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Radio tagged wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar(n = 30) and sea trout Salmo trutta(n = 19) were simultaneously released from a sea pen outside the mouth of the River Lærdalselva and their migration to spawning areas was recorded. The distance from the river mouth to a position held at spawning ranged from 2 to 24 km and did not differ between the species (mean ± s .d . 15·9 ± 4·3 and 14·9 ± 5·2 km for Atlantic salmon and sea trout, respectively). The duration of the migration phase, however, was significantly shorter for Atlantic salmon than for sea trout (8–12 days, respectively). All Atlantic salmon migrated straight to an area near the spawning ground, whereas 50% of the sea trout had a stepwise progression with one or more periods with erratic movements before reaching the spawning area. After the migration phase, a distinct search phase with repeated movements up‐ and downstream at or close to the position held at spawning was identified for the majority of the fishes (75%, both species). This search phase was significantly shorter for Atlantic salmon than for sea trout (mean 13–31 days, respectively). Mean ± s .d . length of the river stretch used during the search phase was larger for sea trout (3·3 ± 2·5 km) than for Atlantic salmon (1·2 ± 0·9 km). A distinct holding phase, with no movements until spawning, was also observed in the majority of the Atlantic salmon (80%, mean duration 22 days) and sea trout (65%, mean duration 12 days). For both species, a weak, non‐significant trend was observed in the relationship between time spent on the migration phase, and time spent on the search (r2 = 0·43) and holding phase (r2 = 0·24). There was a highly significant decrease, however, in the duration of the holding phase with an increase in the time spent on the search phase (r2 = 0·67).  相似文献   

An in situ camera set‐up was used to study the spawning activity of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta throughout two consecutive seasons in a spawning area affected by hydropower‐related pulse flows due to hydropeaking. The purpose was to test whether the flow variation discouraged spawning in shallow areas or motivated spawning into areas with elevated risk of incubation mortality. There were more S. salar observed on the spawning ground during days with high discharge. The presence of S. salar in the spawning grounds was not affected by the hydropeaking cycles of the preceding night. Female S. salar were observed preparing nests within the first hour after water discharge had increased to levels suitable for spawning. In contrast, the number of S. trutta was not correlated with flow and nest preparation was also observed at a discharge corresponding to the lowest discharge levels during a hydropeaking cycle. Survival was generally high in nests excavated the following winter, with only 5·4% suffering mortality due to dewatering. The results suggest that S. salar may respond rapidly to variable‐flow conditions and utilize short windows with suitable flows for spawning. Smaller S. trutta may utilize low‐flow conditions to spawn in areas that are not habitable by larger S. salar during low flow.  相似文献   

Hauer  C.  Pulg  U.  Reisinger  F.  Flödl  P. 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(4):1139-1158
Hydrobiologia - The presented study investigates the evolution of artificial gravel placements for Atlantic salmon and sea trout in Aurlandselva in Western Norway. Various monitoring methods have...  相似文献   

By screening variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) loci, multiple paternity within clutches has been found in wild populations of southern European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). For Atlantic salmon, we determined the relative contribution of alternative male phenotypes to the next generation. Individual males that are morphologically juvenile yet sexually mature fertilized a large proportion of eggs, and they thereby contributed to an increase of genetic variability in wild populations via (1) balancing the sex ratio, (2) increasing outbreeding, and (3) enlarging the effective population size, in part a consequence of (1) and (2). In addition, these precocious males ensured that interspecific spawns involving Atlantic salmon females and brown trout males (a fairly common occurrence in southern Europe where the two species are sympatric) resulted mostly in Atlantic salmon progeny. For brown trout, preliminary genetic results indicated that multiple paternity, when present, was not due to alternative mating strategies by males, but rather to successive fertilizations by adult suitors.  相似文献   

