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Population genetic analyses based on both mitochondrial cytochrome b and the internal transcribed spacer 2 of recombinant (r)DNA genes were implemented to examine hypotheses of population differentiation in the angular angel shark Squatina guggenheim, one of the four most‐widespread endemic species inhabiting coastal ecosystems in the south‐western Atlantic Ocean. A total of 82 individuals of S. guggenheim from 10 sampling sites throughout the Río de la Plata mouth, its maritime front, the outer shelf at the subtropical confluence and the coastal areas of the south‐west Atlantic Ocean, were included. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on the second internal transcribed spacer (its‐2) region supports that the samples from the outer shelf represent an isolated group from other sites. Historical gene flow in a coalescent‐based approach revealed significant immigration and emigration asymmetry between sampling sites. Based on the low level of genetic diversity, the existence of a long‐term population decline or a past recent population expansion following a population bottleneck could be proposed in S. guggenheim. This demographic differentiation suggests a degree of vulnerability to overexploitation in this endemic and endangered south‐west Atlantic Ocean shark, given its longevity and low reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Angel sharks of the genus Squatina represent a group comprising 22 extant benthic species inhabiting continental shelves and upper slopes. In the present study, a comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of 17 Squatina species based on two mitochondrial markers (COI and 16S rRNA) is provided. The phylogenetic reconstructions are used to test biogeographic patterns. In addition, a molecular clock analysis is conducted to estimate divergence times of the emerged clades. All analyses show Squatina to be monophyletic. Four geographic clades are recognized, of which the Europe–North Africa–Asia clade is probably a result of the Tethys Sea closure. A second sister group relationship emerged in the analyses, including S. californica (eastern North Pacific) and S. dumeril (western North Atlantic), probably related to the rise of the Panamanian isthmus. The molecular clock analysis show that both lineage divergences coincide with the estimated time of these two geological events.  相似文献   

A total of 1280 (670 females and 610 males) Squatina guggenheim , an angel shark endemic to the south-west Atlantic, was caught during five research cruises (1995, 1997 and 1998) carried out in the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) at depths of 3·5–266 m. All angel sharks captured were sexed and measured. Of the 947 examined for stomach contents, 556 (58·7%) contained food and 391 (41·3%) were empty. Numerically, bony fishes were the principal dietary component (89·7%), followed by crustaceans (4·8%) and molluscs (4·4%). The most important prey species were Engraulis anchoita (58·3%), shrimps (4·4%) and Ilex argentinus (2·3%). Male and female diets were not found to differ significantly ( P  > 0·01), however, the diets of different size classes showed significant differences ( P  ≤ 0·01) (group 1, 23–44, group 2, 45–74 and group 3, 75–91 cm L T). Low rates of cannibalism were observed. The spatial and seasonal variability in the trophodynamics of S. guggenheim is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the intraspecific evolutionary history of the South American Atlantic forest endemic Xiphorhynchusfuscus (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae) to address questions such as: Was the diversification of this bird's populations associated to areas of avian endemism? Which models of speciation (i.e., refuges, river as barriers or geotectonism) explain the diversification within X. fuscus? Does the genetic data support subspecies as independent evolutionary units (species)? We used mitochondrial (n=34) and nuclear (n=68) DNA sequences of X. fuscus to study temporal and spatial relationships within and between populations. We described four main monophyletic lineages that diverged during the Pleistocene. The subspecies taxonomy did not match all the evolutionary lineages; subspecies atlanticus was the only one that represented a monophyletic and isolated lineage. The distribution of these lineages coincided with some areas of endemism for passerines, suggesting that those areas could be regions of biotic differentiation. The ancestor of X. fuscus diverged approximately 3 million years ago from Amazonian taxa and the phylogeographic pattern suggested that X. fuscus radiated from northeastern Brazil. Neither the riverine nor the geotectonic vicariance models are supported as the primary cause for diversification of geographic lineages, but rainforest contractions and expansions (ecological vicariance) can explain most of the spatial divergence observed in this species. Finally, analyses of gene flow and divergence time estimates suggest that the endangered subspecies atlanticus (from northeastern Brazil) can be considered a full species under the general lineage species concept.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed phylogeographical analysis of one of the most conspicuous groups of lizards in northwestern Patagonia, the Liolaemus kriegi complex. This region is geographically very complex as a result of Andean orogeny and subsequent volcanism coupled with a long history of glaciations and climatic changes. For 247 individuals we sequenced one mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b) and for a subset we sequenced another mitochondrial gene [12S ribosomal RNA (12S)] and two nuclear fragments [kinesin family member 24 (KIF24) and BA3 ribosomal RNA (BA3)]. We obtained gene trees and mitochondrial and nuclear haploytpe networks, and estimated genetic distances between the main lineages and basic molecular diversity indices. We also performed spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) and Bayesian Skyline Plot (BSP) analyses, and concordant patterns from different lines of evidence permitted delimitation of seven lineages: two described species, Liolaemus buergeri and Liolaemus tregenzai; four candidate species, Liolaemus sp. A, Liolaemus sp. B, Liolaemus sp. C, and Liolaemus sp. D; and one lineage that includes all individuals from the geographical range of Liolaemus ceii and L. kriegi, referred to as L. kriegi + L. ceii. We discuss the evolutionary processes that may contribute to the origin of these lineages and their taxonomic and conservation implications. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 256–269.  相似文献   

