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We compared the resin-core and buried-bag incubation methods for estimating nitrogen (N) transformation rates using the 15N pool dilution technique in alluvial soils of an early successional forest (ESF) and an old-growth forest (OGF) at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Soil cores (38×100-mm) from both forests were incubated in situ for 7 days. The two methods gave generally similar estimates of net N mineralization rates for the two forests. Estimates of ammonium production by the resin-core method were higher than those by the buried-bag method in ESF, but did not differ significantly in OGF (p<0.05). Estimates of nitrate production by the two methods did not differ significantly. Nitrate averaged 74% and 81% of the total inorganic N production in ESF and OGF, respectively. Net N mineralization in ESF (6.6 mmol m-2d-1) did not differ significantly from that in OGF (5.0 mmol m-2d-1). Fluxes of ammonium and nitrate were high for both forests, but the OGF tended to have higher gross mineralization and nitrification rates than ESF. Approximately 60% of the gross nitrate production and less than 30% of the ammonium were immobilized by microorganisms.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that nitrogen in most tropical forests is relatively more available than N in most temperate forests, and even that it may function as an excess nutrient in many tropical forests. If this is correct, tropical forests should have more open N cycles than temperate forests, with both inputs and outputs of N large relative to N cycling within systems. Consequent differences in both the magnitude and the pathways of N loss imply that tropical forests should in general be more15N enriched than are most temperate forests. In order to test this hypothesis, we compared the nitrogen stable isotopic composition of tree leaves and soils from a variety of tropical and temperate forests. Foliar 15N values from tropical forests averaged 6.5 higher than from temperate forests. Within the tropics, ecosystems with relatively low N availability (montane forests, forests on sandy soils) were significantly more depleted in15N than other tropical forests. The average 15N values for tropical forest soils, either for surface or for depth samples, were almost 8 higher than temperate forest soils. These results provide another line of evidence that N is relatively abundant in many tropical forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nutrient resorption from senesced leaves as a nutrient conservation strategy is important for plants to adapt to nutrient deficiency, particularly in alpine and arid environment. However, the leaf nutrient resorption patterns of different functional plants across environmental gradient remain unclear. In this study, we conducted a transect survey of 12 communities to address foliar nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption strategies of four functional groups along an eastward increasing precipitation gradient in northern Tibetan Changtang Plateau. Soil nutrient availability, leaf nutrient concentration, and N:P ratio in green leaves ([N:P]g) were linearly correlated with precipitation. Nitrogen resorption efficiency decreased, whereas phosphorus resorption efficiency except for sedge increased with increasing precipitation, indicating a greater nutrient conservation in nutrient‐poor environment. The surveyed alpine plants except for legume had obviously higher N and P resorption efficiencies than the world mean levels. Legumes had higher N concentrations in green and senesced leaves, but lowest resorption efficiency than nonlegumes. Sedge species had much lower P concentration in senesced leaves but highest P resorption efficiency, suggesting highly competitive P conservation. Leaf nutrient resorption efficiencies of N and P were largely controlled by soil and plant nutrient, and indirectly regulated by precipitation. Nutrient resorption efficiencies were more determined by soil nutrient availability, while resorption proficiencies were more controlled by leaf nutrient and N:P of green leaves. Overall, our results suggest strong internal nutrient cycling through foliar nutrient resorption in the alpine nutrient‐poor ecosystems on the Plateau. The patterns of soil nutrient availability and resorption also imply a transit from more N limitation in the west to a more P limitation in the east Changtang. Our findings offer insights into understanding nutrient conservation strategy in the precipitation and its derived soil nutrient availability gradient.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental gradients on the foliar nutrient economy of forests has been well documented; however, we have little understanding of what drives variability among individuals within a single forest stand, especially tropical forests. We evaluated inter‐ and intra‐specific variation in nutrient resorption, foliar nutrient concentrations and physical leaf traits of nine canopy tree species within a 1‐ha secondary tropical rain forest in northeastern Costa Rica. Both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption efficiency (RE) and proficiency of the nine tree species varied significantly among species, but not within. Both N and P RE were significantly negatively related to leaf specific strength. Green leaf N and P concentrations were strongly negatively related to leaf mass per area, and senesced leaf nutrient concentrations were significantly positively related to green leaf nutrient concentrations. This study reveals a strong influence of physical leaf traits on foliar nutrient and resorption traits of co‐occurring species in a secondary wet tropical forest stand.  相似文献   

