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Genetic differentiation of the two sibling species,Cottus nozawae andC. amblystomopsis, from the northern part of Japan (Hokkaido Island and the Tohoku District) was investigated using allozyme variations and restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA. Although the two species are morphologically very similar, previously being thought to be a single species, they have different life-cycles;C. nozawae has a fluvial life-cycle with a small number of large-sized eggs, whereasC. amblystomopsis is an amphidromous species with a large number of small-sized eggs. Four populations ofC. amblystomopsis from Hokkaido Island and 24 populations ofC. nozawae (22 from Hokkaido Island and 2 from the Tohoku District) were sampled and examined Intrapopulational differentiation in the two species was measured by examining several indexes, including proportion of polymorphic loci (P), mean heterozygosity (H) and nucleotide diversity (π). All measurements were higher in theC. amblystomopsis populations, suggesting that intrapopulational variation inC. nozawae was less than inC. amblystomopsis and reflecting the difference in effective population sizes between them. Cluster analyses were performed using the UPGMA method, based on the data matrices of genetic distance (D) and the net nucleotide difference (δ) between populations. TheC. nozawae andC. amblystomopsis populations from Hokkaido Island composed a large cluster (Hokkaido group), while theC. nozawae populations from the Tohoku District composed a different cluster (Tohoku group). Bootstrap probabilities deduced from 1000 bootstrap replications for presence or absence of restriction sites showed that the mtDNA haplotypes detected within the Tohoku Group occurred in 99.9% of the bootstrap replicates outside the mtDNA haplotypes of the Hokkaido group, while those within the Hokkaido group occurred in 3.5–64.9% of bootstrap replicates. Consequently, the Hokkaido populations of the two species (Hokkaido group) were genetically close to each other, whileC. nozawae from the Tohoku District (Tohoku group) were distant from the Hokkaido group. These results suggest that the ancestral populations of the two species on Hokkaido Island shared the same gene pool, even after becoming geographically isolated from the ancestral population ofC. nozawae in the Tohoku District by the formation of the Tsugaru Straits.  相似文献   

We experimentally measured thermal changes in the gastric evacuation rate (GER) of the freshwater sculpin Cottus nozawae Snyder under three water temperature regimes (2°, 7°, and 12°C). Laboratory experiments showed that the GER was accelerated with increasing water temperature. This result suggests that the daily food rations of fish are more likely to be underestimated at higher water temperatures if estimation is simply based on the stomach content weight alone. By comparing the GER for various fish species from subfrigid to temperate streams, we found a general pattern that the GER increases with water temperature, regardless of taxonomic group or foraging mode. However, the reaction norms of the GER against water temperature showed considerable interspecific variation. This means that stomach content weight is not comparable as a simple measure for determining the daily rations among fish species when water temperature regimes are different. To consider the temperature-dependent pattern of such a physiological phenomenon is important in understanding the feeding ecology of fishes and their roles in material cycles through food webs in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The densities of two benthic fishes, the Siberian stone loach (Noemacheilus barbatulus) and the wrinklehead sculpin (Cottus nozawae), and the biomass of their food resources (i.e., periphyton and benthic invertebrates) were compared between forest and grassland streams in northern Hokkaido, Japan, to examine whether riparian deforestation had positive effects on the benthic fishes via enhancement of food availability. The comparisons indicated that riparian vegetation had little influence on periphyton, invertebrates, or fishes. Regression analysis indicated that spatial variations in loach and sculpin densities were explained more by substrate heterogeneity, competitor abundance, or both, rather than by food abundance. However, when the two species were combined as benthic insectivores, a strong correlation was found between total benthic fish density and invertebrate biomass. Our results suggest that, although total benthic fish abundance was food limited, riparian vegetation had no positive effects via food availability on the benthic fishes in our streams.  相似文献   

Twenty four reference strains (serotype a-h) belonging to the mutans group of streptococci were compared for DNA fragment patterns of rDNA after treatment with Hind III. It was shown that Streptococcus cricetus (serotype a), S. rattus (serotype b), and S. downei (serotype h) reveals comparatively homogeneous patterns while S. mutans (serotype c, e and f) exhibits differences between the different serotypes as well as within single serotypes. S. sobrinus had an intermediary diversity. These data support the previous findings that S. mutans is heterogeneous at the serological, biochemical and genetical level.  相似文献   