We used multilocus phylogeographic analyses, morphometric measurements, and environmental niche models (ENMs) to analyze the recent evolution of the golden vireo Vireo hypochryseus, a Mexican endemic species. Vireo hypochryseus is made up of two phylogeographically structured mitochondrial DNA clades that probably diverged 132 000 yr ago. One clade comprised individuals from mainland Sinaloa and the Tres Marías islands in the northwest, and the other included individuals from the remaining range of the species. This marked phylogeographic structure contrasts with the low genetic structure reported for temperate North American vireos. The nuclear DNA markers also showed some geographic differences in allele frequency, but did not exhibit a clear phylogeographic structure. The morphometric analyses suggested a decreasing north to south cline, with the largest individuals located in the Tres Marías islands. The ENMs did not support a scenario of geographic fragmentation of the environmental conditions of the area in which V. hypochryseus has inhabited over the last 130 000 yr. However, a model of isolation by resistance based on the actual configuration of climatic conditions in western Mexico did explain a major proportion of both the mitochondrial DNA distances and the differences in size, while a model of isolation by distance explain a low proportion of such differences. Therefore, the recent history of V. hypochryseus was likely shaped by historical habitat fragmentation due to fluctuating environmental conditions in the mainland that produced a phylogeographic print, and natural selection on morphological traits in the insular population, suggesting an active diversification of endemic lineages in the Mexican dry forest.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - An individual whale shark (Rhincodon typus) was recorded on January 15, 2020, during the marine megafauna drone-monitoring. The animal was filmed for approximately...  相似文献   

Xiao LQ  Ge XJ  Gong X  Hao G  Zheng SX 《Annals of botany》2004,94(1):133-138
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cycas guizhouensis (Cycadaceae) is a rare and endangered species endemic to the southwest of China. An investigation was undertaken into the genetic variation of wild populations. METHODS: ISSR markers were used to determine the genetic variation within and between 12 extant populations of this species. KEY RESULTS: Low genetic diversity (at population level, P = 14.21 %, H(E) = 0.0597; at species level, P = 35.90 %, H(T) = 0.1082) and a high degree of differentiation among populations (G(ST) = 0.4321) were detected. CONCLUSIONS: This genetic structure is considered to be due to the combined effects of slow biochemical evolution, genetic drift, inbreeding and limited gene flow between populations. Based on these findings, strategies are proposed for the genetic conservation and management of the species.  相似文献   