We studied the concentration of leaf N and C among 183 fern species along an elevational gradient at 1700 to 3400 m in humid montane forest in the Bolivian Andes at different levels of taxonomic resolution. For two species of Elaphoglossum sampled 8 and 14 times, respectively, there were no elevational trends. Similarly, a contrast of 22 species with wide elevational amplitudes sampled at their highest and lowest locations did not show any change in C or N contents, or in C:N ratios with elevation. At the community level, however, the mean values of C:N ratios for (a) all species found at a given elevation showed a significant decline with increasing elevation and (b) among epiphytic species, higher ratios (i.e., lower relative N content) than among terrestrial species at the same elevation. These trends were opposite to those of the upper soil layer, in which C:N ratios increased with elevation.  相似文献   

Foliar respiration is a major component of ecosystem respiration, yet extrapolations are often uncertain in tropical forests because of indirect estimates of leaf area index (LAI). A portable tower was used to directly measure LAI and night-time foliar respiration from 52 vertical transects throughout an old-growth tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. In this study, we (1) explored the effects of structural, functional and environmental variables on foliar respiration; (2) extrapolated foliar respiration to the ecosystem; and (3) estimated ecosystem respiration. Foliar respiration temperature response was constant within plant functional group, and foliar morphology drove much of the within-canopy variability in respiration and foliar nutrients. Foliar respiration per unit ground area was 3.5 ± 0.2  µ mol CO2 m−2 s−1, and ecosystem respiration was 9.4 ± 0.5  µ mol CO2 m−2 s−1[soil = 41%; foliage = 37%; woody = 14%; coarse woody debris (CWD) = 7%]. When modelled with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) year temperatures, foliar respiration was 9% greater than when modelled with temperatures from a normal year, which is in the range of carbon sink versus source behaviour for this forest. Our ecosystem respiration estimate from component fluxes was 33% greater than night-time net ecosystem exchange for the same forest, suggesting that studies reporting a large carbon sink for tropical rain forests based solely on eddy flux measurements may be in error.  相似文献   

Highly seasonal rainfall creates a pulse of litterfall in the southern Yucatan peninsula region, with cascading effects on the timing of essential nutrient fluxes, microbial dynamics, and vegetation growth. I investigated whether forest age or a regional environmental gradient related to rainfall has a greater effect on patterns of litterfall in this increasingly human‐dominated landscape. Litterfall was sampled in 10–13 stands in each of three locations spanning a rainfall gradient of ca 900–1400 mm/yr. Litter was collected monthly from November 1998 through January 2000 in mature forests and in secondary forests aged 2–25 yr. Despite a substantial precipitation gradient, age was the only significant predictor of annual litter mass. Two‐ to five‐yr‐old forests produced significantly less litter than 12–25‐yr‐old secondary forests (4.6 vs. 6.2 Mg/ha/yr), but the difference between older secondary forests and mature forests (9 percent) was not significant. Litter production increased with rainfall, but not significantly so. The pattern of litterfall was similar across locations and age classes, with a peak during late March or early April. However, litterfall seasonality was most pronounced in the old secondary and mature forests. Litterfall was more evenly distributed throughout the year in forests under 10 yr old. Seasonality of litterfall was also less pronounced at the wettest site, with less disparity between peak litterfall and off‐peak months. Seasonality was not related to soil texture. Forest age and rainfall are important drivers of litterfall dynamics; however, both litter mass and degree of seasonality depended more strongly on forest age. Thus, the impact of land‐use change on litter nutrient cycling is as great, if not greater, than the constraint imposed by the major natural environmental factor affecting tropical dry forests.  相似文献   

