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The onset of incubation before the end of laying imposes asynchrony at hatching and, therefore, a size hierarchy in the brood. It has been argued that hatching asynchrony might be a strategy to improve reproductive output in terms of quality or quantity of offspring. However, little is known about the mediating effect of hatching asynchrony on offspring quality when brood reduction occurs. Here, we investigate the relationship between phenotypic quality and hatching asynchrony in Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus nestlings in Spain. Hatching asynchrony did not increase breeding success or nestling quality. Furthermore, hatching asynchrony and brood reduction had different effects on nestlings’ phytohaematogglutinin (PHA)‐mediated immune response and nestling growth. In asynchronous and reduced broods (in which at least one nestling died), nestlings showed a stronger PHA‐mediated immune response and tended to have a smaller body size compared with nestlings raised in synchronous and reduced broods. When brood reduction occurred in broods hatched synchronously, there was no effect on nestling size, but nestlings had a relatively poor PHA‐mediated immune response compared with nestlings raised in asynchronous and reduced broods. We suggest that resources for growth can be directed to immune function only in asynchronously hatched broods, resulting in improved nestling quality, as suggested by their immune response. We also found that males produced a greater PHA‐mediated immune response than females only in brood‐reduced nests without any effect on nestling size or condition, suggesting that females may trade off immune activities and body condition, size or weight. Overall, our results suggest that hatching pattern and brood reduction may mediate resource allocation to different fitness traits. They also highlight that the resolution of immune‐related trade‐offs when brood reduction occurs may differ between male and female nestlings.  相似文献   

The evolution of obligate interspecific brood parasitism in birds   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We present a simple analytical model to investigate the conditionsfor the evolution of obligate interspecific brood parasitismin birds, based on clutch size optimization, when birds canlay more eggs than their optimal clutch size. The results showthat once intraspecific parasitism has appeared (i.e., femalesstart to spread their eggs over their own and other nests) the evolutionarily stable number of eggs laid in its own nest decreases.Two possible ESSs exist: (1) either the evolutionarily stablenumber of eggs laid in its own nest is larger than zero, anda fraction of the total number of eggs is laid parasitically(i.e., intraspecific parasitism); and (2) either the evolutionarilystable number of eggs laid in its own nest is zero and all eggs are laid parasitically. Since all females lay parasitically,this could favor the evolution of obligate interspecific broodparasitism. The key parameter allowing the shift from intraspecificto obligate interspecific parasitism is the intensity of density-dependentmortality within broods (i.e., nestling competition). Strongnestling competition, as in altricial species, can lead toan ESS where all eggs are laid parasitically. Altricial speciesare, therefore, predicted to evolve more easily toward obligate interspecific parasitism than precocial species. These predictionsfit the observed distribution of brood parasitism in birds,where only one species out of 95 obligate interspecific parasitesexhibits a precocial mode of development. Different nestlingsurvival functions provided similar findings (i.e., obligatebrood parasitism is more likely to evolve in altricial species),suggesting that these results are robust with respect to themain assumption of the model.  相似文献   

Canvasback ducks (Aythya valisineria) suffer both intra- andinterspecific brood parasitism. During 3 years in Manitoba,80% of canvasback nests (n = 179 nests with completed clutches)were parasitized by redheads (A. americana), other canvasbacks,or both, with an average of 4.7 parasitic eggs per parasitizednest. Parasitism had significant negative effects on the reproductivesuccess of nesting canvasbacks, although the proximate mechanismsinvolved differed from those operating in altricial species.Accidental displacement of eggs when parasitic females forcedtheir way onto host nests was the principal negative effectof parasitism, reducing the number of host eggs that were incubatedand ultimately hatched. Parasitism by redheads was relativelymore costly to canvasbacks than was intraspecific parasitism,with approximately 0.31 and 0.17 host eggs displaced per parasiticredhead and canvasback egg laid, respectively. No additionalnegative effects of parasitism on the hatchability of host eggsoccurred subsequent to parasitic laying. Posthatch survivalof canvasback ducklings was lower in broods from parasitizednests but was unrelated to the presence or absence of redheadducklings. Canvasback hosts resisted intrusions by parasiticfemales but showed no evidence of discrimination against parasiticeggs or ducklings. Because most costs of parasitism in thissystem are inflicted at the time of parasitic laying, subsequentrejection of parasitic eggs or ducklings is probably of littlebenefit to canvasback hosts, while the evolution of behaviorthat might prevent parasitic laying in the first place, suchas more vigorous nest defense, may be constrained by its highcosts  相似文献   

