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Of what value are forest fragments to the conservation of the tropical rain forest diversity for a landscape? We compared the changes in composition, diversity, and plant structure of 15 small (1–76 ha) relatively unprotected forest fragments with those of a large (700 ha) well protected fragment (LWPF) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The trees, shrubs, lianas, palms, and herbs with dbh?≥?2.5 cm were sampled in 1000 m2 at each site. For each ecological group (based on light requirements for germination: primary, secondary, and non-secondary light demanding, NSLD, species) and life form, estimates of species diversity, density, and basal area were analyzed using a stepwise multiple regression to determine whether there were any relationships between these variables and fragment characteristics (size, shape index, and isolation). The composition and plant structure of LWPF were different from those of the small fragments and large trees are absent from the canopy of the latter. Fragment size best explained the differences in composition and plant structure. Species composition in the largest fragments was similar to that of LWPF, but there was no significant difference in total richness between LWPF and the fragments, even though both the richness and abundance of secondary and NSLD species did differ. LWPF had more large primary trees in the canopy, and a greater abundance and basal area of palms and herbs. For tropical rain forest conservation, it is important to maintain the greatest possible number of large fragments and establish policies that prevent forest remnants from being further reduced in size and increasingly isolated from each other.  相似文献   

In view of the extensive destruction, fragmentation, and conversion of primate habitats to anthropogenic vegetation, information on Neotropical primate ability to use a landscape consisting of forest fragments and agricultural habitats is necessary to understand the ecological flexibility of the species involved and it is of relevance to the design of conservation scenarios at the landscape level. We censused howlers and spider monkeys in 126 forest fragments and in 44 agricultural sites at Los Tuxtlas, southern Veracruz, Mexico, and used the IDRISI Geographic Information System to assess the extent of primate habitat remaining. We conducted economic surveys to assess the productivity of several systems of land management, including cattle ranching. Seventy- five percent of native habitat has been lost at Los Tuxtlas, 20% remains in the form of isolated fragments of vegetation, and only 5% consists of contiguous rain forest at high elevations (> 800 m). Howlers and spider monkeys were present in only 60 and 8% of the forest sites investigated, respectively, attesting to extensive local extinction. Populations of both species are small and found in a fragmented and isolated condition throughout the landscape. A large number of howlers were detected in artifactual habitats such as cacao, coffee and mixed (cacao and coffee) plantations shaded by rain forest trees. Residual rain forest vegetation along streams, rivers, and lakes facilitated the interfragment and interhabitat movement of howlers. Economic surveys showed that some of the agricultural habitats were more productive than cattle ranching. Conservation of spider monkeys requires large areas of contiguous forest, but only small areas are present at high elevations. Howlers are restricted to elevations < 800 m, where most of the forest has disappeared, but can apparently exist in a matrix of forest fragments, arboreal agricultural habitats, and pasture lands. Structural aspects of the vegetation and connectivity among habitat islands may be indispensable components of both landscape scenarios.  相似文献   

The composition of plant species in fragmented landscapes may be influenced by the pattern of visitation by birds to fruiting trees and by the movement of seeds among and within fragments. We compared bird visitation patterns to two tree species (Dendropanax arboreus, Araliaceae; Bursera simaruba, Burseraceae) in continuous forest and remnants of riparian vegetation in a region dominated by pasture in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. We quantified frequency of visitation, fruit consumption, consistency of visitation (percentage of total tree observation periods during which a given bird species was recorded), and species composition of birds at individuals of both tree species in continuous forest and riparian remnants. Bird visitation rate, species richness, and fruit consumption rates were similar within both tree species in the two habitats. Species assemblages at D. arboreus were different between continuous forest and remnants. Species assemblages at B. simaruba did not differ by habitat. Our results demonstrate that habitat disturbance may influence avian visitation patterns, which may in turn affect subsequent recruitment patterns in some tree species. Our results, however, were not consistent between the tree species, suggesting that it is difficult to generalize concerning the effects of forest disturbance on avian species assemblages in fruiting trees.  相似文献   

