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The process of habitat fragmentation results in the breaking apart of originally continuous habitats, causing multiple changes in biotic and abiotic interactions. Alterations in resource availability and in mutualistic and antagonistic plant–animal interactions may impact plant offspring quantity and quality. Currently, several old fragmented systems evidence a process of flora homogenization, where shade‐tolerant species are replaced by pioneer light‐demanding species. Notably, the relationship between quantity and quality parameters of plant offspring production and the successful recruitment of pioneer species in fragmented forests has been poorly explored. Here, we assess population size, sapling recruitment and offspring performance of one of the most widespread tree species of subtropical South America, the native pioneer Acacia caven (Fabaceae). Population size of adults and saplings increased from small to continuous forests, whereas the sapling recruitment per adult tree (sapling/adult ratio) showed no significant differences among forests of different size. Seedling performance was negatively related to forest area and population size, implying potential superior competitive ability of seedlings produced in smaller populations compared to larger ones. Our results show that A. caven is resilient to habitat fragmentation effects, which may be ascribed to a set of advantageous ecological traits such as outcrossing, massive flowering, generalist pollination, drought resistance, rapid growth and re‐sprouting. Thus, this pioneer tree benefits from the availability of vacant sites and resources released by declining plant populations of other species, eventually becoming the dominant species in fragmented habitats. Pioneer native plant species with ecological traits such as A. caven may represent the silent successful survivors and new colonizers of fragmented habitats, the ubiquitous landscapes of the future.  相似文献   

研究了南亚热带森林90种木本植物的种子和果实的大小、含水量等特征及种子萌发,并对其中有足够萌发个体的种(45种)进行了萌发分析和对有足够萌发个体和足够种子的种(41种)进行了种子或果实储存对萌发影响的研究.肉质果实种子和肉质种子萌发率较干燥种子高,两者差异显著.大多数种播种60 d内萌发.肉质果实的种子和肉质种子较干燥种子的休眠期长,留土萌发种子较出土萌发种子休眠期长.大种子种与小种子种之间、夏季成熟的肉质果实的种子与冬季和春季成熟的肉质果实的种子之间休眠期长短差异不显著.萌发率与新鲜种子含水量无显著的相关,但种子中水分含量的减少明显影响萌发率,尤其是在种子自然干燥的最初3 d.当种子的水分含量减至20%(约在种子自然干燥10~14 d)时,种子萌发率降至很低.萌发率随储存时间(密封,(4±1) ℃)而下降,但储存一个月下降不大(-8.3%),储存3个月后,显著下降.果实储存与种子储存之间、大种子种与小种子种储存之间、肉质果实的种子和肉质种子储存与干燥种子储存之间,萌发率差异一般不显著.  相似文献   

南亚热带森林木本植物种子萌发和储存   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了南亚热带森林 90种木本植物的种子和果实的大小、含水量等特征及种子萌发 ,并对其中有足够萌发个体的种 (45种 )进行了萌发分析和对有足够萌发个体和足够种子的种 (41种 )进行了种子或果实储存对萌发影响的研究。肉质果实种子和肉质种子萌发率较干燥种子高 ,两者差异显著。大多数种播种 6 0d内萌发。肉质果实的种子和肉质种子较干燥种子的休眠期长 ,留土萌发种子较出土萌发种子休眠期长。大种子种与小种子种之间、夏季成熟的肉质果实的种子与冬季和春季成熟的肉质果实的种子之间休眠期长短差异不显著。萌发率与新鲜种子含水量无显著的相关 ,但种子中水分含量的减少明显影响萌发率 ,尤其是在种子自然干燥的最初 3d。当种子的水分含量减至 2 0 % (约在种子自然干燥 10~ 14d)时 ,种子萌发率降至很低。萌发率随储存时间 (密封 ,(4± 1)℃ )而下降 ,但储存一个月下降不大 (- 8.3% ) ,储存 3个月后 ,显著下降。果实储存与种子储存之间、大种子种与小种子种储存之间、肉质果实的种子和肉质种子储存与干燥种子储存之间 ,萌发率差异一般不显著。  相似文献   