A game theoretical approach to conspecific brood parasitism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We constructed a game theoretical model to predict optimal patternsof egg laying in systems where individuals lay in the nestsof others as well as in their own nests. We show that decreasingthe effect of position within an egg-laying sequence on theworth of an egg should lead to reduced parasitism. Indeed,parasitism can only flourish if the worth of an egg to its biological parent declines with the total number of eggs laid in that nest.Further, we found that increasing the intrinsic costs of eggproduction should lead to an increased propensity for conspecificbrood parasitism. The model also predicts that variation inhosts' ability to reject parasitic eggs has little effect on parasitism until this ability is well developed.  相似文献   

A brood manipulation experiment on great tits Parus major was performedto study the effects of nestling age and brood size on parentalcare and offspring survival. Daily energy expenditure (DEE)of females feeding nestlings of 6 and 12 days of age was measuredusing the doubly-labeled water technique. Females adjusted theirbrooding behavior to the age of the young. The data are consistentwith the idea that brooding behavior was determined primarilyby the thermoregulatory requirements of the brood. Female DEEdid not differ with nestling age; when differences in body masswere controlled for, it was lower during the brooding periodthan later. In enlarged broods, both parents showed significantlyhigher rates of food provisioning to the brood. Female DEE wasaffected by brood size manipulation, and it did not level offwith brood size. There was no significant effect of nestlingage on the relation between DEE and manipulation. Birds wereable to raise a larger brood than the natural brood size, althoughlarger broods suffered from increased nestling mortality ratesduring the peak demand period of the nestlings. Offspring conditionat fledging was negatively affected by brood size manipulation,but recruitment rate per brood was positively related to broodsize, suggesting that the optimal brood size exceeds the naturalbrood size in this population.  相似文献   

On the origin of brood parasitism in altricial birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probability that obligate interspecific brood parasitism(OP), among altricial birds evolved directly from the normalbreeding (no parasitism, NP) mode or indirectly through intraspecificnest parasitism (INP) was examined by using maximum-likelihoodand parsimony approaches. We examined the probability of ancestralstates at 24 key nodes in order to test our hypotheses. Thestate of the most basal node in a tree of 565 genera of altricialbirds is equivocal; however, the state probability of NP atthis node is about 5.5-fold more likely than the state of obligateparasite. A similar trend was observed for basal nodes of mostfamilies examined. The INP state was supported only in the Hirundinidae.The high incidence of INP among martins and swallows explainsthis finding. Contrary to our predictions, even in other groupswhere there is a high incidence of INP and OP, such as in thetribe Icteri and the Old World finches, the probability of NPbeing ancestral was very high. We conclude that in all casesbut one (Hirundinidae) obligate, and probably facultative, broodparasitism evolved directly from normal breeding mode ratherthan indirectly through some other form of parasitism.  相似文献   

Many studies have found that food division among nestmates isnegatively correlated with hatrhing order. The hypothesis thatfeedings are distributed according to the provisioners' selectionis compared here with the hypothesis that feedings are dividedas a consequence of nestling competition. Food distributionamong Arabian babbler nestmates was negatively correlated withhatching order and was so skewed that many last-hatched nestlingsdied as a consequence of starvation. No feeding preference wasfound between any adult and any given nestling. No differencewas found in feeding distribution among parents, partial parents,and nonparents. When an older foreign nestling was introducedinto the nest, adults fed the newcomer more intensively thantheir own offspring, implying that feeding division among nestmateswas not determined by die feeders but by the nestlings' relativeability to obtain food. In two-nestling nests, the older nestlingobtained 62% of the feedings, on average. However, followingselective feedings of the second-hatched nestling by the investigator,which equalized the two siblings' feeding amounts by the endof their second day, no difference was found between their feedingrates. The relative advantage of the older nestlings was eliminatedby introducing a barrier into the nest. Under these conditions,feedings were distributed equally among the nestmates. Sinceneither hatching order, previous priority order, nor individualidentification were used by the provisioning adults, the proximatefactor determining food division among the neslings appearsto be the result of nestling competition  相似文献   

There is little experimental evidence testing whether currentbrood size and past brood mortality influence mate desertion.In the cichlid Aequidens coeruleopunctatus both parents initiallydefend offspring. In a field study, all experimental broods,irrespective of initial brood size (222.9 ± 60.4, mean± SD), were manipulated to a size of 100 fry. Neitherthe duration nor investment of females in parental care differed between control and brood reduced pairs, even though care seemedcostly. On average, females lost 5.1 ± 4.8% of initialweight while guarding a brood until independence. In contrast,males with experimentally reduced broods guarded fry for significantlyfewer days before deserting their mate than did males fromcontrol pairs with natural-sized broods (20.5 ± 7.5 vs. 14.2 ± 6.2 days). In at least 20% of cases (n = 9/45),the deserting male immediately mated with another female. Maleswith experimentally reduced broods also spent less time guardingfry before deserting and attacked fewer brood predators thandid males with control broods. For broods manipulated to have100 fry, there was a significant negative relationship betweenthe days until male desertion and the proportion of the initialbrood removed. This indicates that male assessment of the futuresuccess of the current brood (hence its reproductive value)is based on past mortality and/or that there is variation amongmales in the expected size of future broods. Both current broodsize and brood size relative to initial brood size are thereforepredictors of male, but not female, parental behavior and matedesertion. Female care may be unaffected by brood reductiondue to limited breeding opportunities and partial compensationfor reduced male care.  相似文献   

