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Questions: What factors influence the density, size and growth form of trees in secondary Acacia zanzibarica woodlands on a former humid savanna rangeland? How does tree density relate to variation in tree foliage and spines, and woody and grass biomass? Location: Tropical coastal Tanzania (former Mkwaja Ranch, now in Saadani National Park). Methods: We surveyed 97 circular plots (4‐m radius) representing a gradient from open savanna to dense woodland. Within each plot, we measured all trees and estimated the biomass of spines. Foliage biomass of tree and grass layers was estimated on three occasions, twice during the wet season and once in the dry season. Soil samples were taken from each plot and analysed for texture and nutrient content. Interrelationships among various variables were investigated using linear multiple regression and mixed effects models. Results: Tree densities were highest on more nutrient‐rich, heavy soils. Spinescence was highest on trees in open savanna. Biomass of tree foliage in the wet season was best explained by numbers of ant nests and tree live‐wood ratio. Foliage biomass in the dry season was less than half that in the wet season and best predicted by grass biomass. Variables related to biomass of the grass layer were strongly influenced by fire; living grass biomass also decreased with increasing tree density. Conclusions: A. zanzibarica is a tree with a high water demand, and the association with heavy soils is probably due to greater availability of water on these sites. Establishment of A. zanzibarica woodlands significantly reduced grazing resources at Mkwaja Ranch. Under post‐ranching conditions, however, fires and soil conditions predominate. The woodlands may, therefore, represent a transient state of woody density in a still resilient humid savanna.  相似文献   

Woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus salmonophloia (salmon gum) occur throughout the fragmented landscape of the southwestern Australian wheatbelt. These remnants are often degraded by livestock grazing and weed invasion and in many cases there is little or no understorey remaining and little or no regeneration of the dominant tree E. salmonophloia. There is a growing interest in developing techniques for restoring remnant woodlands. This study describes techniques for establishing seedlings of the dominant tree and perennial understorey species in E. salmonophloia (salmon gum) woodlands degraded by livestock grazing. The study tests the hypothesis that, in addition to the exclusion of livestock, management of weeds and reintroduction of plant species, restoration of plant species diversity will require techniques which mimic large‐scale disturbances, reduce soil compaction, and restore soil water infiltration to suitable rates. Five‐month‐old seedlings of the dominant tree E. salmonophloia and four commonly associated woody shrubs (Acacia hemiteles, Atriplex semibaccata, Maireana brevifolia, and Melaleuca pauperiflora) were planted into areas that differed with respect to grazing (–rabbit/ ?livestock and +rabbit/–livestock), tree canopy disturbance (+/–competition with tree canopy) and amelioration of soil compaction (+/–deep ripping). Following three growing seasons and two summers, the exclusion of rabbits had no significant effect on the survival and growth of planted species. As a consequence grazing treatments are pooled for the purposes of presenting the impacts of removing competition with adult trees and soil deep ripping. The removal of competition with adult E. salmonophloia trees significantly improved the survival of E. salmonophloia seedlings but did not improve survival of understorey species. Deep ripping the soil significantly improved the survival of both E. salmonophloia and the shrub A. hemiteles but did not improve the survival of other understorey species. In contrast to seedling survival, the removal of adult E. salmonophloia trees and deep ripping soil significantly increased the growth of all species. The results indicate that increasing levels of intervention will increase the chances of successfully restoring tree and understorey species diversity in degraded E. salmonophloia woodlands.  相似文献   