Isofemale lines are commonly used inDrosophila and other genera for the purpose of assaying genetic variation. Isofemale lines can be kept in the laboratory for many generations before genetic work is carried out, and permit the confirmation of newly discovered alleles. A problem not realized by many workers is that the commonly used estimate of allele frequency from these lines is biased. This estimation bias occurs at all times after the first laboratory generation, regardless of whether single individuals or pooled samples are used in each well of an electrophoretic gel. This bias can potentially affect the estimation of population genetic parameters, and in the case of rare allele analysis it can cause gross overestimates of gene flow. This paper provides a correction for allele frequency estimates derived from isofemale lines for any time after the lines are established in the laboratory. When pooled samples are used, this estimator performs better than the standard estimator at all times after the first generation. The estimator is also insensitive to multiple inseminations. After the lines have drifted oneN e generations, multiple inseminations actually make the new estimator perform better than it does in singly inseminated females. Simulations show that estimates made using either estimator after the lines have drifted to fixation have a much greater error associated with their use than do those estimates made earlier in time using the correction. In general it is better to use corrected estimates of gene frequency soon after lines are established than to use uncorrected estimates made after the first laboratory generation. This work was supported by an NSERC fellowship to A.D.L.  相似文献   

Juveniles ofArtediellus neyelovi are described on the basis of 24 specimens (8.3–23.6 mm SL) from Hokkaido, Japan. All medial and paired fins were completely developed in all specimens. The smallest specimen (8.3 mm SL) had a slender elongated suborbital stay similar to that of adults. Specimens 8.3–10.1 mm SL had 4 preopercular spines, cirri absent on the head and body, except a very small supraorbital cirrus, and sensory canals comprising open grooves restricted to the head surface. Specimens 14.1–20.0 mm SL had complete cephalic sensory canals, and the 2nd and 3rd preopercular spines reduced. Specimens 20.8–23.6 mm SL had a nearly complete lateral line canal and exhibited most specific diagnostic characters except some cephalic cirri. The anterior 3 neural arches on both sides were separate at 8.3 mm SL, but had become fused (except for the anteriormost) at 14.3 mm SL. The anteriormost arch was not fused in an adult, 71.3 mm SL. Some juveniles had very reduced bony plates under the skin anterodorsally on the body, which were not present in adults.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to examine genetic variation and population structure of screwworm flies in four populations from São Paulo State, Brazil. The total DNA of 405 individuals was digested with 15 restriction endonucleases and probed with five clonedHindIII fragments representing the entire mitochondrial genome ofCochliomyia hominivorax. The survey revealed that four enzymes (HaeIII,HindIII,MspI, andPvuII) were suitable to detect mtDNA variation among all populations. Based on the fragment patterns obtained for these four enzymes, a total of 15 haplotypes in combination was detected. Heteroplasmic individuals for thePvuII pattern were obtained in one of the populations. The estimated average for nucleotide sequence divergence (δ) was 0.92%. The cladogram of the geographical distribution among the observed haplotypes suggests that the sampled screwworms probably belong to a single evolutionary lineage with populations interconnected by reduced gene flow.  相似文献   