Extreme gender-based post-fledging brood division in the toc-toc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possibility that parents of one sex may preferentially investin offspring of a certain sex raises profound evolutionary questionsabout the relative worth of sons and daughters to their mothersand fathers. Post-fledging brood division—in which eachparent feeds a different subset of offspring—has beenwell documented in birds. However, a lack of empirical evidencethat this may be based on offspring sex, combined with the theoreticaldifficulty of explaining such an interaction, has led researchersto consider a gender bias in post-fledging brood division highlyunlikely. Here we show that in the toc-toc, Foudia sechellarum,post-fledging brood division is extreme and determined by sex;where brood composition allows, male parents exclusively provisionmale fledglings, whereas female parents provision female fledglings.This is the first study to provide unambiguous evidence, basedon molecular sexing, that sex-biased post-fledging brood divisioncan occur in birds. Male and female parents provisioned at thesame rate and neither offspring nor parent survival appearedto be affected by the sex of the parent or offspring, respectively.The current hypotheses predicting advantages for brood divisionand preferential care for one specific type of offspring arediscussed in the light of our results.  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism should affect adult phenotypic traits due to sexual selection as well as the parasite–host interactions, although it is rarely focused on. Sexual selection theory predicts extravagant secondary sexual characteristics in brood parasites whereas immature‐like modest sexual characteristics in parental species. This is because juvenile‐like immature traits can attract mates by exploiting parental care for young (i.e. attraction to young), and because the good parent process, which favours traits that signal parental care ability, would constrain the evolution of costly secondary sexual characteristics due to evolutionary trade‐offs between parental investment and sexually selected traits. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we studied plumage and bare‐part characteristics of adults in relation to brood parasitism in cuckoos (family Cuculidae), in which brood parasitism together with loss of parental care has evolved three times. As predicted, we found that nonparasitic cuckoos had plumage more similar to the juveniles than did brood parasitic cuckoos. Furthermore, nonparasitic cuckoos had a higher probability of having additional bare skin, that is a seemingly less costly, hatchling‐like trait, than did brood parasitic cuckoos. This finding further supports the link between parental care and sexual selection, although the influence of a parasite–host interaction cannot be excluded. The analysis of evolutionary pathways suggested interdependent evolution of additional bare skin and brood parasitism. Brood parasitism together with the loss of parental care may prevent the maintenance of a modest phenotype similar to the young, and vice versa in some cases.  相似文献   

1. One of the fundamental insights of behavioural ecology is that resources influence breeding systems. For instance, when food resources are plenty, one parent is able to care for the young on its own, so that the other parent can desert and became polygamous. We investigated this hypothesis in the context of classical polyandry when females may have several mates within a single breeding season, and parental duties are carried out largely by the male. 2. We studied a precocial wader, the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus, that exhibits variable brood care such that the chicks may be raised by both parents, only by the female or, more often, only by the male. The timing of female desertion varies: some females desert their brood at hatching of the eggs and lay a clutch for a new mate, whereas other females stay with their brood until the chicks fledge. Kentish plovers are excellent organisms with which to study breeding system evolution, as some of their close relatives exhibit classical polyandry (Eurasian dotterel Eudromias morinellus, mountain plover Charadrius montanus), whereas others are polygynous (northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus). 3. Kentish plovers raised their broods in two habitats in our study site in southern Turkey: saltmarsh and lakeshore. Food intake was higher on the lakeshore than in the saltmarsh as judged from feeding behaviour of chicks and adults. As the season proceeded and the saltmarsh dried out, the broods moved toward the lakeshore. 4. As the density of plovers increased on lakeshore, the parents spent more time defending their young, and female parents stayed with their brood longer on the lakeshore. 5. We conclude that the influence of food abundance on breeding systems is more complex than currently anticipated. Abundant food resources appear to have profound implications on spatial distribution of broods, and the social interactions between broods constrain female desertion and polyandry.  相似文献   

