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Only recently, the fundamental role of regulatory RNAs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes has been appreciated. We developed a pipeline from bioinformatic prediction to experimental validation of new RNA thermometers. Known RNA thermometers are located in the 5′-untranslated region of certain heat shock or virulence genes and control translation by temperature-dependent base pairing of the ribosome binding site. We established the searchable database RNA-SURIBA (Structures of Untranslated Regions In BActeria). A structure-based search pattern reliably recognizes known RNA thermometers and predicts related structures upstream of annotated genes in complete genome sequences. The known ROSE1 (Repression Of heat Shock gene Expression) thermometer and several other functional ROSE-like elements were correctly predicted. For further investigation, we chose a new candidate upstream of the phage shock gene D (pspD) in the pspABCDE operon of E. coli. We established a new reporter gene system that measures translational control at heat shock temperatures and we demonstrated that the upstream region of pspD does not confer temperature control to the phage shock gene. However, translational efficiency was modulated by a point mutation stabilizing the predicted hairpin. Testing other candidates by this structure prediction and validation process will lead to new insights into the requirements for biologically active RNA thermometers. The database is available on . Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Rice has many characteristics of a model plant. The recent completion of the draft of the rice genome represents an important advance in our knowledge of plant biology and also has an important contribution to the understanding of general genomic evolution. Besides the rice genome finishing map, the next urgent step for rice researchers is to annotate the genes and noncoding functional sequences. The recent work shows that noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) play significant roles in biological systems. We have explored all the known small RNAs (a kind of ncRNA) within rice genome and other six species sequences, including Arabidopsis, maize, yeast, worm, mouse and pig. As a result we find 160 out of 552 small RNAs (sRNAs) in database have homologs in 108 rice scaffolds, and almost all of them (99.41%) locate in intron regions of rice by gene predication. 19 sRNAs only appear in rice. More importantly, we find two special LJ14 sRNAs: one is located in a set of sRNA ZMU14SNR9(s) which only appears in three plants, 86% sequences of them can be compared as the same sequence in rice, Arabidopsis and maize; the other conserved sRNA XLHS7CU14 has a segment which appears in almost all these species from plants to animals. All these results indicate that sRNA do not have evident borderline between plants and animals.  相似文献   

Rice has many characteristics of a model plant. The recent completion of the draft of the rice genome represents an important advance in our knowledge of plant biology and also has an important contribution to the understanding of general genomic evolution. Besides the rice genome finishing map, the next urgent step for rice researchers is to annotate the genes and non-coding functional sequences. The recent work shows that noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) play significant roles in biological systems. We have explored all the known small RNAs (a kind of ncRNA) within rice genome and other six species sequences, including Arabidopsis, maize, yeast, worm, mouse and pig. As a result we find 160 out of 552 small RNAs (sRNAs) in database have ho-mologs in 108 rice scaffolds, and almost all of them (99.41 %) locate in intron regions of rice by gene predication. 19 sRNAs only appear in rice. More importantly, we find two special U14 sRNAs: one is located in a set of sRNA ZMU14SNR9(s) which only appears in three plants,  相似文献   

An overflow of regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) was identified in a wide range of bacteria. We designed and implemented a new resource for the hundreds of sRNAs identified in Staphylococci, with primary focus on the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. The “Staphylococcal Regulatory RNA Database” (SRD, http://srd.genouest.org/) compiled all published data in a single interface including genetic locations, sequences and other features. SRD proposes novel and simplified identifiers for Staphylococcal regulatory RNAs (srn) based on the sRNA''s genetic location in S. aureus strain N315 which served as a reference. From a set of 894 sequences and after an in-depth cleaning, SRD provides a list of 575 srn exempt of redundant sequences. For each sRNA, their experimental support(s) is provided, allowing the user to individually assess their validity and significance. RNA-seq analysis performed on strains N315, NCTC8325, and Newman allowed us to provide further details, upgrade the initial annotation, and identified 159 RNA-seq independent transcribed sRNAs. The lists of 575 and 159 sRNAs sequences were used to predict the number and location of srns in 18 S. aureus strains and 10 other Staphylococci. A comparison of the srn contents within 32 Staphylococcal genomes revealed a poor conservation between species. In addition, sRNA structure predictions obtained with MFold are accessible. A BLAST server and the intaRNA program, which is dedicated to target prediction, were implemented. SRD is the first sRNA database centered on a genus; it is a user-friendly and scalable device with the possibility to submit new sequences that should spread in the literature.  相似文献   

单战  张凯  郭江峰 《微生物学通报》2014,41(8):1655-1660
核糖开关(Riboswitch)具有RNA结构,是位于mRNA 5′非编码区的RNA传感器。在无任何蛋白质因子参与下,可特异性地直接结合代谢产物,使自身构象发生相应变化,启动或阻断mRNA的转录、翻译、拼接等过程来调控基因的表达。某些Riboswitch可应用于抗菌药物研发。本文综述了Flavin mononucleotide riboswitch(FMN riboswitch)三维结构、基因表达调控的机制及热力学、动力学的研究进展,为基于FMN riboswitch的合理药物设计奠定了基础,并对开发新一代抗菌药物进行了展望。  相似文献   

Regulatory ncRNAs (non‐coding RNAs) adjust bacterial physiology in response to environmental cues. ncRNAs can base‐pair to mRNAs and change their translation efficiency and/or their stability, or they can bind to proteins and modulate their activity. ncRNAs have been discovered in several species throughout the bacterial kingdom. This review illustrates the diversity of physiological processes and molecular mechanisms where ncRNAs are key regulators.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a number of biocomputational tools have been developed to predict small RNA (sRNA) genes in bacterial genomes. In this study, several of the leading biocomputational tools, which use different methodologies, were investigated. The performance of the tools, both individually and in combination, was evaluated on ten sets of benchmark data, including data from a novel RNA-seq experiment conducted in this study. The results of this study offer insight into the utility as well as the limitations of the leading biocomputational tools for sRNA identification and provide practical guidance for users of the tools.  相似文献   

