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Heterandria formosa Agassiz, exhibits internal fertilization, internal brooding of embryos, sperm storage and an extreme level of superfetation. In this study we used microsatellite markers to examine variation among seven populations that exhibited significant variance in their histories of population density. We found that the populations were genetically distinct and that the heterozygosity increased as population density increased. We also examined paternity in three of those populations and found that the number of sires per female and the number of sires per brood increased with population density. Overall, the rates of multiple paternity are quite low relative to other species. The correlations with population density suggest that contact rates play a critical role in the breeding system in this species but the low rates of multiple paternity suggest that females may exert control over fertilization of their ova.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that density‐dependent competition influences the evolution of offspring size. We studied two populations of the least killifish (Heterandria formosa) that differ dramatically in population density; these populations are genetically differentiated for offspring size, and females from both populations produce larger offspring when they experience higher social densities. To look at the influences of population of origin and relative body size on competitive ability, we held females from the high‐density population at two different densities to create large and small offspring with the same genetic background. We measured the competitive ability of those offspring in mesocosms that contained either pure or mixed population treatments at either high or low density. High density increased competition, which was most evident in greatly reduced individual growth rates. Larger offspring from the high‐density population significantly delayed the onset of maturity of fish from the low‐density population. From our results, we infer that competitive conditions in nature have contributed to the evolution of genetically based interpopulation differences in offspring size as well as plasticity in offspring size in response to conspecific density.  相似文献   

Heterandria formosa is a viviparous poeciliid native of the southeastern of United States of America. H. formosa exhibits unique reproductive features as: (a) production of extremely small eggs with scarce quantity of yolk (microlecithal eggs), (b) consequently, a high level of matrotrophy and development of a complex follicular placenta, (c) ovarian sperm storage that allows the continuous fertilization of oocytes and production of offspring and (d) development of high degree of superfetation. The degree of superfetation refers to the number of broods in different simultaneous stages of gestation. Morphological evidence of the degree of superfetation in H. formosa has not been documented. Therefore, and because of the general interest in the complex process of superfetation, the goal of this study is to morphologically define the degree of superfetation of H. formosa through two procedures: (a) histological analysis of entire ovaries in gestation and (b) dissection of visible embryos and the histological analysis of the remaining ovarian tissue. Results indicate that H. formosa can gestate up to seven broods at the same time.  相似文献   

