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Y Kogaya 《Histochemistry》1989,91(3):185-190
I investigated the ultrastructural localization and histochemical properties of sulfated glycoconjugates in developing enameloid matrix of the fish Polypterus senegalus, by use of the high iron diamine thiocarbohydrazide silver proteinate (HID-TCH-SP) staining and enzymatic digestion methods. HID-TCH-SP stain deposits were localized in the dental basal lamina and in the whole thickness of developing enameloid matrix, particularly closely associated with enameloid collagen fibrils. Most HID-TCH-SP stain deposits in the enameloid were susceptible to testicular hyaluronidase but some stain deposits survived. HID-TCH-SP stain deposits in the basal lamina resisted the enzymatic digestion, and were regularly localized to the internal and external sites of lamina densa at an early stage of development, subsequently tending to be randomly arranged with the increase in thickness of enameloid matrix layer. Furthermore, enzymatic digestion with heparitinase preferentially removed HID-TCH-SP stain deposits in the region of the basal lamina. Thus, it was confirmed that most HID-TCH-SP stain deposits in developing enameloid matrix are chondroitin 4-sulfate and/or 6-sulfate and that the stain deposits in the basal lamina represent heparan sulfate. The chondroitin sulfates tended to disappear with the advancement of enameloid mineralization.  相似文献   

Fishes are effectively weightless in water due to the buoyant support of the environment, but amphibious fishes must cope with increased effective weight when on land. Delicate structures such as gills are especially vulnerable to collapse and loss of surface area out of water. We tested the ‘structural support’ hypothesis that amphibious Polypterus senegalus solve this problem using phenotypically plastic changes that provide mechanical support and increase stiffness at the level of the gill lamellae, the filaments, and the whole arches. After 7 d in terrestrial conditions, enlargement of an inter-lamellar cell mass filled the water channels between gill lamellae, possibly to provide structural support and/or reduce evaporative water loss. Similar gill remodelling has been described in several other actinopterygian fishes, suggesting this may be an ancestral trait. There was no change in the mechanical properties or collagen composition of filaments or arches after 7 days out of water, but 8 months of terrestrial acclimation caused a reduction in gill arch length and mineralized bone volume. Thus, rather than increasing the size and stiffness of the gill skeleton, P. senegalus may instead reduce investment in supportive gill tissue while on land. These results are strikingly similar to the evolutionary trend of gill loss that occurred during the tetrapod invasion of land, raising the possibility that genetic assimilation of gill plasticity was an underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

This study describes the distribution and the coexpression of specific neurochemical markers in both neuroendocrine‐like cells (NEC‐like) and polymorphous granular cells (PGCs) that populate the mucociliated epithelium of the lung in the air‐breathing fish Polypterus senegalus, using confocal immunohistochemistry. Using confocal immunohistochemistry, we determined the coexpression of specific neurochemical markers. Colocalization studies showed that 5HT is coexpressed with calbindin and nNOS and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) is coexpressed with nNOS in the PGCs. This study also shows for the first time the simultaneous occurrence of piscidin 1 and 5HT in the PGCs. The function of these cells being equivalent to ones found in fish gill subepithelial parenchyma is still not known. Due to the importance of piscidin 1 in local immune defence, more research is to be useful to understand a possible interaction of PGCs with immune response in the bichir lung. In fact, the capacity of PGCs to produce NO and other neuroactive substances found in immune cells of fish may represent a primitive form of immunoregulation of innate immunity and specifically antimicrobial function as NO induction and respiratory burst activity are correlated with immune response.  相似文献   

Breathing and function of the spiracles in Polypterus senegalus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A M Magid 《Animal behaviour》1966,14(4):530-533

