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Understanding how threatened forest primates use a heterogeneous landscape is essential to ensuring their survival. Kipunji (Rungwecebus kipunji) are ‘critically endangered’, arboreal monkeys restricted to two sites in Tanzania. Over 90% of the population lives in the degraded Rungwe‐Kitulo forests of the Southern Highlands. In this study, we present the first comprehensive investigation into daily path length and home range size of kipunji, based on data from four groups followed simultaneously over 70 consecutive days on Mt. Rungwe. The mean daily distance travelled was 1293 m (SE 150.82), and daily distance was not significantly correlated to group size. Using fixed kernel density estimation, an area enclosing 90% of the home range calculated using the ‘reference’ method as a smoothing parameter, measured a mean of 306.18 ha (SE 67), and the core area (50% use) was 86.55 ha (SE 18.73). Using the ‘least‐squares cross validation’ method, the mean home range and core area were 205.45 ha (SE 57.02) and 55.45 ha (SE 14.23) respectively. Home range overlap was extensive, although contact between groups was rare, with >97.30% of all observations within 20 min separated by >250 m. The data strongly suggest that kipunji are not territorial.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Over the past decades, primate populations have been declining. Four years ago, >60% of species were listed as threatened. As the rate of loss...  相似文献   

A population viability analysis (PVA) using the computer package VORTEX was conducted to assess the minimum viable population (MVP) of the Atlantic Forest endemic marsupial Micoureus paraguayanus. The objectives were: to estimate demographic and genetic MVPs that could be used as quasi-extinction thresholds for future modeling, to estimate the minimum area of suitable habitat (MASH), and to use these results to apply IUCN red list criteria so as to suggest its proper status classification. The model predicted that populations of 100 and 2000 individuals were necessary to achieve demographic and genetic stability, respectively, within a time frame of 100 years. The model was sensitive to changes in inbreeding depression, mortality and reproduction. MASH estimated to contain genetically viable populations reached 1300 ha. Fortunately, there still are quite a number of forest remnants equal to or larger than this. Isolation is suggested as the principal threat facing M. paraguayanus. Therefore, promoting conditions for dispersal together with efforts dealing with translocation, should prove to be the most appropriate management strategies for M. paraguayanus at this stage. A landscape pattern composed of large patches holding MVPs and sets of smaller patches harboring viable metapopulations that maximize probability of dispersal can provide a viable scenario for the conservation of M. paraguayanus.  相似文献   

Quaternary climatic factors have played a significant role in population divergence and demography. Here we investigated the phylogeography of Osteomeles schwerinae, a dominant riparian plant species of the hot/warm-dry river valleys of the Hengduan Mountains (HDM), Qinling Mountains (QLM) and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (YGP). Three chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions (trnD-trnT, psbD-trnT, petL-psbE), one single copy nuclear gene (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; G3pdh), and climatic data during the Last Interglacial (LIG; c. 120–140 ka), Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; c. 21 ka), and Current (c. 1950–2000) periods were used in this study. Six cpDNA haplotypes and 15 nuclear DNA (nDNA) haplotypes were identified in the 40 populations of O. schwerinae. Spatial Analysis of Molecular Variance, median-joining networks, and Bayesian phylogenetic trees based on the cpDNA and nDNA datasets, all suggested population divergence between the QLM and HDM-YGP regions. Our climatic analysis identified significant heterogeneity of the climatic factors in the QLM and HDM-YGP regions during the aforementioned three periods. The divergence times based on cpDNA and nDNA haplotypes were estimated to be 466.4–159.4 ka and 315.8–160.3 ka, respectively, which coincide with the time of the weakening of the Asian monsoons in these regions. In addition, unimodal pairwise mismatch distribution curves, expansion times, and Ecological Niche Modeling suggested a history of population expansion (rather than contraction) during the last glaciation. Interestingly, the expansion times were found being well consistent with the intensification of the Asian monsoons during this period. We inferred that the divergence between the two main lineages is probably caused by disruption of more continuous distribution because of weakening of monsoons/less precipitation, whilst subsequent intensification of the Asian monsoons during the last glaciation facilitated the expansion of O. schwerinae populations.  相似文献   

