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Models of parent-offspring conflict. I. Monogamy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Theoretical models for Trivers (1974) concept of parent-offspring conflict are examined for species in which the effects of the conflict are felt by full sibs. A rare conflictor gene will spread if (f(m) greater than 1/2(m + 1), where f(m) is the fitness gained by a conflictor relative to a non-conflictor offspring (f(m) greater than 1), and m is the amount of parental investment taken by a conflictor relative to m = 1 for a non-conflictor. The range of m alleles which can spread against the parent optimum decreases as the cost to the parent increases until a point is reached where there is no conflict of evolutionary interests. There would be no polymorphism for conflictor: non-conflictor alleles unless special conditions prevail. The conflictor allele which spreads most rapidly as a rare mutant against the parental optimum is not an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS). The ESS for parent-offspring conflict in monogamous species has mo = f(mo)/2[df(mo)/dmo]. The analytical solutions are confirmed throughout by simulations.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that level of paternity (the proportion of zygotes in a brood that were fertilized by the male providing parental care) has an important role in the evolution of parental care. We have used population genetics models to investigate this role. The models indicate that only in mating systems where a parental male “sacrifices” promiscous matings can paternity influence the evolution of male parental care. This is because level of paternity can reflect the number of opportunities for these promiscuous fertilizations. For example, high paternity can mean few opportunities and therefore a low cost for paternal care.Certain behaviors may preadapt a species for the evolution of male parental care because they decrease the costs of providing care. For example, in fish species where male care has evolved from spawning territories, the very establishment of territories may have precluded males from gaining promiscuous matings, thereby eliminating the promiscuity costs and facilitating the evolution of care. Without a promiscuity cost, level of paternity will not have influenced the evolution of male care in fishes.Because paternity has limited influence in the evolution of male care, differences in reliability of parentage between males and females are unlikely to explain the prevalence of female care. Our analysis suggests that paternity differences between species cannot serve as a general explanation for the observed patterns of parental care behavior.  相似文献   

A genetic model of parent-offspring conflict is developed for the situation where conflictors cause the parent to redirect resources from contemporaneous siblings to themselves, by increased solicitation. It is shown that there is no restriction on the spread of genes causing such conflict if there is no direct cost associated with it. We examine the effect of imposing on the conflictors a cost of the extra solicitation when the cost is felt (a) by the individual conflictor only, and (b) by all members of the brood equally. It is shown that the Evolutionarily Stable Strategies for the two situations allow a greater degree of solicitation when its cost is borne by the whole brood. Multipaternity of broods also increases the degree of conflict.  相似文献   

Observations on mating behaviours and strategies guide our understanding of mating systems and variance in reproductive success. However, the presence of cryptic strategies often results in situations where social mating system is not reflective of genetic mating system. We present such a study of the genetic mating system of a harem-forming bat Cynopterus sphinx where harems may not be true indicators of male reproductive success. This temporal study using data from six seasons on paternity reveals that social harem assemblages do not play a role in the mating system, and variance in male reproductive success is lower than expected assuming polygynous mating. Further, simulations reveal that the genetic mating system is statistically indistinguishable from promiscuity. Our results are in contrast to an earlier study that demonstrated high variance in male reproductive success. Although an outcome of behavioural mating patterns, standardized variance in male reproductive success (I(m)) affects the opportunity for sexual selection. To gain a better understanding of the evolutionary implications of promiscuity for mammals in general, we compared our estimates of I(m) and total opportunity for sexual selection (I(m) /I(f), where I(f) is standardized variance in female reproductive success) with those of other known promiscuous species. We observed a broad range of I(m) /I(f) values across known promiscuous species, indicating our poor understanding of the evolutionary implications of promiscuous mating.  相似文献   

In most animals, males gain a fitness benefit by mating with many females, whereas the number of progeny per female is unlikely to increase as a function of additional mates. Furthermore, males of internally fertilizing species run the risk of investing in offspring of other males if they provide parental care. Nevertheless, males of many avian species and a minority of mammalian species provide parental care, and females of various species mate with multiple males. I investigate a two-locus genetic model for evolution of male parental care and female multiple mating in which females gain a direct benefit by multiple mating from the paternal care they thereby elicit for their offspring. The model suggests that, first, male parental care can evolve when it strongly enhances offspring survival and the direct costs of female multiple mating (e.g., loss of energy, risk of injury, exposure to infectious diseases) are greater than its indirect benefit (e.g., acquisition of good genes, increased genetic diversity among offspring); second, female multiple mating can evolve when paternal care is important for offspring survival or the indirect benefit of multiple mating is larger than its direct cost; and, finally, male parental care and female multiple mating can co-occur.  相似文献   