Occurrence of Atlantic salmon parr in redds at spawning time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several Atlantic salmon parr of different sizes were found alive in salmon redds under a 10–30 cm layer of stones at spawning time. Parr, both mature and immature, remain inactive in redds during daylight but show nocturnal activity.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are a class of genetic markers that are well suited to a broad range of research and management applications. Although advances in genotyping chemistries and analysis methods continue to increase the potential advantages of using SNPs to address molecular ecological questions, the scarcity of available DNA sequence data for most species has limited marker development. As the number and diversity of species being targeted for large-scale sequencing has increased, so has the potential for using sequence from sister taxa for marker development in species of interest. We evaluated the use of Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo salar sequence data to identify SNPs in three other species (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Oncorhynchus nerka and Oncorhynchus keta). Primers designed based on O. mykiss and S. salar alignments were more successful than primers designed based on Oncorhynchus-only alignments for sequencing target species, presumably due to the much larger number of potential targets available from the former alignments and possibly greater sequence conservation in those targets. In sequencing approximately 89 kb we observed a frequency of 4.30 x 10(-3) SNPs per base pair. Approximately half (53/101) of the subsequently designed validation assays resulted in high-throughput SNP genotyping markers. We speculate that this relatively low conversion rate may reflect the duplicated nature of the salmon genome. Our results suggest that a large number of SNPs could be developed for Pacific salmon using sequence data from other species. While the costs of DNA sequencing are still significant, these must be compared to the costs of using other marker classes for a given application.  相似文献   

When male hybrids of Atlantic salmon × brown trout were backcrossed to female Atlantic salmon, approximately 1% of diploid progeny hatched. These were shown to exhibit recombinant genotypes when examined electrophoreticalty at five enzyme loci. This is the first confirmation of genie recombination in backcrosses of these species. Triploidization greatly increases the proportion of backcross progeny which hatch.  相似文献   

Summary Fluvial salmonids have evolved to use the diversity of habitats in natural streams for different life history stages and at different seasons. Required freshwater habitat of Atlantic salmon can be classified generally as that suitable (i) for spawning, (ii) for feeding during the major growing period, and (iii) for overwintering.Spawning habitat of salmon is usually in rapid water at the tail of pools on the upstream edge of a gravel bar, ideally with depths about 25 cm, in mean water velocities of about 30–45 cm s-1, with maximum velocities about 2 body lengths s-1, and with a substrate of irregularly shaped stones of cobble, pebble, and gravel.Underyearling salmon (<7 cm TL) are most common in shallow (<15 cm) pebbly riffles, whereas older and larger parr (>7 cm TL) are usually in riffles deeper than 20 cm with a coarse substrate. Depth preference increases with size. Multiple linear regression models quantifying parr habitat have identified substrate as an important variable, with a positive relationship to an index of coarseness. Negative relationships were found with mean stream width, range of discharge, and overhanging cover. Water chemistry, especially alkalinity, nitrates, and phosphates, are important regulators of production. Although similar variables had importance, coefficients among rivers differed. Interactions occur among variables. Further studies are required to quantify productive capacity of habitat for parr. Results suggest that useful models can be derived and if a river system is mapped, and stratified by habitat, then smolt yield could be predicted and the required egg deposition could be estimated.In winter, young salmon shelter among coarse substrate or move to pools, but continue feeding, with larger parr being more active.Feeding is in general opportunistic. Food consists mainly of insects, taken primarily in the water column, but also from the surface and at the bottom. Young salmon in flowing water are highly territorial but are less so in slow or still waters. In fast water, parr use their large pectoral fins to apply themselves to the substrate, allowing them to occupy this type of habitat with little expenditure of energy. Height above the substrate decreases with water velocity, but increases with temperature and social status. Although riffles are preferred habitat, and are relatively more productive, lentic waters can be occupied where there are few predators or severe competitors and may provide significant smolt yield in some systems. Selective segregation minimizes competition between salmon and brook charr or brown trout, but brook charr and brown trout may have negative effects on underyearling salmon, and on parr in pools, whereas salmon have negative effects on small brook charr and brown trout in riffles and flats. Competition by both interference and exploitation results in interactive segregation when the resource, mainly food, becomes limiting.Limited downstream movement of underyearling salmon may occur during the summer. Older juveniles may make upstream movements, but generally migrate downstream, with most movements in the spring, and a lesser peak of activity in the autumn. Dispersal tends to be mainly downstream, indicating that for full distribution, spawning areas are best located upstream. High densities of yearling parr may have negative effects on growth and survival of underyearlings in some river systems, but apparently not in others, so that future research is required in this regard. Density-dependent growth is evident where food is limiting, and can provide an indicator of densities of cohorts so that if a quantitative relationship has been derived, mean size from a sample can give an estimate of the density at that station, with minimum size occurring at carrying capacity. Such regressions vary between habitats with differing productive capabilities, so that future research could provide useful models for assessing productive capacity of a habitat, and optimum densities. Life history strategies can change with changes in density-dependent growth rates. Present stock-recruitment functions do not take environmental variables into consideration, and have limited applicability. Further research is required to determine optimum spawning requirements for salmon in different types of river systems in different geographical areas.  相似文献   

