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1. In certain cases the rate of digestion of proteins by pepsin is not proportional to the total concentration of pepsin. 2. It is suggested that this is due to the fact that the enzyme in solution is in equilibrium with another substance (called peptone for convenience) and that the equilibrium is quantitatively expressed by the law of mass action, according to the following equation. See PDF for Equation It is assumed that only the uncombined pepsin affects the hydrolysis of the protein. 3. The hypothesis has been put in the form of a differential equation and found to agree quantitatively with the experimental results when the concentration of pepsin, peptone, or both is varied. 4. Pepsin inactivated with alkali enters the equilibrium to the same extent as active pepsin. 5. Under certain conditions (concentration of peptone large with respect to pepsin, and concentration of substrate relatively constant) the relative change in the amount of active pepsin is inversely proportional to the concentration of peptone and the equation simplifies to Schütz''s rule. 6. An integral equation is obtained which holds for the entire course of the digestion (except for the first few minutes) with varying enzyme concentration. This equation is identical in form with the one derived by Arrhenius for the action of ammonia on ethyl acetate. 7. It is pointed out that there are many analogies between the action of pepsin on albumin solutions and the action of toxins on an organism.  相似文献   

1. The velocity of hydrolysis of gelatin by trypsin increases more slowly than the gelatin concentration and finally becomes nearly independent of the gelatin concentration. The relative velocity of hydrolysis of any two substrate concentrations is independent of the quantity of enzyme used to make the comparison. 2. The rate of hydrolysis is independent of the viscosity of the solution. 3. The percentage retardation of the rate of hydrolysis by inhibiting substances, is independent of the substrate concentration. 4. There is experimental evidence that the enzyme and inhibiting substance are combined to form a widely dissociated compound. 5. If the substrate were also combined with the enzyme, an increase in the substrate concentration should affect the equilibrium between the enzyme and the inhibiting substance. This is not the case. 6. The rate of digestion of a mixture of casein and gelatin is equal to the sum of the rates of hydrolysis of the two substances alone, as it should be if the rate is proportional to the concentration of free enzyme. This contradicts the saturation hypothesis. 7. If the reaction is followed by determining directly the change in the substrate concentration, it is found that this change agrees with the law of mass action; i.e., the rate of digestion is proportional to the substrate concentration.  相似文献   

