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Breathing during the first postnatal hours has not been examined in mice, the preferred mammalian species for genetic studies. We used whole body plethysmography to measure ventilation (VE), breath duration (T(TOT)), and tidal volume (VT) in mice delivered vaginally (VD) or by cesarean section (CS). In experiment 1, 101 VD and 100 CS pups aged 1, 6, 12, 24, or 48 h were exposed to 8% CO2 or 10% O2 for 90 s. In experiment 2, 31 VD pups aged 1, 12, or 24 h were exposed to 10% O2 for 5 min. Baseline breathing maturation was delayed in CS pups, but VE responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia were not significantly different between VD and CS pups [at postnatal age of 1 h (H1): 48 +/- 44 and 18 +/- 32%, respectively, in VD and CS pups combined]. The VE increase induced by hypoxia was greater at H12 (46 +/- 27%) because of T(TOT) response maturation. At all ages, hypoxic decline was ascribable mainly to a VT decrease, and posthypoxic decline was ascribable to a T(TOT) increase with apneas, suggesting different underlying neuronal mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of hyperoxic hypercapnia on cardiovascular and ventilatory variables and blood gas and acid/base parameters were examined in conscious and anesthetized spontaneously breathing (ASB) channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. These separate experiments were designed to determine: (1) if channel catfish show a ventilatory response to hypercapnic acidosis when blood O(2) content is maintained in conscious animals; and (2) whether branchial receptors innervated by cranial nerves IX and X mediate this response. The combination of high O(2) and CO(2) tensions allowed the cardioventilatory effects of hypercapnic acidosis to be assessed independently of Root or Bohr mediated changes in blood O(2) content. In the absence of significant changes in dorsal or ventral aorta O(2) content, hyperoxic hypercapnia significantly stimulated ventilation, relative to hyperoxic exposure. Hypercapnic acidosis, however, had no significant effects on blood pressure or heart rate. Branchial denervation in ASB fish abolished the ventilatory response to hypercapnic acidosis. The results indicate that hypercapnic acidosis independently stimulates ventilation in channel catfish. This response is mediated by CO(2)/pH-sensitive branchial receptors innervated by cranial nerves IX and X.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a well-characterized, noninvasive means of assessing cardiac autonomic nervous system activity. This study examines the basic cardiac responses to hypoxic and hypercapnic challenges in seven strains of commonly used inbred mice (A/J, BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, CBA/J, DBA/2J, and FVB/J). Adult male mice, 8-12 wk of age, were chronically instrumented to a femoral artery catheter for the continuous measurement of systemic arterial blood pressure and heart rate. Mice were exposed to multiple 4-min periods of hypoxia (10% O2), hypercapnia (5% CO2), and combined hypoxia/hypercapnia (10% O2 + 5% CO2). HRV was derived from pulse intervals of the blood pressure tracings. Hypoxia induced increases in high-frequency HRV power and decreased low-frequency (LF) HRV power in most strains. Hypercapnia led to decreased high-frequency HRV power and increased LF HRV power in most strains. Strain differences were most notable in regard to the concomitant exposures of hypoxia and hypercapnia, with FVB/J mice mirroring their own response to hypercapnia alone, whereas CBA/J mice mirrored their own responses to hypoxia. As blood pressure is most likely the driving factor for heart rate changes via the baroreflex pathway, it is interesting that LF, considered to reflect cardiac sympathetic activity, was negatively correlated with heart rate, suggesting that LF changes are driven by baroreflex oscillation and not necessarily by absolute sympathetic or parasympathetic activity to the heart. These findings suggest that genetic background can influence the centrally mediated cardiovascular responses to basic hypoxic and hypercapnic challenges.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate whether newborn rats respond to acute hypoxia with a biphasic pattern as other newborn species, the characteristics of their ventilatory response to hypercapnia, and the ventilatory response to combined hypoxic and hypercapnic stimuli. First, we established that newborn unanesthetized rats (2-4 days old) exposed to 10% O2 respond as other species. Their ventilation (VE), measured by flow plethysmography, immediately increased by 30%, then dropped and remained around normoxic values within 5 min. The drop was due to a decrease in tidal volume, while frequency remained elevated. Hence, alveolar ventilation was about 10% below normoxic value. At the same time O2 consumption, measured manometrically, dropped (-23%), possibly indicating a mechanism to protect vital organs. Ten percent CO2 in O2 breathing determined a substantial increase in VE (+47%), indicating that the respiratory pump is capable of a marked sustained hyperventilation. When CO2 was added to the hypoxic mixture, VE increased by about 85%, significantly more than without the concurrent hypoxic stimulus. Thus, even during the drop in VE of the biphasic response to hypoxia, the respiratory control system can respond with excitation to a further increase in chemical drive. Analysis of the breathing patterns suggests that in the newborn rat in hypoxia the inspiratory drive is decreased but the inspiratory on-switch mechanism is stimulated, hypercapnia increases ventilation mainly through an increase in respiratory drive, and moderate asphyxia induces the most powerful ventilatory response by combining the stimulatory action of hypercapnia and hypoxia.  相似文献   

