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Knowledge of animal diets provides essential insights into their life history and ecology, although diet estimation is challenging and remains an active area of research. Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) has become a popular method of estimating diet composition, especially for marine species. A primary assumption of QFASA is that constants called calibration coefficients, which account for the differential metabolism of individual fatty acids, are known. In practice, however, calibration coefficients are not known, but rather have been estimated in feeding trials with captive animals of a limited number of model species. The impossibility of verifying the accuracy of feeding trial derived calibration coefficients to estimate the diets of wild animals is a foundational problem with QFASA that has generated considerable criticism. We present a new model that allows simultaneous estimation of diet composition and calibration coefficients based only on fatty acid signature samples from wild predators and potential prey. Our model performed almost flawlessly in four tests with constructed examples, estimating both diet proportions and calibration coefficients with essentially no error. We also applied the model to data from Chukchi Sea polar bears, obtaining diet estimates that were more diverse than estimates conditioned on feeding trial calibration coefficients. Our model avoids bias in diet estimates caused by conditioning on inaccurate calibration coefficients, invalidates the primary criticism of QFASA, eliminates the need to conduct feeding trials solely for diet estimation, and consequently expands the utility of fatty acid data to investigate aspects of ecology linked to animal diets.  相似文献   

Seasonal and ontogenetic shifts in the diet of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied in a deep, ultra‐oligotrophic lake in subarctic Finland from both stomach contents and the stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope compositions of muscle and liver tissues. Both diet and isotope results indicated that the S. alpinus population relied mainly on littoral benthic energy sources. The strong littoral reliance appeared largely independent of season or fish size, although the data lacked small (total length, LT, <130 mm) and young (<3 years) S. alpinus. Liver isotope values of intermediate‐sized S. alpinus (200–350 mm), however, suggested exploitation of the increase in the abundance of pelagic zooplankton in the late open‐water season. The results suggest that, in general, a strong littoral reliance of fishes can be a feature in subarctic lakes throughout the year. Due to its faster isotopic turnover rate and thus higher resolution for temporal diet changes, liver could be more commonly used in stable‐isotope studies of fish trophic niche shifts instead of using only the less responsive muscle tissue.  相似文献   

1. Analyses of zooplankton fatty acid (FA) composition in laboratory experiments and samples collected from lakes in New Zealand spanning a wide gradient of productivity were used to assess the extent to which FAs might infer their diet. We used the cladocerans, Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia, and the calanoid copepod, Boeckella, as test organisms, and monocultures of cryptophytes, chlorophytes and cyanobacteria as food. Based on reproductive success, cryptophytes were the highest food quality, chlorophytes were intermediate and cyanobacteria the poorest. 2. Several FA groups were highly correlated between zooplankton and their diets. They were monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and ω3 and ω6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) for cladocerans, and saturated fatty acids (SAFAs) and ω3 PUFAs for copepods. Several FAs varied significantly less in the zooplankton than in their monoculture diets, e.g. MUFAs in Daphnia, and ω3 and ω6 PUFAs in Ceriodaphnia, despite clear dietary dependency for these FAs. 3. Zooplankton collected from lakes in New Zealand had more eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (Daphnia), more highly unsaturated ω3 and ω6 FAs (C20, C22; Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Boeckella) and less ω3 C18 PUFAs (Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Boeckella) and ω6 C18 PUFAs (Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia) than measured in the same species reared on phytoplankton in the laboratory. 4. Analyses of FA composition of seston and freshwater zooplankton globally showed that, in general, zooplankton had a significantly higher proportion of arachidonic acid and EPA than seston, and copepods also had a higher percentage of docosahexaenoic acid than seston. 5. These results suggest that zooplankton selectively incorporate the most physiologically important FAs. This could be a consequence of preferential assimilation, selective feeding on more nutritious cells or locating and feeding within higher food quality food patches.  相似文献   

