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Question: How does vegetation develop during the initial period following severe wildfire in managed forests? Location: Southwestern Oregon, USA. Methods: In severely burned plantations, dynamics of (1) shrub, herbaceous, and cryptogam richness; (2) cover; (3) topographic, overstory, and site influences were characterized on two contrasting aspects 2 to 4 years following fire. Analysis of variance was used to examine change in structural layer richness and cover over time. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling, multi‐response permutation procedure, and indicator species analysis were used to evaluate changes in community composition over time. Results: Vegetation established rapidly following wildfire in burned plantations, following an initial floristics model of succession among structural layers. Succession within structural layers followed a combination of initial and relay floristic models. Succession occurred simultaneously within and among structural layers following wildfire, but at different rates and with different drivers. Stochastic (fire severity and site history) and deterministic (species life history traits, topography, and pre‐disturbance plant community) factors determined starting points of succession. Multiple successional trajectories were evident in early succession. Conclusions: Mixed conifer forests are resilient to interacting effects of natural and human‐caused disturbances. Predicting the development of vegetation communities following disturbances requires an understanding of the various successional components, such as succession among and within structural layers, and the fire regime. Succession among and within structural layers can follow different successional models and trajectories, occurs at different rates, and is affected by multiple interacting factors.  相似文献   

We examined forest structure and regeneration in a 350‐ha forest dominated by Pinus sylvestris 31 yr after a wildfire in the Vienansalo wilderness, Russian Karelia. In most parts of the area, the 1969 fire was not stand replacing but had left larger trees alive so that the area generally remained forest covered. In some localities, however, all trees apparently died and distinct gaps were formed, suggesting that the fire severity varied considerably, contributing to increased variation in stand structure. Living and dead wood volumes were similar, 112 and 96 m3.ha‐1, respectively. The tree species proportions of dead vs living wood indicated that prior to fire disturbance Picea was more common in the area. Regeneration was abundant (saplings, ca. 14 000 ind.ha‐1, height 20 ‐200 cm) and tree seedling recruitment had occurred over a long period of time. Regeneration density was highest on the mesic Vaccinium‐Myrtillus forest site type, decreasing towards nutrient‐poor site types. The most common regeneration microsites were level ground (56% of saplings), immediate surroundings of decayed wood (23%) and depressions (11%). The high proportion of saplings on level ground suggests that after the fire regeneration conditions have been favourable across the whole forest floor. Nevertheless, the areas in the vicinity of decayed wood have been particularly important microsites for seedling establishment. The results provide an example of the effects of wildfire on forest structure in a natural Pinus sylvestris dominated forest, demonstrating the non stand replacing character of fire, high variability in stand structure and the abundance of post‐fire regeneration.  相似文献   

Abstract. Questions: This paper examines the long‐term change in the herbaceous layer of semi‐arid vegetation since grazing ceased. We asked whether (1) there were differences in the temporal trends of abundance among growth forms of plants; (2) season of rainfall affected the growth form response; (3) the presence of an invasive species influenced the abundance and species richness of native plants relative to non‐invaded plots, and (4) abundance of native plants and/or species richness was related to the time it took for an invasive species to invade a plot. Location: Alice Springs, Central Australia. Methods: Long‐term changes in the semi‐arid vegetation of Central Australia were measured over 28 years (1976–2004) to partition the effects of rainfall and an invasive perennial grass. The relative abundance (biomass) of all species was assessed 25 times in each of 24 plots (8 m × 1 m) across two sites that traversed floodplains and adjacent foot slopes. Photo‐points, starting in 1972, were also used to provide a broader overview of a landscape that had been intensively grazed by cattle and rabbits prior to the 1970s. Species’abundance data were amalgamated into growth forms to examine their relationship with environmental variation in space and time. Environmental variables included season and amount of rainfall, fire history, soil variability and the colonization of the plots by the exotic perennial grass Cenchrus ciliaris (Buffel grass). Results: Constrained ordination showed that season of rainfall and landscape variables relating to soil depth strongly influenced vegetation composition when Cenchrus was used as a covariate. When Cenchrus was included in constrained ordination, it was strongly related to the decline of all native growth forms over time. Univariate comparisons of non‐invaded vs impacted plots over time revealed unequivocal evidence that Cenchrus had caused the decline of all native growth form groups and species richness. They also revealed a contrasting response of native plants to season of rainfall, with a strong response of native grasses to summer rainfall and forbs to winter rainfall. In the presence of Cenchrus these responses were strongly attenuated. Discussion: Pronounced changes in the composition of vegetation were interpreted as a response to removal of grazing pressure, fluctuations in rainfall and, most importantly, invasion of an exotic grass. Declines in herbaceous species abundance and richness in the presence of Cenchrus appear to be directly related to competition for resources. Indirect effects may also be causing the declines of some woody species from changed fire regimes as a result of increased fuel loads. We predict that Cenchrus will begin to alter landscape level processes as a result of the direct and indirect effects of Cenchrus on the demography of native plants when there is a switch from resource limited (rainfall) establishment of native plants to seed limited recruitment.  相似文献   