莎草科4种植物种子休眠与萌发特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以嵩草、黑穗苔草、藨草和苔草4种莎草科植物种子为材料,研究了硫酸、植物生长调节剂及低温层积处理对其休眠与萌发特性的影响,以揭示其休眠机制及其破除方法,为指导生产提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)4种参试植物种子均存在不同程度的生理休眠,其中嵩草为浅度生理休眠,黑穗苔草为中度生理休眠,藨草和苔草为深度生理休眠。(2)浓硫酸浸种可显著提高嵩草、黑穗苔草种子的萌发,随浸种时间增加,种子萌发率先增加后降低,最大值分别达86%、77%,但浓硫酸处理对藨草和苔草的种子萌发无显著促进作用。(3)赤霉素(GA3)、氟啶酮(FL,脱落酸抑制剂)和KNO3单独处理可显著提高嵩草种子萌发,但对其他3种植物种子无显著作用;而硫酸处理后再用赤霉素或氟啶酮处理,则显著促进黑穗苔草种子的萌发率。(4)低温层积对种子萌发的影响因种与层积时间而异,层积2个月可显著提高嵩草种子萌发,层积4个月可显著提高嵩草和藨草种子萌发;层积6个月可显著提高嵩草、黑穗苔草、藨草和苔草4种植物种子萌发,其最终萌发率分别为90%、73%、17%、7%。  相似文献   

对泡桐,春椿,木蝴蝶,枳Ju扁斗青冈和罗浮柿等亚热带森林乔木树种在不同强条件下的种子萌发及其幼苗生长进行观察,泡桐和枳Ju种子在光(100%)条件下的萌发率最高,香椿和罗浮肺种子在轻阴(62.2%)条件下的萌发率最高,木蝴蝶和扁斗青冈种子在中阴(34.4%)条件下萌发率最高,阳性树种泡桐,香椿,木蝴蝶和枳Ju幼苗生长速度较快,属速生型树种,其幼苗在自然光条件下的总生物量最大;扁斗青冈和罗浮柿幼苗生  相似文献   

K. S. MURALI 《Biotropica》1997,29(3):271-279
Seed weight, days to germination and seed viability were observed for 99 species growing in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. Seed size was strongly correlated with days to germination; smaller seeds germinated faster than larger seeds. Species which flowered during the rainy season had lighter seeds than species which flowered during the dry season. It was also found that seed size and viability of seeds were related to the season of fruiting. Species which fruit during the rainy season had heavier seeds and shorter viability than species which fruit during the dry season. These flowering and fruiting patterns and varying seed sizes are argued to be adaptations to the time of dispersal, time of moisture availability in the habitat and seedling survival.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对4种短命植物种子萌发及植株生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以新疆北部4种十字花科短命植物为材料,研究不同浓度NaCl胁迫下其种子萌发及植株生长特性,以明确它们的耐盐性强弱。结果显示:(1)随着NaCl浓度的增加,4种植物种子萌发率、萌发指数和相对萌发率均不同程度下降,而相对盐害率则逐渐升高,并以绵果荠的耐盐性最好,其在300 mmol.L-1NaCl胁迫下仍有22.22%的萌发率。(2)4种植物的生长在50~150 mmol.L-1NaCl胁迫下没有受到明显抑制,在200 mmol.L-1浓度下受不同程度的抑制,而在300 mmol.L-1NaCl胁迫下抑制作用更严重,其中绵果荠在各浓度处理下长势均最好,能够在300 mmol.L-1NaCl胁迫下存活10 d。(3)在盐胁迫条件下,4种植物细胞质膜透性不同程度增加,而叶片相对含水量和光合色素含量均不同程度降低,并以绵果荠各项指标的变化幅度最小。可见,4种新疆短命植物种子萌发和植株生长均受到盐胁迫的伤害,但它们的耐盐阈值明显不同,并以绵果荠的耐盐性最强。  相似文献   

