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Paspalum is an important genus of the family Gramineae that includes several valuable forage grasses. Many of the species are polyploid and either obligate or facultative apomicts. Cyto-embryological observations of several tetraploid genotypes of P. notatum were performed to determine their mode of reproduction. Afterwards, selfed progenies of the genotypes F131, Q3664 and Q4117 were analysed using RFLP and RAPD genetic fingerprints to identify maternal and non-maternal (aberrant) plants, and to establish the degree of apomictic reproduction. Five maize clones and six primers were used for detecting genetic deviations from the maternal profile. Maize clones umc379, umc384 and umc318 and primers OPG10 and OPI4 were the most informative for discriminating between maternal and aberrant individuals within the progenies of F131 and Q3664. The combined results of three RFLP clones or 4–6 RAPD primers were necessary to ascertain the mode of reproduction in plants F131 and Q3664. The results obtained with the RFLP and RAPD markers were in agreement with the cyto-embryological studies in ascertaining the mode and degree of apomictic reproduction. Plant F131 showed a completely sexual reproductive behaviour, Q3664 an elevated expression of sexuality, while Q4117 was highly apomictic. A fingerprint analysis of an outcrossing population, aimed at the identification of hybrid plants, was also performed. Maize clones um318 and umc379 and primers OPC2 and OPC9 were used. The presence of specific bands belonging to the male parent permitted a rapid and easy detection of hybrids. The methodology described here can be applied both for the characterisation of P. notatum populations and to identify hybrid progenies in Paspalum breeding programs. Received: 5 March 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   

 It is generally accepted that most angiosperms require an accurate balance between maternal and paternal genome contribution for endosperm development. The endosperm balance number (EBN) hypothesis postulates that each species has an effective number which must be in a 2:1 maternal to paternal ratio for normal endosperm development and seed formation. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different sources and ploidy levels of pollen donors on endosperm formation and seed production of aposporous tetraploid (2n=4×=40) Paspalum notatum. Hand-emasculated spikelets of an apomictic 4× plant were dusted with pollen of 2×, 4×, 5×, 6× and 8× races of the same species; 3× and 4× races of a phylogenetically closely related species, P. cromyorrhizon; and 2× and 4× races of P. simplex, a species of a different subgenus. Experiments including self-pollination as well as emasculation without pollination were conducted for controls. Results indicated that apomictic 4×P. notatum is a pseudogamous species with effective fertilization of the two unreduced (2n) polar nuclei by a reduced (n) sperm. Endosperm development and seed production occurred independently of the species or the ploidy level of the pollen donor. However, seed germination rates were significantly lower than in the self-pollinated control when the pollen donor was 3×P. cromyorrhizon or 2× and 4×P. simplex. Aposporous embryo sacs in Paspalum contribute to endosperm formation with two unreduced (2n) polar nuclei, while the male contribution is the same as in sexual plants (n). Since sexual Paspalum plants fit the EBN hypothesis, the EBN insensitivity observed in apomictic plants might be a prerequisite for the spread of pseudogamous apomixis. The EBN insensitivity could have arisen as an imprinting consequence of a high maternal genome contribution. Received: 20 February 1998 / Revision accepted: 21 October 1998  相似文献   

Progeny tests employing molecular markers allow the identification of individuals originated by sexual means among the offspring of a facultative apomict. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the pollination timing on the proportion of sexually formed individuals in progenies of a facultative apomictic Paspalum notatum genotype. Progeny families of approx. 30 plants each were generated at five different pollination times: 1-3 d pre-anthesis; at anthesis; and 2, 4 and 6 d post-anthesis. Cytoembryological analyses indicated that approx. 17% of the ovules carried a meiotic cytologically reduced embryo sac in florets formed simultaneously with those used for crosses. The parental plants and the five F1 families were analysed using RAPD molecular markers. Ninety-five oligonucleotides were assayed on the progenitors in order to search for male-specific bands. Eight primers presenting clear polymorphic bands were selected for use in the progeny tests. The proportion of sexually produced progeny reached 3.4% before anthesis and 20 % at anthesis, while pollination after anthesis generated only maternal plants. A second progeny of 97 plants obtained from pollination at anthesis produced 16 off-type plants (16.5%), of which only one was a B(III) hybrid (2n + n). Our results indicate that pollination at anthesis allows the greatest potential for sexuality to be expressed in this facultative apomictic genotype. When pollination is delayed as soon as 2 d after anthesis, only the aposporous sacs develop endosperm through pseudogamy to set seed.  相似文献   

 Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of Paspalum dilatatum and P. notatum was digested singly or in combination with the restriction endonucleases PstI, PvuII, SalI, KpnI and XhoI. Data obtained from filter hybridization experiments with barley and wheat cpDNA probes were used to construct restriction site maps of the chloroplast genomes of the Paspalum species. The cpDNA fragments were ordered into a circular configuration of approximately 139.3 kbp that contained two inverted repeat regions of approximately 23 kbp and a small and large single-copy region of approximately 11 kbp and 83 kbp, respectively. The cpDNA maps showed that P. dilatatum and P. notatum shared a large number of restriction sites with the proportion of shared restriction sites S=0.90. No restriction site differences were detected in the KpnI maps. Eight species-specific restriction site differences that could be used to identify the cytoplasm of each Paspalum species were identified in the PstI, PvuII, SalI, and XhoI cleavage maps. The overall structural organization of the Paspalum cpDNAs is rather similar to those of most cpDNAs from other plants. The results presented in this study will be of value for exploring further phylogenetic relationships within the genus Paspalum. Received: 27 February 1997 / Accepted: 7 March 1997  相似文献   

 This paper reports the occurrence of chromosome elimination during microsporogenesis in a Brazilian accession of Paspalum subciliatum. The accession was tetraploid (2n=4x=40) and meiosis was normal until diakinesis, with 20 regularly distributed bivalents. Starting at metaphase I, meiosis was very peculiar. In this phase, while ten bivalents were clustered in the equatorial plate, the other ten were still dispersed in the cytoplasm. In anaphase I the chromosomes showed different abilities to migrate to the poles. While one genome reached the poles in telophase I, the laggard was in metaphase or anaphase and was engulfed by extra nuclei. In the second division, behavior was the same. Our results show clear asynchrony in cell cycle, especially in some meiotic phases. Unfortunately we cannot explain the causes of the phenomenon, but this event shows once more that chromosome elimination serves as an incompatibility barrier preventing divergent genomes from coexisting in the same cellular system. The chromosome elimination affected pollen fertility but did not impair seed viability. Received: 22 April 1998 / Revision accepted: 2 September 1998  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gametophytic apomixis is regularly associated with polyploidy. It has been hypothesized that apomixis is not present in diploid plants because of a pleiotropic lethal effect associated with monoploid gametes. Rare apomictic triploid plants for Paspalum notatum and P. simplex, which usually have sexual diploid and apomictic tetraploid races, were acquired. These triploids normally produce male gametes through meiosis with a range of chromosome numbers from monoploid (n = 10) to diploid (n = 20). The patterns of apomixis transmission in Paspalum were investigated in relation to the ploidy levels of gametes. METHODS: Intraspecific crosses were made between sexual diploid, triploid and tetraploid plants as female parents and apomictic triploid plants as male parents. Apomictic progeny were identified by using molecular markers completely linked to apomixis and the analysis of mature embryo sacs. The chromosome number of the male gamete was inferred from chromosome counts of each progeny. KEY RESULTS: The chromosome numbers of the progeny indicated that the chromosome input of male gametes depended on the chromosome number of the female gamete. The apomictic trait was not transmitted through monoploid gametes, at least when the progeny was diploid. Diploid or near-diploid gametes transmitted apomixis at very low rates. CONCLUSIONS: Since male monoploid gametes usually failed to form polyploid progenies, for example triploids after 4x x 3x crosses, it was not possible to determine whether apomixis could segregate in polyploid progenies by means of monoploid gametes.  相似文献   

