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1. It seems first of all clear from our results that the effect of electrolytes upon electrophoretic charge is essentially the same, whether one is dealing with silica dust, bacteria, or yeast cells, although certain quantitative differences appear which will later be discussed. 2. The normal negative charge on the suspended particles appears to be slightly increased by very low concentrations of electrolytes, markedly so in the case of yeast cells. Increase in charge due to minimal concentrations of electrolytes has been recorded by Loeb (1922) for collodion particles. 3. Higher concentrations of electrolytes cause a marked and progressive decrease in negative charge, sometimes leading to an isopotential condition and sometimes to a complete reversal of charge with active migration toward the cathode. This effect is apparently due to the cation alone and increases with the valency of the cation, except that the H ion shows specially marked activity, between that of bivalent and trivalent ions. Since NaOH behaves like an ordinary univalent salt, increased alkalinity of a solution does not further depress the charge already depressed by salts; but, since the H ion is much more active than other univalent or bivalent ions, increased acidity does cause a further progressive depression of charge, even in salt solutions. Certain electrolytes appear to show individual peculiarities due to something else than their valency. Thus KCl for example is distinctly more effective than NaCl. Sodium chloride in general appears to exert less influence upon electrophoretic charge, either in low or high dilution, than do other compounds of univalent ions studied. This depressing effect of moderately high concentrations of electrolytes is much less marked with yeast cells than with Bacterium coli. Silica dust is still less affected by monovalent and bivalent ions than are the yeast cells but appears to be more affected than either yeast or Bacterium coli by AlCl3. 4. Very high concentrations of AlCl3 (above 10–2 M) show a third effect, a decrease of the positive charge produced by concentrations of moderate molar strength. This is analogous to phenomena observed for trivalent salts by Northrop and De Kruif (1921–22) and for acid by Winslow, Falk, and Caulfield (1923–24). 5. Organic substances, such as glucose, glycerol, and saponin produce no effect on electrophoretic velocity until they reach a concentration at which viscosity changes are involved. 6. The first two results observed,—(a) the increase in charge as a result of slight additions of electrolytes, and (b) the marked decrease in charge with further concentration of electrolytes, depending on the valency of the cation, so far as vegetable cells are concerned, are entirely in accord with the theory of the Donnan equilibrium as worked out by Loeb (1922). We might assume in explaining such phenomena that the plant cell contains a certain proportion of unbound protein material and that the first modicum of cation which enters the cell is bound by the protein, leading to an increase in the relative negative charge of the cell as compared with its menstruum, while subsequent increments of cation remain unbound in the cell and thus lower its charge. When we find, however, that the same phenomena are apparent with collodion particles, as shown by Loeb, and with silica dust, it seems difficult to apply such a theory, involving the conceptions of a permeable membrane and unbound organic compounds. Loeb (1923–24) suggests that the primary increase may be due to an aggregation of anions in the part of the electrical double layer adjacent to the suspended particles; but why there should be first an aggregation of anions and later (with increasing concentration) an aggregation of cations, is not easy to conceive. The third result,—the reversion to a more negative charge in the presence of a marked excess of trivalent ions,—is again difficult to explain. Loeb, in this connection, postulates the existence of complex ion-protein compounds, which can scarcely be assumed in the case of the silica particles.  相似文献   

1. The commonly used detergents have a poisonous effect, which is due to the non-polar-polar configuration of their organic anion. The non-polar organophilic half of the ion is built up by a long chain of alkyl radicals (8 to 18 carbon atoms), the polar hydrophilic half by a sulfonate or sulfate. If brought into contact with the organic surface membrane of a cell, this structure, due to the strong attachment of the alkyl chains to its surface, and due to the pull of the hydrophilic part towards the surrounding water, is subjected to a heavy stress terminating in tearing to pieces the membrane (by denaturing and loosening the membrane components; bacteriolysis, cytolysis). Correspondingly, with frog muscle, one end of which has been treated with the detergent solution, an irreversible negative injury potential is produced. 2. Applying, instead, the compounds bearing short chains of alkyl radicals (1 to 6 carbon atoms), producing less stress on the membrane and correspondingly a slighter derangement of its architecture, a reversible positive resting potential appears. This is interpreted to be the effect of the non-polar part of the anion, which, due to its surface activity, intrudes into the pores of the membranes, notwithstanding the negative charge of their walls. 3. The short chained detergents seem to be replaceable by various organic "semidetergents," the organophilic behavior of their anion being represented by a slight chemical affinity (NH2), the hydrophilic by the effect of a carboxyl group (COO) instead of sulfate or sulfonate. The effect of the semidetergents on muscle is a positive reversible potential. Their physiological significance may be visualized as a functional activation.  相似文献   