We examined the mycorrhizal type of 128 plant species in two patches of native vegetation of the Chaco Serrano Woodland, central Argentina, the largest dry forest area in South America. Of the 128 plant species investigated (belonging to 111 genera in 53 families), 114 were colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM), orchid mycorrhizal associations were present in the five terrestrial orchid species analyzed, one ectomycorrhiza was only present in Salix humboldtiana Willd., and 96 harbored a dark septate endophyte (DSE) association. Co-occurrence of AM and DSE was observed in 88 plant species. We determine morphological types of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Arum, Paris, and intermediate AM structures) and report the mycorrhizal status in 106 new species, 12 of which are endemic to central Argentina and two, Aa achalensis Schltr. and Buddleja cordobensis Griseb., are declared to be vulnerable species. Root colonization in the Chaco Serrano Woodland is widespread and should be considered in revegetation programs due to the deterioration of this particular ecosystem. Considering the predominance of AM and DSE associations and the various potential benefits that these associations may bring to plant establishment, they should receive special attention in conservation and reforestation of these woodlands.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and resultant fragmentation are major threats to biodiversity, particularly in tropical and subtropical ecosystems. It is increasingly urgent to understand fragmentation effects, which are often complex and vary across taxa, time and space. We determined whether recent fragmentation of Atlantic forest is causing population subdivision in a widespread and important Neotropical seed disperser: Artibeus lituratus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Genetic structure within highly fragmented forest in Paraguay was compared to that in mostly contiguous forest in neighbouring Misiones, Argentina. Further, observed genetic structure across the fragmented landscape was compared with expected levels of structure for similar time spans in realistic simulated landscapes under different degrees of reduction in gene flow. If fragmentation significantly reduced successful dispersal, greater population differentiation and stronger isolation by distance would be expected in the fragmented than in the continuous landscape, and genetic structure in the fragmented landscape should be similar to structure for simulated landscapes where dispersal had been substantially reduced. Instead, little genetic differentiation was observed, and no significant correlation was found between genetic and geographic distance in fragmented or continuous landscapes. Furthermore, comparison of empirical and simulated landscapes indicated empirical results were consistent with regular long‐distance dispersal and high migration rates. Our results suggest maintenance of high gene flow for this relatively mobile and generalist species, which could be preventing or significantly delaying reduction in population connectivity in fragmented habitat. Our conclusions apply to A. lituratus in Interior Atlantic Forest, and do not contradict broad evidence that habitat fragmentation is contributing to extinction of populations and species, and poses a threat to biodiversity worldwide.  相似文献   

Fire is a key ecological factor affecting plant dynamics. In the last few decades, fire occurrence in the Chaco region has increased noticeably, challenging the adaptive capacity of plants to regenerate after a fire. Broad‐leaved forb species have been much less studied than woody and graminoids, although they are an important component of fire dynamics. Here we analysed the germination response to heat shock of 70 and 110°C, smoke and their combination in 10 broad‐leaved herbaceous species frequently occurring in the Chaco Serrano of Córdoba province, central Argentina, including five annual (Bidens subalternans, Conyza bonariensis, Schkuhria pinnata, Tagetes minuta and Zinnia peruviana) and five perennial species (Borreria eryngioides, Sida rhombifolia, Solidago chilensis, Taraxacum officinale and Verbena litoralis). We also compared the response of annual versus perennial species. Six species had highest germination when treated with heat and smoke combined, whereas two had lowest germination under this treatment, indicating synergistic and antagonistic interaction of these factors respectively. Most of the species tolerated heat shock (i.e. germination was similar to that in control treatment), whereas others had higher germination in response to heat shock, especially under the moderate 70°C treatment. Germination was higher than control (i.e. no heat and no smoke) after smoke treatment in four species. Perennial species showed higher average germination than annuals in both heat treatments and in the control. Annual species had higher average germination for all treatments involving smoke. The high variability observed at the species level, and the limited number of species studied calls for precaution in interpreting and extrapolating results. Nevertheless, our study shows a general positive response of both perennial and annual species to fire cues, suggesting an advantage of these species for colonizing post‐fire environments, and being favoured under scenarios of increasingly frequent low‐to‐medium intensity fires.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus has been shown to increase egg size with maternal age under constant laboratory conditions, such that late-laid eggs are larger than early laid eggs. In this study, an increase in the size of eggs (and hatchlings from those eggs) was recorded with date of oviposition in a field cage population. This suggests that the relationship between maternal age and egg size, observed previously in the laboratory, also occurs in the field. There was, however, some evidence that the behaviour of the maternal females in field cages was modified by the onset of autumnal weather at the end of the breeding season. Only a small number of eggs was laid in the last 3 weeks of the summer but these yielded relatively small hatchlings.
2. The date on which eggs were laid was correlated positively with their date of hatch in the following year. A consequence of this relationship, and that between oviposition date and egg size, was that size at hatch increased with date of hatch through most of the spring but then declined as the last few eggs hatched. Temporal variation in size at hatch parallelled temporal variation in the maternal females' investment in egg size in the previous year.
3. An undisturbed field population was monitored to assess whether the temporal variation in size at hatch resulted in size variation at eclosion in subsequent developmental stages. There were negative correlations between size at eclosion and date of eclosion at the third and fourth instars, suggesting that despite their smaller size at hatch, early hatchers experienced more favourable conditions for juvenile growth than late hatchers. The larger size at hatch of late hatchers may enhance their survival and compensate (albeit incompletely) for their reduced opportunity for growth. Female reproductive behaviour may represent an adaptive response to a predictable seasonal decline in offspring fitness at hatch.  相似文献   