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(4):203-210
The present comparative histological study of the pectoral, caudal and anal fins of the polypterid Polypterus senegalus reveals the presence of a layer of dentine identified between the superficial ganoine patches and the bony part of the lepidotrichia in the three fins. Its extent varies depending on the fins. Similarly, the ganoine layer present at the surface of the proximal lepidotrichia shows fin-dependent differences in extent and distribution. The dentine layer is crossed by a system of thin worm-like vascular canaliculi that reach the ganoine layer and even penetrate within it as in the scales. In the lepidotrichia, the dentine lays directly on bone, which differs from the scales where dentine lies on isopedine, a plywood-like structure. Another difference between scales and lepidotrichia is the presence of actinotrichia that are unmineralised, fusiform rods of elastoidine located at the tip of the fins. Ontogenesis with differentiation of actinotrichia has no equivalent in scale formation. Although structural features are shared by lepidotrichia and scales in P. senegalus, observations on the scales and lepidotrichia support the hypothesis of Schaeffer (1977) that “scales and lepidotrichia are somewhat differently shaped manifestations of the same morphogenetic system”.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(4):450-463
Polypterus senegalus Cuvier, 1829 is one of the most basal living actinopterygian fish and a member of the Actinopterygii. We analyzed the spatial and temporal pattern of cranial muscle development of P. senegalus using whole‐mount immunostaining and serial sectioning. We described the detailed structure of the external gill muscles which divided into dorsal and ventral parts after yolk exhaustion. The pattern of the division is similar to that of urodeles. We suggest that, the external gill muscles of P. senegalus are involved in spreading and folding of the external gill stem and the branches. The fibers of the external gill muscles appear postero‐lateral to the auditory capsule. In addition, the facial nerve passes through the external gills. Therefore, the external gill muscles are probably derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis. In contrast to previous studies, we described the mm. interhyoideus and hyohyoideus fibers as independent components in the yolk‐sac larvae. The m. hyohyoideus fibers appear lateral to the edge of the ventral portion of the external gill muscles, which are probably derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis. These findings suggest that the m. hyohyoidues is derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis in P. senegalus . In other actinopterygians, the m. hyohyoideus is derived from the m. constrictor hyoideus ventralis; therefore, the homology of the m. hyohyoidues of P. senegalus and other actinopterygians remains unclear. J. Morphol. 278:450–463, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two hitherto unknown ligaments that assist in holding the brain in position occur in the brachiopterygian fish Polypterus senegalus. These rounded fibrous cords, placed one behind the other, are called ligamentum intracraniale transversum and ligamentum intracraniale obliquum. The former spans the orbitotemporal division of the cranial cavity and passes through the velum transversum. The latter, which is paired, extends from the roof to the sidewall of the endocranium and runs in the rhombomesencephalic sulcus in company with the trochlear nerve. It is argued that these intracranial ligments, like the spinal denticulate ligaments, are derivatives of a pair of fibrous bands which in early craniate phylogeny extended throughout the length of the neuraxial meninx and enhanced its tensile strength. It is also argued that at least the transverse intracranial ligament was already in existence some 350 million years ago.  相似文献   

A component of the basal plate which has a plywood-like organization similar to that of the elasmoid scales of teleosts is described in the scales of Polypterus senegalus for the first time. The origin and development of this structure is studied in young (50-117 mm, standard length) and adult (225 and 240 mm) specimens using light and electron microscopy. In 50 mm fish, the scales are imbricated and composed mainly of a succession of orthogonal collagen layers forming a plywood-like structure, the isopedin. The outer surface of the scale is ornamented locally by irregular patches of collagenous material. The layers are not mineralized, whereas the superficial patches are well calcified. The isopedin thickens until it has 12-15 layers and then stops growing (88 mm fish). It mineralizes irregularly from its upper part, and two vascular regions, surrounded by woven-fibered osseous material, form on the outer and deeper surfaces of the isopedin. These regions thicken while the vascular canals close by centripetal deposition of parallel-fibered osseous tissue. The outer region is the superficial part of the mature scale (called here osteodentin), which is covered by the ganoine deposited by the epidermal cells. The deeper part constitutes the definitive basal plate, composed of parallel-fibered osseous tissue. The results show 1) that the young ganoid scales of Polypterus senegalus have a structure similar to that of typical elasmoid scales; and 2) that the isopedin structure does not change during ontogeny and so represents a permanent record of the first ontogenetic stages. The phylogenetic implication of these results is that the elasmoid scales of teleosts arose by a process of paedomorphosis.  相似文献   

Investigations into the origin of the excretory system cells in Polypterus have shown a few interesting items about the first stages of mesoderm development in these fishes. After the gastrulation the mesoderm is not completely separated from the endoderm. The appearance of cavities in the mesoderm is quite limited and it even is but ephemeral in the superior part (in the epimeres). Lateral extensions of the mesomeric zones of the six most anterior metameres (especially metameres II to V) form the anlage of the pronephric duct. The latter will continue its way in a posterior and inferior direction without any participation of other mesoderm material. The elongation of the undifferentiated material that had been concentrated around the blastoporus will be responsible for the formation of the major part of the body, and mesoderm will play an important role in it. An enterocelic relation between mesoderm and endoderm in the anal region, as Kerr had conjected to see it, is due to the existence of evaginations of endoderm but gives no support to the enterocelic theory.  相似文献   

