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Keratoconus involves thinning and central protuberance of the cornea, scarring and significantly decreased vision. It is one of the major causes of corneal transplantation in this country, but the etiology of this disorder is unclear. In the present study stromal keratocytes were isolated and cultured from normal and keratoconus human corneas. Consistent with the phenotype of cornea thinning, we observed an increased gelatinolytic activity in keratoconus cultures. Characterization of enzyme properties in these cells suggested that gelatinase (type IV collagenase) was responsible for the majority of proteolytic activity found in this system. This elevated gelatinolytic activity was present in spite of lower amounts of total protein being produced by the keratoconus cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The longitudinal chromatic aberration (variation in the position of focus with wavelength) of corneal facet lenses of the houseflyMusca domestica is measured directly. The result is shown to agree with that calculated using the thick-lens formulas, the measured lens parameters and the dispersion of the refractive index of the lenses, measured with an interference microscope. The longitudinal chromatic aberration between the two wavelengths of peak absorption of fly rhabdomeres (360 nm and 495 nm) is about 2.5 m and comparable to the depth of focus of the lens, assuming the lens to be diffraction limited. Chromatic aberration is therefore expected to have little effect on optical image quality in the fly; in particular the effect on the modulation transfer function at the receptor level and on the angular sensitivity of the rhabdomeres is insignificant.Abbreviations LCA longitudinal chromatic aberration - MTF modulation transfer function  相似文献   

Total cellular RNA was extracted from cultured keratoconus and normal human corneal stromal cells. The translational activity of these RNAs was examined in a cell-free translation system derived from reticulocyte lysate. Results indicated that keratoconus cells can be separated into two groups, as has been shown previously. Group I keratoconus cells contained the same amount of total RNA as normal cells. RNA activity and the rate of mRNA synthesis in this group of keratoconus cells were also normal. By these criteria it seems that the protein synthesizing system is functioning properly, and group I keratoconus cells should have a normal rate of protein synthesis. These results correlate well with previous findings. Group II keratoconus cells, in contrast, contained more RNA than normal cells. The translational efficiency of RNA was so markedly reduced that the elevation in RNA content did not compensate for the decrease in translational efficiency. It is likely that the reduced protein and collagen synthesis in this group of cells is related to the reduction in the RNA activity. An inhibitory component was present in the keratoconus RNA which affected synthesis of all proteins and suppressed translation of normal RNA.  相似文献   



To determine the effect of Ultraviolet-A collagen cross-linking with hypo-osmolar and iso-osmolar riboflavin solutions on stromal collagen ultrastructure in normal and keratoconus ex vivo human corneas.


Using small-angle X-ray scattering, measurements of collagen D-periodicity, fibril diameter and interfibrillar spacing were made at 1 mm intervals across six normal post-mortem corneas (two above physiological hydration (swollen) and four below (unswollen)) and two post-transplant keratoconus corneal buttons (one swollen; one unswollen), before and after hypo-osmolar cross-linking. The same parameters were measured in three other unswollen normal corneas before and after iso-osmolar cross-linking and in three pairs of swollen normal corneas, in which only the left was cross-linked (with iso-osmolar riboflavin).


Hypo-osmolar cross-linking resulted in an increase in corneal hydration in all corneas. In the keratoconus corneas and unswollen normal corneas, this was accompanied by an increase in collagen interfibrillar spacing (p<0.001); an increase in fibril diameter was also seen in two out of four unswollen normal corneas and one unswollen keratoconus cornea (p<0.001). Iso-osmolar cross-linking resulted in a decrease in tissue hydration in the swollen normal corneas only. Although there was no consistent treatment-induced change in hydration in the unswollen normal samples, iso-osmolar cross-linking of these corneas did result in a compaction of collagen fibrils and a reduced fibril diameter (p<0.001); these changes were not seen in the swollen normal corneas. Collagen D-periodicity was not affected by either treatment.