The experiments described above show that the rate of digestion and the conductivity of protein solutions are very closely parallel. If the isoelectric point of a protein is at a lower hydrogen ion concentration than that of another, the conductivity and also the rate of digestion of the first protein extends further to the alkaline side. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for the rate of digestion and the degree of ionization (conductivity) of gelatin solutions is the same, and the curves for the ionization and rate of digestion as plotted against the pH are nearly parallel throughout. The addition of a salt with the same anion as the acid to a solution of protein already containing the optimum amount of the acid has the same depressing effect on the digestion as has the addition of the equivalent amount of acid. These facts are in quantitative agreement with the hypothesis that the determining factor in the digestion of proteins by pepsin is the amount of ionized protein present in the solution. It was shown in a previous paper that this would also account for the peculiar relation between the rate of digestion and the concentration of protein. The amount of ionized protein in the solution depends on the amount of salt formed between the protein (a weak base) and the acid. This quantity, in turn, according to the hydrolysis theory of the salts of weak bases and strong acids, is a function of the hydrogen ion concentration, up to the point at which all the protein is combined with the acid as a salt. This point is the optimum hydrogen ion concentration for digestion, since the solution now contains the maximum concentration of protein ions. The hydrogen ion concentration in this range therefore is merely a convenient indicator of the amount of ionized protein present in the solution and takes no active part in the hydrolysis. After sufficient acid has been added to combine with all the protein, i.e. at pH of about 2.0, the further addition of acid serves to depress the ionization of the protein salt by increasing the concentration of the common anion. The hydrogen ion concentration is, therefore, no longer an indicator of the amount of ionized protein present, since this quantity is now determined by the anion concentration. Hence on the acid side of the optimum the addition of the same concentration of anion should have the same influence on the rate of digestion irrespective of whether it is combined with hydrogen or some other ion (provided, of course, that there is no other secondary effect of the other ion). The proposed mechanism is very similar to that suggested by Stieglitz and his coworkers for the hydrolysis of the imido esters. Pekelharing and Ringer have shown that pure pepsin in acid solution is always negatively charged; i.e., it is an anion. The experiments described above show further that it behaves just as would be expected of any anion in the presence of a salt containing the protein ion as the cation and as has been shown by Loeb to be the case with inorganic anions. Nothing has been said in regard to the quantitative agreement between the increasing amounts of ionized protein found in the solution (as shown by the conductivity values) and the amount predicted by the hydrolysis theory of the formation of salts of weak bases and strong acids. There is little doubt that the values are in qualitative agreement with such a theory. In order to make a quantitative comparison, however, it would be necessary to know the ionization constant of the protein and of the protein salt and also the number of hydroxyl (or amino) groups in the protein molecule as well as the molecular weight of the protein. Since these values are not known with any degree of certainty there appears to be no value at present in attempting to apply the hydrolysis equations to the data obtained. It it clear that the hypothesis as outlined above for the hydrolysis of proteins by pepsin cannot be extended directly to enzymes in general, since in many cases the substrate is not known to exist in an ionized condition at all. It is possible, however, that ionization is really present or that the equilibrium instead of being ionic is between two tautomeric forms of the substrate, only one of which is attacked by the enzyme. Furthermore, it is clear that even in the case of proteins there are difficulties in the way since the pepsin obtained from young animals, or a similar enzyme preparation from yeast or other microorganisms, is said to have a different optimum hydrogen ion concentration than that found for the pepsin used in these experiments. The activity of these enzyme preparations therefore would not be found to depend on the ionization of the protein. It is possible of course that the enzyme preparations mentioned may contain several proteolytic enzymes and that the action observed is a combination of the action of several enzymes. Dernby has shown that this is a very probable explanation of the action of the autolytic enzymes. The optimum hydrogen ion concentration for the activity of the pepsin used in these experiments agrees very closely with that found by Ringer for pepsin prepared by him directly from gastric juice and very carefully purified. Ringer''s pepsin probably represents as pure an enzyme preparation as it is possible to prepare. There is every reason to suppose therefore that the enzyme used in this work was not a mixture of several enzymes.  相似文献   

1. A study has been made of the equilibrium existing between trypsin and the substances formed in the digestion of proteins which inhibit its action. 2. This substance could not be obtained by the hydrolysis of the proteins by acid or alkali. It is dialyzable. 3. The equilibrium between this substance (inhibitor) and trypsin is found to agree with the equation, trypsin + inhibitor ⇌ trypsin-inhibitor The equilibrium is reached instantaneously and is independent of the substrate concentration. If it be further assumed that the rate of hydrolysis is proportional to the concentration of the free trypsin and that the equilibrium conforms to the law of mass action, it is possible to calculate the experimental results by the application of the law of mass action. 4. The equilibrium has been studied by varying (a) the concentration of the inhibiting substance, (b) the concentration of trypsin, (c) the concentration of gelatin, and (d) the concentration of trypsin and inhibitor (the relative concentration of the two remaining the same). In all cases the results agree quantitatively with those predicted by the law of mass action. 5. It was found that the percentage retarding effect of the inhibiting substance on the rate of hydrolysis is independent of the hydrogen ion concentration between pH 6.3 and 10.0. 6. The fact that the experimental results agree with the mechanism outlined under 3, is contrary to the assumption that any appreciable amount of trypsin is combined with the gelatin at any one time; i.e., the velocity of the hydrolysis must depend on the time required for such a compound to form rather than for it to decompose. 7. The experiments may be considered as experimental proof of the validity of Arrhenius'' explanation of Schütz''s rule as applied to trypsin digestion. 8. Inactivated trypsin does not enter into the equilibrium.  相似文献   

