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超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶的等电聚焦电泳方法——介绍一种高效、快速的生物同工酶分析方法 总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11
介绍了一种简易、高效、快速的生物同工酶分析方法--超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶的等电聚焦电泳 方法。该方法与目前国内外市场销售的同种用途等电聚焦产品(如BIO-RAD公司的model11Mini IEF Cell)相比,具有以下优点:实验操作灵知,用途更广;谱带清晰;每次可实验的样本量大;电泳所需时间短;实验费用低;适用于多种酶系统的同工酶和等位酶分析;凝胶干燥不需任何设备且能长期保存;样本用量少。 相似文献
Bio-Rad公司的微量聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电泳(ModelⅢ Mini IEF Cell),不需要使用电极缓冲液,聚焦电泳时间仅用1.5小时,效果甚佳,但要使用该公司专有的凝胶支持薄膜,难于推广应用,我们经过试验,建立了一种简单、快速的微量凝胶等电聚焦电泳方法,40min完成等电聚焦过程,采用快速染色、脱色和干燥,将电泳图谱制成透明的薄膜,整个过程可以 相似文献
武廷章 《生物化学与生物物理进展》1992,19(3):239-239
在薄层凝胶等电聚焦电泳技术中,制胶可谓是关键的一步。如果制胶失败,将造成时间上的浪费和经济上的损失(凝胶中所用的两性电解质载体——安福林的价格较昂贵)。如果制成的凝胶薄厚不匀或无支撑物,将会直接影响实验结果或给实验操作带来麻烦。我们针对这种情况,结合实验教学,摸索出一种快速、简便而效果较好的制胶方法。现简要介绍如下 相似文献
日本学者长尾照义(1978)用原生质体融合获得普通烟草与黄花烟草的体细胞杂种植株。1980年陈家玉等在国内首先获得普通烟草(Copus Yeusuku No.4)和黄花烟草(Yellow Flower)的体细胞杂种植株。之后,中国农科院烟草所(1981)也得到相同的结果。陈家玉等(1983)对上述杂种进行了形态学、细胞学和同工酶的分析并取得一定的结果。Dlineee等(1975)分析比较了用等电聚焦技术分离的过氧 相似文献
目前在等电聚焦电泳技术中,应用最多的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶平板薄层等电聚焦。该法具有分辨率高的优点,但需采用高纯度试剂,价格昂贵,而且超薄层制板(≤0.5mm)技术要求也较高,这些条件限制了它的推广应用。利用醋酸纤维素膜进行等电聚焦,则可弥补上述缺点。但众所周知,醋酸纤维素膜存在较强 相似文献
本文用四种有尾两栖类眼晶状体蛋白质为实验材料,以等电聚焦电泳法在恒定功率和时间内作了分类的比较。材料巴鲵(Liiua shihi)5只,3♂,2♀,1986.4采自四川巫山;无斑山溪鲵(Batrac-hoperus karlschmidti)9只,5♂,4♀,1986.5采自四川康定;北方山溪鲵(B.tibet-anus)8只,6♂,2♀,1986.6采自陕西周至;盐源山溪鲵(B.yenyuanensis)6只,5♂,1♀,1986.6采自四川冕宁。方法薄层凝胶板按蒙义文等(1981)方法,作者根据有尾两栖类眼晶状体蛋白质酸碱度,作部份改动。活取眼晶状体,用滤纸吸净血污,称重,蒸馏水反复冲洗后,匀浆(4℃下),4000r/min,离心5min,… 相似文献
对黄单胞菌的4个种及29个致病变种的代表菌株进行了等电聚焦电泳研究,发现所测定的黄单胞菌种间、致病变种间蛋白质图谱差别很大。电泳结果经聚类分析表明,某些致病变种间的差别并不一定比种间的差别小,说明某些致病变种可以上升到种这一分类地位。引起细菌性黑颖病的黄单胞菌禾谷致病变种、小麦致病变种、大麦致病变种间差别很小,仅有6条蛋白质谱带的差别。因此这3个致病变种的分类地位需重新考虑,同时说明等电聚焦电泳对黄单胞菌种下分类具有一定指导意义。 相似文献
用等电聚焦电泳技术对北京地区180人进行红细胞葡萄糖磷酸变位酶(PGM_1)遗传表型的分析鉴定。共检测出九个PGM_1亚型,可能由于检测样本数还不够多,目前尚未检测到PGM_1 2-亚型。根据测定结果,观察了我国人群中PGM_1亚型的分布情况,并计算出决定PGM_1亚型的四个等位基因频率为:PGM~(1+)_10617,PGM~(1-)_1 0.100,PGM~(2+)_1 0.236,PGM~(2-)_10.047。采用等电聚焦电泳可将PGM_1的个体识别能力(DP值)由用普通淀粉胶电泳分型的0.558提高到0.742。结果与世界上其他国家和地区人群相似,PGM_1在我国人群中同样是一个个体识别能力很高的多态性酶类。 相似文献
荷叶铁线蕨等位酶分析初步研究 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
荷叶铁线蕨 ( Adiantum reniforme var.sinense)是铁线蕨科铁线蕨属肾叶铁线蕨的一个变种〔1〕,分布于重庆市万县、石柱等县的沿江近 1 0 0 km长的狭长地段 ,分布高度局限于海拔 80~ 430 m之间 〔2〕。受其自身生物学、生态学习性的局限和人为的破坏 ,该物种正濒于灭绝的边缘。三峡工程修建后 ,库区内1 75m线以下的地区将被淹没 ,将更加剧该物种的濒危程度。为了挽救这一物种已经采取了许多措施 ,迁地保护是其中的重要措施之一 ,中国科学院武汉植物研究所在这一方面已经做了一些工作 〔3~ 5〕。为了有效地实施迁地保护 ,保存该物种的大部… 相似文献
复合淀粉凝胶电泳同工酶分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了克服水解马铃薯淀粉不易获得的困难,并使“I发片淀粉凝胶电泳同工酶分析”更容易开展,普通的化学试剂马铃薯淀粉(或精制食用马铃薯淀粉)和可溶性淀粉混合物加入适当 剂被用来代替水解马铃薯淀粉制作凝胶。试验结果表明:用8 ̄10%的上述混合淀粉(5:3),添加1%的琼脂粉和2 ̄4%的蔗糖,所制成的“复合淀粉凝胶”可以很好地被切片,并成功地对许多不同类群的植物材料的PGM、PGI、MDH、AAT、SKDH 相似文献
泡沙参同工酶基因位点的遗传分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,对来自天然群体 (居群 )的泡沙参 (Adenophora potaninii Korsh.)及其人工杂交子代进行了 8种同工酶的电泳检测和谱带遗传分析 ,以确定编码这些酶系统的基因位点和等位基因。选用 4种不同的凝胶缓冲系统 ,对下列不同酶系统进行了酶谱的遗传分析 :天冬氨酸转氨酶 (AAT)、酯酶 (EST)、甲酸脱氢酶 (FDH)、谷氨酸脱氢酶 (GDH)、异柠檬酸脱氢酶 (IDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、苹果酸酶 (ME)和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)。结果表明 ,这 8种酶系统至少由 1 8个基因位点编码 ,其中 1 2个位点为遗传稳定的等位酶位点 ,是可靠的遗传标记。酶谱的分离式样表明 ,EST为单聚体结构 ,AAT、FDH、IDH、SOD为二聚体结构 ,GDH为六聚体结构。最后对同工酶的器官和发育特异性以及同工酶基因位点的遗传分析进行了讨论 相似文献
