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Questions: Bush encroachment is a major problem when African savanna ecosystems are used for cattle ranching. How do secondary woodlands develop after ranching is abandoned? What are the patterns and rates of tree mortality and regeneration? Location: Mkwaja Ranch (now part of Saadani National Park) in coastal Tanzania. Methods: Ninety‐seven circular plots (4‐m radius) were set in secondary Acacia zanzibarica woodland along a gradient of tree density. Variables relating to tree and grass layers and soil characteristics of plots were recorded. Seedlings were counted twice in the wet seasons, and resprouts once. Tree flowering and pod production were assessed during the fruiting season, while survival of trees initially present was recorded after 12 and 32 months. Interrelationships among variables were investigated using multiple linear regression, binary logistic regression and mixed effects models. Results: After 32 months, over one‐third of trees in plots had died. Most died after fire, especially on heavy soils, and mortality was significantly related to the tree live biomass ratio and soil conditions. Seed production was very low, especially in denser stands. Numbers of seedlings correlated with soil and grass variables but not with seed rain. Half of trees killed above‐ground produced coppice shoots from the base; in contrast, root suckering was independent of topkill. By the end of the study, no seedlings survived and no resprouts emerged above the grass layer. Conclusions: A. zanzibarica woodlands at Mkwaja Ranch were able to develop because of ranching, and can only persist under intensive grazing. The woodlands do not represent a successional stage towards forest and will probably revert to predominantly grassland vegetation within 10–20 years unless grazing pressure from wild ungulates increases considerably and/or fire regimes change.  相似文献   

Abstract. Savanna trees have a multitude of positive and negative effects on understorey grass production, but little is known about how these effects interact. We report on a fertilization and shading experiment carried out in a Tanzanian tropical dry savanna around Acacia tortilis trees. In two years of study there was no difference in grass production under tree canopies or in open grassland. Fertilization, however, indicate that trees do affect the nutrient limitation of the grass layer with an N‐limited system in open grassland to a P‐limited system under the trees. The N:P ratios of grass gave a reliable indication of the nature of nutrient limitation, but only when assessed at the end of the wet season. Mid‐wet season nutrient concentrations of grasses were higher under than outside the tree canopy, suggesting that factors other than nutrients limit grass production. A shading experiment indicated that light may be such a limiting factor during the wet season when water and nutrients are sufficiently available. However, in the dry season when water is scarce, the effect of shade on plant production became positive. We conclude that whether trees increase or decrease production of the herbaceous layer depends on how positive effects (increased soil fertility) and negative effects (shade and soil water availability) interact and that these interactions may significantly change between wet and dry seasons.  相似文献   

Abstract. Above-ground grass biomass, necromass and tree litter were measured monthly over a vegetation cycle under tree clumps and in the open, in a humid savanna in Côte d'Ivoire. Grass production was calculated using several methods to better discriminate the contribution of the different grass compartments. Above-ground grass biomass is higher in the open than under canopies during the second part of the growing season, but there is no difference in grass necromass dynamics. Physical protection of grass necromass by tree litter against decaying under tree canopies was assumed to explain this discrepancy. Grass production, calculated as the sum of positive increments of biomass and necromass, equals 1073 g m-2 yr-1 in the open, against 74 % underneath trees. However, basal ground cover is only 50 % of that in the open. Comparison with other savanna studies as a whole does not show any significant effect of rainfall on the relationship between under-canopy and outside-canopy grass production. However, in arid conditions, grass production tends to increase under light-canopied trees (mostly Acacia legumes) which hardly affect grass photosynthesis, but add high quality litter to the soil surface.  相似文献   

