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Rhodopsin and all of the vertebrate visual pigments have a carboxylic acid residue, Glu113, in the third transmembrane segment that serves as a counterion to the protonated Schiff base nitrogen of the chromophore. We show here that the counterion in bovine rhodopsin can be moved from position 113 to 117 without significantly changing the wild-type spectral properties of the protein. A series of double mutants were constructed where the Glu113 counterion was changed to Gln and an Asp residue was substituted for amino acid residues from position 111 to 121 in the third transmembrane segment of the protein. Only at position 117 can an Asp fully substitute for the counterion at position 113. The double mutant E113Q,-A117D has an absorption maximum at 493 nm which is independent of pH in the range 5.6-8.4 and independent of the presence of external chloride anions. An Asp at no other position tested in the third transmembrane segment can fully substitute for the Glu counterion at position 113. Partial substitution is observed for an Asp at position 120. Residues 113, 117, and 120 are expected to lie along the same face of an alpha-helix. These results suggest that the Schiff base nitrogen in rhodopsin is located between residues 113 and 117 but there is enough flexibility in the protein to allow partial interaction with an Asp at position 120. Position 117 is the same location of the counterion in the related biogenic amine receptors.  相似文献   

Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations are combined with 13C NMR chemical shifts to localize the counterion in the retinal binding site of vertebrate rhodopsin. Charge densities along the polyene chain are calculated for an 11-cis-retinylidene protonated Schiff base (11-cis-RPSB) chromophore with 1) a chloride counterion at various distances from the Schiff base nitrogen, 2) one or two chloride counterions at different positions along the retinal chain from C10 to C15 and at the Schiff base nitrogen, and 3) a carboxylate counterion out of the retinal plane near C12. Increasing the distance of the negative counterion from the Schiff base results in an enhancement of alternating negative and positive partial charge on the even- and odd-numbered carbons, respectively, when compared to the 11-cis-RPSB chloride model compound. In contrast, the observed 13C NMR data of rhodopsin exhibit downfield chemical shifts from C8 to C13 relative to the 11-cis-RPSB.Cl corresponding to a net increase of partial positive or decrease of partial negative charge at these positions (Smith, S. O., I. Palings, M. E. Miley, J. Courtin, H. de Groot, J. Lugtenburg, R. A. Mathies, and R. G. Griffin. 1990. Biochemistry. 29:8158-8164). The anomalous changes in charge density reflected in the rhodopsin NMR chemical shifts can be qualitatively modeled by placing a single negative charge above C12. The calculated fit improves when a carboxylate counterion is used to model the retinal binding site. Inclusion of water in the model does not alter the fit to the NMR data, although it is consistent with observations based on other methods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

K R Babu  A Dukkipati  R R Birge  B E Knox 《Biochemistry》2001,40(46):13760-13766
Short-wavelength visual pigments (SWS1) have lambda(max) values that range from the ultraviolet to the blue. Like all visual pigments, this class has an 11-cis-retinal chromophore attached through a Schiff base linkage to a lysine residue of opsin apoprotein. We have characterized a series of site-specific mutants at a conserved acidic residue in transmembrane helix 3 in the Xenopus short-wavelength sensitive cone opsin (VCOP, lambda(max) approximately 427 nm). We report the identification of D108 as the counterion to the protonated retinylidene Schiff base. This residue regulates the pK(a) of the Schiff base and, neutralizing this charge, converts the violet sensitive pigment into one that absorbs maximally in the ultraviolet region. Changes to this position cause the pigment to exhibit two chromophore absorbance bands, a major band with a lambda(max) of approximately 352-372 nm and a minor, broad shoulder centered around 480 nm. The behavior of these two absorbance bands suggests that these represent unprotonated and protonated Schiff base forms of the pigment. The D108A mutant does not activate bovine rod transducin in the dark but has a significantly prolonged lifetime of the active MetaII state. The data suggest that in short-wavelength sensitive cone visual pigments, the counterion is necessary for the characteristic rapid production and decay of the active MetaII state.  相似文献   