I used a mesic to wet precipitation gradient on Maui, Hawaii, to test whether variation in rainfall regulates decomposition in tropical wet forest. Decomposition rates of leaves and roots from the dominant tree species, Metrosideros polymorpha, were measured at six sites similar in temperature regime, parent material, ecosystem age, vegetation, and topographical relief, whereas mean annual precipitation (MAP) at these six sites varied from 2200 to over 5000 mm/y. In situ decomposition rates of leaves placed on the soil surface declined by a factor of 6.4 with increased precipitation, whereas the decomposition rate of roots placed below ground declined by a factor of 2.3 across the gradient. Leaves collected from the 2200-mm site and placed at all sites on the gradient decomposed faster on the soil surface than they did below ground, whereas both above- and belowground decomposition rates of the common leaves decreased by a factor of 2.5 with increased precipitation. Of the environmental variables that changed with MAP, soil oxygen availability appeared to be the proximal factor that limited decomposition rates across the gradient, both above and below ground. When plant tissue collected from all sites across the gradient was decomposed at a common site, leaves from the wettest sites decomposed almost three times more slowly than leaves from the mesic sites. In contrast, roots from across the gradient all decomposed at a similar rate in a common site. Of tissue chemistry variables, high lignin concentration was correlated consistently with slow decomposition for roots and leaves. These results suggest that soil oxygen limitation combined with poorly decomposable leaves caused slower rates of decomposition and nutrient release with increased rainfall in these upland forests. Received 14 April 2000; Accepted 11 December 2000.  相似文献   

We analyzed soil organic matter distribution and soil solution chemistry in plots with and without earthworms at two sugar maple (Acer saccharum)–dominated forests in New York State, USA, with differing land-use histories to assess the influence of earthworm invasion on the retention or loss of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in northern temperate forests. Our objectives were to assess the influence of exotic earthworm invasion on (a) the amount and depth distribution of soil C and N, (b) soil 13C and 15N, and (c) soil solution chemistry and leaching of C and N in forests with different land-use histories. At a relatively undisturbed forest site (Arnot Forest), earthworms eliminated the thick forest floor, decreased soil C storage in the upper 12 cm by 28%, and reduced soil C:N ratios from 19.2 to 15.3. At a previously cultivated forest site with little forest floor (Tompkins Farm), earthworms did not influence the storage of soil C or N or soil C:N ratios. Earthworms altered the stable isotopic signature of soil at Arnot Forest but not at Tompkins Farm; the alteration of stable isotopes indicated that earthworms significantly increased the loss of forest floor C but not N from the soil profile at Arnot Forest. Nitrate (NO3) concentrations in tension and zero-tension lysimeters were much greater at Tompkins Farm than Arnot Forest, and earthworms increased NO3 leaching at Tompkins Farm. The results suggest that the effect of earthworm invasion on the distribution, retention, and solution chemistry of soil C and N in northern temperate forests may depend on the initial quantity and quality of soil organic matter at invaded sites.  相似文献   

The natural 15N abundance (δ15N) of epiphytes and its N sources were studied in the canopy of a lowland rainforest in Costa Rica. Vascular and non‐vascular epiphytes and canopy soils were collected from four canopy zones and analysed for N contents and δ15N signals. In addition, the N concentrations and δ15N signatures of bulk precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were measured during the wet and the dry season. The δ15N values of epiphyte leaves decreased significantly from the lower zones (means of ?3·9 and ?4·3‰) to the upper zones (means of ?5·4 and ?6·1‰) of the canopy. In contrast, δ15N signatures of canopy soils (average ?0·3‰) differed little between the zones. Bulk deposition was enriched in 15N (+4·3‰) compared to all other potential N sources and was higher than throughfall and stemflow (+0·5 to ?1·3‰). δ15N values of atmospheric deposition were inversely related to those of the epiphyte leaves, whereas N isotopic composition of canopy soils did not vary significantly. Consequently, it is concluded that the variations in foliar N isotope composition of epiphytes were not simply caused by utilization of isotopically different N sources, but by different 15N discrimination during N acquisition.  相似文献   