Question: Does the development of Brachystegia‐Julbernardia (miombo) woodland after felling, and under a variable fire regime, occur via a serai stage of fire‐tolerant species? Location: Four sites in central Zambia, Africa. Methods: Trees in replicate plots were clear‐cut and stumps and resprouts enumerated. Species recruited into the tree layer (> 2.0 m tall) were monitored for 11 years (1991–2001) and fire occurrence and herbaceous biomass assessed annually to determine fuel loads. Results: Fire frequency was variable at the study sites and fuel loads were generally too low to suppress woodland regeneration after felling. However, at one site a change from low to high fire frequency arrested woodland development and triggered a regression towards a ‘fire‐trap’ vegetation type in which a few fire‐tolerant species survived. There was no evidence to support the hypothesis that miombo woodland regeneration is facilitated by a sere of fire‐tolerant species. All regrowth after felling was from resprouting plants present before felling. Trees with a previous history of felling sprouted more vigorously than trees that had not been felled before. Species richness in the tree layer increased with time since felling because resprout species had different height growth rates. Conclusion: The resilience of miombo trees after clear‐felling is largely due to their capacity to regenerate vegetatively from resprouts and stumps after release from frequent fires. Coppicing is therefore recommended as a suitable management technique for miombo woodland in central southern Africa.  相似文献   

The relationships of plant species associations and underlying environmental factors in a woodland savanna in South Africa were investigated. 40 plots were included with 25 tree and 17 grass species dominating the arboreal and ground cover. Correspondence Analysis described the relationships between soil moisture retention, soil nutrients and the abundance of trees and grasses. Dry matter indices represented the accumulated effects of rainfall, fire and grazing of the herbaceous layer. Variations in the abundance of plants corresponded to well-defined gradients of soil nutrients. The distribution of grass and tree species along the ordination axes indicated that soils with high water retention capacity and high nutrient contents provided a suitable substrate for many of the tree species sampled. However, grass species abundance was high in plots with porous soils and poor nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Questions: How do fire frequency, tree canopy cover, and their interactions influence cover of grasses, forbs and understorey woody plants in oak savannas and woodlands? Location: Minnesota, USA. Methods: We measured plant functional group cover and tree canopy cover on permanent plots within a long‐term prescribed fire frequency experiment and used hierarchical linear modeling to assess plant functional group responses to fire frequency and tree canopy cover. Results: Understorey woody plant cover was highest in unburned woodlands and was negatively correlated with fire frequency. C4‐grass cover was positively correlated with fire frequency and negatively correlated with tree canopy cover. C3‐grass cover was highest at 40% tree canopy cover on unburned sites and at 60% tree canopy cover on frequently burned sites. Total forb cover was maximized at fire frequencies of 4–7 fires per decade, but was not significantly influenced by tree canopy cover. Cover of N‐fixing forbs was highest in shaded areas, particularly on frequently burned sites, while combined cover of all other forbs was negatively correlated with tree canopy cover. Conclusions: The relative influences of fire frequency and tree canopy cover on understorey plant functional group cover vary among plant functional groups, but both play a significant role in structuring savanna and woodland understorey vegetation. When restoring degraded savannas, direct manipulation of overstorey tree canopy cover should be considered to rapidly reduce shading from fire‐resistant overstorey trees. Prescribed fires can then be used to suppress understorey woody plants and promote establishment of light‐demanding grasses and forbs.  相似文献   

Regeneration mechanisms of vegetation and the role of tree bark resistance to frequent fire were studied in savanna woodlands and grasslands in Gambella, Western Ethiopia. Data were collected from four sites, each with three replicate plots. The variation between sites in species composition and biomass correlated with the differences in fire intensity. Foliar cover was recorded for individual plant species regenerating by sprouting from older parts of plants that had survived fire or by seedlings; records were made during the dry season and at the beginning of the wet season. Data on bark thickness and tree diameters of 12 dominant tree species were also recorded. Both facultative and obligate sprouters significantly contributed to post‐fire recovery, comprising 98.5 % of total vegetation cover. The contribution of seedlings to cover and abundance immediately following fire was negligible, but seedling density increased in the beginning of the rainy season, 4 to 5 months after fire. The importance of the sprouting and seeding strategies varied between the different plant growth forms. The highest contribution to cover and frequency was made by the most abundant grass species, which reproduced in both ways. Facultative sprouters made up 67.3 % of the vegetation cover, out of which 54 % consisted of grasses. Broad‐leaved herbs and trees/shrubs regenerating mainly by sprouting made up 31.3 % of the vegetation cover. Adaptations to fire in tree species seemed to include the development of a thick bark, once the tree has passed seedling stages. Tree bark thickness and tree diameter at breast height were strongly correlated with the time taken for cambium to reach an assumed lethal temperature of 60°C when exposed to fire, which indicated that mature trees with thick barks might resist stronger fire better than, e.g., small or young trees and trees with thin bark. However, for a given bark thickness the cambium resistance to heat varied three‐fold among species. Hence, site differences in fire intensity seemed to influence the distribution of trees depending on their bark characteristics and resistance to fire.  相似文献   