Abstract Seedling emergence in a eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia was documented over a 12‐month period, between May 1999 and May 2000. Seedling emergence for grasses, forbs and subshrubs was found to mainly occur in a brief pulse at the start of the wet season following fire or the removal of grass biomass. Only a minor number of tree and shrub seedlings were detected overall. Burning, or cutting away the grass layer in unburnt savanna, in both the early (i.e. May) and the late (i.e. October) dry seasons significantly increased seedling emergence over undisturbed savanna that had been unburnt for 3 years. Removing the grass layer in unburnt savanna, during either the early or the late dry season, triggered similar seedling densities to savanna burnt in the early dry season. Late dry season fires promoted the greatest seedling density. We attribute this to the higher intensity, late dry season fires releasing a greater proportion of seed from dormancy, coupled with the higher density of soil seed reserves present in the late dry season.  相似文献   

Rainfall, fire and competition are emphasized as determinants of the density and basal area of woody vegetation in savanna. The semi‐arid savannas of Australia have substantial multi‐year rainfall deficits and insufficient grass fuel to carry annual fire in contrast to the mesic savannas in more northern regions. This study investigates the influence of rainfall deficit and excess, fire and woody competition on the population dynamics of a dominant tree in a semi‐arid savanna. All individuals of Eucalyptus melanophloia were mapped and monitored in three, 1‐ha plots over an 8.5 year period encompassing wet and dry periods. The plots were unburnt, burnt once and burnt twice. A competition index incorporating the size and distance of neighbours to target individuals was determined. Supplementary studies examined seedling recruitment and the transition of juvenile trees into the sapling layer. Mortality of burnt seedlings was related to lignotuber area but the majority of seedlings are fire resistant within 12 months of germination. Most of the juveniles (≤1 cm dbh) of E. melanophloia either died in the dry period or persisted as juveniles throughout 8.5 years of monitoring. Mortality of juveniles was positively related to woody competition and was higher in the dry period than the wet period. The transition of juveniles to a larger size class occurred at extremely low rates, and a subsidiary study along a clearing boundary suggests release from woody competition allows transition into the sapling layer. From three fires the highest proportion of saplings (1–10 cm dbh) reduced to juveniles was only 5.6% suggesting rates of ‘top‐kill’ of E. melanophloia as a result of fire are relatively low. Girth growth was enhanced in wet years, particularly for larger trees (>10 cm dbh), but all trees regardless of size or woody competition levels are vulnerable to drought‐induced mortality. Overall the results suggest that variations in rainfall, especially drought‐induced mortality, have a much stronger influence on the tree demographics of E. melanophloia in a semi‐arid savanna of north‐eastern Australia than fire.  相似文献   

Questions: How do fire frequency, tree canopy cover, and their interactions influence cover of grasses, forbs and understorey woody plants in oak savannas and woodlands? Location: Minnesota, USA. Methods: We measured plant functional group cover and tree canopy cover on permanent plots within a long‐term prescribed fire frequency experiment and used hierarchical linear modeling to assess plant functional group responses to fire frequency and tree canopy cover. Results: Understorey woody plant cover was highest in unburned woodlands and was negatively correlated with fire frequency. C4‐grass cover was positively correlated with fire frequency and negatively correlated with tree canopy cover. C3‐grass cover was highest at 40% tree canopy cover on unburned sites and at 60% tree canopy cover on frequently burned sites. Total forb cover was maximized at fire frequencies of 4–7 fires per decade, but was not significantly influenced by tree canopy cover. Cover of N‐fixing forbs was highest in shaded areas, particularly on frequently burned sites, while combined cover of all other forbs was negatively correlated with tree canopy cover. Conclusions: The relative influences of fire frequency and tree canopy cover on understorey plant functional group cover vary among plant functional groups, but both play a significant role in structuring savanna and woodland understorey vegetation. When restoring degraded savannas, direct manipulation of overstorey tree canopy cover should be considered to rapidly reduce shading from fire‐resistant overstorey trees. Prescribed fires can then be used to suppress understorey woody plants and promote establishment of light‐demanding grasses and forbs.  相似文献   