We examine the ways both deforestation and conservation are viewed by people of two villages with different ethnic composition located within the biosphere reserve of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The rain forest is considered to be important, since it provides many resources and environmental benefits. Residents do notice forest degradation, although deforestation is not one of their major concerns. In the mestizo village, 65% of interviewees indicated they felt responsible for deforestation, while only 30% of indigenous villagers felt the same. In both communities, nearly half the respondents see themselves as powerless to take actions to preserve the forest. We analyzed the management plan for the reserve in light of our results, and found authorities’ perceptions differ from that of local communities. This study emphasizes the lack of factual data and common goals for biodiversity conservation. Our work points to the urgency to build conservation efforts that involve the different social actors, who diverge in interests and views, particularly in countries like Mexico, where rich biodiversity regions are also broadly inhabited.  相似文献   

We analyzed immature-to-mother social distance (juveniles and non-nursing infants) in two Mexican mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) troops inhabiting a tropical rainforest fragment (40 ha) at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. During July and August of 2000 and 2001 we applied an instantaneous sampling method (317 hr) to record the behaviors of the immatures and their mothers, as well as distances (ordinal scale) between immatures and their mothers (IMD), and between immatures and nonmother individuals (INMD). Immatures were generally less than 5 m away from any individual of the troop. Social distance was influenced by the different behaviors of both mothers and immatures, with the shortest distances occurring during rest (IMD <5 m in 94% of all instantaneous samples) and the longest during exploration (21% > or =10 m) and play (26% > or =10 m). When IMD increased, we found a higher percentage of records <5 m to other individuals, particularly with the probable father. When the variation in distance to the mother and to other individuals in the troop was considered, the immature animals' distance to other troop members depended on the immatures' age and type of behavior. Overall, these results suggest that in this low-activity species the development of the immature is associated with a complex set of relationships with other troop members.  相似文献   

展现在您眼前的神态各异的亚洲象,是热带雨林里的“旗舰种”。西双版纳拥有这样一个显赫的标志种.是大自然赐予的福分和财富。  相似文献   

ISSR markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity and genetic structure of eight natural populations of Cupressus chengiana in China. ISSR analysis using 10 primers was carried out on 92 different samples. At the species level, 136 polymorphic loci were detected. The percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 99%. Genetic diversity (H e) was 0.3120, effective number of alleles (A e) was 1.5236, and Shannon’s information index (I) was 0.4740. At the population level, PPB = 48%, A e=1.2774, H e=0.1631, and I=0.2452. Genetic differentiation (G st) detected by Nei’s genetic diversity analysis suggested 48% occurred among populations. The partitioning of molecular variance by AMOVA analysis indicated significant genetic differentiation within populations (54%) and among populations (46%; P < 0.0003). The average number of individuals exchanged between populations per generation (N m ) was 0.5436. Samples from the same population clustered in the same population-specific cluster, and two groups of Sichuan and Gansu populations were distinguishable. A significantly positive correlation between genetic and geographic distance was detected (r=0.6701). Human impacts were considered one of the main factors to cause the rarity of C. chengiana, and conservation strategies are suggested based on the genetic characters and field investigation, e.g., protection of wild populations, reestablishment of germplasm bank, and reintroduction of more genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the species composition and species and stem densities of liana communities in tropical landscapes of different deforestation levels? Which spatial attributes (forest cover, patch area, shape and isolation) have the strongest influence on liana communities in these landscapes? Location: Forty‐five rainforest patches in Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. Methods: In three landscapes with different deforestation levels (HDL=4%; IDL=11%; and LDL=24% of remaining forest cover) liana communities (DBH ≥2.5 cm) were characterized in 15 randomly selected patches per landscape (10 50 m × 2 m transects per patch=0.1 ha), and evaluated the effects of patch area, shape and isolation on liana species and stem density (number of species and stems per 0.1 ha). Results: A total of 64 taxa and 24 families were sampled. Species composition differed highly among landscapes, with HDL being the most dissimilar landscape. The response of lianas to landscape spatial pattern differed significantly among landscapes. Proximity to villages had a strong positive effect on species and stem densities in LDL and IDL. There was a sharp decrease in liana stem density in HDL, with four patches (27%) found to be unoccupied by lianas. Conclusions: Fragmentation may have a positive effect on lianas, partly because of edge effects. This positive effect seems to be limited by the proportion of remaining forest cover in the landscape, as the liana communities had collapsed in the most deforested landscape.  相似文献   