Random nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used to assess similarities and relationships among open-pollinated (OP) populations of the cultivated bulb onion (Allium cepa). Seventeen OP populations and 2 inbreds of contrasting daylength response [termed by convention as long (LD) and short (SD) day], 1 shallot (A. cepa var. ascalonicum), and one cultivar of bunching onion (Allium fistulosum) were examined with 104 cDNA clones and two to four restriction enzymes. Sixty (58%) clones detected at least 1 polymorphic fragment scorable among the OP populations and were used for analyses. The average number of polymorphic fragments per polymorphic probe-enzyme combination was 1.9, reflecting that numerous monomorphic fragments were usually present. Similarities were estimated as the proportion of polymorphic fragments shared by 2 populations. Average similarity values among LD, among SD, and between LD and SD OP populations were 0.79, 0.67, and 0.68, respectively. Relationships among the OP populations were estimated by parsimony, cluster analysis of similarities using the unweighted-pair-group method (UPGMA), and multivariate analysis using principle components. Parsimony analysis generated a strict consensus tree that grouped all but 1 LD onion with unresolved relationships to the SD OP populations. The UPGMA analysis placed together the LD storage OP populations. Principal component analysis grouped all but 2 LD onions; the other OP populations were dispersed. The results suggest that LD and SD onions do not represent distinct germ plasm, but that LD storage onions represent a derived group selected for production at higher latitudes. If it is assumed that the sampled populations are representative of all onion OP populations, the lower similarities among SD OP populations indicate that their collection and maintenance in germ plasm collections is important for the preservation of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Aplopsora corni sp. nov. is proposed for a rust fungus whose uredinial and basidial stage occurs onCornus controversa (Cornaceae) in Hokkaido. This new species is separated by its larger urediniospores and probasidia from the morphologically closely relatedA. nyssae onNyssa aquatica andN. sylvatica (Cornaceae) distributed in southern North America.  相似文献   

Flies from the first generation of isofemale lines of D. melanogaster founded by wild flies collected in spring, summer and autumn in two French populations have been studied for 4 successive years. Cyclical seasonal variations occur in various genetically determined characteristics involved in reproductive potential.The number of ovarioles of the females and female capacity to control oviposition are subject to variation consisting of an increase in frequency of genotypes controlling large number of ovarioles and strong oviposition blocking control in spring and autumn samples. The opposed genotypes (low number of ovarioles and weaker blocking of oviposition control) are favored in summer generations.This balancing selection, induced by temperature variations, modifies temporarily the genetic equilibrium of the population. This enhances the frequency of better adapted genotypes when conditions become less favorable.
Résumé L'étude pendant 4 ans de lignées isofemelles, fondées par des mouches capturées dans la nature, au printemps, en été et en automne, dans deux population françaises de D. melanogaster, a mis en évidence des variations saisonnières cycliques portant sur différents caractères liés au potentiel reproducteur. Les individus observés appartenaient à la première génération de laboratoire, élévée en conditions standard; les fluctuations observées correspondaient donc à des variations d'ordre génétique.Le nombre d'ovarioles des femelles et leur capacité à controler leur ponte en présence d'un substrat peu favorable sont soumis à ce type de variations cycliques. Il consiste en une augmentation de la fréquence de certains phénotypes (nombre d'ovarioles élevé et forte capacité de blocage de l'oviposition) au printemps et en automne, tandis que les génotypes opposés (faible nombre d'ovarioles et faible capacité de blocage) sont favorisés pendant les générations estivales.Ces variations correspondent à une sélection balancée induite par les fluctuations de la température. Elles conduisent à une modification temporaire de l'équilibre génétique de la population et à un accroissement de la fréquence des génotypes considérés comme mieux adaptés au climat tempéré, lorsque les conditions environnementales deviennent moins favorables.

Reproductive capacity was investigated in naturally occurring triploid individuals of the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus collected from Memanbetsu Town, Abashiri County, Hokkaido Island, Japan. These triploids have been considered to appear by accidental incorporation of the haploid sperm genome from normal diploid into unreduced diploid eggs from the clonal lineage that usually reproduces unisexually. By fertilization with sperm from the normal male, one triploid female gave many inviable aneuploid (2.1–2.7n) and very few tetraploid progeny, whereas the other produced both diploid and triploid progeny. The results suggest that at least four different types of eggs can be formed in triploid females in this locality. In contrast, no progeny hatched when eggs of the normal female were fertilized with sperm or sperm-like cells obtained from triploid males. These gametes exhibited inactive or no motility after adding ambient water. They had larger head sizes than those of normal haploid sperm and had a short or no tail. Although their ploidy was triploid or hexaploid, a small number of haploid cells were detected in the semen by flow cytometry. Thus, triploid males were generally sterile, but they have a little potential for producing very few haploid sperm.  相似文献   