We estimated the relative contribution of fruits and insects as sources of dietary protein in two species of Neotropical frugivorous bats (Artibeus jamaicensis and Sturnira lilium) using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses. An insectivorous species (Pteronotus parnellii) was also included for comparison. We found constant patterns in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition in blood that separated the two species of frugivorous bats from the insectivorous bat. When we used these isotopic values (combined with those of dietary fruits and insects) to estimate the percent contribution of fruits and insects to the diet of the bats, we obtained different results, depending on assumptions and model adopted. We tested models using both 8“N and 8′3C results simultaneously and separately and further used diet‐tissue fractionation factors of 3%o for nitrogen and 1 and 3.5%o for carbon. We found that a carbon‐based model with a diet‐blood enrichment factor of 3.5%o produced the most parsimonious results. The model estimated that A. jamaicensis and S. lilium obtained most of their protein requirements from fruits, whereas P. parnellii fed mostly on insects. No sexual or seasonal variations in the diet of the two frugivorous species were detected. We found no evidence that the diet of sexually active females differed from that of nonsexually active females in the two species of frugivorous bats. We suggest that future studies better define isotopic fractionation between diet and tissues of bats using captive rearing and controlled diets.  相似文献   

Soil nutrient pools and nitrogen dynamics in old-growth forests were compared with selectively logged stands and stands that were selectively logged and then burned approximately 100 years ago to test the hypothesis that land-use history exerts persistent controls on nutrient capital and nitrogen (N) transformation rates. We provide estimates of net N mineralization and nitrification rates for old-growth forests from the northeastern United States, a region in which few old-growth forests remain and for which few published accounts of mineralization rates exist. At the plot level, no effects of the dominant tree species were observed on any measured soil properties or N-cycling rates. Effects of alternate disturbance histories were detected in soil carbon (C) and N pools. Old-growth forest soils had higher total C (67 Mg·ha–1) and N capital (3.3 Mg·ha–1) than that of historically logged then burned soils (C = 50 Mg·ha–1 and N = Mg·ha–1), with intermediate values (C = 54 Mg·ha–1 and N = 2.7 Mg·ha–1) in the stands that were historically logged. Despite these differences in C and N content, corresponding differences in C–N ratio, net N mineralization rates, and net nitrification rates were not observed. The N concentration in the green foliage of American beech trees (Fagus grandifolia) was also highest from canopy trees growing in old-growth stands (3.0%), followed by logged stands (2.6%), and lowest in the logged/burned stands (2.2%). These data suggest that some legacies of light harvesting on ecosystem processes may be detected nearly 100 years following the disturbance event. These results are discussed in the context of how multiple forest disturbances act in concert to affect forest dynamics.  相似文献   

氮沉降持续增加背景下土壤C∶N∶P化学计量比和pH环境等的改变及其可能的土壤微生物学机制已经成为陆地生态系统与全球变化研究的新生长点和科学研究前沿.以生态化学计量学和土壤微生物生态学为理论基础,综述了氮沉降对森林土壤有机质和凋落物分解的影响及其微生物学机制的基本理论、最新进展、研究热点与难点,旨在促进全球变化背景下陆地生态系统地下生态学的研究.氮沉降持续增加会导致森林生态系统磷循环加速,导致磷限制.氮沉降不但改变森林土壤有机质和凋落物的C∶N∶P化学计量比和降低土壤pH值,而且改变土壤微生物生物量碳氮磷、细菌、真菌和放线菌的组成以及影响碳氮磷分解的关键酶活性.氮沉降对森林土壤有机质和凋落物分解的影响表现为促进、抑制和无影响,其影响的差异可能来源于微生物效应的不同.叶片在凋落前有显著的氮磷养分回收,但是根无明显的养分回收,造成土壤有机质和凋落物的C∶N∶P化学计量比存在明显差异.基于DNA/RNA等分子生物学方法为土壤微生物生态学研究提供了强有力的手段,将促进氮沉降对森林土壤有机质和凋落物化学计量比改变的微生物学机制研究.  相似文献   