We use data from an ongoing cohort study of chronic kidney patients at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, to investigate the influence of acute kidney injury (AKI) on the subsequent rate of change of kidney function amongst patients already diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We use a linear mixed effects modelling framework to enable estimation of both acute and chronic effects of AKI events on kidney function. We model the fixed effects by a piece‐wise linear function with three change‐points to capture the acute changes in kidney function that characterise an AKI event, and the random effects by the sum of three components: a random intercept, a stationary stochastic process with Matérn correlation structure, and measurement error. We consider both multivariate Normal and multivariate t versions of the random effects. For either specification, we estimate model parameters by maximum likelihood and evaluate the plug‐in predictive distributions of the random effects given the data. We find that following an AKI event the average long‐term rate of decline in kidney function is almost doubled, regardless of the severity of the event. We also identify and present examples of individual patients whose kidney function trajectories diverge substantially from the population‐average.  相似文献   

Fire is an important ecological process that shapes vegetation structure and habitat for faunal assemblages globally. Prescribed burns are increasingly being used in conservation and management to restore fire regimes in fire‐suppressed vegetation communities. Small threatened macropods require structurally complex habitat that allows them to evade detection by predators. Given that fire can alter vegetation structure, it can be viewed as a strong ecological force in shifting the dynamics between predator and prey species. Previous studies in temperate Australia have shown that prescribed burns in the presence of European Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and feral Cat (Felis catus) can have negative impacts on small macropods and medium‐sized mammals. Post‐fire response of threatened small macropods and their predators has not been experimentally examined in subtropical Australia despite this region providing refugia for the Long‐nosed Potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) and Red‐legged Pademelon (Thylogale stigmatica). We conducted a before‐after‐control‐impact fire experiment at two paired sites after low–moderate intensity burns typical of cool season prescribed burns. We used camera trapping to investigate changes in activity of threatened small macropods and their predators. We also recorded vegetation change. Despite large reductions in ground and shrub cover, activity of small macropods and the Dingo (Canis dingo) did not change in response to fires. Therefore, the threat of dingo predation appears to have remained unchanged following the fires. Although feral cats and foxes were present, they showed negligible activity across our sites. Our study suggests that small‐scale patchy ecological burns may not lead to increased predation of small macropods in our landscape. We attribute this to sufficient post‐fire refugia and very low densities of foxes.  相似文献   

