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Compaction, occurring at the eight-cell stage of mouse development, is the process of cell flattening and polarisation by which cellular asymmetry is first established. Changes in the pattern of protein phosphorylation have been correlated with this early event of development (TL Bloom, J McConnell: Mol Reprod Dev 26:199-210, 1990). In the study reported here, groups of embryos were treated in ways known to affect particular features of compaction and were then labeled with [32P]orthophosphate; the phosphoproteins obtained were examined following electrophoresis in one and two dimensions. Four-cell embryos were treated with protein synthesis inhibitors, which advance cell flattening. This treatment resulted in only minor differences from the phosphoprotein profile of untreated four-cell embryos. Inhibition of protein synthesis at the eight-cell stage has little effect on cell flattening or polarisation. However, some phosphoproteins that are observed normally in eight-cell but not in four-cell embryos were no longer detectable if labeling took place in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors. Eight-cell embryos incubated in phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, which disrupts various features of compaction, showed a relative increase in the phosphorylation of a group of phosphoprotein spots associated with the eight-cell but not with the four-cell stage. Embryos incubated in Ca2(+)-free medium, which prevents intercellular flattening and delays polarisation, showed a relative decrease in the phosphorylation of the same group of phosphoprotein spots. The behaviour of these phosphoproteins may therefore be correlated with some of the features of compaction.  相似文献   

哺乳动物胚胎植入前的发育中致密化和囊胚形成分别标志着第一次、第二次细胞分化(即细胞命运决定)的起始,是胚胎正常发育的必要条件。因此对影响致密化和囊胚形成的蛋白及调节因子的研究尤为重要。本文探讨了与致密化相关的细胞黏附蛋白、连接蛋白、细胞骨架等分子和囊胚形成相关的紧密连接蛋白、钠钾三磷酸腺苷激酶等分子的一系列调控,以及致密化和囊胚形成在细胞命运决定中的重要作用。  相似文献   

An SEM analysis of the effects of tunicamycin, cytochalasin B, and colcemid has yielded insights into the process of compaction in the early mouse embryo. All three reagents block or reverse compaction and decrease the number of microvilli (MV), although some MV polarization is permitted. In addition, tunicamycin is shown to lessen cell adhesion even in compacted embryos. Cytochalasin B causes the formation of MV clumps some of which are preferentially localized to the apex or lateral ring region. Colcemid reverses compaction and, coupled with Pronase treatment, completely blocks compaction of uncompacted 8-cell embryos. Observations also suggest that MV polarization can occur only once but compaction (the close adherance and flattening of blastomeres) can be reversed and reinduced. Evidence is consistent with a three-step compaction process involving (1) cell surface recognition and attachment of a ring of lateral microvilli to adjacent blastomeres, (2) subsequent microfilament shortening in these lateral MV, and (3) maintenance of the compacted and polarized state by microtubules.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombination (SSR) by Cre recombinase and its target sequence, loxP, is a valuable tool in genetic analysis of gene function. Recently, several studies reported successful application of Cre fusion protein containing protein transduction peptide for inducing gene modification in various mammalian cells including ES cell as well as in the whole animal. In this study, we show that a short incubation of preimplantation mouse embryos with purified cell-permeable Cre fusion protein results in efficient SSR. X-Gal staining of preimplantation embryos, heterozygous for Gtrosa26tm1Sor, revealed that treatment of 1-cell or 2-cell embryos with 3 μM of Cre fusion protein for 2 h leads to Cre-mediated excision in 70-85% of embryos. We have examined the effect of the concentration of the Cre fusion protein and the duration of the treatment on embryonic development, established a condition for full term development and survival to adulthood, and demonstrated the germ line transmission of excised Gtrosa26 allele. Potential applications and advantages of the highly efficient technique described here are discussed.  相似文献   

李超波  胡丽丽  王振东  钟淑琦  雷蕾 《遗传》2009,31(12):1177-1184
植入前小鼠胚胎的发育事件包括第一次卵裂、胚胎基因组激活、桑椹胚致密、囊胚形成。小鼠受精卵胚胎的致密化发生在8-细胞阶段晚期, 致密过程中, 胚胎卵裂球本身以及卵裂球之间发生了一系列的变化。这些变化包括卵裂球微绒毛以及胞质成分的极性化分布, 卵裂球之间形成特殊的胞间连接。致密化是哺乳动物胚胎发育过程中的第一个细胞分化事件, 即导致了内细胞团以及滋养外胚层的产生。植入后, 内细胞团将发育成为胚体, 滋养外胚层将发育成为胎盘等胚外组织。细胞粘附分子E-cadherin介导的胞间粘附起始了致密化。卵裂球发生粘附所需的组分在致密前已经存在, 但是直至8-细胞阶段晚期连接复合体才表现出明显的粘附活性。敲除E-cadherin基因, 发现母源性的E-cadherin足以介导致密。E-cadherin介导的胞间粘附是细胞粘附的第一步。文章综述了E-cadherin介导胞间粘附的具体过程以及蛋白激酶C(Protein kinase C, PKC)调控该过程的相关 机制。  相似文献   

