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KINETICS OF THE INACTIVATION OF VIRUSES   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

OPTA对乳酸脱氢酶的抑制动力学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹承鲁建立的酶活性不可逆改变动力学理论已为实验所验证,它不仅适用于单底物酶的抑制和激活的动力学研究,而且也适用于双底物酶反应系统.但在双底物酶反应系统中,底物和酶的结合方式有四种机制,即随机机制、有序机制、强制有序机制和乒乓机制,迄今为止这一动力学方法仅对随机机制的肌酸激酶进行了实验研究.而其它机制的实验研究尚未见诸报道.我们选用了有序机制的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),用邻苯二甲醛(OPTA)为抑制剂对该酶的抑制过程进行了实验研究.结果表明,OPTA对该酶的抑制为不可逆抑制.其产物生成与时间的关系曲线符合邹氏方程:[P]=[P]_x(1-e~(-A[OPTA]).由ln([P]_x-[P])对t作图为一直线,表明它的抑制作用为单相动力学过程,抑制剂与酶的结合为一步反应.由直线的斜率A[OPTA]对[OPTA]作图为一过原点的直线.说明表观速度常数A与OPTA的浓度无关.OPTA与酶的结合为非络合型.测得的OPTA与EE-NADH结合的微观速度常数分别为:K(?)=49.6(mmol L)~(-1)min,(?)=2.31(mmol L)min~(-1)(?).明显小于(?)的事实表明.NADH对失活有明显的保护作用.OPTA是一个竞争性的不可逆抑制剂.用传统的方法测得的(?)为42.5(mmol L)min~(-1).与邹氏方法测得的结果非常接近.  相似文献   

1. Visual purple solutions are prepared under such conditions that the bleaching reaction is irreversible. 2. A method is described for the colorimetric estimation of very small quantities of visual purple. By this means the kinetics of the bleaching reaction are investigated. 3. The results show that the course of the decomposition follows that of a monomolecular reaction, without any measurable period of induction or after effect.  相似文献   

1. The complete inactivation of antistaphylococcal phage by HgCl2 (2.8 per cent for 216 hours) can be reversed by precipitation of Hg++ with restoration of the phage to its original titre. 2. This behavior seems more compatible with the known properties of certain enzymes than with those of living protoplasm.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the experimental results obtained by Morgulis in a study of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by liver catalase at 20°C. and in the presence of an excess of a relatively high concentration of peroxide are quantitatively accounted for by the following mechanisms. 1. The rate of formation of oxygen is independent of the peroxide concentration provided this is greater than about 0.10 M. 2. The rate of decomposition of the peroxide is proportional at any time to the concentration of catalase present. 3. The catalase undergoes spontaneous monomolecular decomposition during the reaction. This inactivation is independent of the concentration of catalase and inversely proportional to the original concentration of peroxide up to 0.4 M. In very high concentrations of peroxide the inactivation rate increases. 4. The following equation can be derived from the above assumptions and has been found to fit the experiments accurately. See PDF for Equation in which x is the amount of oxygen liberated at the time t, A is the total amount of oxygen liberated (not the total amount available), and K is the inactivation constant of the enzyme.  相似文献   

1. A new technique for studying the progressive inactivation of thrombin is described. 2. Thrombin inactivation follows the kinetics of a first order reaction. 3. The rate constant of the inactivation reaction increases with temperature and pH (5.0 → 10.0), and also with the presence of crystalline trypsin, or serum. The rate varies for different thrombin preparations, even under the same experimental conditions. 4. The temperature characteristics of the reaction indicate that thrombin is associated with protein. 5. Thrombin preparations are most stable at pH 4 to 5, even when trypsin or serum is added. 6. The progressive inactivation is believed to be due to two mechanisms: (1) a major effect, thought to be the action of a "serum-tryptase," which is usually present in the thrombin preparations, and (2) a minor effect, probably attributable to denaturation of thrombin-protein. 7. Sources of the thrombinolytic factor (serum-tryptase) and its implications in the general theory and practical problems of blood coagulation and antithrombic action are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Methylene blue added to suspensions of activated staphylococci in amounts sufficient to furnish 1 x 105 molecules of dye/bacterium inactivates the phage precursor content of the cells without causing cell death when the mixtures are exposed to strong light of 4000–8000 Å. There is a lag phase of approximately 15 minutes in the photodynamic inactivation of phage precursor by methylene blue. This delay seems to be due to a primary reaction between the cell and methylene blue after the completion of which exposure to light brings about the inactivation of precursor quite promptly.  相似文献   