Crystalline trypsinogen is most readily and completely transformed into trypsin by means of enterokinase in the range of pH 5.2–6.0 at 5°C. and at a concentration of trypsinogen of not more than 0.1 mg. per ml. The action of enterokinase under these conditions is that of a typical enzyme. The process follows closely the course of a catalytic unimolecular reaction, the rate of formation of trypsin being proportional to the concentration of enterokinase added and the ultimate amount of trypsin formed being independent of the concentration of enterokinase. The catalytic action of enterokinase on crystalline trypsinogen in dilute solution at pH more alkaline than 6.0 and in concentrated solution at pH even slightly below 6.0 is complicated by the partial transformation of the trypsinogen into inert protein which can no longer be changed into trypsin even by a large excess of enterokinase. This secondary reaction is catalyzed by the trypsin formed and the rate of the reaction is proportional to the concentration of trypsin as well as to the concentration of trypsinogen in solution. Hence under these conditions only a small part of the trypsinogen is changed by enterokinase into trypsin while a considerable part of the trypsinogen is transformed into inert protein, the more so the lower the concentration of enterokinase used. The kinetics of the formation of trypsin by means of enterokinase when accompanied by the formation of inert protein can be explained quantitatively on the theoretical assumption that both reactions are of the simple catalytic unimolecular type, the catalyst being enterokinase in the first reaction and trypsin in the second reaction.  相似文献   

A quantitative method is described which permits a determination of the relative amount of trypsin or pepsin present in a gelatin-enzyme digestion mixture, provided the gelatin and trypsin solutions are purified. This method is dependent upon the change in viscosity of such solutions. It is found that the time required to cause a given percentage change in the viscosity is nearly inversely proportional to the amount of enzyme present. It is pointed out that the particular value of the method lies in the fact that enzyme reactions which take place in the presence of "buffer" salts may be studied.  相似文献   

The rate of digestion of concentrated casein solutions by low concentrations of trypsin at 0° has been followed. Under these conditions the enzyme is inhibited by the product of the reaction and under certain conditions this effect should lead to Schütz''s rule, i.e. the amount of hydrolysis should be proportional to the square root of the product of the time into the enzyme concentration. This is the result obtained. Both Schütz''s rule and Arrhenius'' equation fail to hold accurately owing to the incorrect relation assumed to hold between the rate of hydrolysis and the substrate concentration.  相似文献   

A solution of crystalline trypsinogen in dilute buffer containing a trace of active trypsin when allowed to stand at pH 5.0–9.0 and 5°C. is gradually transformed partly into trypsin protein and partly into an inert protein which can no longer be changed into trypsin either by enterokinase or mold kinase. During the process of formation of trypsin and inert protein the ratio of the concentrations of the two products in any reaction mixture remains constant and is independent of the original concentration of trypsinogen protein. This ratio varies, however, with the pH of the solution, the proportion of trypsin formed being greater in the acid range of pH. The experimental curves for the rate of formation of trypsin, as well as for the rate of formation of inert protein are symmetrical S shaped curves closely resembling those of simple autocatalytic reactions. The kinetics of formation of trypsin and inert protein can be explained quantitatively on the theoretical assumptions that both reactions are of the simple unimolecular type, that in each case the reaction is catalyzed by trypsin, and that the rate of formation of each of the products is proportional to the concentration of trypsin as well as to the concentration of trypsinogen in solution.  相似文献   

1. A method is described for the preparation of a highly purified ascorbic acid oxidase containing 0.24 per cent copper. 2. Using comparable activity measurements, this oxidase is about one and a half times as active on a dry weight basis as the hitherto most highly purified preparation described by Lovett-Janison and Nelson. The latter contained 0.15 per cent copper. 3. The oxidase activity is proportional to the copper content and the proportionality factor is the same as that reported by Lovett-Janison and Nelson. 4. When dialyzed free of salt, the blue concentrated oxidase solutions precipitate a dark green-blue protein which carries the activity. This may be prevented by keeping the concentrated solutions about 0.1 M in Na2HPO4. 5. When highly diluted for activity measurements the oxidase rapidly loses activity (irreversibly) previous to the measurement, unless the dilution is made with a dilute inert protein (gelatin) solution. Therefore activity values obtained using such gelatin-stabilized dilute solutions of the oxidase run considerably higher than values obtained by the Lovett-Janison and Nelson technique. 6. The effect of pH and substrate concentration on the activity of the purified oxidase in the presence and absence of inert protein was studied.  相似文献   