Interactions between trees and grasses that influence leaf area index (LAI) have important consequences for savanna ecosystem processes through their controls on water, carbon, and energy fluxes as well as fire regimes. We measured LAI, of the groundlayer (herbaceous and woody plants <1-m tall) and shrub and tree layer (woody plants >1-m tall), in the Brazilian cerrado over a range of tree densities from open shrub savanna to closed woodland through the annual cycle. During the dry season, soil water potential was strongly and positively correlated with grass LAI, and less strongly with tree and shrub LAI. By the end of the dry season, LAI of grasses, groundlayer dicots and trees declined to 28, 60, and 68% of mean wet-season values, respectively. We compared the data to remotely sensed vegetation indices, finding that field measurements were more strongly correlated to the enhanced vegetation index (EVI, r 2=0.71) than to the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, r 2=0.49). Although the latter has been more widely used in quantifying leaf dynamics of tropical savannas, EVI appears better suited for this purpose. Our ground-based measurements demonstrate that groundlayer LAI declines with increasing tree density across sites, with savanna grasses being excluded at a tree LAI of approximately 3.3. LAI averaged 4.2 in nearby gallery (riparian) forest, so savanna grasses were absent, thereby greatly reducing fire risk and permitting survival of fire-sensitive forest tree species. Although edaphic conditions may partly explain the larger tree LAI of forests, relative to savanna, biological differences between savanna and forest tree species play an important role. Overall, forest tree species had 48% greater LAI than congeneric savanna trees under similar growing conditions. Savanna and forest species play distinct roles in the structure and dynamics of savanna–forest boundaries, contributing to the differences in fire regimes, microclimate, and nutrient cycling between savanna and forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Regeneration mechanisms of vegetation and the role of tree bark resistance to frequent fire were studied in savanna woodlands and grasslands in Gambella, Western Ethiopia. Data were collected from four sites, each with three replicate plots. The variation between sites in species composition and biomass correlated with the differences in fire intensity. Foliar cover was recorded for individual plant species regenerating by sprouting from older parts of plants that had survived fire or by seedlings; records were made during the dry season and at the beginning of the wet season. Data on bark thickness and tree diameters of 12 dominant tree species were also recorded. Both facultative and obligate sprouters significantly contributed to post‐fire recovery, comprising 98.5 % of total vegetation cover. The contribution of seedlings to cover and abundance immediately following fire was negligible, but seedling density increased in the beginning of the rainy season, 4 to 5 months after fire. The importance of the sprouting and seeding strategies varied between the different plant growth forms. The highest contribution to cover and frequency was made by the most abundant grass species, which reproduced in both ways. Facultative sprouters made up 67.3 % of the vegetation cover, out of which 54 % consisted of grasses. Broad‐leaved herbs and trees/shrubs regenerating mainly by sprouting made up 31.3 % of the vegetation cover. Adaptations to fire in tree species seemed to include the development of a thick bark, once the tree has passed seedling stages. Tree bark thickness and tree diameter at breast height were strongly correlated with the time taken for cambium to reach an assumed lethal temperature of 60°C when exposed to fire, which indicated that mature trees with thick barks might resist stronger fire better than, e.g., small or young trees and trees with thin bark. However, for a given bark thickness the cambium resistance to heat varied three‐fold among species. Hence, site differences in fire intensity seemed to influence the distribution of trees depending on their bark characteristics and resistance to fire.  相似文献   