Aim To determine how responses of an established velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina Woot.) population to a 2002 wildfire were shaped by grazing and non‐native herbaceous species invasions, both of which influenced fire behaviour. Location The study was conducted on contiguous ranches (one actively grazed by cattle, one that had not been grazed since 1968) in the Sonoita Valley of southern Arizona. Plant communities on both ranches were comprised of Chihuahuan semi‐desert grassland, savanna, and Madrean evergreen woodland ecosystems, but large areas were dominated by Lehmann and Boer lovegrass, African grass species that were introduced more than 50 years ago. Methods We selected 243 individuals that had been defoliated and bark scorched during the fire using a stratified random design based on pre‐fire grazing status and dominant grass cover. After the start of the 2003 growing season, we recorded individual tree characteristics, fire damage, and measures of post‐fire response, and tested for relationships among classes of: grazing status, bark damage, dominant grass cover type, abundance of live and dead aboveground branches, flowering status, and sprout number and size. Analyses of fire damage and post‐fire response were interpreted with respect to values of fireline intensity, scorch height and energy release that were projected by a fire behaviour model, nexus . Results Nearly all of the trees on grazed areas suffered low levels of fire damage, while a majority on ungrazed areas suffered moderate to severe damage. Trees on grazed areas consequently had significantly more leaf‐bearing twigs and branches in 2003 but a very low number of root sprouts, while individuals on ungrazed areas had a greater density of root sprouts but little post‐fire dead branching and almost no living branches. Among the ungrazed grassland types, more than 75% of the trees on Boer lovegrass plots suffered moderate to severe damage, while a similar percentage of trees in native grass areas suffered low damage. These differences were: (1) attributed to variations in fire characteristics that were caused by differences in litter production and removal, and (2) ecologically significant because trees in the severe damage class showed almost no aboveground post‐fire branching, either live or dead in 2003, while trees in the low damage class exhibited a greater amount of both. Main conclusions Our results affirm the notion that effective management of western grasslands where mesquite encroachment has or will become a problem requires a better understanding of how interactions among key ecosystem influences (e.g. fire, grazing, non‐native species) affect not only mesquite seedlings and saplings but also larger, established individuals and thereby the long‐term structure and functioning of semi‐desert grassland ecosystems. As managers shift their focus from eradication to management of mesquite in western grasslands and savannas, our results provide insights into how prescribed fires (and their effects on mesquite populations) differ from wildfires and how such effects may be mediated by the altered land uses and ecosystem characteristics that now exist in many western ecosystems.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities usually trigger changes in the population density of plants. Thus, land management practices can influence density‐dependent demographic parameters and species interactions. We investigated plant‐pollinator interactions and reproduction in Prosopis flexuosa, the largest tree species in the Central Monte desert of Argentina, an important economic and cultural resource for humans and a functionally prominent species. We hypothesized that reproductive output of P. flexuosa would be limited at low densities, and that exclusion of catle grazing would enhance population density and consequently interaction frequency with pollinators and reproductive success. The study was conducted in and around Ñacuñán Biosphere Reserve (Mendoza, Argentina), where cattle grazing has been excluded for over 35 years. Working in five pairs of protected and cattle grazed 1‐ha plots, we recorded density of adult trees, pollinator visitation frequency to inflorescences and seeds per inflorescence in focal trees. Adult tree density was higher in protected plots than in cattle grazed plots. Density of reproductive trees was positively correlated with seed production, suggesting positive density dependence for reproduction (Allee effect). Pollinator visitation to inflorescences and seed production was higher in protected plots compared with plots under cattle grazing. Suppression of anthropogenic degradation has resulted in higher adult tree density in protected plots, indirectly higher pollinator visitation to inflorescences and higher reproductive success of trees. Increased frequency of plant‐pollinator interactions and tree reproduction suggest success of management practices aimed at protecting P. flexuosa woodlands.  相似文献   