RNA编辑是RNA转录过程中序列变化而引起的一种基因动态调控机制。腺苷脱氨酶(adenosine deaminases acting on RNA, ADAR)参与RNA编辑,将双链RNA中腺苷残基(A)转化为肌苷(I),接着被转录和拼接成鸟苷(G)。由ADAR催化,作用于RNA的A-I型RNA编辑是人类最常见的转录后修饰。近年来,这种修饰不仅存在于编码RNA中,在非编码RNA(noncoding RNA, ncRNA)中也逐渐被发现,如microRNA(miRNA)、小分子干扰RNA(siRNA)、转运RNA(tRNA)和长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)。这种修饰可能通过对microRNA和mRNA之间结合位点创造或破坏,进而影响ncRNA的生物起源、稳定性和靶向识别功能。目前,对这种生物现象的机制及ADAR底物,尤其是在ncRNA中的特性仍然没有得到充分的认识。主要对哺乳动物中ncRNA上的RNA编辑进行总结,并列举一些阐明其生物学功能的计算方法。  相似文献   

细菌在生存过程中要面对复杂多样的环境,在长期进化过程中,细菌逐渐形成不同的应答机制来感应环境信号的变化,并通过精确的基因表达来调控生理生化反应。基因表达调控可分为转录水平和转录后水平两个方面,对于细菌来说,非编码RNA在转录后调控上发挥着重要的作用,而大多数非编码RNA与靶标m RNA的相互作用过程又离不开Hfq蛋白的辅助。本文综述了非编码RNA的分类、调控特点,伴侣蛋白Hfq的结构、功能以及两者相互作用的机制,以期深入了解非编码RNA及其伴侣蛋白Hfq在转录后调控中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

Nature takes advantage of the malleability of protein and RNA sequence and structure to employ these macromolecules as molecular reporters whose conformation and functional roles depend on the presence of a specific ligand (an "effector" molecule). By following nature's example, ligand-responsive proteins and RNA molecules are now routinely engineered and incorporated into customized molecular reporting systems (biosensors). Microbial small-molecule biosensors and endogenous molecular reporters based on these sensing components find a variety of applications that include high-throughput screening of biosynthesis libraries, environmental monitoring, and novel gene regulation in synthetic biology. Here, we review recent advances in engineering small-molecule recognition by proteins and RNA and in coupling in vivo ligand binding to reporter-gene expression or to allosteric activation of a protein conferring a detectable phenotype. Emphasis is placed on microbial screening systems that serve as molecular reporters and facilitate engineering the ligand-binding component to recognize new molecules.  相似文献   

Short RNAs (21–27 nt) silence genes that contain homologous nucleotide sequences; this is known as RNA silencing. This review considers the generation of short RNAs from their precursors: double-stranded RNAs, capable of inducing RNA interference, and hairpin RNAs, whose processing yields microRNAs, as well as the properties of RNA-binding domains that were initially identified in proteins operating in RNA interference. The interactions between these domains and known RNA-binding modules within proteins involved in RNA interference and microRNA generation are described.  相似文献   

Small regulatory RNAs have been identified in a wide range of organisms, where they modify mRNA stability, translation or protein function. Small RNA regulators (sRNAs) either pair with mRNA targets or modify protein activities. Here we discuss current knowledge of the various proteins that interact with RNA regulators and review the physiologic implications of sRNA-protein complexes in DNA, RNA and protein metabolism, as well as in RNA and protein quality control in prokaryotes. Proteins that interact with the sRNAs can possess catalytic activity, induce conformational changes of the sRNA, or be sequestered by the sRNA to prevent the action of the protein.  相似文献   

RNA编辑   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘巍峰  高东 《生命科学》1999,11(1):45-46,48
RNA 一种基因转录产物所包含的信息在转录中或转录后被改变的过程,从某种意义上是对中心法则的一种扩展。本文以Kinetoplasid线粒体RNA为例,对RNA编辑反应的基本过程是反应模型进行了综述,并对可能参与编辑反应的反式因子及RNA编辑反应类型与进化意义作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

RNA interference is a mechanism of posttranslational (at the level of mRNA) gene silencing. Sequence-specific mRNA degradation is realized with the help of small interfering RNAs produced by processing of a precursor using Dicer, an enzyme from the RNAse III family. This mechanism is now widely used in vitro on cultures of mammalian cells in order to elucidate functions of individual genes by gene specific knockdown. Analogs of small interference RNAs are intensely expressed during embryogenesis. The mechanism of RNA interference plays an especially important role in embryogenesis of invertebrates. Identification of the functions of small noncoding RNAs is essential for understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying individual developmental stages. In order to integrate small interference RNAs in mammalian cells, various systems have been developed that allow both transient (for 48 h) and stable expression in vitro. These systems are considered in the present review.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of short cis-acting RNA elements termed riboswitches has caused a paradigm shift in our understanding of genetic regulatory mechanisms. The three distinct superfamilies of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) riboswitches are the most commonly found riboswitch classes in nature. These RNAs represent three independent evolutionary solutions to achieve specific SAM recognition. This review summarizes research on 1) modes of gene regulatory mechanisms, 2) common themes and differences in ligand recognition, and 3) ligand-induced conformational dynamics among SAM riboswitch families. The body of work on the SAM riboswitch families constitutes a useful primer to the topic of gene regulatory RNAs as a whole.  相似文献   

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