The relationship between the timing of emergence from spawning gravel and growth after emergence was investigated in farmed Oncorhynchus mykiss. A relationship between the time of emergence and growth became evident after 6 months of rearing, where individuals with an intermediate emergence time had grown larger compared with early and late emerging individuals.  相似文献   

Many species of salmonids can discriminate kin from unrelated conspecifics using olfactory cues. In this study, we determined the role of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in kin discrimination by juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Genetic variation at the highly polymorphic exon coding for peptide-binding region of an MHC class II gene was studied using polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Experiments compared discrimination ability based on MHC haplotypes both within and among kin and non-kin groups. Juveniles chose kin sharing both alleles over kin sharing no alleles. Juveniles also preferred non-kin sharing both alleles to non-kin sharing no alleles. These data suggest that the MHC class II gene influence kin discrimination in juvenile Atlantic salmon and brook trout. The influence of additional genes was also apparent in trials where juveniles were able to recognize kin sharing no alleles over non-kin sharing no alleles. However, the inability of juveniles to discriminate between kin sharing no alleles and non-kin sharing either one or both alleles indicates that MHC is as potent as the rest of the genome in producing distinguishable odours.  相似文献   

Effects of artificial salmon lice infection and pharmaceutical salmon lice prophylaxis on survival and rate of progression of Atlantic salmon (n = 72) and brown trout post-smolts (n = 72) during their fjord migration, were studied by telemetry. The infected groups were artificially exposed to infective salmon lice larvae in the laboratory immediately before release in the inner part of the fjord to simulate a naturally high infection pressure. Groups of infected Atlantic salmon (n = 20) and brown trout (n = 12) were also retained in the hatchery to control the infection intensity and lice development during the study period. Neither salmon lice infection nor pharmaceutical prophylaxis had any effects on survival and rate of progression of fjord migrating Atlantic salmon post-smolts compared to control fish. Atlantic salmon spent on average only 151.2 h (maximum 207.3 h) in passing the 80 km fjord system and had, thus, entered the ocean when the more pathogenic pre-adult and adult lice stages developed. The brown trout, in comparison to Atlantic salmon, remained to a larger extent than Atlantic salmon in the inner part of the fjord system. No effect of salmon lice infection, or protection, was found in brown trout during the first weeks of their fjord migration. Brown trout will, to a larger extent than Atlantic salmon, stay in the fjord areas when salmon lice infections reach the more pathogenic pre-adult and adult stages. In contrast to Atlantic salmon, they will thereby possess the practical capability of returning to freshwater when encountering severe salmon lice attacks.  相似文献   

