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Aim To determine whether an exotic bird species, the great kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus), has diverged in morphology from its native source population, and, if so, has done so in a manner predicted by the island rule. The island rule predicts that insular vertebrates will tend towards dwarfism or gigantism when isolated on islands, depending on their body size. For birds, the island rule predicts that species with body sizes below 70–120 g should increase in size. The great kiskadee has a mean mass of c. 60 g in its native range, therefore we predicted that it would increase in size within the exotic, and more insular, Bermudan range. Location The islands of Bermuda (exotic population) and Trinidad (native source population). Methods We took eight morphological measurements on 84 individuals captured in the exotic (Bermudan) population and 62 individuals captured in the native source (Trinidadian) population. We compared morphological metrics between populations using univariate and principal components analyses. We assessed whether the effects of genetic drift could explain observed differences in morphology. We calculated divergence rates in haldanes and darwins for comparison with published examples of contemporary evolution. Finally, we used mark–recapture analysis to determine the effects of the measured morphological characters on survivorship within the exotic Bermudan population. Results Individuals in the exotic Bermudan population have larger morphological dimensions than individuals in the native source population on Trinidad. The degree of divergence in body mass (g) and bill width (mm) is probably not due to genetic drift. This rate of divergence is nearly equal to that observed amongst well‐documented examples of contemporary bird evolution, and is within the mid‐range of rates reported across taxa. There is no clear effect of body size on survivorship as only one character (bill width) was found to have an influence on individual survivorship. Main conclusions Exotic species provide useful systems for examining evolutionary predictions over contemporary time‐scales. We found that divergence between the exotic and native populations of this bird species occurred over c. 17 generations, and was in the direction predicted by the island rule, a principle based on the study of native species.  相似文献   

Invasive alien species have been revealed to drastically alter the structure of native communities; however, there is scarce information on whether taxonomic and functional spaces occupied by native species are equally filled by exotic species. We investigated the diversity of native species to understand the impact of exotic Oreochromis niloticus in the upper Kabompo River, northwest of Zambia using taxonomic and functional diversity indices. To achieve this, two tests were performed (Test 1, compared natives in invaded and uninvaded sections; Test 2, compared natives in invaded section). A total of 17 species were collected for functional diversity computation, out of which fourteen (14) functional trait measurements linked to feeding, locomotion, and life history strategy were taken. Findings revealed that taxonomic and functional diversity values changed with invasion in both tests. Taxonomic diversity was 15% more in invaded than uninvaded sections in Test 1 and was not consistent across sampling points of invaded section in Test 2. Invaded areas were taxonomically less diverse, but functionally diverse in both tests. The analysis of similarity and nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed no difference in Bray–Curtis similarity assemblages in both tests. Our findings revealed that exotic species more often occupy unfilled gaps in the communities often occupied by the native species; this is achieved by occupying functional spaces. Overall, changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of native species documented here partially confirmed impacts of O. niloticus invasion. Therefore, we recommend a multifaceted approach to assess cumulative impacts of invasion on native species.  相似文献   

Smooth‐shelled blue mussels of the Mytilus edulis species complex are widely distributed bivalve molluscs whose introductions threaten native marine biodiversity (non‐indigenous species – NIS). The aim of the present study was to identify the species and hybrids of Mytilus present in the Magellan Region (southern Chile). Results indicate that three mussel species of the Mytilus edulis complex are found in the region – M. edulis, M. chilensis (or the Southern Hemisphere lineage of Mytilus galloprovincialis), and M. galloprovincialis of Northern Hemisphere origin. For the first time, alleles of the introduced M. trossulus are reported from the Southern Hemisphere. In the Strait of Magellan the native Pacific blue mussel, Mytilus chilensis and the native Atlantic blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, meet and mix at a natural hybrid zone (about 125 km in length). This is the first record of a natural Mytilus hybrid zone in the Southern Hemisphere and is also the first record of the co‐occurrence of genes from all four Mytilus species in any one region. These results contribute to the knowledge of the biodiversity and delimitation of mussel species in southern South America, and highlight how introduced species may threaten the genetic integrity of native species through hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   

Lasthenia californica sensu Ornduff consists of two races that differ in their flavonoid pigments and edaphic tolerances. Recent phylogenetic studies of Lasthenia have revealed that members of L. californica sensu Ornduff belong to two phylogenetic species. The relationship of the edaphic races to these new species and to each other is the focus of this study. Characterization of flavonoid profiles and phylogenetic placement of 33 populations demonstrates that races and phylogenetic taxa are not concordant, suggesting that one or both edaphic races evolved in parallel in the two clades. We hypothesize an edaphically linked ecological role for flavonoid differences that first revealed the existence of two races.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of low salinity as a killing agent for the invasive pest corals Tubastraea coccinea and Tubastraea tagusensis (Dendrophylliidae). Experiments investigated the efficacy of different salinities, the effect of colony size on susceptibility and the influence of length of exposure. Experimental treatments of colonies were carried out in aquaria. Colonies were then fixed onto experimental plates and monitored in the field periodically over a period of four weeks. The killing effectiveness of low salinity depended on the test salinity and the target species, but was independent of colony size. Low salinity was fast acting and prejudicial to survival: discoloration, necrosis, fragmenting and sloughing, exposure of the skeleton and cover by biofoulers occurred post treatment. For T. tagusensis, 50% mortality (LC50) after three days occurred at eight practical salinity units (PSU); for T. coccinea the LC50 was 2?PSU. Exposure to freshwater for 45–120?min resulted in 100% mortality for T. tagusensis, but only the 120?min period was 100% effective in killing T. coccinea. Freshwater is now routinely used for the post-border management of Tubastraea spp. This study also provides insights as to how freshwater may be used as a routine biosecurity management tool when applied pre-border to shipping vectors potentially transporting non-indigenous marine biofouling species.  相似文献   

Axel Meyer 《Molecular ecology》2017,26(20):5582-5593
Colonization of novel habitats is typically challenging to organisms. In the initial stage after colonization, approximation to fitness optima in the new environment can occur by selection acting on standing genetic variation, modification of developmental patterns or phenotypic plasticity. Midas cichlids have recently colonized crater Lake Apoyo from great Lake Nicaragua. The photic environment of crater Lake Apoyo is shifted towards shorter wavelengths compared to great Lake Nicaragua and Midas cichlids from both lakes differ in visual sensitivity. We investigated the contribution of ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity in shaping the visual system of Midas cichlids after colonizing this novel photic environment. To this end, we measured cone opsin expression both during development and after experimental exposure to different light treatments. Midas cichlids from both lakes undergo ontogenetic changes in cone opsin expression, but visual sensitivity is consistently shifted towards shorter wavelengths in crater lake fish, which leads to a paedomorphic retention of their visual phenotype. This shift might be mediated by lower levels of thyroid hormone in crater lake Midas cichlids (measured indirectly as dio2 and dio3 gene expression). Exposing fish to different light treatments revealed that cone opsin expression is phenotypically plastic in both species during early development, with short and long wavelength light slowing or accelerating ontogenetic changes, respectively. Notably, this plastic response was maintained into adulthood only in the derived crater lake Midas cichlids. We conclude that the rapid evolution of Midas cichlids’ visual system after colonizing crater Lake Apoyo was mediated by a shift in visual sensitivity during ontogeny and was further aided by phenotypic plasticity during development.  相似文献   

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