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Pch2 links chromatin silencing to meiotic checkpoint control.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
P A San-Segundo  G S Roeder 《Cell》1999,97(3):313-324
The PCH2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for the meiotic checkpoint that prevents chromosome segregation when recombination and chromosome synapsis are defective. Mutation of PCH2 relieves the checkpoint-induced pachytene arrest of the zip1, zip2, and dmc1 mutants, resulting in chromosome missegregation and low spore viability. Most of the Pch2 protein localizes to the nucleolus, where it represses meiotic interhomolog recombination in the ribosomal DNA, apparently by excluding the meiosis-specific Hop1 protein. Nucleolar localization of Pch2 depends on the silencing factor Sir2, and mutation of SIR2 also bypasses the zip1 pachytene arrest. Under certain circumstances, Sir3-dependent localization of Pch2 to telomeres also provides checkpoint function. These unexpected findings link the nucleolus, chromatin silencing, and the pachytene checkpoint.  相似文献   

An argonaute-like protein is required for meiotic silencing   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Lee DW  Pratt RJ  McLaughlin M  Aramayo R 《Genetics》2003,164(2):821-828
We demonstrate the involvement of suppressor of meiotic silencing-2 (sms-2(+)), a Neurospora gene coding for an Argonaute-like protein, in meiotic silencing and normal sexual development.  相似文献   

Lesage B  Qian J  Bollen M 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(21):R898-R903
The spindle checkpoint is a mitotic surveillance mechanism that delays anaphase until all sister chromatids are correctly attached to microtubules from opposite poles. Recent studies reveal that protein kinase Aurora B is a key regulator of spindle checkpoint activation whereas protein phosphatase PP1 antagonizes Aurora B and induces checkpoint silencing. Chromosome biorientation stretches the kinetochores and spatially separates centromeric Aurora B from its kinetochore substrates, comprising several PP1-interacting proteins (PIPs). The ensuing dephosphorylation of these PIPs creates docking sites for the bulk recruitment of PP1 to the kinetochores. We propose that this tension-induced targeting of PP1 triggers checkpoint silencing by the dephosphorylation of kinetochore and checkpoint components, including Aurora B substrates. In addition, PP1 also directly inactivates a kinetochore-associated pool of Aurora B and silences checkpoint signaling by opposing the centromeric targeting of Aurora B.  相似文献   

Hochwagen A  Tham WH  Brar GA  Amon A 《Cell》2005,122(6):861-873
The meiotic recombination checkpoint delays gamete precursors in G2 until DNA breaks created during recombination are repaired and chromosome structure has been restored. Here, we show that the FK506 binding protein Fpr3 prevents premature adaptation to damage and thus serves to maintain recombination checkpoint activity. Impaired checkpoint function is observed both in cells lacking FPR3 and in cells treated with rapamycin, a small molecule inhibitor that binds to the proline isomerase (PPIase) domain of Fpr3. FPR3 functions in the checkpoint through controlling protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). Fpr3 interacts with PP1 through its PPIase domain, regulates PP1 localization, and counteracts the activity of PP1 in vivo. Our findings define a branch of the recombination checkpoint involved in the adaptation to persistent chromosomal damage and a critical function for FK506 binding proteins during meiosis.  相似文献   

BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor involved in DNA repair and damage-induced checkpoint controls. In response to DNA damage, BRCA1 relocalizes to nuclear foci at the sites of DNA lesions. However, little is known about the regulation of BRCA1 relocalization following DNA damage. Here we show that mediator of DNA damage checkpoint protein 1 (MDC1), previously named NFBD1 or Kiaa0170, is a proximate mediator of DNA damage responses that regulates BRCA1 function. MDC1 regulates ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM)-dependent phosphorylation events at the site of DNA damage. Importantly down-regulation of MDC1 abolishes the relocalization and hyperphosphorylation of BRCA1 following DNA damage, which coincides with defective G(2)/M checkpoint control in response to DNA damage. Taken together these data suggest that MDC1 regulates BRCA1 function in DNA damage checkpoint control.  相似文献   