Question: Woody plant and grass interactions in savannas have frequently been studied from the perspective of the response of one growth form on the other but seldom evaluated as two‐way interactions. What causes woody plant encroachment in semi‐arid savannas and what are the competitive responses of tree seedlings and grasses on rocky and sandy substrates? Methods: In this greenhouse study, we investigated the influence of substrate and grazing on responses to interspecific competition by tree seedlings and grasses. We measured competitive/facilitative responses on biomass and nutrient status of tree seedlings and grasses grown together. Results: Interspecific competition suppressed growth of trees and grasses. Tree seedlings and uncut grass accumulated double the biomass when grown without competition relative to when they competed. Competitive responses varied on different substrates. Grass biomass on rocky substrate showed no response to tree competition, but appeared to be facilitated by trees on sandy substrate. Grass clipping resulted in higher tree seedling biomass on rocky substrate, but not on sandy substrate. There was a positive response of grass nutrient status to competition from tree seedlings. Conclusion: Selective grass herbivory in the absence of browsing or suppression of shade‐intolerant grasses by trees are commonly cited reasons behind bush encroachment in savannas. We show that grazing may confer a competitive advantage to tree seedlings and promote bush encroachment more readily on rocky substrates. This may be due to the imposed sharing of the soil depth niche on rocky substrates, whereas possible niche separation on sandy substrates minimizes the advantage conferred by reduced competition.  相似文献   

Rainfall, fire and competition are emphasized as determinants of the density and basal area of woody vegetation in savanna. The semi‐arid savannas of Australia have substantial multi‐year rainfall deficits and insufficient grass fuel to carry annual fire in contrast to the mesic savannas in more northern regions. This study investigates the influence of rainfall deficit and excess, fire and woody competition on the population dynamics of a dominant tree in a semi‐arid savanna. All individuals of Eucalyptus melanophloia were mapped and monitored in three, 1‐ha plots over an 8.5 year period encompassing wet and dry periods. The plots were unburnt, burnt once and burnt twice. A competition index incorporating the size and distance of neighbours to target individuals was determined. Supplementary studies examined seedling recruitment and the transition of juvenile trees into the sapling layer. Mortality of burnt seedlings was related to lignotuber area but the majority of seedlings are fire resistant within 12 months of germination. Most of the juveniles (≤1 cm dbh) of E. melanophloia either died in the dry period or persisted as juveniles throughout 8.5 years of monitoring. Mortality of juveniles was positively related to woody competition and was higher in the dry period than the wet period. The transition of juveniles to a larger size class occurred at extremely low rates, and a subsidiary study along a clearing boundary suggests release from woody competition allows transition into the sapling layer. From three fires the highest proportion of saplings (1–10 cm dbh) reduced to juveniles was only 5.6% suggesting rates of ‘top‐kill’ of E. melanophloia as a result of fire are relatively low. Girth growth was enhanced in wet years, particularly for larger trees (>10 cm dbh), but all trees regardless of size or woody competition levels are vulnerable to drought‐induced mortality. Overall the results suggest that variations in rainfall, especially drought‐induced mortality, have a much stronger influence on the tree demographics of E. melanophloia in a semi‐arid savanna of north‐eastern Australia than fire.  相似文献   