Embryos of the viviparous poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, develop to term in the ovarian follicle where they undergo a 3,900% increase in embryonic dry weight. Maternal-embryonic nutrient transfer occurs across a follicular placenta that is formed by close apposition of the embryonic surface (i.e., the entire body surface during early gestation and the pericardial amnionserosa during mid-late gestation) to the follicular epithelium. To complement our recent study of the embryonic component of the follicular placenta, we now describe the development and fine structure of the maternal component of the follicular placenta. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that the ultrastructure of the egg envelope and the follicular epithelium that invests vitellogenic oocytes is typical of that described for teleosts. The egg envelope is a dense matrix, penetrated by microvilli of the oocyte. The follicular epithelium consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells that lack apical microvilli, basal surface specializations, and junctional complexes. Follicle cells investing the youngest embryonic stage examined (Tavolga's and Rugh's stage 5–7 for Xiphophorus maculatus) also lack apical microvilli and basal specializations, but possess junctional complexes. In contrast, follicle cells that invest embryos at stage 10 and later display ultrastructural features characteristic of transporting epithelial cells. Apical microvilli and surface invaginations are present. The basal surface is extensively folded. Apical and basal coated pits are present. The cytoplasm contains a rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, and dense staining vesicles that appear to be lysosomes. The presence of numerous apically located electron-lucent vesicles that appear to be derived from the apical surface further suggests that these follicle cells may absorb and process follicular fluid. The egg envelope, which remains intact throughout gestation and lacks perforations, becomes progressively thinner and less dense as gestation proceeds. We postulate that these ultrastructural features, which are not present in the follicles of the lecithotrophic poeciliid, Poecilia reticulata, are specializations for maternal-embryonic nutrient transfer and that the egg envelope, follicular epithelium, and underlying capillary network form the maternal component of the follicular placenta. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We explored whether a variation in predation and habitat complexity between conspecific populations can drive qualitatively different numerical dynamics in those populations. We considered two disjunct populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, that exhibit long-term differences in density, top fish predator species, and dominant aquatic vegetation. Monthly censuses over a 3-year period found that in the higher density population, changes in H. formosa density exhibited a strong negative autocorrelation structure: increases (decreases) at one census tended to be followed by decreases (increases) at the next one. However, no such correlation was present in the lower density population. Monthly census data also revealed that predators, especially Lepomis sp., were considerably more abundant at the site with lower H. formosa densities. Experimental studies showed that the predation by Lepomis gulosus occurred at a much higher rate than predation by two other fish and two dragonfly species, although L. gulosus and L. punctatus had similar predation rates when the amount of vegetative cover was high. The most effective predator, L. gulosus, did not discriminate among life stages (males, females, and juveniles) of H. formosa. Increased predation rates by L. gulosus could keep H. formosa low in one population, thereby eliminating strong negative density-dependent regulation. In support of this, changes in H. formosa density were positively correlated with changes in vegetative cover for the population with a history of lower density, but not for the population with a history of higher density. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the observed differences among natural populations in numerical abundance and dynamics are caused in part by the differences in habitat complexity and the predator community.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Tradeoffs in performance or fitness across environments have important implications regarding the nature of evolutionary constraints. It remains controversial whether tradeoffs such as these reflect genetic correlations that are genuine evolutionary constraints. However, if such long-term genetic constraints do exist, they must be due to underlying pleiotropy such that alleles that confer high performance in one environment invariably confer low performance in another. The distribution of genetic correlations within and among populations can provide insight about the existence of such pleiotropic tradeoffs. The long-term association of certain teleost fish taxa with particular abiotic environments suggests that tradeoffs in performance across environments have constrained the geographic distribution of those taxa. Here we report the results of an experiment in which we artificially selected on acute heat- and cold-stress tolerance in two stocks of the poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa from source populations with different thermal histories. Unexpectedly, we observed no direct responses to selection. Under certain conditions, fish from the different source populations differed significantly in cold tolerance, but not in heat tolerance. The results suggest there are no strong pleiotropic tradeoffs between heat- and cold-stress tolerance in these populations.  相似文献   

In viviparous species, a conflict over maternal resource allocation may arise between mothers and embryos, between siblings, and between maternal and paternal genes within an embryo due to relatedness asymmetries. We performed two experiments to study the effects of polyandry and brood relatedness on offspring growth in a placental fish (Heterandria formosa). Polyandry was beneficial as it increased the probability of pregnancy, possibly to avoid genetic incompatibility. However, females mated to four males produced offspring that had a longer maturation time than those of monandrous females. When within-brood relatedness was manipulated, the size of the newborn offspring decreased with time in low-relatedness treatment, whereas in highly related broods, offspring size was constant. Low within-brood relatedness may lead to less cooperative offspring in terms of resource extraction from the mother, which may lead to impaired development during gestation. Offspring conflict may thus reduce the benefits of polyandry in viviparous species.  相似文献   

The ability of fish to recognize and preferentially associate with familiar conspecifics has been well documented in a series of laboratory experiments. In this paper we investigate the schooling preferences of wild female guppies, Poecilia reticulata, in the Upper Tunapuna River in Trinidad and confirm that they do indeed prefer to associate with familiar individuals. The guppies in this river occur in a series of pools that become isolated during the dry season. These fish interact solely with other individuals in their pool for periods of several months at a time and thus have ample opportunity to become accustomed to one another. Our study also reveals that the tendency of female guppies to school with familiar fish declines as the group size in which they naturally live increases. Preferences are strong when there are small numbers of females in a pool, but diminish thereafter. This indicates that the expression of familiarity is constrained by group size. The basis of recognition and the consequences of schooling preferences for familiar individuals are discussed.  相似文献   