We have earlier analysed ESSs for the amount of parental investment (PI) that offspring are expected to solicit from their parents, given that parents acquiesce to offspring demands. The present paper considers evolutionary retaliation by the parent for species where only one parent provides PI. Two genetic loci are envisaged: one (the ‘conflictor’ locus) determines the extent of offspring solicitation; the other (the ‘suppressor’ locus) determines how parents retaliate. Solicitation is assumed to carry a cost which may affect a particular offspring uniquely if time and energy are the major costs, or may affect all offspring in a brood equally if the main cost is predation risk. Two kinds of parental retaliation are possible. Parents may supply PI in proportion to offspring demands, or may ignore solicitation altogether and give a fixed PI. Analytical models of conflict in which the parent supplies PI in proportion to solicitation yield pure ESSs with PI at a compromise level between parent and offspring interests. These are termed ‘pro rata’ ESSs. Where solicitation costs are high, an ‘offspring wins’ ESS (offspring get all they ‘want’) is possible especially for forms of conflict that affect future sibs, and a ‘parent wins’ ESS (parent supplies its optimum) is possible especially for conflict that affects contemporary sibs. When parental retaliation takes the form of ignoring offspring solicitation, this can lead to a ‘parent wins’ ESS if costs of ignoring solicitation are negligible, but where parental insensitivity carries costs, the result is an unresolvable evolutionary chase with cycling frequencies of alleles coding for parent and offspring strategies. ‘Pro rata’ ESSs cannot be invaded by ‘ignore solicitation’ mutants but ‘pro rata’ mutants can often invade at certain stages in ‘ignore solicitation’ limit cycles. We therefore conclude that the probable evolutionary end product for most species will be the ‘pro rata’ ESS in which the parent supplies more PI than would be optimal in the absence of conflict, but less PI than would be an ESS for the offspring in the absence of parental retaliation. Such ESSs will be characterized by solicitation costs; offspring will ‘ask’ for more PI than they get. In nature, under similar conditions, highest conflict will occur when both parents sustain equally the effects of conflict, or when conflict affects contemporary rather than future sibs.  相似文献   

Parents often conflict over how much care to provide to their offspring. This conflict is expected to produce a negative relationship between male and female parental care, the strength of which may be mediated by both ecological and life-history variables. Previous studies have observed such trade-offs, but it is not known how generally they occur. Traditional views of sexual conflict place great importance on ecological factors in determining levels of parental care, whereas alternative views propose that the key determinant is mating opportunity. We carried out a broad-scale comparative study of parental conflict using 193 species from 41 families of birds. Using phylogenetic comparative analysis, we establish the generality of intersexual parental care conflict. We also show that parental conflict, as indicated by the disparity in care between the male and the female, depends on offspring development and mating opportunities, since in precocial species both males and females responded to increased mating opportunities. Altricial birds, however, failed to show these relationships. We also found little influence of breeding climate on parental conflict. Taken together, our results suggest that sexual conflict is a key element in the evolution of parental care systems. They also support the view that the major correlates of the intersexual conflict are mating opportunities for both sexes, rather than the breeding environment.  相似文献   

The parental investment conflict considers the question of how much each sex should invest in each brood, thereby characterizing different animal species. Each species usually adopts a certain parental care pattern: female-care only, male-care only, biparental care, or even no parental care at all. The differences in care patterns are usually explained by the different costs and benefits arising from caring for the offspring in each animal species. This paper proposes a game-theoretical model to the parental investment conflict based on the parental behavior of St. Peter's fish. St. Peter's fish exhibit different parental care patterns, allowing the examination of the factors which determine the particular behavior in each mating. We present a continuous time, two-stage, asymmetric game, with two types of players: male and female. According to the model's results, three parental care patterns: male-only care, female-only care and biparental care, are possible evolutionarily stable strategies. The evolutionarily stable parental care pattern in a certain mating depends on a parent's increase in mortality due to parental care, and on its advantage from biparental care. These results may explain the different parental care patterns observed in a variety of animal species, including those found in the St. Peter's fish.  相似文献   

