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The pfl operon is expressed at high levels anaerobically. Growth of Escherichia coli in the presence of nitrate or nitrite led to a 45% decrease in expression when cells were cultivated in rich medium. Nitrate repression, however, was significantly enhanced (sevenfold) when the cells were cultured in minimal medium. Regulation of pfl expression by nitrate was dependent on the NarL, NarP, NarQ, and NarX proteins but independent of FNR, ArcA, and integration host factor, which are additional regulators of pfl expression. Strains unable to synthesize any one of the NarL, NarP, NarQ, or NarX proteins, but retaining the capacity to synthesize the remaining three, exhibited essentially normal nitrate regulation. In contrast, narL narP and narX narQ double null mutants were devoid of nitrate regulation when cultured in rich medium but they retained some nitrate repression (1.3-fold) when grown in minimal medium. By using lacZ fusions, it was possible to localize the DNA sequences required to mediate nitrate repression to the pfl promoter-regulatory region. DNase I footprinting studies identified five potential binding sites for the wild-type NarL protein in the pfl promoter-regulatory region. Specific footprints were obtained only when NarL was phosphorylated with acetyl phosphate before the binding reaction was performed. Each of the protected regions contained at least one heptamer sequence which has been deduced from mutagenesis studies to be essential for NarL binding (K. Tyson, A. Bell, J. Cole, and S. Busby, Mol. Microbiol. 7:151-157, 1993).  相似文献   

The narX, narQ and narL genes of Escherichia coli encode a nitrate-responsive two-component regulatory system that controls the expression of many anaerobic electron-transport- and fermentation-related genes. When nitrate is present, the NarX and NarQ sensor-transmitter proteins function to activate the response-regulator protein, NarL, which in turn binds to its DNA-recognition sites to modulate gene expression. The sensor-transmitter proteins are anchored in the cytoplasmic membrane by two transmembrane domains that are separated by a periplasmic region of ≈115 amino acids. In this study we report the isolation and characterization of narX* (star) mutants that constitutively activate nitrate reductase (narGHJI) gene expression and repress fumarate reductase (frdABCD) gene expression when no nitrate is provided for the cell. An additional narX mutant was identified that has lost its ability to respond to environmental signals. Each narX defect was caused by a single amino acid substitution within a conserved 17 amino acid sequence, called the ‘P-box’, in the periplasmic exposed region of the NarX protein. As a result, DNA binding is then ‘locked-on’ or ‘locked-off’ to give the observed pattern of gene expression. Diploid analysis of these narX mutants showed that a NarX P-box mutant which confered a ‘locked-on’ phenotype was trans dominant over wild-type NarX. Both were also trans dominant over the NarX P-box mutant which conferred a ‘locked-off’ phenotype. Certain narX P-box mutations, when combined with a narX‘linker’ region mutation, were recessive to the NarX linker mutation. Finally, a truncated form of the NarX protein that lacked the periplasmic and membrane regions also showed a ‘locked-on’ phenotype in vivo. Thus, the periplasmic and membrane domains are essential for signal transduction to NarL. From these findings, we propose that nitrate is detected in the periplasmic space of the cell, and that a signal-transduction event through the cytoplasmic membrane into the interior of the cell modulates the NarX-dependent phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of NarL.  相似文献   

The NarL and NarP proteins are homologous response regulators of Escherichia coli that control the expression of several operons in response to nitrate and nitrite. A consensus heptameric NarL DNA-binding sequence has been identified, and previous observations suggest that the NarP protein has a similar sequence specificity. However, some operons are regulated by NarL alone, whereas others are controlled by both NarL and NarP. In this study, DNase I footprinting experiments with the fdnG , nirB and nrfA control regions revealed that NarP only binds to heptamer sequences organized as an inverted repeat with a 2 bp spacing (7–2–7 sites). The NarL protein also binds to these 7–2–7 sites but, unlike NarP, also recognizes heptamers in other arrangements. These results provide an explanation for the regulation of some operons by NarL alone and for the different effects of NarL and NarP at common target operons, such as fdnG and nrfA . To investigate this differential DNA binding further, derivatives of the nrfA control region were constructed in which the spacing of the 7–2–7 heptamers was increased (7– n –7 constructs). Increasing the spacing to four or more basepairs abolished NarP binding and significantly reduced NarL binding. The NarL protein also had a reduced binding affinity for heptamers adjacent to the 7– n –7 heptamer pair, suggesting a decrease in cooperative interactions. In conclusion, we propose that 7–2–7 sites are preferred by both NarL and NarP. NarL can also recognize other binding site arrangements, an ability that appears to be lacking in NarP.  相似文献   