1. No destruction of pepsin by heat is demonstrable at pH 1.6 until a temperature of 40°C. is exceeded. 2. The influence of the backward reaction in peptic hydrolysis is shown in the diminishing rate at which increasing concentrations of protein are hydrolyzed. 3. The backward reaction causes the optimum for the hydrolysis of higher concentrations of protein to be attained at a lower temperature than with more dilute solutions. 4. The proteose and peptone associated with commercial pepsin retard hydrolysis in the same sense as the products due to the action of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The rate of digestion, as determined by the increase in non-protein nitrogen or formol titration, of casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin with crystalline trypsin preparations increases nearly in proportion to the concentration of protein, but with crude pancreatic extract the rate of digestion becomes independent of the protein concentration in concentrations of more than 2.5 per cent. With both enzymes the rate of digestion of mixtures of 5 per cent casein and gelatin is greater than would be expected from the point of view of a compound between enzyme and substrate. The rate of digestion of 5 per cent casein in the presence of 5 per cent gelatin is exactly the same as that of 5 per cent casein alone. This result is obtained with both enzymes. The digestion of casein with crude trypsin follows the course of a monomolecular reaction quite closely while with purified trypsin the velocity constant decreases as the reaction proceeds. In the case of hemoglobin the monomolecular velocity constant decreases with both purified and crude enzyme. When the reaction is followed by changes in the viscosity of the solution the abnormal effect of changing substrate concentration disappears and the reaction is in fair agreement with the monomolecular equation. The results as a whole indicate that the abnormalities of the reaction are due to the occurrence of several consecutive reactions rather than to the formation of a substrate enzyme compound.  相似文献   

1. At equal hydrogen ion concentration the rate of pepsin digestion of gelatin, egg albumin, blood albumin, casein, and edestin is the same in solutions of hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric, oxalic, citric, and phosphoric acids. Acetic acid diminishes the rate of digestion of all the proteins except gelatin. 2. There is no evidence of antagonistic salt action in the effect of acids on the pepsin digestion of proteins. 3. The state of aggregation of the protein, i.e. whether in solution or not, and the viscosity of the solution have no marked influence on the rate of digestion of the protein.  相似文献   

1. Experiments are described in which it was observed that the yield of protein that can be synthesized by pepsin from a given peptic digest is highest when the hydrolyzing action of the pepsin is stopped as soon as all the protein has disappeared from the solution; and that the longer the digest is permitted to contain active enzyme the more the yield diminishes. 2. Exposure of the digest to a hydrogen ion concentration of pH 1.6 in the absence of active enzyme, does not cause a diminution in the amount of protein which can be synthesized from that digest. 3. Synthesis can be effected also in concentrated solutions of isolated fractions of a peptic digest, i.e. of proteose and of peptone. The yields are approximately the same as in similar concentrations of the whole digest, though the proteins so synthesized differ in some respects from those obtained from the whole digest. 4. The cessation of synthesis in any one digest is due to the attainment of equilibrium and not to the complete utilization of available synthesizeable material. The amount of the equilibrium yield, on the other hand, is dependent on the amount of synthesizeable material in the digest. 5. These observations are taken to show that the synthesizeability of a given mixture of protein cleavage products by pepsin depends upon its possession of a special complex in these products. This complex appears as a result of the primary hydrolysis of the protein molecule by pepsin and is decomposed in the slow secondary hydrolysis which ensues as digestion is prolonged.  相似文献   

In a typical cell, proteins function in the crowded cytoplasmic environment where 30% of the space is occupied by macromolecules of varying size and nature. This environment may be simulated in vitro using synthetic polymers. Here, we followed the association and diffusion rates of TEM1-beta-lactamase (TEM) and the beta-lactamase inhibitor protein (BLIP) in the presence of crowding agents of varying molecular mass, from monomers (ethylene glycol, glycerol, or sucrose) to polymeric agents such as different polyethylene glycols (PEGs, 0.2-8 kDa) and Ficoll. An inverse linear relation was found between translational diffusion of the proteins and viscosity in all solutions tested, in accordance with the Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation. Conversely, no simple relation was found between either rotational diffusion rates or association rates (k(on)) and viscosity. To assess the translational diffusion-independent steps along the association pathway, we introduced a new factor, alpha, which corrects the relative change in k(on) by the relative change in solution viscosity, thus measuring the deviations of the association rates from SE behavior. We found that these deviations were related to the three regimes of polymer solutions: dilute, semidilute, and concentrated. In the dilute regime PEGs interfere with TEM-BLIP association by introducing a repulsive force due to solvophobic preferential hydration, which results in slower association than predicted by the SE relation. Crossing over from the dilute to the semidilute regime results in positive deviations from SE behavior, i.e., relatively faster association rates. These can be attributed to the depletion interaction, which results in an effective attraction between the two proteins, winning over the repulsive force. In the concentrated regime, PEGs again dramatically slow down the association between TEM and BLIP, an effect that does not depend on the physical dimensions of PEGs, but rather on their mass concentration. This is probably a manifestation of the monomer-like repulsive depletion effect known to occur in concentrated polymer solutions. As a transition from moderate to high crowding agent concentration can occur in the cellular milieu, this behavior may modulate protein association in vivo, thereby modulating biological function.  相似文献   