Male choice is expected to evolve when females differ in quality, even if male investment in each mating is low. The family Poeciliidae is an example of fishes in which males show little parental investment as they only provide sperm. Up until now, a preference for large females has been found in all species studied. Here we show that unexpectedly, males of the least killifish (Heterandria formosa) prefer to interact with small instead of large females in a dichotomous male choice test, even though large females are more fecund. During a free‐swimming choice experiment, males did not discriminate between females based on their size. We suggest that this unique preference for small females, or the lack of preference for large females, results from strong first male sperm precedence in this species. Smaller females are younger and therefore more likely to be virgin, which probably makes them more profitable mates for males. When presented with a virgin and a mated female of similar size, males showed no preference for either type. This suggests that males do not use pheromone cues to assess female mating status but that they are likely to use female size as a proxy for it.  相似文献   

Embryos of the poeciliid Heterandria formosa develop to term in the ovarian follicle in which they establish a placental association with the follicle wall (follicular placenta) and undergo a 3,900% increase in embryonic dry weight. This study does not confirm the belief that the embryonic component of the follicular placenta is formed only by the surfaces of the pericardial and yolk sacs; early in development the entire embryonic surface functions in absorption. The pericardial sac expands to form a hood-like structure that covers the head of the embryo and together with the yolk sac is extensively vascularized by a portal plexus derived from the vitelline circulation. The hood-like pericardial sac is considered to be a pericardial amnion-serosa. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveal that during the early and middle phases of development (Tavolga's stages 10–18 for Xiphophorus maculatus) the entire embryo is covered by a bilaminar epithelium whose apical surface is characterized by numerous, elongate microvilli and coated pits and vesicles. Electron-lucent vesicles in the apical cytoplasm appear to be endosomes while a heterogeneous group of dense-staining vesicles display many features characteristic of lysosomes. As in the larvae of other teleosts, cells resembling chloride cells are also present in the surface epithelium. Endothelial cells of the portal plexus lie directly beneath the surface epithelium of the pericardial and yolk sacs and possess numerous transcytotic vesicles. The microvillous surface epithelium becomes restricted to the pericardial and yolk sacs late in development when elsewhere on the embryo the non-absorptive epidermis differentiates. We postulate that before the definitive epidermis differentiates, the entire embryonic surface constitutes the embryonic component of the follicular placenta. The absorptive surface epithelium appears to be the principle embryonic adaptation for maternal-embryonic nutrient uptake in H. formosa, suggesting that a change in the normal differentiation of the surface epithelium was of primary importance to the acquisition of matrotrophy in this species. In other species of viviparous poeciliid fishes in which there is little or no transfer of maternal nutrients, the embryonic surface epithelium is of the non-absorptive type.  相似文献   

We report the results of a long-term examination of variation in adult density in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, and the associations among adult density and a variety of ecological factors. We used data from 11 populations of H. formosa in Northwest Florida, collected between 2000 and 2010, to examine the relationships among temporal and spatial variation in adult density and (1) the composition of the aquatic fauna community among habitats (springs, ponds, and tidal marshes) where H. formosa are found, (2) an index of predation pressure and (3) the sampling season, distance from shore (cm), water depth (cm), and aquatic vegetation cover (%) in throw traps at each sampling event. We found clear evidence that adult densities of H. formosa vary widely but consistently among populations, with greater spatial variation than temporal variation in density estimates. Site identity explained most of the variation in density among populations, and there was no long-term consistent association of variation in density with different habitats; sites of the same habitat type were as likely to have characteristically different densities as were sites of different habitat types. Average adult densities of H. formosa increased as aquatic vegetation cover increased and as the index of predation pressure decreased, however assemblage structure was not a strong predictor of density. These results show that despite marked community, abiotic and biotic distinctions between habitat types, location-specific variation was the predominant signal in these data.  相似文献   