两个雌核发育白鲢群体同工酶分析及遗传标记的确定 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Soluble and Particulate Forms of Rat Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Distinguished by Gel Electrophoresis and Immune Fixation 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Mark H. Grossman† C. R. Creveling‡ Robert Rybczynski Muriel Braverman Chaviva Isersky ‡ Xandra O. Breakefield§ 《Journal of neurochemistry》1985,44(2):421-432
Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) was visualized in homogenates and subcellular fractions of rat tissues, including liver and brain, by gel electrophoresis, electrophoretic transfer of proteins to nitrocellulose (Western blotting), and immune fixation with antiserum to highly purified soluble rat liver COMT. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of all tissue homogenates examined revealed three major immune-specific proteins with apparent molecular weights 23,000, 26,000, and 66,000 (23K, 26K and 66K). Centrifugation of homogenates at 100,000 X g for 60 min resulted in the enrichment of the 26K species protein in the pellet whereas the 23K and 66K proteins were the predominant forms in the supernatant. The 66K protein appeared in variable amounts depending on the tissue being examined and the length of transfer of protein and is assumed to be an "aggregate" of the smaller form(s). The 26K protein was essentially the only immunoreactive species seen in a purified preparation of rat liver outer mitochondrial membrane. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) under denaturing conditions and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of brain and liver fractions showed that the 23K protein was resolved into three bands of pI 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, whereas the 26K protein had a pI of 6.2. Analysis of COMT activity in slices from nondenaturing IEF gels indicated that the pI 5.1-5.3 species are biologically active; the pI 6.2 species could not be detected under these conditions. COMT activity was demonstrated, however, in outer mitochondrial membranes from rat liver, which contain predominantly the 26K, pI 6.2 immunoreactive species. The major form of COMT in all rat tissues examined is "soluble" with an apparent Mr of 23K and a pI of 5.2. The nature of the modifications giving rise to pI 5.1 and 5.3 forms of this enzyme are not clear, nor is the relationship between the 23K and 26K forms. Further studies are needed to elucidate the relationship of immunoreactive forms of COMT to each other, their intracellular location, and their functional significance. 相似文献
CYNTHIA M. HOFFMANS DANIEL Y.C. FUNG 《Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology》1992,1(4):287-294
An effective way for inoculation of bacteria into dry foods/ingredients that gives a uniform mixture was developed. In the first part of this experiment, Salmonella typhimurium was successfully inoculated into chalk. Chalk tubes were weighed then soaked in a broth with S. typhimurium and allowed to dry back to their original weight. the dried chalk was made into a powder form. A viable cell count of this chalk, using a selective media for S. typhimurium , showed that the organism survived the drying while entrapped in the chalk. the "charged" chalk was used in an experiment as a dry