The EnvZ protein is presumably a membrane-located osmotic sensor which is involved in expression of the ompF and ompC genes in Escherichia coli. Previously, we developed an in vitro method for analyzing the intact form of the EnvZ protein located in isolated cytoplasmic membranes, and demonstrated that this particular form of the EnvZ protein exhibits the ability not only as to OmpR phosphorylation but also OmpR dephosphorylation. In this study, to gain an insight into the structural and functional importance of the putative periplasmic domain of the EnvZ protein, a set of mutant EnvZ proteins, which lack various portions of the periplasmic domain, were characterized in terms of not only their in vivo osmoregulatory phenotypes but also in vitro EnvZ-OmpR phosphotransfer reactions. It was revealed that these deletion mutant EnvZ proteins are normally incorporated into the cytoplasmic membrane. Cells harboring these mutant EnvZ proteins showed a pleiotropic phenotype, namely, OmpF- Mal- LamB- PhoA-, and produced the OmpC protein constitutively irrespective of the medium osmolarity. It was also suggested that all of these mutant EnvZ proteins were defective in their in vitro OmpR dephosphorylation ability, while their OmpR phosphorylation ability remained unaffected. These results imply the functional importance of the periplasmic domain of the EnvZ protein for modulation of the kinase/phosphatase activity exhibited by the cytoplasmic domain in response to an environmental osmotic stimulus.  相似文献   

PAS domains sense oxygen, redox potential and light, and are implicated in behaviour, circadian rhythmicity, development and metabolic regulation. Although PAS domains are widespread in archaea, bacteria and eukaryota, the mechanism of signal transduction has been elucidated only for the bacterial photo sensor PYP and oxygen sensor FixL. We investigated the signalling mechanism in the PAS domain of Aer, the redox potential sensor and aerotaxis transducer in Escherichia coli. Forty-two residues in Aer were substituted using cysteine-replacement mutagenesis. Eight mutations resulted in a null phenotype for aerotaxis, the behavioural response to oxygen. Four of them also led to the loss of the non-covalently bound FAD cofactor. Three mutant Aer proteins, N34C, F66C and N85C, transmitted a constant signal-on bias. One mutation, Y111C, inverted signalling by the transducer so that positive stimuli produced negative signals and vice versa. Residues critical for signalling were mapped onto a three-dimensional model of the Aer PAS domain, and an FAD-binding site and 'active site' for signal transduction are proposed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli can respire anaerobically by reducing nitrate, trimethylamine-N-oxide, dimethyl sulfoxide, or fumarate. When nitrate is present, expression of the genes for fumarate (frdABCD), trimethylamine-N-oxide, and dimethyl sulfoxide (dmsABC) is repressed while expression of the nitrate reductase (narGHJI) gene is induced. This regulation requires molybdate and is mediated by the narX and narL gene products, which together form a two-component regulatory system. We provide evidence that NarX is a nitrate and molybdenum sensor which activates NarL when nitrate is available to cells. Mutants generated by hydroxylamine mutagenesis were repressed for frdA-lacZ expression even when cells were grown in the absence of nitrate. The mutations responsible for three of these nitrate independence (NarX*) phenotypes were localized to narX and further characterized in vivo for their ability to repress frdA-lacZ expression. Two of the mutants (the narX64 and narX71 mutants) had a greatly reduced requirement for molybdenum to function but still responded to nitrate. In contrast, a third mutant (the narX32 mutant) required molybdenum but did not exhibit full repression of frdA-lacZ expression even when nitrate was present. These narX* alleles also caused the induction of nitrate reductase gene expression and the repression of a dmsA-lacZ fusion in the absence of nitrate. Each narX* mutation was determined to lie in an 11-amino-acid region of the NarX polypeptide that follows a proposed transmembrane domain. We suggest that the conformation of the narX* gene products is altered such that even in the absence of nitrate each of these gene products more closely resembles the wild-type NarX protein when nitrate is present. These data establish a clear role for the narX gene product in gene regulation and strongly suggest its role in sensing nitrate and molybdenum.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli possesses three distinct formate dehydrogenase enzymes encoded by the fdnGHI, fdhF, and fdoGHI operons. To examine how two of the formate dehyrogenase operons (fdnGHI and fdhF) are expressed anaerobically in the presence of low, intermediate, and high levels of nitrate, nitrite, and formate, chemostat culture techniques were employed with fdnG-lacZ and fdhF-lacZ reporter fusions. Complementary patterns of gene expression were seen. Optimal fdhF-lacZ expression occurred only at low to intermediate levels of nitrate, while high nitrate levels caused up to 10-fold inhibition of gene expression. In contrast, fdnG-lacZ expression was induced 25-fold in the presence of intermediate to high nitrate concentrations. Consistent with prior reports, NarL was able to induce fdnG-lacZ expression. However, NarP could not induce expression; rather, it functioned as an antagonist of fdnG-lacZ expression under low-nitrate conditions (i.e., it was a negative regulator). Nitrite, a reported signal for the Nar sensory system, was unable to stimulate or suppress expression of either formate dehydrogenase operon via NarL and NarP. The different gene expression profiles of the alternative formate dehydrogenase operons suggest that the two enzymes have complementary physiological roles under environmental conditions when nitrate and formate levels are changing. Revised regulatory schemes for NarL- and NarP-dependent nitrate control are presented for each operon.  相似文献   