刺木蓼(Atraphaxis spinosa)和长枝木蓼(A.virgata)为蓼科木蓼属灌木,是乌鲁木齐周边植被组成的重要种。这两种木蓼种子成熟后不萌发,处于休眠状态,对其种子进行5℃(黑暗)和野外低温层积处理,结果表明:5℃层积处理能明显提高两种木蓼种子在15/6、20/10、25/15和30/20℃(昼12 h/夜12 h)的萌发率。野外层积处理显著提高了种子在15/6℃的萌发率。刺木蓼和长枝木蓼的种子均为非深度生理休眠,分别经8、6周的低温层积处理后种子休眠得以解除。刺木蓼种子的休眠程度比长枝木蓼深,休眠解除后,种子萌发所需的最低温度降低。这两种木蓼种子经过冬天的低温层积,可以在春天较低的生境温度下萌发。  相似文献   

Abstract Lesquerella stonensis (Brassicaceae) is an obligate winter annual endemic to a small portion of Rutherford County in the Central Basin of Tennessee, where it grows in disturbed habitats. This species forms a persistent seed bank, and seeds remain viable in the soil for at least 6 years. Seeds are dormant at maturity in May and are dispersed as soon as they ripen. Some of the seeds produced in the current year, as well as some of those in the persistent seed bank, afterripen during late spring and summer; others do not afterripen and thus remain dormant. Seeds require actual or simulated spring/summer temperatures to come out of dormancy. Germination occurs in September and October. Fully afterripened seeds germinate over a wide range of thermoperiods (15/6–35/20°C) and to a much higher percentage in light (14 h photoperiod) than in darkness. The optimum daily thermoperiod for germination was 30/15°C. Nondormant seeds that do not germinate in autumn are induced back into dormancy (secondary dormancy) by low temperatures (e.g., 5°C) during winter, and those that are dormant do not afterripen; thus seeds cannot germinate in spring. These seed dormancy/ germination characteristics of L. stonensis do not differ from those reported for some geographically widespread, weedy species of winter annuals and thus do not help account for the narrow endemism of this species.  相似文献   

报道湖南省新记录2种,为绿花油点草(Tricyrtis viridula Takah.)和小果马银花(Rhododendron microcarpum R. L. Liu et L. M. Gao),均发现于罗霄山脉地区。文中简述了新记录的主要识别特征,分类历史及区系地理学意义。  相似文献   

水稻、大麦、油菜等种子在不同条件下的发芽试验,表明氨基酸厂废水对植物种子萌发存在明显的抑制作用,且这种抑制作用主要表现在出芽阶段生物化学代谢最旺盛的时期,发现淀粉性种子对废水的忍耐程度要低于油脂性种子,同时进行的植物幼苗试验显示,大麦土培时废水最适宜的浓度为1:100-1:150(废水原液与清水体积之比,下同),水稻砂培为1:100。  相似文献   