The ecological differences between ‘shrubs’ and ‘trees’ are surprisingly poorly understood and clear ecological definitions of these two constructs do not exist. It is not clear whether a shrub is simply a small tree or whether shrubs represent a distinct life‐history strategy. This question is of special interest in African savannas, where shrubs and trees often co‐dominate, but are often treated uniformly as ‘woody plants’ even though the tree to shrub ratio is an important determinant of ecosystem functioning. In this study we use data from a long‐term fire experiment, together with a trait‐based approach to test (i) if woody species usually classified as shrubs or trees in African savanna differ in key traits related to disturbance and resource use; and (ii) if these differences justify the interpretation of the two growth forms as distinct life‐history strategies. We measured for 22 of the most common woody plant species of a South African savanna 27 plant traits related to plant architecture, life‐history, leaf characteristics, photosynthesis and resprouting capacity. Furthermore we evaluated their performance during a long‐term fire experiment. We found that woody plants authors call (i) shrubs; (ii) shrubs sometimes small trees; and (3) trees responded differently to long‐term fire treatments. We additionally found significant differences in architecture, diameter‐height‐allometry, foliage density, resprouting vigour after fire, minimum fruiting height and foliar δ13C between these three woody plant types. We interpret these findings as evidence for at least two different life‐history‐strategies: an avoidance/adaptation strategy for shrubs (early reproduction + adaptation to minor disturbance) and an escape strategy for trees (promoted investment in height growth + delayed reproduction).  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial and temporal soil partitioning between roots of the two savanna plant components, i.e. trees and grasses, were investigated in a West African humid savanna. Vertical root phytomass distribution was described for grass roots, large (> 2 mm) and fine (< 2 mm) tree roots, in open sites and beneath tree canopies. These profiles were established monthly over one year of vegetation growth. Natural 13C abundance measurement was used to determine the woody/herbaceous phytomass ratio in root samples. Tree and grass root distributions widely overlapped and both were mostly located in the top 20 cm of the soil. Grass root phytomass decreased with depth whereas woody root phytomass peaked at about 10 cm depth. No time partitioning was detected. These structural results do not support the hypothesis of soil resource partitioning between trees and grasses and are thus consistent with functional results previously reported.  相似文献   

Aims To identify approaches to improve our understanding of, and predictive capability for, mixed tree–grass systems. Elucidation of the interactions, dynamics and determinants, and identification of robust generalizations that can be broadly applied to tree–grass systems would benefit ecological theory, modelling and land management. Methods A series of workshops brought together scientific expertise to review theory, data availability, modelling approaches and key questions. Location Ecosystems characterized by mixtures of herbaceous and woody plant life‐forms, often termed ‘savannas’, range from open grasslands with few woody plants, to woodlands or forests with a grass layer. These ecosystems represent a substantial portion of the terrestrial biosphere, an important wildlife habitat, and a major resource for provision of livestock, fuel wood and other products. Results Although many concepts and principles developed for grassland and forest systems are relevant to these dual life‐form communities, the novel, complex, nonlinear behaviour of mixed tree–grass systems cannot be accounted for by simply studying or modelling woody and herbaceous components independently. A more robust understanding requires addressing three fundamental conundrums: (1) The ‘treeness’ conundrum. What controls the relative abundance of woody and herbaceous plants for a given set of conditions at given site? (2) The coexistence conundrum. How do the life‐forms interact with each other? Is a given woody–herbaceous ratio dynamically stable and persistent under a particular set of conditions? (3) The net primary productivity (NPP) conundrum. How does NPP of the woody vegetation, the herbaceous vegetation, and the total ecosystem (woody + herbaceous) change with changes in the tree–grass ratio? Tests of the theory and conceptual models of determinants of mixed woody–herbaceous systems have been largely site‐ or region‐specific and have seldom been broadly or quantitatively evaluated. Cross‐site syntheses based on data and modelling are required to address the conundrums and identify emerging patterns, yet, there are very few data sets for which either biomass or NPP have been quantified for both the woody and the herbaceous components of tree–grass systems. Furthermore, there are few cross‐site comparisons spanning the diverse array of woody–herbaceous mixtures. Hence, initial synthesis studies should focus on compiling and standardizing a global data base which could be (1) explored to ascertain if robust generalizations and consistent patterns exist; and (2) used to evaluate the performance of savanna simulation models over a range of woody–herbaceous mixtures. Savanna structure and productivity are the result of complex and dynamic interactions between climate, soils and disturbances, notably fire and herbivory. Such factors are difficult to isolate or experimentally manipulate in order to evaluate their impacts at spatial and temporal scales appropriate for assessing ecosystem dynamics. These factors can, however, be evaluated with simulation models. Existing savanna models vary markedly with respect to their conceptual approach, their data requirements and the extent to which they incorporate mechanistic processes. Model intercomparisons can elucidate those approaches most suitable for various research questions and management applications. Conclusion Theoretical and conceptual advances could be achieved by considering a broad continuum of grass–shrub–tree combinations using data meta‐analysis techniques and modelling.  相似文献   

