides produced by Myxococcus xanthus.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
M Varon  S Cohen    E Rosenberg 《Journal of bacteriology》1984,160(3):1146-1150
Ethanol extracts of Myxococcus xanthus contained several substances, referred to as autocides, which were bactericidal to the producing strain but showed no activity against other bacteria. The autocides were produced by growing cells and remained largely cell bound throughout the growth cycle; ca. 5% of the autocidal activity was found in the supernatant fluid at the time cell lysis began. The autocides were separated by sequential-column and thin-layer chromatography into five active fractions (AM I through AM V). Each of the fractions was at least 20 times more active against M. xanthus than against the other gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria tested. AM I, AM IV, and AM V were inactive against yeasts, whereas a mixture of fractions AM II and AM III was active against Rhodotorula sp. At low concentrations, AM I reversibly inhibited the growth of M. xanthus; at higher concentrations of AM I, the cells lysed within 1 h. The lowest concentration of AM IV that showed any activity caused rapid cell death and lysis. The mode of action of the major autocide, AM V, was different from that of AM I and AM IV. During the initial 2 h of treatment, the viable count of M. xanthus cells remained constant; during the next few hours killing occurred without lysis; within 24 h lysis was complete. The autocidal activity of each of the fractions was expressed when the cells were suspended in buffer, as well as in growth medium. The possible role of autocides in developmental lysis of M. xanthus is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteriolytic enzymes produced by Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The bacteriolytic activities in the culture fluid of Myxococcus xanthus were purified and separated into six active fractions by the use of Bio-Gel CM-2 and Bio-Gel P-60. These fractions were identified as: (i) an amidase, (ii) a glucosaminidase, (iii) a glucosaminidase and an amidase, (iv) a protease with probable amidase activity, (v) another protease with probable amidase activity, and (vi) a peptidase active on both d-alanyl-diaminopimelate and d-alanyl-lysine peptide bonds. On one occasion, another amidase was eluted from Bio-Gel CM. Preliminary studies on some characteristics of the enzymes and their production during growth are reported.  相似文献   

Glycerol-induced myxospores of Myxococcus xanthus caused non-specific modulation of humoral and cellular immune responses in laboratory animals. The number of cells which formed specific haemolysins in spleens of mice immunized with sheep erythrocytes was increased when 0.5 X 10(8) myxospores were inoculated 2 d after the erythrocytes, and decreased when myxospores were injected 2 d before or at the same time as the erythrocytes. Both the IgG primary response and the secondary response to erythrocytes were decreased in rabbits after pretreatment with 2 X 10(8) myxospores per rabbit. Delayed-type hypersensitivity to sheep erythrocytes was also suppressed in mice after intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 0.3 X 10(8) myxospores. One day after i.p. injection of myxospores, neither an inflammatory response nor bone marrow cell depletion was observed in mice. These results support the idea that M. xanthus myxospores possess diverse immunomodulation properties apparently due to factors different from the classical LPS of Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Microcyst Germination in Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Germination of glycerol-prepared microcysts of Myxococcus xanthus was studied. The sequence of morphological events during germination resembled that of germinating fruiting body-microcysts. The turbidity drop of a culture of germinating microcysts could be described by McCormick's formula derived for germinating Bacillus spores. The rate of uptake of labeled glycine and acetate did not change during germination. Temperature, aeration, and pH optima for germination were the same as for vegetative cell growth. Germination was induced by protein hydrolysates and the individual amino acids glycine, alanine, valine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid. A number of organic compounds, including sugars, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, and chelating agents, did not induce germination. The inorganic ions HPO(4) (2-), Mg(++), Ca(++), and NH(4) (+) induced germination, although ionic strength was not a factor. Microcysts incubated in distilled water at concentrations greater than about 10(9) cells/ml germinated; supernatant fluid from such suspensions (germination factor) induced germination of less concentrated suspensions. The activity of germination factor was resistant to boiling, but was lost on charring and dialysis. Germination of microcysts and growth of vegetative cells was equally sensitive to a variety of metabolic inhibitors, including penicillin and chloramphenicol. Germination was more resistant than vegetative growth to inhibition by antibiotics of the streptomycin family and by actinomycin D.  相似文献   