M. M. Babiker 《Hydrobiologia》1984,110(1):351-363
The respiratory behaviour and partitioning of O2 uptake between air and water were investigated in Polypterus genegalus using continuous-flow and two-phase respirometers and lung gas replacement techniques P. senegalus rarely resorts to aerial respiration under normal conditions. Partitioning of O2 consumption depends on the activity and age of fish and the availability of aquatic oxygen. Immature fish (12–22 g) cannot utilize aerial O2 but older fish exhibit age-dependent reliance on aerial respiration in hypoxic and hypercarbic waters. Pulmonary respiration accounts for 50% of the total requirement at aquatic O2 concentrations of about 3.5 mg · l–1 (or CO2 of about 5%) and fish rely exclusively on aerial respiration at O2 concentrations of less than 2.5 mg · l–1. Branchial respiration is initially stimulated by hypercarbia (CO2: 0.5–0.8%) but increased hypercarbia (CO2 – 1%) greatly depresses (by over 90%) brancial respiration and initiates (CO2: 0.5%) and sustains pulmonary respiration.  相似文献   

Polypterids, the most basal actinopterygians, are a group of fish long-considered living fossils and holding a key position for understanding fish and tetrapod evolution. Knowledge of the natural history of Polypterus is limited, their having been studied in little detail since the early 1900s. The locomotory habits of wild Polypterus senegalus from Lake Albert, Uganda, were investigated in 2014. High-speed videography demonstrated the capability of large Polypterus to move overland successfully. Contrary to previous evidence, field observations found that terrestrial locomotion in Polypterus is not inherently restricted by body size. Evidence that Polypterus exhibit this behaviour as part of their natural life history can be found in the existence of environmental challenges and the presence of adaptations for amphibious life.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether exogenous materials permeate to the forming tooth enameloid matrix, teleost species were injected intramuscularly with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or myoglobin, or; intracardially with lanthanum nitrate or HRP, then killed a predetermined intervals post-injection. Tooth bearing bones were processed for transmission electron microscopy. At the enameloid matrix formation stage, capillaries associated with the enameloid organ were few in number and rarely fenestrated. Both organic tracers reached the matrix at cervical but not coronal, regions of the teeth in all species examined. Lanthanum was rarely observed extravascularly and never extended to the enameloid matrix at the secretion stage. At the enameloid mineralization stage, fenestrated capillaries were closely associated with the outer dental epithelial cells (ODE). All tracers were observed in the plasma membrane invaginations of the ODE. Only intracardially injected HRP compromised the apical intercellular junctions of the inner dental epithelial cells (IDE) to reach the mineralizing enameloid Lanthanum did not extend past the ODE-IDE cell junctions. It is concluded that the close association of mineralization stage fenestrated capillaries with the highly invaginated ODE cells result in increased tracer penetration compared to the secretory stage. The deeper penetration of the organic tracers, compared with lanthanum, between mineralization stage IDE cells may be due to longer in vivo circulation of the former material. The apical junctions of mineralization stage IDE cells, however, remained impermeable to the organic tracers. The absence of mineral in secretory stage enameloid mineral could not be due to specialized cell junctions preventing access of molecules to the matrix. It is suggested that controlling factors other than cellular permeability initiate enameloid mineralization.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural distibution and histochemical properties of sulfated glycoconjugates were investigated in the developing enamel of the adult newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster, by use of the high-iron diamine thiocarbohydrazide silver proteinate (HID-TCH-SP) staining and enzymatic digestion methods. Development and ultrastructure of the enamel were also studied. After deposition of the mantle dentin matrix to a certain thickness, the first enamel matrix, globular in shape, appeared in juxtaposition to the dental basement membrane and tended to be intermixed with the previously deposited dentin matrix. Subsequently, enamel matrix was deposited outside (ameloblastic side) of the dental basal lamina and formed a true enamel layer. Thus, developing enamel of the newt consists of two layers: (1) an inner layer made up of a dentin-enamel mixed matrix and (2) an outer layer composed of only true enamel matrix. HID-TCH-SP precipitates resulting from the abovementioned studies were found in the mixed matrix and were identified as chondroitin sulfates; in contrast, the true enamel matrix contained no sulfated glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies revealed ciliation of the epithelium of the entire gastro-intestinal tract of Polypterus. Acidophil cells were found in the different regions of the alimentary canal, including its derivatives (the lungs and hepato-pancreatic ducts). Compared to other primitive forms and modern teleosts, the extreme fusion of the intestinal caeca in Polypterus, the ciliation and the overall dispersion of acidophil cells may represent a special organization inherited from a palaeoniscoid ancestor. Attention is also drawn to a possible channel of early evolution and function of the stomach diverticulum.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the aerial and aquatic visual abilities of juvenile grey bichir Polypterus senegalus, fish capable of terrestrial locomotion, by measuring the optokinetic response to stimuli of varying speed and spatial frequency. In water, fish tracked slow-moving (2° s−1) stimuli moderately well and fast-moving stimuli very poorly. Spatial acuity was very low compared with many other species, with maximum response observed at 0.05–0.075 stimulus cycles per degree of visual arc; however, it should be noted that adult fish, with their larger eyes, are likely to have somewhat improved spatial acuity. Low spatial acuity and limited stimulus tracking ability might be expected in a nocturnal ambush predator such as P. senegalus, where gaze stabilization may be less crucial and other sensory inputs may have greater importance in perception of the environment. In air, spatial and temporal acuity were both poorer by every measure, but some visual ability persisted. As the eye shows no anatomical specialization for aerial vision, poor vision was expected; however, the large decrease in saccade velocity observed in air trials was unexpected. Stimulus parameters typically have little effect on the characteristics of the saccade, so this finding may suggest that the function of the reflex system itself could be compromised in the aerial vision of some fishes capable of terrestrial locomotion.  相似文献   

