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The experiments described above show that the rate of digestion and the conductivity of protein solutions are very closely parallel. If the isoelectric point of a protein is at a lower hydrogen ion concentration than that of another, the conductivity and also the rate of digestion of the first protein extends further to the alkaline side. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for the rate of digestion and the degree of ionization (conductivity) of gelatin solutions is the same, and the curves for the ionization and rate of digestion as plotted against the pH are nearly parallel throughout. The addition of a salt with the same anion as the acid to a solution of protein already containing the optimum amount of the acid has the same depressing effect on the digestion as has the addition of the equivalent amount of acid. These facts are in quantitative agreement with the hypothesis that the determining factor in the digestion of proteins by pepsin is the amount of ionized protein present in the solution. It was shown in a previous paper that this would also account for the peculiar relation between the rate of digestion and the concentration of protein. The amount of ionized protein in the solution depends on the amount of salt formed between the protein (a weak base) and the acid. This quantity, in turn, according to the hydrolysis theory of the salts of weak bases and strong acids, is a function of the hydrogen ion concentration, up to the point at which all the protein is combined with the acid as a salt. This point is the optimum hydrogen ion concentration for digestion, since the solution now contains the maximum concentration of protein ions. The hydrogen ion concentration in this range therefore is merely a convenient indicator of the amount of ionized protein present in the solution and takes no active part in the hydrolysis. After sufficient acid has been added to combine with all the protein, i.e. at pH of about 2.0, the further addition of acid serves to depress the ionization of the protein salt by increasing the concentration of the common anion. The hydrogen ion concentration is, therefore, no longer an indicator of the amount of ionized protein present, since this quantity is now determined by the anion concentration. Hence on the acid side of the optimum the addition of the same concentration of anion should have the same influence on the rate of digestion irrespective of whether it is combined with hydrogen or some other ion (provided, of course, that there is no other secondary effect of the other ion). The proposed mechanism is very similar to that suggested by Stieglitz and his coworkers for the hydrolysis of the imido esters. Pekelharing and Ringer have shown that pure pepsin in acid solution is always negatively charged; i.e., it is an anion. The experiments described above show further that it behaves just as would be expected of any anion in the presence of a salt containing the protein ion as the cation and as has been shown by Loeb to be the case with inorganic anions. Nothing has been said in regard to the quantitative agreement between the increasing amounts of ionized protein found in the solution (as shown by the conductivity values) and the amount predicted by the hydrolysis theory of the formation of salts of weak bases and strong acids. There is little doubt that the values are in qualitative agreement with such a theory. In order to make a quantitative comparison, however, it would be necessary to know the ionization constant of the protein and of the protein salt and also the number of hydroxyl (or amino) groups in the protein molecule as well as the molecular weight of the protein. Since these values are not known with any degree of certainty there appears to be no value at present in attempting to apply the hydrolysis equations to the data obtained. It it clear that the hypothesis as outlined above for the hydrolysis of proteins by pepsin cannot be extended directly to enzymes in general, since in many cases the substrate is not known to exist in an ionized condition at all. It is possible, however, that ionization is really present or that the equilibrium instead of being ionic is between two tautomeric forms of the substrate, only one of which is attacked by the enzyme. Furthermore, it is clear that even in the case of proteins there are difficulties in the way since the pepsin obtained from young animals, or a similar enzyme preparation from yeast or other microorganisms, is said to have a different optimum hydrogen ion concentration than that found for the pepsin used in these experiments. The activity of these enzyme preparations therefore would not be found to depend on the ionization of the protein. It is possible of course that the enzyme preparations mentioned may contain several proteolytic enzymes and that the action observed is a combination of the action of several enzymes. Dernby has shown that this is a very probable explanation of the action of the autolytic enzymes. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for the activity of the pepsin used in these experiments agrees very closely with that found by Ringer for pepsin prepared by him directly from gastric juice and very carefully purified. Ringer''s pepsin probably represents as pure an enzyme preparation as it is possible to prepare. There is every reason to suppose therefore that the enzyme used in this work was not a mixture of several enzymes.  相似文献   