Membrane protein stability is a key parameter with important physiological and practical implications. Inorganic salts affect protein stability, but the mechanisms of their interactions with membrane proteins are not completely understood. We have undertaken the study of a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor, the α-helical membrane protein rhodopsin from vertebrate retina, and explored the effects of inorganic salts on the thermal decay properties of both its inactive and photoactivated states. Under high salt concentrations, rhodopsin significantly increased its activation enthalpy change for thermal bleaching, whereas acid denaturation affected the formation of a denatured loose-bundle state for both the active and inactive conformations. This behavior seems to correlate with changes in protonated Schiff-base hydrolysis. However, chromophore regeneration with the 11-cis-retinal chromophore and MetarhodopsinII decay kinetics were slower only in the presence of sodium chloride, suggesting that in this case, the underlying phenomenon may be linked to the activation of rhodopsin and the retinal release processes. Furthermore, the melting temperature, determined by means of circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry measurements, was increased in the presence of high salt concentrations. The observed effects on rhodopsin could indicate that salts favor electrostatic interactions in the retinal binding pocket and indirectly favor hydrophobic interactions at the membrane protein receptor core. These effects can be exploited in applications where the stability of membrane proteins in solution is highly desirable.  相似文献   

High-resolution, solid-state 15N NMR has been used to study the chemical shift anisotropies of the Schiff bases in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and in an extensive series of model compounds. Using slow-spinning techniques, we are able to obtain sufficient rotational sideband intensity to determine the full 15N chemical shift anisotropy for the Schiff base nitrogen in bR548 and bR568. Comparisons are made between all-trans-bR568 and N-all-trans-retinylidene butylimine salts with halide, phenolate, and carboxylate counterions. It is argued that for the model compounds the variation in 15N chemical shift reflects the variation in (hydrogen) bond strength with the various counterions. The results suggest that carboxylates and tyrosinates may form hydrogen bonds of comparable strength in a hydrophobic environment. Thus, the hydrogen bonding strength of a counterion depends on factors that are not completely reflected in the solution pKa of its conjugate acid. For the model compounds, the two most downfield principal values of the 15N chemical shift tensor, sigma 22 and sigma 33, vary dramatically with different counterions, whereas sigma 11 remains essentially unaffected. In addition, there exists a linear correlation between sigma 22 and sigma 33, which suggests that a single mechanism is responsible for the variation in chemical shifts present in all three classes of model compounds. The data for bR568 follow this trend, but the isotropic shift is 11 ppm further upfield than any of the model compounds. This extreme value suggests an unusually weak hydrogen bond in the protein.  相似文献   

Previous solid state 13C-NMR studies of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) have inferred the C = N configuration of the retinal-lysine Schiff base linkage from the [14-13C]retinal chemical shift (1-3). Here we verify the interpretation of the [14-13C]-retinal data using the [epsilon-13C]lysine 216 resonance. The epsilon-Lys-216 chemical shifts in bR555 (48 ppm) and bR568 (53 ppm) are consistent with a C = N isomerization from syn in bR555 to anti in bR568. The M photointermediate was trapped at pH 10.0 and low temperatures by illumination of samples containing either 0.5 M guanidine-HCl or 0.1 M NaCl. In both preparations, the [epsilon-13C]Lys-216 resonance of M is 6 ppm downfield from that of bR568. This shift is attributed to deprotonation of the Schiff base nitrogen and is consistent with the idea that the M intermediate contains a C = N anti chromophore. M is the only intermediate trapped in the presence of 0.5 M guanidine-HCl, whereas a second species, X, is trapped in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl. The [epsilon-13C]Lys-216 resonance of X is coincident with the signal for bR568, indicating that X is either C = N anti and protonated or C = N syn and deprotonated.  相似文献   

Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR) is a novel microbial rhodopsin recently discovered in the freshwater cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120. This protein most likely functions as a photosensory receptor as do the related haloarchaeal sensory rhodopsins. However, unlike the archaeal pigments, which are tightly bound to their cognate membrane-embedded transducers, ASR interacts with a soluble cytoplasmic protein analogous to transducers of animal vertebrate rhodopsins. In this study, infrared spectroscopy was used to examine the molecular mechanism of photoactivation in ASR. Light adaptation of the pigment leads to a phototransformation of an all-trans/15-anti to 13-cis/15-syn retinylidene-containing species very similar in chromophore structural changes to those caused by dark adaptation in bacteriorhodopsin. Following 532 nm laser-pulsed excitation, the protein exhibits predominantly an all-trans retinylidene photocycle containing a deprotonated Schiff base species similar to those of other microbial rhodopsins such as bacteriorhodopsin, sensory rhodopsin II, and Neurospora rhodopsin. However, no changes are observed in the Schiff base counterion Asp-75, which remains unprotonated throughout the photocycle. This result along with other evidence indicates that the Schiff base proton release mechanism differs significantly from that of other known microbial rhodopsins, possibly because of the absence of a second carboxylate group at the ASR photoactive site. Several conformational changes are detected during the ASR photocycle including in the transmembrane helices E and G as indicated by hydrogen-bonding alterations of their native cysteine residues. In addition, similarly to animal vertebrate rhodopsin, perturbations of the polar head groups of lipid molecules are detected.  相似文献   

Obtaining a reliable 3D model for the complex formed by photoactivated rhodopsin (R*) and its G-protein, transducin (Gtalphabetagamma), would significantly benefit the entire field of structural biology of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In this study, we have performed extensive configurational sampling for the isolated C-terminal fragment of the alpha-subunit of transducin, Gtalpha 340-350, within cavities of photoactivated rhodopsin formed by different energetically feasible conformations of the intracellular loops. Our results suggested a new 3D model of the rhodopsin-transducin complex that fully satisfied all available experimental data on site-directed mutagenesis of rhodopsin and Gtalphabetagamma as well as data from disulfide-linking experiments. Importantly, the experimental data were not used as a priori constraints in model building. We performed a thorough comparison of existing computational models of the rhodopsin-transducin complex with each other and with current experimental data. It was found that different models suggest interactions with different molecules in the rhodopsin oligomer, that providing valuable guidance in design of specific novel experimental studies of the R*-Gtalphabetagamma complex. Finally, we demonstrated that the isolated Gtalpha 340-350 fragment does not necessarily bind rhodopsin in the same binding mode as the same segment in intact Gtalpha.  相似文献   

J Nathans 《Biochemistry》1990,29(41):9746-9752
The role of negatively charged residues in tuning the absorbance spectrum of bovine rhodopsin has been tested by mutating each aspartate and glutamate to asparagine and glutamine, respectively. Previous work demonstrated that aspartate83, glutamate122, and glutamate134 can be replaced by neutral residues with little or no effect on the absorbance spectrum of the resulting pigment [Nathans, J. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 937-942]. With one exception, mutations at the remaining 19 aspartate and glutamate residues result in very nearly wild-type absorbance spectra. The exception is glutamate113: mutation to glutamine causes the pigment to absorb at 380 nm, reflecting deprotonation of the retinylidene Schiff's base. Upon addition of either chloride, bromide, or iodide, the absorbance rapidly shifts to 495, 498, or 504.5 nm, respectively, reflecting protonation of the Schiff's base. The progressive red shift observed upon addition of halides with larger atomic radii strongly suggests that halides are serving as the Schiff's base counterion. Halides have no effect on the absorbance spectrum of wild-type rhodopsin. I infer, therefore, that glutamate113 is the retinylidene Schiff's base counterion in wild-type rhodopsin. Sakmar et al. [(1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 8309-8313] and Zhukovsky and Oprian [(1989) Science 246, 928-930] have arrived at the same conclusion based upon a related series of experiments. These data support a model in which spectral tuning in bovine rhodopsin results from interactions between the polyene chain of 11-cis-retinal and uncharged amino acids in the binding pocket.  相似文献   

A Dukkipati  B W Vought  D Singh  R R Birge  B E Knox 《Biochemistry》2001,40(50):15098-15108
Short-wavelength cone visual pigments (SWS1) are responsible for detecting light from 350 to 430 nm. Models of this class of pigment suggest that TM2 has extensive contacts with the retinal binding pocket and stabilizes interhelical interactions. The role of TM2 in the structure-function of the Xenopus SWS1 (VCOP, lambda(max) = 427 nm) pigment was studied by replacement of the helix with that of bovine rhodopsin and also by mutagenesis of highly conserved residues. The TM2 chimera and G78D, F79L, M81E, P88T, V89S, and F90V mutants did not produce any significant spectral shift of the dark state or their primary photointermediate formed upon illumination at cryogenic temperatures. The mutant G77R (responsible for human tritanopia) was completely defective in folding, while C82A and F87T bound retinal at reduced levels. The position S85 was crucial for obtaining the appropriate spectroscopic properties of VCOP. S85A and S85T did not bind retinal. S85D bound retinal and had a wild-type dark state at room temperature and a red-shifted dark state at 45 K and formed an altered primary photointermediate. S85C absorbed maximally at 390 nm at neutral pH and at 365 nm at pH >7.5. The S85C dark state was red shifted by 20 nm at 45 K and formed an altered primary photointermediate. These data suggest that S85 is involved in a hydrogen bond with the protonated retinylidene Schiff base counterion in both the dark state and the primary photointermediate.  相似文献   

