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Eric Thybaud 《Hydrobiologia》1990,190(2):137-145
Acute toxicity and bioconcentration capacities of lindane and deltamethrin were studied in Rana temporaria tadpoles and in mosquitofish. These studies show that the toxicity of deltamethrin is about 100 to 1 000 times greater than that of lindane and bioconcentration factors are very different for these two insecticides. The bioconcentration factor of lindane, a stable chemical, low volatility, hydrophobic and a poorly metabolized molecule is considerable in either static or flow through contamination systems. For deltamethrin, an quickly metabolized molecule, this factor is weak or null. Moreover a comparison of various methods of contamination (static or flow through systems) showed that the experimental conditions of exposure to the insecticide strongly influence the concentration in the tested species.
Toxicité aigüe et bioconcentration du lindane et de la deltaméthrine par les tetards de Rana temporaria et les gambusies (Gambusia affinis)

We developed seven microsatellite loci in the common frog, Rana temporaria. There were between 2 and 27 alleles per locus and the expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.28 to 0.96 in a sample of frogs collected in the French Alps. Adding these seven markers to the 15 previously available microsatellite loci for this species should facilitate studies of genetic structure of Rana temporaria populations at a fine geographical scale.  相似文献   

We describe the development of the cranial neural crest cell streams relative to embryonic events such as neural tube formation and somite appearance in two Eurasian frog species belonging to the Ranidae, Rana temporaria and Sylvirana nigrovittata, and demonstrate developmental heterochronies. The mandibular stream appeared well developed in R. temporaria at a time when the embryo was still spherical, the neural folds were elevated, and the neural plate was wide open, thus earlier than known from any frog species so far. The appearance of the second stream and its division into hyoid and branchial portions was clearly accelerated in R. temporaria relative to other embryonic events when compared to S. nigrovittata. For example, in R. temporaria, the hyoid and branchial portions of the cranial neural crest cell streams were separated before the neural folds had started to fuse, whereas in S. nigrovittata this event took place only after the neural folds had fused completely. Such ostentatious heterochronies related to the characters used herein have formerly only been reported from comparisons between species belonging to different higher taxa. Our results re‐confirm that to understand the full dynamics of the evolution of development, studies need to implement comparative embryological approaches, and include phylogenetically relatively closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Plexusepithel von Rana temporaria L. enthält zwei verschiedene Typen von Lipidkugeln, die einen Durchmesser bis zu 8 erreichen können. Diese Einschlüsse haben keine Zytomembran. Die Struktur der Einschlußkörper wird mit Hinweisen auf die Fixierung und den Stoffwechsel diskutiert.
Lipid droplets in the epithelium of the choroid plexus of Rana temporaria L.
Summary The epithelium of the choroid plexus of Rana temporaria L. contains two different types of spherical lipid inclusions up to 8 in diameter. The droplets do not have a limiting membrane. The preservation and metabolism of the lipid bodies are discussed.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit neurohistologischen Techniken (Nauta-Verfahren) wurde der Anteil des Stirnorgans von Rana temporaria und Rana esculenta an der zentralnervösen Projektion des lichtempfindlichen Pinealkomplexes geprüft. Nach operativer Unterbrechung des Nervus pinealis im dorsalen Lymphsack lassen sich degenerierende Nervenfasern sowohl im Tractus pinealis als auch im stirnorgannahen Stumpf des Nervus pinealis nachweisen. Die ersteren werden als cerebropetale (afferente), die letzteren als zum Stirnorgan ziehende (efferente) Faserelemente gedeutet. Es ist gelungen, die hirnwärts gerichteten Nervenfasern des Stirnorgans bis in die unmittelbare Umgebung des sekretorischen Subcommissuralorgans zu verfolgen; zerfallende Faserfragmente liegen dicht der Basis des Subcommissuralorgans an. Anders als nach Durchtrennung des Tractus pinealis (vgl. Paul, Hartwig und Oksche, 1971) ließen sich nach Unterbrechung des Nervus pinealis keine Degenerationszeichen im mesencephalen Zentralen Grau darstellen.
Innervation and central nervous connexions of the frontal organ in Rana temporaria and Rana esculenta Fiber degeneration after surgical interruption of the pineal nerve