An important step in diagnosing local adaptation is the demonstration that phenotypic variation among populations is at least in part genetically based. To do this, many methods experimentally minimize the environmental effect on the phenotype to elucidate the genetic effect. Minimizing the environmental effect often includes reducing possible environmental maternal effects. However, maternal effects can be an important factor in patterns of local adaptation as well as adaptive plasticity. Here, we report the results of an experiment with males from two populations of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, designed to examine the relative influence of environmental maternal effects and environmental effects experienced during growth and development on body morphology, and, in addition, whether the balance among those effects is unique to each population. We used a factorial design that varied thermal environment and water chemistry experienced by mothers and thermal environment and water chemistry experienced by offspring. We found substantial differences between the two populations in their maternal and offspring norms of reaction of male body morphology to differences in thermal environment and water chemistry. We also found that the balance between maternal effects and postparturition environmental effects differed from one thermal regime to another and among traits. These results indicate that environmental maternal effects can be decidedly population‐specific and, as a result, might either contribute to the appearance of or blur evidence for local adaptation. These results also suggest that local adaptation might also occur through the evolution of maternal norms of reaction to important, and varying, environmental factors.  相似文献   

I document a genetic basis for parallel evolution of life-history phenotypes in the livebearing fish Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from northwestern Costa Rica. In previous work, I showed that populations of B. rhabdophora that co-occur with predators attain maturity at smaller sizes than populations that live in predator-free environments. I also demonstrated that this pattern of phenotypic divergence in life histories was independently repeated in at least five isolated drainages. However, life-history phenotypes measured from wild-caught fish could be attributed to environmental effects rather than to genetic differences among populations. In the present study, I reared male fish from four populations (two that co-occur with predators and two from predator-free environments) under four sets of environmental conditions. The pattern of phenotypic divergence in maturation size documented in the field between populations collected from different predation environments persisted after two generations in the laboratory. I also found a genetic basis for differences between populations in the age at which males attain maturity and in growth rates. By rearing fish in four different common environments, I tested for phenotypic plasticity in male life-history traits in response to nonlethal exposure to predators. There was a significant delay in the onset of sexual maturity in fish exposed to predators relative to those in the control, but no differences among treatments in size at maturity or growth rates. These results, coupled with previous work on B. rhabdophora, demonstrate a repeated pattern of parallel evolutionary divergence among genetically isolated populations that is strongly associated with predation.  相似文献   

Comparative studies documenting a relationship between male gonadal investment and the degree of sperm competition (SC) have usually considered the association between these traits to be driven by qualitative differences in the mating system, such as whether spawning occurs in pairs or groups. However, ecological and demographic differences between conspecific populations may also generate variation in the importance of SC that can drive the evolution of male gonadal investment. In this study, we examined whether variation in population density, which is predicted to influence the level of SC in many animals, is correlated with male gonadal investment among populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, a species with internal fertilization in which multiple mating is common. We complemented this field study by testing whether males respond plastically to experimentally increased levels of SC by increasing investment in testis. This experiment involved two treatments. In the first, we eliminated the potential for sperm competition (NSC) by housing a single male with a single female. In the second, we created a high risk of SC by housing five males with two females. In the field survey, we found significant differences among populations in density and relative testis mass. However, there was no evidence for a correlation between population density and relative testis mass. In our lab experiment, males did not adjust their gonadal investment in response to experiencing different levels of SC for 4 weeks. Our combined results indicate that gonadal investment in male H. formosa is not related to variation in population density.  相似文献   

The feedbacks from population density to demographic parameters, which drive population regulation, are the accumulated results of several ecological processes. The compensatory feedback from increased population density to fertility includes at least two distinct factors, the effects of decreases in per capita food level and increases in the social density (the number of interacting individuals). Because these effects have been studied separately, their relative importance is unknown. It is also unclear whether food limitation and social density combine additively to influence fertility. We investigated these questions with two factorial experiments on reproduction in the Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa. In one experiment, we crossed two levels of density with two levels of a total food ration that was distributed to all individuals. In the other experiment, we crossed two levels of density with two levels of per capita food. Whereas the first experiment suggested that the effects of variation in food level and density were synergistic, the second experiment indicated that they were not. The apparent synergism—the statistical interaction of food and density levels—was the result of confounding per capita food with social density in that design. In the second experiment, the effects of social density on reproductive rate were stronger than the effects of food level, whereas the effects of food level were stronger on offspring size at parturition than those of social density. The results suggest that the social stresses that emerge at higher densities play an important role in the compensatory response of fertility to density, a role, that is, at least as important as that of decreased per capita food levels.  相似文献   