1. The effect of the addition of acid on the amount of ionized protein has been compared with the effect on the rate of digestion of gelatin, casein, and hemoglobin by pepsin. 2. A similar comparison has been made of the addition of alkali in the case of trypsin with gelatin, casein, hemoglobin, globin, and edestin. 3. In general, the rate of digestion may be predicted from the amount of ionized protein as determined by the titration curve or conductivity. The rate of digestion is a minimum at the isoelectric point of the protein and a maximum at that pH at which the protein is completely combined with acid or alkali to form a salt. 4. The physical properties of the protein solution have little or no effect on the rate of digestion.  相似文献   

A protein fraction has been isolated from crude pepsin preparations which is about 400 times as active as crystalline pepsin in the lique-faction of gelatin. The activity as measured by the digestion of casein, edestin or egg albumin is less than that of crystalline pepsin. It is more resistant to alkali than the crystalline pepsin.  相似文献   

1. It is shown that collodion membranes which have received one treatment with a 1 per cent gelatin solution show for a long time (if not permanently) afterwards a different osmotic behavior from collodion membranes not treated with gelatin. This difference shows itself only towards solutions of those electrolytes which have a tendency to induce a negative electrification of the water particles diffusing through the membrane, namely solutions of acids, acid salts, and of salts with trivalent and tetravalent cations; while the osmotic behavior of the two types of membranes towards solutions of salts and alkalies, which induce a positive electrification of the water particles diffusing through the membrane, is the same. 2. When we separate solutions of salts with trivalent cation, e.g. LaCl3 or AlCl3, from pure water by a collodion membrane treated with gelatin, water diffuses rapidly into the solution; while no water diffuses into the solution when the collodion membrane has received no gelatin treatment. 3. When we separate solutions of acid from pure water by a membrane previously treated with gelatin, negative osmosis occurs; i.e., practically no water can diffuse into the solution, while the molecules of solution and some water diffuse out. When we separate solutions of acid from pure water by collodion membranes not treated with gelatin, positive osmosis will occur; i.e., water will diffuse rapidly into the solution and the more rapidly the higher the valency of the anion. 4. These differences occur only in that range of concentrations of electrolytes inside of which the forces determining the rate of diffusion of water through the membrane are predominantly electrical; i.e., in concentrations from 0 to about M/16. For higher concentrations of the same electrolytes, where the forces determining the rate of diffusion are molecular, the osmotic behavior of the two types of membranes is essentially the same. 5. The differences in the osmotic behavior of the two types of membranes are not due to differences in the permeability of the membranes for solutes since it is shown that acids diffuse with the same rate through both kinds of membranes. 6. It is shown that the differences in the osmotic behavior of the two types of collodion membranes towards solutions of acids and of salts with trivalent cation are due to the fact that in the presence of these electrolytes water diffuses in the form of negatively charged particles through the membranes previously treated with gelatin, and in the form of positively charged particles through collodion membranes not treated with gelatin. 7. A treatment of the collodion membranes with casein, egg albumin, blood albumin, or edestin affects the behavior of the membrane towards salts with trivalent or tetravalent cations and towards acids in the same way as does a treatment with gelatin; while a treatment of the membranes with peptone prepared from egg albumin, with alanine, or with starch has no such effect.  相似文献   

1. In certain cases the rate of digestion of proteins by pepsin is not proportional to the total concentration of pepsin. 2. It is suggested that this is due to the fact that the enzyme in solution is in equilibrium with another substance (called peptone for convenience) and that the equilibrium is quantitatively expressed by the law of mass action, according to the following equation. See PDF for Equation It is assumed that only the uncombined pepsin affects the hydrolysis of the protein. 3. The hypothesis has been put in the form of a differential equation and found to agree quantitatively with the experimental results when the concentration of pepsin, peptone, or both is varied. 4. Pepsin inactivated with alkali enters the equilibrium to the same extent as active pepsin. 5. Under certain conditions (concentration of peptone large with respect to pepsin, and concentration of substrate relatively constant) the relative change in the amount of active pepsin is inversely proportional to the concentration of peptone and the equation simplifies to Schütz''s rule. 6. An integral equation is obtained which holds for the entire course of the digestion (except for the first few minutes) with varying enzyme concentration. This equation is identical in form with the one derived by Arrhenius for the action of ammonia on ethyl acetate. 7. It is pointed out that there are many analogies between the action of pepsin on albumin solutions and the action of toxins on an organism.  相似文献   