Ventilatory responses (VRs) were measured via a sealed face mask and pneumotachograph in 30 unsedated, mixed-breed miniature piglets at 12.6 +/- 2.3 days of age (day 1) and then repeated after seven daily 24-min exposures to 10% O(2)-6% CO(2) [hypercapnic hypoxia (HH)]. Arterial blood was sampled at baseline, after 10 min of exposure, and after 10 min of recovery. VRs included hypoxia (10% O(2) in N(2)), hypercapnia (6% CO(2) in air), and HH (10% O(2)-6% CO(2)-balance N(2)). Treatment groups (n = 10 each) were exposed to 24 min of HH from day 2 to 8 as sustained HH (24 min of HH and then 24 min of air) or cyclic HH (4 min of HH alternating with 4 min of air). Day 1 and 9 data were compared in treatment and control groups. After cyclic HH, respiratory responses to CO(2) were reduced during hypercapnia and during HH (P < 0.001 vs. control for minute ventilation in both). In both treatment groups, time to peak minute ventilation was delayed in hypoxia (P = 0.02, ANOVA), and response amplitude was increased (P < 0.001 and P = 0.003, sustained and cyclic HH, respectively, vs. control). Respiratory pattern was also altered during the VRs and among treatment groups. Stimulus presentation characteristics exert effects on VRs that are independent of those elicited by daily HH.  相似文献   

Breathing variability and ventilatory response to carbon dioxide (SCO2) were studied after premedication with moradol, in healthy subjects and those with acute pain syndrome. Inverse relationship between SCO2 and breathing variability was established. SCO2 was the highest in the group of patients with acute pain syndrome and the lowest in patients after premedication with moradol.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase (HO) catalyzes physiological heme degradation and consists of two structurally related isozymes, HO-1 and HO-2. Here we show that HO-2-deficient (HO-2(-/-)) mice exhibit hypoxemia and hypertrophy of the pulmonary venous myocardium associated with increased expression of HO-1. The hypertrophied venous myocardium may reflect adaptation to persistent hypoxemia. HO-2(-/-) mice also show attenuated ventilatory responses to hypoxia (10% O2) with normal responses to hypercapnia (10% CO2), suggesting the impaired oxygen sensing. Importantly, HO-2(-/-) mice exhibit normal breathing patterns with normal arterial CO2 tension and retain the intact alveolar architecture, thereby excluding hypoventilation and shunting as causes of hypoxemia. Instead, ventilation-perfusion mismatch is a likely cause of hypoxemia, which may be due to partial impairment of the lung chemoreception probably at pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. We therefore propose that HO-2 is involved in oxygen sensing and responsible for the ventilation-perfusion matching that optimizes oxygenation of pulmonary blood.  相似文献   