1. Poikilothermic animals incorporate more polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) into their cellular membranes as temperature declines, suggesting an increased sensitivity to PUFA limitation in cool conditions. To test this we raised Daphnia magna at different temperatures and investigated the effect of varying dietary PUFA on life history parameters (i.e. growth, reproduction) and the PUFA composition of body tissue and eggs. 2. Upon a PUFA‐rich diet (Cryptomonas sp.) females showed higher concentrations of several ω3 PUFAs in their body tissue at 15 °C than at 20 °C and 25 °C, indicating a greater structural requirement for ω3 PUFAs at low temperature. Their eggs had an equal but higher concentration of ω3 PUFAs than their body tissue. 3. In a life history experiment at 15 and 20 °C we supplemented a diet of a PUFA‐free cyanobacterium with the ω3 PUFA eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The growth of D. magna was more strongly EPA limited at low temperature. A greater requirement for structural EPA at 15 °C was indicated by a steeper increase in somatic EPA content with dietary EPA compared to 20 °C. 4. At 20 °C the development of eggs to successful hatching was high when EPA was supplied to the mothers. At 15 °C the hatching success was generally poor, despite of a higher maternal provision of EPA to eggs, compared to that at 20 °C, suggesting that EPA alone was insufficient for proper neonatal development at the low temperature. The growth of offspring from mothers raised at 20 °C without EPA supplementation was very low, indicating that the negative effects of EPA deficiency can be carried on to the next generation. 5. The fatty acid composition of Daphnia sp. in published field studies shows increasing proportions of saturated fatty acids with increasing environmental temperature, whereas ω3 PUFAs and EPA show no clear pattern, suggesting that variations in dietary PUFA may mask temperature‐dependent adjustments in ω3 PUFA concentrations of cladocerans in nature.  相似文献   

The microbial community structure of two biofilters used for the oxidation of methane and organic trace gases generated in landfills was analysed by phospholipid fatty acid composition. Community structure varied with biofilter depth, reflecting varying conditions of substrate supply as well as of organic carbon content, nutrient status and osmotic stress determined by the different materials used for the individual biofilter layers. Both biofilters were dominated by type II methanotrophs. In the biofilter charged with landfill gas containing significant amounts of trace organics, fatty acid 18:1omega7c constituted 87% of the methanotrophic PLFA, while the recognised signature fatty acids 16:1omega8 and 18:1omega8, which were well represented in the other biofilter, were entirely absent. This indicates the development of a highly specific methanotrophic population, presumably as a result of the adaption to continuous organic trace gas exposure.  相似文献   

1. Marked differences were observed in the total fatty acid concentrations and essential fatty acid (EFA) distributions of co-existing freshwater copepods and cladocerans in four large lake systems (lakes Michigan, Erie, Ontario and Champlain) over two growing seasons. These patterns appeared independent of lake seston EFA composition.
2. Compared to the cladocerans, calanoid and cyclopoid copepods contained significantly higher concentrations of total fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an EFA abundant in fish. Calanoids and cladocerans contained similar levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), but cladocerans showed EPA : DHA ratios consistently greater than those of the available seston food source. Alpha-linolenic acid was most abundant in the herbivorous cladocerans, Daphnia and Holopedium , while the highest concentrations of arachidonic acid were found in the predatory cladocerans, Bythotrephes longimanus and Leptodora kindtii .
3. The distinct EFA accumulation patterns between cladoceran and copepod zooplankton suggest metabolic regulation of certain EFAs to meet the particular physiological demands and ecological strategies of these different zooplankton groups. Cladocerans may accumulate EPA directly from their diet, or through transformation of dietary materials to facilitate rapid somatic growth and enhance reproduction due to their short generation time. In contrast, copepods may retain DHA to increase their cell membrane fluidity in order to remain active over the winter due to their longer generation time and life cycle.
4. Consistent EFA differences between zooplankton groups may have implications regarding the somatic growth and reproductive success of different zooplankton taxa as well as the nutritional value of various zooplankton groups for larval and planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

Eutrophication and rising water temperature in freshwaters may increase the total production of a lake while simultaneously reducing the nutritional quality of food web components. We evaluated how cyanobacteria blooms, driven by agricultural eutrophication (in eutrophic Lake Köyliöjärvi) or global warming (in mesotrophic Lake Pyhäjärvi), influence the biomass and structure of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish communities. In terms of the nutritional value of food web components, we evaluated changes in the ω‐3 and ω‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of phytoplankton and consumers at different trophic levels. Meanwhile, the lakes did not differ in their biomasses of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish communities, lake trophic status greatly influenced the community structures. The eutrophic lake, with agricultural eutrophication, had cyanobacteria bloom throughout the summer months whereas cyanobacteria were abundant only occasionally in the mesotrophic lake, mainly in early summer. Phytoplankton community differences at genus level resulted in higher arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content of seston in the mesotrophic than in the eutrophic lake. This was also reflected in the EPA and DHA content of herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia and Bosmina) despite more efficient trophic retention of these biomolecules in a eutrophic lake than in the mesotrophic lake zooplankton. Planktivorous juvenile fish (perch and roach) in a eutrophic lake overcame the lower availability of DHA in their prey by more efficient trophic retention and biosynthesis from the precursors. However, the most efficient trophic retention of DHA was found with benthivorous perch which prey contained only a low amount of DHA. Long‐term cyanobacterial blooming decreased the nutritional quality of piscivorous perch; however, the difference was much less than previously anticipated. Our result shows that long‐term cyanobacteria blooming impacts the structure of plankton and fish communities and lowers the nutritional quality of seston and zooplankton, which, however, is mitigated at upper trophic levels.  相似文献   