Inferring the evolutionary history of a group of species can be challenging given the many factors involved. In recent years, the increased availability of sequences of multiple genes per species has spurred the development of new methodologies to analyse multilocus data sets. Two approaches that analyse such data are concatenated supermatrix and coalescent-based species-tree analyses. In this study, we used both of these methods to infer the phylogenetic relationships of Iberian species of the genus Squalius from one mitochondrial and six nuclear genes. We found mitonuclear discordance in the phylogenetic relationships of the group. According to the mitochondrial gene analysis, all species were recovered as monophyletic except S. pyrenaicus; besides, in the concatenated supermatrix analysis of the nuclear markers, this species resolved as polyphyletic with three divergent evolutionary lineages. The coalescent-based nuclear species-tree analysis rendered a well-resolved phylogeny compared with the supermatrix analysis, which was unable to discern between S. carolitertii, S. castellanus and one of the evolutionary lineages of S. pyrenaicus. This result is likely due to the better integration of population uncertainty in the coalescent approach. Furthermore, Bayesian multilocus species delimitation analyses based on a BPP approach strongly supported the distinct nuclear lineages as different species. Nevertheless, the supermatrix analysis was able to obtain well-supported relationships in the divergent lineages with low numbers of individuals. Our study highlights the usefulness of different analytical methodologies to obtain a more complete picture of the evolutionary history of taxa, especially when discordant patterns among genes are found.  相似文献   

Tristyly is a rare floral polymorphism known to occur in only five flowering plant families. One unresolved and potential additional case of tristyly concerns the genus Hugonia in the Linaceae. Here we confirm the existence of tristyly in the genus by reporting floral measurements made on Hugonia serrata Lam., an extremely rare species endemic to the Mascarene Islands of La Réunion and Mauritius in the southern Indian Ocean. We conducted an extensive search of all natural habitats on La Réunion Island where the species had been previously reported. Twenty-eight individuals were found, of which nine were in flower. Of the nine flowering individuals five had long-styled flowers with the stigmas placed above the two levels of anthers, three had intermediate length styles with the stigmas placed between the two anther levels, and one had stigmas placed below the two anther levels, i.e., three floral morphs could be identified based on the sequence of stigma and anther positions. Reciprocity and precision indices calculated for sexual organ length in each morph confirm that this variation is well within the range of values observed by previous workers on other tristylous species in other families. Our empirical data confirm the existence of tristyly in the genus Hugonia, thereby raising the number of known families in which tristyly occurs to six. Pollen size, pollen number, and anther length increased slightly with stamen length, but the low number of plants precludes statistical tests of these trends. A bibliographic survey suggests that tristyly may occur in several other species of the genus.  相似文献   

Long-eared bats of the genus Plecotus are widespread and common over most of the western Palaearctic. Based on recent molecular evidence, they proved to represent a complex of several cryptic species, with three new species being described from Europe in 2002. Evolutionary relationships among the different lineages are still fragmentary because of the limited geographic coverage of previous studies. Here we analyze Plecotus mitochondrial DNA sequences from the entire Mediterranean region and Atlantic Islands. Phylogenetic reconstructions group these western Palaearctic Plecotus into two major clades which split at least 5 Myr ago and that are each subdivided into further subgroups. An 'auritus group' includes the traditional P. auritus species and its sister taxon P. macrobullaris (=P. alpinus) plus related specimens from the Middle East. P. auritus and P. macrobullaris have broadly overlapping distributions in Europe, although the latter is apparently more restricted to mountain ranges. The other major clade, the 'austriacus group,' includes the European species P. austriacus and at least two other related taxa from North Africa (including P. teneriffae from the Canary Islands), the Balkans and Anatolia (P. kolombatovici). The sister species of this 'austriacus group' is P. balensis, an Ethiopian endemic. Phylogenetic reconstructions further suggest that P. austriacus reached Madeira during its relatively recent westward expansion through Europe, while the Canary Islands were colonized by a North African ancestor. Although colonization of the two groups of Atlantic Islands by Plecotus bats followed very distinct routes, neither involved lineages from the 'auritus group.' Furthermore, the Strait of Gibraltar perfectly segregates the distinct lineages, which confirms its key role as a geographic barrier. This study also stresses the biogeographical importance of the Mediterranean region, and particularly of North Africa, in understanding the evolution of the western Palaearctic biotas.  相似文献   

