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ABSTRACT. Influences of annual climatic variation on fire occurrence were examined along a rainfall gradient from temperate rainforest to xeric woodlands in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Fire chronologies were derived from fire scars on trees and related to tree-ring proxy records of climate over the period 1820–1974. Similarly, fire records of four Patagonian national parks for the period 1940–1988 were compared to instrumental weather data. Finally, the influences of broad-scale synoptic weather patterns on fire occurrence in northern Patagonia were explored.
Fire in Nothofagus rainforests is highly dependent on drought during the spring and summer of the same year in which fires occur and is less strongly favoured by drought during the spring of the previous year. The occurrence of fire in dry vegetation types near the steppe ecotone is less dependent on drought because even during years of normal weather fuels are thoroughly desiccated during the dry summer. In xeric Austrocedrus woodlands, fire occurrence and spread are promoted by droughts during the fire season and also appear to be favoured by above-average moisture conditions during the preceding 1 to 2 growing seasons which enhances fuel production. Thus, in the xeric woodlands fire is not simply dependent on drought but is favoured by greater climatic variability over time scales of several years.
Fire activity in northern Patagonia is greatly influenced by the intensity and latitudinal position of the subtropical high pressure cell of the southeast Pacific. Greater fire activity is associated with a more intense and more southerly located high pressure cell which blocks the influx of Pacific moisture into the continent. Although long-term changes in fire occurrence along the rainforest-to-xeric woodland gradient have been greatly influenced by human activities, annual variation in fire frequency and extent is also strongly influenced by annual climatic variation.  相似文献   

Question: What are the effects of fire in native shrubland communities and in pine plantations established in these shrublands? Location: Northern Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: We surveyed four sites in Chall‐Huaco valley, located in northwest Patagonia. Each site was a vegetation mosaic composed of an unburned Pinus ponderosa plantation, a plantation burned in 1996, and an unburned matorral and a matorral burned by the same fire. We recorded the cover of all vascular plant species. We also analysed species richness, total cover, proportion of exotic species, abundance of woody species and herb species, cover of exotic species, abundance of woody and herb species and differences in composition of species. For both shrubs and tree species we recorded the main strategy of regeneration (by resprouting or by seed). Results: We found that fire had different effects on native matorral and pine plantations. Five years after fire, plantations came to be dominated by herbs and exotic species, showing differences in floristic composition. In contrast, matorral communities remained very similar to unburned matorral in terms of species richness, proportion of woody species, and herb species and proportion of exotics. Also, pine plantations were primarily colonized by seedlings, while matorrals were primarily colonized by resprouting. Conclusions: Matorrals are highly fire resilient communities, and the practice of establishing plantations on matorrals produces a strong reduction in the capacity of matorral to return to its original state. The elimination of shrubs owing to the effect of plantations can hinder regeneration of native ecosystems. Burned plantations may slowly develop into ecosystems similar to the native ones, or they may produce a new ecosystem dominated by exotic herbs. This study shows that plantations of exotic conifers affect native vegetation even after they have been removed, as in this case by fire.  相似文献   

Abstract: The objective of this study was to analyse how stand age and precipitation influence abundance and diversity of epiphytic macrolichens in southern beech Nothofagus forests, estimated by lichen litter sampling. Five sites of Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirbel) Oersted were selected in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina. At each site, lichen fragments from the forest floor were collected at 12.5 m2 plots in pairs of young and mature N. dombeyi forest. Additionally, two sites with multi‐aged subalpine Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. et Endl.) Krasser forest were investigated in a similar manner. Average litterfall biomass per stand varied from less than 1 kg ha?1 in a young low‐precipitation stand to a maximum of 20 kg ha?1 in a mature high‐precipitation stand. In places with higher precipitation, litterfall biomass in N. dombeyi forest was considerably higher in old stands as compared with young ones. In places with less than 2000 mm of precipitation, differences in biomass were less pronounced. Old humid stands contained about twice as many taxa in the litter as old low‐precipitation stands and young stands in general. Mature stands in low‐precipitation sites only contained 17% of the litter biomass as compared with mature stands in high‐precipitation sites. Epiphytic lichen composition changed from predominating fruticose lichens (Usnea spp. and Protousnea spp.) in low‐precipitation stands to Pseudocyphellaria spp., Nephroma spp. and other foliose lichens, in the high‐precipitation stands. There were no clear differences in the proportion of fruticose and foliose lichens between young and old stands. Fruticose lichens dominated litter biomass in both N. pumilio sites.  相似文献   