B S Haller  R C Woodruff 《Génome》2000,43(2):285-292
During gametogenesis, a gene can become imprinted affecting its expression in progeny. We have used the expression of a Y-linked P[w+]YAL transposable DNA element as a reporter system to investigate the effect of parental origination on the expression of the w+ insert. Expression of w+ was greater in male progeny when the Y chromosome, harboring the insert, was inherited from the parental male rather than from the parental female. Imprinting was not due to a genetic background influence in the males, since the only difference among the males was the parental origin of the Y chromosome. It was also observed that the genetic background can affect imprinting, since w+ expression was also higher in males when the Y was derived from C(1)DX attached-X parental females rather than from C(1)RM attached-X parental females. Though the heterochromatic imprinting mechanism is unknown, a mutated Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) gene, which is associated with suppression of position-effect variegation, increases expression of the w+ locus in the P[w+]YAL insert, indicating that HP1 may play a role in Y chromosome packaging.  相似文献   

Males and females are in conflict over parental care, as it would be favourable for one parent to shift labour to the other. Yolk hormones may offer a mechanism through which female birds could influence offspring traits in ways that increase the relative investment by the male. We studied the role of yolk androgens in mediating sexual conflict over parental care in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). In a cross-fostering experiment, the male's proportion of total feeding visits increased with increasing androgen levels in the foster eggs. This could suggest that sexual conflict over parental care may be influenced by the female's differential allocation of yolk androgens or a maternal effect associated with yolk androgens. However, when we experimentally elevated yolk androgen levels, male feeding rates did not differ between control and androgen-manipulated nests. This suggests that other egg components correlated with yolk androgen levels, rather than yolk androgen levels per se, may influence male parental effort. In conclusion, yolk androgens per se do not appear to mediate sexual conflict over parental investment in the collared flycatcher.  相似文献   

In the parental investment conflict each of the sexes decides how much to invest in its brood, where its decision influences both sexes' fitness. In nature, each species is usually characterized by a common parental care pattern, male-only care, female-only care or biparental care. A possible way for understanding the factors that have led each species to adopt its unique parental care pattern is to analyse a male's and a female's decision process using a game-theoretical model. This paper suggests a two-stage game-theoretical model with two types of players, male and female. During the game each parent makes three decisions. The interval between the beginning of the game, i.e. after mating and having offspring, and the moment a parent starts to care for them is a random variable. Thus, in the first stage a parent chooses the cumulative probability distribution of this interval, and its amount of parental care. In the second stage the other parent chooses its probability for cooperation. It is assumed that as long as parental care is not provided the offspring are at risk, and that parental caring accrues a different cost for each sex. We compute the Evolutionary Stable Strategies (ESS) under payoff-relevant asymmetry, and show that uniparental and biparental care are possible ESS. We also characterize cases where the sex having the lower cost "forces" the sex having the higher cost to care and vice versa.  相似文献   

Conflicts between family members are expected to influence the duration and intensity of parental care. In mammals, the majority of this care occurs as resource transfer from mothers to offspring during gestation and lactation. Mating systems can have a strong influence on the severity of familial conflict—where female promiscuity is prevalent, conflict is expected to be higher between family members, causing offspring to demand more resources. If offspring are capable of manipulating their mothers and receive resources in proportion to their demands, resource transfer should increase with elevated promiscuity. We tested this prediction, unexplored across mammals, using a comparative approach. The total durations of gestation and lactation were not related to testes mass, a reliable proxy of female promiscuity across taxa. Offspring growth during gestation, however, and weaning mass, were positively correlated with testes mass, suggesting that offspring gain resources from their mothers at faster rates when familial conflict is greater. During gestation, the relationship between offspring growth and testes mass was also related to placenta morphology, with a stronger relationship between testes mass and growth observed in species with a less invasive placenta. Familial conflict could have a pervasive influence on patterns of parental care in mammals.  相似文献   