1. A quantitative method for the determination of pepsin is described depending on the change in conductivity of a digesting egg albumin solution. 2. The combination of pepsin with an insoluble substrate has been followed by this method. 3. The amount of pepsin removed from solution by a given weight of substrate is independent of the size of the particles of the substrate. 4. There is an optimum zone of hydrogen ion concentration for the combination of enzyme and substrate corresponding to the optimum for digestion. 5. It is suggested that the pepsin combines largely or entirely with the ionized protein.  相似文献   

1. It is pointed out that the apparent exceptions to the law of mass action found in enzyme reactions may be found in catalytic reactions in strictly homogeneous solutions. 2. These deviations in the rate of reaction from the law of mass action may be explained by the hypothesis that the active mass of the reacting substances is not directly proportional to the total concentration of substance taken. 3. In support of this suggestion it is shown that for any given concentration of pepsin the relative rate of digestion of concentrated and of dilute protein solutions is always the same. If the rate of digestion depended on the saturation of the surface of the enzyme by substrate the relative rate of digestion of concentrated protein solutions should increase more rapidly with the concentration of enzyme than that of dilute solutions. This was found not to be true, even when the enzyme could not be considered saturated in the dilute protein solutions. 4. The rate of digestion and the conductivity of egg albumin solutions of different concentration were found to be approximately proportional at the same pH. This agrees with the hypothesis first expressed by Pauli that the ionized protein is largely or entirely the form which is attacked by the enzyme. 5. The rate of digestion is diminished by a very large increase in the viscosity of the protein solution. This effect is probably a mechanical one due to the retardation of the diffusion of the enzyme.  相似文献   

1. This paper contains experiments on the influence of acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of crystalline egg albumin and of gelatin, and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin. 2. It was found in all cases that there is no difference in the effects of HCl, HBr, HNO3, acetic, mono-, di-, and trichloracetic, succinic, tartaric, citric, and phosphoric acids upon these physical properties when the solutions of the protein with these different acids have the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 3. It was possible to show that in all the protein-acid salts named the anion in combination with the protein is monovalent. 4. The strong dibasic acid H2SO4 forms protein-acid salts with a divalent anion SO4 and the solutions of protein sulfate have an osmotic pressure and a viscosity of only half or less than that of a protein chloride solution of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. Oxalic acid behaves essentially like a weak dibasic acid though it seems that a small part of the acid combines with the protein in the form of divalent anions. 5. It was found that the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of Li, Na, K, and NH4 salts of a protein are the same at the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 6. Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 form salts with proteins in which the cation is divalent and the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of these two metal proteinates are only one-half or less than half of that of Na proteinate of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric gelatin. 7. These results exclude the possibility of expressing the effect of different acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of gelatin and egg albumin and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin in the form of ion series. The different results of former workers were probably chiefly due to the fact that the effects of acids and alkalies on these proteins were compared for the same quantity of acid and alkali instead of for the same pH.  相似文献   

1. This paper gives measurements of the influence of various electrolytes on the cataphoretic P.D. of particles of collodion coated with gelatin, of particles of casein, and of particles of boiled egg albumin in water at different pH. The influence of the same electrolyte was about the same in all three proteins. 2. It was found that the salts can be divided into two groups according to their effect on the P.D. at the isoelectric point. The salts of the first group including salts of the type of NaCl, CaCl2, and Na2SO4 affect the P.D. of proteins at the isoelectric point but little; the second group includes salts with a trivalent or tetravalent ion such as LaCl3 or Na4Fe(CN)6. These latter salts produce a high P.D. on the isoelectric particles, LaCl3 making them positively and Na4Fe(CN)6 making them negatively charged. This difference in the action of the two groups of salts agrees with the observations on the effect of the same salts on the anomalous osmosis through collodion membranes coated with gelatin. 3. At pH 4.0 the three proteins have a positive cataphoretic charge which is increased by LaCl3 but not by NaCl or CaCl2, and which is reversed by Na4Fe(CN)6, the latter salt making the cataphoretic charge of the particles strongly negative. 4. At pH 5.8 the protein particles have a negative cataphoretic charge which is strongly increased by Na4Fe(CN)6 but practically not at all by Na2SO4 or NaCl, and which is reversed by LaCl3. the latter salt making the cataphoretic charge of the particles strongly positive. 5. The fact that electrolytes affect the cataphoretic P.D. of protein particles in the same way, no matter whether the protein is denatured egg albumin or a genuine protein like gelatin, furnishes proof that the solutions of genuine proteins such as crystalline egg albumin or gelatin are not diaphasic systems, since we shall show in a subsequent paper that proteins insoluble in water, e.g. denatured egg albumin, are precipitated when the cataphoretic P.D. falls below a certain critical value, while water-soluble proteins, e.g. genuine crystalline egg albumin or gelatin, stay in solution even if the P.D. of the particles falls below the critical P.D.  相似文献   