The two-phase life history of most marine fishes and invertebrates has enormous implications for dispersal, population connectivity, and resource management. Pelagic dispersal larvae of marine animals traditionally thought to ensure that populations are widespread, that chances of local extinction are low, and that marine protected areas (MPA) can easily function to replenish both their own populations and those of unprotected areas. Traditionally, dispersal is considered to depend primarily on two variables: pelagic larva duration and far-field currents. These conclusions arise from the open population paradigm and are usually accompanied by a simplifying assumption: larvae are distributed passively by far-field currents. Unfortunately, they ignore the complex reality of circulation and hydrological connectivity of reefs, and do not consider newly-demonstrated behavioural capabilities of coral-reef fish larvae. Far-field circulation varies with depth and often excludes water bodies where propagules are released, and this has important implications for predicting trajectories of even passive larvae. However, larvae are not passive: late-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes can swim faster than currents for long periods, can probably detect reefs at some distance, and can actively find them. This behaviour is flexible, which greatly complicates modelling of larval fish trajectories. Populations at ecological (as opposed to evolutionary) scales are probably less open and more subdivided than previously assumed. All this means that dispersal predictions based solely on far-field water circulation are probably wrong. An emerging view of larval-fish dispersal is articulated that takes these new data and perspectives into account. This emerging view shows that re-evaluation of traditional views in several areas is required, including the contribution of larval-fish biology and dispersal to biodiversity patterns, the way reef fishes are managed, and the way in which MPA are thought to operate. At evolutionary and zoogeographic scales, reef-fish populations are best considered to be open.  相似文献   

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology - Despite achieving remarkable success in understanding the cellular, molecular and pathophysiological aspects of stroke, translation from preclinical research...  相似文献   

Analysis of the birthplaces and ethnicity of males and females contracting marriages in the city of Poltava in 1960, 1985, and 1995 revealed a trend towards return of Ukrainians from various regions of the former Soviet Union to their places of origin. In the migration flow, Russians were gradually substituted by Ukrainians, and the total proportion of Slavs increased. The isolation by distance (b) decreased from 0.00122 to 0.00075 in the period from 1960 to 1985 and then increased to 0.00098 by 1995. Positive association was found between the parent–offspring distance and marriage distance (the correlation coefficient r = 0.65–0.75).  相似文献   

During the growing seasons of 1994–1996, the reproductive fitness of an autumn flowering population of G. germanica was assessed at 1980 m in the Austrian Alps. The warmest year of the last two centuries in Austria was 1994, 1995 was a normal year, and the summer of 1996 was exceptionally cold. The Investigations were carried out on large, early-flowering individuals (L-plants) and on small, mainly late-flowering individuals (S-plants). In both size classes, the sequence of phenophases varied in response to the contrasting climatic conditions of these years. In 1994, peak flowering In L-plants occurred about one month earlier than in S-plants; in 1995 and 1996, the periods of full bloom overlapped partially and fully for the two size classes, respectively. Detailed analyses of seed development and thermal time revealed that low temperatures during histogenesis led to remarkable delays in the Initiation of seed and fruit development, whereas seed filling and seed maturation were largely Independent of temperature. Self-pollination resulted in high seed sets. Irrespective of weather conditions and dates of flowering. In both size classes, the seed: ovule ratio of mature fruits was about 0.9 and 0.75, in apical and basal positions of the stalks, respectively. The fruit: flower ratios, however, depended on temperature; the ratio was around 0.8 in 1994 and below 0.5 in 1996. In the cool year 1996, fruit development was so slow that in many individuals only the fruits in the apical positions of the stalks matured before the onset of winter conditions.  相似文献   