Anaphase initiation requires ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of crucial substrates through activation of the ubiquitin ligase Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) in association with its coactivator Cdc20. To prevent chromosome segregation errors, effector proteins of a safeguard mechanism called spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), Mad2 and BubR1, bind Cdc20 and restrain APC/CCdc20 activation until spindle assembly. Coordinated chromosome segregation also requires timely SAC inactivation. Spindle assembly appears necessary to silence SAC, however, how resolution of the SAC effector branch is achieved is still largely unknown. We show here that the complex between Mad2 and Cdc20 peaked at prometaphase in mammalian cells, while its dissociation proceeded along with spindle assembly and required proteolysis. Proteolysis did not appear required for assembly of metaphase spindles but rather needed for Mad2-Cdc20 complex resolution by promoting reversal of phosphorylations that maintain the complex. Indeed, in the absence of proteolysis, Mad2-Cdc20 complex dissociation was reversed by treatment with cyclin-dependent kinase or Aurora kinase inhibitors. Mad2-Cdc20 disassembly was, however, resistant to the potent PP1 and PP2A phosphatases inhibitor okadaic acid. We propose that SAC silencing in mammalian cells requires proteolysis-dependent activation of okadaic acid-resistant phosphatase(s) to reverse phosphorylations that lock the Mad2-Cdc20 complex.  相似文献   

BubR1 (Bub1-related kinase or MAD3/Bub1b) is an essential component of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) and plays an important role in kinetochore localization of other spindle checkpoint proteins in mitosis. But its roles in mammalian oocyte meiosis are unclear. In the present study, we examined the expression, localization and function of BubR1 during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. The expression level of BubR1 increased progressively from germinal vesicle to metaphase II stages. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that BubR1 localized to kinetochores from the germinal vesicle breakdown to the prometaphase I stages, co-localizing with polo-like kinase 1, while it disappeared from the kinetochores at the metaphase I stage. Spindle disruption by nocodazole treatment caused relocation of BubR1 to kinetochores at metaphase I, anaphase I and metaphase II stages; spindle microtubules were disrupted by low temperature treatment in the BubR1-depleted oocytes in meiosis I, suggesting that BubR1 monitors kinetochore-microtubule (K-MT) attachments. Over-expression of exogenous BubR1 arrested oocyte meiosis maturation at the M I stage or earlier; in contrast, dominant-negative BubR1 and BubR1 depletion accelerated meiotic progression. In the BubR1-depleted oocytes, higher percentage of chromosome misalignment was observed and more oocytes overrode the M I stage arrest induced by low concentration of nocodazole. Our data suggest that BubR1 is a spindle assembly checkpoint protein regulating meiotic progression of oocytes.  相似文献   

Mammalian TopBP1 is a BRCT domain-containing protein whose function in mitotic cells is linked to replication and DNA damage checkpoint. Here, we study its possible role during meiosis in mice. TopBP1 foci are abundant during early prophase I and localize mainly to histone gamma-H2AX-positive domains, where DNA double-strand breaks (required to initiate recombination) occur. Strikingly, TopBP1 showed a pattern almost identical to that of ATR, a PI3K-like kinase involved in mitotic DNA damage checkpoint. In the synapsis-defective Fkbp6(-/-) mouse, TopBP1 heavily stains unsynapsed regions of chromosomes. We also tested whether Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cut5 (the TopBP1 homologue) plays a role in the meiotic recombination checkpoint, like spRad3, the ATR homologue. Indeed, we found that a cut5 mutation suppresses the checkpoint-dependent meiotic delay of a meiotic recombination defective mutant, indicating a direct role of the Cut5 protein in the meiotic checkpoint. Our findings suggest that ATR and TopBP1 monitor meiotic recombination and are required for activation of the meiotic recombination checkpoint.  相似文献   