The Rcs signal transduction system of Escherichia coli regulating capsular polysaccharide synthesis (cps) genes is activated by overexpression of the djlA gene encoding a cytoplasmic membrane-anchored DnaJ-like protein. However, by monitoring the expression of a cpsB'-lac fusion in pgsA- and mdoH-null mutants in which the Rcs system is activated, we found that the Rcs activity was further increased by deletion of djlA and decreased by low-level extrachromosomal expression of djlA. Furthermore, deletion of djlA in a wild-type strain led to small but significant increase of the basal-level activity of the Rcs system. These results demonstrate that DjlA functions as a negative regulator of the Rcs system unless abnormally overproduced.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, envelope stress can be overcome by three different envelope stress responses: the sigma(E) stress response and the Bae and Cpx two-component systems. The Cpx envelope stress response is controlled by the sensor kinase CpxA, the response regulator CpxR, and the novel periplasmic protein CpxP. CpxP mediates feedback inhibition of the Cpx pathway through a hypothetical interaction with the sensing domain of CpxA. No informative homologues of CpxP are known, and thus it is unclear how CpxP exerts this inhibition. Here, we identified six cpxP loss-of-function mutations using a CpxP-beta-lactamase (CpxP'-'Bla) translational fusion construct. These loss-of-function mutations identified a highly conserved, predicted alpha-helix in the N-terminal domain of CpxP that affects both the function and the stability of the protein. In the course of this study, we also found that CpxP'-'Bla stability is differentially controlled by the periplasmic protease DegP in response to inducing cues and that mutation of degP diminishes Cpx pathway activity. We propose that the N-terminal alpha-helix is an important functional domain for inhibition of the Cpx pathway and that CpxP is subject to DegP-dependent proteolysis.  相似文献   

Two closely related signal transduction proteins, PII and GlnK, have distinct physiological roles in the regulation of nitrogen assimilation. Here, we examined the physiological roles of PII and GlnK when these proteins were expressed from various regulated or constitutive promoters. The results indicate that the distinct functions of PII and GlnK were correlated with the timing of expression and levels of accumulation of the two proteins. GlnK was functionally converted into PII when its expression was rendered constitutive and at the appropriate level, while PII was functionally converted into GlnK by engineering its expression from the nitrogen-regulated glnK promoter. Also, the physiological roles of both proteins were altered by engineering their expression from the nitrogen-regulated glnA promoter. We hypothesize that the use of two functionally identical PII-like proteins, which have distinct patterns of expression, may allow fine control of Ntr genes over a wide range of environmental conditions. In addition, we describe results suggesting that an additional, unknown mechanism may control the cellular level of GlnK.  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction systems (TCSs), utilized extensively by bacteria and archaea, are involved in the rapid adaptation of the organisms to fluctuating environments. A typical TCS transduces the signal by a phosphorelay between the sensor histidine kinase and its cognate response regulator. Recently, small-sized proteins that link TCSs have been reported and are called "connectors." Their physiological roles, however, have remained elusive. SafA (sensor associating factor A) (formerly B1500), a small (65-amino-acid [65-aa]) membrane protein, is among such connectors and links Escherichia coli TCSs EvgS/EvgA and PhoQ/PhoP. Since the activation of the EvgS/EvgA system induces acid resistance, we examined whether the SafA-activated PhoQ/PhoP system is also involved in the acid resistance induced by EvgS/EvgA. Using a constitutively active evgS1 mutant for the activation of EvgS/EvgA, we found that SafA, PhoQ, and PhoP all contributed to the acid resistance phenotype. Moreover, EvgS/EvgA activation resulted in the accumulation of cellular RpoS in the exponential-phase cells in a SafA-, PhoQ-, and PhoP-dependent manner. This RpoS accumulation was caused by another connector, IraM, expression of which was induced by the activation of the PhoQ/PhoP system, thus preventing RpoS degradation by trapping response regulator RssB. Acid resistance assays demonstrated that IraM also participated in the EvgS/EvgA-induced acid resistance. Therefore, we propose a model of a signal transduction cascade proceeding from EvgS/EvgA to PhoQ/PhoP and then to RssB (connected by SafA and IraM) and discuss its contribution to the acid resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of 88 proteins was measured in extracts from three strains of Escherichia coli K-12 that are isogenic except for the topA and gyrB genes. Mutations in these genes slightly raise or lower, respectively, steady-state DNA supercoiling levels but have little effect on growth rate. Altered protein abundances were observed in the mutant strains relative to wild type. Many proteins exhibited minimum abundance at wild-type supercoiling levels, and other proteins exhibited maximal abundance at relaxed levels. A smaller number showed maximal abundance at elevated levels of supercoiling. These data suggest that small, non-lethal changes in DNA supercoiling can have widespread effects on patterns of gene expression.  相似文献   

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