Aims To better understand whether and how nitrogen addition impacts the epiphytic lichens in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve (China).  相似文献   

We investigated the decomposability of soil organic matter (SOM) along a chronosequence of rainforest sites in Hawaii that form a natural fertility gradient and at two long-term fertilization experiments. To estimate turnover times and pool sizes of organic matter, we used two independent methods: (1) long-term incubations and (2) a three-box soil model constrained by radiocarbon measurements. Turnover times of slow-pool SOM (the intermediate pool between active and passive pools) calculated from incubations ranged from 6 to 20 y in the O horizon and were roughly half as fast in the A horizon. The radiocarbon-based model yielded a similar pattern but slower turnover times. The calculation of the 14C turnover times is sensitive to the lag time between photosynthesis and incorporation of organic C into SOM in a given horizon. By either method, turnover times at the different sites varied two- or threefold in soils with the same climate and vegetation community. Turnover times were fastest at the sites of highest soil fertility and were correlated with litter decay rates and primary productivity. However, experimental fertilization at the two least-fertile sites had only a small and inconsistent effect on turnover, with N slowing turnover and P slightly speeding it at one site. These results support studies of litter decomposition in suggesting that while plant productivity can respond rapidly to nutrient additions, decomposition may respond much more slowly to added nutrients.  相似文献   

An ecological functional assessment (EFA) was used on 10 southwest Costa Rica sites representing a chronosequence of formerly pastured lands to undisturbed tropical wet forest. Ecological functional assessment is a tool designed to assess wetland functions in the United States that was adapted to upland forests. Models to indicate characteristic soil hydrologic features and soil structure and aboveground spatial structure of habitat were used to examine the degree to which selected sites within the chronosequence approach the undisturbed condition of the natural forest. An index of the functional model for the maintenance of characteristic soil hydrologic features (such as infiltration, bulk density, etc.) showed that the 20‐year‐old secondary forest was at approximately 60% of the condition of the undisturbed sites, whereas active pasture was evaluated at approximately 20% of the reference undisturbed forest; 4‐ and 10‐year‐old sites were intermediate. The spatial structure of habitat model showed that 20‐year‐old secondary forest was approximately 50% of reference forest, whereas active pasture was approximately 10% of the condition of undisturbed forest; 4‐year‐old sites were evaluated at approximately 20% and 10‐year‐old sites at approximately 60% of the reference state. Overall the functional assessment process indicated that degraded tropical wet forest sites have recovered almost 60% of their functional qualities 10 years following pasture abandonment. These results indicate that EFA can be a useful technique for monitoring restoration programs in the tropics.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (EcM)‐mediated nitrogen (N) acquisition is one main strategy used by terrestrial plants to facilitate growth. Measurements of natural abundance nitrogen isotope ratios (denoted as δ15N relative to a standard) increasingly serve as integrative proxies for mycorrhiza‐mediated N acquisition due to biological fractionation processes that alter 15N:14N ratios. Current understanding of these processes is based on studies from high‐latitude ecosystems where plant productivity is largely limited by N availability. Much less is known about the cause and utility of ecosystem δ15N patterns in the tropics. Using structural equation models, model selection and isotope mass balance we assessed relationships among co‐occurring soil, mycorrhizal plants and fungal N pools measured from 40 high‐ and 9 low‐latitude ecosystems. At low latitudes 15N‐enrichment caused ecosystem components to significantly deviate from those in higher latitudes. Collectively, δ15N patterns suggested reduced N‐dependency and unique sources of EcM 15N‐enrichment under conditions of high N availability typical of the tropics. Understanding the role of mycorrhizae in global N cycles will require reevaluation of high‐latitude perspectives on fractionation sources that structure ecosystem δ15N patterns, as well as better integration of EcM function with biogeochemical theories pertaining to climate‐nutrient cycling relationships.  相似文献   