Abstract. Long-term (45-yr) basal area dynamics of dominant graminoid species were analyzed across three grazing intensity treatments (heavily grazed, moderately grazed and ungrazed) at the Texas A&M University Agricultural Research Station on the Edwards Plateau, Texas. Grazing intensity was identified as the primary influence on long-term variations in species composition. Periodic weather events, including a severe drought (1951–1956), had little direct influence on composition dynamics. However, the drought interacted with grazing intensity in the heavily grazed treatment to exacerbate directional changes caused by grazing intensity. Species response to grazing was individualistic and noisy. Three response groups were identified. Taller, more productive mid-grasses were most abundant under moderate or no grazing. Short grasses were most abundant under heavy grazing. Intermediate species were most abundant under moderate grazing and opportunistic to weather patterns. Graminoid diversity increased with the removal or reduction of grazing intensity. The moderately and ungrazed treatments appeared most resistant to short-term weather fluctuations, while the heavily grazed treatment demonstrated significant resilience when grazing intensity was reduced after over 110 yr of overgrazing. Identification of a ‘climax’ state is difficult. Significant directional change, which took nearly 20 yr, appears to continue in the ungrazed treatment after 45 yr of succession. The observed, relatively linear patterns of perennial grass composition within the herbaceous patches of this savanna were generally explained by traditional Clementsian succession. However, when dynamics of the herbaceous community are combined with the woody component of this savanna, the frequency and intensity of fire becomes more important. Across the landscape, successional changes follow several pathways. When vegetation change is influenced by several factors, a multi-scale model is necessary to demonstrate interactions and feedbacks and accurately describe successional patterns. Absence of fires, with or without grazing, leads ultimately to a Juniperus/Quercus woodland with grazing intensity primarily influencing the fuel load and hence fire intensity.  相似文献   

Question: In November 2000, Chusquea culeou, a bamboo species dominating Andean forest understories in southern Argentina and Chile, massively flowered and died over a north‐south distance of ca. 120 km. Because bamboo is the major forage for large herbivores in these forests, we examined the interactive influences of the bamboo die‐off and herbivory by introduced cattle on understory and tree regeneration. Location: Lanín National Park, Argentina. Methods: Permanent plots, in and outside livestock exclosures, were installed in a Nothofagus dombeyi forest in patches of flowered and non‐flowered C. culeou. Plots were monitored over four years for changes in understory composition and tree seedling densities and heights. Results: After the C. culeou die‐off, new establishment of N. dombeyi was low, both with and without herbivory. Livestock alone directly increased N. dombeyi seedling mortality through physical damage. However, tree seedling browse ratings and height growth were interactively affected by bamboo flowering and herbivory; unfenced plots in flowered bamboo patches had the shortest seedlings, highest browse ratings, and lowest tree seedling annual growth rates. Understory cover was higher where livestock were excluded, and this effect was intensified in the patches of flowered bamboo. Neither herbivory nor bamboo flowering resulted in major changes in species composition, with the exception of Alstroemeria aurea. Conclusion: Effects of livestock on N. dombeyi regeneration were contingent on flowering of C. culeou. Prior to introduction of livestock, N. dombeyi regeneration was probably successful beneath canopy gaps during windows of opportunity following bamboo die‐off, but now livestock impede tree regeneration. Herbivory during bamboo withering periods also produces more open understories, particularly affecting palatable heliophyllous herb species such as Alstroemeria aurea. The results underscore the importance of assessing herbivore impacts on tree regeneration during relatively short periods of potential tree regeneration immediately following rare bamboo flowering and die‐off.  相似文献   