1. The effect of the addition of emulsions with different fatty acid composition to a semi-natural zooplankton community was studied in enclosures.
2. The reactions of different taxa in the zooplankton community to the addition of the emulsions were different. The copepods showed almost no reaction, nor did the selective cladocerans ( Bosmina ) or rotifers ( Synchaeta or Polyarthra ). The non-selective filterfeeding cladocerans Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia , and the rotifer Keratella , showed responses to the addition of the emulsions.
3.  Keratella showed the highest density in the enclosures with high amounts of highly unsaturated fatty acids added, whereas both Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia reached the highest numbers in the enclosures where we added emulsions of saturated fatty acids only.
4. Our results suggest that different taxa may be limited by different factors, even though they use similar food sources. Hence, we conclude that it is very difficult to generalize on the limiting factors in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

1. A series of experiments examined growth of Daphnia magna on three algal diets ( Rhodomonas minuta , Scenedesmus acutus and Synechococcus sp.) at varying physiological states [nitrogen and phosphorus (P) limitations] to test whether variation in algal fatty acid and/or elemental composition can predict Daphnia growth.
2. These algae differed widely in their essential fatty acid (EFA) composition while phosphorus (P) or nitrogen limitation had only a small influence on their ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content.
3. Individually, algal ω3-PUFA content explained 69% of the variation in the normalised growth of D. magna, while algal phosphorus content explained 11% of the variation. Quantitative models for D. magna growth used both algal ω3-PUFA content and algal C : P ratio as food quality indices. Together, algal ω3-PUFA content and C : P ratio explained 70% of the variation in the normalised growth rate of D. magna .
4. Our results indicate that EFA influenced algal food quality much more strongly than P. The EFA and mineral P impacts appear to be independent.  相似文献   

The interactions between the higher trophic levels in a shallow eutrophic lake were studied during the course of a year. Three fish species determined the main pathways of organic matter flow within the system: the predominantly planktivorous bream (Abramis brama), the obligate planktivorous smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), and the piscivorous pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca). Of the thirteen common zooplankton taxa Daphnia hyalina and cyclopoid copepods were utilized most by the planktivorous fish, while the large production of small cladocerans is almost left unutilized.The seasonal variations of production and consumption are large. This is mainly affected by seasonal variation of the water temperature. The production of O + smelt is efficiently utilized by the pikeperch. Being the most important zooplankton consumer, as well as the most important prey group, O + fish plays a key role in the Tjeukemeer food web.  相似文献   

Increasing sea surface temperatures (SST) and blooms of lipid‐poor, filamentous cyanobacteria can change mesozooplankton metabolism and foraging strategies in marine systems. Lipid shortage and imbalanced diet may challenge the build‐up of energy pools of lipids and proteins, and access to essential fatty acids (FAs) and amino acids (AAs) by copepods. The impact of cyanobacterial blooms on individual energy pools was assessed for key species temperate Temora longicornis and boreal Pseudo‐/Paracalanus spp. that dominated field mesozooplankton communities isolated by seasonal stratification in the central Baltic Sea during the hot and the cold summer. We looked at (a) total lipid and protein levels, (b) FA trophic markers and AA composition, and (c) compound‐specific stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) in bulk mesozooplankton and in a subset of parameters in particulate organic matter. Despite lipid‐poor cyanobacterial blooms, the key species were largely able to cover both energy pools, yet a tendency of lipid reduction was observed in surface animals. Omni‐ and carnivory feeding modes, FA trophic makers, and δ13C patterns in essential compounds emphasized that cyanobacterial FAs and AAs have been incorporated into mesozooplankton mainly via feeding on mixo‐ and heterotrophic (dino‐) flagellates and detrital complexes during summer. Foraging for essential highly unsaturated FAs from (dino‐) flagellates may have caused night migration of Pseudo‐/Paracalanus spp. from the deep subhalocline waters into the upper waters. Only in the hot summer (SST>19.0°C) was T. longicornis submerged in the colder subthermocline water (~4°C). Thus, the continuous warming trend and simultaneous feeding can eventually lead to competition on the preferred diet by key copepod species below the thermocline in stratified systems. A comparison of δ13C patterns of essential AAs in surface mesozooplankton across sub‐basins of low and high cyanobacterial biomasses revealed the potential of δ13C‐AA isoscapes for studies of commercial fish feeding trails across the Baltic Sea food webs.  相似文献   