Ramos LS  Chen MH  Knox BE  Birge RR 《Biochemistry》2007,46(18):5330-5340
Xenopus violet cone opsin (VCOP) and its counterion variant (VCOP-D108A) are expressed in mammalian COS1 cells and regenerated with 11-cis-retinal. The phototransduction process in VCOP-D108A is investigated via cryogenic electronic spectroscopy, homology modeling, molecular dynamics, and molecular orbital theory. The VCOP-D108A variant is a UV-like pigment that displays less efficient photoactivation than the mouse short wavelength sensitive visual pigment (MUV) and photobleaching properties that are significantly different. Theoretical calculations trace the difference to the protonation state of the nearby glutamic acid residue E176, which is the homology equivalent of E181 in rhodopsin. We find that E176 is negatively charged in MUV but neutral (protonated) in VCOP-D108A. In the dark state, VCOP-D108A has an unprotonated Schiff base (SB) chromophore (lambdamax = 357 nm). Photolysis of VCOP-D108A at 70 K generates a bathochromic photostationary state (lambdamax = 380 nm). We identify two lumi intermediates, wherein the transitions from batho to the lumi intermediates are temperature- and pH-dependent. The batho intermediate decays to a more red-shifted intermediate called lumi I. The SB becomes protonated during the lumi I to lumi II transition. Decay of lumi II forms meta I, followed by the formation of meta II. We conclude that even in the absence of a primary counterion in VCOP-D108A, the SB becomes protonated during the photoactivation cascade. We examine the relevance of this observation to the counterion switch mechanism of visual pigment activation.  相似文献   

The ionization state and hydrogen bonding environment of the transition state analogue (TSA) inhibitor, carboxymethyldethia coenzyme A (CMX), bound to citrate synthase have been investigated using solid state NMR. This enzyme-inhibitor complex has been studied in connection with the postulated contribution of short hydrogen bonds to binding energies and enzyme catalysis: the X-ray crystal structure of this complex revealed an unusually short hydrogen bond between the carboxylate group of the inhibitor and an aspartic acid side chain [Usher et al. (1994) Biochemistry 33, 7753-7759]. To further investigate the nature of this short hydrogen bond, low spinning speed 13C NMR spectra of the CMX-citrate synthase complex were obtained under a variety of sample conditions. Tensor values describing the chemical shift anisotropy of the carboxyl groups of the inhibitor were obtained by simulating MAS spectra (233 +/- 4, 206 +/- 5, and 105 +/- 2 ppm vs TMS). Comparison of these values with our previously reported database and ab initio calculations of carbon shift tensor values clearly indicates that the carboxyl is deprotonated. New data from model compounds suggest that hydrogen bonds in a syn arrangement with respect to the carboxylate group have a pronounced effect upon the shift tensors for the carboxylate, while anti hydrogen bonds, regardless of their length, apparently do not perturb the shift tensors of the carboxyl group. Thus the tensor values for the enzyme-inhibitor complex could be consistent with either a very long syn hydrogen bond or an anti hydrogen bond; the latter would agree very well with previous crystallographic results. Two-dimensional 1H-13C heteronuclear correlation spectra of the enzyme-inhibitor complex were obtained. Strong cross-peaks were observed from the carboxyl carbon to proton(s) with chemical shift(s) of 22 +/- 5 ppm. Both the proton chemical shift and the intensity of the cross-peak indicate a very short hydrogen bond to the carboxyl group of the inhibitor, the C.H distance based upon the cross-peak intensity being 2.0 +/- 0.4 A. This proton resonance is assigned to Hdelta2 of Asp 375, on the basis of comparison with crystal structures and the fact that this cross-peak was absent in the heteronuclear correlation spectrum of the inhibitor-D375G mutant enzyme complex. In summary, our NMR studies support the suggestion that a very short hydrogen bond is formed between the TSA and the Asp carboxylate.  相似文献   