1. The strain of Bacterium coli used in these experiments multiplies in distilled water at pH 6.0 and pH 8.0 and in Ringer-Locke solution at pH 6.0. Under all the other conditions studied the numbers decrease with the passage of time. 2. The electrophoretic charge of the cells is highest in distilled water at pH 6.0 and pH 8.0. Under all other conditions studied the velocity of migration is decreased, but the decrease is immediate and is not affected by more prolonged exposure. 3. A strongly acid solution (pH 2.0) causes a rapid death of the cells and a sharp decrease in electrophoretic charge, sometimes leading to complete reversal. 4. A strongly alkaline solution (pH 11.0) is almost as toxic as a strongly acid one, although in distilled water the organisms survive fairly well at this reaction. Electrophoretic charge, on the other hand, is only slightly reduced in such an alkaline medium. 5. In distilled water, reactions near the neutral point are about equally favorable to both viability and electrophoretic charge, pH 8.0 showing slightly greater multiplication and a slightly higher charge than pH 11.0. In the presence of salts, however, pH 8.0 is much less favorable to viability and somewhat more favorable to electrophoretic charge than is pH 6.0. 6. Sodium chloride solutions, in the concentrations studied, all proved somewhat toxic and all tended to depress electrophoretic charge. Very marked toxicity was, however, exhibited only in a concentration of .725 M strength or over and at pH 8.0, while electrophoretic migration velocity was only slightly decreased at a concentration of .0145 M strength. 7. Calcium chloride was more toxic than NaCl, showing very marked effects in .145 M strength at pH 8.0 and in 1.45 M strength at pH 6.0. It greatly depressed electrophoretic charge even in .0145 M concentration. 8. Ringer-Locke solution proved markedly stimulating to the growth of the bacteria at pH 6.0 while at pH 8.0 it was somewhat toxic, though less so than the solutions of pure salts. It depressed migration velocity at all pH values, being more effective than NaCl in this respect, but less effective than CaCl2. 9. It would appear from these experiments that a balanced salt solution (Ringer-Locke''s) may be distinctly favorable to bacterial viability in water at an optimum reaction while distinctly unfavorable in a slightly more alkaline solution. 10. Finally, while there is a certain parallelism between the influence of electrolytes upon viability and upon electrophoretic charge, the parallelism is not a close one and the two effects seem on the whole to follow entirely different laws.  相似文献   

These experiments serve to show that neutral salts in amounts considerably below those commonly employed in culture solutions may be very injurious to pollen. It has been found, for example, that NaCl, one of the least toxic salts tried, excepting CaCl2, added to a sucrose solution in a concentration of 0.0002 M, or about 11 parts per million, reduces the growth of sweet pea pollen tubes 15 per cent. When it is considered that MgCl2 and BaCl2 are about fifteen times as toxic as NaCl it becomes evident that the susceptibility of pollen tubes to injury by these substances amounts virtually to hypersensitiveness. On the other hand calcium salts in concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 0.002 M markedly enhance the growth of sweet pea pollen tubes. MgCl2 has a similar action in the case of Nicotiana. Calcium, moreover, exerts a strong protective action in the presence of the injurious monovalent cations Na and K. So far as can be determined by microchemical means these salts do not alter the wall of the pollen tube; presumably, their effect is on the protoplast itself. In the light of recent experimentation (Osterhout) with other forms better adapted to precise investigation of these phenomena it seems probable that the explanation of the facts presented here lies in changes brought about in the permeability of the cells. Since several gaps exist in our evidence, however, conclusions drawn at this time must necessarily be provisional. The highly injurious action manifested by the cations of several of the salts used indicates that they penetrate the protoplast very rapidly. Possibly in pure sucrose cultures, exosmosis is a limiting factor in pollen tube growth. The addition of salts of calcium or magnesium may favor development by retarding or preventing this outward diffusion. The protective effect of calcium in the presence of the toxic cations K and Na is best interpreted on the assumption that the entry of these latter into the protoplast is retarded by the calcium. The mode by which hydrogen ion concentration affects pollen tube growth is largely a matter of speculation. It has previously been been shown by Brink that the time relations of the growth process simulate those of an autocatalytic reaction. It has been demonstrated also that elongation of the tubes in artificial media is related to the digestion of the reserve food materials contributed by the pollen grain. In the case of the sweet pea these stored substances are largely fats and their hydrolysis may constitute the most important chemical reaction in growth. If, as seems not improbable, the other reactions involved wait upon this one, it is the "master reaction" according to Robertson''s hypothesis. If this conception really applies to the case in hand as outlined, the effect of the concentration of hydrogen ions on growth may be a direct one. It is known that the action of the fat-splitting enzyme lipase is favored by a certain amount of free acid. The maximum rate of germination of the pollen and the greatest amount of growth of the pollen tubes occur at pH 6.0. This may be due in large part to the immediate effect of this concentration of hydrogen ions upon the digestion of the reserve food.  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that if the dry seeds of the cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) are soaked for 3 hours in solutions of ethyl alcohol of concentration ranging from 2 to 16 per cent by volume, and then germinated and grown in distilled water in the dark, the total growth attained is greater by amounts ranging from 9 to 35 per cent than is that made by seeds treated in every way identically except that they are initially soaked in distilled water instead of alcohol. It is shown that this result is not due simply to differences in osmotic pressure in the different alcohol solutions. It is probably due to a simple selective action of the alcohol which eliminates the constitutionally weak and defective seeds.  相似文献   