Questions: Is vegetation composition of ombrotrophic bogs with an undisturbed water regime resistant or sensitive to ongoing high atmospheric deposition and climatic changes? Location: The Sudeten Mountains (Czech Republic). Methods: Species composition of bryophytes and vascular plants was sampled in 25 permanent plots in suboceanic bogs of the Jizerské hory Mountains and in 26 permanent plots in subcontinental bogs of the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains. The permanent plots were established and first sampled in 1991. These plots were re‐sampled after 14 and 17 years, respectively. We also used historical vegetation plots (1947–1949; 1980) from the same localities in order to reveal possible changes that might start earlier. Water chemistry was analysed annually, usually three times a year. Compositional changes were analysed by PERMANOVA, β‐diversity changes by PERMDISP and other changes by t‐test and Fisher's exact test. Results: At the community level, no statistically significant changes were detected in permanent plots (PERMANOVA, PERMDISP), either in hollows or in hummocks, but the vegetation composition changed between the oldest (historical) and the newest data sets. At the level of functional groups, cover of Cyperaceae significantly decreased and cover of other herbs (excluding graminoids) and Sphagna increased in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains, whereas no changes were detected in the Jizerské hory Mountains. Cover of ericoid dwarf shrubs has not changed in either area. At the level of particular species, the frequency of Sphagnum magellanicum, Carex limosa, Scheuchzeria palustris and Vaccinium myrtillus decreased, while the frequency of Straminergon stramineum, Sphagnum recurvum agg., Eriophorum angustifolium and Luzula sylvatica increased. These changes were more evident when recent and historical data were compared. Conclusions: When water regime is not affected, the bog vegetation seems to be rather resistant to high atmospheric deposition and climate fluctuation. A significant change of the species composition occurs only in the long‐term perspective. Particular species could, however, decrease or increase their frequencies more rapidly. For some of these species a positive or negative response to nitrogen availability was also found in other studies, whereas for other species further research is needed in order to separate the effects of atmospheric deposition and internal ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with vascular endothelial dysfunction, reduced exercise tolerance, and impaired whole‐body glucose metabolism. Interleukin‐37 (IL‐37), an anti‐inflammatory cytokine of the interleukin‐1 family, exerts salutary physiological effects in young mice independent of its inflammation‐suppressing properties. Here, we assess the efficacy of IL‐37 treatment for improving physiological function in older age. Old mice (26–28 months) received daily intraperitoneal injections of recombinant human IL‐37 (recIL‐37; 1 µg/200 ml PBS) or vehicle (200 ml PBS) for 10–14 days. Vascular endothelial function (ex vivo carotid artery dilation to increasing doses of acetylcholine, ACh) was enhanced in recIL‐37 vs. vehicle‐treated mice via increased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability (all p < .05); this effect was accompanied by enhanced ACh‐stimulated NO production and reduced levels of reactive oxygen species in endothelial cells cultured with plasma from IL‐37‐treated animals (p < .05 vs. vehicle plasma). RecIL‐37 treatment increased endurance exercise capacity by 2.4‐fold, which was accompanied by a 2.9‐fold increase in the phosphorylated AMP‐activated kinase (AMPK) to AMPK ratio (i.e., AMPK activation) in quadriceps muscle. RecIL‐37 treatment also improved whole‐body insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance (p < .05 vs. vehicle). Improvements in physiological function occurred without significant changes in plasma, aortic, and skeletal muscle pro‐inflammatory proteins (under resting conditions), whereas pro‐/anti‐inflammatory IL‐6 was greater in recIL‐37‐treated animals. Plasma metabolomics analysis revealed that recIL‐37 treatment altered metabolites related to pathways involved in NO synthesis (e.g., increased L‐arginine and citrulline/arginine ratio) and fatty acid metabolism (e.g., increased pantothenol and free fatty acids). Our findings provide experimental support for IL‐37 therapy as a novel strategy to improve diverse physiological functions in old age.  相似文献   