The observed structural changes following Ultraviolet-A cross-linking with hypo-osmolar or iso-osmolar riboflavin solutions are more likely a consequence of treatment-induced changes in tissue hydration rather than cross-linking.  相似文献   

This case presentation describes the appearance of unexplained bilateral stromal ring-shaped opacities in a 73-year-old female. A world-wide literature search has revealed only seven other reported cases of similar stromal ring-opacities. At this time, the etiology and composition of the rings remains unclear. However, due to the location, symmetry, bilaterality and non-inflammatory nature of the rings, they may represent a rare form of corneal dystrophy.  相似文献   

We have examined the collagens synthesized by cultures of normal human corneal stromal cells. Radioactively labeled products, accumulated in the culture medium during a 24-h labeling period, were treated with pepsin and analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The cell layer collagen was characterized by 2.6 M and 4.4 M salt fractionation at neutral pH. CM-cellulose column chromatography, SDS-gel electrophoresis, and cyanogen bromide peptide mapping. Type I alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains were the predominant components in both the cell layer and the medium fractions of normal human stromal cultures; type III collagen was found mostly in the culture medium; and type V collagen was associated with the cell layer. Immunofluorescent techniques used to visualize collagen deposition in the cell layer confirmed the presence of these collagen types. Keratoconus is a disease characterized by thinning and scarring of the central cornea. Stromal cells grown from keratoconus corneas produced similar types of collagen (types I, III, and V) as normal human controls. Cells from keratoconus patients, however, contained more type V collagen in the cell layer than did normal cells. The difference was seen only in the 4.4 M salt precipitates. Since type V collagen is one component of cell surfaces, the primary defect in cultures from keratoconus corneas could involve cell membrane and cell surface components.  相似文献   

The optimal shape of the corneal lens of the water bug backswimmer (Notonecta glauca) and the optimal shape and position of the thin transition layer between the distal and proximal units of its cornea are theoretically determined. Using a geometric optical method, first the shape of a geometric interface between the lens units is determined, which eliminates the longitudinal spherical aberration. This interface is investigated for differently formed thick lenses when the medium in contact with the entrance surface of the lens is water or air. The optimal transition layer for the amphibious backswimmer is that, the boundaries of which are the theoretical interfaces for water and air, and the refractive index varies continuously in it. The optimal shape of the corneal lens is determined, with the disadvantageous lenses, with respect to the possible minimal spherical aberration and amount of reflected light from the transition layer, being rejected. The optimal position of the transition layer in the cornea can be obtained from the minimization of the amount of diffracted light on the marginal connection of the layers. The optimal corneal lens for backswimmer has ellipsoid boundary surfaces; the optimal transition layer in it is thin bell-shaped, at the marginal connection of which there is no dimple, the maximum of the layer is on the margin of the cornea. The shape of the theoretically optimal corneal lens, the shape and position of the theoretically optimal transition layer agree well with those of Notonecta glauca. The question posed, the geometric optical method used and the results presented are of general importance, and not only with respect to vision in the bug Notonecta, but also in the fossil trilobites, or in the wave guide theories which have been employed in similar modelling problems, in design of system of lenses without spherical aberration, for example.  相似文献   

We measured corneal power using an Oculus Pentacam® to assess its accuracy for calculating intraocular lens (IOL) power after myopic refractive surgery. A series of corneal power measurements were performed on 22 patients (43 eyes) who had undergone myopic refractive surgery. In 37 of the 43 eyes, phacoemulsification and IOL implantation subsequently were performed. Conventional keratometry and three corneal measurements (mean true net power, central true net power, and 4.5 mm equivalent K reading) obtained using a Pentacam were analyzed and compared to values derived from the clinical history method. Prediction errors of three Pentacam corneal power measurements inserted in third generation IOL formulas also were compared. Analysis of the variance showed that only two Pentacam corneal measurements, mean true net power and central true net power, were not significantly different from those of the clinical history method. Mean true net power was correlated more closely with the clinical history method corneal power than other corneal power values. The one-sample t-test showed that of three Pentacam corneal measurements combined with third-generation formulas, only the mean true net power inserted in the SRK/T implant power calculation formula was not significantly different from zero. The percentages of eyes within ± 0.50 D and ± 1.00 D of the refractive prediction error of this method were 67.6% and 86.5%, respectively. Mean true net power inserted in the SRK/T formula can be used to calculate directly IOL power after myopic refractive surgery.  相似文献   

In this study, we have shown that the secretion of plasminogen activators (PA) by corneal fibroblasts from Schnyder dystrophy is much lower than that secreted by normal corneal fibroblasts. This defective secretion of PA was noted both in the supernatant of cell culture and on the cell surface. This anomaly is found in cultured fibroblasts and therefore is not related to environment modification. Since PA was implicated in remodeling of extracellular matrix, we hypothesized that this anomaly should be responsible for the corneal dystrophy.  相似文献   