The meiotic recombination checkpoint, which is triggered by defects in recombination or chromosome synapsis, arrests sporulating cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at pachytene by preventing accumulation of active Clb-Cdc28. We compared the effects of manipulating the three known targets of the meiotic recombination checkpoint, NDT80, SWE1, and SUM1, in dmc1-arrested cells. Ndt80 is an activator of a set of middle sporulation-specific genes (MSGs), which includes CLB genes and genes involved in spore wall formation; Swe1 inhibits Clb-Cdc28 activity; and Sum1 is a repressor of NDT80 and some MSGs. Activation of the checkpoint leads to inhibition of Ndt80 activity and to stabilization of Swe1 and Sum1. Thus, dmc1-arrested cells fail to express MSGs, arrest at pachytene, and do not form spores. Our study shows that dmc1/dmc1 sum1/sum1 cells expressed MSGs prematurely and at high levels, entered the meiotic divisions efficiently, and in some cases formed asci containing mature spores. In contrast, dmc1/dmc1 swe1/swe1 cells expressed MSGs at a very low level, were inefficient and delayed in entry into the meiotic divisions, and never formed mature spores. We found that cells of dmc1/dmc1 sum1/sum1 ndt80/ndt80 and dmc1/dmc1 swe1/swe1 ndt80/ndt80 strains arrested at pachytene and that dmc1/dmc1 or dmc1/dmc1 swe1/swe1 cells overexpressing NDT80 were less efficient in bypassing checkpoint-mediated arrest than dmc1/dmc1 sum1/sum1 cells. Our results are consistent with previous suggestions that increased Clb-Cdc28 activity, caused by mutation of SWE1 or by an NDT80-dependent increase in CLB expression, allows dmc1/dmc1 cells to exit pachytene and that subsequent upregulation of Ndt80 activity by a feedback mechanism promotes entry into the meiotic divisions. Spore morphogenesis, however, requires efficient and timely activation of MSGs, which we speculate was achieved in dmc1/dmc1 sum1/sum1 cells by premature expression of NDT80.  相似文献   

Dot1p modulates silencing in yeast by methylation of the nucleosome core   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
DOT1 was originally identified as a gene affecting telomeric silencing in S. cerevisiae. We now find that Dot1p methylates histone H3 on lysine 79, which maps to the top and bottom of the nucleosome core. Methylation occurs only when histone H3 is assembled in chromatin. In vivo, Dot1p is solely responsible for this methylation and methylates approximately 90% of histone H3. In dot1delta cells, silencing is compromised and silencing proteins become redistributed at the expense of normally silenced loci. We suggest that methylation of histone H3 lysine 79 limits silencing to discrete loci by preventing the binding of Sir proteins elsewhere along the genome. Because Dot1p and histone H3 are conserved, similar mechanisms are likely at work in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We screened radiation-sensitive yeast mutants for DNA damage checkpoint defects and identified Dot1, the conserved histone H3 Lys 79 methyltransferase. DOT1 deletion mutants (dot1Delta) are G1 and intra-S phase checkpoint defective after ionizing radiation but remain competent for G2/M arrest. Mutations that affect Dot1 function such as Rad6-Bre1/Paf1 pathway gene deletions or mutation of H2B Lys 123 or H3 Lys 79 share dot1Delta checkpoint defects. Whereas dot1Delta alone confers minimal DNA damage sensitivity, combining dot1Delta with histone methyltransferase mutations set1Delta and set2Delta markedly enhances lethality. Interestingly, set1Delta and set2Delta mutants remain G1 checkpoint competent, but set1Delta displays a mild S phase checkpoint defect. In human cells, H3 Lys 79 methylation by hDOT1L likely mediates recruitment of the signaling protein 53BP1 via its paired tudor domains to double-strand breaks (DSBs). Consistent with this paradigm, loss of Dot1 prevents activation of the yeast 53BP1 ortholog Rad9 or Chk2 homolog Rad53 and decreases binding of Rad9 to DSBs after DNA damage. Mutation of Rad9 to alter tudor domain binding to methylated Lys 79 phenocopies the dot1Delta checkpoint defect and blocks Rad53 phosphorylation. These results indicate a key role for chromatin and methylation of histone H3 Lys 79 in yeast DNA damage signaling.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1) is a highly conserved kinase with multiple mitotic functions. Plk1 localizes to prometaphase kinetochores and is reduced at metaphase kinetochores, similar to many checkpoint signaling proteins, but Plk1 is not required for spindle checkpoint function. Plk1 is also implicated in stabilizing kinetochore-microtubule attachments, but these attachments are most stable when kinetochore Plk1 levels are low at metaphase. Therefore, it is unclear how Plk1 function at kinetochores can be understood in the context of its dynamic localization. In this paper, we show that Plk1 activity suppresses kinetochore-microtubule dynamics to stabilize initial attachments in prometaphase, and Plk1 removal from kinetochores is necessary to maintain dynamic microtubules in metaphase. Constitutively targeting Plk1 to kinetochores maintained high activity at metaphase, leading to reduced interkinetochore tension and intrakinetochore stretch, a checkpoint-dependent mitotic arrest, and accumulation of microtubule attachment errors. Together, our data show that Plk1 dynamics at kinetochores control two critical mitotic processes: initially establishing correct kinetochore-microtubule attachments and subsequently silencing the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