Summary The contribution of the frontal organ of Rana temporaria and Rana esculenta to the central nervous projections of the light-sensitive pineal complex has been investigated with neurohistological techniques (Nauta-method). After surgical transection of the pineal nerve within the dorsal lymph sac, degenerating nerve fibers have been observed within the pineal tract and also in the proximal stump of the pineal nerve. Those in the pineal tract have been interpreted as cerebropetal (afferent) connexions of the frontal organ, and those in the pineal nerve as fibers directed towards the frontal organ (efferent elements). The cerebropetal fibers of the frontal organ have been traced to the subcommissural region where they degenerate in close juxtaposition with the secretory subcommissural organ. In contrast to the findings obtained after transection of the pineal tract (see Paul, Hartwig and Oksche, 1971), no degenerating fibers have been observed in the mesencephalic central grey after surgical interruption of the pineal nerve.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothalamic magnocellular preoptic nucleus of Rana temporaria was studied at the electron-microscopic level with the use of the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP) technique. The magnocellular preoptic nucleus of R. temporaria contains at least three different types of neurons: (1) Vasotocinergic neurons, (2) mesotocinergic neurons, and (3) neurons that contain either somatostatin or an immunologically related peptide. The present results are in complete agreement with those of previous immunocytochemical studies conducted at the light microscopic level.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of constitutive morphology and previous experience in predator avoidance in two anuran species associated with different larval habitats. In Rana temporaria, deeper tails and larger body size conferred selective advantage against dragonfly predation. Previous experience with predators had a positive influence on the survival of R. temporaria tadpoles equivalent to predator selection. By contrast, survival in Bufo bufo seems unrelated to tail shape or experience. This suggests that B. bufo lacks constitutive morphological defenses against insect predators, and that morphological and behavioral defenses could result more effective than chemical deterrents for these insect predators. A key novelty of this study is the observation that Rana tadpoles having prior experience with predators have an enhanced success in further encounters, and this occurs before the morphological induced defense has been established. This induced modification for R. temporaria, and its lack of for B. bufo, may be an important determinant of larval survival.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Epithelzellen der Plexus chorioidei ventriculi III und IV und der Paraphyse von Rana temporaria L. zeigen histochemisch eine deutliche Aktivität der Phosphorylase, Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase und Aldolase. Die Aktivität der Uridindiphosphoglucose-Glycogen-Transferase ist im Plexusepithel der Frösche gering. Glucose-6-Phosphatase läßt sich in den Plexus chorioidei und in der Paraphyse von Rana temporaria nicht darstellen. Phosphorylase, Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase und Aldolase zeichnen sich durch ein charakteristisches, verschiedenartiges Verteilungsmuster aus. Der Einfluß von Adrenalininjektionen auf die Aktivität der obengenannten Enzyme des Plexus-und Paraphysenepithels und funktionelle Zusammenhänge mit der gleichzeitig eintretenden Entspeicherung ihres Glykogenvorrats werden erörtert. In fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Untersuchungen mit der Falck-Hillarp Methode läßt sich weiterhin beobachten, daß nach Adrenalingaben im Plexusepithel der Frösche ein Fluorophor auftritt, das bei Kontrolltieren vollständig fehlt. Im Plexusstroma finden sich nur vereinzelt adrenerge Nervenfasern.
Enzyme histochemical (carbohydrate metabolism) and fluorescence microscopic (biogenic amines) investigations of the choroid plexuses and the paraphysis in Rana temporaria L.