Analysis of the experimental titration curves shows that gelatin contains acid groups with dissociation indices at pH 2.9 to 3.5 corresponding quantitatively with the content in dicarboxylic amino acids; and that the acidic group at pH 9.4 in egg albumin agrees with the amount of tyrosine. The amounts of histidine and lysine present in both these proteins agree quantitatively with basic groups at pH 6.1 and pH 10.4 to 10.6, respectively. However, the quantity of the arginine group (pH 8.1) in these proteins is considerably less than the amount of arginine found on hydrolysis. This deficiency is compensated (quantitatively with gelatin and approximately with egg albumin) by a basic group at pH 4.6. The structure of this "4.6 group" should be similar to aniline and cytosine in consisting of an amino group on a conjugated unsaturated (perhaps cyclic) system. It would appear that the 4.6 group is disrupted on hydrolysis, producing arginine, and may be referred to as "prearginine." The presence of prearginine in proteins, instead of the full amount of arginine, has an important effect on the properties. Otherwise the isoelectric point of gelatin would be 8.0 (instead of 4.7) and of egg albumin 6.6 (instead of 4.8), and the titration curves would be quite different in shape between pH 4 and 10. Deamination of gelatin produces no decrease in prearginine, arginine, or histidine groups, but removes nearly all of the lysine group.  相似文献   

1. Experiments are described in which it was observed that the yield of protein that can be synthesized by pepsin from a given peptic digest is highest when the hydrolyzing action of the pepsin is stopped as soon as all the protein has disappeared from the solution; and that the longer the digest is permitted to contain active enzyme the more the yield diminishes. 2. Exposure of the digest to a hydrogen ion concentration of pH 1.6 in the absence of active enzyme, does not cause a diminution in the amount of protein which can be synthesized from that digest. 3. Synthesis can be effected also in concentrated solutions of isolated fractions of a peptic digest, i.e. of proteose and of peptone. The yields are approximately the same as in similar concentrations of the whole digest, though the proteins so synthesized differ in some respects from those obtained from the whole digest. 4. The cessation of synthesis in any one digest is due to the attainment of equilibrium and not to the complete utilization of available synthesizeable material. The amount of the equilibrium yield, on the other hand, is dependent on the amount of synthesizeable material in the digest. 5. These observations are taken to show that the synthesizeability of a given mixture of protein cleavage products by pepsin depends upon its possession of a special complex in these products. This complex appears as a result of the primary hydrolysis of the protein molecule by pepsin and is decomposed in the slow secondary hydrolysis which ensues as digestion is prolonged.  相似文献   

1. Pepsin in solution at 38°C. is most stable at a hydrogen ion concentration of about 10–5 (pH 5.0). 2. Increasing the hydrogen ion concentration above pH 5.0 causes a slow increase in the rate of destruction of pepsin. 3. Decreasing the hydrogen ion concentration below pH 5.0 causes a very rapid increase in the rate of destruction of the enzyme. 4. Neither the purity of the enzyme solution nor the anion of the acid used has any marked effect on the rate of destruction or on the zone of hydrogen ion concentration in which the enzyme is most stable. 5. The existence of an optimum range of hydrogen ion concentration for the digestion of proteins by pepsin cannot be explained by the destruction of the enzyme by either too weak or too strong acid.  相似文献   

1. In pure gelatin solutions the conductivity of the solution increases with increasing concentrations, regardless of the hydrogen ion concentration. The actual value of the specific conductivity is greater at that reaction where the degree of ionization is greater. 2. The addition of gelatin in increasing concentrations to a 0.6 per cent sodium chloride solution affects the conductivity of that solution in two ways: (a) At pH 3.3, (where gelatin is highly ionized) the conductivity increases with each added increment of gelatin. (b) At pH 5.1 and 7.4 (where gelatin is less highly ionized) the conductivity decreases with each added increment of gelatin. A similar study is being made of crystalline egg albumin.  相似文献   

