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Birgitta Aava 《Oikos》2001,93(2):205-212
Frequency distributions of mammal body sizes in large‐scale assemblages have often been found to show a positive skew. In an attempt to explain this pattern, a model has been put forward which incorporates energetic constraints on fitness and thereby predicts optimal body sizes corresponding to the mode of the distribution. A key assumption of the model is that energy is unlimited. However, if energy is limited, the input of energy into a herbivorous mammal community should influence the shape of the frequency distribution. Thus, I propose that increases in primary productivity will decrease the variation of body size and increase the mean body size in a distribution. So, in low‐productivity environments we should see a predominance of small‐sized species, but with a great variation of body sizes due to limitations of resources (energy). I tested this hypothesis using the herbivorous mammal fauna (rodents, bats and marsupials) in seven biomes of Australia. Because herbivorous marsupials generally are fairly large‐bodied while rodents and bats are small‐sized and because marsupials also have a different mode of reproduction from placental mammals, the hypothesis was also tested on placental mammals and marsupials separately. There was no clear mode for the entire assemblage in any biome, but as primary productivity increased, the variation of body masses decreased and the mean body mass of the distribution increased. Body mass distributions of both placental mammals and marsupials displayed clear modes. Placental mammals also showed an increase in mean body mass. The variation in body mass of marsupials was highest for the intermediately productive biomes. Primary productivity does seem to have some effect on mammalian body mass in this case, but the results here need to be complemented with studies of other assemblages before any general conclusions can be drawn. It is also important to distinguish which taxa are affected in a heterogeneous assemblage like the Australian herbivorous mammal fauna.  相似文献   

Aim  To examine frequency distributions of body sizes for mammal assemblages at several spatial scales and assess the generality of results heretofore obtained only for North and South America.
Location  Africa.
Methods  Terrestrial African mammals were allocated to major biomes, and regional and local assemblages were extracted from published and unpublished literature. We produced body size frequency distributions for local, regional, biomic and continental distributions, both for whole assemblages and for three foraging strata, and compared these with several standard metrics (e.g. mean and median size, interquartile range, skew, bimodality, etc.). Differences between distributions were quantified using t -tests and analysis of variance.
Results  African mammal faunas exhibit features in common with those of North and South America, most notably the gradual reduction in the modality and skew of body size distributions with decreasing spatial scale. Unlike other continents, however, the African mammal fauna exhibits a bimodal frequency distributions at all spatial scales. Our data suggest a role for competitive interactions in local assembly, as documented elsewhere, but further data on locally interacting assemblages are needed.
Main conclusions  The African fauna appears unique in the expression of bimodality at all spatial scales. The presence of a secondary mode at large body size may reflect co-evolutionary adjustments to proto-human hunters and consequent escape from anthropogenic Pleistocene extinctions, but the absence of species of intermediate body size ( c . 250–4000 g) remains anomalous and is not readily explained by either historical or modern (ecological) factors. For the African mammal fauna, a key question in understanding the role of history versus ecology may not be why there are so many large species, but why there are so few intermediate-sized species.  相似文献   

Aim  In light of the current biodiversity crisis, there is a need to identify and protect species at greatest risk of extinction. Ecological theory and global-scale analyses of bird and mammal faunas suggest that small-bodied species are less vulnerable to extinction, yet this hypothesis remains untested for the largest group of vertebrates, fish. Here, we compare body-size distributions of freshwater and marine fishes under different levels of global extinction risk (i.e. listed as vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ) from different major sources of threat (habitat loss/degradation, human harvesting, invasive species and pollution).
Location  Global, freshwater and marine.
Methods  We collated maximum body length data for 22,800 freshwater and marine fishes and compared body-size frequency distributions after controlling for phylogeny.
Results  We found that large-bodied marine fishes are under greater threat of global extinction, whereas both small- and large-bodied freshwater species are more likely to be at risk. Our results support the notion that commercial fishing activities disproportionately threaten large-bodied marine and freshwater species, whereas habitat degradation and loss threaten smaller-bodied marine fishes.
Main conclusions  Our study provides compelling evidence that global fish extinction risk does not universally scale with body size. Given the central role of body size for trophic position and the functioning of food webs, human activities may have strikingly different effects on community organization and food web structure in freshwater and marine systems.  相似文献   