Mammalian Ras genes regulate diverse cellular processes including proliferation and differentiation and are frequently mutated in human cancers. Tumor development in response to Ras activation varies between different tissues and the molecular basis for these variations are poorly understood. The murine lens and cornea have a common embryonic origin and arise from adjacent regions of the surface ectoderm. Activation of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathway induces the corneal epithelial cells to proliferate and the lens epithelial cells to exit the cell cycle. The molecular mechanisms that regulate the differential responses of these two related tissues have not been defined. We have generated transgenic mice that express a constitutively active version of human H-Ras in their lenses and corneas.  相似文献   

The dose-response curves of the central and peripheral airways to intravenously injected nicotine were studied in 55 anesthetized dogs. With intact vagi, nicotine caused a dose-dependent increase in central airway resistance (Rc) similar to the increase in peripheral airway resistance (Rp) at concentrations ranging from 4 to 64 micrograms/kg. However, the responses of both Rc and Rp fell progressively when sequential doses of nicotine greater than 256 micrograms/kg were administered. With intact vagi and the administration of propranolol, there was a greater increase in Rp than in Rc at a nicotine dose of 64 micrograms/kg (P less than 0.05). With vagotomy, the responsiveness of both central and peripheral airways to nicotine decreased with doses of nicotine less than 64 micrograms/kg, but with doses of nicotine greater than 256 micrograms/kg the suppressive effect of nicotine on both Rc and Rp was less than that seen with intact vagi. Under conditions in which the vagi were cut and atropine administered, the responsiveness of nicotine was even further depressed. Combinations either of atropine and chlorpheniramine or atropine and phenoxybenzamine also completely blocked reactions to nicotine. Additionally reactions to nicotine were completely blocked by hexamethonium. These results suggest that nicotine increases both Rc and Rp mainly through a vagal reflex and stimulation of the parasympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

Basonuclin is a zinc finger protein with highly restricted tissue distribution. It has been found in abundance only in keratinocytes of stratified epithelia and the germ cells of the testis and ovary. We studied the expression pattern of basonuclin in relation to cellular proliferation and differentiation in murine corneal and lens epithelia, two self-renewing tissues in the eye which contain cells that proliferate throughout life. Mouse corneal and lens epithelial cells at various stages of development were labeled with BrdU for 90 min to detect cells in S phase and to establish proliferative rates. Whole eyes of mouse or rat were processed for frozen sections and cellular basonuclin was detected by either a rabbit antimouse- or a rabbit anti-human-basonuclin antibody. Basonuclin was expressed in virtually all cells in the basal layer of corneal epithelium and in the pre-equatorial lens epithelium, the respective proliferative compartments of adult corneal and lens epithelia. Basonuclin expression in corneal epithelium began at post-natal life day 4, first in a few cells and then spread to virtually all basal cells at day 20. Basonuclin was consistently absent in limbal epithelium. Lens basonuclin, which was detected earlier than that of the cornea, was confined to the pre-equatorial epithelium and was absent in equatorial cells that expressed p57KIP2, an early differentiation marker for these cells. An important distinction between corneal and lens basonuclin is that the former is predominantly nuclear whereas the latter cytoplasmic.  相似文献   

Corneal epithelium is known to have high levels of some metabolic enzymes such as aldehyde dehydrogenase in mammals, gelsolin in zebrafish, and alpha-enolase in several species. Analogous to lens crystallins, these enzymes and proteins are referred to as corneal crystallins, although their precise function is not established in any species. Although it is known that after lentectomy, the outer cornea undergoes transdifferentiation to regenerate a lens only in anuran amphibians, major proteins expressed in an anuran cornea have not been identified. This study therefore aimed to identify the major corneal proteins in the Indian toad (Bufo melanostictus) and the Indian frog (Rana tigrina). Soluble proteins of toad and frog corneas were resolved on two-dimensional gels and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight/time-of-flight and electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight. We report that anuran cornea is made up of the full complement of ubiquitous lens alpha-, beta-, and gamma-crystallins, mainly localized in the corneal epithelium. In addition, some taxon-specific lens crystallins and novel proteins, such as alpha- or beta-enolase/tau-crystallin, were also identified. Our data present a unique case of the anuran cornea where the same crystallins are used in the lens and in the cornea, thus supporting the earlier idea that crystallins are essential for the visual functions of the cornea as they perform for the lens. High levels of lens alpha-, beta-, and gamma-crystallins have not been reported in the cornea of any species studied so far and may offer a possible explanation for their inability to regenerate a lens after lentectomy. Our data that anuran cornea has an abundant quantity of almost all the lens crystallins are consistent with its ability to form a lens, and this connection is worthy of further studies.  相似文献   

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