G. D. Constantz 《Oecologia》1979,40(2):189-201
Summary The population dynamics and energy allocations of the Gila topminnow, a small livebearing fish, were studied in two contrasting environments, a spring run of constant characteristics and a fluctuating desert wash. Topminnows grew and matured in two basic patterns. First, many fish in both areas matured the year after their birth. Second, spring fish born early in the breeding season grew rapidly, bred within five months, and died by eight months of age. Although spring fish assimilated more energy, wash fish actually expended more calories for growth and reproduction, partly because of lower maintenance costs. Reproductive effort of long-lived spring fish varied with age between 3.1 and 6.5%; whereas efforts of short-lived spring and wash fish increased steadily with age to 5.2 and 9.8%, respectively. Although spring fish produced eggs of higher energy content, females in both areas varied their investment per offspring, apparently tracking seasonal changes in the availability of food for fry. When long-lived spring fish experienced food shortage, they allocated less energy to both growth and reproduction; in contrast, wash and short-lived spring fish under similar conditions reduced only their growth allocation. The reproductive mass in spring fish appeared to be limited by food availability, incompletely filled the abdominal space, and reflected no tradeoff between fecundity and investment per offspring. Reproduction by wash fish appeared to be limited by body space and was characterized by a tradeoff between fecundity and egg size.  相似文献   

Context-dependent group size choice in fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The costs and benefits of group membership vary with the size of groups, and individuals are expected to modify their choice of groups in response to ecological factors such as food availability and predation risk. We experimentally examined context-dependent group size choice in a shoaling fish, the banded killifish, Fundulus diaphanus, by using nondirectional odour cues to simulate a food source or a successful attack by a predator (food or alarm treatments) in the laboratory. Group sizes were significantly smaller in the food treatment and larger in the alarm treatment than in control trials. When presented with food and alarm cues together, fish formed groups that were larger than control groups but smaller than those seen with alarm cues alone. These results are consistent with theoretical predictions based on the known benefits and costs of grouping and with previous laboratory work examining the individual shoal choice behaviour of single fish. To examine possible mechanisms of group formation, we developed an individual-based model of shoaling behaviour in which simulated fish were allowed to modify the area over which they interacted with neighbouring individuals. Group size distributions produced by the model were a good approximation of our experimental data. We suggest that local behavioural interaction rules of this type are a potential mechanism by which fish may individually adjust grouping behaviour without requiring extensive information on the position and movement of all possible shoalmates.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical methods and electron microscopy were used to study changes in the chemical composition of nuclear, nucleolar and perinuclear bodies during the early stages of oocyte development inPoecilia formosa, an apomictic species of fish that produces only female offspring. Prominent accumulations of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) occur in nucleoli and appear on either side of the nuclear envelope during diplotene. In certain planes of section, RNP material seems to be in transit across this interface.En bloc acid extractions or RNAse treatment abolished basophilia and markedly reduced the electron density of both nucleoli and cytoplasmic nucleolar-like bodies. DNA-specific fluorescent probes such as mithramycin failed to reveal nucleolar cores in poeciliid oocytes, although the same procedures showed unequivocal localization of GC-rich DNA cores within multiple nucleoli of diplotene oocytes fromXenopus laevis or the rainbow trout,Salmo gairdneri. Also, cytological hybridization studies, utilizing [3H]rRNA as a probe for nucleolar oocytes. Feulgen-stained pachytene oocytes ofP. formosa have twice the number of chromosome strands seen in similar stages of oocytes from two, related bisexual species,P. mexicana andP. latipinna. Although the bivalent nature of these chromosomes could not be resolved with the light microscope, configurations resembling, but not identical to, synaptonemal complexes were identified by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

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