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Summary Our study focused on investigating the mechanism of action of estrogen in regulating p53 levels within osteoblasts. In the studies reported here, we attempted to understand the role of estrogen receptors, ER-alpha and ER-beta, in the regulation of p53 and osteoblast differentiation. We stably expressed ER-alpha and ER-beta in ROS 17/2.8 cells and isolated several single cell clones. These clones were initially characterized for expression of the exogenous receptors, and representative clones from each type were chosen for further analyses. Cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, and the viability of these clones in culture were tested. The cells expressing exogenous ER-alpha exhibited more differentiated characteristics than cells expressing ER-beta. Morphologically, ER-beta-overexpressing cells were more rounded than the ER-alpha-overexpressing cells, which were more elongated and fibroblastic in appearance. The ER-beta-expressing cells had a higher survival and growth rate when compared with ER-alpha cells. The ER-alpha clones were not as viable as ER-beta clones, and some of the ER-alpha cell lines showed signs of senescence, with an increase in senescence-associated (SA) galactosidase activity. The basal levels of p53 functional activity were higher in cells expressing ER-alpha as was protein expression of the p53-regulated gene p21. The significance of these receptors to osteoblast differentiation and p53 regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses about monoamine neurotransmitters in two strains of rats that differ in their sensitivity to obesity when eating a high-fat diet; 1) that the concentrations of norepinephrine and serotonin and of their metabolites differ in the extracellular fluid of tlie ventromedial hypothalamus of conscious, unrestrained Osborne-Mendel and S 5B/PI rats, and 2) that these monoamines are altered differently between strains by a high-fat diet. The monoamines were measured by HPLC in dialysate collected by in vivo microdialysis in rats eating a semisyntlietic low-fat diet (10% of kcal as fat) and again after either two or seven days of eating a high-fat diet (56 % of kcal as fat). Norepinephrine, serotonin (5-HT), and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA) were lower in Osborne-Mendel rats than in S 5BR1 rats eating the low-fat diet. Norepinephrine and serotonin both increased in Osborne-Mendel rats with the onset of tlie high-fat diet so that Osborne-Mendel and S 5B/PI rats no longer differed in these neurotransmitters. By day 7 of high-fat feeding, the concentrations of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyplienylglycol (MHPG), 5-HIAA and the 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio rose in both strains. Ambient extracellular monoamines in the medial hypothalamus are lower in Osborne-Mendel rats than in S 5B/PI rats and the response of these catecholamines to dietary fat was greater in Osborne-Mendel rats than in S 5B/PI rats.  相似文献   

Hormones coordinate the expression of complex phenotypes and thus may play important roles in evolutionary processes. When populations diverge in hormone‐mediated phenotypes, differences may arise via changes in circulating hormones, sensitivity to hormones or both. Determining the relative importance of signal and sensitivity requires consideration of both inter‐ and intrapopulation variation in hormone levels, hormone sensitivity and phenotype, but such studies are rare, particularly among closely related taxa. We compared males of two subspecies of the dark‐eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) for territorial aggression and associations among behaviour, circulating testosterone (T), and gene expression of androgen receptor (AR), aromatase (AROM) and oestrogen receptor α in three behaviourally relevant brain regions. Thus, we examined the degree to which evolution may shape behaviour via changes in plasma T as compared with key sex steroid binding/converting molecules. We found that the white‐winged junco (J. h. aikeni) was more aggressive than the smaller, less ornamented Carolina junco (J. h. carolinensis). The subspecies did not differ in circulating testosterone, but did differ significantly in the abundance of AR and AROM mRNA in key areas of the brain. Within populations, both gene expression and circulating T co‐varied significantly with individual differences in aggression. Notably, the differences identified between populations were opposite to those predicted by the patterns among individuals within populations. These findings suggest that hormone–phenotype relationships may evolve via multiple pathways, and that changes that have occurred over evolutionary time do not necessarily reflect standing physiological variation on which current evolutionary processes may act.  相似文献   

