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粉蚧是农林经济作物的一类重要害虫,由于体表覆盖一层蜡粉,化学防治常需要大剂量反复用药该虫才能得以控制,易造成环境污染及害虫再猖獗。本文从昆虫化学生态学的角度综述了粉蚧类害虫的寄主植物范围、天敌应用以及三重营养关系研究进展,归纳已鉴定粉蚧性信息素化学结构特点及其在综合防治中应用概况,探讨粉蚧类害虫化学生态学未来研究方向,为其绿色防控提供理论基础。  相似文献   

蚧虫蜡泌物的化学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结了国内外对蚧虫蜡泌物及其化学成分的研究进展 ,内容包括蜡泌物形成介壳的主要类型 ;蜡泌物的化学研究方法及已涉及的种类 ;蜡泌物的主要化学组成 ,并对 5类物质 ,即蜡、烃类、树脂或萜类、色素类、内蜜露作了重点叙述。最后 ,讨论了研究蚧虫蜡泌物的化学成分具有的意义和应用前景 ,包括蜡泌物作为生物资源的利用 ;以蚧虫作为农林、果树和花卉业的重要害虫 ,针对蜡泌物的特点研制相应的新型杀虫剂 ;利用蜡泌物的化学信息素对天敌的诱导作用 ,开展蚧虫生物防治 ;利用蜡泌物作为化学分类性状的应用等。  相似文献   

警惕检疫性害虫南洋臀纹粉蚧在中国大陆扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南洋臀纹粉蚧,又称咖啡粉蚧、可可粉蚧、紫粉蚧,主要危害饮料作物、果树、蔬菜和园林树木,是新近入侵中国大陆的一种危险性检疫性害虫,2012年以来在中国大陆的云南、海南等地陆续被发现。本文介绍了南洋臀纹粉蚧的识别特征、危害特性、寄主植物种类、生物生态学特点、地理分布范围、传播扩散途径和防治措施等,为预防该虫在我国的进一步蔓延提供依据。  相似文献   

【目的】研究昆虫病原真菌蜡蚧霉Lecanicilliurn lecanii(Zimmermann.)菌株No.V3.4504在不同培养基上继代培养,对菌种的菌落生长特性、胞外酶活力和对蚧虫致病力的影响。【方法】试验菌种蜡蚧霉菌株No.V3.4504是从染病蚧虫上分离的。试验蚧虫是沙里院褐球蚧Rhodococcus sariuoni Borchsenius和日本龟蜡蚧Ceroplastes japonicus Green。采用7种培养基继代培养多代。观察菌落形态特征、测定生长速率、产孢量、胞外蛋白酶和几丁质酶活性及对蚧虫的致死率。【结果】在PDA培养基上,菌落生长速率最快,但产孢量最低,胞外蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性均呈逐代下降趋势,对两种蚧虫致死率也最低;增加蛋白胨对改善菌种致病力没有明显效果;在增加蚧虫尸体的D、E、F培养基上,菌落生长速率虽然较慢,但产孢量上升为8.83×106-9.13×106孢子/cm2。蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性平均达到2.16-2.13 U/g和1.01-1.03 U/g,对两种蚧虫的致死率分别在55%-58%和39%-42%;在活蚧虫上连续培养3代,蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性最高,为3.08-2.92 U/g和1.45-1.42 U/g,是PDA培养基上的1.6倍。对两种蚧虫的致死率也最高,分别达到71.30%和58.89%。蛋白酶和几丁质酶的活性与蚧虫死亡率呈正直线相关关系。【结论】采用PDA培养基连续多代培养会引起菌株No.V3.4504明显退化;在培养基中加入蚧虫尸体,对于保持菌种活力有明显效果;在活蚧虫体上继代培养对复壮菌种,提高菌种毒力的效果最佳。  相似文献   

【背景】木瓜粉蚧是一种重要的农林害虫,原产于中美洲地区,2008年起入侵南亚和东南亚多个国家并造成严重危害,目前在我国台湾和广州已有分布,对我国威胁极大。【方法】在收集、整理木瓜粉蚧原产地或入侵地的生物学、生态学、地理学等信息的基础上,介绍了木瓜粉蚧的形态特征、寄主植物、地理分布、危害和生物学特性,并利用Maxent生态位模型和Arc GIS对木瓜粉蚧在我国的潜在适生区进行了风险评估。【结果】木瓜粉蚧在长江流域以南地区具有广泛的适生区,华南地区在气候条件、寄主等方面利于木瓜粉蚧的生存和危害。【结论与意义】该虫对我国华南地区的潜在威胁十分巨大,亟需加强防范该虫扩散和暴发。  相似文献   