Vegetation of arid and semiarid environments has in general a patchy distribution. Our objective was to (a) determine several qualitative and quantitative analytical characteristics of vegetation patches in an arid zone of Patagonia, Argentina, and (b) investigate relationships between them. Annual precipitation in this area was 200 mm during 1999–2005. Eight transects involving ten patches each were studied within a 15 × 15 km area. Mean (±1 SE) values (n = 80) in the vegetation patches were 315 ± 25 and 207 ± 16 cm for the greatest and lowest patch diameter, respectively; 23 ± 2 cm for mound height; 113 ± 12 cm for maximum vegetation height; and 170 ± 18 cm and 58 ± 2% for distance to the next vegetation patch and vegetation patch cover within a transect, respectively. Correlations between greatest and lowest diameters, mound height, maximum plant height and distance to the closest vegetation patch were all significant (P < 0.01; n = 80). In all vegetation patches, the greatest and lowest frequencies were found for the grass Stipa spp. (71.2%) and the shrub Grindelia chiloensis (Cornel.) Cabrera (12.5%). Stipa spp. and the shrub Atriplex lampa (Moq.) D. Dietr. showed the highest simultaneous frequency (50%). A reasonable association among species (>45%) was found for Stipa spp., Atriplex lampa and the shrubs Larrea divaricata Cav., Lycium chilense Miers ex Bertero and Junellia ligustrina (Lag.) Moldenke. Larrea divaricata and Atriplex lampa contributed more than 84% of the total patch standing crop (5,777 ± 435 g). Average patch size and specific diversity were 5.93 ± 0.33 m2 and 1.31 ± 0.11, respectively. Aboveground standing crop of the two dominant shrubs decreased as plant species diversity increased (P < 0.05). Conservation of vegetation patches is crucial to prevent increased soil erosion and desertification in the study ecological system.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the heterogeneity of high-elevation vegetation on three mountains along a west-east transect at 41 °S lat. in the Andes of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. In this area, high-Andean vegetation occurs as islands on mountain tops above Nothofagus pumilio forests ? with the timberline at ca. 1700 m a.s.l. We recorded floristic, topographic and substrate data in 166 sites stratified according to longitude, altitude, slope and aspect. Vegetation data were classified with TWINSPAN and ordinated with Detrended Correspondence Analysis. The relationship between environmental and floristic variation was analysed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. In order of importance, geographical longitude, altitude and aspect were the major determinants of vegetation variation, whereas substrate texture and slope appeared less important. The combination of these factors resulted in two main vegetation gradients. The first gradient is related to a moisture availability gradient, primarily determined by longitude and secondarily to variation in wind exposure (east vs. west aspect). The second vegetation gradient is related to variation in temperature, primarily determined by altitude, and secondarily by variation in insolation related to the contrast between north and south aspects. The four communities obtained with TWINSPAN are therefore associated with four characteristic habitat types: moist-cold, moist-warm, dry-cold and dry-warm. The community of warm and dry environments is the richest and has elements in common with dry steppe communities situated at lower elevations to the east, while the vegetation of the cold-moist habitat type has unique elements that are typical of the southern Andes. Although current climatic factors appear to be the major determinants of high-Andean vegetation gradients, historical events of Pleistocene times probably also affected the vegetation patterns we see today.  相似文献   

Abstract. The nurse-plant syndrome is a widely recognized example of positive (facilitative) influences of plant species on the establishment and growth of other species. Most studies of the nurse-plant syndrome have been on species that reproduce mainly from seed rather than vegetatively. In this study, we experimentally compared the influences of two species of nurse shrubs, Schinus patagonicus and Berberis buxifolia, on the survival and growth of vegetatively reproducing herbaceous and woody plants in a post-fire shrubland in northern Patagonia, Argentina. The vegetation beneath shrubs was removed by clipping and, in a paired-sample design, one half of the canopy of each shrub was removed. We determined species richness, counted number of resprouts, and measured photon flux density and soil moisture beneath cut and uncut halves of each shrubs. Abundances of resprouts were several times greater beneath the uncut vs. the cut shrubs, as was the mean number of species. Thus, shrubs have a strong facilitating influence as measured by resprout densities and the number of species. Numbers of resprouts and of species were twice as high beneath Schinus as beneath Berberis, implying important differences in the facilitative effects of the two shrubs species. Microsites beneath Schinus were characterized by lower and more heterogeneous light levels but by greater soil moisture. Even though the reproductive mode in this post-fire shrubland is overwhelmingly vegetative, facilitation by nurse shrubs is important and differentially effective for different species of nurse shrubs.  相似文献   