Synopsis I examined the temperature preferences and routine metabolic rates of Pit sculpin, Cottius pitensis, marbled sculpin, C. klamathensis macrops, and rough sculpin, C. asperrimus, of the Pit River drainage of California to determine if the distributional patterns of these species can be explained on the basis of physiological or behavioral responses to temperature. The routine metabolic rates of these species did not increase significantly between 10 and 15°C, indicating an area of thermal compensation. Metabolic rates then rapidly increased between 15 and 20°C (Q10 values>4.0) followed by little increase between 20 and 25°C (Q10 values >2.0), indicating another area of thermal compensation. The final temperature preferenda of Pit, marbled and rough sculpin were 11.2, 12.1 and 13.5°C, respectively. Marbled and rough sculpin appear to be more stenothermal than Pit sculpin. At acclimation temperatures of 10, 15 and 20°C the acute preferred temperatures of marbled and rough sculpin ranged from 11.1 to 14.7° C and 13.3 to 14.4°C, respectively. Values for Pit sculpin ranged from 9.9 to 16.4°C at acclimation temperatures of 10, 15 and 20°C. The distributions of marbled and rough sculpin are consistent with their behavioral and metabolic responses to temperature. The widespread distribution of Pit sculpin is consistent with its greater tolerance of high temperatures and eurythermal behavior, but the absence of Pit sculpin from habitats dominated by marbled and rough sculpin is not consistent with a temperature related explanation.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of colony numbers of Microcystis aeruginosa(Kütz.) Kütz. and M. wesenbergii(Komárek) Komárek in N. V. Kondrat. in sediments of Lake Biwa were investigated over a period of 1 year. At two stations located in the shallow South Basin of Lake Biwa (ca. 4 m water depth), the colony number of Microcystisfluctuated seasonally. The number had a tendency to gradually decrease from winter to early summer, while it increased through mid-summer and autumn. Since the Microcystispopulation in sediment was rather small, intensive growth and accumulation in the water column should be important for the formation of Microcystisblooms in Lake Biwa. Microcystiscolonies in the sediment samples after June were observed to be floating in a counting chamber under a microscope. The observation suggests that the recruitment of Microcystis colonies into the water column mostly occurs in early summer. The number of Microcystiscolonies in the deep North Basin of Lake Biwa (70 – 90 m water depth) was larger than in the South Basin. Because the seasonal variation of colony numbers was not observed in the North Basin, and Microcystiscells do not have gas vesicles, these colonies will not return into the water column. The colonies isolated from the sediment of the North Basin were able to grow in cultured conditions, in the same way as those from the sediment of the South Basin. Therefore, Microcystiscolonies may survive for a long time under stable conditions of low temperature (ca. 8 °C) and darkness, in the sediment of the deep North Basin, accumulating gradually each year.  相似文献   

The tomato nuclear genome was determined to have a G+C content of 37% which is among the lowest reported for any plant species. Non-coding regions have a G+C content even lower (32% average) whereas coding regions are considerably richer in G+C (46%).5-methyl cytosine was the only modified base detected and on average 23% of the cytosine residues are methylated. Immature tissues and protoplasts have significantly lower levels of cytosine methylation (average 20%) than mature tissues (average 25%). Mature pollen has an intermediate level of methylation (22%). Seeds gave the highest value (27%), suggesting de novo methylation after pollination and during seed development.Based on isoschizomer studies we estimate 55% of the CpG target sites (detected by Msp I/Hpa II) and 85% of the CpNpG target sites (detected by Bst NI/Eco RI)are methylated. Unmethylated target sites (both CpG and CpNpG) are not randomly distributed throughout the genome, but frequently occur in clusters. These clusters resemble CpG islands recently reported in maize and tobacco.The low G+C content and high levels of cytosine methylation in tomato may be due to previous transitions of 5mCT. This is supported by the fact that G+C levels are lowest in non-coding portions of the genome in which selection is relaxed and thus transitions are more likely to be tolerated. This hypothesis is also supported by the general deficiency of methylation target sites in the tomato genome, especially in non-coding regions.Using methylation isoschizomers and RFLP analysis we have also determined that polymorphism between plants, for cytosine methylation at allelic sites, is common in tomato. Comparing DNA from two tomato species, 20% of the polymorphisms detected by Bst NI/Eco RII could be attributed to differential methylation at the CpNpG target sites. With Msp I/Hpa II, 50% of the polymorphisms were attributable to methylation (CpG and CpNpG sites). Moreover, these polymorphisms were demonstrated to be inherited in a mendelian fashion and to co-segregate with the methylation target site and thus do not represent variation for transacting factors that might be involved in methylation of DNA. The potential role of heritable methylation polymorphism in evolution of gene regulation and in RFLP studies is discussed.  相似文献   