The availability of high quality data on the distribution and abundance of British birds at the national scale means that this fauna is the basis for a growing body of macroecological study. Nevertheless. questions remain about how representative of wider patterns the distributions and abundances of birds in Britain may be. Here, we use data on the British. European and global breeding distributions of British birds to show that species that are widespread in Britain also tend to be widespread across larger regions. These results hold for both residents and migrants separately, and when controlling for the phylogenetic related ness of species. Species with wide latitudinal spans in Europe also tend to have large British ranges, with the largest British ranges exhibited by species inhabiting mid-latitudes in Europe. These results demonstrate that the distributions of birds within Britain are not simply idiosyacratic. but do reflect aspects of their broader distributions.  相似文献   

In several higher animal taxa, such as mammals and birds, the distribution of species body sizes is heavily skewed towards small size. Previous studies have suggested that small‐bodied organisms are less prone to extinction than large‐bodied species. If small body size is favourable during mass extinction events, a post mass extinction excess of small‐bodied species may proliferate and maintain skewed body size distributions sometime after. Here, we modelled mass extinctions and found that even unrealistically strong body mass selection has little effect on the skew of interspecific body size distributions. Moreover, selection against large body size may, counter intuitively, skew size distributions towards large body size. In any case, subsequent evolutionary diversification rapidly erases these rather small effects mass extinctions may have on size distributions. Next, we used body masses of extant species and phylogenetic methods to investigate possible changes in body size distributions across the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K‐Pg) mass extinction. Body size distributions of extant clades that originated during the Cretaceous are on average more skewed than their subclades that originated during the Paleogene, but the difference is only minor in mammals, and in birds, it can be explained by a positive relationship between species richness and skewness that is also present in clades that originated after the transition. Hence, we cannot infer from extant species whether the K‐Pg mass extinctions were size‐selective, but they are not the reason why most extant bird and mammal species are small‐bodied.  相似文献   

Aim Island mammals have featured prominently in models of the evolution of body size. Most of these models examine size evolution across a wide range of islands in order to test which island characteristics influence evolutionary pathways. Here, we examine the mammalian fauna of a single island, Borneo, where previous work has detected that some mammal species have evolved a relatively small size. We test whether Borneo is characterized by smaller mammals than adjacent areas, and examine possible causes for the different trajectories of size evolution between different Bornean species. Location Sundaland: Borneo, Sumatra, Java and the Malay/Thai Peninsula. Methods We compared the mammalian body size frequency distributions in the four areas to examine whether the large mammal fauna of Borneo is more depauperate than elsewhere. We measured specimens belonging to 54 mammal species that are shared between Borneo and any of the other areas in order to determine whether there is an intraspecific tendency for Bornean mammals to evolve small body size. Using data on diet, body size and geographical ranges we examine factors that are thought to influence body size. Results Borneo has fewer large mammals than the other areas, but this is not statistically significant. Large Bornean mammals are significantly smaller than their conspecifics in the other regions, while there are no differences between the body sizes of mammals on Sumatra, Java and the Malay/Thai Peninsula. The finding that large mammals show the greatest size difference between Borneo and elsewhere contrasts with some models of size evolution on islands of different areas. Diet does not correlate with the degree of size reduction. Sunda region endemics show a weaker tendency to be small on Borneo than do widespread species. Main conclusions We suggest that soil quality may drive size evolution by affecting primary productivity. On Borneo, where soils are generally poor in nutrients, this may both limit biomass and cause mammals to be reduced in body size. We hypothesize that widespread species respond to low resource abundance by reducing in size, while endemic elements of the fauna have had longer to adjust to local conditions by altering their behaviour, physiology and/or ecology, and are thus similar in size across the region.  相似文献   

The lophophorate phylum Phoronida consists of about 13 species, which differ in body length and width, number of longitudinal muscles, lophophore geometry and number of lophophore tentacles. In absolute terms large species have a larger body width, more tentacles, more longitudinal muscles and greater coiling of the lophophore than small species. However, size and shape analyses suggest that with increasing size: (I) the body surface area to volume ratio increases because body length increases faster than body width; (2) the relative number longitudinal muscles decreases, and (3) the relative feeding surface area of the lophophore decreases because tentacle diameter is constant while tentacle number increases at the same rate as body length and tentacle length increases more slowly than tentacle number. Coiling and spiraling of the lophophore in large species may be an attempt to compensate for this last relationship. We suggest that the habits, mode of growth and feeding mechanism of phoronids constrain size-related changes in shape.  相似文献   