Summary Epithelial cells of the choroid plexuses and paraphysis in Rana temporaria L. show histochemically distinct phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and aldolase activities. The uridine diphosphate glucose-glycogen transferase-reaction of the choroid epithelium is very weak, and the glucose-6-phosphatase-reaction of the choroid plexuses and the paraphysis is negative. Choroid plexuses and paraphysis differ in their distribution patterns of phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and aldolase activities. Injections of epinephrine into the dorsal lymph sac increase the histochemically detectable activity of phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and aldolase, and deplete the glycogen stores of the choroid epithelium. After administration of epinephrine into the dorsal lymph sac, intensely fluorescent material is observed in the choroid epithelium with the Falck-Hillarp method. The adrenergic innervation of the choroid plexus of Rana temporaria is sparse.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The development of the tectum mesencephali was studied in the frog Rana temporaria and the salamander Pleurodeles waltl by means of nuclear staining and by labeling of cells with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The general spatial and temporal pattern of cell proliferation and cell migration is the same in both species, despite drastic differences in overall tectal morphology. However, the salamander species differs from the frog species by (1) a generally lower cell proliferation rate, (2) a reduction in the activity of the lateral proliferation zone, and (3) a reduction in the formation of superficial cellular layers. Because point (3) affects processes that occur late in ontogeny, our experiments provide evidence that the simple morphology of the tectum of Pleurodeles waltl, compared with the multilayered tectum of Rana, is a consequence of a paedomorphic alteration of the ancestral developmental pattern of the amphibian tectum.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Problem der Zwischenneurone nimmt bei der Deutung der chromatischen und achromatischen Antworten der pinealen Sinnesorgane eine Schlüsselstellung ein. Frühere Ergebnisse schienen darauf hinzuweisen, daß der nervöse Apparat des Pinealorgans (Epiphysis cerebri) vonRana temporaria undRana esculenta bineuronal organisiert ist. Mit modifizierten Methylenblau- und Golgi-Methoden gelang es jetzt, die nervösen Strukturen der pinealen Rezeptoren und Nervenzellen präziser darzustellen. Das neurohistologische Bild der Epiphysis cerebri enthält auch Nervenzellen, die an Zwischenneurone denken lassen. Diese diffus verstreuten kleinen Elemente unterscheiden sich von den klassischen Typen der retinalen Bipolar-, Horizontal- und Amakrinzellen. Der Tractus pinealis vonR. temporaria undR. esculenta wird von Axonen großer multipolarer und kleiner, wenig verzweigter Ganglienzellen gebildet. Die zentrale Projektion dieser pinealofugalen (afferenten) Bahn ist von großem funktionellem Interesse. Nach vollständiger Unterbrechung des Tr. pinealis finden sich degenerierende Faserelemente innerhalb und am unteren Rand der Comm. posterior, in der Area praetectalis und in den Kernarealen des sog. Zentralen Graus. Keine degenerierenden Tractusfasern sind in der subependymalen Schicht und in den aminergen Kerngebieten des Mesencephalon zu beobachten. Die beschriebenen Verbindungen des Tr. pinealis könnten die anatomische Basis einiger lichtabhängiger (phototaktischer) Reflexe darstellen. Weitere Untersuchungen über die zentralnervöse Projektion des Tr. pinealis sind im Gang.
Neurons and central nervous connexions of the pineal organ in anura
Summary The problem of interneurons appears to be very important for the functional interpretation of the chromatic and achromatic responses of pineal sense organs. Previous results seemed to indicate a bineuronal chain in the pineal organ (epiphysis cerebri) ofRana temporaria andRana esculenta. Precise images of pineal receptors, neurons and their connexions were obtained in the present studies using methylene-blue and Golgi methods. A limited number of interneurons probably exist in theepiphysis ofR. temporaria andR. esculenta: the images of these scattered neurons were observed to differ from the classical bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells of the amphibian retina. The pineal tract of R. temporaria andR. esculenta is formed by the axons of large multipolar and smaller scarcely ramified nerve cells. The central projection of this pinealo-fugal (afferent) pathway is of great functional interest. After complete surgical interruption of the pineal tract degenerating nerve fibers were traced in Nauta (Fink-Heimer) preparations. Degenerating fibers were observed within and beneath the posterior commissure, in the pretectal region and in the nuclear areas of the periventricular gray. The subependymal layer and the basal aminergic nuclei of the frog mesencephalon were always free of degenerating fibers. The anatomical connexion of the pineal tract described in this paper could serve as a basis for some light-dependent (phototactic) reflexes. Further investigations concerned with the central projections of the pineal tract are in progress.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. — Eine Kurzfassung der Befunde wurde auf dem Symposium The Pineal Gland der Ciba Foundation in London (30. 6.–2. 7. 1970) vorgetragen (s. Oksche, 1971).  相似文献   