1. Known methods for isolating cell nuclei are divided into two classes, depending on whether or not the nuclei are capable of forming gels in dilute alkali or strong saline solutions. Methods which produce nuclei that can form gels apparently prevent the action of an intramitochondrial enzyme capable of destroying the gel-forming capacity of the nuclei. Methods in the other class are believed to permit this enzyme to act on the nuclei during the isolation procedure, causing detachment of DNA from some nuclear constituent (probably protein). 2. It is shown that heating in alkaline solution and x-irradiation can destroy nuclear gels. Heating in acid or neutral solutions can destroy the capacity of isolated nuclei to form gels. 3. Chemical and biological evidence is summarized in favor of the hypothesis that DNA is normally bound firmly to some nuclear component by non-ionic linkages.  相似文献   

We report the results of an investigation into the rheology of solutions of natural spider silk dope (spinning solution). We demonstrate that dilute dope solutions showed only shear thinning as the shear rate increased while more concentrated solutions showed an initial shear thinning followed by a shear thickening and a subsequent decline in viscosity. The critical shear rate for shear thickening depended on dope concentration and was very low in concentrated solutions. This helps to explain how spiders are able to spin silk at very low draw rates and why they use a very concentrated dope solution. We also show that the optimum shear rate for shear thickening in moderately concentrated solutions occurred at pH 6.3 close to the observed pH at the distal end of the spider's spinning duct. Finally, we report that the addition of K(+) ions to dilute dope solutions produced a spontaneous formation of nanofibrils that subsequently aggregated and precipitated. This change was not seen after the addition of other common cations. Taken together, these observations support the hypothesis that the secretion of H(+) and K(+) by the spider's duct together with moderate strain rates produced during spinning induce a phase separation in the silk dope in which the silk protein (spidroin) molecules are converted into insoluble nanofibrils.  相似文献   

1. If dilute solutions of purified trypsin of low salt concentration at pH from 1 to 7 are heated to 100°C. for 1 to 5 minutes and then cooled to 20°C. there is no loss of activity or formation of denatured protein. If the hot trypsin solution is added directly to cold salt solution, on the other hand, all the protein precipitates and the supernatant solution is inactive. 2. The per cent of the total protein and activity present in the soluble form decreases from 100 per cent to zero as the temperature is raised from 20°C. to 60°C. and increases again from zero to 100 per cent as the solution is cooled from 60°C. to 20°C. The per cent of the total protein present in the soluble (native) form at any one temperature is nearly the same whether the temperature is reached from above or below. 3. If trypsin solutions at pH 7 are heated for increasing lengths of time at various temperatures and analyzed for total activity and total protein nitrogen after cooling, and for soluble activity and soluble (native) protein nitrogen, it is found that the soluble activity and soluble protein nitrogen decrease more and more rapidly as the temperature is raised, in agreement with the usual effects of temperature on the denaturation of protein. The total protein and total activity, on the other hand, decrease more and more rapidly up to about 70°C. but as the temperature is raised above this there is less rapid change in the total protein or total activity and at 92°C. the solutions are much more stable than at 42°C. 4. Casein and peptone are not digested by trypsin at 100°C. but when this digestion mixture is cooled to 35°C. rapid digestion occurs. A solution of trypsin at 100°C. added to peptone solution at zero degree digests the peptone much less rapidly than it does if the trypsin solution is allowed to cool slowly before adding it to the peptone solution. 5. The precipitate of insoluble protein obtained from adding hot trypsin solutions to cold salt solutions contains the S-S groups in free form as is usual for denatured protein. 6. The results show that there is an equilibrium between native and denatured trypsin protein the extent of which is determined by the temperature. Above 60°C. the protein is in the denatured and inactive form and below 20°C. it is in the native and active form. The equilibrium is attained rapidly. The results also show that the formation of denatured protein is proportional to the loss in activity and that the re-formation of native protein is proportional to the recovery of activity of the enzyme. This is strong evidence for the conclusion that the proteolytic activity of the preparation is a property of the native protein molecule.  相似文献   