Foliage damage as a result of individual freeze events is a major limitation to the expansion of bahiagrass ( Paspalum notatum ) pastures and hay production in Southeastern USA. Greater tolerance to such freeze events would allow production deeper into the fall and winter and allow expansion of this species into colder regions. While it has been reported that small cells are more tolerant to freeze damage, this possibility has not been explored in bahiagrass. Specifically, the hypothesis was examined that xylem vessels with smaller diameter in the midrib of leaves are associated with freeze tolerance among bahiagrass genotypes. Vascular bundle diameter was also measured as a possible index of xylem cell size. A total of eight bahiagrass genotypes were eventually studied representing four freeze-sensitive and four freeze-tolerant lines. There was a clear distinction in xylem cell size between the freeze-sensitive and the freeze-tolerant lines. The freeze-tolerant genotypes had xylem element cells that were significantly smaller than the freeze-sensitive genotypes. Averaged across three leaf positions and all genotypes, the xylem element diameter for the freeze-sensitive lines was 222 μm and for the freeze-tolerant lines was only 164 μm. A similar difference was observed in overall vascular bundle diameter with freeze-sensitive lines having a mean of 1168 μm and the freeze-tolerant lines a mean of 917 μm. These results indicated that the diameter of the xylem cells in the vascular midrib of bahiagrass may be an important variable influencing the sensitivity among genotypes to freeze damage.  相似文献   

百喜草及其在南方果园生草栽培和草被体系中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李国怀 《生态科学》2001,20(1):70-74
果园立地条件差、土壤肥力不足是影响我国果树产量和果实品质的重要因素。百喜草是优良的果园生草栽培和草被体系草种。在我国南方果产区推广应用百喜草,对于防止水土流失、改善果园生态环境、培肥果园土壤、提高果实产量和品质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

百喜草及其在南方果园生草栽培和草被体系中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李国怀 《生态科学》2001,20(Z1):70-74
果园立地条件差、土壤肥力不足是影响我国果树产量和果实品质的重要因素。百喜草是优良的果园生草栽培和草被体系草种。在我国南方果产区推广应用百喜草,对于防止水土流失、改善果园生态环境、培肥果园土壤、提高果实产量和品质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Gametophytic apomixis, or unreduced embryo sac development that results in asexual reproduction through seeds, occurs in several families of angiosperms and must be polyphyletic in origin. The molecular mechanisms underlying gametophytic apomixis have not been discovered and are the subject of intense investigation. A common feature of almost all apomicts is their polyploid nature. From genetic mapping studies in both monocots and dicots, there is low genetic recombination associated with a single (rarely two), dominant locus for either aposporous or diplosporous embryo sac formation. In Pennisetum squamulatum and Cenchrus ciliaris, some DNA sequences mapping to the apospory locus are unique to apomictic genotypes and apparently hemizygous. This sequence divergence at the apomixis locus could be a consequence of genome rearrangements and isolation from genetic recombination, both of which may have contributed to the definition of a chromosomal region as supernumerary. The possible involvement of supernumerary chromatin, formed as a result of interspecific hybridization, in the origin of apomixis, is explored here. Received: 26 October 2000 / Revision accepted: 5 April 2001  相似文献   

 Cytogenetic studies carried out over a period of 2 consecutive years on a native Brazilian accession of Paspalum regnellii (2n=40) revealed a meiotic mutation that has not been previously reported for any other species. Among 13 inflorescences investigated during the first collection year, three presented anomalous meiotic behavior starting from metaphase I. At the beginning of this phase, the chromosomes occupied the entire equatorial plate in a membrane-to-membrane arrangement, and the spindle fibers, which were clearly visible, did not converge towards the poles. Degeneration of spindle fibers occurred at the end of metaphase I. Chromosome segregation did not occur and the bivalents were left scattered at random in the cytoplasm. Remnants of chromosome fibers could be seen close to the centromere during this stage. The bivalents gave origin to micronuclei in telophase I, with extremely wide variations in number and size among cells. With the absence of spindle formation during meiosis II, metaphase and anaphase II were not observed. Second cytokinesis occurred in prophase II cells after the occurrence of first cytokinesis. The final product of meiosis was completely abnormal, with a predominance of polyads with microspores of different sizes that resulted in abortive pollen grains. In the affected inflorescences, all microsporocytes presented this anomaly, which caused total sterility. Received: 27 March 1997 / Revision accepted: 7 July 1997  相似文献   