藏鹀(Emberiza koslowi)是我国青藏高原东部的特有珍稀鸟种,目前关于它的资料非常匮乏.为了解藏鹀的分布、数量和基本生活史特征,促进对于该物种的有效保护,自2005年起以青海省果洛州久治县白玉乡为中心对藏鹀进行了持续6年的观察,并针对其面临的威胁采取了相应的保护措施.结果显示,藏鹀主要分布在青海的玉树、果洛和四川的阿坝一带海拔3 500~4 700 m范围内的适宜栖息地,该分布区比原有认知更靠东北,更为狭小且海拔更高.用样线法开展的藏鹀数量监测,在7.4 km2的调查范围内记录到一个18 ~33只的稳定种群.此外,还对藏鹀的筑巢、育雏和争斗等行为进行了详细描述.食肉动物的捕食、冬季食物缺乏和牲畜踩踏鸟卵是藏鹀面临的最直接威胁.通过持续监测、与当地牧民协商、建立保护小区并开展有针对性的保护,藏鹀种群趋于稳定.  相似文献   

Analysis of data on the birthplaces and ethnicity of persons who contracted marriages in the city of Donetsk in 1960, 1985, and 1992 demonstrated that the proportions of Russians and Ukrainians (the dominant ethnic groups among Donetsk residents) in the migration flow increased. The trend towards formation of ethnically disperse groups from the city residents became stronger. The index of isolation by distance (parameter b of Malecot's model) was 0.00103, 0.00071, and 0.00083 in 1960, 1985, and 1992, respectively. The proportions of long-range and short-range migrants increased by 1.2 times and decreased by 2.3 times, respectively, during the period studied. The locality size of the Donetsk population was 50, 62, and 53 km in 1960, 1985, and 1992, respectively. The highest isolation by distance was observed in Jews and Greeks and the lowest one, in Russians.  相似文献   

Primates - A recent debate on the taxonomic identification of the monkeys depicted in a fresco from Room 6 of Building Complex Beta in the Bronze Age town of Akrotiri, Thera (Greece) has triggered...  相似文献   

Sacred groves are forest patches conserved by the local people intertwined with their socio-cultural and religious practice. These groves harbour rich biodiversity and play a significant role in the conservation of biodiversity. Population structure and regeneration status of woody species were studied during 2001–2002 in the four sacred groves of Manipur, a state in north east India. A total of 96 woody species was recorded from the four groves, the highest being Konthoujam Lairembi sacred grove (55 species) and lowest in Heingang Marjing sacred grove having 42 species. The density–diameter distribution of woody species in the four groves showed highest stand density and species richness in the lowest girth class (30–60 cm) and decreased in the succeeding girth classes. Overall population structure of the groves based on the number of tree seedlings, saplings and adults, displayed a greater proportion of seedlings followed by saplings and adults while for the selected tree species it varied seasonally and recruitment of species increased during rainy season attaining peak during June. Regeneration status of the four sacred groves based on strength of different age groups in their population showed good regeneration. High occurrence of ‘additional species’ to the groves may be due to the invasion through dispersal from other areas. Possibly, the prevailing favourable microenvironmental conditions contributed to their establishment and growth in the groves. Absence of seedlings and saplings of some of the species in the groves may be due to their poor seed germination and establishment of seedlings in the forest.  相似文献   