Parent–offspring conflict over the supply of parental care results in offspring attempting to exert control using begging behaviours and parents attempting to exert control by manipulating brood sizes and hatching patterns. The peak load reduction hypothesis proposes that parents can exert control via hatching asynchrony, as the level of competition amongst siblings is determined by their age differences and not by their growth rates. Theoretically, this benefits the parents by reducing both the peak load of the offspring's demand and their overall demand for food and benefits the offspring by reducing the amplification of their competition. However, the peak load reduction hypothesis has only received mixed support. Here, we describe an experiment where we manipulated the hatching patterns of domesticated zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata broods and quantified patterns of nestling begging and parental feeding effort. There was no difference in the begging intensity of nestlings raised in asynchronous or experimentally synchronous broods, yet parental feeding effort was lower when provisioning asynchronous broods and particularly so when levels of nestling begging were low. Further, both parents acted in unison, as there was no evidence of parentally biased favouritism in relation to hatching pattern. Therefore, our study provided empirical support for the prediction that hatching asynchrony reduces the feeding effort of parents, thereby providing empirical support for the peak load reduction hypothesis.  相似文献   

The prolonged brood care model rests on the assumption thatretaining an offspring through the winter months in the faceof a limited food supply should have a cost for parents. Wetested this idea with a New World permanent-resident bird,the tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor). Using DNA fingerprinting,we assessed the degree of relatedness between adult and juvenilebirds in 17 winter groups, finding that in 8 of the groups no young bird was the offspring of the territorial pair. We comparedthe nutritional condition of territorial adult birds in smallforest fragments from which their own offspring and other younghad been removed with the nutritional condition of controlbirds from unmanipulated fragments. Contrary to the model'sassumption, the nutritional condition of adults in treatment groups (young removed) appeared to be worse, not better, thanin groups where a related juvenile was present. These resultssuggest that the prolonged brood care model may not be universalin its application and that under some ecological conditions,retaining offspring through the winter can result in a netbenefit for territorial adults despite the necessity of sharing resources.  相似文献   

Summary Nest defence is a frequent and widespread parental behaviour which enhances brood survival. We have found that in a Spanish Magpie population which is heavily parasitized by the brood parasitic Great Spotted Cuckoo, Magpies defend (1) unparasitized more frequently than parasitized nests, and (2) at the end of the nestling period more frequently than in other stages of the breeding cycle. Great Spotted Cuckoos are brood parasites, which means that their eggs are incubated and their nestlings are raised by members of a host species. Brood parasites are not thought to take care of their own offspring. However, we have found that Great Spotted Cuckoos sometimes scolded us on our regular visits to parasitized magpie nests (but never on those to unparasitized nests). Frequency of nest defence by cuckoos differed significantly among years, being significantly higher at the beginning of the study. Although sporadic observations of adult brood parasites feeding juveniles have been recorded, nest defence has not previously been suggested for any brood parasite.
Nestverteidigung von durch den Häherkuckuck(Clamator glandarius) parasitierten und unparasitierten Nestern bei Elstern(Pica pica)
Zusammenfassung Nestverteidigung ist ein häufiges und weit verbreitetes elterliches Verhalten zur Erhöhung des Bruterfolges. In einer spanischen Elsterpopulation, die sehr intensiv vom Häherkuckuck parasitiert ist, wurden unparasitierte Nester häufiger verteidigt als parasitierte, und zum Ende der Nestlingsperiode wurden Nestern häufiger verteidigt als zu früheren Phasen des Brutzyklus. Häherkuckucke sind Brutparasiten, deren Eier von den Wirtseltern bebrütet und die Nestlinge von ihnen aufgezogen werden. Solche Brutparasiten kümmern sich im allgemeinen nicht selbst um ihre Nachkommen. Manchmal jedoch haßten Häherkuckuck auf uns, wenn wir parasitierte Nester der Elster kontrollierten, während an unparasitierten Nestern ein solches Hassen niemals erfolgte. Die Häufigkeit dieser Nestverteidugung der Kuckucke variierte zwischen Jahren und war signifikant häufiger zu Beginn unserer Untersuchung. Zwar wurde gelegentlich schon Füttern der Jungvögel durch elterliche Brutparasiten beobachtet, die hier festgestellte Nestverteidung ist bisher aber von keinem Brutparasiten beschrieben.

Avian brood parasites have evolved striking begging abilitythat often allows them to prevail over the host progeny in competitionfor parental resources. Host young are therefore selected bybrood parasites to evolve behavioral strategies that reducethe cost of parasitism. We tested the prediction that the intensityof nestling begging displays functioning to attract parentalcare increases across species with the frequency of parasitismby the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). This was expectedbecause host young should try to prevail over highly competitiveparasitic broodmates in scramble interactions, act more selfishlywhen frequency of parasitism is high because brood parasitesoften affect more severely host condition than conspecific broodmates,and discount the kin selection costs of subtracting resourcesto unrelated parasites. Across 31 North American host species,begging loudness positively covaried with parasitism rate inPasserines, and such effect was stronger in species with smallcompared with large clutches. Begging loudness increased withbrood parasitism and nest predation among the most suitablehost species. These results held after controlling for concomitantecological factors and for common ancestry effects. Our resultssupport the hypothesis that avian brood parasitism has playeda role in the evolution of begging behavior of host young.  相似文献   

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