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International Journal of Primatology - Snake predation is considered an important evolutionary force for primates. Yet, very few studies have documented encounters between primates and snakes in...  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Information on parasite biodiversity and abundance can improve our understanding of parasitic infections on endangered wildlife, as parasites can affect host...  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - When studying animal behavior in the wild, some behaviors may require observation from a relatively short distance. In these cases, habituation is commonly...  相似文献   

The Sulawesi black macaque (Macaca nigra) population at Tangkoko Nature Reserve in North Sulawesi, Indonesia has been the focus of periodic study for over 30 years. The population has shown considerable decline during much of that time. Here we present the results of a long‐term population survey of the Tangkoko M. nigra, conducted over the past decade, to provide updated information and on‐going assessment of the population. Line‐transect sampling was conducted annually from 1999 to 2002 and 2005 to 2011 along the same transect during a 2‐ to 3‐week survey period. Although further decline in the population was observed at the outset of the survey, over the subsequent 12‐year period we have seen stability in the population parameters with evidence of modest increases in both group and population density. During the 1999–2002 survey periods, there was a mean group density of 3.6 groups/km2 and a mean population density of 39.8 individuals/km2. During 2005–2011, mean group density increased to 3.8 groups/km2 and mean population density was 51.4 individuals/km2. The 2011 survey data indicated an estimated group density of 4.3 groups/km2 and a population density of 61.5 individuals/km2. Given that our transect was located in the core of the Tangkoko reserve, our density estimates should be limited to that area of the reserve. One explanation for the apparent stabilization of the population may be tied to the increasing and sustained number of training and research programs being conducted at the reserve. This collective effort by local and international groups may be helping to reduce illegal activity in the reserve (i.e., hunting and habitat destruction) and generate greater awareness of this critically endangered species. Without the continued vigilance afforded by the existing research and training programs and the support and involvement of the local people, the M. nigra at the Tangkoko Nature Reserve will likely face further decline. Am. J. Primatol. 75:88‐94, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This is the first report of group fission in a wild group of Moor macaques (Macaca maurus) in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The subject group, which has been observed on the basis of individual identification since 1988, showed no sign of fission in April 1999. In August 1999, the group had split in two, with the same number of mature females in each new group. For the most part, mothers and their offspring joined the same groups. Dominance relations and association patterns established during the previous year among adult females did not strongly affect new group membership. The difference in female reproductive state between the two branch groups was a prominent characteristic. The -male of the original group visited both groups at the first stage of group fission, even though otherwise the compositions of the new groups were stable. After the division, six adult males from outside the original group immigrated exclusively into the group that did not contain the -male of the original group. Severe intergroup encounters occurred between the two groups. We discuss the process of the fission and the resultant pattern in relation to the egalitarian dominance style among females, lack of seasonality in reproduction, and resemblance to one-male type social organization.  相似文献   

Primates - A growing body of research focuses on how anthropogenic factors affect the behavior and ecology of primates and their ecosystems. Infrastructural development, such as roads, is an...  相似文献   

In primates, females typically drive the evolution of the social system and present a wide diversity of social structures. To understand this diversity, it is necessary to document the consistency and/or flexibility of female social structures across and within species, contexts, and environments. Macaques (Macaca sp.) are an ideal taxon for such comparative study, showing both consistency and variation in their social relations. Their social styles, constituting robust sets of social traits, can be classified in four grades, from despotic to tolerant. However, tolerant species are still understudied, especially in the wild. To foster our understanding of tolerant societies and to assess the validity of the concept of social style, we studied female crested macaques, Macaca nigra, under entirely natural conditions. We assessed their degree of social tolerance by analyzing the frequency, intensity, and distribution of agonistic and affiliative behaviors, their dominance gradient, their bared‐teeth display, and their level of conciliatory tendency. We also analyzed previously undocumented behavioral patterns in grade 4 macaques: reaction upon approach and distribution of affiliative behavior across partners. We compared the observed patterns to data from other populations of grade 4 macaques and from species of other grades. Overall, female crested macaques expressed a tolerant social style, with low intensity, frequently bidirectional, and reconciled conflicts. Dominance asymmetry was moderate, associated with an affiliative bared‐teeth display. Females greatly tolerated one another in close proximity. The observed patterns matched the profile of other tolerant macaques and were outside the range of patterns of more despotic species. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of females’ social behavior in a tolerant macaque species under natural conditions and as such, contributes to a better understanding of macaque societies. It also highlights the relevance of the social style concept in the assessment of the degree of tolerance/despotism in social systems. Am. J. Primatol. 75:361‐375, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Population surveys of Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra) were conducted on the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and Bacan in 1992–1994 to assess the status of natural populations and determine habitat and anthropogenic factors affecting their population densities. We surveyed five sites for primates, including undisturbed and disturbed habitats. Data were collected on habitat structure and composition at two undisturbed and one disturbed forest site in which the primates were surveyed. The highest density of macaques was found in primary forest at Gunung Sibela Nature Reserve on Bacan (170.3 individuals/km2). Population density in logged forest on Bacan was high but significantly less than primary forest (133.4 individuals/km2). The high density of crested black macaques in primary forest on Bacan is best explained by the high carrying capacity found in primary forest. The lower food quantity and quality of food resources found in logged forest correlated with lower primate densities compared to primary forest. However, the large population of macaques in logged forest demonstrates the conservation value of such forest. Densities on Sulawesi at Tangkoko-Batuangas-DuaSudara Nature Reserve (TBDS) showed a continuing decline since earlier surveys. Primate densities were highest near the protected center of Tangkoko Reserve (66.7 individuals/km2). The peripheral areas of Batuangas and DuaSudara, even though adjacent and continuous, showed lower population densities of 46.4 and 23.5 individuals/km2, respectively. The best explanation for the continued decline of Macaca nigra populations at TBDS is hunting. Unless conservation measures are implemented immediately, M. nigra on Sulawesi risks extinction in the near future. Am. J. Primatol. 44:89–106, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The female reproductive cycles and sexual behavior of moor macaques (Macaca maurus) were studied in their natural habitat. Female moor macaques showed repeated perineal swelling. The average cycle length was 36.2 days and the mean duration of swelling was 11.9 days. The estimated duration of gestation in two observed cases was 175 and 176 days, respectively. Females did not exhibit post-conception sexual swelling. Males appeared to ejaculate in multi-mounts. Serial mounting by the alpha male was concentrated on swelling females, while second- and third-ranking males sometimes mounted non-swelling females in series.  相似文献   