Hollows, also known as tree cavities, are critical to the survival of many animal species but are too poorly mapped across landscapes to allow for their adequate consideration in regional planning. Managing cost is important, so we tested whether freely available satellite‐derived foliage projective cover and field‐measured stand attributes could be used separately or combined to predict tree hollow abundance in relictual Australian temperate woodlands. Satellite‐derived foliage projective cover revealed variation in woody vegetation densities both within mapped woodland remnants and cleared areas of the agricultural matrix. Plot‐based field assessment of the actual number of hollows in each one‐hectare site (n = 110 sites) revealed a relationship with foliage cover. Improvement of the model was achieved if site‐based estimates of the proportion of the canopy due to Eucalyptus species and the number of mature trees per hectare were included. Remotely sensed foliage cover can improve on traditional vegetation mapping for predicting hollow‐bearing tree and hollow abundances at landscape scales when managing hollow‐dependent fauna habitat across relictual woodlands in temperate Australian agricultural landscapes. At finer scales, the addition of other predictors is necessary to raise the accuracy of the predicted hollow densities.  相似文献   

Savannahs are a mixture of trees and grasses often occurring as alternate states to closed forests. Savannah fires are frequent where grass productivity is high in the wet season. Fires help maintain grassy vegetation where the climate is suitable for woodlands or forests. Saplings in savannahs are particularly vulnerable to topkill of above-ground biomass. Larger trees are more fire-resistant and suffer little damage when burnt. Recruitment to large mature tree size classes depends on sapling growth rates to fire-resistant sizes and the time between fires. Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) can influence the growth rate of juvenile plants, thereby affecting tree recruitment and the conversion of open savannahs to woodlands. Trees have increased in many savannahs throughout the world, whereas some humid savannahs are being invaded by forests. CO(2) has been implicated in this woody increase but attribution to global drivers has been controversial where changes in grazing and fire have also occurred. We report on diverse tests of the magnitude of CO(2) effects on both ancient and modern ecosystems with a particular focus on African savannahs. Large increases in trees of mesic savannahs in the region cannot easily be explained by land use change but are consistent with experimental and simulation studies of CO(2) effects. Changes in arid savannahs seem less obviously linked to CO(2) effects and may be driven more by overgrazing. Large-scale shifts in the tree-grass balance in the past and the future need to be better understood. They not only have major impacts on the ecology of grassy ecosystems but also on Earth-atmosphere linkages and the global carbon cycle in ways that are still being discovered.  相似文献   