The endemic Hawaiian genus Brighamia (Campanulaceae) comprises two federally endangered, morphologically similar species, B. insignis from Kaua`i and Ni`ihau and B. rockii from Moloka`i. To assist the design of conservation management programs for these taxa, isozyme analyses were performed to assess the levels of genetic diversity at the population and species levels, including comparisons within and among seven natural populations and one ex situ collection each of B. insignis and B. rockii. Our sampling (N = 80) represents ~41% of all known individuals in the wild. Isozyme analyses revealed levels of genetic variation comparable to those reported for other Hawaiian flowering plant taxa but low levels of genetic variation at the population and species levels when compared to flowering plants in general. Ex situ individuals (N = 61) were genetically representative of natural populations and hence may appropriately serve as stock for population augmentations. The two morphologically similar Brighamia species were highly distinct genetically. The combination of morphological and ecological similarity with allozymic dissimilarity observed in Brighamia is unique among the Hawaiian taxa studied to date.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The occurrence of big-eyed rhinofish Poromitra macrophthalma in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean is reported for the first time. This species was previously known...  相似文献   

There are still only a few studies related to Bregmacerotidae larvae in Brazil, although these larvae are frequently collected in oceanic ichthyoplankton samples. Thus this study analyzes the occurrence and abundance of Bregmaceros larvae along the Brazilian central coast and describes larval characteristics. During three oceanographic cruises samples were collected between the Real River (12°S) and the São Tomé Cape (22°S). Oblique hauls were conducted from a maximum depth of 200 m, using bongo nets of 330‐ and 500‐μm mesh size. Among the 951 bregmacerotids collected, three species were identified corresponding to 89%Bregmaceros atlanticus, 8%Bregmaceros cantori and 3%Bregmaceros n. sp. B. atlanticus was widely distributed along the study area and was more frequent in stations situated beyond the 200‐m isobath; this species was more abundant during the winter, showing a peak of density between Vitória and the São Tomé Cape (355 larvae per 10 m2). Bregmaceros cantori densities were very similar during the three cruises; the highest value (25.6 larvae per 10 m2) was recorded during the winter and higher concentrations were observed in neritic stations along the 200‐m isobath. Bregmaceros n. sp. was rare in collections made during the three cruises; it was concentrated along the Bahia coast (12–18°S), and was more frequent in stations situated in the oceanic region. Bregmaceros atlanticus varying from 2.0 to 6.0 mm and Bregmaceros n. sp. larvae varying from 3.0 to 6.0 mm were present in all cruises, indicating that they spawn year‐round. Bregmaceros cantori did not show a distribution pattern among the different length classes, probably associated with the fact that this species has a coastal distribution.  相似文献   