The influence of overripening on salmonid egg quality has often been described in artificial breeding. However, no information exists on the impact of this factor on fish reproducing naturally, although it is likely to be critical, especially in disturbed environments. Pairs of Atlantic salmon in which the size of the male and the female was evenly matched were released in a spawning channel from 1 to 12 days after ovulation. Handling did not affect egg quality. Overripening had a negative effect on egg viability. Egg mortality, infertility and malformations increased with the number of days after ovulation. In females which had just matured, 16·7% of their recovered eggs were dead, 3·1% were unfertilized and 1·7% were malformed, as compared to 25·4, 9·7 and 5·4%, respectively, in females that had been mature for at least a week. Overripening played a role in both female spawning behaviour and capacity to spawn, as females which had been mature for over a week released their eggs more quickly while they retained more ova in their abdominal cavity than early spawning females. Thus, in studies of reproductive behaviour and in particular of sexual selection, it is critical to take into account the maturation status of females since the duration of spawning activity is used by various authors to determine female sexual motivation. Alternatively, overripening may decrease the female selectivity for mates.  相似文献   

In Europe, 2 closely related alphaviruses (Togaviridae) are regarded as the causative agents of sleeping disease (SD) and salmon pancreas disease (SPD): SD virus (SDV) has been isolated from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in France and the UK, while SPD virus (SPDV) has been isolated from salmon Salmo salar in Ireland and the UK. Farmed salmonids in western Norway also suffer from a disease called pancreas disease (PD), and this disease is also believed to be caused by an alphavirus. However, this virus has not yet been characterised at the molecular level. We have cultured a Norwegian salmonid alphavirus from moribund fishes diagnosed with cardiac myopathy syndrome (CMS) and fishes diagnosed with PD. The virus has also been found in salmon suffering from haemorrhagic smolt syndrome in the fresh water phase. The genomic organisation of the Norwegian salmonid alphavirus is identical to that in SPDV and SDV, and the nucleotide sequence similarity to the other 2 alphaviruses is 91.6 and 92.9%, respectively. Based on the pathological changes, host species and the nucleotide sequence, we suggest naming this virus Norwegian salmonid alphavirus (NSAV). Together with SPDV and SDV it constitutes a third subtype of salmonid alphavirus (SAV) species within the genus Alphavirus, family Togaviridae.  相似文献   

There was a significant decrease ( c . 10%) in the mineralization of the vertebrae, determined by analysis of quantitative microradiographs, of both sexes of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during their ascending spawning migration. The decrease was hypothesized to be the result of halastatic demineralization, i.e. the removal of mineral substance with no degradation of the organic matrix of the bone.  相似文献   

The river Ingdalselva, which drains to the Trondheims fjord, has no local salmon population due to an impassable waterfall 500 m upstream from the outlet. In the period 1994–97, a total of 31 mature Atlantic salmon (19 females and 12 males) from the rivers Orkla (1994–96) and Vigda (1997) were radio-tagged and released in the river Ingdalselva before spawning. The main goal of the project was to find out whether the fish would stay and spawn in the river, and if the observations during the spawning period could be used to indicate where spawning had taken place. Some fish left the river shortly after release, but 77% of the fish stayed in the river during the spawning period in October. Most of the females (74%) spawned in the river, including multi-sea winter salmon of approximately 10 kg. Some fish remained at the site of the release, while others migrated downstream to hiding places where they stayed until spawning. Long distance upstream migrations were not observed. The observations of the fish during the spawning period were used to identify spawning areas. Electrofishing for salmon fry in the spawning areas the following year in all cases produced fry, and in two of the years salmon fry were also found in areas where no spawning activity had been registered. Radio-tracking was an efficient method for determining whether transplanted salmon would remain in a `new'n river during the spawning season and for locating spawning areas, particularly when the fish were tracked daily.  相似文献   