We censused Lemur catta within a 1 km2 study area at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, during the September–October birth season for 19 years between 1963 and 2000, a total of 290 troop counts (266 with age and sex). The non-infant population was 155 in 1972–5, fell to 105 in 1985, and rose to a maximum of 282 in 1997, while troops increased from 12 in 1972–1985 up to 25 in 1998–2000. Local density varies between habitat types from 1 per ha to ca. 6 per ha. Troops fission at ca. 15–25 individuals, or 6–10 females. Adult sex ratio has no apparent correlation with fissions, birth rate or survival. Birth rate falls steeply with number of adult females, from 80–100% in 2-female troops to about 50% in 8–10 female troops. The penalty for large troop size is greater in the dense, rich areas, but nonetheless troops there are also larger. One-year-survival does not vary with troop size, and is lower in the sparse, dry zone. Troop size is too large for optimal birth rate, but fissioning to much lower size might make troops too small for optimal adult survival, given the intense intertroop competition. This reflects Sibley's (1983) conjecture that troop sizes may not reach stable optima. Rainfall per lemur-year (beginning Oct 1) varied from 265 to 894 mm. Drought followed by rain can eliminate >90% of a cohort, especially in the dryest zone. Possibly this results from fruit failure in years following drought. It is unknown whether food supplementation of some Berenty troops is dangerous for the forest, or helpful for an isolated and vulnerable ring-tailed lemur population.  相似文献   

2010至2013年,对青藏高原4个省区(西藏、四川、青海、甘肃)中的7个胡兀鹫(Gypaetus barbatus barbatus)繁殖地进行了调查,结合1991至1992年的调查资料,获得的调查结果为:产卵期12月上旬至翌年1月末(12月7日至1月28日,n=4),孵化期为55~61 d(n=3),窝卵数平均为1.9枚(n=14),测量3枚卵的平均长和宽分别为84.4 mm(83.1~88.3 mm)和68.0 mm(67.0~70.0 mm)。繁殖成功率为81.82%(2010~2012年,n=22)。巢址分布海拔为2 600~4 575 m。在具有代表性的繁殖地内,繁殖对之间距离平均为35.84 km(25.10~47.30 km),领域平均面积为1 284.51 km2(630.01~2 237.29 km2)。20年来(1990年以来)的种群结构变动为:胡兀鹫幼体数量比例从30.17%降低到16.67%,成鸟比例从61.21%提高到70.83%。采取与高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)数量进行对比的方式,估算青藏高原250万km2面积的胡兀鹫种群数量少于1 410个繁殖对。威胁胡兀鹫生存的因素可分为4大类:(1)非法猎捕,包括非法获取胡兀鹫观赏标本和传统医药,方式为枪击、毒饵、网套等;(2)间接伤害,主要为鼠药中毒,其次是因人类在被食肉兽咬死的家畜体中施放毒药或在家畜尸体边布放的兽铗而造成伤害;(3)基础设施建设导致的伤害,如输电线路和风电场导致胡兀鹫触电和碰撞,道路建设直接对其巢址生境的破坏和人为干扰增加等;(4)人类生产和生活方式变化产生的负面影响,如对体弱家畜的快速加工和对家畜胴体的彻底利用,导致胡兀鹫的食物来源减少,家畜疫病防治导致胡兀鹫蒙受残留药物的影响,在寒冷季节柔软巢材(如羊毛)的缺乏,降低了胡兀鹫对卵和幼雏的保暖能力。  相似文献   

Population genetic studies have found evidence for dramatic population growth in recent human history. It is unclear how this recent population growth, combined with the effects of negative natural selection, has affected patterns of deleterious variation, as well as the number, frequency, and effect sizes of mutations that contribute risk to complex traits. Because researchers are performing exome sequencing studies aimed at uncovering the role of low-frequency variants in the risk of complex traits, this topic is of critical importance. Here I use simulations under population genetic models where a proportion of the heritability of the trait is accounted for by mutations in a subset of the exome. I show that recent population growth increases the proportion of nonsynonymous variants segregating in the population, but does not affect the genetic load relative to a population that did not expand. Under a model where a mutation''s effect on a trait is correlated with its effect on fitness, rare variants explain a greater portion of the additive genetic variance of the trait in a population that has recently expanded than in a population that did not recently expand. Further, when using a single-marker test, for a given false-positive rate and sample size, recent population growth decreases the expected number of significant associations with the trait relative to the number detected in a population that did not expand. However, in a model where there is no correlation between a mutation''s effect on fitness and the effect on the trait, common variants account for much of the additive genetic variance, regardless of demography. Moreover, here demography does not affect the number of significant associations detected. These findings suggest recent population history may be an important factor influencing the power of association tests and in accounting for the missing heritability of certain complex traits.  相似文献   