为明确棉花粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis对扶桑Hibiscus rosa-sinensis感染的木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuMV)的传播风险,本文应用PCR方法研究了棉花粉蚧获取、存留和传播CLCuMV的规律和能力。结果表明棉花粉蚧各取食危害虫期均可获取、携带CLCuMV,获取病毒所需时间为2-48 h,虫体内病毒最多可存留312 h;但是,粉蚧体内病毒无法侵染健康扶桑,亦不会经卵或者交配进行垂直和水平传播。本研究证明了棉花粉蚧不能传播CLCuMV,为防治该虫、该病毒病提供了依据。  相似文献   

【背景】蚧虫是半翅目胸喙亚目蚧总科下的一类昆虫的总称。蚧虫个体小、食性广,极易随货物扩散传播。【方法】分别从疫情概况、截获种类、产地、截获载体、截获年份等方面对10年来我国各口岸截获蚧虫的信息数据进行了比对和统计,并对之前容易被忽视的非检疫性蚧虫疫情进行了统计和分析。【结果】2005年以来,我国从进口植物和植物产品中截获蚧虫共计171978批次,其中,检疫性蚧虫12种共7071批次;南洋臀纹粉蚧截获量最大,达2848批次,大洋臀纹粉蚧次之,为2442批次,第3是新菠萝灰粉蚧,为1714批次。东南亚是蚧虫的主要来源地,截获量居前3位的蚧类几乎都来自该地区;水果是截获蚧虫的主要载体,占所有植物及植物产品总截获量的99.0%;总体来看,蚧虫截获量从2006年开始逐年下降,到2010年后又呈暴发性上升趋势。比较3种截获量较大的蚧虫发现,2005~2008年,截获主要以南洋臀纹粉蚧为主;自2009年起,大洋臀纹粉蚧截获量逐年上升,成为截获量最多的蚧虫;2011年以来,新菠萝灰粉蚧截获量激增。2005年至今,我国口岸共截获其他非检疫性蚧类68797批次,鉴定到种的有46个属105种共68712批次,其中,在我国内陆地区尚未报道的有23个种,入侵风险高,需要引起重视。【结论与意义】了解我国口岸蚧类害虫截获情况,有利于针对性地开展疫情检疫与监测,有效防范蚧类害虫的传入与扩散。  相似文献   

蚧虫在经济上是极为重要的一类昆虫。我国劳动人民很早就已经利用几种蚧虫的分泌物质,这几种蚧虫就成为有益的昆虫,例如白蜡虫和紫胶虫,直到近代还有很大的经济意义。此外,有些蚧虫是知名的害虫,对于果树和观赏树木有很大的危害性,例如吹绵蚧和一些粉蚧,现在成为我们要消灭的对象。由于这些缘故,我们对于蚧虫并不是太生疏的。 但是多数蚧虫的身体很小,最常见的雌虫  相似文献   

【目的】明确橄榄片盾蚧的形态特征并编制与近似种的检索表,收集整理橄榄片盾蚧的分布范围、寄主、天敌、生物学特性、经济重要性,为该蚧虫的防控措施提供依据。【方法】通过显微特征的观察和测量进行种类鉴定,研究橄榄片盾蚧的生物学及生态学相关资料。【结果】橄榄片盾蚧雌介壳长0.77 mm左右,雌成虫体长0.55 mm左右,体紫色,臀板黄色,触角瘤小且有一个弯曲的长毛,前气门有4个盘状孔,后气门无,有3对发达的臀叶,中臀叶最大,第二臀叶和第三臀叶相似,第四臀叶呈齿状凸起,围阴腺5群。【结论】橄榄片盾蚧繁殖能力强,寄主种类多,一旦入侵到未发生区,会对当地自然生态系统造成严重的危害。加强检验检疫是防治该虫的主要措施之一,生物、化学防治是治理该虫的重要方法。  相似文献   