Pair and group experiments were conducted to determine whether differences exist in feeding success between juvenile diploid and triploid salmonids in a competitive situation. In the pair experiments, 22 pairs (one diploid and one triploid) of size-matched Quebec-strain brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (7·2–46·3 g) were fed an unlimited number of pellets three times a day for 5 days. Dominance was assigned to the fish which ate the most pellets within each pair. In the group experiments, groups of three diploid and three triploid size-matched fish were fed a restricted ration three times a day for 5 days. Hierarchical rank within the group was assigned based on the number of pellets consumed by each fish. The group experiment was repeated 10 times with Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (5·1–62·7 g), Quebec-strain brook trout (11·8-110·8 g), and large UNB-strain brook trout (18·2–33·0 g), and 12 times with smaller UNB-strain brook trout (0·6–2·0 g). A statistically significant difference in rank between ploidies was found only for the smaller UNB-strain brook trout in the group experiments, with diploids dominant over triploids. This suggests that there may be a difference in competitive feeding success between diploid and triploid brook trout early in development, but that this difference diminishes as the fish grow.  相似文献   

Movements of resident brown trout (age 2+ to 9+ years) and young Atlantic salmon (age 1+), stocked as fry, were studied in July, August and September in a coastal stream in northern Norway. Between 85 and 89% of the brown trout were recaptured in the study area (346m, 1326m2) within 45m of their release point throughout the investigation period. Most specimens had moved less than 150m. Trout movements were related to local variation in density. Trout occupying those sections of stream with the lowest fish densities (5.3–10.9 fish 100m?2) had a significantly lower movement rate than fish from sections with densities between 13.7 and 31.5 fish 100m?2. Trout that moved from their marking section were significantly larger than specimens that did not leave their original site. There was a significant correlation between permanence of station each month and the mean water level that month. The majority of the trout (47%) were caught at undercut stream banks or at sites in the proximity of these. A decrease in water level during the study period resulted in a high loss (36%) of such habitat, probably forcing some individuals to move. The recapture data indicate that the trout population consists of one small (c. 15–20%) mobile, and one large sedentary component. Young salmon displayed high station permanence in July and August (93% and 96%). However, in the autumn they exhibited a significant downstream movement, and only 73% were recaptured within their release section. This movement was significantly higher for larger specimens, and is thought to occur because of a pre-winter change in habitat, initiated by a decline in stream temperature. In contrast to trout, salmon in sections containing the lowest densities (22.0–25.0 fish 100m?2) did not show significantly lower movement rates when compared with salmon at higher densities (32.2–46.3 and 51.8–60.6 fish 100m?2). The spatial distribution of young salmon indicated the formation of territorial mosaics over the stream bed, which are thought to reduce intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Based on data from Norwegian streams with sympatric populations of Atlantic salmon and brown trout, it is suggested that temporal segregation is the main mechanism segregating Atlantic salmon and brown trout during spawning. Peak spawning of trout was about 15 days earlier than that of salmon. Physical factors, such as water depth, water velocity and distance from the river banks segregate spawning sites of salmon and trout poorly. Gravel sizes of the redds of salmon and trout were significantly different, though with a considerable overlap, and mean egg depth of salmon and trout were 0.18 and 0.12 m, respectively, probably attributable to the different size of spawners of salmon and trout. None of the temporal or spatial parameters analysed segregate spawners of salmon and trout completely. Species determination of eggs and alevins from the redds showed no interspecific superimposition of redds. It is, therefore, concluded that low survival of hybrids after hatching does not explain the low frequency of hybrids observed in sympatric populations of salmon and trout.  相似文献   

The major histone cluster (hisDNA) was mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to mitotic chromosomes of Atlantic salmon, brown trout, and rainbow trout. The data reveal that in the three species hisDNA is tandemly repeated in a single locus. Southern blots of genomic DNA indicate that these clusters are representative of the vast majority of the histone genes in these species. Similar reiteration values were found among the three species. Genetic variability in the hisDNA was found only in brown trout for an EcoRI site.  相似文献   

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