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An oligonucleosome 12-mer was reconstituted in the absence of linker histones, onto a DNA template consisting of 12 tandemly arranged 208-base pair fragments of the 5 S rRNA gene from the sea urchin Ly-techinus variegatus (Simpson, R. T., Thoma, F. S., and Burbaker, J. M. (1985) Cell 42, 799-808). The ionic strength-dependent folding of this nucleohistone complex was compared with that of a native oligonucleosome fraction obtained from chicken erythrocyte chromatin, which had been carefully stripped of linker histones and fractionated in sucrose gradients. The DNA of this native fraction exhibited a narrow size distribution centered around the length of the 208-12 DNA template used in the reconstituted complex. These two complexes displayed very similar hydrodynamic behavior as judged by sedimentation velocity analysis. By combining these data with electron microscopy analysis, it was shown that the salt-dependent folding of oligonucleosomes in the absence of linker histones involves the bending of the linker DNA region connecting adjacent nucleosomes. It was also found that selective removal by trypsin of the N-terminal regions ("tails") of the core histones prevents the oligonucleosome chains from folding. Thus, in the absence of these histone domains, the bending of the linker DNA necessary to bring the nucleosomes in contact is completely abolished. In addition to the complete lack of folding, removal of the histone tails results in an unwinding at low salt of a 20-base pair region at each flanking side of the nucleosome core particle. The possible functional relevance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Neutral soluble collagen was extracted from lathyritic rat skin under proteolysis-inhibited conditions. Purified solutions were characterized by electric birefringence and heterodyne beat quasi-elastic light-scattering techniques under conditions where the monomeric form was stable (at 4 degrees C in 0.032 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.04). Solutions were then heated and the birefringence and light scattering followed during the fibrillogenesis reaction. The monomer presents a translational diffusion coefficient of 0.85 X 10(-7) cm2/s and a rotary diffusion coefficient of 1150 +/- 50 s-1; these values are consistent with a rodlike molecular model of 220 +/- 10 nm length and 4 +/- 1 nm diameter, substantially different from electron microscopic values of 290 and 1.5 nm, respectively. We propose that at pH 7.04 and relatively high ionic strength, the collagen monomer unit must exhibit substantial deviation from a completely rigid and extended rodlike structure. During the entire lag phase in a thermally induced fibrillogenesis reaction, the relaxation times for both translational and rotational motion remain virtually unchanged. The monomer polarity is also unchanged, as shown by reverse pulse birefringence data. No intermediate size soluble aggregates, such as dimers or trimers, have been detected between monomer and very large aggregates or fibrils during the process, although early multistep assembly products (dimers, trimers) could have been seen if present. These data suggest a model for fibrillogenesis emphasizing a monomer-related nucleation event, such as internal stiffening or conformational transition, followed by a rapid continuous growth up to large fibrils.  相似文献   

Using the method of salt dialysis, we have reconstituted histone octamers onto DNA templates consisting of 12 tandem repeats, each containing a fragment of the sea urchin 5S rRNA gene [Simpson, R.T., Thoma, F., & Brubaker, J.M. (1985) Cell 42, 799-808]. In these templates, each sea urchin repeat contains a sequence for preferred nucleosome positioning. Sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium studies in the analytical ultracentrifuge indicate that at molar histone/DNA ratios of 1.0-1.1 extremely homogeneous preparations of fully loaded oligonucleosomes (12 nucleosomes/template) can be regularly obtained. Digestion of the oligonucleosomes with micrococcal nuclease, followed by restriction mapping of purified nucleosome-bound DNA sequences, yields a complicated but consistent pattern of nucleosome positioning. Roughly 50% of the nucleosomes appear to be phased at positions 1-146 of each repeat, while the remainder of the nucleosomes occupy a number of other minor discrete positions along the template that differ by multiples of 10 bp. From sedimentation velocity studies of the oligonucleosomes in 0-0.2 M NaCl, we observe a reversible increase in mean sedimentation coefficient by almost 30%, accompanied by development of heterogeneity in sedimentation. These results, in combination with theoretical predictions, indicate that linear stretches of chromatin in the absence of lysine-rich histones exist in solution in a salt-dependent equilibrium between an extended (low salt) conformation and one or more folded (high salt) structures. In addition, by 100 mM NaCl, salt-dependent dissociation of histone octamers from these linear oligonucleosomes is observed.  相似文献   