The effect of group size on reproductive success has long been studied in cooperatively breeding species, as it might provide an adaptive explanation for group‐living in social species. Numerous studies have shown positive effects of subordinates on reproductive success (‘helper effect’), but these studies have also revealed the importance of controlling statistically, or experimentally, for the effect of other factors that might affect reproductive success. Here, we first examine the relationships between group size, body size of group members and nest size in the cooperatively breeding cichlid Julidochromis ornatus, in which unrelated helpers frequently participate in reproduction and their breeding nests inside rock crevices may be crucial for reproduction and survival of all group members. Then, we subsequently investigate the relationship between group size and reproductive success, while controlling for these factors. The results showed that group size was significantly related to body size of group members rather than nest size; and larger breeders had larger helpers. It was found that group size significantly increased group reproductive output. More importantly, reproductive success of male breeders did not depend on the presence of mature helpers, whereas female reproductive success increased when two males assisted her and tended to decrease when two females bred cooperatively. We conclude that breeding groups of J. ornatus have size hierarchical societies that relate to group size, and group composition of genetically unrelated and co‐breeding members affects their reproductive success.  相似文献   

The amount of genetic diversity in a finite biological population mostly depends on the interactions among evolutionary forces and the effective population size (N e) as well as the time since population establishment. Because the N e estimation helps to explore population demographic history, and allows one to predict the behavior of genetic diversity through time, N e is a key parameter for the genetic management of small and isolated populations. Here, we explored an N e-based approach using a bighorn sheep population on Tiburon Island, Mexico (TI) as a model. We estimated the current (N crnt) and ancestral stable (N stbl) inbreeding effective population sizes as well as summary statistics to assess genetic diversity and the demographic scenarios that could explain such diversity. Then, we evaluated the feasibility of using TI as a source population for reintroduction programs. We also included data from other bighorn sheep and artiodactyl populations in the analysis to compare their inbreeding effective size estimates. The TI population showed high levels of genetic diversity with respect to other managed populations. However, our analysis suggested that TI has been under a genetic bottleneck, indicating that using individuals from this population as the only source for reintroduction could lead to a severe genetic diversity reduction. Analyses of the published data did not show a strict correlation between H E and N crnt estimates. Moreover, we detected that ancient anthropogenic and climatic pressures affected all studied populations. We conclude that the estimation of N crnt and N stbl are informative genetic diversity estimators and should be used in addition to summary statistics for conservation and population management planning.  相似文献   

Effective population size (N e) quantifies the effects of micro-evolutionary processes and the rate of loss of genetic diversity in a population. Several demographic and mating parameters reduce N e. Theoretical studies elucidate the impacts of various demographic and mating system parameters on N e, while empirical studies illustrate realized N e for species with differing life histories and mating systems. However, effect of intra-specific variation in mating system on effective size remains largely unexplored. In this paper we investigated the effect of promiscuous and polygynous mating on N e in two wild populations of the short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. N e/N (ratio of effective population size to census size) was lower than unity in both populations, and much lower for the polygynous population compared to promiscuous population. Elasticity analyses reveal that N e/N was sensitive to deviations in the sex ratio. Variance in female reproductive success had a higher impact on N e compared to variance in male reproductive success in the promiscuous population. However, for the polygynous population, impact of variance in male reproductive success on N e was higher than that of variance in female reproductive success. Our results suggest that depending on mating system, different populations of the same species could have alternate evolutionary trajectories. The rate of loss of genetic diversity would be lower for the promiscuous population compared to the polygynous population. Our study is the first to highlight which parameters would most significantly impact population specific N e under different mating systems.  相似文献   

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