《Cell metabolism》2020,31(3):534-548.e5
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Estrogen, as an aromatized metabolite of testosterone, has a facilitatory effect on male aggressive behavior in mice. Two subtypes of estrogen receptors, alpha (ER-alpha) and beta (ER-beta), in the brain are known to bind estrogen. Previous studies revealed that the lack of ER-alpha gene severely reduced the induction of male aggressive behavior. In contrast, mice that lacked the ER-beta gene tended to be more aggressive than wild type (WT) control mice, although the behavioral effects of ER-beta gene disruption were dependent on their social experience. These findings lead us to hypothesize that estrogen may facilitate aggression via ER-alpha whereas it may inhibit aggression via ER-beta. In the present study, we further investigated the role of ER-beta in the regulation of aggressive behavior by examining developmental changes starting at the time of first onset, around the age of puberty. Aggressive behaviors of ER-beta gene knockout (betaERKO) mice were examined in three different age groups, puberty, young-adult, and adult. Each mouse was tested every other day for three times in a resident-intruder paradigm against olfactory bulbectomized intruder mice and their trunk blood was collected for measurements of serum testosterone after the completion of the study. Overall, betaERKO mice were significantly more aggressive than WT. These genotype differences were more pronounced in puberty and young adult age groups, but not apparent in the adult age group, in which betaERKO mice were less aggressive than those in two younger age groups. Serum testosterone levels of betaERKO mice were significantly higher than those of WT mice only in the pubertal age group, but not in young adult (when betaERKO mice were still significantly more aggressive than WT mice) and adult (when no genotype differences in aggression were found) age groups. These results suggest that ER-beta mediated actions of gonadal steroids may more profoundly be involved in the inhibitory regulation of aggressive behavior in pubertal and young adult mice.  相似文献   

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《Current biology : CB》2020,30(23):4606-4618.e4
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In most bird species males compete over access to females and have elevated circulating androgen levels when they establish and defend a breeding territory or guard a mate. Testosterone is involved in the regulation of territorial aggression and sexual display in males. In few bird species the traditional sex-roles are reversed and females are highly aggressive and compete over access to males. Such species represent excellent models to study the hormonal modulation of aggressive behavior in females. Plasma sex steroid concentrations in sex-role reversed species follow the patterns of birds with "traditional" sex-roles. The neural mechanisms modulating endocrine secretion and hormone-behavior interactions in sex-role reversed birds are currently unknown. We investigated the sex differences in the mRNA expression of androgen receptors, estrogen receptor alpha, and aromatase in two brain nuclei involved in reproductive and aggressive behavior in the black coucal, the nucleus taeniae and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. In the bed nucleus there were no sex differences in the receptor or aromatase expression. In the nucleus taeniae, however, we show for the first time, that females have a higher mRNA expression of androgen receptors than males. These results suggest that the expression of agonistic and courtship behavior in females does not depend on elevated blood hormone levels, but may be regulated via increased steroid hormone sensitivity in particular target areas in the brain. Hence, aggression in females and males may indeed be modulated by the same hormones, but regulated at different levels of the neuroendocrine cascade.  相似文献   

During mouse early embryogenesis, blastomeres increase in number by the morula stage. Among them, the outer cells are polarized and differentiated into trophectoderm (TE), while the inner cells remain unpolarized and give rise to inner cell mass (ICM). TE provides an important liquid environment for ICM development. In spite of extensive research, the molecular mechanisms underlying TE formation are still obscure. In order to investigate the roles of estrogen receptor α (ERα) in this course, mouse 8‐cell embryos were collected and cultured in media containing ERα specific antagonist MPP and/or agonist PPT. The results indicated that MPP treatment inhibits blastocyst formation in a dose‐dependent manner, while PPT, at proper concentration, promotes the cavitation ratio of mouse embryos. Immunofluorescence staining results showed that MPP significantly decreased the nuclear expression of CDX2 in morula, but no significant changes of OCT4 were observed. Moreover, after MPP treatment, the expression levels of the genes related to TE specification, Tead4, Gata3 and Cdx2, were significantly reduced. Overall, these results indicated that ERα might affect mouse embryo cavitation by regulating TE lineage differentiation.  相似文献   

Two estrogen receptors, ESR1 and ESR2, are responsible for the classical actions of estrogens in mammalian species. They display different spatiotemporal expression patterns and nonoverlapping functions in various tissues and physiological conditions. In this study, a novel knock‐in mouse line that expresses codon‐improved Cre recombinase (iCre) under regulation of the natural Esr1 promoter (Esr1–iCre) was developed. Functional characterization of iCre expression by crossing them with reporter lines (ROSA26‐lacZ or Ai9‐RFP) showed that iCre is faithfully expressed in Esr1‐lineage cells. This novel transgenic mouse line will be a useful animal model for lineage‐tracing Esr1‐expressing cells, selective gene ablation in the Esr1‐lineage cells and for generating global Esr1 knockout mice.  相似文献   