Culture filtrates from three mutant strains of Trichoderma reesei grown on lactose and on cellulose were compared under use conditions on four cellulose substrates. Cellulose culture filtrates contained five to six times as much cellulase as lactose culture filtrates. Unconcentrated cellulose culture filtrates produced up to 10% sugar solutions from 15% cellulose in 24 h. Specific activity in enzyme assays and efficiency in saccharification tests were low for enzymes from all the mutants. Over a wide range the percent saccharification of a substrate in a given times was directly proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of initial concentrations of enzyme and substrate. As a result of this, dilute enzyme is more efficient than concentrated enzyme, but if high sugar concentrations are desired, very large quantities of enzyme are required. Since the slopes of these plots varied, the relative activity of cellulase on different substrates may be affected by enzyme concentration.  相似文献   

1. The kinetics of milk clotting by asclepain, the protease of Asclepias speciosa, were investigated. At higher concentrations of enzyme, the clotting time was inversely proportional to the enzyme concentration. 2. The digestion of casein and hemoglobin in 6.6 M urea by asclepain follows the second order reaction rate. The rate was roughly second order for casein in water. 3. Evaluation of the nature of the enzyme-substrate intermediate indicates that one molecule of asclepain combines with one molecule of casein or hemoglobin in urea solution. 4. Inhibition by the reaction products was deduced from the fact that the digestion velocity of hemoglobin in urea solution varied with the asclepain concentration in agreement with the Schütz-Borissov rule.  相似文献   

These experiments serve to show that neutral salts in amounts considerably below those commonly employed in culture solutions may be very injurious to pollen. It has been found, for example, that NaCl, one of the least toxic salts tried, excepting CaCl2, added to a sucrose solution in a concentration of 0.0002 M, or about 11 parts per million, reduces the growth of sweet pea pollen tubes 15 per cent. When it is considered that MgCl2 and BaCl2 are about fifteen times as toxic as NaCl it becomes evident that the susceptibility of pollen tubes to injury by these substances amounts virtually to hypersensitiveness. On the other hand calcium salts in concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 0.002 M markedly enhance the growth of sweet pea pollen tubes. MgCl2 has a similar action in the case of Nicotiana. Calcium, moreover, exerts a strong protective action in the presence of the injurious monovalent cations Na and K. So far as can be determined by microchemical means these salts do not alter the wall of the pollen tube; presumably, their effect is on the protoplast itself. In the light of recent experimentation (Osterhout) with other forms better adapted to precise investigation of these phenomena it seems probable that the explanation of the facts presented here lies in changes brought about in the permeability of the cells. Since several gaps exist in our evidence, however, conclusions drawn at this time must necessarily be provisional. The highly injurious action manifested by the cations of several of the salts used indicates that they penetrate the protoplast very rapidly. Possibly in pure sucrose cultures, exosmosis is a limiting factor in pollen tube growth. The addition of salts of calcium or magnesium may favor development by retarding or preventing this outward diffusion. The protective effect of calcium in the presence of the toxic cations K and Na is best interpreted on the assumption that the entry of these latter into the protoplast is retarded by the calcium. The mode by which hydrogen ion concentration affects pollen tube growth is largely a matter of speculation. It has previously been been shown by Brink that the time relations of the growth process simulate those of an autocatalytic reaction. It has been demonstrated also that elongation of the tubes in artificial media is related to the digestion of the reserve food materials contributed by the pollen grain. In the case of the sweet pea these stored substances are largely fats and their hydrolysis may constitute the most important chemical reaction in growth. If, as seems not improbable, the other reactions involved wait upon this one, it is the "master reaction" according to Robertson''s hypothesis. If this conception really applies to the case in hand as outlined, the effect of the concentration of hydrogen ions on growth may be a direct one. It is known that the action of the fat-splitting enzyme lipase is favored by a certain amount of free acid. The maximum rate of germination of the pollen and the greatest amount of growth of the pollen tubes occur at pH 6.0. This may be due in large part to the immediate effect of this concentration of hydrogen ions upon the digestion of the reserve food.  相似文献   

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