雀稗属无融合生殖研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雀稗属(Paspalum)为禾本科黍亚科多年生或一年生植物,是黍亚科内最有经济价值的类群之一。雀稗属植物种群极其复杂,大多数为多倍体。由于多倍体的存在及有性生殖的自交不亲和等原因,雀稗属植物表现出复杂多样的生殖特性,是禾本科中具备无融合生殖特性种类最多的属。对雀稗属无融合生殖的分布、无融合生殖相关的细胞学和胚胎学基础、无融合生殖的特点及其遗传学和分子生物学研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Tetraploid Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass) is a valuable forage grass with aposporous apomictic reproduction. In a previous study, we showed that apospory in bahiagrass is under the control of a single dominant gene with a distorted segregation ratio. The objective of this work was to identify molecular markers linked to apospory in tetraploid P. notatum and establish a preliminary syntenic relationship with the genomic region associated with apospory in P. simplex. A F1 population of 290 individuals, segregating for apospory, was generated after crossing a completely sexual plant (Q4188) with a natural aposporous apomictic plant (Q4117). The whole progeny was classified as sexual or aposporous by embryo sacs analysis. A bulked segregant analysis was carried out to identify molecular markers co-segregating with apospory. Four hundred RAPD primers, 30 AFLP primers combinations and 85 RFLP clones were screened using DNA from both parental genotypes and aposporous and sexual bulks. Linkage analysis was performed with cytological and genetic information from the complete progeny. Cytoembryological analysis showed 219 sexual and 71 aposporous F1 individuals. Seven different molecular markers (2 RAPD, 4 AFLP and 1 RFLP) were found to be completely linked to apospory. The RFLP probe C1069, mapping to the telomeric region of the long arm of rice chromosome 12, was one of the molecular markers completely linked to apospory in P. notatum. This marker had been previously associated with apospory in P. simplex. A preliminary map of the chromosome region carrying the apospory locus was constructed.  相似文献   

All members of Rosa section Caninae, dogroses are polyploid and characterized by their unbalanced meiosis, which in most cases leads to a pronounced morphological influence from the maternal parent. In a previous investigation on a pair of reciprocal crosses between two species in this section, Rosa dumalis and R. rubiginosa (2n=35), nine offspring plants (approximately 10%) did not receive any of the 21 RAPD markers present in the respective pollen parent. This was interpreted as a possible occurrence of apomixis. These nine plants have now been subjected to a further study with additional markers. Thirteen new RAPD markers showed the same result as in the previous investigation: none of the nine plants inherited any of the pollen donor markers. The reproducibility of the RAPD markers was checked by mixing DNA samples to obtain a series of artificial hybrids between the two parent plants. Twelve RAPD markers gave the expected result, whereas one marker appeared only 50% of the time. In addition, pollen viability, mean number of seeds per hip, mean seed weight, and mean weight of fruit flesh per hip have been studied on the four progeny groups: R. dumalis×R. rubiginosa plants which received pollen donor markers (PM plants), R. dumalis×R. rubiginosa plants which did not receive any pollen donor markers (NPM plants), R. rubiginosa×R. dumalis PM plants and R. rubiginosa×R. dumalis NPM plants. A canonical discriminant analysis based on these four reproductive characters separated the four progeny groups. There were significant differences between the two PM groups in all investigated characters, and also between the PM and the NPM groups in pollen viability. The result from the RAPD markers together with the differences in pollen viability between the PM and NPM progeny groups is taken as an indication that apomixis occurs within the Caninae section. Received: 13 October 1999 / Revision accepted: 28 January 2000  相似文献   

Identification of a maize linkage group related to apomixis in Brachiaria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 A bulked segregant analysis using RFLPs and RAPDs was carried out to identify molecular markers co-segregating with apomixis in a Brachiaria F1 population. The test population used was a cross between sexual B. ruziziensis R44 and the aposporous apomictic Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandu. The Brachiaria genome was systematically scanned using 61 cDNA and genomic maize clones detecting 65 loci located at 40 cM, on average, one from each other in the maize genome. The finding of a clone that presented a polymorphic band co-segregating with apomixis (umc147) led to the identification of another marker within the same area (umc72). The clones belong to a duplicated linkage group that maps to the distal part of maize chromosome-1 long arm and chromosome-5 short arm. RAPD analysis using 184 primers from Operon sets yielded one more marker (OPC4) significantly linked to the trait mapping the same locus. OPC4 had been previously reported as a potential marker for apospory in Pennisetum. A map of the region was constructed using additional clones that belong to the same maize linkage group. Since that was the only genomic region that presented an apomixis-linked polymorphism our observations support the existence of a single locus directing apospory in Brachiaria. Received: 9 September 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