[1,3,7,9,10-15N]-2',3',5'-Tri-O-acetyl adenosine (A) and its 8-D and 8-Br derivatives (AD and ABr) were prepared from 95% 15N enriched adenosine obtained from microbial fermentation. The chemical shifts and nuclear Overhauser effects of 15N resonances were measured as a function of the concentration of the mixed 1-cyclohexyluracil. The limiting shift of each 15N resonance was calculated and the structure of the A-U dimer was estimated. From the shifts of 15N-1 and 15N-7 signals it is determined that ABr-U dimers prefer the Watson-Crick type hydrogen bond while the Hoogsteen type pairs are predominant in the A-U dimers.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin bears 11-cis-retinal covalently bound by a protonated Schiff base linkage. 11-cis/all-trans isomerization, induced by absorption of green light, leads to active metarhodopsin II, in which the Schiff base is intact but deprotonated. The subsequent metabolic retinoid cycle starts with Schiff base hydrolysis and release of photolyzed all-trans-retinal from the active site and ends with the uptake of fresh 11-cis-retinal. To probe chromophore-protein interaction in the active state, we have studied the effects of blue light absorption on metarhodopsin II using infrared and time-resolved UV-visible spectroscopy. A light-induced shortcut of the retinoid cycle, as it occurs in other retinal proteins, is not observed. The predominantly formed illumination product contains all-trans-retinal, although the spectra reflect Schiff base reprotonation and protein deactivation. By its kinetics of formation and decay, its low temperature photointermediates, and its interaction with transducin, this illumination product is identified as metarhodopsin III. This species is known to bind all-trans-retinal via a reprotonated Schiff base and forms normally in parallel to retinal release. We find that its generation by light absorption is only achieved when starting from active metarhodopsin II and is not found with any of its precursors, including metarhodopsin I. Based on the finding of others that metarhodopsin III binds retinal in all-trans-C(15)-syn configuration, we can now conclude that light-induced formation of metarhodopsin III operates by Schiff base isomerization ("second switch"). Our reaction model assumes steric hindrance of the retinal polyene chain in the active conformation, thus preventing central double bond isomerization.  相似文献   

The retinal chromophores of both rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin are bound to their apoproteins via a protonated Schiff base. We have employed continuous-flow resonance Raman experiments on both pigments to determine that the exchange of a deuteron on the Schiff base with a proton is very fast, with half-times of 6.9 +/- 0.9 and 1.3 +/- 0.3 ms for rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin, respectively. When these results are analyzed using standard hydrogen-deuteron exchange mechanisms, i.e., acid-, base-, or water-catalyzed schemes, it is found that none of these can explain the experimental results. Because the exchange rates are found to be independent of pH, the deuterium-hydrogen exchange can not be hydroxyl (or acid-)-catalyzed. Moreover, the deuterium-hydrogen exchange of the retinal Schiff base cannot be catalyzed by water acting as a base because in that case the estimated exchange rate is predicted to be orders of magnitude slower than that observed. The relatively slow calculated exchange rates are essentially due to the high pKa values of the Schiff base in both rhodopsin (pKa > 17) and bacteriorhodopsin (pKa approximately 13.5). We have also measured the deuterium-hydrogen exchange of a protonated Schiff base model compound in aqueous solution. Its exchange characteristics, in contrast to the Schiff bases of the pigments, is pH-dependent and consistent with the standard base-catalyzed schemes. Remarkably, the water-catalyzed exchange, which has a half-time of 16 +/- 2 ms and which dominates at pH 3.0 and below, is slower than the exchange rate of the Schiff base in rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rhodopsin is the only member of the pharmacologically important superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors with a known structure at atomic resolution. A molecular dynamics model of rhodopsin in a POPC phospholipid bilayer was simulated for 15 ns, revealing a conformation significantly different from the recent crystal structures. The structure of the bilayer compared with a protein-free POPC control indicated hydrophobic matching with the nonpolar interface of the receptor, in agreement with deuterium NMR experiments. A new generalized molecular surface method, based on a three-dimensional Voronoi cell construction for atoms with different radii, was developed to quantify cross-sectional area profiles for the protein, lipid acyl chains and headgroups, and water. Thus, it was possible to investigate the bilayer deformation due to curvature of the individual lipid monolayers. Moreover, the generalized molecular surface derived hydrophobic interface allowed benchmarking of the hydropathy sequence analysis, an important structural genomics tool. Five water molecules diffused into internal hydration sites during the simulation, yielding a total of 12 internal waters. The cytoplasmic loops and the C-terminal tail, containing the G-protein recognition and protein sorting sequences, exhibited a high mobility, in marked contrast to the extracellular and transmembrane domains. The proposed functional coupling of the highly conserved ERY motif to the lipid-water interface via the cytoplasmic loops provides insight into lipid effects on G-protein-coupled receptor activation in terms of a flexible surface model, involving the spontaneous monolayer curvature.  相似文献   