Summary Plant water relations and shoot growth rate of shrubs resprouting after fire or unburnt were measured in a semi-arid poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea) shrub woodland of eastern Australia. In vegetation unburnt for about 60 years, the dawn xylem water potential (x) of the dominant shrub species was about-1.0 MPa when the soil was wet and-8.0 MPa when the soil was very dry. At any one time, the dominant shrub species,Eremophila mitchellii, E. sturtii, Geijera parviflora andCassia nemophila, were similar in x butAcacia aneura andDodonaea viscosa were consistently higher in x than this group when the soil was moist and lower when the soil was dry. The dominant tree species,Eucalyptus populnea andE. intertexta, appeared to have access to additional water beneath the hardpan which is located 60–80 cm below the surface. When shrubs were under extreme water stress (x of-8 MPa), the trees had a x of-3 to-3.6 MPa. Following a fire, both x and leaf stomatal conductance (g s) of resprouting shrubs were higher for about 5 years than comparable-aged unburnt vegetation, with relative differences in x increasing with drought stress. Elongation rate of resprouts was positively linked to prefire shrub height in 3 of 4 species. However, shrubs resprouting after high intensity fires had substantially higher rates of shoot elongation than after low intensity fires which were in turn higher than for foliar expansion of unburnt shrubs. It is concluded that the growth rate of resprouting shrubs is primarily determined by physiological/ morphological factors associated with plant size but is also assisted by greater availability of water and possibly nutrients for a period after fire.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important element driving ecological processes, strengthening ecosystem resilience and for biodiversity within forest ecosystems. However, the abundance and distribution of CWD and their relation to natural and human factors are poorly known in southern South America. In this work we studied the density and volume of CWD types in NothofagusAraucaria stands in northern Patagonia (Neuquén – Argentina) and relationships with forest composition and structure. We also studied their relationships with fire history, topography and human‐related variables. Twenty‐three stands with Nothofagus pumilio, Nothofagus antarctica and/or Araucaria araucana were sampled to estimate quantities of logs, snags and dead branches using the planar‐intersect method. CWD density and volume in these forests were moderate and varied across the landscape with a spatial pattern determined by biotic, abiotic and human use–related variables. Mean CWD volume was 52.9 m3 ha?1 (range: 1.6–143.7) and significantly varied among forest types and watersheds. CWD was positively related to dbh, tree height and slope, but negatively related to tree density. CWD was clearly influenced by composition and structural characteristics of stands, where the tree species traits had an important role. As well, the observed amount and type of CWD, whereby most of the stands showed low levels of old (pre‐disturbance) logs/snags and poor new inputs of deadwood, may be explained by fire frequency. Firewood gathering and livestock grazing negatively affected deadwood stocks and topography counteracts this effect by limiting human access. Fire disturbance history, windthrow and dieback pulses produced by insect outbreaks and human access seemed to be the main causes that best explained CWD spatial distribution and abundance patterns in north‐western Patagonian forests.  相似文献   