哺乳动物群的演替过程在重建古环境和古气候中具有重要的作用。群落线(cenogram)是将陆生哺乳动物群中非肉食性种类按体重分布顺序排列的一种曲线,并可在图中将肉食性种类单独排序,以便显示动物群的整体组成。通过与现生哺乳动物群的比较,化石动物群的群落线已经被用来推断古环境及其在地质历史时期的变化。基于甘肃临夏盆地晚新生代哺乳动物群的群落线进行古环境重建,时代从晚渐新世直到早更新世。大多数化石种类的体重通过下第一臼齿面积与体重的回归公式来估计,少数种类用其他牙齿或肢骨来估计。大多数体重估计的测量数据来自临夏盆地的化石,少数取自文献。对7个化石动物群分别计算群落线的统计结果,在此基础上进行古环境解释。这些分析揭示了临夏盆地在晚中新世、早上新世和早更新世具有开阔的环境,晚渐新世是半开阔的林地,而中中新世为比较紧密的森林;在晚渐新世和晚中新世早期气候干燥,晚中新世的其他时段以及早上新世和早更新世为半干旱环境,而中中新世时期相当湿润。  相似文献   

Recent compilations of large-scale data bases on the geographical distributions and body sizes of animals, coupled with developments in spatial statistics, have led to renewed interest in the geographical distribution of animal body sizes and the interspecific version of Bergmann's rule. Standard practice seems to be an examination of mean body sizes within higher taxa on gridded maps, with little regard to species richness or phylogeny. However, because the frequency distribution of body sizes is typically highly skewed, average size within grid cells may differ significantly between species-rich and species-poor cells even when the median and modal sizes remain constant. Species richness influences body size patterns because species are not added to communities at random in relation to their size: areas of low diversity are characterized by a higher range of body sizes than is expected by chance. Finally, a consideration of phylogenetic structure within taxa is necessary to elucidate whether patterns in the geography of size result from turnover between or within intermediate taxonomic levels. We suggest that the highest and lowest quantiles of body size distribution be mapped in order to expose possible physiological or ecological limitations on body size.  相似文献   

Globally, elevated extinction risk in mammals is strongly associated with large body size. However, in regions where introduced predators exert strong top-down pressure on mammal populations, the selectivity of extinctions may be skewed towards species of intermediate body size, leading to a hump-shaped relationship between size and extinction risk. The existence of this kind of extinction pattern, and its link to predation, has been contentious and difficult to demonstrate. Here, we test the hypothesis of a hump-shaped body size–extinction relationship, using a database of 927 island mammal populations. We show that the size-selectivity of extinctions on many islands has exceeded that expected under null models. On islands with introduced predators, extinctions are biased towards intermediate body sizes, but this bias does not occur on islands without predators. Hence, on islands with a large-bodied mammal fauna, predators are selectively culling species from the lower end of the size distribution, and on islands with a small-bodied fauna they are culling species from the upper end. These findings suggest that it will be difficult to use predictable generalizations about extinction patterns, such as a positive body size–extinction risk association, to anticipate future species declines and plan conservation strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are an increasing global challenge, for which single-species studies and analyses focused on testing single hypotheses of causation in isolation are unlikely to provide much additional insight. Species interact with other species to create communities, which derive from species interactions and from the interactions of species with the scale specific elements of the landscape that provide suitable habitat and exploitable resources. I used logistic regression analysis to sort among potential intrinsic, community and landscape variables that theoretically influence introduction success. I utilized the avian fauna of the Everglades of South Florida, and the variables body mass, distance to nearest neighbor (in terms of body mass), year of introduction, presence of congeners, guild membership, continent of origin, distribution in a body mass aggregation or gap, and distance to body-mass aggregation edge (in terms of body mass). Two variables were significant predictors of introduction success. Introduced avian species whose body mass placed them nearer to a body-mass aggregation edge and further from their neighbor were more likely to become successfully established. This suggests that community interactions, and community level phenomena, may be better understood by explicitly incorporating scale.  相似文献   