The effect of H1 histone on the action of DNA-relaxing enzyme.   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The action of DNA-relaxing enzyme on H1-DNA complexes was investigated. Complexes of superhelical and relaxed closed circular duplex DNA with H1 were treated with mammalian relaxing enzyme, deproteinized, and electrophoresed on agarose gels. At relatively low ratios of H1 to superhelical DNA, molecules of superhelical density intermediate between those of the starting material and relaxed DNA, the normal product, were generated. At relatively high H1 histone concentrations (H1:DNA greater than 0.4 w/w), the superhelical DNA was not relaxed. Further, no superhelical turns were introduced into relaxed closed duplex DNA at any concentration of H1 tested. Thus, the binding of H1 histone to DNA prevents the action of the relaxing enzyme. Moreover, H1 histone does not appear to unwind the DNA duplex upon binding. The implications of these observations and the previously demonstrated specificity of H1 histone for superhelical DNA are discussed in relation to the structure of chromatin.  相似文献   

We have applied a theory of dynamic light scattering from large anisotropic particles, developed by Aragón and Pecora [J. Chem. Phys. 66 , 2506–2516 (1977)] to calculate the scattering expected from T-even phage models. The results indicate that the off-center rotation of the massive virus head with respect to the center of frictional resistance introduces significant rotational contributions to the light-scattering time autocorrelation function. The effect is particularly important when the fibers of the phage are extended. Reanalysis of previously published data [J. B. Welch III and V. A. Bloomfield, Biopolymers 17 , 2001–2014 (1978)], taking into account rotational corrections, confirms the equality of molecular weights of the slow- and fast-sedimenting forms of T2L bacteriophage.  相似文献   

A simple mixing device for studying fast reactions by quasielastic light scattering is described. The convection due to mixing is minimized and rapidly damped, so that light scattering measurements can be made immediately after mixing.  相似文献   

Large unilamellar vesicles of two phosphatidylcholines, one saturated (DMPC) and the other unsaturated (DOPC), prepared by the reverse-phase evaporation method were studied using the quasielastic light scattering technique. The accurate sizing obtained by this technique showed an osmotic response for the two kinds of vesicles when the salinity of the external medium was diluted. The elastic moduli of lipid vesicles bilayers in the liquid phase were then estimated according to the elasticity theory of spherical shells taking into account salt leakage data known from the literature.  相似文献   

The diffusion translational coefficient DT of core particles in monodisperse solutions has been measured by the quasielastic light scattering method in a large scale of salinities over the range 6.10−4 to 2M Na+ or K+. The observed values of DT are independent of particle concentration in the range 0.1–2 mg/ml and do not vary with the scattering vector q corresponding to scattering angles between 40°–120°. When the salinity is progressively raised an increase of DT from 1.9.10−7 cm2s−1 to 3.2.10−7 cm2s−1 was observed at about 2.10−3 M NaCl followed by a decrease of DT beyond 0.6 M NaCl.The various possible causes of the changes of DT such as interactions between particles or between particles and salt ions are discussed. We show that the single low ionic strength change is due to a conformational transition of the core particles, while the second variation of DT accompanies the disorganization of the core particles.  相似文献   

The strength of fibrin gels has been investigated by a recently developed laser light scattering technique for determining the shear modulus of soft gels. By this method, changes in the modulus were monitored as a function of time without perturbing the material. Fibrin gels were crosslinked with blood coagulation factor XIII. Rigidity measurements and SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to correlate gel strength with the number of covalently bonded subunit chains. The modulus was found to vary linearly with the number of crosslinks until maximum rigidity was achieved.  相似文献   

Diffusion studies of bovine serum albumin by quasielastic light scattering   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
T Raj  W H Flygare 《Biochemistry》1974,13(16):3336-3340