This study of newborn (3-10 day old) and juvenile (6-8 mo old) in situ isolated lamb lungs was undertaken to determine whether 1) histamine receptor blockade accentuates hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction more in newborns than in juveniles, 2) histamine infusion causes a decrease in both normoxic pulmonary vascular resistance and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in newborns, and 3) the H1-mediated dilator response to infused histamine in newborns is due to enhanced dilator prostaglandin release. Pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) was determined at baseline and in response to histamine (infusion rates of 0.1-10.0 micrograms.kg-1 min-1) in control, H1-blocked, H2-blocked, combined H1- and H2-blocked, and cyclooxygenase-inhibited H2-blocked lungs under "normoxic" (inspired O2 fraction 0.28) and hypoxic (inspired O2 fraction 0.04) conditions. In newborns, H1-receptor blockade markedly accentuated baseline hypoxic Ppa, and H2-receptor blockade caused an increase in baseline normoxic Ppa. In juveniles, neither H1 nor H2 blockade altered baseline normoxic or hypoxic Ppa. Histamine infusion caused both H1- and H2-mediated decreases in Ppa in normoxic and hypoxic newborn lungs. In juvenile lungs, histamine infusion also caused H2-mediated decreases in Ppa during both normoxia and hypoxia. During normoxia, histamine infusion caused an H1-mediated increase in normoxic Ppa in juveniles as previously seen in mature animals; however, during hypoxia there was an H1-mediated decrease in Ppa at low doses of histamine followed by an increase in Ppa. Combined histamine-receptor blockade markedly reduced both dilator and pressor responses to histamine infusion. Indomethacin failed to alter the H1-mediated dilator response to histamine in newborns.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Housing conditions affect animal physiology. We previously showed that the hypoxic ventilatory and thermoregulatory responses to hypoxia of adult male rats housed in triads during the juvenile period (postnatal day 21 to adulthood) were significantly reduced compared with animals housed in pairs. Because sex hormones influence development and responsiveness to environmental stressors, this study investigated the impact of housing on the respiratory and thermoregulatory physiology of female rats. Since neonatal stress attenuates the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) of female rats at adulthood, experiments were performed both on "control" (undisturbed) animals and rats subjected to neonatal maternal separation (NMS; 3 h/day, postnatal days 3-12). At adulthood, ventilatory activity was measured by whole body plethysmography under normoxic and hypoxic conditions [fraction of inspired oxygen (Fi(O(2))) = 0.12; 20 min]. The ventilatory and body temperature responses to hypoxia of female rats raised in triads were reduced compared with rats housed in pairs. Housing female rats in triads did not affect basal or hypoxic plasma corticosterone levels but did increase levels of estradiol significantly. We conclude that modest changes in housing conditions (pairs vs. triads) from weaning to adulthood does influence basic homeostatic functions such as temperature and respiratory regulation. Triad housing can reverse the manifestations of respiratory instability at adulthood induced by stressful neonatal treatments. This should raise awareness of the benefits of increasing social interactions in clinical settings but also caution researchers of the potential impact of such subtle changes on experimental protocols and interpretation of results.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether change in physical activity was associated with maintaining a healthy weight from childhood to adulthood. This prospective cohort study examined 1,594 young Australian adults (48.9% female) aged 27-36 years who were first examined at age 9-15 years as part of a national health and fitness survey. BMI was calculated from measured height and weight, and physical activity was self-reported at both time points; pedometers were also used at follow-up. Change in physical activity was characterized by calculating the difference between baseline and follow-up z-scores. Change scores were categorized as decreasing (large, moderate), stable, or increasing (large, moderate). Healthy weight was defined in childhood as a BMI less than international overweight cutoff points, and in adulthood as BMI<25 kg/m(2). Healthy weight maintainers were healthy weight at both time points. Compared with those who demonstrated large relative decreases in physical activity, females in all other groups were 25-37% more likely to be healthy weight maintainers, although associations differed according to the physical activity measure used at follow-up and few reached statistical significance. Although younger males whose relative physical activity moderately or largely increased were 27-34% more likely to be healthy weight maintainers than those whose relative physical activity largely decreased, differences were not statistically significant. In conclusion, relatively increasing and stable physical activity from childhood to adulthood was only weakly associated with healthy weight maintenance. Examining personal, social, and environmental factors associated with healthy weight maintenance will be an important next step in understanding why some groups avoid becoming overweight.  相似文献   

To investigate the hypothesis that endurance exercise may lead to a decrease in ventilatory chemosensitivity as possibly mediated by an increase in endogenous beta-endorphins, we measured hypercapnic ventilatory responsiveness (HCVR) and circulating beta-endorphin immunoreactivity in six runners before and after a marathon (42.2 km) race and after administration of 10 mg iv naloxone. Similar testing was performed at identical time periods on the day before the marathon as control data. On each occasion, HCVR was measured twice 15 min apart, and the mean value was used for analysis. Six active (training distance 50-104 km/wk) and experienced (no. of marathons completed, 1-25) runners participated in the study. There were no significant changes in beta-endorphin activity or HCVR on the control day. All runners experienced a rise in beta-endorphin activity from premarathon (21.3 +/- 16.0 pg/ml) to immediate postmarathon (89.6 +/- 84.9 pg/ml) values (P less than 0.05). However, HCVR showed no significant change at any of the three testing periods on the marathon day. To investigate whether a time delay may have affected the lack of response to naloxone, additional testing was performed in five subjects, except that 10 mg iv naloxone was given within 10 min after completion of the marathon, and then HCVR was measured. Although there was a greater than fourfold increase in beta-endorphin immunoreactivity after the marathon, there was no significant change in HCVR after naloxone administration. We conclude that natural increases in endogenous beta-endorphin activity associated with marathon running do not modulate central chemosensitivity.  相似文献   

To confirm the effects of physical training and detraining on CO2 chemosensitivity, we followed hypercapnic ventilatory response at rest in the same five subjects during pre-, post- and detraining for 6 years. They joined our university badminton teams as freshmen and participated regularly in their team's training for about 3 h a day, three times a week, for 4 years. After that they retired from their teams and stopped training in order to study in the graduate school for 2 years. Maximum pulmonary ventilation (VEmax) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) for each subject were determined during maximal treadmill exercise. The slope (S) of ventilatory response to carbon dioxide at rest was measured by Read's rebreathing method. Mean values of VEmax increased statistically during training and decreased statistically during detraining. A similar tendency was observed in VO2max. The average value of S before training was 1.91 l.min-1.mmHg-1, (+/- ) SD 0.52 and it decreased gradually with increasing training periods; the difference between the S values before (1980) and after training (1982, 1983 and 1984) were all significant. Furthermore, the mean values of S increased significantly during detraining as compared with those obtained at the end of training (April 1984). We concluded that in normal subjects, long-term physical training increases aerobic work capacity and decreases CO2 ventilatory responsiveness, and that the ventilatory adaptations with training observed here are reversible through detraining.  相似文献   

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