Existing theory predicts that male signalling can be an unreliable indicator of paternal care, but assumes that males with high levels of mating success can have high current reproductive success, without providing any parental care. As a result, this theory does not hold for the many species where offspring survival depends on male parental care. We modelled male allocation of resources between advertisement and care for species with male care where males vary in quality, and the effect of care and advertisement on male fitness is multiplicative rather than additive. Our model predicts that males will allocate proportionally more of their resources to whichever trait (advertisement or paternal care) is more fitness limiting. In contrast to previous theory, we find that male advertisement is always a reliable indicator of paternal care and male phenotypic quality (e.g. males with higher levels of advertisement never allocate less to care than males with lower levels of advertisement). Our model shows that the predicted pattern of male allocation and the reliability of male signalling depend very strongly on whether paternal care is assumed to be necessary for offspring survival and how male care affects offspring survival and male fitness.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity involves cooperation between mated females and extrapair males. On the other hand, mated males exhibit a spectrum of anti-cuckolding strategies. Hence, extrapair attributes of diverse species and populations reported in the literature are particular solutions of evolutionary games involving gender-specific cuckolding/anti-cuckolding strategies. Here we use game theoretical methods to study the effect of male paternal effort conserving strategies in situations where females seek extrapair fertilizations (EPF) for reasons of genetic compatibility and/or in pursuit of genetic diversity for their offspring. In such cases, females cannot make a pre-copulatory selection of the optimal genetic partners, and therefore combine promiscuous copulation with the use of in copula and/or post-copulatory selection mechanisms to optimize the genetic endowment of their offspring—indiscriminate polyandry. Our results indicate that, when indiscriminate polygamy is constrained by the availability of extrapair male partners, there are three possible (parameter regime wise) evolutionary stable strategy solutions. (1) All females seek EPF, while all males restrict parental care. (2) All females seek EPF, while all males are unconditionally parental. (3) Females use a combination strategy where pursuit of EPF is mixed—on either a population, or an individual level—with genetic monogamy, while all males use a conditional paternal care strategy, which involves adjusting their parental efforts according to their certainty of paternity.  相似文献   

Constitutive myostatin gene knockout in mice causes excessive muscle growth during development. To examine the effect of knocking out the myostatin gene after muscle has matured, we generated mice in which myostatin exon 3 was flanked by loxP sequences (Mstn[f/f]) and crossed them with mice bearing a tamoxifen-inducible, ubiquitously expressed Cre recombinase transgene. At 4 mo of age, Mstn[f/f]/Cre+ mice that had not received tamoxifen had a 50-90% reduction in myostatin expression due to basal Cre activity but were not hypermuscular relative to Mstn[w/w]/Cre+ mice (homozygous for wild-type myostatin gene). Three months after tamoxifen treatment (initiated at 4 mo of age), muscle mass had not changed from the pretreatment level in Mstn[w/w]/Cre+ control mice. Tamoxifen administration to 4-mo-old Mstn[f/f]/Cre+ mice reduced myostatin mRNA expression to less than 1% of normal, which increased muscle mass approximately 25% over the following 3 mo in both male and female mice (P<0.005 vs. control). Fiber hypertrophy appeared to be sufficient to explain the increase in muscle mass. The pattern of expression of genes encoding the various myosin heavy-chain isoforms was unaffected by postdevelopmental myostatin knockout. We conclude that, even after developmental muscle growth has ceased, knockout of the myostatin gene induces a significant increase in muscle mass.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, sexual conflict occurs because the benefit of care depends on the total amount of care provided by the two parents while the cost of care depends on each parent's own contribution. Asynchronous hatching may play a role in mediating the resolution of this conflict over parental care. The sexual conflict hypothesis for the evolution of asynchronous hatching suggests that females adjust hatching patterns in order to increase male parental effort relative to female effort. We tested this hypothesis in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides by setting up experimental broods with three different hatching patterns: synchronous, asynchronous and highly asynchronous broods. As predicted, we found that males provided care for longer in asynchronous broods whereas the opposite was true of females. However, we did not find any benefit to females of reducing their duration of care in terms of increased lifespan or reduced mass loss during breeding. We found substantial negative effects of hatching asynchrony on offspring fitness as larval mass was lower and fewer larvae survived to dispersal in highly asynchronous broods compared to synchronous or asynchronous broods. Our results suggest that, even though females can increase male parental effort by hatching their broods more asynchronously, females pay a substantial cost from doing so in terms of reducing offspring growth and survival. Thus, females should be under selection to produce a hatching pattern that provides the best possible trade‐off between the benefits of increased male parental effort and the costs due to reduced offspring fitness.  相似文献   