蚧虫的病原真菌及其在生物防治中的潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚧虫(半翅目:蚧总科)是农林果树和花卉的一类重要害虫。作者综述了寄生蚧虫的虫生真菌及其在生物防治中的潜力。总结了昆虫病原真菌作为生物杀虫剂的研究历史,并将其划分为3个发展阶段,即开创阶段、缓慢发展阶段和快速发展阶段。讨论了该领域在中国的研究现状。列出了世界上目前已记录的蚧虫病原真菌,包括55属140种,及其寄主蚧虫的名录。对虫生真菌未来的研究和开发提出了4点建议。  相似文献   

Flavobacteria and Enterobacteriaceae have been previously reported as scale insect endosymbionts. The purpose of this work was twofold: first, to screen different scale insect families for the presence of these endosymbionts by PCR analyses and second, to elucidate the history of cophylogeny between these bacteria and the insects by analysing a portion of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene sequences by two reconciliation tools, CoRe‐PA and Jane. From a survey of 27 scale insects within seven families, we identified Flavobacteria and Enterobacteriaceae as coexisting in ten species that belong to the Ortheziidae, Monophlebidae, Diaspididae and Coccidae families, and we frequently found two closely related enterobacteria harboured in the same individual. Analyses performed with CoRe‐PA and Jane suggest that Flavobacteria from the scale insects analysed have a unique origin, except for Candidatus Brownia rhizoecola (Flavobacteria of Pseudococcidae, Phenacoccinae), which seems to come from a nonscale insect. Nevertheless, cospeciation between Flavobacteria and scale insects is suggested only within the families Monophlebidae, Ortheziidae and Diaspididae, and host switches seem to have occurred from the ancestors of Monophlebidae and Ortheziidae to insects from families Coccidae, Lecanodiaspididae, Eriococcidae and Pseudococcidae. Our analyses suggest that Enterobacteriaceae underwent more evolutionary events (losses, duplications and host switches), and their phylogenies showed a lower proportion of congruent nodes between host and bacteria, indicating a more relaxed relationship with scale insects compared with Flavobacteria.  相似文献   

枣麦间作枣园主要蚧虫复合种群结构及生态位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了有效地控制枣树蚧害,2002年在太谷地区对枣麦间作枣园的康氏粉蚧(Pseudococcus comstock Kuwane)、日本蜡蚧(Ceroplastes japonicus Green)和梨园蚧(Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock)的复合种群结构及其生态位进行了系统研究.结果表明,在枣树发育早期,3种蚧虫分布范围主要在下、中部的东、南方位,康氏粉蚧的时空二维生态位的宽度较大,是该时期的优势种.到中期3种蚧虫复合种群的分布聚集在树冠上部的西、北方位,时 空二维生态位的宽度以日本蜡蚧较大,种间相似程度和竞争不明显.后期3种蚧虫的复合种群结构在各部位的各个方位的分布无明显差异,但梨园蚧的虫口密度较大,日本蜡蚧在生态位上占据较大的空间.与枣树发育的中期相比,3种蚧虫复合种群结构的相似性与种间竞争系数的平均值要小.蚧害预防应早期控制康氏粉蚧,中期调治3种蚧虫的危害,后期应采取措施压低越冬虫源.  相似文献   