Two types of stability are observed in suspensions of red blood cells. In weak concentrations of electrolytes the stability depends on the electric charge of the cells and suspension is unstable below a certain critical P.D. In strong concentrations of electrolyte, the stability bears no relation to the charge.  相似文献   

大分子吸附对低粘切变流场中红细胞取向的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用一种在低粘切变流场中,将红细胞变形指数DI,分解为转向指数与小变形指数的新型激光衍射法,比较了有不同分子量右旋糖酐或PVP处理的红细胞与正常对照组红细胞的(DI)or-γ曲线,发现上述两类曲线间存在明显差异,这一事实表明,这种新型激光衍射法有助于分子水平的微观流变学的研究。  相似文献   

1. Colloids have been divided into two groups according to the ease with which their solutions or suspensions are precipitated by electrolytes. One group (hydrophilic colloids), e.g., solutions of gelatin or crystalline egg albumin in water, requires high concentrations of electrolytes for this purpose, while the other group (hydrophobic colloids) requires low concentrations. In the latter group the precipitating ion of the salt has the opposite sign of charge as the colloidal particle (Hardy''s rule), while no such relation exists in the precipitation of colloids of the first group. 2. The influence of electrolytes on the solubility of solid Na caseinate, which belongs to the first group (hydrophilic colloids), and of solid casein chloride which belongs to the second group (hydrophobic colloids), was investigated and it was found that the forces determining the solution are entirely different in the two cases. The forces which cause the hydrophobic casein chloride to go into solution are forces regulated by the Donnan equilibrium; namely, the swelling of particles. As soon as the swelling of a solid particle of casein chloride exceeds a certain limit it is dissolved. The forces which cause the hydrophilic Na caseinate to go into solution are of a different character and may be those of residual valency. Swelling plays no rôle in this case, and the solubility of Na caseinate is not regulated by the Donnan equilibrium. 3. The stability of solutions of casein chloride (requiring low concentrations of electrolytes for precipitation) is due, first, to the osmotic pressure generated through the Donnan equilibrium between the casein ions tending to form an aggregate, whereby the protein ions of the nascent micellum are forced apart again; and second, to the potential difference between the surface of a micellum and the surrounding solution (also regulated by the Donnan equilibrium) which prevents the further coalescence of micella already formed. This latter consequence of the Donnan effect had already been suggested by J. A. Wilson. 4. The precipitation of this group of hydrophobic colloids by salts is due to the diminution or annihilation of the osmotic pressure and the P.D. just discussed. Since low concentrations of electrolytes suffice for the depression of the swelling and P.D. of the micella, it is clear why low concentrations of electrolytes suffice for the precipitation of hydrophobic colloids, such as casein chloride. 5. This also explains why only that ion of the precipitating salt is active in the precipitation of hydrophobic colloids which has the opposite sign of charge as the colloidal ion, since this is always the case in the Donnan effect. Hardy''s rule is, therefore, at least in the precipitation of casein chloride, only a consequence of the Donnan effect. 6. For the salting out of hydrophilic colloids, like gelatin, from watery solution, sulfates are more efficient than chlorides regardless of the pH of the gelatin solution. Solution experiments lead to the result that while CaCl2 or NaCl increase the solubility of isoelectric gelatin in water, and the more, the higher the concentration of the salt, Na2SO4 increases the solubility of isoelectric gelatin in low concentrations, but when the concentration of Na2SO4 exceeds M/32 it diminishes the solubility of isoelectric gelatin the more, the higher the concentration. The reason for this difference in the action of the two salts is not yet clear. 7. There is neither any necessity nor any room for the assumption that the precipitation of proteins is due to the adsorption of the ions of the precipitating salt by the colloid.  相似文献   

1. Though thymus-fed salamander larvæ often metamorphose normally, thymus feeding sometimes retards and in rare cases inhibits metamorphosis completely. 2. The addition of normal food to a thymus diet abolishes the inhibitory effect of the thymus. 3. Addition of a small quantity of iodothyrin leads rapidly to precocious metamorphosis of thymus-fed larvæ. 4. The inhibitory effect of the thymus is not due to a specific inhibiting substance in the thymus, but to the absence from the thymus of a substance required to develop the thyroid to the secretory state.  相似文献   

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