When similar selection acts on the same traits in multiple species or populations, parallel evolution can result in similar phenotypic changes, yet the underlying molecular architecture of parallel phenotypic divergence can be variable. Maternal effects can influence evolution at ecological timescales and facilitate local adaptation, but their contribution to parallel adaptive divergence is unclear. In this study, we (i) tested for variation in embryonic acid tolerance in a common garden experiment and (ii) used molecular phenotyping of egg coats to investigate the molecular basis of maternally mediated parallel adaptive divergence in two amphibian species (Rana arvalis and Rana temporaria). Our results on three R. arvalis and two Rtemporaria populations show that adaptive divergence in embryonic acid tolerance is mediated via maternally derived egg coats in both species. We find extensive polymorphism in egg jelly coat glycoproteins within both species and that acid‐tolerant clutches have more negatively charged egg jelly – indicating that the glycosylation status of the jelly coat proteins is under divergent selection in acidified environments, likely due to its impact on jelly water balance. Overall, these data provide evidence for parallel mechanisms of adaptive divergence in two species. Our study highlights the importance of studying intraspecific molecular variation in egg coats and, specifically, their glycoproteins, to increase understanding of underlying forces maintaining variation in jelly coats.  相似文献   

Summary In the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria, which shows the ultrastructural characteristics of a polypeptide hormone secreting endocrine gland, seasonal changes of the ultrastructure are described. In accordance with the literature, these seasonal changes of ultrastructure are interpreted as the morphological expression of seasonal changes of endocrine activity of the pars tuberalis.  相似文献   

Summary The pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria presents the general structural and the cytological characteristics of an endocrine gland. It is composed of elongated cells with long, branching processes ending on the external basement membrane of the pericapillary space. The pars tuberalis cells produce secretory granules which are accumulated in the pericapillary endings of the processes.Corresponding to its separate localization, the pars tuberalis of Rana temporaria has a separate vascularization of which the efferent capillaries anastomose with the capillary plexus of the median eminence. The general direction of the blood flow of the pars tuberalis is towards the capillaries of the median eminence. Also, the secretory products of the pars tuberalis pass into the blood stream of the hypophysial portal system.Several characteristics of the pars tuberalis show that its function must be different from that of the pars distalis of the hypophysis. Moreover, in contrast with the pars distalis, the activity of the pars tuberalis is not regulated by neurohumoral factors.The results show that a role of the pars tuberalis in the regulation of the activity of the pars distalis of the hypophysis is not excluded.  相似文献   

Summary InRana temporaria, the blood capillaries of the organon vasculosum hypothalami are the bilateral origin of the hypothalamic branch of the encephalo-posthypophysial portal vein. In the organon vasculosum hypothalami, pericapillary accumulations of monoamines occur. The peculiar Vascularization of the organon vaseulosum and the pericapillary accumulation of monoamines suggest a possible functional relation between the organon vasculosum and the neuro-intermediate lobe of the hypophysis via the encephalo-posthypophysial portal system.  相似文献   

Rice fields are important substitute wetlands for frogs. Traditionally, rice fields in Japan were supplied with water and drained via shallow earth ditches (old-style). In the last 30 years, however, more than 80% of rice fields have been converted to a new irrigation system in which water is typically supplied through underground pipes via taps and is drained into deep, concrete-sided ditches (new-style). We compared the occurrence of frogs in paired areas of old- and new-style rice fields at six locations in Ibaraki Pref., central Japan, from May to August 1995. The Japanese tree frog (Hyla japonica) did not differ in abundance between the two types of rice fields, but the Japanese brown frog (Rana japonica) and the Tokyo daruma pond frog (Rana porosa porosa) preferred the old-style rice fields. These findings suggest that the status ofRana species has been adversely affected by the conversion of rice fields to the new irrigation system. Modification of the deep, U-shaped concrete ditches and the water management regime during the spawning season is needed to safeguard these species.  相似文献   