1. Myxococcus xanthus B and M. virescens V2 were compared with a view to establishing the control of their morphogenetic cycles. Both organisms are typical myxococci and on solid media with low concentrations of nutrient they form fruiting bodies, within which vegetative cells convert to myxospores. Ultrathin sections of vegetative M. virescens resembled those of M. xanthus and contained prominent heavily stained bodies, presumed to be polyphosphate granules. Shadowed preparations showed fimbriae associated with M. xanthus but not with M. virescens. 2. M. xanthus B converted to myxospores in liquid medium in response to certain alcohols. M. virescens V2 produced phase-refractile spheres, which were not viable and had an unusual ultrastructure. 3. The distributions of fruiting bodies on solid media containing 0.02% Casitone were recorded for the two species and were compared with a Poisson distribution. Cells responded to differences in cell density in a manner suggestive of a response to a chemotactic attractant. Cells growing vegetatively and also cells forming fruiting bodies produced 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) as measured by the incorporation of exogeneous [3H] adenosine into cAMP. 4. The significance of these findings for theories of fruiting body formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytochemistry of Phosphatases in Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
An Mg(2+)-dependent and a K(+)-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase were localized by cytochemistry at or near both surfaces of the cytoplasmic membrane of Myxococcus xanthus. An alkaline and an acid phosphatase resided at the external surface of the membrane or in the periplasm. All enzymes could be extracted from partially fixed cells with Mg(2+)-deficient buffers. Suboptimal external phosphate elicited dissociation of adenosine triphosphatase from the membrane but not that of the unspecific phosphatases. The dissociated enzymes migrated into the cytoplasm where they were associated mainly with cytoplasmic aggregates.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus fibrils are cell surface-associated structures composed of roughly equal amounts of polysaccharide and protein. The level of M. xanthus polysaccharide production under different conditions in the wild type and in several mutants known to have alterations in fibril production was investigated. Wild-type exopolysaccharide increased significantly as cells entered the stationary phase of growth or upon addition of Ca2+ to growing cells, and the polysaccharide-induced cells exhibited an enhanced capacity for cell-cell agglutination. The activity of the key gluconeogenic pathway enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Pck) also increased under these conditions. Most fibril-deficient mutants failed to produce polysaccharide in a stationary-phase- or Ca2+-dependent fashion. However, regulation of Pck activity was generally unimpaired in these mutant strains. In an stk mutant, which overproduces fibrils, polysaccharide production and Pck activity were constitutively high under the conditions tested. Polysaccharide production increased in most fibril-deficient strains when an stk mutant allele was present, indicating that these fibril-deficient mutants retained the basic cellular components required for fibril polysaccharide production. In contrast to other divalent cations tested, Sr2+ effectively replaced Ca2+ in stimulating polysaccharide production, and either Ca2+ or Sr2+ was required for fruiting-body formation by wild-type cells. By using transmission electron microscopy of freeze-substituted log-phase wild-type cells, fibril material was observed as a cell surface-associated layer of uniform thickness composed of filaments with an ordered structure.  相似文献   

Gliding movements in Myxococcus xanthus.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Prokaryotic gliding motility is described as the movement of a cell on a solid surface in the direction of the cell's long axis, but its mechanics are unknown. To investigate the basis of gliding, movements of individual Myxococcus xanthus cells were monitored by employing a video microscopy method by which displacements as small as 0.03 micron could be detected and speeds as low as 1 micron/min could be resolved. Single cells were observed to glide with speeds varying between 1 and 20 microns/min. We found that speed variation was due to differences in distance between the moving cell and the nearest cell. Cells separated by less than one cell diameter (0.5 micron) moved with an average speed of 5.0 micron/min, whereas cells separated by more than 0.5 micron glided with an average speed of 3.8 microns/min. The power to glide was found to be carried separately at both ends of a cell.  相似文献   

Light-induced lysis and carotenogenesis in Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:40,自引:19,他引:21  
Burchard, Robert P. (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis), and Martin Dworkin. Light-induced lysis and carotenogenesis in Myxococcus xanthus. J. Bacteriol. 91:535-545. 1966.-Myxococcus xanthus, grown vegetatively in the light, developed an orange carotenoid after the cells entered stationary phase of growth; pigment content increased with age. Cells grown in the dark did not develop carotenoid and could be photolysed by relatively low-intensity light only during stationary phase; rate of photolysis increased with age. Photolysis adhered to the reciprocity law, was temperature-independent and oxygen-dependent, and required the presence of nonspecific, monovalent cations; it was inhibited by one of several divalent cations. Logarithmic-phase cells were photosensitized by 100,000 x g pellet preparations of sonic-treated stationary-phase cells grown in the light and dark. A porphyrin with a Soret band at 408 mmu was isolated from photosensitive cells; logarithmic-phase cells contained about 1/16 the amount of porphyrin of stationary-phase cells. The purified material had spectral and chemical properties of protoporphyrin IX and photosensitized logarithmic-phase cells. Its spectrum was similar to the action spectrum for photolysis. We concluded that protoporphyrin IX is the natural endogenous photosensitizer. Carotenogenesis was stimulated by light in the blue-violet region of the visible spectrum and was inhibited by diphenylamine, resulting in photosensitivity of the cells. Photoprotection by carotenoid was lost in the cold. A mutant which synthesized carotenoid in the light and dark was photosensitive only after growth in diphenylamine. The ecological significance of these phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

Pigment levels have been measured in a number of wild strains and colour mutants of Myxococcus xanthus . The non-carotenoid yellow pigment and carotenoid pigment contents changed according to growth temperature and phosphate concentrations in liquid media. The highest content of both types of pigment was observed at 28°C with all strains. A high phosphate concentration depressed pigment content in both wild and mutant strains at all temperatures, except with two colour mutants, where the pigments levels remained unchanged at 28°C and 33°C.  相似文献   