Assembly of fibrin. A light scattering study.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Using stopped flow light scattering, we show that assembly of fibrin following activation with non-rate-limiting amounts of thrombin or reptilase occurs in two steps, of which the first is end-to-end polymerization of fibrin monomers to protofibrils and the second is lateral association of protofibrils to fibers, in agreement with Ferry's original proposal. Polymerization is found to proceed as a bimolecular association of bifunctional monomers; the overall rate varies as the inverse first power of the concentration; end-to-end association of two monomers, of a monomer and an oligomer, and of two oligomers occurs with the same rate constant. The value of the rate constant is 8.2 C 10(5) M-1 s-1 in 0.5 M NaCl, is three times larger in 0.1 M NaCl (0.05 M Tris, pH 7.4), and is the same following activation by reptilase and by thrombin. The onset of growth of fibers from protofibrils takes 12 times longer in 0.5 than in 0.1 M salt, i.e. thick fibers ("coarse" gels) form from short protofibrils, and thin fibers ("fine" gels) form from longer protofibrils. Jumps of salt concentration at times when protofibrils, but not fibers, have formed result in immediate growth of thick fibers at low salt from long protofibrils formed at high salt. The rate of fiber growth in these experiments varies as the inverse first power of the concentration. 3the instant of gelation (formation of a network of fibers) falls in the later half of the time during which the scattering rises due to fiber growth; the rise of gel rigidity after gelation is found to continue beyond the end of this period. Jumps from low to high salt result in retention of whatever fibers have formed at low salt and a very small additional increase of the scattering due to further fiber growth at high salt. From a variety of evidence, we conclude that the properties of fibrin are determined by kinetics and not equilibria of assembly steps. Results obtained here agree with the following scheme of fibrin assembly: monomers polymerize to protofibrils; long protofibrils associate laterally to fibers; occasionally a long protofibril associates with two different fibers to form an interfiber connection; fiber growth does not reverse to yield stabler, more compact, structures and terminates in formation of a network of fibers. The typical delay of fiber growth is the time during which protofibrils form from monomers. Measurements at rate-limiting concentrations of thrombin have allowed estimation of turnover rates of fibrinopeptides that agree with kinetic parameters obtained with direct assay of fibrinopeptide. Release of fibrinopeptide B causes more rapid fiber formation. Addition of thrombin after activation by reptilase, at a time when protofibrils, but not fibers, have formed, is followed rapidly by fiber formation; this proves that thrombin readily removes fibrinopeptide B from protofibrils. On the basis of these new results and earlier work (in particular, Blomb?ck, B., Hessel, B., Hogg, D., and Therkildsen, L...  相似文献   

We addressed the question of how nuclear histones and DNA interact and form a nucleosome structure by applying atomic force microscopy to an in vitro reconstituted chromatin system. The molecular images obtained by atomic force microscopy demonstrated that oligonucleosomes reconstituted with purified core histones and DNA yielded a 'beads on a string' structure with each nucleosome trapping 158 +/- 27 bp DNA. When dinucleosomes were assembled on a DNA fragment containing two tandem repeats of the positioning sequence of the Xenopus 5S RNA gene, two nucleosomes were located around each positioning sequence. The spacing of the nucleosomes fluctuated in the absence of salt and the nucleosomes were stabilized around the range of the positioning signals in the presence of 50 mM NaCl. An addition of histone H1 to the system resulted in a tight compaction of the dinucleosomal structure.  相似文献   

Quasielastic light scattering and electrophoretic light scattering studies were carried out on mononucleosome and oligonucleosome systems. The electrophoretic light scattering experiments employed static and sinusoidal electric fields. Data are presented that suggest at least two relaxation modes. It is proposed that the small amplitude sinusoidal field effectively polarizes the ion atmosphere about the polyion, thus leading to an induced dipole moment that varies sinusoidally in time. This model is, in essence, an extension of the current interpretation of low-frequency dielectric dispersion data on DNA as being due to fluctuations of counterions along the polyion.  相似文献   

The condensation of DNA by the C-terminal domain of histone H1 has been studied by circular dichroism in physiological salt concentration (0.14 M NaF). As the intact H1 molecule, its C-terminal domain induces the so-called psi state of DNA that is characterized by a nonconservative circular dichroism spectrum which is currently attributed to ordered aggregation of the DNA molecules. On a molar basis, intact H1 and its C-terminal domain give spectra of similar intensity. Neither the globular domain of H1 nor an N-terminal fragment, that includes both the globular and N-terminal domains, has any effect on the conservative circular dichroism of DNA. From these results it is concluded that the condensation of DNA mediated by histone H1 is mainly due to its C-terminal domain. The effect of the salt concentration and the size of DNA molecules on the circular dichroism of the complexes are also examined.  相似文献   

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