This study was conducted at two sites, 1.5 km from 1 to another in arid Argentina (39°S, 69°W). Vegetation is distributed in patches. Four microenvironments can be identified in the soil surface of these patches, and the bare interspaces among them. Hypotheses were that (1) at any time during the sampling periods, buried (viable + damaged) seeds of the most common vegetation in the patches, Larrea divaricata Cav., Atriplex lampa Gill ex Moquin, Stipa neaei Nees ex Steudel and Leymus erianthus (Phil.) Dubcovsky, are present in the soil seed bank at all four microenvironments within any vegetation patch and its associated interspace, and (2) natural plant recruitment from the soil seed bank occurs for L. divaricata, A. lampa, S. neaei, L. erianthus, Bromus tectorum L. and Poa lanuginosa Poiret ap. Lamarck in all study microenvironments. In undisturbed field areas, 32 soil samples were periodically taken using an auger in 1999. Viable and damaged seeds contained in the soil organic matter were counted for L. divaricata, A. lampa, S. neaei, and L. erianthus. In a further study, emergence and subsequent growth of L. divaricata, A. lampa, S. neaei, L. erianthus, B. tectorum and P. lanuginosa from the soil seed bank were evaluated in the various microenvironments; permanent plots (0.04 m2) were placed on each of the two study sites using four vegetation patches and their associated interspaces per site. Results supported the first hypotheses only for L. divaricata and A. lampa. However, natural recruitment from the soil only included S. neaei and P. lanuginosa through asexual, and B. tectorum through sexual reproduction. Despite the presence of buried seeds of L. divaricata and A. lampa in microenvironment 4 during most of the sampling period, bare interspaces among vegetation patches can be naturally vegetated through sexual reproduction by B. tectorum, during years of abundant, higher than long-term, annual precipitation.  相似文献   

Aims Variations in rates and length of flowering and fruiting not only affect the reproduction of a given plant species but also the behavior and reproduction of associated taxa. Flowering and fruiting variations may be influenced by herbivory, especially by large mammals. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of cattle browsing on the reproductive phenology of understory species in a subalpine post-fire Nothofagus forest in Patagonia.Methods The effects of herbivory on plant reproductive phenology were studied in a set of experimental exclosures (fenced plots) installed since 2001 in a post-fire N. pumilio forest, located in Nahuel Huapi National Park (NHNP), Argentina. We monitored the beginning and duration of each reproductive phenological stage: floral bud, open flower, immature fruit and mature fruit. We also counted the number of flowers, fruits, seeds and viable seeds of the dominant plants to assess whether browsing modifies temporal patterns of the flowering and fruiting periods.Important findings Cattle reduced the total number of species flowering and fruiting and changed the reproductive phenology of some species. We found that palatable species seem to be negatively affected by browsing in terms of reduced fitness due to changes in flowering and fruiting periods. In contrast, cattle benefitted the reproduction of non-palatable species and could promote the invasion of shade-intolerant exotic forbs such as Cirsium vulgare. The effects of livestock reported in this study are important to understanding how browsing could alter native species establishment and possibly alter successional trajectories during recolonization after fire.  相似文献   

The islands of Torres Strait occupy a shallow area of submerged continental shelf narrowly separating Cape York Peninsula, Australia, from New Guinea. The human history of Torres Strait is unique with respect to mainland northern Australia. Island vegetation, however, exhibits a strong affinity with the environments of the western lowlands regions of Cape York Peninsula and with the vegetation of seasonal tropical Australia in general. Cape York Peninsula is both climatically and biologically diverse, yet few pollen studies have been carried out in its seasonally tropical environments. A summary presentation of palynological results, tracing the nature of vegetation change in Torres Strait, offers a possible framework for vegetation changes in similar environments on mainland Australia and also provides an opportunity to explore the relationship between Quaternary change in humid-tropical Australian environments and their seasonal-tropical counterparts.Six pollen records from Torres Strait provide evidence of vegetation change and fire history over approximately the last 8000 years. Near-shore sediments reveal a Holocene succession in vegetation incorporating lower-tidal mangrove, upper-tidal mangrove, saltmarsh and freshwater swamp communities. Extensive stable mangrove communities dominated coastal Torres Strait between approximately 6000 and 3000 radiocarbon years before present (yr BP). Inland, the strongest Myrtaceae-forest and rainforest representation occurs around the mid-Holocene only to be replaced by open sclerophyll woodlands, as tree density and diversity decline in the last 3000 years. The development of continuous island freshwater swamp conditions, at the coast and inland, is similarly restricted to the late Holocene (c. 2600 yr BP) and fire, as a prominent feature in the Torres Strait environment, is also a relatively recent phenomenon. Comparisons with regional mainland Australian palynological records reveal a degree of consistency in results from Torres Strait suggesting a similarity in late Quaternary trends through Australian humid and seasonally tropical environments. A number of differences, however, are also apparent, highlighting a degree of diversity which warrants further attention.  相似文献   