Baharuddin Nurkin 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):271-276
In South Sulawesi forests contain a large variety of genera and species of plants. These forests are important as sources of timber, fuelwood, food and many other minor products. The major concern over this important coastal resource is its increasing rate of exploitation. Prior to 1965 it was estimated that there were at least 110 000 hectares of mangrove forests covering the coast of South Sulawesi. However, today about 80000 hectares have already been cleared for timber, fuelwood, and for conversion to tambak (brackish water ponds). Tambak is one of the most common forms of land use in the coastal region of South Sulawesi, and has created a serious land use conflict. Conservation efforts involve coastal revegetation projects and the establishment of a 200 metre wide green belt all along the coast. The implementation of these protective measures is discussed.  相似文献   

Hand preference of wild moor monkeys Macaca maurus was investigated in food reaching situations at the Karaenta Nature Reserve, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The frequency picking up sweet-corn grains to take into the mouth by either hand of monkeys was counted directly at the feeding ground where sweet-corn grains were scattered for monkeys. Among the 20 monkeys examined, 8 were fight-handed, 8 were left-handed, and 4 were ambilateral. The results indicated the prevailed hand preference on individual level but not either trends of left- or right-hand preference on population level. The trend toward a higher proportion of left-handed monkeys found in Japanese and rhesus monkeys was not found. Some other characteristics found in moor monkeys are discussed in comparison with those previous findings in Japanese and Tibetan macaques in order to evaluate variations within the genus Macaca.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Female reproductive success depends to a large extent on infants’ ability to survive to maturity. While most studies of female reproductive success have...  相似文献   

Play is widespread across mammalian taxa, but species strongly vary in the ways they play. In less despotic primate species (i.e., with less steep dominance hierarchies, less severe conflicts, and more reconciliation), play has been described as being more frequent, cooperative, and freely expressed. To study the link between social play and dominance style, we compared play behavior in free-ranging infants, juveniles and subadults of more despotic Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata, N = 24) and less despotic moor macaques (Macaca maura, N = 17). We found interspecific differences in play behavior that corresponded with the contrasting dominance styles of the study species, largely confirming our predictions. In particular, moor macaques spent a larger proportion of time in solitary and social play than Japanese macaques, while Japanese macaques spent a larger proportion of time in grooming interactions. In moor macaques, play sessions included more players, a larger variety of play behaviors, greater play face rates, a greater proportion of time in contact play, and a higher rate of reciprocal play-biting than in Japanese macaques. Aggressive escalations were not common, but more frequent in Japanese macaques. Finally, a higher frequency of play faces during play sessions predicted the occurrence of more reciprocal play-bites, but not the proportion of time spent in contact play behaviors. Additional studies on other groups and species will allow a better understanding of the link between dominance style and social play.  相似文献   

I present quantitative and qualitative data on infant caretaking behaviors collected during a preliminary field study of spectral tarsiers (Tarsius spectrum),in a northern Sulawesi rain forest. The primary goal of the study is to identify the basic pattern of infant care in this species. I studied tarsiers at Tangkoko-Dua Saudara Nature Reserve in Sulawesi, Indonesia, from May to July 1992. I observed two infants, from two groups for a total of 96 hr using focal follows. During individual focal follows, ranging from 20 min to 6 hr, I recorded behaviors at 5-min intervals. I also recorded distances of group members relative to the infant at 5-min intervals. I subsampled the data at 35-min intervals to control for statistical autocorrelation between data points. Infants were alone between 40 and 50% of the time. The two subadults were more frequently in proximity to the infant than the adult males, the nonmatemal adult female, or the mothers were. This pattern of the subadults maintaining proximity to the infant continued when the mothers were absent. These results suggest that subadults may be guarding or babysitting infants. It is also possible that subadults are not traveling as far from the sleeping site as adults do and are therefore more likely to be found in association with the infant.  相似文献   