Changes in tree, liana, and understory plant diversity and community composition in five tropical rain forest fragments varying in area (18–2600 ha) and disturbance levels were studied on the Valparai plateau, Western Ghats. Systematic sampling using small quadrats (totaling 4 ha for trees and lianas, 0.16 ha for understory plants) enumerated 312 species in 103 families: 1968 trees (144 species), 2250 lianas (60 species), and 6123 understory plants (108 species). Tree species density, stem density, and basal area were higher in the three larger (> 100 ha) rain forest fragments but were negatively correlated with disturbance scores rather than area per se. Liana species density, stem density, and basal area were higher in moderately disturbed and lower in heavily disturbed fragments than in the three larger fragments. Understory species density was highest in the highly disturbed 18‐ha fragment, due to weedy invasive species occurring with rain forest plants. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and Mantel tests revealed significant and similar patterns of floristic variation suggesting similar effects of disturbance on community compositional change for the three life‐forms. The five fragments encompassed substantial plant diversity in the regional landscape, harbored at least 70 endemic species (3.21% of the endemic flora of the Western Ghats–Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot), and supported many endemic and threatened animals. The study indicates the significant conservation value of rain forest fragments in the Western Ghats, signals the need to protect them from further disturbances, and provides useful benchmarks for restoration and monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

We investigated microclimatic edge gradients associated with grassy powerlines, paved highways and perennial creeks in wet tropical forest in northeastern Australia during wet and dry seasons. Photosynthetically active radiation, air temperature and vapor pressure deficit, soil temperature, canopy temperature, soil moisture, and air speed in the rain forest understory were measured during traverses perpendicular to the forest edge. Light intensity was elevated near the edges of powerlines, highways, and creeks, but this effect was strongest for creek edges. Air temperature and vapor pressure deficit were elevated near powerline edges in the dry season and highway edges in both wet and dry seasons but were not elevated near creek edges in either season. In contrast, soil moisture was lowered near creek edges but not near either powerline or highway edges. No edge gradients were detected for air speed. Canopy temperature was elevated near highway edges and lowered near powerline edges in the wet season but no edge gradients in canopy temperature were detected near creek edges in either the wet or the dry season. We suggest that these different edge gradients may be largely the result of differences in the fluxes of latent and sensible heat within each type of linear canopy opening, with periodic flood disturbance assisting by maintaining a more open canopy near creek edges. Our data indicate that the nature of the linear canopy opening is at least as important as the width in determining the nature and severity of microclimatic edge effects, analogous to the "matrix effect" of traditional fragmentation studies.  相似文献   

Arthropod abundance and diversity are remarkable in tropical forests, but are also spatially patchy. This has been attributed either to resources, predators, abiotic conditions or disturbances, but whether such factors may simultaneously shape arthropod assemblage structure is little known. We used cockroaches to test for multiple environmental controls on assemblage structure in 25 km2 of Amazonian forest. We performed nocturnal, direct searches for cockroaches in 30 plots (250 m × 2 m) during two seasons, and gathered data on biotic and abiotic factors from previous studies. Cockroach abundance increased with dry litter mass, a measure of resource amount, while species richness increased with litter phosphorus content, a measure of resource availability. Cockroach abundance and species richness decreased with ant relative abundance. Cockroach species composition changed along the gradient of: (1) soil clay content, which correlates with a broad differentiation between flood‐prone and non‐flooded forest; (2) soil relative moisture, consistent with known interspecific variation in desiccation tolerance; and (3) according to the abundance of ants, a potential predator. Turnover in species composition was correlated with abiotic conditions—sorting species according to physiological requirements and to disturbance‐related life history traits—and to ants' selective pressure. Cockroach abundance, diversity, and composition seem to be controlled by distinct sets of environmental factors, but predators which were represented by ants, emerged as a common factor underlying cockroach distribution. Such patterns of community structure may have been previously overlooked by undue focus on single or a few factors, and may be common to tropical forest arthropods.  相似文献   

