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Rac is a subfamily of small GTP-binding protein family. Its molecular weight is between 20 and 30 kilodaltons. As a signal protein, Rac directly or indirectly participates in many physiological processes, such as the regulation of cytoskeleton and the transduction of stress-induced signal. So Rac is also named ?molecular switch? The switch is based on the cycle from a GTP-bound 憃n?to a GDP-bound 憃ff?state[1]. In the superfamily of GTP-binding protein, only heterotrimeric G protein, Ra…  相似文献   

To understand the development of rice leaf blades,we identified a new rolled-leaf mutant,w32,from indica cultivar IR64 through EMS mutagenesis. The mutant showed a stable rolled-leaf phenotype throughout the life cycle. Two F2 populations were developed by crossing w32 to cultivar IR24 and PA64. Genetic analysis showed that the rolled-leaf phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene. To determine the location of the gene,bulked segregant analysis was carried out using mutant and wild-type DNA pools ...  相似文献   

A novel zebra mutant, zebra-15, derived from the restorer line JinhuilO (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) treated by EMS, displayed a distinctive zebra leaf from seedling stage to jointing stage. Its chlorophyll content decreased (55.4%) and the ratio of Chla/Chlb increased (90.2%) significantly in the yellow part of the zebra-15, compared with the wild type. Net photosynthetic rate and fluorescence kinetic parameters showed that the decrease of chlorophyll content significantly influenced the photosynthetic efficiency of the mutant. Genetic analysis of F2 segregation populations derived from the cross of XinonglA and zebra-15 indicated that the zebra leaf trait is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. Ninety-eight out of four hundred and eighty pairs of SSR markers showed the diversity between the XinonglA and the zebra-15, their F2 population was then used for gene mapping. Zebra-15 (Z-15) gene was primarily restricted on the short arm of chromosome 5 by 150 F2 recessive individuals, 19.6 cM from marker RM3322 and 6.0 cM from marker RM6082. Thirty-six SSR markers were newly designed in the restricted location, and the Z-15 was finally located between markers nSSR516 and nSSR502 with the physical region 258 kb by using 1,054 F2 recessive individuals.  相似文献   

低钾胁迫对水稻(Oryza sativa L.)化感潜力变化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究以国际公认的化感水稻P1312777和非化感水稻Lemont为供体,稗草(Echinochloa cru-galli L.)为受体,采用稻/稗共培体系,研究低钾胁迫对水稻化感潜力变化的影响及其机制。受体稗草的形态指标分析结果表明,低钾胁迫促使化感水稻P1312777对共培稗草的根长、株高和干重的抑制率均升高,增幅远大于非化感水稻Lemont。受体稗草生理生化指标分析结果表明,低钾胁迫下化感与非化感水稻对受体稗草保护酶系(SOD、POD、CAT)及根系活力的抑制作用增强,但化感水稻P1312777比非化感水稻Lemont的抑制程度大,且达极显著差异。实时荧光定量PCR分析结果表明,低钾胁迫下,化感水稻P1312777根部与叶部中酚类代谢的关键酶——苯丙氨酸解氨酶、肉桂酸-4-羟化酶、羟化酶、O-甲基转移酶的基因均上调表达,而非化感水稻根部相应酶均下调表达,叶部除苯丙氨酸解氨酶上调,其余酶也下调表达。而萜类代谢途径关键酶——HMG—CoA还原酶、角鲨烯合酶、单萜烯环化酶、倍半萜烯环化酶、二萜烯环化酶的基因,在两种水稻根部中呈现出相同或相似的表达方式(上调或下调),即HMG—CoA还原酶上调表达,角鲨烯合酶、单萜烯环化酶、倍半萜烯环化酶、二萜烯环化酶下调表达;而在水稻叶部,非化感水稻Lmont相应酶基因表达方式仍然不变,化感水稻P1312777除了角鲨烯合酶下调表达,其余4个酶均上调表达。水稻根系分泌物中酚类物质的HPLC分析结果表明,低钾胁迫下,化感水稻P1312777根系分泌物中,所检出的酚酸类物质总量是正常营养条件下的2.30倍,而非化感水稻Lemont则是正常营养条件下的0.91倍。综合分析认为低钾胁迫下,化感水稻P1312777抑草能力增强主要是由于酚类代谢途径关键酶基因表达上调,导致酚类代谢途径旺盛,分泌出更多的酚类物质,进而破坏受体稗草保护酶系统,抑制了稗草的正常生长。  相似文献   