A study of the Schiff base mode in bovine rhodopsin and bathorhodopsin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H Deng  R H Callender 《Biochemistry》1987,26(23):7418-7426
We have obtained the resonance Raman spectra of bovine rhodopsin, bathorhodopsin, and isorhodopsin for a series of isotopically labeled retinal chromophores. The specific substitutions are at retinal's protonated Schiff base moiety and include -HC = NH+-, -HC = ND+-, -H13C = NH+-, and -H13C = ND+-. Apart from the doubly labeled retinal, we find that the protonated Schiff base frequency is the same, within experimental error, for both rhodopsin and bathorhodopsin for all the substitutions measured here and elsewhere. We develop a force field that accurately fits the observed ethylenic (C = C) and protonated Schiff base stretching frequencies of rhodopsin and labeled derivatives. Using MINDO/3 quantum mechanical procedures, we investigate the response of this force field, and the ethylenic and Schiff base stretching frequencies, to the placement of charges close to retinal's Schiff base moiety. Specifically, we find that the Schiff base frequency should be measurably affected by a 3.0-4.5-A movement of a negatively charged counterion from the positively charged protonated Schiff base moiety. That there is no experimentally discernible difference in the Schiff base frequency between rhodopsin and bathorhodopsin suggests that models for the efficient conversion of light to chemical energy in the rhodopsin to bathorhodopsin photoconversion based solely on salt bridge separation of the protonated Schiff base and its counterion are probably incorrect. We discuss various alternative models and the role of electrostatics in the rhodopsin to bathorhodopsin primary process.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptors are hyper-phosphorylated in a process that controls receptor coupling to downstream signaling pathways. The pattern of receptor phosphorylation has been proposed to generate a "bar code" that can be varied in a tissue-specific manner to direct physiologically relevant receptor signaling. If such a mechanism existed, receptors would be expected to be phosphorylated in a cell/tissue-specific manner. Using tryptic phosphopeptide maps, mass spectrometry, and phospho-specific antibodies, it was determined here that the prototypical G(q/11)-coupled M(3)-muscarinic receptor was indeed differentially phosphorylated in various cell and tissue types supporting a role for differential receptor phosphorylation in directing tissue-specific signaling. Furthermore, the phosphorylation profile of the M(3)-muscarinic receptor was also dependent on the stimulus. Full and partial agonists to the M(3)-muscarinic receptor were observed to direct phosphorylation preferentially to specific sites. This hitherto unappreciated property of ligands raises the possibility that one mechanism underlying ligand bias/functional selectivity, a process where ligands direct receptors to preferred signaling pathways, may be centered on the capacity of ligands to promote receptor phosphorylation at specific sites.  相似文献   

Artificial bovine rhodopsin pigments derived from synthetic retinal analogues carrying electron-withdrawing substituents (fluorine and chlorine) were prepared. The effects of the electron withdrawing substituents on the pKa values of the pigments and on the corresponding Schiff bases in solution were analyzed. The data suggest that the apparent pKa of the protonated Schiff base is above 16. However, the alternative possibility that the retinal Schiff base linkage in bovine rhodopsin is not accessible for titration from the aqueous bulk medium cannot be definitely ruled out.  相似文献   

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