Our objective was to estimate and analyze the body‐size distribution parameters of terrestrial mammal assemblages at different spatial scales, and to determine whether these parameters are controlled by local ecological processes or by larger‐scale ones. Based on 93 local assemblages, plus the complete mammal assemblage from three continents (Africa, North, and South America), we estimated three key distribution parameters (diversity/size slope, skewness, and modal size) and compared the values to those expected if size distributions are mainly controlled by local interactions. Mammal diversity decreased much faster as body size increased than predicted by fractal niche theory, both at continental and at local scales, with continental distributions showing steeper slopes than the localities within them. South America showed a steeper slope (after controlling for species diversity), compared to Africa and North America, at local and continental scales. We also found that skewness and modal body size can show strikingly different correlations with predictor variables, such as species richness and median size, depending on the use of untransformed versus log‐transformed data, due to changes in the distribution density generated by log‐transformation. The main differences in slope, skewness, and modal size between local and continental scales appear to arise from the same biogeographical process, where small‐sized species increase in diversity much faster (due to higher spatial turnover rates) than large‐sized species. This process, which can operate even in the absence of competitive saturation at local scales, generates continental assemblages with steeper slopes, smaller modal sizes, and higher right skewness (toward small‐sized species) compared to local communities. In addition, historical factors can also affect the size distribution slopes, which are significantly steeper, in South American mammal assemblages (probably due to stronger megafauna extinction events in South America) than those in North America and Africa.  相似文献   

Aim To determine how well variation in median body size of avian assemblages is predicted by (1) the environmental models usually employed in analyses of Bergmann's rule and (2) random sampling from the regional body size frequency distribution. If body size frequency distributions of local assemblages represent a random sample of a regional frequency distribution, then geographical variation in body sizes of assemblages might be a consequence of the determinants of spatial variation in species richness rather than direct influences on body size per se. Location Southern Africa. Methods Median body masses (as a measure of body size) of avian assemblages were calculated for quarter‐degree grid cells across South Africa and Lesotho. The relationship between median body mass and four environmental variables (minimum and maximum monthly temperatures, precipitation and seasonality in the normalized difference vegetation index, as a measure of seasonality in productivity) was examined using general linear models first without taking spatial autocorrelation into account, and then accounting for it by fitting an exponential spatial covariance structure. Model fit was assessed using the Akaike information criterion and Akaike weights. At each species richness value, random assemblages were sampled by either drawing species randomly from the regional body mass frequency distribution, or drawing species from the regional body mass frequency distribution with a probability proportional to their geographical distribution in the area. The ability of randomizations to predict actual body masses was examined using two‐tailed Fisher exact tests. Results Seasonality in productivity was the only environmental variable that remained a significant predictor of body mass variation in spatially explicit models, though the positive relationship was weak. When species richness was included in the models it remained the only significant predictor of size variation. Randomizations predicted median body mass poorly at low species richness, but well at high richness. Main conclusions Environmental models that have previously been proposed explain little of the variation in body mass across avian assemblages in South Africa. However, much of the variation in the median mass of assemblages could be predicted by randomly drawing species from the regional body mass frequency distribution, particularly using randomizations in which all species were drawn from the regional body mass frequency distribution with equal probability and at high species richness values. This outcome emphasizes the need to consider null expectations in investigations of the geographical variation in body size together with the probable environmental mechanisms underlying spatial variation in average size. Moreover, it suggests that in the South African avifauna, spatial variation in the body sizes of assemblages may be determined indirectly by the factors that influence geographical variation in species richness.  相似文献   

Individual variation in vigilance is known to vary with factors such as group size but the ecological determinants of vigilance among species have not been examined thus far in a systematic fashion. Earlier analyses suggested that vigilance should be lower in larger species and in species living in larger groups. These analyses were based on a small number of species and failed to take into account phylogenetic relationships among species. Here, I examined ecological determinants of vigilance in a large sample of bird species using a phylogenetic framework. I focused on vigilance in foraging groups of birds in the non-breeding season. Among species, vigilance by solitary foragers was not influenced by body mass. However, among species, asymptotic vigilance, the plateau reached by vigilance in larger groups, decreased with increasing group size in vegetarian clades but not in carnivorous clades. Asymptotic vigilance also increased with increasing body mass in vegetarian clades but not in carnivorous clades. Increasing group size may allow species to reduce vigilance in response to decreased predation risk. Increasing body mass may allow species to increase vigilance because more non-foraging time is available in larger species. Diet may modulate the effect of body mass and group size through factors such as within-group vigilance or foraging techniques.  相似文献   