Savannah ecosystems in East Africa are rarely stable and can experience rapid local changes from dense woodlands to open plains. In this 3‐year study there was a reduction of 16.3% in a height‐stratified sample of nearly 1000 individually marked Acacia drepanolobium trees. The study was carried out in an enclosed fire‐free wooded grassland habitat in the Laikipia region of Kenya. The trees were monitored from 1998 to 2001, a period that included 12 months when rainfall was 60% below average. Elephants were responsible for the loss of 40% of the trees, black rhinos 33% and 27% died from the effects of the drought. Low rainfall was correlated with increased damage as elephants switched diet from grass to trees. Heavy browsing by giraffes reduced tree growth rates and increased their susceptibility to drought. Hence the combination of low rainfall and heavy browsing by elephants, black rhinos and giraffes led to the rapid tree loss. These findings have implications for research into the causes of instability in savannah ecosystems and the management of enclosed reserves.  相似文献   

The frequency of fire has increased in savannas yet few studies have assessed how plants persist when subjected to long‐term disturbance by fire. We investigated the contributions of bark thickness and resprouting to the persistence of woody plants in two fire trials that were started in 1948 and 1949. The number of resprouts per individual, bark thickness, basal diameter and height of woody plants were measured in unburnt plots and those burnt annually, triennially and quinquennially during the late dry season. Changes in tree density, number of resprouts and individuals in different height classes between 1963 and 2002 were assessed. Bark thickness varied among species and also increased with increases in basal diameter. Generally, plants with thick bark survived fire more than those with thin bark. Resprouting was the major fire survival strategy for most species. The number of resprouts produced per plant ranged from 4 ± 3 (Acacia rehmanniana) to 14 ± 9 (Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia). Fire reduced species richness in plots burnt annually and triennially by 47% and 6% respectively. Species richness increased in unburnt plots (5%) and those burnt quinquennially (16%). Most woody species survived fire through a combination of traits.  相似文献   

Post-fire vegetation regeneration was studied for a 6-year period in a 13-year-old-artificial forest consisting of Larix kaempferi with a dense undergrowth of Sasa senanensis. The study site was classified into three fire severity categories according to the degree of Sasa senanensis scorching, that is, a high-severity category, a mid-severity category, and a low-severity category. Study plots were established in areas which fitted the criteria for each category, and in nearby unburned sites. A total of 41 woody species were newly emerged during the 6-year study period in the burned and unburned plots. Only a few seedlings and resprouts emerged in the unburned plots, while many seedlings emerged in the high-severity plots from the first year after fire onward. A high-severity fire that burns the rhizomes of Sasa is necessary for the vegetation recovery by germination of seed. Whereas the establishment of seedlings was restricted to a few years after fire, the regeneration through resprouting continued into the last year of observation. The survival time of resprouts was longer than that of seedlings, and the survival time of shade-tolerant species was longer than that of shade-intolerant species. In contrast, shade-intolerant species grew more rapidly than shade-tolerant species. The plants ability to exceed the maximum height of the Sasa before the bamboo recovers can be critical to the survival of shade-intolerant species. Because resprouts have a stronger resistance to the shade of Sasa than seedlings, the resprouts of shade-tolerant species play a major role in the re-establishment of woody species after fire in sites with considerable Sasa ground-cover.  相似文献   