inoculum where it was mixed with a low-moisture poultry feed. In comparison to a liquid inoculum, the "charged" chalk was a superior way of inoculating into dry particles because it created a more homogenous mixture with the feed without altering any properties of the feed itself. the second part of this experiment entailed a shelf-life study of the "charged" chalk. the same procedures for inoculating chalk were done using ten different cultures including Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Lactobacillus plantarum, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus , and Streptococcus faecalis. Data showed that the cultures are stable in the chalk for at least six months. 相似文献
The genetical control and tissue-specificity of esterase isozymes in hexaploid wheat 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
C. J. Liu M. D. Gale 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1994,88(6-7):796-802
A comparative genetic analysis of esterase (E.C. isozymes of wheat cultivar Chinese Spring in endosperm, embryo, coleoptile, leaf and root tissues revealed eight sets of isozymes characterised by different tissue specificities, pI ranges and the chromosomal locations of their controlling genes. This data was considered together with previously published work, resulting in a proposed rationalization of nine sets of wheat esterase isozymes. Although this classification included two sets of isozymes controlled by genes on the short arms of homoeologous group 3 chromosomes and three sets on the long arms of the same chromosomes, for which no recombination evidence of genetic distinctness has been obtained among either group, it is argued that the different characteristics of the various sets warrant retention of separate set nomenclatures. Previously unreported esterase genes includeEst-9, a low pI, monomeric, embryo-specific group with controlling genes on chromosomes 3BS and 3DS and two further members ofEs-1,Est-H1 inHordeum vulgare andEst-S
l1 inAegilops longissima. 相似文献
Mireille Chinain Michel Germain Yoshihiko Sako Serge Pauillac Anne-Marie Legrand 《Journal of phycology》1997,33(1):36-43
Intraspecific variation among 19 isolates of the ciguatera-causing dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus Adachi & Fukuyo (Dinophyceae) collected from French Polynesia, New Caledonia, and the French West Indies was investigated by isozyme analysis. Comparison of their cell sizes and growth rates revealed that significant variation exists among these clones. Comparison of electrophoretic patterns for seven enzyme systems indicated that G. toxicus is comprised of numerous biochemically distinct strains. Isolates from Tubuai and Hao appeared to be the most distantly related. Tahitian strains of G. toxicus also showed a remarkably low degree of similarity with the Tubuai isolates. The latter, which were taken from the same locale in Tubuai, also exhibited highly heterogeneous electrophoretic Profiles when compared to each other, suggesting a multiclonal origin. The single isolate analyzed from the Atlantic Ocean was most closely related to Tahitian isolates, despite their geographic separation. Finally, no clear relationship was found between the electrophoretic profiles of these isolates and their capacity to produce ciguatoxic compounds . 相似文献