Mouse preimplantation embryos consume pyruvate preferentially during the early developmental stages, before glucose becomes the predominant energy substrate in the blastocyst. To investigate the importance of the switch to glucose utilization at the later developmental stages, mouse embryos from F1 hybrid mice (CBA/Ca × C57BL/6) were cultured from the one-and two-cell stages (22 and 46 h post hCG, respectively) for 5 days in a modified medium, M16, containing 0.33 mM pyruvate and 5 or 23 mM D+L-lactate, in the presence and absence of 1 mM glucose (M16+G and M16-G, respectively). Nutrient uptakes were also determined over this time. Some embryos cultured in M16-G were transferred to M16+G at 94 or 118 h post hCG. Embryos cultured from the two-cell stage in M16+G exhibited the characteristic fall in pyruvate consumption between the morula and the blastocyst stage; those cultured from the two-cell stage in M16-G compensated for the lack of glucose by consuming increasing amounts of pyruvate, from 2.78 pmol/embryo/h at 58 h post hCG to 5.21 pmol/embryo/h at 154 h post hCG. However, the percentage of embryos developing to the blastocyst stage, the hatching rate, and blastocyst cell numbers (50.6 ± 2.5 [28] vs. 105 ± 3.8 [37]) were all lower in this group. When exposed to glucose at 94 or 118 h post hCG, embryos cultured from the two-cell stage in M16-G readily consumed glucose in preference to pyruvate, although the characteristic fall in pyruvate consumption was not observed. One-cell embryos cultured continuously in M16-G were only able to develop to the morula stage, after which time they degenerated. In these embryos pyruvate was readily consumed between 22 and 94 h post hCG, before falling from 2.77 pmol/embryo/h at 83 h post hCG to 0.045 pmol/embryo/h at 130 h post hCG. Transfer of these embryos to M16+G at 94 and 118 h post hCG did not support development to the hatching blastocyst stage. The results show that mouse preimplantation embryos from F1 hybrid mice (CBA/Ca × C57BL/6) need only be exposed to glucose for less than 24 h between 22 and 94 h post hCG in order to develop from the morula to the blastocyst stage in vitro. However, the exposure time needs to be increased to between 24 and 72 h in order that blastocyst cell numbers reach control levels. The importance of glucose before the morula stage may relate to the need to synthesize glycogen for later use. If the obligatory requirement for glucose is fulfilled, embryos are able to utilize pyruvate in the absence of glucose at the later stages of development. These results show that the mouse preimplantation embryo can, to some extent, adapt metabolically to changes in its external environment. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The preimplantation development of the mouse embryo leads to the divergence of the first two cell lineages, the inner cell mass and the trophectoderm. The formation of a microvillus pole during compaction at the eight-cell stage and its asymmetric inheritance during mitosis are key events in the emergence of these two cell populations. Ezrin, a member of the ERM protein family, seems to be involved in the formation and stabilization of this apical microvillus pole. To further characterize its function in early development, we mutated the key residue T567, which was reported to be essential for regulation of ezrin function through phosphorylation. Here, we show that expression of ezrin mutants in which the COOH-terminal threonine T567 was replaced by an aspartate (to mimic a phosphorylated residue; T567D) or by an alanine (to avoid phosphorylation; T567A) interferes with E-cadherin function and disrupts the first morphogenetic events of development: compaction and cavitation. The active mutant ezrin-T567D induces the formation of numerous and abnormally long microvilli at the surface of blastomeres. Moreover, it localizes all around the cell cortex and inhibits cell-cell adhesion and cell polarization at the eight-cell stage. During the following stages, only half of the embryos are able to compact and finally to cavitate. In those embryos, the amount of ezrin-T567D decreases in the basolateral areas, while the proportion of adherens junctions increases. The reverse inactive mutant ezrin-T567A is mainly cytoplasmic and does not perturb compaction at the eight-cell stage. However, at the 16-cell stage, it relocalizes at the basolateral cortex, leading to a strong decrease in the surface of adherens junctions, and finally, embryos abort development. Our results show that ezrin is directly involved in the formation of microvilli in the early mouse embryo. Moreover, they indicate that maintenance of ezrin in basolateral areas prevents microvilli breakdown and inhibits the formation of normal cell-cell contacts mediated by E-cadherin, thereby impairing blastomeres polarization and morphogenesis of the blastocyst.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity and cAMP amounts were measured in mouse preimplantation embryos at the 1-cell, 2-cell, 8-cell/morula, and mid-blastocyst stages. PDE activity remained constant between the 1-cell and 2-cell stages. It decreased by the 8-cell stage and continued to decrease by the mid blastocyst stage to about 14% of the 1- and 2-cell values. By contrast, cAMP amounts remained essentially constant at 0.05 fmole/embryo (0.3 microM) from the 1-cell to the blastocyst stage and increased to 0.175 fmole in the fully expanded blastocyst that was close to hatching. Measurements of embryo volume indicated that intracellular volume remained essentially constant up to the blastocyst stage. The morphological changes in cell shape that accompany differentiation of the trophectoderm and that are coupled with blastocoel expansion decreased the intracellular volume. This decrease resulted in an increase in the cAMP concentration to about 0.4 microM by the mid-blastocyst stage. Previous studies indicate that either cAMP or TGF-alpha/EGF can stimulate the rate of blastocoel expansion. Although TGF-alpha/EGF can elevate cAMP levels in other cell types, TGF-alpha, at a concentration that maximally stimulates the rate of blastocoel expansion, did not elevate cAMP in blastocysts. Thus, it was unlikely that elevation of cAMP is the mechanism by which TGF-alpha stimulates the rate of blastocoel expansion.  相似文献   