Chromosome replication in Myxococcus xanthus.   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The rates of DNA synthesis during the cell-division cycle were measured in Myxococcus xanthus growing in three different media permitting a twofold variation in doubling time. In all three media, simple DNA cycles were observed. Synthesis of DNA occurred during 85% of the cell-division cycle, independent of generation time, from 5 to 11 h. Cells were observed to contain one bacterial nucleoid at birth that later divided synchronously midway through the cell cycle. Nucleoid segregation appeared to begin before chromosome replication was completed. The DNA content of exponential-phase bacteria was determined to be about 20 +/- 3 X 10(-9) microgram per cell; newborn bacteria contained about 14 +/- 2 X 10(-9) microgram of DNA per cell. Exponential-phase bacteria showed about a 50% increase in DNA in the presence of chloramphenicol (50 microgram/ml). The number of randomly segregating chromosomes present in exponential-phase bacteria was determined by following the fate of prelabeled DNA during outgrowth in nonradioactive media. The results are consistent with a model in which cells are born with exactly one complete unreplicated chromosome. The molecular weight of such a chromosome is about 8.4 +/- 1.2 X 10(9).  相似文献   

The isolated, extracellular fibrils of the myxobacterium, Myxococcus xanthus , are capable of carrying out ADP-ribosylation. The substrate for the ADP-ribosylation is reactive with monoclonal antibody 2105, which has been shown to be directed specifically against the integral fibril proteins. The extracellular fibrils thus contain both the ADP-ribosyl transferase and the substrate for the ribosylation. This process may play a role in the contact-mediated cell–cell interactions that are an important part of the social behaviour of M. xanthus .  相似文献   

Xu Q  Black WP  Ward SM  Yang Z 《Journal of bacteriology》2005,187(18):6410-6418
Myxococcus xanthus fibril exopolysaccharide (EPS), essential for the social gliding motility and development of this bacterium, is regulated by the Dif chemotaxis-like pathway. DifA, an MCP homolog, is proposed to mediate signal input to the Dif pathway. However, DifA lacks a prominent periplasmic domain, which in classical chemoreceptors is responsible for signal perception and for initiating transmembrane signaling. To investigate the signaling properties of DifA, we constructed a NarX-DifA (NafA) chimera from the sensory module of Escherichia coli NarX and the signaling module of M. xanthus DifA. We report here the first functional chimeric signal transducer constructed using genes from organisms in two different phylogenetic subdivisions. When expressed in M. xanthus, NafA restored fruiting body formation, EPS production, and S-motility to difA mutants in the presence of nitrate. Studies with various double mutants indicate that NafA requires the downstream Dif proteins to function. We propose that signal inputs to the Dif pathway and transmembrane signaling by DifA are essential for the regulation of EPS production in M. xanthus. Despite the apparent structural differences, DifA appears to share similar transmembrane signaling mechanisms with enteric sensor kinases and chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

We analyzed the herbicidal and antioxidant defense responses of transgenic rice plants that overexpressed the Myxococcus xanthus protoporphyrinogen oxidase gene. Leaf squares of the wild-type incubated with oxyfluorfen were characterized by necrotic leaf lesions and increases in conductivity and malonyldialdehyde levels, whereas transgenic lines M4 and M7 did not show any change with up to 100 microM oxyfluorfen. The wild-type had decreased F(v)/F(m) and produced a high level of H(2)O(2) at 18 h after foliar application of oxyfluorfen, whereas transgenic lines M4 and M7 were unaffected. In response to oxyfluorfen, violaxanthin, beta-carotene, and chlorophylls (Chls) decreased in wild-type plants, whereas antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin increased. Only a slight decline in Chls was observed in transgenic lines at 48 h after oxyfluorfen treatment. Noticeable increases of cytosolic Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase, peroxidase isozymes 1 and 2, and catalase were observed after at 48 h of oxyfluorfen treatment in the wild-type. Non-enzymatic antioxidants appeared to respond faster to oxyfluorfen-induced photodynamic stress than did enzymatic antioxidants. Protective responses for the detoxification of active oxygen species were induced to counteract photodynamic stress in oxyfluorfen-treated, wild-type plants. However, oxyfluorfen-treated, transgenic plants suffered less oxidative stress, confirming increased herbicidal resistance resulted from dual expression of M. xanthus Protox in chloroplasts and mitochondria.  相似文献   

Methylation of lipids and proteins has been examined in Myxococcus xanthus using radioactive methionine and S-adenosylmethionine as methyl donors. S-adenosylmethionine is shown to be taken up by these cells and utilized directly. This permits detection of methylation in the presence of protein synthesis. Patterns of methylation obtained using methionine and S-adenosylmethionine during vegetative growth are compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and inhibitors of protein synthesis and S-adenosylmethionine synthesis are examined for their effects on methylation. The ability to investigate methylation using exogenous S-adenosylmethionine will be advantageous in studying the role of methylation under conditions of growth and development where ongoing protein synthesis is required.  相似文献   

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