By using differential display PCR (DD-PCR) technique, two salt-inducible and one salt-repressed cDNA fragments were isolated from rice. The three cDNA fragments were characterized respectively as partial sequence of rice S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) gene, a new member of translation elongation factor 1A gene (namedREF1 A), and a novel gene whose function is unknown (namedSRG1). The full-length cDNA of SAMDC gene (namedSAMDC1) was further isolated by RT-PCR approach and the deduced polypeptide was found to be homologous to SAMDC proteins of other plants, yeast and buman. Northern hybridization revealed that expression of SAMDCl and REFlA was induced, while SRGl was dramatically repressed, by salinity stress. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that SAMDCl and SRGl were present as a single copy gene in rice genome, whereas riceREF1 A gene was organized as a gene family. TheREF1 A,SAMDC1, andSRG1 genes were located on chromosome 3,4, and 6 respectively by RFLP mapping approach using ZYQ8/JX17 DH population and RFLP linkage maps. Project supported by the National “863” High-Technology Program.  相似文献   

水稻雄性不育恢复系明恢63的感光基因分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
水稻恢复系明恢63是中国应用面积最大、利用最广泛的恢复系。利用抽穗期感光性近等基因系EG0~EG7及ER~LR对明恢63进行的分析表明,明恢63在E1、E2、E3位点分别带有E1、e3、E3基因,在Se-1位点带无感光功能的Se-1^e基因。进一步用抽穗期QTL近等基因系NIL(Hd1)和NIL(Hd4)进行的研究表明,明恢63带有显性感光基因E1和无感光功能的Se-1^e基因,并推测明恢63带有能抑制E,基因表达的隐性抑制基因。认为籼型杂交稻抽穗期受不育系和恢复系感光基因及感光性抑制基因的共同作用。初步讨论了明恢63广适性的遗传基础。  相似文献   

水稻砷污染及其对砷的吸收和代谢机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
彭小燕  王茂意  刘凤杰  叶志鸿 《生态学报》2010,30(17):4782-4791
水稻是当今世界大部分地区(尤其是东南亚)的主要的粮食作物之一,同时也是砷(As)进入食物链的主要途径之一。日益严重的水稻田As污染,不但影响了稻米的产量和品质,而且通过食物链威胁着人体健康。如何减少水稻地上部(尤其是米粒)As的含量和降低其毒性,及提高水稻As耐性是亟需解决的世界食品安全问题。深入了解水稻对As的吸收、积累和代谢的生理及分子生物学机制是解决水稻As污染的关键途径。综述国内外研究,对今后深入研究提出建议。  相似文献   

Two putative glycosyltransferases in Arabidopsis thaliana, designated reduced residual arabinose-1 and -2 (RRA1 and RRA2), are characterized at the molecular level. Both genes are classified in CAZy GT-family-77 and are phylogenetically related to putative glycosyltranferases of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The expression pattern of the two genes was analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR using mRNA extracted from various organs of bolting Arabidopsis thaliana plants. In addition, promoter::gusA analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana containing a fusion between either the RRA-1 or -2 promoter fragment and the gusA reporter gene showed that whereas the RRA1 promoter was primarily active in the apical meristem, the expression pattern of the RRA2 promoter was more diverse but also highly active in the meristematic region. In addition, T-DNA mutant insertion lines of both RRA-1 and -2, were identified and characterized at the molecular and biochemical level. Monosaccharide compositional analyses of cell wall material isolated from the meristematic region showed a ca. 20% reduction in the arabinose content in the insoluble/undigested cell wall residue after enzymatic removal of xyloglucan and pectic polysaccharides. These data indicate that both RRA-1 and -2 play a role in the arabinosylation of cell wall component(s).  相似文献   