Summary Early (non-compacted) and late (compacted) 8-cell embryos were observed after few hours of culture in vitro. The former embryos underwent compaction and the latter embryos were found decompacted. Cell counting suggested that decompaction preceded fourth cleavage division of any blastomere and lasted until the blastomeres divided.About one third of mouse morulae, which had about twenty cells, were found non-compacted upon obtaining from females. After few hours of culture in vitro these embryos underwent recompaction and cavitation. Increasing the contributions of mitosis-arrested and cytokinesisarrested cells within the morulae by culture with nocodazole and cytochalasin B respectively, did not delay recompaction.The data show that periods of decompaction and recompaction alternate in preimplantation development.  相似文献   

The mouse blastocyst expresses a 240,000-mol-wt polypeptide that cross-reacts with antibody to avian erythrocyte alpha-spectrin. Immunofluorescence localization showed striking changes in the distribution of the putative embryonic spectrin during preimplantation and early postimplantation development. There was no detectable spectrin in either the unfertilized or fertilized egg. The first positive reaction was observed in the early 2-cell stage when a bright band of fluorescence delimited the region of cell-cell contact. The blastomeres subsequently developed continuous cortical layers of spectrin and this distribution was maintained throughout the cleavage stages. A significant reduction in fluorescence intensity occurred before implantation in the apical region of the mural trophoblast and the trophoblast outgrowths developed linear arrays of spectrin spots that were oriented in the direction of spreading. In contrast to the alterations that take place in the periphery of the embryo, spectrin was consistently present in the cortical cytoplasm underlying regions of contact between the blastomeres and between cells of the inner cell mass. The results suggest a possible role for spectrin in cell-cell interactions during early development.  相似文献   

Morpholino antisense oligonucleotides act by blocking translation of their target gene products and are effective tools for down-regulating gene expression. The current study was conducted to define treatment conditions for the use of morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) in mammalian preimplantation embryos, and to employ MOs to target genes and study gene function in the early embryo. For the first time, ethoxylated polyethylenimine (EPEI), Lipofectin or Lysolecithin delivery agents were employed in combination with a fluorescent control MO and an alpha-catenin specific MO, to down-regulate gene expression during murine preimplantation development. Experiments applied to both two- and eight-cell stage murine preimplantation embryos contrasted the efficacy of MO concentrations of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 microM and treatment delivery times of 3, 6, 24, and 48 hr. Continuous treatment of two-cell embryos with Lipofectin and 20 microM alpha-catenin MO for 48 hr resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in development to the blastocyst stage and was accompanied by a marked reduction in alpha-catenin protein. These results indicate that morpholino antisense oligonucleotides are effective tools for down-regulating gene expression during mammalian preimplantation development.  相似文献   