Meiosis in human oocytes is a highly error-prone process with profound effects on germ cell and embryo development. The synaptonemal complex protein 3 (SYCP3) transiently supports the structural organization of the meiotic chromosome axis. Offspring derived from murine Sycp3/ females die in utero as a result of aneuploidy. We studied the nature of the proximal chromosomal defects that give rise to aneuploidy in Sycp3/ oocytes and how these errors evade meiotic quality control mechanisms. We show that DNA double-stranded breaks are inefficiently repaired in Sycp3/ oocytes, thereby generating a temporal spectrum of recombination errors. This is indicated by a strong residual γH2AX labeling retained at late meiotic stages in mutant oocytes and an increased persistence of recombination-related proteins associated with meiotic chromosomes. Although a majority of the mutant oocytes are rapidly eliminated at early postnatal development, a subset with a small number of unfinished crossovers evades the DNA damage checkpoint, resulting in the formation of aneuploid gametes.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can arise at unpredictable locations after DNA damage or in a programmed manner during meiosis. DNA damage checkpoint response to accidental DSBs during mitosis requires the Rad53 effector kinase, whereas the meiosis-specific Mek1 kinase, together with Red1 and Hop1, mediates the recombination checkpoint in response to programmed meiotic DSBs. Here we provide evidence that exogenous DSBs lead to Rad53 phosphorylation during the meiotic cell cycle, whereas programmed meiotic DSBs do not. However, the latter can trigger phosphorylation of a protein fusion between Rad53 and the Mec1-interacting protein Ddc2, suggesting that the inability of Rad53 to transduce the meiosis-specific DSB signals might be due to its failure to access the meiotic recombination sites. Rad53 phosphorylation/activation is elicited when unrepaired meiosis-specific DSBs escape the recombination checkpoint. This activation requires homologous chromosome segregation and delays the second meiotic division. Altogether, these data indicate that Rad53 prevents sister chromatid segregation in the presence of unrepaired programmed meiotic DSBs, thus providing a salvage mechanism ensuring genetic integrity in the gametes even in the absence of the recombination checkpoint.  相似文献   

Chromosome bipolar attachment is achieved when sister kinetochores are attached by microtubules emanating from opposite spindle poles, and this process is essential for faithful chromosome segregation during anaphase. A fundamental question in cell biology is how cells ensure that chromosome segregation only occurs after bipolar attachment. It is well documented that unattached kinetochores activate the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) to delay chromosome segregation. Therefore, the silencing of the SAC is thought to trigger anaphase onset, but how correct chromosome attachment is coupled with SAC silencing and the subsequent anaphase onset is poorly understood. The establishment of chromosome bipolar attachment not only results in the occupancy of kinetochores by microtubules but also applies tension on sister kinetochores. A long-standing debate is whether the kinetochore attachment (occupancy) or the tension silences the SAC. Recent work in budding yeast reveals the SAC silencing network SSN that prevents SAC silencing prior to tension generation at kinetochores. Therefore, this signaling pathway ensures that SAC silencing and the subsequent anaphase onset occur only after chromosome bipolar attachment applies tension on chromosomes. This review will summarize the recent advances in the understanding of the SAC silencing process.  相似文献   

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