Comparative enzymological study of catalytical properties of monoamine oxidase (MAO) of liver of the marsh frog Rana ridibunda and common frog Rana temporaria has revealed certain features of similarity and differences between these enzymes. The MAOs from both studied biological sources show catalytic properties resembling those of the classical MAO of terrestrial vertebrates: they deaminate tyramine, tryptamine, serotonin, and benzylamine and do not deaminate histamine, have sensitivity to clorgyline, the specific inhibitor of the MAO A form, and deprenyl, the specific inhibitor of the MAO B form, and are not inhibited by 10−2 M semicarbazide. Based on data of substrate-inhibitor analysis, a suggestion is put forward about the existence of two molecular forms of the enzyme in liver of the studied frog species. Quantitative interspecies differences have been revealed between liver MAO of Rana ridibunda and Rana temporaria in values of kinetic parameters of reactions of deamination of several substrates and in sensitivity to the inhibitors, deprenyl and clorgyline. In the species Rana temporaria the MAO activity in reaction of deamination of serotonin and benzylamine were virtually identical, whereas in the species Rana ridibunda these parameters for serotonin were almost one order higher than for benzylamine. In the species Rana ridibunda, selectivity of action of deprenyl was expressed many times weaker, while selectivity of the clorgyline—one order of magnitude stronger than in the species Rana temporaria. The catalytic activities towards all studied substrates of liver MAO of both studied amphibian species were several times lower as compared with the enzyme of rat liver.  相似文献   

H. Heusser 《Oecologia》1970,4(1):83-88
Zusammenfassung In einem Kunstweiher aufgezogene Kaulquappen von Rana temporaria fressen in der Versuchsanordnung von Abb. I den Laich folgender sympatrischer Anuren-Arten: Rana temporaria (Kannibalismus), Rana esculenta, Rana ridibunda, Bufo bufo, Bufo calamita, Bombina variegata und Hyla arborea (Laichräubern). — Daß die Kaulquappen der früh im Jahr laichenden Rana temporaria später gelegten arteigenen und artfremden Laich fressen, wirkt als Selektionsdruck in folgende Richtungen: Rana temporaria züchtet sich selbst eine kurze Laichzeit. Spät in seichtem Wasser laichende Arten werden im Biotop von Rana temporaria unterdrückt (Bombina variegata, Bufo calamita, Hyla arborea). Rana esculenta, Rana ridibunda und Bufo bufo sind dem Laichräubern durch Kaulquappen wenig ausgesetzt, weil sie in größeren Wassertiefen laichen. Zudem ist Bufo bufo ebenfalls ein Frühlaicher. Alytes obstetricans steht außer Konkurrenz, weil er die Eier nicht ins Wasser setzt. — Untersuchungen über die Biotoppräferenzen und Laichzeiten der betroffenen Arten bestätigen diese Interpretation.
Summary Tadpoles of Rana temporaria which have been raised in an artificial pond prey in the experimental situation shown in Fig. 1 upon the spawn of the following sympatric European Anura species: Rana temporaria (cannibalism), Rana esculenta, Rana ridibunda, Bufo bufo, Bufo calamita, Bombina variegata and Hyla arborea (predation). — Rana temporaria is an early breeder. Thus selection pressure acts in the following ways: Rana temporaria establishes for itself an explosive breeding pattern. Species which breed later in the year in shallow water are suppressed in the biotope of Rana temporaria and develop other biotope preferences (Bombina variegata, Bufo calamita, Hyla arborea). Rana esculenta, Rana ridibunda and Bufo bufo spawn in deeper water. Therefore they are scarcely exposed to the tadpoles of Rana temporaria. Moreover Bufo bufo, too, is an early breeder. Alytes obstetricans laying no spawn in the water is not endangered. — An analysis of biotope preferences and breeding times of the species involved confirms these interpretations.

Mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (phylum Chytridiomycota, order Chytridiales) is the causative organism of chytridiomycosis in amphibians, a disease associated with their population decline worldwide. In this work, we report a cutaneous infection in water frogs of the Rana esculenta complex in agricultural areas of Umbria, central Italy. Histological, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and molecular analyses demonstrated for the first time the presence of the Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in this complex; to date, no association between the presence of chytrid fungal infection and mortality has been found, to our knowledge. However, the presence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in the water frogs of the Rana esculenta complex is of concern because the frogs could act as a reservoir species and contribute to the decline of less resistant species.  相似文献   

Summary In the pars distalis, the pars intermedia and the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria, an annual mitotic cycle is described.In the pars distalis there exists a gradient of mitotic activity, corresponding to a gradient of distribution of the PAS positive cells.In the pars distalis, the rate of cell degeneration and of cell renewal of the PAS positive cells seems to be faster than of the orange G positive cells.The replacement of degenerated PAS positive cells of the pars distalis seems to occur mainly during the months immediately following on the period of maximal activity of the PAS positive cells.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vorkommen und Verteilung biogener Amine im Gehirn von Rana temporaria-Kaulquappen wurden fluoreszenzmikroskopisch untersucht. Catecholaminhaltige Perikaryen erscheinen ab Stadium 20 im Nucleus reticularis mesencephali, im Tuber cinereum und im Bulbus olfactorius, ab Stadium 22 in den Flügelplatten der Medulla oblongata und in der Area praeoptica. Ab Entwicklungsstufe 20 zeigen sich ventrolateral in Medulla oblongata und Mittelhirn, lateral vom Organon vasculosum hypothalami, im Bereich des medialen Vorderhirnbündels und im Striatum catecholaminhaltige Faseranschwellungen, ab Stadium 22 außerdem in der Eminentia mediana und dem Hypophysenzwischenlappen, in der Commissura transversa (bis zur Stufe 26), in der Commissura anterior (bis zur Stufe 26) und in der Pars ventrolateralis nuclei lateralis septi. Im Striatum ist von dieser Entwicklungsstufe an ein zweites Areal mit grün fluoreszierenden Varikositäten nachweisbar. Ab Stadium 26 finden sich auch in der Pars dorsolateralis des lateralen Septumkerns catecholaminhaltige Faseranschwellungen.Ab Entwicklungsstufe 22 sind 5-HT-haltige, gelb fluoreszierende Perikaryen im Nucleus raphes und in seiner Umgebung zu beobachten, gelb fluoreszierende Varikositäten im Nucleus interpeduncularis und zwischen medialem und lateralem Septumkern.
Ontogeny of the amine-containing nerve cell systems in the brain of Rana temporaria
Summary The occurrence and distribution of biogenic amines in the brain of Rana temporaria tadpoles have been investigated with the fluorescence-microscope. From the embryonic developmental stage 20 onwards catecholamine-containing cell bodies are shown to be present in the nucleus reticularis mesencephali, the tuber cinereum and the olfactory bulb, and from stage 22 onwards also within the dorsolateral areas of the medulla oblongata and within the preoptic area. Catecholamine-containing enlargements of nerve fibres occur in the ventrolateral parts of the medulla oblongata and the midbrain, in an area lateral to the hypothalamic organon vasculosum, within the region of the medial forebrain bundle and within the striatum, in all stages following stage 20. These enlargements also occur in the median eminence and the pars intermedia of the hypophysis, in the commissura transversa (up to stage 26), in the commissura anterior (also up to stage 26) and in the pars ventrolateralis nuclei lateralis septi in all stages after 22. From the same stage onwards a second area of green fluorescent varicosities can be demonstrated within the striatum. After stage 26 catecholamine-containing enlargements of nerve fibres additionally are to be found in the dorsolateral part of the lateral septal nucleus.After appearing at stage 22 5-HT-containing, yellow fluorescent perikarya are to be observed within the nucleus raphes and its neighbourhood, and yellow fluorescent varicosities in the interpeduncular nucleus and in an area between the medial and the lateral septal nucleus.
Herrn Professor Dr. med. W. Bargmann zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

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