The potential causes of the variable nature of recruitment of marine organisms can be inferred from the scales over which they vary. Sampling for recruits of Semibalanus cariosus on the intertidal concrete tetrapods at 21 fishing ports along the Kameda Peninsula, southern Hokkaido, Japan, was conducted at the end of the recruitment season in 1994 at three spatial scales: at each fishing port, separated by several km; at two sites at each fishing port, separated by several hundred m; and on three blocks at each site, separated by 1–2 m. At all spatial scales, recruitment intensity was independent of adult densities. Recruitment densities significantly varied within all spatial-scales, however, 85.6% of the total variances was estimated to be due to variation among ports. Such km-scale variation of recruitment intensities coincided with the hydrographic pattern of the direction of coastal current.  相似文献   

The mouselpr gene, which is an autosomal recessive gene causing autoimmune disease with features of human systemic lupus erythematosus and eventually death from severe immune-complex glomerulonephritis, has been mapped on chromosome 19. To determine its exact chromosomal location, a three-point backcross was carried out by mating (MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr × MOL-MIT)F1 × MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr using the genesLy-44 (lymphocyte differentiation antigen-44) andTdt (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase) as markers. The following order of genes is proposed, with the distances between genes given in parentheses: centromere-Ly-44 (19.3 cM)-lpr (6.1 cM)-Tdt-telomere. TheLy-44 a andTdt a alleles are found in all laboratory strains and in the wild Western European subspecies,domesticus andbrevirostris. In contrast, theLy-44 b andTdt b alleles are found in some Asian subspecies, Chinese mice of wild origin,yamashinai andmolossinus. Furthermore the thirdTdt allele,Tdt c , is detected incastaneus.Some of the data in this study were previously presented at the 4th Mouse Gene Mapping Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, in November 1990.  相似文献   

Ten enzymes (AAT, CK, G3PDH, HEX, IDH, LDH, MDH, ME, PGI, PGM) were examined using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis to estimate the levels of genetic variation within and among six natural populations of two grasshopper species Atractomorpha sinensis and A. peregrina from Shanxi, China. The collecting sites were geographically distant from each other from south to north: Quwo district, Linfen city; Xiangyuan county, Changzhi; Jinyuan district, Taiyuan city; Yuanping county, Xinzhou city and Fanshi county of Xinzhou.A. sinensis showed 43 alleles at 16 loci but A. peregrine showed 39 alleles at 15 loci (Idh-1 was deficient). The zymograms showed that some common alleles were shared at several loci in these two species (Aat-1-b, Aat-2-b, G3pdh-a, Ck-1-b and Ldh-b). However, Hex-1-a, Hex-2-a, Hex-3-a, Idh-2-b, Mdh-2-b, Mdh-1-f, Pgi-b, Pgm-b had common alles in A. sinensis and Hex-1-b, Hex-2-b, Hex-3-b, Idh-2-a, Mdh-2-a, Mdh-1-d, Pgi-a, Pgm-c were of high frequency in A. peregrine instead. Most of the observed genotype frequencies were found to significantly deviate from the Hardy-Weinberg expectations in both species. A tendency of clinal distribution of allele frequency was observed at three loci. The frequency of the moderately migrating allele Me-c (0.318–0.740) in A. peregrina, Hex-1-a (0.800–1.000) and Ldh-b (0.487–0.750) in A. sinensis demonstrated increased frequency from north to south. Such tendency suggests that the allele frequency in these three loci may be correlated with the species’ geographic distributions. A. sinensis showed higher genetic diversity than A. peregrina as indicated by higher mean number of alleles per locus (A = 1.9–2.3 in A. sinensis and 1.7–2.2 in A. peregrina), percentage of polymorphic loci (56.3%–68.8% in A. sinensis and 43.8%–56.3% in A. peregrina), and the observed heterozygosities (H o = 0.072–0.096 in A. sinensis and 0.70–0.107 in A. peregrina). The observed heterozygosities of the six populations were all noticeably lower than the Hardy-Weinberg expectations, mostly due to heterozygote deficiency in the populations of both species. The overall mean F ST were small (F ST = 0.045, P > 0.05 in A. sinensis populations and 0.087, P > 0.05 in A. peregrina populations). Nei’s genetic identity (I) estimates indicate low intraspecific (>0.95) but higher interspecific (0.377–0.447) genetic diversity. The cluster analysis based on modified Roger’s genetic distance (D) showed that the two species were divided into two branches. Both species are of limited dispersal capacity and a moderate geographical barrier might significantly restrict the gene exchange among populations, resulting in accumulation of local genetic differentiations. The A. sinensis populations used in this study were separated from each other by 155.2 to 271.4 km and the A. peregrina populations were separated from each other by 78.8 to 174.9 km with observable physical barriers. The allozyme data showed only minimal genetic differentiation at population level, most likely as a result of gene exchange. It is reasoned that natural factors and human agricultural activities might have facilitated migration and dispersal for the two species. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(10): 2574–2481 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