Human-to-primate disease transmission can potentially cause significant morbidity and mortality among wild primate populations and thus constitutes an important conservation issue. Our cross-sectional study examines serological evidence of exposure to human pathogens among wild and pet macaques in Sulawesi. Serum samples taken from 11 pet and 15 wild macaques (Macaca tonkeana) were analyzed for antibodies to a panel of viruses commonly encountered in human populations. Antibodies to measles, influenza A, and parainfluenza 1 were detected in sera of both pet and wild macaques. Antibodies to parainfluenza 2 and 3 were found in the sera of wild macaques only. Possible routes of exposure, as well as implications for conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Reports of hybridization between Macaca tonkeana and Macaca hecki were investigated in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. We defined sets of morphological traits that were diagnostic for M. tonkeana and M. hecki and then located an areas where animals had intermediate or mosaic features. Hybridization as indicated by morphology was detected between M. tonkeana and M. hecki. The hybrid zone appeared to be strongly centered at the road that crosses the isthmus of Central Sulawesi from Tawaeli to Toboli. Macaques in this region were not morphologically uniform; animals from the western area of the Tawaeli–Toboli road resembled M. hecki, while animals from the eastern area resembled M. tonkeana. The hybrid zone was found to be smaller than previously thought, with maximum dimensions of approximately 15 and 7.5 km. Clines for diagnostic morphological features were broadly coincident, suggesting that the hybrid zone originated by secondary contact. Analysis of three museum specimens collected in 1916 provided evidence that the hybrid zone has been in existence since at least then. The narrow width of the hybrid zone, along with its age, suggested that some prezygotic or postzygotic barrier must exist to full introgression between M. tonkeana and M. hecki. Am. J. Primatol. 43:181–209, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two cases of clinical disease associated with extraintestinal Campylobacter infection were recently encountered in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). The first case was that of a 3-y-old, male, rhesus macaque experimentally infected with SIV, who presented with abdominal pain and a midabdominal mass and was euthanized. Pathology findings included an abscess within the median liver lobe, fibrinopurulent peritonitis, and intestinal serositis with isolation of Campylobacter fetus from the blood, liver, and the hepatic abscess. The second case was that of a 1-mo-old, female, rhesus macaque who died with no apparent history of illness. Gross pathology findings included thin body condition and diarrheic staining of the perineum; histologically, acute multifocal hepatitis with intralesional bacteria was noted. Campylobacter coli was isolated from the liver and colon. Extraintestinal Campylobacter infection is uncommon in humans, usually occurring in immunocompromised subjects and most commonly manifesting as bacteremia. Extraintestinal Campylobacter infections in animals are rare but have been associated with bacteremia and cholecystitis. The macaques presented here were either immunocompromised due to SIV infection (case 1) or more vulnerable due to young age (case 2). These factors likely contributed to the extraintestinal spread of Campylobacter.Campylobacter spp. are curved or spiral, gram-negative, microaerobic, typically motile bacteria with a single flagellum at one or both ends of the cell.25 Campylobacter is one of the most common bacterial causes of gastroenteritis in humans worldwide.3 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate it to affect more than 1.3 million people in the United States each year.11 Campylobacter spp. colonize the intestinal tract of primates, other mammals, birds, reptiles, and shellfish, but infection is not always associated with clinical signs of disease.2,23 Contaminated or undercooked poultry represents the largest potential source of human infection.22 Campylobacteriosis is a zoonosis, and other significant sources of human infection include livestock, wildlife, pets, and contaminated water.22 The species most commonly isolated from humans and nonhuman primates are C. jejuni and C. coli; other species like C. fetus are less commonly found.2,4,9,23 Extraintestinal campylobacteriosis in humans usually occurs in immunocompromised or elderly persons with underlying medical problems and most commonly manifests as bacteremia.23 There have been a few reports of extraintestinal Campylobacter infections in animals, including bacteremia and cholecystitis in 2 dogs.17,30  相似文献   

After being the victim of an agonistic conflict, long-tailed macaques increased the rate of tension-related activities such as scratching, body-shake and selfgrooming. This increase indicates that they experienced physiological changes preparing them to cope with the uncertainty of the post-conflict situation. Indeed, victims of agonistic conflict experienced a higher risk of renewed attacks. However, victims were also involved in social interactions characteristic of post-conflict situations, namely reconciliation and redirection. These two post-conflict social events reduced the rate of scratching, body-shake and selfgrooming. This suggests a faster termination of the stress response. Indeed, the two social events also decreased the likelihood of renewed attacks, one of the causes of the state of uncertainty. Reconciliation is more effective than redirection in this process probably because the restoration of the relationship with the former aggressor allows the victim to resume control of the situation.  相似文献   

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