Intron length polymorphisms (ILPs) have been used as geneticmarkers in some studies. However, a systematic investigationand large-scale exploitation of ILP markers has not been reported.In this study, we performed a genome-wide search of ILPs betweentwo subspecies (indica and japonica) in rice using the draftgenomic sequences of cultivars 93-11 (indica) and Nipponbare(japonica) and 32 127 full-length cDNA sequences of Nipponbareobtained from public databases. We identified 13 308 putativeILPs. Based on these putative ILPs, we developed 5811 candidateILP markers via electronic-PCR with primers designed in flankingexons. We further conducted experiment to verify the candidateILP markers. Out of 215 candidate ILP markers tested on 93-11,Nipponbare and their hybrid, we successfully exploited 173 codominantILP markers. Further analyses on 10 rice accessions showed thatthese ILP markers were widely applicable and most (71.1%) exhibitedsubspecies specificity. This feature suggests that ILPs wouldbe useful for the studies of genome evolution and inter-subspeciesheterosis and for cross-subspecies marker-assisted selectionin rice. In addition, by testing 51 pairs of the ILP primerson five Gramineae plants and three dicot plants, we found anotherdesirable characteristic of rice ILP markers that they havehigh transferability to other plants.  相似文献   

水稻新种质资源的耐盐性鉴定评价   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
用0.5%的NaCl溶液作灌溉水,对2000-2002年江苏省水稻区域试验参试品系和近年引进的部分水稻种质资源进行苗期耐盐性鉴定.结果表明:株高矮化是苗期盐胁迫的一种形态特征;耐盐性鉴定易受环境影响;就整体而言,籼稻种质资源的苗期耐盐性好于粳稻;综合2年结果,籼156和64608两种质资源的苗期耐盐性较强.  相似文献   

水稻显性早熟材料D64B的发现、遗传分析和分子标记定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D64B是从籼型杂交稻保持系D63B中发现的一个无色早熟突变株。用不育系、保持系、恢复系以及早稳型水稻品种与之杂交,F1的抽穗期多数与早熟亲本D64B相同或相近,部分偏向早熟亲本。这些结果表明D64B具有显性早熟特性。将D64B在海南陵水短日照和温江长日照下分期种植,观察到两地点因生长发育期间温度变化引起的抽穗期的变化的程度是一致的,并且在一定范围内随着生长发育期间温度升高,D64B抽穗缩短,可知D64B不感光,感温性中等。种植D64B与蜀恢527的正反交F2和回交一代BC1,三者的抽穗期均呈双峰分布,并且峰谷处于同一位置,以峰谷值103d为转折点进行分组,早熟与迟熟植株的分离比经x^2检验分别符合3:1和1:1,表明D64B的早熟特性主要受一对显性早熟核基因控制。用356对微卫星引物对亲本D64B和蜀恢527进行多态性分析,并用多态性引物扩增蜀恢527/D64B的F2早熟和迟熟近等基因池,找到多态引物RM279,进一步用RM279附近的微卫星引物扩增F2早熟和迟熟近等基因池、迟熟植株,筛到多态性引物RM71。用MAPMAKER/EXP3.0软件分析,将该早熟基因定位于第2染色体的短臂端,位于RM179和RM71之间,遗传距离分别为12.6cM和13.3cM,该基因拟名EF-3(t)。在育种实践中用D64B育成早熟不育系D64A。  相似文献   