Drewa PB  Peters DP  Havstad KM 《Oecologia》2006,150(1):29-39
Relationships involving fire and perennial grasses are controversial in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands of southern New Mexico, USA. Research suggests that fire delays the resprouting of perennial grasses well after two growing seasons. However, such results are confounded by livestock grazing, soil erosion, and drought. Additionally, post-fire grass responses may depend on initial clone size. We evaluated the effects of fire, grazing, and clone size on Bouteloua eriopoda (black grama) in southern New Mexico grasslands. Four 2-ha plots were established in each of four sites. Fire and grazing were applied or not applied in 1999 such that four treatment combinations were assigned randomly to plots within each site. Within each plot, small (0–10 cm2 basal area), medium (10–30 cm2), and large ( > 30 cm2) clones were initially mapped in five 0.91-m2 quadrats where grass attributes and litter cover were evaluated before and at the end of two growing seasons following fire. Maximum fire temperature was also measured. At a population level, canopy and litter cover were each approximately 50% less in burned than unburned areas. However, compared to initial levels, canopy height had increased by 10% at the end of the study, regardless of fire. At a clonal level, basal cover reductions were attributed mostly to large clones that survived fire. Smaller clone densities had decreased by as much as 19% in burned compared to unburned areas, and fire reduced the basal cover of medium clones. Basal and canopy cover, recruitment, and clone basal area decreased with increased fire temperatures. Almost all responses were independent of grazing, and interactive effects of grazing and fire were not detected. Fire did not kill all perennial grass clones, regardless of size. However, rapid responses were likely influenced by above-average precipitation after fire. Future studies in desert grasslands should examine how perennial grass dynamics are affected by fire, precipitation patterns, and interactions with grazing.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this field study we analysed the regional and local scale effects of disturbance and climate on altitudinal treelines dominated by Nothofagus pumilio in northern Patagonia. We compared two regions west and east of the Andes at 40° S, slopes with warm vs cool aspects and undisturbed vs locally disturbed treelines. This spatial framework allowed us to test (1) for differences among treelines affected by different types of local disturbance and (2) the traditional hypothesis that low temperature limits treeline. Contingency tables and ANOVA showed that local disturbance occurred more frequently than expected on slopes with cool aspects, steep slope angles and concave slope configuration. Disturbed treelines were locally lowered with longer ecotones and lower krummholz growth rates and vegetation cover than undisturbed treelines. Three‐way ANOVA showed the significant influences of study area (regional climate) and aspect (local climate) on treeline elevation, krummholz growth rates and density, tree density and vegetation cover, while accounting for local disturbance. Treeline elevations were higher east of the Andes reflecting the more continental climate in Argentina than in Chile, plus regional impacts of volcanic eruptions. Tree density and vegetation cover were greater west of the Andes reflecting greater precipitation in Chile. Within study areas, local climate had different influences on treeline elevations and krummholz growth rates west and east of the Andes. We predict that increased tree growth and upslope advance of treeline in response to global warming is more likely in Chile than in Argentina near 40° S, unless precipitation increases east of the Andes. To test these predictions, we recommend research be stratified to account for the influences of local disturbance, which may confound climatic impacts. In northern Patagonia, suitable control (undisturbed) study sites will most likely be found at upper slope positions with low slope angles, simple microtopography and straight topographic configuration.  相似文献   