1. It has been shown by titration experiments that the globulin edestin behaves like an amphoteric electrolyte, reacting stoichiometrically with acids and bases. 2. The potential difference developed between a solution of edestin chloride or acetate separated by a collodion membrane from an acid solution free from protein was found to be influenced by salt concentration and hydrogen ion concentration in the way predicted by Donnan''s theory of membrane equilibrium. 3. The osmotic pressure of such edestin-acid salt solutions was found to be influenced by salt concentration and by hydrogen ion concentration in the same way as is the potential difference. 4. The colloidal behavior of edestin is thus completely analogous to that observed by Loeb with gelatin, casein, and egg albumin, and may be explained by Loeb''s theory of colloidal behavior, which is based on the idea that proteins react stoichiometrically as amphoteric electrolytes and on Donnan''s theory of membrane equilibrium.  相似文献   

1. Gelatin solutions have a high viscosity which in the case of freshly prepared solutions varies under the influence of the hydrogen ion concentration in a similar way as the swelling, the osmotic pressure, and the electromotive forces. Solutions of crystalline egg albumin have under the same conditions a comparatively low viscosity which is practically independent of the pH (above 1.0). This difference in the viscosities of solutions of the two proteins seems to be connected with the fact that solutions of gelatin have a tendency to set to a Jelly while solutions of crystalline egg albumin show no such tendency at low temperature and pH above 1.0. 2. The formulæ for viscosity demand that the difference in the order of magnitude of the viscosity of the two proteins should correspond to a difference in the relative volume occupied by equal masses of the two proteins in the same volume of solution. It is generally assumed that these variations of volume of dissolved proteins are due to the hydration of the isolated protein ions, but if this view were correct the influence of pH on viscosity should be the same in the case of solutions of gelatin, of amino-acids, and of crystalline egg albumin, which, however, is not true. 3. Suspensions of powdered gelatin in water were prepared and it was found, first, that the viscosity of these suspensions is a little higher than that of gelatin solutions of the same concentration, second, that the pH influences the viscosity of these suspensions similarly as the viscosity of freshly prepared gelatin solutions, and third, that the volume occupied by the gelatin in the suspension varies similarly as the viscosity which agrees with the theories of viscosity. It is shown that this influence of the pH on the volume occupied by the gelatin granules in suspension is due to the existence of a Donnan equilibrium between the granules and the surrounding solution.  相似文献   

1. The action of a number of acids on four properties of gelatin (membrane potentials, osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity) was studied. The acids used can be divided into three groups; first, monobasic acids (HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, acetic, propionic, and lactic acids); second, strong dibasic acids (H2SO4 and sulfosalicylic acid) which dissociate as dibasic acids in the range of pH between 4.7 and 2.5; and third, weak dibasic and tribasic acids (succinic, tartaric, citric) which dissociate as monobasic acids at pH 3.0 or below and dissociate increasingly as dibasic acids, according to their strength, with pH increasing above 3.0. 2. If the influence of these acids on the four above mentioned properties of gelatin is plotted as ordinates over the pH of the gelatin solution or gelatin gel as abscissæ, it is found that all the acids have the same effect where the anion is monovalent; this is true for the seven monobasic acids at all pH and for the weak dibasic and tribasic acids at pH below 3.0. The two strong dibasic acids (the anion of which is divalent in the whole range of pH of these experiments) have a much smaller effect than the acids with monovalent anion. The weak dibasic and tribasic acids act, at pH above 3.0, like acids the anion of which is chiefly monovalent but which contain also divalent anions increasing with pH and with the strength of the acid. 3. These experiments prove that only the valency but not the other properties of the anion of an acid influences the four properties of gelatin mentioned, thus absolutely contradicting the Hofmeister anion series in this case which were due to the failure of the earlier experimenters to measure properly the pH of their protein solutions or gels and to compare the effects of acids at the same pH of the protein solution or protein gel after equilibrium was established. 4. It is shown that the validity of the valency rule and the non-validity of the Hofmeister anion series for the four properties of proteins mentioned are consequences of the fact that the influence of acids on the membrane potentials, osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin is due to the Donnan equilibrium between protein solutions or gels and the surrounding aqueous solution. This equilibrium depends only on the valency but not on any other property of the anion of an acid. 5. That the valency rule is determined by the Donnan equilibrium is strikingly illustrated by the ratio of the membrane potentials for divalent and monovalent anions of acids. Loeb has shown that the Donnan equilibrium demands that this ratio should be 0.66 and the actual measurements agree with this postulate of the theory within the limits of accuracy of the measurements. 6. The valency rule can be expected to hold for only such properties of proteins as depend upon the Donnan equilibrium. Properties of proteins not depending on the Donnan equilibrium may be affected not only by the valency but also by the chemical nature of the anion of an acid.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of pepsin between particles of gelatin or coagulated egg albumin and the outside solution has been found to be equal to the distribution of chloride or bromide ion under the same conditions. This is the case from pH 1 to 7, and in the presence of a variety of salts. 2. Pepsin is therefore probably a monovalent anion. 3. Under certain conditions the enzyme may be adsorbed on the surface of the protein particles. This reaction is irreversible and is markedly influenced by the presence of low concentrations of electrolytes.  相似文献   