Paspalum simplex is a grass distributed throughout the phytogeographic Chaco region in South America from which sexual diploid and apomictic tetraploid races have been reported. We analysed native populations to determine their homogeneity of ploidy level, and the relationship between geographic distribution, ploidy levels, and reproductive systems. The ploidy level was established for 379 plants from 32 wild populations. Tetraploidy and apomixis constitute the most common combination for this species all over the Chaco region. Apomictic hexaploid plants were found associated with 4x populations. Diploids were confined to a small sector of the region. One sexual triploid plant arose from seed harvested in a pure 2x population, and one apomictic 3x plant was found in a mixed 2x-4x population. The results suggest that P. simplex is a core agamic complex characteristic of the Chaco region from which other apomictic polyploid species of the subgenus Anachyris could have evolved. Received July 24, 2002; accepted September 12, 2002 Published online: December 11, 2002  相似文献   

Opuntia spinosissima (Martyn) Mill. (Cactaceae) is an extremely rare taxon with a single remaining wild population of 13 plants located on Little Torch Key, Florida. The plants rarely set viable seeds and most ovaries abscise without initiation of fruits. Pollination and breeding system were examined in Little Torch Key and in plant accessions located at Fairchild Tropical Garden. Four pollination treatments were carried out to test for apomixis, self-pollination, outcrossing, and autogamy; a control treatment was also monitored. Additionally, pollen viability, pollinators, and seed set and viability were investigated. On selfed, crossed, and open (control) stigmas pollen grains germinated, but the tubes usually did not reach the base of the style. This suggests that O. spinosissima has pre-zygotic self-incompatibility. None of the pairwise crosses set seed, so the extant plants were apparently not inter-compatible. Out of 173 manipulated and control flowers, only one set fruit. Although this flower was outcrossed, no pollen tubes germinated on the stigma; this suggests agamospermy, a process common in the Cactaceae. In those flowers where pollen tubes did reach the ovary they failed to penetrate ovules, suggesting ovarian inhibition or that this taxon has lost the ability to be fertilized. Most field-collected seeds were viable, but there is no seedling recruitment under natural conditions, and vegetative reproduction is common. Based on these findings, I hypothesize that O. spinosissima is a sterile polyploid and that the 13 extant plants are asexually derived from a single lineage. Received: 17 April 1998 / Revision accepted: 3 July 1998  相似文献   

Apomixis is facultative in characterized members of the genus Hieracium. The three components that comprise the apomictic mechanism include apospory followed by autonomous embryo and endosperm formation. The time of aposporous embryo sac initiation and mode of embryo sac formation are different in Hieracium piloselloides (D3) and Hieracium aurantiacum (A3.4). Genetic studies have shown that a single dominant locus encodes all three components of apomixis in both species (Bicknell et al. 2000). We histologically examined a range of related, genetically characterized apomictic Hieracium plants derived from D3 and A3.4 to assess conservation of the apomictic mechanism in different genetic backgrounds. The plants varied in ploidy, and also in the amount of DNA introduced from sexual Hieracium pilosella (P4). An apomictic hybrid from a cross between the two apomicts was also examined. The developmental processes observed in the parental apomicts were not conserved in the examined plants and alterations occurred in the components of apomixis. One plant also exhibited adventitious embryony. The results show that other genetic factors can modify apomixis with respect to time of initiation, spatial location, and mode of developmental progression. Both the apomictic locus and the modifiers are essential for efficient penetrance of the trait in Hieracium. Some of the findings in Hieracium correspond with observations in Ranunculus and this is discussed in terms of models for apomictic development and the control of apomixis in crops. Received: 21 June 1999 / Revision accepted: 17 November 1999  相似文献   

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