Question: What changes occur as a consequence of the massive flowering and senescence of the dominant understory species of bamboo, Chusquea culeou (E. Desvaux)? In this study, we documented some of the ecological consequences of this rare event that occurred in 2001, the previous flowering having occurred more than 60 years ago. Location: Nothofagus temperate forest, Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: We assessed changes in environmental variables and bamboo biomass post‐flowering in an old‐growth southern beech forest. In addition, we monitored the demography of emergent Ch. culeou seedling and Nothofagus nervosa saplings, comparing non‐flowered (live understory) and flowered (senescent understory) patches within the forest matrix. Results: Bamboo flowering dramatically increased light availability in the forest understory but, surprisingly, other environmental changes were not observed. Bamboo seedlings emerged in both patch types, and experienced gradual but modest mortality through time. Bamboo dieback promoted higher survivorship and an increment in biomass, height, number of leaves and buds in the saplings of Nothofagus nervosa. Conclusion: The high density of bamboo seedlings 5 years after the flowering event and the independence of emergence from environmental variables suggest that understory regeneration is a gradual process that is not strongly regulated by initial seedling density or resource limitation. In contrast, microenvironmental conditions created after the flowering event significantly increased Nothofagus sapling growth and survival. These results suggest that overstory forest regeneration could be enhanced in this temperate forest in the first years after this infrequent bamboo flowering event.  相似文献   

Abstract. In heavily altered landscapes, where vegetation is not natural and where people are the main source of ignitions, relationships between fire occurrence and climate conditions may be unclear. The objective of this study was to evaluate to what extent territories with similar Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) in peninsular Spain differ in their forest fire characteristics. From 1974 to 1994, more than 174 000 fires occurred. We used (1) the Spanish data base of forest fires, (2) a PNV map and (3) a land use map. Separate fire characteristics, based either on the number of fires occurred or the area burned, were obtained for each of the ca. 5000 grid‐cells (10 km × 10 km) into which peninsular Spain is divided in the UTM projection. Also, meteorological conditions at the time of fire ignition, cause of ignition and present forest cover were referred to the same grid‐cells as external factors potentially determinant of fire occurrence. The relationships between fire regime characteristics and PNV units were explored with Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The role of the three sets of external factors in the fire characteristics was evaluated with Redundancy Analysis (RDA). Groups of similar PNV types were clearly segregated, suggesting a gradient of fire characteristics. Higher fire incidence (higher frequencies and spatial incidence of fires, but lower proportions of grid‐cells affected by large fires) was associated with Atlantic, warm territories with deciduous forests as PNV. Intermediate fire frequency and rotation period, but with a higher relative incidence of medium and large fires occurred in Mediterranean PNV units, dominated by sclerophyllous oak forests. Low fire frequency and long rotation periods, with strong seasonal and yearly variability occurred for PNV units in the cold uplands (Fagus, Pinus, Abies, Juniperus) or in the semi‐arid, shrubby PNV units. The cause of ignition best explained the patterns of forest fire characteristics, followed by weather conditions. Our results indicate that, even in human influenced regions, climate and soil conditions exert control on the resulting forest fire characteristics, as indicated by the high segregation of the PNV types. However, the role of man was crucial in shifting the patterns of fire incidence. This was so that highest fire incidence occurred in regions that, otherwise, would be expected to have a much lower one, thus posing a serious threat for such areas. PNV maps, by providing a phytogeographical framework for characterizing forest fires, could be valuable tools for applying research results to forest fire management policies, taking properly into account the underlying determinant factors.  相似文献   

Background: The occurrence of shrub patches, alternating with either bare soil or low herbaceous cover, is a common feature in arid and semi-arid shrublands throughout the world. This patchy pattern of vegetation may result from water limitation, modulated by plant interactions; grazing (offtake and tramping) by livestock may cause further patchiness vegetation structure.

Aims: We hypothesised that vegetation patchiness in the semi-arid shrublands of north-eastern Patagonia would be increased by livestock grazing, but not by positive interactions between adult plants of shrubs and grasses.

Methods: We compared vegetation cover and pattern at three grazing intensities (exclosure, light and heavy grazing) and measured the growth of a representative shrub and grass in the presence and absence of the other to quantify the role of plant-to-plant interactions and its interaction with grazing for vegetation structure.

Results: In the grazing exclosure and in moderately grazed areas, vegetation cover among shrub patches was larger, whereas the top cover of shrubs was lower than in the heavily grazed areas. We did not find any evidence of positive interactions between shrub and grass life forms.

Conclusions: Our results were consistent with the hypothesis that livestock grazing increased the formation of patchy vegetation cover in arid and semi-arid shrublands.  相似文献   

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