Cell walls, water, and gas that have mechanical and physiological functions in wood, and wood specific gravity (WSG) is related to demographic traits. To understand variation in wood structure and function, we analyzed radial changes in WSG, in the gas and the water fractions from trees growing in four different habitats in a southern Mexican rain forest. Mean WSG was 0.55 ± 0.16, slightly lower than reported for other tropical forests. In 27 species, WSG decreased and in two species, it increased from pith to bark with a strong (r2 = 0.65) negative correlation between WSG in the center of the tree and the radial WSG gradient. Habitat had some effect on mean WSG and trees growing on karst had significantly higher WSG than the same species growing on alluvial soil. The cell wall, water, and gas fractions accounted for 35 percent (range: 16–50), 42 percent (28–65), and 23 percent (2–56), respectively, of wood volume, with a negative correlation between the gas and the cell wall and between the gas and the water fractions, but not between the cell wall and water fractions. Radially increasing WSG is advantageous for pioneer trees with fast initial growth. We found that the water displacement method may result in biased WSG estimates. To increase the accuracy of WSG data, we suggest to measure sample volume geometrically using a constant diameter (that of the borer tip), to include radial variation in WSG, and to consider for possible site effects on species‐specific WSG.  相似文献   

We investigated the presence of Neotropical migratory landbirds in a 90-km2 landscape in the region of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. Using the fixed-radius count point procedure, migratory landbirds were surveyed in 21 forest fragments and in four replicates of shaded (coffee, cacao and mixed) and unshaded (citrus and allspice) plantations, live fences, non-arboreal crops (corn and jalapeño chili pepper) and pastures. The surveys resulted in the count of 4732 birds representing 72 species. While forest fragments accounted for 65% of the total species count, 73% of the birds were counted in the arboreal man-made habitats. Pastures contributed to 10% of the species and to 1% of the individuals counted. Live fences were particularly rich in individuals, accounting for 28% of the birds counted. Rarefaction analysis showed that forest fragments were the sites richest in species, followed by shaded and unshaded plantations and by live fences. Pastures were the habitats poorest in species, followed by non-arboreal crops. Species richness of Neotropical migratory landbirds was associated to vertical and horizontal diversity of vegetation in the habitats investigated. Shaded and unshaded plantations as well as live fences were more similar to forest fragments in species assemblages than non-arboreal crops and pastures. We discuss the conservation value of arboreal agricultural habitat and of live fences in conjunction with forest fragments as temporary habitats for Neotropical migratory landbirds that stop over or winter in Los Tuxtlas.  相似文献   

Edge creation has a pronounced influence on the understory vegetation, but the effects of edges on seedling species recruitment are still poorly understood. In Central Amazonia, 9–19 years after fragmentation, we recorded species richness and net seedling recruitment rate in 1 ha blocks exposed to none, one, or multiple edges within forest fragments. One‐hectare blocks were located in the center (no edge), the edge (one edge), the corners (two edges) of 10 and 100 ha fragments, and in a 1 ha fragment (four edges). In 1991, we counted all tree seedlings 5–100 cm tall found within permanent 1 m2 plots located within the 1 ha blocks. In May 1993, we manually removed all seedlings that were smaller than 1 m tall from the permanent plots. Six years and five months later (October 1999), all new seedlings recruited into the plots were counted and classified into distinct morphospecies. Species richness of recruited seedlings, scaled by total seedling density, declined from the center to the edge, the corner blocks, and then to the 1 ha fragment. Overall, the four‐edged, 1 ha fragment had the poorest species richness and the non‐edged 100 ha central block the highest. The total number of recruited individuals was 40 percent less than that previously present, with the 100 ha corner having the lowest recruitment. Pairwise comparisons showed that species similarity was related to edge number for the 100 and 1 ha fragments. Species rank/abundance curves showed that a subset of species was common in all blocks within the fragments, and that the 100 ha center held more rare species than any other 1 ha block. This study demonstrated that, in a given fragment patch, the number of tree seedling species recruited varied inversely with the number of edges.  相似文献   