1. When we plot the values of osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin solutions as ordinates over the pH as abscissæ, practically identical curves are obtained for the effect of monobasic acids (HCl, HBr, HNO3, and acetic acid) on these properties. 2. The curves obtained for the effect of H2SO4 on gelatin are much lower than those obtained for the effect of monobasic acids, the ratio of maximal osmotic pressures of a 1 per cent solution of gelatin sulfate and gelatin bromide being about 3:8. The same ratio had been found for the ratio of maximal osmotic pressures of calcium and sodium gelatinate. 3. The curves representing the influence of other dibasic and tribasic acids, viz. oxalic, tartaric, succinic, citric, and phosphoric, upon gelatin are almost identical with those representing the effect of monobasic acids. 4. The facts mentioned under (2) and (3) permit us to decide between a purely chemical and a colloidal explanation of the influence of acids on the physical properties of gelatin. In the former case we should be able to prove, first, that twice as many molecules of HBr as of H2SO4 combine with a given mass of gelatin; and, second, that the same number of molecules of phosphoric, citric, oxalic, tartaric, and succinic acids as of HNO3 or HCl combine with the same mass of gelatin. It is shown in the present paper that this is actually the case. 5. It is shown that gelatin sulfate and gelatin bromide solutions of the same pH have practically the same conductivity. This disproves the assumption of colloid chemists that the difference in the effect of bromides and sulfates on the physical properties of gelatin is due to a different ionizing and hydratating effect of the two acids upon the protein molecule.  相似文献   

A new crystalline protein, chymo-trypsinogen, has been isolated from acid extracts of fresh cattle pancreas. This protein is not an enzyme but is transformed by minute amounts of trypsin into an active proteolytic enzyme called chymo-trypsin. The chymo-trypsin has also been obtained in crystalline form. The chymo-trypsinogen cannot be activated by enterokinase, pepsin, inactive trypsin, or calcium chloride. There is an extremely slow spontaneous activation upon standing in solution. The activation of chymo-trypsinogen by trypsin follows the course of a monomolecular reaction the velocity constant of which is proportional to the trypsin concentration and independent of the chymotrypsinogen concentration. The rate of activation is a maximum at pH 7.0–8.0. Activation is accompanied by an increase of six primary amino groups per mole but no split products could be found, indicating that the activation consists in an intramolecular rearrangement. There is a slight change in optical activity but no change in molecular weight. The physical and chemical properties of both proteins are constant through a series of fractional crystallizations. The activity of chymo-trypsin decreases in proportion to the destruction of the native protein by pepsin digestion or denaturation by heat or acid. Chymo-trypsin has powerful milk-clotting power but does not clot blood plasma and differs qualitatively in this respect from the crystalline trypsin previously reported. It hydrolyzes sturin, casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin more slowly than does crystalline trypsin but the hydrolysis of casein is carried much further. The hydrolysis takes place at different linkages from those attacked by trypsin. The optimum pH for the digestion of casein is about 8.0–9.0. It does not hydrolyze any of a series of dipeptides or polypeptides tested. Several chemical and physical properties of both proteins have been determined.  相似文献   

Egg albumin, like gelatin, influences the conductivity of a 0.6 per cent NaCl solution in two ways: (a) At an hydrogen ion concentration of about pH 3.0, increasing concentrations increase the conductivity. (b) Near the isoelectric point of albumin and at the pH of the blood, increasing concentrations of albumin decrease the conductivity of the NaCl solution.  相似文献   

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