DNA was prepared from cyanobacteria freshly isolated from coralloid roots of natural populations of five cycad species: Ceratozamia mexicana mexicana (Mexico), C. mexicana robusta (Mexico), Dioon spinulosum (Mexico), Zamia furfuraceae (Mexico) and Z. skinneri (Costa Rica). Using the Southern blot technique and cloned Anabaena PCC 7120 nifK and glnA genes as probes, restriction fragment length polymorphisms of these cyanobacterial symbionts were compared. The five cyanobacterial preparations showed differences in the sizes of their DNA fragments hybridizing with both probes, indicating that different cyanobacterial species and/or strains were in the symbiotic associations. On the other hand, a similar comparison of cyanobacteria freshly collected from a single Encephalartos altensteinii coralloid root and from three independently subcultured isolates from the same coralloid root revealed that these were likely to be one and the same organism. Moreover, the complexity of restriction patterns shows that a mixture of Nostoc strains can associate with a single cycad species although a single cyanobacterial strain can predominate in the root of a single cycad plant. Thus, a wide range of Nostoc strains appear to associate with the coralloid roots of cycads.Non-standard abbreviations bp base pairs - kbp kilobase pairs - RFLP's restriction fragment length polymorphisms  相似文献   

The restriction fragment length polymorphisms distribution and frequency of dystrophin gene in Chinese were studied by using 14 subclones of the entire 14kb cDNA for the dystrophin as hybridization probes. Allelic fragments were detected in hybridization patterns of PvuⅡ/la, Taq Ⅰ/2b-3, Taq Ⅰ/5b-7, and Xba Ⅰ/10. Among them, the allelic fragments (26kb and 3.8kb) in PvuⅡ/2b-3 pattern and the allelic fragments (10.0kb and 8.4kb) in Taq Ⅰ/5b-7 patterns had never been reported previously. Compared with the data from Caucasians and Japanese, it indicated that there was a significant difference (P<0.01) of the allelic fragment frequency in Taq Ⅰ/2b-3 and Xba Ⅰ/10 patterns between Chinese and Caucasians. The frequencies of allelic fragments A2 (5.6kb) in Taq Ⅰ/8 and A2 (10.Tkb) in EcoR Ⅴ/9 were high in Caucasians, yet had not been detected in Chinese, the differences were also highly significant. But in Chinese and Caucasians, the B1B2 allelic frequencies in Taq Ⅰ/5b-7 are the same. As to the frequency of the allelic fragments A1A2 and B1B2 in Pvu Ⅱ/la, there was no significant difference between Chinese and Japanese.  相似文献   

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