The glycoconjugates secreted by the anterior and posterior intestinal segments of Tilapia spp. were characterized by means of both conventional histochemical procedures (PAS, AB, AB-PAS, LID, HID) and a battery of 12 horseradish peroxidase labelled lectins. Some sections were treated with glycolytic enzymes and KOH before conventional and lectin stainings. The large majority of the mucopolysaccharides secreted by the goblet cells of the anterior segment are carboxylated while only a few carry sulphate groups. The mucopolysaccharides in the anterior intestine contained chondroitin, heparin and chondroitinsulphates which can provide protection for intestinal mucosae. DBA lectin staining demonstrated the presence of some endocrine cells in the anterior segment.  相似文献   

Anatomically the brachiopterygian organum olfactus is unique among craniates. As revealed by the present study of Polypterus senegalus , it consists of an incurrent and an excurrent tube, a body and six lobes. Luminally these divisions are extensively covered with cilia, the actions of which cause water to flow through the organ. The proximal extremities of the two tubes communicate directly with one another, allowing water to bypass the body and the lobes. The body is subdivided by means of seven infolds into a central part and two peripheral parts. Of these, the central part directs water to the lobes; the peripheral parts drain the lobes and lead water to the excurrent tube. Each lobe has an axial portion and two rows of alternating lobuli. Interlobularly infolds of the axial portion subdivide the lobar lumen in such a way that movement of water is possible. Olfactory neurosensory cells occur in the rear of the incurrent tube, as well as in the lobes. Probably the degree of stimulation of the tubal receptors determines whether the water taken in is to bypass the lobes.  相似文献   

The gastro-intestinal tract of Polypterus senegalus was investigated by means of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Cilia-bearing cells can be observed over the whole length of the intestine. All enterocytes along the intestinal tract are characterized by apical pinocytotic vesicles. However, a typical intestinal region, which in other fish is characterized by large supranuclear vacuoles, is lacking. By means of electron microscopy, four types of endocrine cells and three types of nerve cell processes can be identified. By means of immunohistochemistry, endocrine cells with immunoreactivity for bombesin-, enkephalin-, G/CCK-, 5-HT-, somatostatin- and substance P-antisera can be found. Nerve cell processes show immunoreactivity for bombesin-, enkephalin-, 5-HT-, substance P- and VIP-antisera. The number of immunoreactive endocrine cells, nerve cells and nerve cell processes is different for each part of the gut.  相似文献   

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