1. The inactivation of antistaphylococcus bacteriophage suspended in infusion broth at pH 7.6 and 22°C. by HgCl2 proceeds according to the equation dP/dt = k [HgCl2] [Po – Pi] over the range studied. 2. This inactivation can be reversed by precipitation of Hg++ with H2S. In the present experiments the inactivation was carried out until only some 5 per cent of the initial phage remained active. After reactivation the [P] had increased to 100 per cent of the initial [P].  相似文献   

Determinations of the temperature coefficient of inactivation of pure crystalline pepsin solutions by ultra-violet irradiation give values very close to unity (1.02).  相似文献   

1. The rate of inactivation of an anti-coli phage by filtrates of cultures of the homologous bacteria has been studied. 2. The inactivation rate at 37°C. is proportional to phage concentration and filtrate concentration. 3. At 0°C. the rate of phage inactivation becomes proportional to the square root of the filtrate concentration. 4. A reaction scheme to account for these observations is suggested and discussed. 5. This coli-phage is also inactivated by relatively large concentrations of soluble starch, inulin, gum arabic, and acetylated gum arabic. 6. The inactivation is markedly influenced by salt concentration, being rapid at moderate salt concentrations and slow at high or extremely low salt concentrations. 7. The inactivated phage cannot be regenerated by high salt concentrations, or by soaps.  相似文献   

The luminescence of Cypridina luciferin-luciferase solution is inhibited by illumination from a carbon arc of 15,000 foot candles in between 1 and 2 seconds. The blue to violet rays are the effective ones, the limits lying somewhere around 4,600 Å. u. to 3,800 Å. u. The luciferin, not the luciferase, is the substance affected by the light. The effect is partially reversible in the dark. The chemiluminescences obtained by oxidizing phosphorus, lophin, and chlorphenylmagnesium bromide are not inhibited by light under the above conditions.  相似文献   

1. The maltase of saliva and that of E. coli (B. coli communis) hydrolyze maltose but not α-methylglucoside or sucrose and are therefore to be considered glucomaltases. 2. Maltase is rapidly and completely inactivated and digested by trypsin.  相似文献   

Glucose transport capacity of C. cryptica increases in an exponential manner over 24 hr after transfer of the cells from light to complete darkness with little simultaneous increase in cell number. The transport system is rapidly inactivated when cells are transferred back to continuous light. Most of the inactivation takes place while there is still little changes in cell number. When grown on a continuous light regime, the capacity for glucose transport per cell depends on the light intensity. At intensities sufficient to saturate photosynthesis the glucose transport system is only about 5% that of dark-grown cells, while cells grown at intensities close to the light compensation point have about 30% of the capacity of dark-grown cells. The action spectrum for inactivation of glucose transport is identical to that for photosynthesis. Cells, whether grown under continuous light, in the dark in the presence of glucose, or kept in the dark without glucose, contain high levels of glucokinase and phosphofructokinase. The glucose transport system is highly specific for glucose; only galactose inhibits the uptake of glucose by about 50% when present at 10 times the concentration of glucose. The glucokinase is even more specific for glucose and is not inhibited by galactose. The phosphofructokinase is inhibited by high concentrations of ATP in cells grown under all conditions. cycloheximide inhibits the induction of glucose transport in the dark, but not the inactivation of the system in the light.  相似文献   

The reversible inactivation of tobacco mosaic virus by crystalline ribonuclease is reported. Studies on the effect of time of standing on the amount of inactivation, and on the effect of dilution and repeated high speed centrifugation on the recovery of virus activity, and the preparation of an insoluble virus-enzyme complex show that the inactivation is brought about at least in part by a combination between virus and enzyme. The significance of the fact that ribonuclease has no detectable effect on the virus nucleic acid when the latter is in combination with protein in the form of virus is discussed with respect to the structure of the virus.  相似文献   

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