Climate change will lead to substantial shifts in species distributions. Most of the predictions of shifting distributions rely on modelling future distributions with ecological niche models. We used these models to investigate (i) the expected species turnover, loss and gain within bird communities of four South African biomes and (ii) the expected changes in the body mass frequency distributions of these communities. We used distributional data of the Southern African Bird Atlas Project, current climate data and two scenarios of future climate change for 2050 to build ensemble models of bird distributions. Our results indicate that future species loss, gain and turnover within the four biomes will be considerable. Climate change will also have statistically significant effects on body mass frequency distributions, and these effects differ substantially depending on the severity of future climate change. We discuss the possible ecological effects of these predicted changes on ecosystem interactions and functions.  相似文献   

Most studies of mammal extinctions during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition explore the relative effects of climate change vs human impacts on these extinctions, but the relative importance of the different environmental factors involved remains poorly understood. Moreover, these studies are strongly biased towards megafauna, which may have been more influenced by human hunting than species of small body size. We examined the potential environmental causes of Pleistocene–Holocene mammal extinctions by linking regional environmental characteristics with the regional extinction rates of large and small mammals in 14 Palaearctic regions. We found that regional extinction rates were larger for megafauna, but extinction patterns across regions were similar for both size groups, emphasizing the importance of environmental change as an extinction factor as opposed to hunting. Still, the bias towards megafauna extinctions was larger in southern Europe and smaller in central Eurasia. The loss of suitable habitats, low macroclimatic heterogeneity within regions and an increase in precipitation were identified as the strongest predictors of regional extinction rates. Suitable habitats for many species of the Last Glacial fauna were grassland and desert, but not tundra or forest. The low‐extinction regions identified in central Eurasia are characterized by the continuous presence of grasslands and deserts until the present. In contrast, forest expansion associated with an increase in precipitation and temperature was likely the main factor causing habitat loss in the high‐extinction regions. The shift of grassland into tundra also contributed to the loss of suitable habitats in northern Eurasia. Habitat loss was more strongly related to the extinctions of megafauna than of small mammals. Ungulate species with low tolerance to deep snow were more likely to go regionally extinct. Thus, the increase in precipitation at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition may have also directly contributed to the extinctions by creating deep snow cover which decreases forage availability in winter.  相似文献   

Aim Body size is instrumental in influencing animal physiology, morphology, ecology and evolution, as well as extinction risk. I examine several hypotheses regarding the influence of body size on lizard evolution and extinction risk, assessing whether body size influences, or is influenced by, species richness, herbivory, island dwelling and extinction risk. Location World‐wide. Methods I used literature data and measurements of museum and live specimens to estimate lizard body size distributions. Results I obtained body size data for 99% of the world's lizard species. The body size–frequency distribution is highly modal and right skewed and similar distributions characterize most lizard families and lizard assemblages across biogeographical realms. There is a strong negative correlation between mean body size within families and species richness. Herbivorous lizards are larger than omnivorous and carnivorous ones, and aquatic lizards are larger than non‐aquatic species. Diurnal activity is associated with small body size. Insular lizards tend towards both extremes of the size spectrum. Extinction risk increases with body size of species for which risk has been assessed. Main conclusions Small size seems to promote fast diversification of disparate body plans. The absence of mammalian predators allows insular lizards to attain larger body sizes by means of release from predation and allows them to evolve into the top predator niche. Island living also promotes a high frequency of herbivory, which is also associated with large size. Aquatic and nocturnal lizards probably evolve large size because of thermal constraints. The association between large size and high extinction risk, however, probably reflects a bias in the species in which risk has been studied.  相似文献   

The huge conservation interest that mammals attract and the large datasets that have been collected on them have propelled a diversity of global mammal prioritization schemes, but no comprehensive global mammal conservation strategy. We highlight some of the potential discrepancies between the schemes presented in this theme issue, including: conservation of species or areas, reactive and proactive conservation approaches, conservation knowledge and action, levels of aggregation of indicators of trend and scale issues. We propose that recently collected global mammal data and many of the mammal prioritization schemes now available could be incorporated into a comprehensive global strategy for the conservation of mammals. The task of developing such a strategy should be coordinated by a super-partes, authoritative institution (e.g. the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN). The strategy would facilitate funding agencies, conservation organizations and national institutions to rapidly identify a number of short-term and long-term global conservation priorities, and act complementarily to achieve them.  相似文献   

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