Seed germination and seedling establishment patterns have been used to classify species as shade tolerant or intolerant. The main objective of this research was to investigate, under controlled conditions, seed germination of species from different successional positions as well as to follow seed germination and seedling survival under natural shade in the field. The species studied were Solarium granuloso‐leprosum, Trema micrantha, Cecropia pachystachya, Croton piptocalyx, Bauhinia forficata subsp. pruinosa. Senna macranthera, Schizolobium parahyba, Piptadenia gonoacantha, Chorisia speciosa, Pseudobombax grandiflorum, Ficus guaranitica, Esenbeckia leiocarpa, Pachystroma longifolium, Myroxylon peruiferum, and Hymenaea courbaril. Field trials were carried out at Santa Genebra Municipal Reserve, Campinas, SP, Brazil, at the forest edge and in the understory. No significant correlations were detected between successional status and seed size or seed water content. Light‐regulated germination was present only in small‐seeded species. In field experiments, most species, including the light‐sensitive ones, were able to germinate under the canopy, where a low red/far‐red ratio predominates. Most species, mainly those of early‐ and intermediate successional positions, presented low seedling survival rates under shade. Myroxylon peruiferum was the most shade tolerant species, while 5. granuloso‐leprosum, C. speciosa, P. gonoacantha, F. guaranitica, T. micrantha, and 5. parahyba were the most shade intolerant. These latter species showed little or no survival under the shade conditions.  相似文献   

种子萌发期4种植物对干旱胁迫的响应及其抗旱性评价研究   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
用不同浓度PEG-6000的1/2Hoagland溶液模拟干旱胁迫条件,对沙枣、柠条、杠柳、白蜡4种植物种子的总萌发率、幼苗鲜重、活力指数进行研究.结果表明:(1)随着干旱胁迫程度的加剧4种植物种子的总萌发率、幼苗鲜重、活力指数呈下降趋势,且白蜡下降幅度最大,但柠条、沙枣、杠柳的抗旱指数显著高于白蜡;(2)4种植物种子的逐日萌发率和胚根日变化表明:低浓度PEG-6000对柠条和杠柳的种子萌发具有较好的诱发作用,白蜡和杠柳种子萌发比较集中,沙枣和柠条相对比较分散;沙枣、柠条和白蜡胚根生长呈线性增长,而杠柳呈指数式增长;(3)采用隶属函数法对干旱胁迫下4种植物的相对萌发率、相对鲜重、抗旱指数、相对活力指数进行综合评价的结果显示,4种植物种子萌发阶段的抗旱性次序为:柠条>沙枣>杠柳>白蜡.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are seriously threatened by fragmentation and habitat loss. The impact of fragment size and forest configuration on the composition of seed rain is insufficiently studied. For the present study, seed rain composition of small and large forest fragments (8–388 ha) was assessed in order to identify variations in seed abundance, species richness, seed size and dispersal mode. Seed rain was documented during a 1‐year period in three large and four small Atlantic Forest fragments that are isolated by a sugarcane matrix. Total seed rain included 20,518 seeds of 149 species of trees, shrubs, palms, lianas and herbs. Most species and seeds were animal‐dispersed. A significant difference in the proportion of seeds and species within different categories of seed size was found between small and large fragments. Small fragments received significantly more very small‐sized seeds (<0.3 cm) and less large‐seeded species (>1.5 cm) that were generally very rare, with only one species in small and eight in large fragments. We found a negative correlation between the inflow of small‐sized seeds and the percentage of forest cover. Species richness was lower in small than in large fragments, but the difference was not very pronounced. Given our results, we propose changing plant species pools through logging, tree mortality and a high inflow of pioneer species and lianas, especially in small forest fragments and areas with low forest cover. Connecting forest fragments through corridors and reforestation with local large‐seeded tree species may facilitate the maintenance of species diversity.  相似文献   

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