It is now clear that mechanisms of sex determination are extraordinarily labile, with considerable variation across all taxonomic levels. This variation is often expressed through differences in the genetic system (XX‐XY, XX‐XO, haplodiploidy, and so on). Why there is so much variation in such a seemingly fundamental process has attracted much attention, with recent ideas concentrating on the possible role of genomic conflicts of interest. Here we consider the role of inter‐ and intra‐genomic conflicts in one large insect taxon: the scale insects. Scale insects exhibit a dizzying array of genetic systems, and their biology promotes conflicts of interest over transmission and sex ratio between male‐ and female‐expressed genes, parental‐ and offspring‐expressed genes (both examples of intra‐genomic conflict) and between scale insects and their endosymbionts (inter‐genomic conflict). We first review the wide range of genetic systems found in scale insects and the possible evolutionary transitions between them. We then outline the theoretical opportunities for genomic conflicts in this group and how these might influence sex determination and sex ratio. We then consider the evidence for these conflicts in the evolution of sex determination in scale insects. Importantly, the evolution of novel genetic systems in scale insects has itself helped create new conflicts of interest, for instance over sex ratio. As a result, a major obstacle to our understanding of the role of conflict in the evolution of sex‐determination and genetic systems will be the difficulty in identifying the direction of causal relationships. We conclude by outlining possible experimental and comparative approaches to test more effectively how important genomic conflicts have been.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is one of the most successful endosymbiotic bacteria of arthropods. Known as the ‘master of manipulation’, Wolbachia can induce a wide range of phenotypes in its host that can have far-reaching ecological and evolutionary consequences and may be exploited for disease and pest control. However, our knowledge of Wolbachia's distribution and the infection rate is unevenly distributed across arthropod groups such as scale insects. We fitted a distribution of within-species prevalence of Wolbachia to our data and compared it to distributions fitted to an up-to-date dataset compiled from surveys across all arthropods. The estimated distribution parameters indicate a Wolbachia infection frequency of 43.6% (at a 10% prevalence threshold) in scale insects. Prevalence of Wolbachia in scale insects follows a distribution similar to exponential decline (most species are predicted to have low prevalence infections), in contrast to the U-shaped distribution estimated for other taxa (most species have a very low or very high prevalence). We observed no significant associations between Wolbachia infection and scale insect traits. Finally, we screened for Wolbachia in scale insect's ecological associates. We found a positive correlation between Wolbachia infection in scale insects and their ant associates, pointing to a possible route of horizontal transfer of Wolbachia.  相似文献   

The specificity of the interactions between plants and their consumers varies considerably. The evolutionary and ecological factors underlying this variation are unclear. Several potential explanatory factors vary with latitude, for example plant species richness and the intensity of herbivory. Here, we use comparative phylogenetic methods to test the effect of latitude on host range in scale insects. We find that, on average, scale insects that occur in lower latitudes are more polyphagous. This result is at odds with the general pattern of greater host-plant specificity of insects in the tropics. We propose that this disparity reflects a high cost for host specificity in scale insects, stemming from unusual aspects of scale insect life history, for example, passive wind-driven dispersal. More broadly, the strong evidence for pervasive effects of geography on host range across insect groups stands in stark contrast to the weak evidence for constraints on host range due to genetic trade-offs.  相似文献   

The paired ovaries of Steingelia gorodetskia are composed of about 100 telotrophic ovarioles devoid of terminal filaments (scale insect autapomorphy). In structure they resemble those of other scale insects, but differ in the following details: (a) all ovarioles develop synchronously, (b) they are suspended to the lateral oviducts by means of long stalks, (c) the tropharium is tubular (unique in scale insects) and (d) consists of 15-35, trophocytes, 2-4 previtellogenic oocytes that further develop, and numerous somatic prefollicular cells, (e) the vitellarium houses 2-4 linearly arranged vitellarial oocytes (versus one in most scale insects). Most of these features must be considered as plesiomorphic corresponding with the conditions in the most primitive Heteroptera. Bacterial endosymbionts have been found in some somatic cells, trophocytes, oocytes and in the nutritive cord. Present results support the opinion, based on external morphology, that the Steingeliidae are closely related to the Ortheziidae, Xylococcidae and Matsucoccidae.  相似文献   

We studied the indirect effects of an aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum on density and performance of herbivorous insects through tending ants and modification of plant traits on a tall goldenrod Solidago altissima in Japan. To examine ant-mediated indirect effects of the aphid on the leafhopper and geometrid moth caterpillars, we conducted an experiment in which we manipulated aphid densities. The aphid decreased the density of these herbivorous insects through ant-mediated indirect effects, because honeydew scattered by the aphid-attracted ants that then removed them. To examine plant-mediated indirect effects of the aphid on two temporally separated insects, a scale insect and a grasshopper, we compared the density and performance of these herbivorous insects on aphid-inoculated plants and aphid-free plants. Aphid-induced plant modifications had different effects on the scale insect and grasshopper. The aphid indirectly decreased the density and survivorship of the scale insect. On the other hand, the number of grasshoppers increased as a result of the increased number of leaves and the increased nitrogen content induced by prior aphid feeding. However, aphid infestation did not affect the survival of the grasshopper. Thus, the aphid has large indirect effects on co-occurring herbivorous insects through the removal behavior of tending ants and on temporally separated herbivorous insects through changes in quality and quantity of the tall goldenrod.  相似文献   

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