The canopies of tropical rain forests support highly diverse, yet poorly known, animal and plant communities. It is vital that researchers who invest the time needed to gain access to the high canopy are able efficiently to survey the animals and plants that they find there. Here, we develop diversity assessment protocols for one of the most ecologically important canopy animal groups, the ants, in lowland dipterocarp rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia. We design and test a novel trap (the purse‐string trap) that can be remotely collected, thus avoiding disturbance to ants. We compare this modified trap with two other methods for surveying canopy ants: precision insecticide fogging and baited pitfall trapping. In total, we collected 39,351 ants belonging to 173 species in 38 genera. Fogging collected the most individuals and species, followed by purse‐string trapping with baited pitfall trapping catching the fewest. Fogging also resulted in samples with a different species composition to purse‐string trapping and baited pitfall trapping, which were not different from one another. Using a ‘greedy algorithm’, which guides the selection of inventory methods in order to maximize new species discovered per researcher‐hour, we show that projects allocating fewer than 132 researcher‐hours to canopy ant collection and identification should sample exclusively using fogging. Those with more time should use a combination of methods. This prioritization technique could be used to accelerate species discovery in future rapid biodiversity assessments. Abstract in Malay is available in the online version of this article.  相似文献   

The light environment within forests presents complex patterns of brightness and spectral distribution of light. The polarized light field is no less complex. Using an imaging polarized light analyzer, we examined the natural fields of linearly polarized light in the tropical rain forest of Guatopo National Park, Venezuela. We found that the celestial polarization pattern remains visible underneath the forest canopy, although cloud and fog coverage may diffuse the light and reduce the polarization signal. We characterized several distinct light environments, each having a characteristic polarized light field. Furthermore, objects throughout the forest reflect light that is polarized in a predictable fashion depending upon the material, structure, and orientation of the reflecting surface. As a consequence of these patterns in the distribution of polarized light, some functions of polarization vision, such as navigation, must be limited to the spaces exposed to several extended portions of the sky, while others, such as remote sensing of surface orientation, object detection, and breaking of camouflage would be useful throughout the forest. The polarization of light adds another dimension to the complexity of the rain forest photic environment.  相似文献   

Emerging Evidence on the Effectiveness of Tropical Forest Conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The PLOS ONE Collection “Measuring forest conservation effectiveness” brings together a series of studies that evaluate the effectiveness of tropical forest conservation policies and programs with the goal of measuring conservation success and associated co-benefits. This overview piece describes the geographic and methodological scope of these studies, as well as the policy instruments covered in the Collection as of June 2016. Focusing on forest cover change, we systematically compare the conservation effects estimated by the studies and discuss them in the light of previous findings in the literature. Nine studies estimated that annual conservation impacts on forest cover were below one percent, with two exceptions in Mexico and Indonesia. Differences in effect sizes are not only driven by the choice of conservation measures. One key lesson from the studies is the need to move beyond the current scientific focus of estimating average effects of undifferentiated conservation programs. The specific elements of the program design and the implementation context are equally important factors for understanding the effectiveness of conservation programs. Particularly critical will be a better understanding of the causal mechanisms through which conservation programs have impacts. To achieve this understanding we need advances in both theory and methods.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the lowland tropical rain forest has resulted in loss of animal and plant species and isolation of remaining populations that puts them at risk. At Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, lowland rain forests are particularly diverse in the avian fauna they contain and while most of the forests have been fragmented by human activity, many of the fragments still harbor diverse assemblages of bird species. In these landscapes, linear strips of residual rain forest vegetation along streams as well as linear strips of vegetation fences (live fences) crossing the pastures might provide some connectivity to bird populations existed in forest fragments. We investigated bird species richness and relative abundance in one 6-km long section of live fences (LF) bordering a dirt road and in two 6-km long sections of residual forest vegetation along a river (MR) and one permanent stream (BS). We used point count procedures which resulted in the count of 2984 birds representing 133 species. At the LF site we detected 74% of the species, 72% at the BS site and 57% at the MR site. Only 38% of the species were common among sites. Neotropical migratory birds accounted for 34–41% of the species counted at all sites. While edge and open habitat birds accounted for 6–10% of the species and for 50% of the records at the three vegetation strips, about 90% of the species were forest birds. Distance to forest fragments and degree of disturbance of the vegetation seemed to negatively influence bird species presence at the BS and MR strips. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the LF strip was richer in species than the other two sites, but the occurrence of the three vegetation strips in the landscape seem to favor the presence of many more species. We discuss the value of these vegetation strips to birds as stepping stones in the fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

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