Seasonal growth of smelt Osmerus eperlanus was studied in the Kiihkelyksenselkä basin in the eutrophic Lake Hiidenvesi, southern Finland. The growth of age 1+ and 2+ year smelts was very low probably due to the discontinuous supply of large invertebrates Chaoborus flavicans and Mysis relicta . Diet shift back to zooplankton in autumn, suggested the existence of a bottleneck in the growth of these age groups. Slow growth rate was further intensified by the onset of maturity at age 2 years, combined with the high diet and habitat overlaps between similar‐sized 1+ and 2+ year smelts. Older 3+ and 4+ year smelts shifted to piscivory, i.e . cannibalism, during the growing season, which was seen as rapid increases in their growth rates.  相似文献   

磷脂脂肪酸分析方法在微生物生态学中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
磷脂脂肪酸分析方法(PLFA)是基于生物化学手段的一种微生物生态学研究新技术,它具有对细胞生理活性没有特殊的要求,对样品保存时间也要求不高等优点,由样品中所有微生物提供信息,是一种快捷、可靠的分析方法。本文介绍了PLFA在微生物生态学研究中的应用,主要包括对微生物群落生物量、群落结构和功能及其变化,指示特定微生物以及营养状况方面的研究。  相似文献   

Microbial activity within the environment can have distinct geochemicaleffects, and so changes in a microbial community structure can result ingeochemical change. We examined seasonal changes in both the microbialcommunityand the geochemistry of an inter-tidal salt marsh in north-west England tocharacterise biogeochemical processes occurring at this site.Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis of sediment samples collected atmonthly intervals was used to measure seasonal changes in microbial biomass andcommunity structure. The PLFA data were analysed using multivariate techniques(Ward's method and the Mahalanobis distance metric), and we show that the useofthe Mahalanobis distance metric improves the statistical analysis by providingdetailed information on the reasons samples cluster together and identifyingthedistinguishing features between the separate clusters. Five clusters of likesamples were defined, showing differences in the community structure over thecourse of a year.At all times, the microbial community was dominated by PLFA associated withaerobic bacteria, but this was most pronounced in summer (August). Theabundanceof branched fatty acids, a measure of the biomass of anaerobes, started toincrease later in the year than did those associated with aerobes and thefungalbiomarker 18:26 showed a brief late-summer peak.The salt marsh remained mildly oxic throughout the year despite the increase inmicrobial respiration, suggested by the large increases in the abundance ofPLFA, in the warmer months. The conditions therefore remained most favourablefor aerobic species throughout the year, explaining their continual dominanceatthis site. However, as the abundance of PLFA synthesised by anaerobesincreased,increases in dissolved Mn concentrations were observed, which we suggest weredue to anaerobic respiration of Mn(IV) to Mn(II). Overall, the geochemicalconditions were consistent with the microbial community structure and changeswithin it.  相似文献   

Membrane fatty acid analysis of Antarctic bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Randomly selected strains of a bacterial collection of marine sea-ice bacteria from Antarctica were analyzed to obtain a profile of the membrane fatty acids. Results showed that short chain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were more common in the psychrotrophs when compared to psychrophiles. In contrast, branched-chain fatty acids were more abundant in the psychrophiles.  相似文献   