The endosperm of the flowering plant mediates the supply of maternal resources for embryogenesis. An endosperm formed in sexual reproduction between diploid parents is typically triploid, with a 2 : 1 ratio of maternal genetic material (denoted as 2m : 1p). Variation from this ratio affects endosperm size, indicating parent-specific expression of genes involved in endosperm growth and development. The presence of paternally or maternally imprinted genes can be explained by parental conflict over the transfer of nutrients from maternal to offspring tissue. Genomic imprinting can, for example, provide the male parent of an embryo in a mixed-paternity seed pod, with an opportunity for expressing its preference for a disproportionate allocation of resources to its embryo. It has been argued that a diploid 1m : 1p endosperm was ancestral and the 2m : 1p endosperm evolved after parental conflict, to improve maternal control over seed provisioning. We present a population genetic model, which instead places the origin of triploidy early in the parental conflict over resource allocation. We find that there is an advantage to having a triploid endosperm as the parental conflict continues. This advantage can help to explain why the 2m : 1p endosperm prevails among flowering plants.  相似文献   

Females are expected to have evolved to be more discriminatory in mate choice than males as a result of greater reproductive investment into larger gametes (eggs vs. sperm). In turn, males are predicted to be more promiscuous than females, showing both a larger variance in the number of mates and a greater increase in reproductive success with more mates, yielding more intense sexual selection on males vs. females (Bateman's Paradigm). However, sex differences in costly parental care strategies can either reinforce or counteract the initial asymmetry in reproductive investment, which may be one cause for some studies failing to conform with predictions of Bateman's Paradigm. For example, in many bird species with small female‐biased initial investment but extensive biparental care, both sexes should be subject to similar strengths of sexual selection because males and females are similarly restricted in their ability to pursue additional mates. Unlike 99% of avian species, however, obligate brood parasitic birds lack any parental care in either sex, predicting a conformation to Bateman's Paradigm. Here we use microsatellite genotyping to demonstrate that in brood parasitic brown‐headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), per capita annual reproductive success increases with the number of mates in males, but not in females. Furthermore, also as predicted, the variance of the number of mates and offspring is greater in males than in females. Thus, contrary to previous findings in this species, our results conform to predictions of the Bateman's Paradigm for taxa without parental care.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that males that are larger than their competitors may have increased mating success, due to both greater competitive ability and increased attractiveness to females. We examined how male mating success varies with male size in the tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi. Previous work has shown that large males tend to move around and breed in vacant breeding sites, and consequently provide less care for their eggs, while smaller individuals can be allopaternal, caring for the eggs of other males as well as for their own. We studied female egg deposition in a natural breeding population using artificial breeding sites and in the laboratory, where female choice of spawning site was restricted to two breeding sites tended by two males of different sizes. In both the field and the laboratory, nests tended by larger males were more likely to receive new eggs. Additionally, the mean size of males associated with a nest was positively correlated with both the maximum coverage of eggs at the nest and the number of times new eggs were deposited. We discuss how the increased mating success of larger males, despite their decreased parental care, may help explain allopaternal care in this species [Current Zoology 56 (1): 1-5, 2010].  相似文献   

An increasing number of empirical studies in animals have demonstrated male mate choice. However, little is known about the evolution of postpairing male choice, specifically which occurs by differential allocation of male parental care in response to female signals. We use a population genetic model to examine whether such postpairing male mate choice can evolve when males face a trade‐off between parental care and extra‐pair copulations (EPCs). Specifically, we assume that males allocate more effort to providing parental care when mated to preferred (signaling) females, but they are then unable to allocate additional effort to seek EPCs. We find that both male preference and female signaling can evolve in this situation, under certain conditions. First, this evolution requires a relatively large difference in parental investment between males mated to preferred versus nonpreferred females. Second, whether male choice and female signaling alleles become fixed in a population versus cycle in their frequencies depends on the additional fecundity benefits from EPCs that are gained by choosy males. Third, less costly female signals enable both signaling and choice alleles to evolve under more relaxed conditions. Our results also provide a new insight into the evolution of sexual conflict over parental care.  相似文献   

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