Abstract The impact of feral Asian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and season of fire on growth and survival of mature trees was monitored over 8 years in the eucalypt savannas of Kakadu National Park. Permanently marked plots were paired on either side of a 25‐km‐long buffalo‐proof fence at three locations on an elevational gradient, from ridge‐top to the edge of a floodplain; buffalo were removed from one side of the fence. All 750 trees ≥ 1.4 m height were permanently marked; survival and diameter of each tree was measured annually; 26 species were grouped into four eco‐taxonomic groups. The buffalo experiment was maintained for 7 years; trees were monitored an additional year. Fires were excluded from all sites the first 3 years, allowed to occur opportunistically for 4 years and excluded for the final year. Fires were of two main types: low‐intensity early dry season and high‐intensity late dry season. Growth rates of trees were size‐specific and positively related to diameters as exponential functions; trees grew slowest on the two ends of the gradient. Eucalypt mortality rates were 1.5 and 3 times lower than those of pantropics and of arborescent monocots, respectively, but the relative advantage was lost with fires or buffalo grazing. Without buffalo grazing, ground level biomass was 5–8 t ha?1 compared with 2–3 t ha?1, within 3 years. In buffalo‐absent plots, trees grew significantly slower on the dry ridge and slope, and had higher mortality across the entire gradient, compared with trees in buffalo‐present plots. At the floodplain margin, mortality of small palms was higher in buffalo‐present sites, most likely due to associated heavy infestations of weeds. Low‐intensity fires produced tree growth and mortality values similar to no‐fire, in general, but, like buffalo, provided a ‘fertilization’ effect for Eucalyptus miniata and Eucalyptus tetrodonta, increasing growth in all size classes. High‐intensity fires reduced growth and increased mortality of all functional groups, especially the smallest and largest (>35 cm d.b.h.) trees. When buffalo and fires were excluded in the final year, there were no differences in growth or mortality between paired sites across the environmental gradient. After 8 years, the total numbers of trees in buffalo‐absent plots were only 80% of the number in buffalo‐present plots, due to relatively greater recruitment of new trees in buffalo‐present plots; fire‐sensitive pantropics were particularly disadvantaged. Since the removal of buffalo is disadvantageous, at least over the first years, to savanna tree growth and survival due to a rebound effect of the ground‐level vegetation and subsequent changes in fire‐vegetation interactions, process‐orientated management aimed at reducing fuel loads and competitive pressure may be required in order to return the system to a previous state. The ‘footprint’ of 30 years of heavy grazing by buffalo has implications for the interpretation of previous studies on fire‐vegetation dynamics and for current research on vegetation change in these savannas.  相似文献   

Failure of perennial species to regenerate is a significant threat to semi‐arid woodlands across south‐eastern Australia. High grazing pressure eliminates the recruitment of many perennial species in semi‐arid woodlands, but little is known about requirements for regeneration under low grazing pressure. We tested the effects of addition of water (irrigation to match the largest rainfall events of the last century), seed, soil disturbance and fire within a grazing exclosure in Belah (Casuarina pauper) woodland in the Murray‐Sunset National Park, Victoria. Recruitment was observed in 13 perennial species and was dominated by chenopods. Addition of water, seed and soil disturbance increased abundance of juvenile perennial species above the low‐level background recruitment that occurred in the prevailing drought conditions. This supports the view that continuous recruitment occurs for many semi‐arid perennials. Low seed availability and an inability to maintain soil moisture conditions matching that of regeneration events are likely factors in the lack of recruitment for tree species and limited response of shrubs in this experiment.  相似文献   

Grass seeding is widely used for erosion control, but its consequences for soil and regeneration following fire have been measured only infrequently. This study investigates the effect of grass seeding on the type and extent of plant cover; soil moisture percentage; and moisture stress, survival, growth, and root-tip and mycorrhiza formation of Pinus lambertiana (sugar pine) seedlings in a clearcut intensely burned by wildfire. One-year-old containerized sugar pine seedlings were planted in seeded and nonseeded areas in Spring 1988 and 1989 in the Longwood Fire area of southwest Oregon. In 1988, tree seedlings in grass-seeded plots experienced intense competition from the grass, reduced root-tip and mycorrhiza formation, low levels of soil moisture to meet evapotranspirational demand, high levels of mortality, and reduced growth. In 1989, however, the opposite was true: tree seedlings in nonseeded plots experienced competition from invading native annuals and perennials, low levels of soil moisture in summer, and higher levels of mortality. The studies we report here further indicate that, in an area characterized by extended summer drought, annual ryegrass impeded regeneration of sugar pine during the first season following the fire. Native species cover and richness have been significantly reduced in the seeded area and may affect long-term soil stability, productivity, and conifer restoration. Seeding of annual ryegrass at high rates under these conditions would seem ill advised.  相似文献   