Highly unsaturated fatty acids such as 20:5n3 (EPA) are both hormone precursors and cell membrane components, making them important nutrients for aquatic animals. Many animals must obtain EPA from their diets because they cannot synthesize enough EPA to meet their requirements, and algae are the main source of EPA in aquatic ecosystems. In a previous study, we detected EPA in the faeces of Danio rerio, a freshwater fish, even though the fish consumed a green algae diet that did not contain EPA. The objective of this study was to determine why EPA was detected in fish faeces. A significant positive relationship was detected between the number of heterotrophic protozoa and the concentration of EPA in the faeces, which suggests that this EPA was of protozoan origin. In addition, another experiment showed that protozoa adhered to faeces far more than the green algal diet remnants, which indicates that protozoa preferred to swarm on faeces. Furthermore, we cultured protozoa in an EPA-free medium and fed them a bacterial diet also lacking EPA, and found that Cyclidium sp. synthesized EPA de novo. The results demonstrate that protozoa produce essential fatty acids and enhance the nutritional quality of animal faeces in detritus-based food webs in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Fatty acids (FAs) have been widely applied as trophic biomarkers in aquatic food web studies. However, current knowledge of inter‐ and intraspecific variation in consumer FA compositions across spatial and temporal scales is constrained to a few pelagic taxa. 2. We analysed the FAs of 22 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton and fish collected from the littoral, pelagic and profundal habitats of nine boreal oligotrophic lakes over spring, summer and autumn. We quantified and compared the FA variance partitions contributed by species identity (i.e. an integrative effect of phylogenetic origin, life history and functional feeding guild of individual taxa), site and season using partial redundancy analysis both on all consumers and on benthic arthropods alone. 3. Species identity alone contributed 84.4 and 72.8% of explained FA variation of all consumers and benthic arthropods, respectively. Influences of site, season and all joint effects accounted for 0–11.3% only. Fatty acid profiles of primary consumers differentiated below class level, but those of predators were distinguishable only when they became more taxonomically distinct (i.e. among classes or higher). 4. Pelagic and profundal consumers showed stronger reliance on autochthonous resources than did their littoral counterparts as reflected by their higher ω3 to ω6 FA ratios. Polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) were increasingly retained with trophic levels, and saturated FAs (e.g. FA 16 : 0) gradually reduced. Ecologically, this trade‐off enhances the trophic transfer efficiency and confirms the importance of PUFA‐rich autotrophs in aquatic food webs. 5. Our findings indicate strong interspecific differences in FA requirements and assimilation among aquatic consumers from a wide range of taxonomic levels, habitats and lakes. Consumers were able to maintain homoeostasis in FA compositions across spatial and temporal changes in resource FAs, but consumer homoeostasis did not limit the effectiveness of FAs as trophic biomarkers.  相似文献   

1. Subarctic ponds are seasonal aquatic habitats subject to short summers but often have surprisingly numerous planktonic consumers relative to phytoplankton productivity. Because subarctic ponds have low pelagic productivity but a high biomass of benthic algae, we hypothesised that benthic mats provide a complementary and important food source for the zooplankton. To test this, we used a combination of fatty acid and stable isotope analyses to evaluate the nutritional content of benthic and pelagic food and their contributions to the diets of crustacean zooplankton in 10 Finnish subarctic ponds. 2. Benthic mats and seston differed significantly in total lipids, with seston (62.5 μg mg?1) having approximately eight times higher total lipid concentrations than benthic mats (7.0 μg mg?1). Moreover, the two potential food sources differed in their lipid quality, with benthic organic matter completely lacking some nutritionally important polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), most notably docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid. 3. Zooplankton had higher PUFA concentrations (27–67 μg mg?1) than either of the food sources (mean benthic mats: 1.2 μg mg?1; mean seston: 9.9 μg mg?1), indicating that zooplankton metabolically regulate their accumulation of PUFA. In addition, when each pond was evaluated independently, the zooplankton was consistently more 13C‐depleted (δ13C ?20 to ?33‰) than seston (?23 to ?29‰) or benthic (?15 to ?27‰) food sources. In three ponds, a subset of the zooplankton (Eudiaptomus graciloides, Bosmina sp., Daphnia sp. and Branchinecta paludosa) showed evidence of feeding on both benthic and planktonic resources, whereas in most (seven out of 10) ponds the zooplankton appeared to feed primarily on plankton. 4. Our results indicate that pelagic primary production was consistently the principal food resource of most metazoans. While benthic mats were highly productive, they did not appear to be a major food source for zooplankton. The pond zooplankton, faced by strong seasonal food limitation, acquires particular dietary elements selectively.  相似文献   

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