Unprecedented levels of nitrogen (N) have entered terrestrial ecosystems over the past century, which substantially influences the carbon (C) exchange between the atmosphere and biosphere. Temperature and moisture are generally regarded as the major controllers over the N effects on ecosystem C uptake and release. N‐phosphorous (P) stoichiometry regulates the growth and metabolisms of plants and soil organisms, thereby affecting many ecosystem C processes. However, it remains unclear how the N‐induced shift in the plant N:P ratio affects ecosystem production and C fluxes and its relative importance. We conducted a field manipulative experiment with eight N addition levels in a Tibetan alpine steppe and assessed the influences of N on aboveground net primary production (ANPP), gross ecosystem productivity (GEP), ecosystem respiration (ER), and net ecosystem exchange (NEE); we used linear mixed‐effects models to further determine the relative contributions of various factors to the N‐induced changes in these parameters. Our results showed that the ANPP, GEP, ER, and NEE all exhibited nonlinear responses to increasing N additions. Further analysis demonstrated that the plant N:P ratio played a dominate role in shaping these C exchange processes. There was a positive relationship between the N‐induced changes in ANPP (ΔANPP) and the plant N:P ratio (ΔN:P), whereas the ΔGEP, ΔER, and ΔNEE exhibited quadratic correlations with the ΔN:P. In contrast, soil temperature and moisture were only secondary predictors for the changes in ecosystem production and C fluxes along the N addition gradient. These findings highlight the importance of plant N:P ratio in regulating ecosystem C exchange, which is crucial for improving our understanding of C cycles under the scenarios of global N enrichment.  相似文献   

集约化生产下农田土壤碳、氮含量变化是衡量土壤肥力持久性的重要指标.对常规水稻-蚕豆轮作地、露地蔬菜地、3年塑料大棚地和10年以上塑料大棚地的土壤pH、电导率(EC)、土壤有机碳(SOC)和总氮(TN)含量及δ13C和δ15N同位素丰度进行测定,研究了集约化生产程度对土壤特性的影响.结果表明:与水稻-蚕豆轮作地相比,露地蔬菜地、3年塑料大棚地和10年以上塑料大棚地0 ~20 cm耕层土壤pH分别降低1.1、0.8和0.7,而土壤EC分别是水稻-蚕豆轮作地的4.2、4.9和5.2倍;土壤碳、氮含量随塑料大棚地生产年限的增加总体上呈先增大后减小的趋势.与水稻-蚕豆轮作地相比,10年以上塑料大棚地0~20、20~40、40 ~60、60 ~ 80、80 ~ 100 cm土层的土壤SOC含量分别下降了54%、46%、60%、63%和59%,土壤TN含量分别下降了53%、53%、71%、82%和85%.农田集约化生产程度显著影响土壤SOC、TN含量和δ13C、δ15N丰度,土壤δ13C丰度与SOC含量呈显著负相关.土壤δ13C丰度可作为评价农田土壤碳循环受人为干扰强度的指标.  相似文献   

Ecosystem carbon (C) balance is hypothesised to be sensitive to the mycorrhizal strategies that plants use to acquire nutrients. To test this idea, we coupled an optimality‐based plant nitrogen (N) acquisition model with a microbe‐focused soil organic matter (SOM) model. The model accurately predicted rhizosphere processes and C–N dynamics across a gradient of stands varying in their relative abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) trees. When mycorrhizal dominance was switched – ECM trees dominating plots previously occupied by AM trees, and vice versa – legacy effects were apparent, with consequences for both C and N stocks in soil. Under elevated productivity, ECM trees enhanced decomposition more than AM trees via microbial priming of unprotected SOM. Collectively, our results show that ecosystem responses to global change may hinge on the balance between rhizosphere priming and SOM protection, and highlight the importance of dynamically linking plants and microbes in terrestrial biosphere models.  相似文献   

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