Rice blast disease, which is caused by the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae, is a recurring problem in all rice-growing regions of the world. The use of resistance (R) genes in rice improvement breeding programmes has been considered to be one of the best options for crop protection and blast management. Alternatively, quantitative resistance conferred by quantitative trait loci (QTLs) is also a valuable resource for the improvement of rice disease resistance. In the past, intensive efforts have been made to identify major R-genes as well as QTLs for blast disease using molecular techniques. A review of bibliographic references shows over 100 blast resistance genes and a larger number of QTLs (~500) that were mapped to the rice genome. Of the blast resistance genes, identified in different genotypes of rice, ~22 have been cloned and characterized at the molecular level. In this review, we have summarized the reported rice blast resistance genes and QTLs for utilization in future molecular breeding programmes to introgress high-degree resistance or to pyramid R-genes in commercial cultivars that are susceptible to M. oryzae. The goal of this review is to provide an overview of the significant studies in order to update our understanding of the molecular progress on rice and M. oryzae. This information will assist rice breeders to improve the resistance to rice blast using marker-assisted selection which continues to be a priority for rice-breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Development and mapping of 2240 new SSR markers for rice (Oryza sativa L.).   总被引:87,自引:0,他引:87  
A total of 2414 new di-, tri- and tetra-nucleotide non-redundant SSR primer pairs, representing 2240 unique marker loci, have been developed and experimentally validated for rice (Oryza sativa L.). Duplicate primer pairs are reported for 7% (174) of the loci. The majority (92%) of primer pairs were developed in regions flanking perfect repeats > or = 24 bp in length. Using electronic PCR (e-PCR) to align primer pairs against 3284 publicly sequenced rice BAC and PAC clones (representing about 83% of the total rice genome), 65% of the SSR markers hit a BAC or PAC clone containing at least one genetically mapped marker and could be mapped by proxy. Additional information based on genetic mapping and "nearest marker" information provided the basis for locating a total of 1825 (81%) of the newly designed markers along rice chromosomes. Fifty-six SSR markers (2.8%) hit BAC clones on two or more different chromosomes and appeared to be multiple copy. The largest proportion of SSRs in this data set correspond to poly(GA) motifs (36%), followed by poly(AT) (15%) and poly(CCG) (8%) motifs. AT-rich microsatellites had the longest average repeat tracts, while GC-rich motifs were the shortest. In combination with the pool of 500 previously mapped SSR markers, this release makes available a total of 2740 experimentally confirmed SSR markers for rice, or approximately one SSR every 157 kb.  相似文献   