We analysed the genetic structure of seven nesting sites of the endangered green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in Africa using mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Tissue samples were collected from 188 nesting females at six sites in West Africa and one in the Indian Ocean. A 488 bp fragment of the control region revealed 14 different haplotypes, 10 of which are previously undescribed. The most common haplotype (CM8) was observed in 157 individuals. All other haplotypes were closely related, except two divergent lineages: CM38, removed by four substitutions, and the three Indian Ocean haplotypes, distinguished by 31 substitutions. Significant differences in haplotype and nucleotide diversity were observed between Atlantic rookeries and among ocean basins. Analysis of molecular variance revealed high levels of differentiation between the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean populations but a much shallower Atlantic substructuring. Green turtle population genetic structure is thought to have been shaped by a dynamic succession of extinction and recolonisation of rookeries, by natal homing and occasional breakdown in nest-site fidelity. Mismatch distributions of pairwise differences between haplotypes at each rookery were found to be consistent with recent population expansion. We argue that demographic histories can be explained by scenarios at several temporal scales, including geological events, sea level fluctuations and more recent patterns of exploitation. We discuss management and conservation implications of our results for these threatened populations, identifying two ESUs (one in the Atlantic and one in the Indian ocean) and three MUs within the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Long-lived perennials are a species-rich, ecologically important component of the North American deserts, yet we know little about their genetic structure, information important for their conservation. Agave victoriae-reginae is an endemic of the Chihuahuan Desert of northern Mexico that is endangered by collection for the ornamental trade. We examined levels and patterns of variation at ten polymorphic allozyme loci in ten populations representing the range of the species. Levels of genetic variation (mean He= 0.335) and differentiation (mean FST = 0.236) were high. Phenetic clustering suggested the existence of at least three distinct groups of populations. If this pattern of variation is representative of other long-lived desert perennials, it may explain the species richness of this group and will pose a real challenge to gene conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The germination requirements and the basis of the optimal water content before and after cryopreservation were studied for ten endangered Brazilian species of Bromeliaceae. Constant and alternating temperature regimes were used to determine the best conditions for seed germination. The relationship between seed water content and relative humidity was evaluated using water sorption isotherms at 15 °C. Seeds were cryostored at four water contents (3, 5, 7 and 9%) and three storage periods (0, 180 and 365 days), and loss in viability and vigour were estimated. Fresh seeds of all species showed maximum germination in < 30 days at temperatures between 20 and 30 °C, indicating the absence of a physical/morphological dormancy. A sigmoidal relationship between seed water content and relative humidity was observed with no apparent differences in sorption characteristics among the species. The optimum water content for cryopreservation of most of these species was c. 7%. Ultra‐drying (3% seed water content) had a detrimental effect on seed viability and vigour. Our experiments suggested orthodox storage behaviour for all species of Bromeliaceae examined as they are able to survive desiccation and freezing. This study has shown the feasibility of ex situ conservation in seed cryobanks of endangered bromeliads from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest to support future reintroduction of these species in nature. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 567–576.  相似文献   

We used isozymes (16 loci in 11 enzymatic systems) from Laelia speciosa, an endemic and endangered epiphytic orchid of Mexico, to assess the genetic diversity and population genetic structure in nine populations distributed along its geographic range, as well as to detect those populations that are genetically unique and therefore deserve high-priority protection. On average, the genetic diversity was high (percentage of polymorphic loci, P(p) = 76%, mean number of alleles per locus, A = 3.34, the average observed heterozygosity H(O) = 0.302, the average expected heterozygosity H(E) = 0.382). Moderate levels of inbreeding (?f = 0.216, 95% confidence interval = 0.029-0.381) were found. Low levels of genetic differentiation were observed among populations ((p) = 0.040); however, there was a significant correlation between geographic and genetic distances among the populations (Mantel test: r(2) = 0.43, P < 0.05). Populations located within the same mountain range were genetically more similar. Private alleles were found, so proper management requires protection and maintenance of genetic diversity throughout its range. In case of reintroduction, we suggest using individuals propagated from seeds from as many capsules as possible, from close populations. An ex situ conservation strategy also is proposed.  相似文献   

The maturity and reproduction of the Atlantic angel shark Squatina dumeril were assessed using 77 females (29·2–110·4 cm total length; LT) and 269 males (58·7–108·2 cm LT) harvested by artisanal gillnetters off Venezuela. The biased sex ratio implied segregation or sex‐specific gear selectivity. Based on the development of the reproductive tract, 50% LT at sexual maturity (LT50, mean ± s.e .) for females and males were estimated at 86·14 ± 0·64 and 81·55 ± 0·12 cm, respectively. Uterine fecundity ranged between one and six and with a maximum embryo size of 25·7 cm LT. Gravid females were observed from August to December, including those close to parturition and while the gestation period was not confirmed, the size of ovarian follicles among some specimens implied protraction. The low fecundity of the species supports close monitoring of catches.  相似文献   

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