T. Kraaij  D. Ward 《Plant Ecology》2006,186(2):235-246
Moisture, nutrients, fire and herbivory are the principal factors governing tree–grass cover ratios of savannas. We investigated tree (Acacia mellifera) recruitment after fire and under conditions of maximum-recorded rainfall, nitrogen addition and grazing in a completely-crossed field experiment. We employed a similar garden experiment with the exception of the fire treatment. Tree germination in the field was extremely low, probably due to below-average natural rainfall in plots that only received natural rain, and insufficient watering frequency in irrigated plots. Due to low germination in the field experiment, no treatment significantly affected tree recruitment. In the garden experiment, frequent watering, nutrient control (i.e. no nitrogen addition) and grazing enhanced tree recruitment with significant interactions between rain, nitrogen and grazing. We infer that above-average rainfall years with frequent rainfall events are required for mass tree recruitment. Grass defoliation makes space and resources available for tree seedlings. Nitrogen enrichment increases the competitive ability of fast-growing grasses more than that of the N2-fixing tree component. In contrast to conventional wisdom that grazing alone causes encroachment, we suggest that there are complex interactions between the above-mentioned factors and ‘triggering’ events such as unusually high rainfall.  相似文献   

Sustained elephant browsing and intense burning could result in the loss of woodlands under conditions where elephant densities are high, such as in northern Botswana. Three woodland types dominated by Acacia erioloba, Baikiaea plurijuga and Colophospermum mopane were monitored in plots and contemporary recruitment rates of woody plants were compared with the associated local elephant densities and fire occurrences. Woodland types differed with respect to structure, extent of elephant damage and the occurrence of fire. Canonical correlations indicated that high extent of fire damage and high elephant densities did not covary within the woodland types investigated. Low tree densities in some woodland types were associated with high elephant densities and new elephant damage to plants increased with high elephant densities during the dry season. Plots with an apparent high fire frequency had lower tree densities and higher cover abundance of shrubs and seedlings.The annual rates of tree recruitment/loss in each woodland type were estimated through a model based on observed seedling recruitment, mortality and reversal to lower height classes due to combinations of fire occurrence and elephant browsing. The model suggested that elephants induce tree loss in woodlands dominated by plant species which are principal food sources. Fire however, seems to have a widespread effect across woodlands which could result in extensive tree loss.  相似文献   

In fire‐prone landscapes, differences in post‐fire regeneration by resprouting between species or sites could be far more important in explaining vegetation physiognomy and composition than seed regeneration. This is the first study exploring the relative contribution of tree resprouts and seeds to post‐fire crown volume in the Chaco Serrano forest of South America. Additionally, we compare the resprouting response among species and quantify post‐fire changes in tree composition among sites. We established 290 permanent plots distributed in three sites affected by wildfires in 2005. For all tree species in all plots we recorded survival of every individual 1 year after the fire; at the plot level, we recorded the above‐ground tree volume before and 3 years after the fire. Resprouting from the base was the main resprouting type. Survival varied between species from 73% to 100% for native species and from 7% to 100% for non‐natives. Before the fire, crown volume was similar in the three sites, and was completely lost after the fire in 92% of the plots. Three years after the fire, between 8% and 58% of crown volume was recovered. The ratio of crown recovery because of resprouts and seedlings was 1562:1. Tree composition exhibited few changes because of the high post‐fire survival of most native species. We conclude that in the semiarid Chaco Serrano ecosystem tree species regenerate mainly by resprouting. This regeneration mode should be taken into account to better understand post‐fire successional pathways of these forests, their management and the restoration of burnt forest areas.  相似文献   

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