In the management of lake eutrophication, the regulation effect of Fe is considered, in addition to the controlling nitrogen- and phosphorus input. Based on the “Fe hypothesis”, this paper tentatively ap-plied plant spectral response to the remote sensing early-warning mechanism of lake eutrophication. A laboratory water culture experiment with rice (Oryza sativa L.) was conducted to study Fe uptake by plants and the chlorophyll concentration and visible-near infrared spectrum of vegetable leaves as well as their interrelations under Fe2+ stress. Three spectral indices, i.e., A1 (integral value of the changes of spectral reflectivity in the range 460―670 nm under Fe2+ stress), A2 (integral value of the changes of spectral reflectivity in the range of 760―1000 nm under Fe2+ stress) and S (blue-shift range of red edge curve under Fe2+ stress), were used to establish quantitative models about the relationships between the rice leaf spectrum and Fe2+ stress. With the increase of Fe2+ in a culture solution, the Fe content in rice plants increased, while the chlorophyll concentration in vegetative leaves decreased. The spectral reflectivity of vegetable leaves increased in the visible light band but decreased in the near infrared band, and the blue-shift range of the red edge curve increased. The indices A1, A2 and S all had sig-nificant correlations with the Fe content in rice leaves, the correlation coefficient being respectively 0.951 (P < 0.01), −0.988 (P < 0.01) and 0.851 (P < 0.01), and simulated (multiple correlation coefficients R2 > 0.96) and predict the Fe level in rice leaves.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xike  Zhang  Fusuo  Mao  Daru 《Plant and Soil》1999,209(2):187-192
Under anaerobic conditions, ferric hydroxide deposits on the surface of rice roots have been shown to affect the uptake of some nutrients. In the present experiment, different amount of this iron plaque were induced on the roots of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. TZ88-145) by supplying different Fe(OH)3 concentrations in nutrient solutions, and the effect of the iron plaque on phosphorus uptake was investigated. Results showed that 1) iron plaque adsorbed phosphorus from the growth medium, and that the amount of phosphorus adsorbed by the plaque was correlated with the amount of plaque; 2) the phosphorus concentration in the shoot increased by up to 72% after 72 h at concentration of Fe(OH)3 in the nutrient solution from 0 to 30 mg Fe/L, corresponding with amounts of iron plaque from 0.2 to 24.5 mg g-1 (root d. wt); 3) the phosphorus concentration in the shoots of rice with iron plaque was higher than that without iron plaque though the concentration in the shoot decreased when Fe(OH)3 was added at 50 mg Fe/L producing 28.3 mg g-1 (root d. wt) of plaque; and 4) the phosphorus concentrations in Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient rice plants with iron plaque were the same, although phytosiderophores were released from the Fe-deficient roots. The phytosiderophores evidently did not mobilise phosphorus adsorbed on plaque. The results suggest that iron plaque on rice plant roots might be considered a phosphorus reservoir. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Plant architecture and stress tolerance play important roles in rice breeding. Specific leaf morphologies and ideal plant architecture can effectively improve both abiotic stress resistance and rice grain yield. However, the mechanism by which plants simultaneously regulate leaf morphogenesis and stress resistance remains elusive. Here, we report that SRL10, which encodes a double-stranded RNA-binding protein, regulates leaf morphology and thermotolerance in rice through alteration of microRNA biogenesis. The srl10 mutant had a semi-rolled leaf phenotype and elevated sensitivity to high temperature. SRL10 directly interacted with catalase isozyme B (CATB), and the two proteins mutually increased one other's stability to enhance hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging, thereby contributing to thermotolerance. The natural Hap3 (AGC) type of SRL10 allele was found to be present in the majority of aus rice accessions, and was identified as a thermotolerant allele under high temperature stress in both the field and the growth chamber. Moreover, the seed-setting rate was 3.19 times higher and grain yield per plant was 1.68 times higher in near-isogenic line (NIL) carrying Hap3 allele compared to plants carrying Hap1 allele under heat stress. Collectively, these results reveal a new locus of interest and define a novel SRL10–CATB based regulatory mechanism for developing cultivars with high temperature tolerance and stable yield. Furthermore, our findings provide a theoretical basis for simultaneous breeding for plant architecture and stress resistance.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xike  Zhang  Fusuo  Mao  Daru 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(1):33-39
This solution culture study examined the effect of the deposition of iron plaque on zinc uptake by Fe-deficient rice plants. Different amounts of iron plaque were induced by adding Fe(OH)3 at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 50 mg Fe/L in the nutrient solution. After 24 h of growth, the amount of iron plaque was correlated positively with the Fe(OH)3 addition to the nutrient solution. Increasing iron plaque up to 12.1 g/kg root dry weight increased zinc concentration in shoots by 42% compared to that at 0.16 g/kg root dry weight. Increasing the amount of iron plaque further decreased zinc concentration. When the amounts of iron plaque reached 24.9 g/kg root dry weight, zinc concentration in shoots was lower than that in shoots without iron plaque, implying that the plaque became a barrier for zinc uptake. While rice plants were pre-cultured in –Fe and +Fe nutrient solution in order to produce the Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient plants and then Fe(OH)3 was added at 20, 30, and 50 mg Fe/L in nutrient solution, zinc concentrations in shoots of Fe-deficient plants were 54, 48, and 43 mg/kg, respectively, in contrast to 32, 35, and 40 mg/kg zinc in shoots of Fe-sufficient rice plants. Furthermore, Fe(OH)3 addition at 20 mg Fe/L and increasing zinc concentration from 0.065 to 0.65 mg Zn/L in nutrient solution increased zinc uptake more in Fe-deficient plants than in Fe-sufficient plant. The results suggested that root exudates of Fe-deficient plants, especially phytosiderophores, could enhance zinc uptake by rice plants with iron plaque up to a particular amount of Fe.  相似文献   

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