Triploidy is a lethal condition in mammals, with most dying at some stage between implantation and term. In humans, however, a very small proportion of triploids are liveborn but display a wide range of congenital abnormalities. In particular, the placentas of human diandric triploid embryos consistently display “partial” hydatidiform molar degeneration, while those of digynic triploids generally do not show these histopathological features. In mice, the postimplantation development of diandric and digynic triploid embryos also differs. While both classes are capable of developing to the forelimb bud stage, no specific degenerative features of their placentas have been reported. Diandric triploid mouse embryos are morphologically normal while digynic triploid mouse embryos consistently display neural tube and occasionally cardiac abnormalities. Previously it was shown that the preimplantation development of micromanipulated diandric triploid mouse embryos was similar to developmentally matched diploid control embryos. In this study, the preimplantation development of micromanipulated digynic triploid mouse embryos is analysed and compared with that of diandric triploid mouse embryos in order to determine whether there is any difference in cleavage rate between these two classes of triploids. Standard micromanipulatory procedures were used to insert a female or a male pronucleus into a recipient diploid 1-cell stage embryo. The karyoplast was fused to the cytoplasm of the embryo by electrofusion. These tripronucleate 1-cell stage embryos were then transferred to pseudopregnant recipients and, at specific times after the HCG injection to induce ovulation, the embryos were recovered and total cell counts made. These results were plotted and regression lines drawn. An additional control group of embryos was subjected to similar micromanipulatory procedures to those used in the experimental study. These embryos had a single pronucleus removed and this was then reinserted into the perivitelline space. Diploidy was immediately restored by electrofusion. These embryos were transferred to recipients and at specific times after the HCG injection the embryos were recovered and total cell counts made. These results were also plotted and regression lines drawn. The results show that the cell doubling time of the digynic triploid embryos was 14.84 h (± 1.19). This was not significantly different from that of the diandric triploid embryos (13.55 h ± 0.86; P > 0.05) or of the manipulated diploid controls (12.12 h ± 0.79; P > 0.05). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Quiescent and proliferating cultures of Swiss mouse embryo fibroblasts were pulse labelled with [14C]-amino acids and the newly synthesized proteins that were secreted into the medium were resolved by electrophoresis on Polyacrylafde gradient gels. Conditioned media obtained from quiescent cultures that were stimulated to grow by the addition of 20% fetal calf serum showed the presence of two unique polypeptides of molecular weights 48000 and 26000. A polypeptide of molecular weight 45000 was present in increased amounts in serum-stimulated cells than in quiescent cells. This protein was also superinduced in quiescent cells by cycloheximide treatment. Mouse embryo fibroblasts grown under over-crowded conditions secreted two proteins of molecular weights 35000 and 11000. The 35 K polypeptide was shown to be related to the major excreted protein of transformed cells, since it was immunoprecipitated by an antiserum to major excreted protein. These results indicate that the 48 K and 26 K proteins may be proliferation specific proteins, while the 35 K protein present in the conditioned media of over-confluent cells may be a marker of morphological transformation.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt was made to understand the ways in which ‘newly inserted’ membrane was organised in relation to existing membrane during early cleavage of the mouse embryo by (i) monitoring the redistribution of a variety of surface-binding ligands (applied to the embryo during the previous cell cycle) and (ii) analysing the localisation of newly synthesised lipid at defined stages during the second cell cycle. The membrane dynamics of the embryo appear similar to those of somatic cells during cytokinesis and/or motility, and are consistent with previous suggestions (Pratt 1985) that the main cytocortical domains of the polarised 8-cell blastomere may start to diverge during early cleavage as a result of localised assembly and reorganisation of the embryo cytocortex.  相似文献   

Initiation of the development of the anterior-posterior axis in the mouse embryo has been thought to take place only when the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) emerges and starts its asymmetric migration. However, expression of Lefty1, a marker of the AVE, was recently found to initiate before embryo implantation. This finding has raised two important questions: are the cells that show such early, preimplantation expression of this AVE marker the real precursors of the AVE and, if so, how does this contribute to the establishment of the AVE? Here, we address both of these questions. First, we show that the expression of another AVE marker, Cer1, also commences before implantation and its expression becomes consolidated in the subset of ICM cells that comprise the primitive endoderm. Second, to determine whether the cells showing this early Cer1 expression are true precursors of the AVE, we set up conditions to trace these cells in time-lapse studies from early periimplantation stages until the AVE emerges and becomes asymmetrically displaced. We found that Cer1-expressing cells are asymmetrically located after implantation and, as the embryo grows, they become dispersed into two or three clusters. The expression of Cer1 in the proximal domain is progressively diminished, whilst it is reinforced in the distal-lateral domain. Our time-lapse studies demonstrate that this distal-lateral domain is incorporated into the AVE together with cells in which Cer1 expression begins only after implantation. Thus, the AVE is formed from both part of an ancestral population of Cerl-expressing cells and cells that acquire Cer1 expression later. Finally, we demonstrate that when the AVE shifts asymmetrically to establish the anterior pole, this occurs towards the region where the earlier postimplantation expression of Cer1 was strongest. Together, these results suggest that the orientation of the anterior-posterior axis is already anticipated before AVE migration.  相似文献   

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