A transgenic mouse line that expresses iCre under regulation of the Cytochrome P(450) 17alpha-hydroxylase/17, 20-lyase (Cyp17) promoter was developed as a novel transgenic mouse model for the conditional deletion of genes specifically in the theca/interstitial cells of the ovary and Leydig cells of the testis. In this report, we describe the development of Cyp17iCre mice and the application of these mice for conditional deletion of the estrogen receptor alpha (Esr1) gene in the theca/interstitial and Leydig cells of the female and male gonad, respectively. These mice will prove a powerful tool to inactivate genes in the gonad in a cell-specific manner.  相似文献   

The pituitary growth hormone (GH) response to the growth hormone-releasing factor, hpGRF-44, was evaluated in male rats with various lesions of the central nervous system. These included an electrical lesion of the ventromedial hypothalamus, a chemical lesion of the arcuate nucleus induced by neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate, a functional lesion of catecholamine synthesis with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine or a functional lesion of catecholamine storage with reserpine. The first three lesions appear to partially inhibit normal somatostatin secretion since in every instance hpGRF-44 administration induced a significant increase in plasma GH concentrations. In contrast, reserpine blocked the GH response to hpGRF-44, presumably by stimulating somatostatin secretion. The pituitary GH response to hpGRF-44 in the above described models was enhanced by pretreatment of the rats with antibodies against somatostatin. The pituitary GH response to repeated injections of hpGRF-44 was also evaluated in rats with an anatomical lesion of the arcuate nucleus or a functional lesion of catecholamine synthesis. The maximum GH response did not vary over time to the repeated injections of hpGRF-44 in rats with lesions of the arcuate nucleus; however, interruption of catecholamine synthesis resulted in a significant decrease in the GH response to hpGRF-44 over time.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) plays an important role in the development and progression of breast cancer and thus the attenuation of ERα activities is a promising treatment strategy. Furanodienone is one of the main bioactive chemical components of Rhizoma Curcumae which is commonly used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of cancer. In this study, we investigated the effects of furanodienone on human breast cancer MCF‐7, T47D, and MDA‐MB‐231 cells. Our results showed that furanodienone could inhibit MCF‐7, T47D, and MDA‐MB‐231 cells proliferation in a dose (10–160 µM) dependent manner. ERα‐negative MDA‐MB‐231 cells were less sensitive to furanodienone than ERα‐positive MCF‐7 and T47D cells. Furanodienone could effectively block 17β‐estradiol (E2)‐stimulated MCF‐7 cell proliferation and cell cycle progression and induce apoptosis evidenced by the flow cytometric detection of sub‐G1 DNA content and the appearance of apoptotic nuclei after DAPI staining. Furanodienone specifically down‐regulated ERα protein and mRNA expression levels without altering ERβ expression. Furanodienone treatment inhibited E2‐stimulation of estrogen response element (ERE)‐driven reporter plasmid activity and ablated E2‐targeted gene (e.g., c‐Myc, Bcl‐2, and cyclin D1) expression which resulted in the inhibition of cell cycle progression and cell proliferation, and in the induction of apoptosis. Knockdown of ERα in MCF‐7 cells by ERα‐specific siRNA decreased the cell growth inhibitory effect of furanodienone. These findings suggest that effects of furanodienone on MCF‐7 cells are mediated, at least in part, by inhibiting ERα signaling. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 217–224, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Estrogens and nitric oxide (NO) exert wide-ranging effects on brain function. Recent evidence suggested that one important mechanism for the regulation of NO production may reside in the differential coupling of the calcium-activated neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) to glutamate NMDA receptor channels harboring NR2B subunits by the scaffolding protein post-synaptic density-95 (PSD-95), and that estrogens promote the formation of this ternary complex. Here, we demonstrate that 30-min estradiol-treatment triggers the production of NO by physically and functionally coupling NMDA receptors to nNOS in primary neurons of the rat preoptic region in vitro . The ability of estradiol to activate neuronal NO signaling in preoptic neurons and to promote changes in protein-protein interactions is blocked by ICI 182,780, an estrogen receptor antagonist. In addition, blockade of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit activity with ifenprodil or disruption of PSD-95 synthesis in preoptic neurons by treatment with an anti-sense oligodeoxynucleotide inhibited the estradiol-promoted stimulation of NO release in cultured preoptic neurons. Thus, estrogen receptor-mediated stimulation of the nNOS/PSD-95/NMDA receptor complex assembly is likely to be a critical component of the signaling process by which estradiol facilitates coupling of glutamatergic fluxes for NO production in neurons.  相似文献   

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