To determine if short‐term calorie restriction reverses vascular endothelial dysfunction in old mice, old (O, n = 30) and young (Y, n = 10) male B6D2F1 mice were fed ad libitum (AL) or calorie restricted (CR, approximately 30%) for 8 weeks. Ex vivo carotid artery endothelium‐dependent dilation (EDD) was impaired in old ad libitum (OAL) vs. young ad libitum (YAL) (74 ± 5 vs. 95 ± 2% of maximum dilation, P < 0.05), whereas old calorie‐restricted (OCR) and YCR did not differ (96 ± 1 vs. 94 ± 3%). Impaired EDD in OAL was mediated by reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability associated with decreased endothelial NO synthase expression (aorta) (P < 0.05), both of which were restored in OCR. Nitrotyrosine, a cellular marker of oxidant modification, was markedly elevated in OAL (P < 0.05), whereas OCR was similar to Y. Aortic superoxide production was 150% greater in OAL vs. YAL (P < 0.05), but normalized in OCR, and TEMPOL, a superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic that restored EDD in OAL (to 97 ± 2%), had no effect in Y or OCR. OAL had increased expression and activity of the oxidant enzyme, NADPH oxidase, and its inhibition (apocynin) improved EDD, whereas NADPH oxidase in OCR was similar to Y. Manganese SOD activity and sirtuin1 expression were reduced in OAL (P < 0.05), but restored to Y in OCR. Inflammatory cytokines were greater in OAL vs. YAL (P < 0.05), but unaffected by CR. Carotid artery endothelium‐independent dilation did not differ among groups. Short‐term CR initiated in old age reverses age‐associated vascular endothelial dysfunction by restoring NO bioavailability, reducing oxidative stress (via reduced NADPH oxidase–mediated superoxide production and stimulation of anti‐oxidant enzyme activity), and upregulation of sirtuin‐1.  相似文献   

Question: We studied vegetation succession after drainage in a bog, as an analogue for potential persistent water table drawdown due to climate change. We asked: (1) how does bog vegetation change following a long‐term water table lowering and (2) how are effects of drainage on hydrology and vegetation distributed temporally and spatially? Location: Mer Bleue peatland, Ontario, Canada (45.41°N, 75.48°W). Methods: Analyses of changes in vegetation and hydrology associated with drainage were examined spatially along a hydrosequence and temporally using paleoecological reconstructions from peat cores (testate amoebae, pollen) in a drained portion of a peatland untouched for 85 years following drainage. Relationships between modern vegetation and water table were assessed through clustering and ordination analyses of vegetation relevés. Results: Post‐drainage increases in tree cover, especially Betula and Larix, decreases in Sphagnum cover and shifts in species composition of dominant shrubs were observed. Present‐day vegetation patterns along the hydrosequence were primarily related to seasonal variability of water table depth. Paleoecological records reveal that where the present‐day vegetation has been impacted by drainage, persistent water table lowering occurred in response to drainage. However, in an area with relatively natural vegetation, a transient drop in water table depth occurred at the time of drainage. Conclusions: Temporal and spatial patterns revealed that the bog response to drainage was spatially and temporally heterogeneous, and probably mediated by feedbacks among vegetation, peat structure and hydrology. Spatial patterns along the hydrosequence were similar to those observed in paleoecological reconstructions, but the use of the two complementary techniques provides additional insights.  相似文献   

The Wiegand and Milton (1996) simulation model predicts that vegetation dynamics in arid shrublands are characterized by event‐driven stochasticity (weather events), and demographic inertia (persistence of a species in a community) that lead to a lagged response in vegetation compositional change. Slow plant growth is one of the mechanisms driving slow vegetation change. We test this model at the same location (Tierberg Long‐term Ecological Research site) on which the model was based. Three dwarf shrub species, differing in palatability, were tracked over 25 years (1988–2014) at two levels of the past herbivory (pre‐1960) and three levels of the present herbivory (post‐1988). In the period between 1960 and 1988, all sites were grazed at the recommended agricultural stocking rate. For each species, plant density and a number of size attributes (basal diameter, height, canopy area) were surveyed. Analyses using a two‐way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) took initial starting size into consideration. As the model predicted, event‐driven stochasticity (rainfall) resulted in an increase in density of the smaller size classes following a single large recruitment event across all grazing regimes for the palatable and unpalatable species. Size‐class distribution curve types remained unchanged illustrating that population demography remains unaffected for long periods and responses are slow (lagged response). Slow plant growth was evident in that there were no changes in height, canopy area, or density under present grazing regimes over the 25‐year period. Palatable species had a reduced canopy area and density compared to unpalatable species. Our findings provide empirical evidence supporting the predictions of the Wiegand and Milton (1996) model, notably event‐driven stochasticity, demographic inertia, and a lagged response in vegetation change in arid shrublands. In addition, our results support the model assumption of the significance of slow growth in long‐lived plant species and the influence of grazing regime.  相似文献   

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