Tree–grass savannas are a widespread biome and are highly valued for their ecosystem services. There is a need to understand the long‐term dynamics and meteorological drivers of both tree and grass productivity separately in order to successfully manage savannas in the future. This study investigated the interannual variability (IAV) of tree and grass gross primary productivity (GPP) by combining a long‐term (15 year) eddy covariance flux record and model estimates of tree and grass GPP inferred from satellite remote sensing. On a seasonal basis, the primary drivers of tree and grass GPP were solar radiation in the wet season and soil moisture in the dry season. On an interannual basis, soil water availability had a positive effect on tree GPP and a negative effect on grass GPP. No linear trend in the tree–grass GPP ratio was observed over the 15‐year study period. However, the tree–grass GPP ratio was correlated with the modes of climate variability, namely the Southern Oscillation Index. This study has provided insight into the long‐term contributions of trees and grasses to savanna productivity, along with their respective meteorological determinants of IAV.  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in plant abundance within a eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia were studied using a manipulative fire experiment. Three fire regimes were compared between 1997 and 2001: (i) control, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season (July) 1997 only; (ii) early burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and early dry season (May) 1999; and (iii) late burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and late dry season (October) 1999. Five annual surveys of permanent plots detected stability in the abundance of most species, irrespective of fire regime. However, a significant increase in the abundance of several subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and grasses occurred in the first year after fire, particularly after late dry season fires. The abundance of these species declined toward prefire levels in the second year after fire. The dominant grass Heteropogon triticeus significantly declined in abundance with fire intervals of 4 years. The density of trees (>2 m tall) significantly increased in the absence of fire for 4 years, because of the growth of saplings; and the basal area of the dominant tree Corymbia clarksoniana significantly increased over the 5‐year study, irrespective of fire regime. Conservation management of these savannas will need to balance the role of regular fires in maintaining the diversity of herbaceous species with the requirement of fire intervals of at least 4‐years for allowing the growth of saplings >2 m in height. Whereas late dry season fires may cause some tree mortality, the use of occasional late fires may help maintain sustainable populations of many grasses and forbs.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fixing trees including many species of Acacia are an important though variable component of savanna ecosystems. It is known that these trees enrich the soil with carbon (C) and N, but their effect on the combined C:N:P stoichiometry in soil is less well understood. Theory suggests that they might reduce available phosphorus (P), creating a shift from more N-limited conditions in grass-dominated to more P-limited conditions in tree-dominated sites, which in turn could feed back negatively on the trees’ capacity to fix N. We studied the effects of Acacia zanzibarica tree density upon soil and foliar N:P stoichiometry, and the N2-fixation rates of trees and leguminous herbs in a humid Tanzanian savanna. Foliar N:P ratios and N2-fixation rates of trees remained constant across the density gradient, whereas soil C, N and organic P pools increased. In contrast, the N:P ratio of grasses increased and N2-fixation rates of leguminous herbs decreased with increasing tree density, indicating a shift towards more P-limited conditions for the understory vegetation. These contrasting responses suggest that trees and grasses have access to different sources of N and P, with trees being able to access P from deeper soil layers and perhaps also utilizing organic forms more efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper examines invasion of grasslands on Cape York Peninsula, Australia, by Melaleuca viridiflora and other woody species, and the role of storm‐burning (lighting fires after the first wet season rains) in their maintenance. Trends in disturbance features, fuel characteristics, ground layer composition, and woody plants dynamics under combinations of withholding fire and storm‐burning over a 3‐year period were measured on 19 plots in three landscape settings. Population dynamics of M. viridiflora are described in detail and 20‐year population projections based on transition matrices under different fire regimes generated. Numerous M. viridiflora suckers occurred within the grass layer, increasing each year regardless of fire regime, and were rapidly recruited to the canopy in the absence of fire. Storm‐burning had little impact on fuel, ground layer or woody plant composition, but maintained open vegetation structure by substantially reducing recruitment of M. viridiflora suckers to the sapling layer, and by reducing the above‐grass‐layer abundance of several other invasive woody species. Population projections indicated that withholding fire for 20 years could cause a sevenfold increase of M. viridiflora density on Ti‐tree flats, and that annual to triennial storm‐burning should be effective at maintaining a stable open vegetation structure. These findings argue against vegetation thickening being an inevitable consequence of climate change. We conclude that a fire regime that includes regular storm‐burning can be effective for maintaining grasslands and grassy woodlands being invaded by M. viridiflora.  相似文献   

Niall P. Hanan 《Biotropica》2012,44(2):189-196
This paper examines the feasibility of applying self‐thinning concepts to savannas and how competition with herbaceous vegetation may modify self‐thinning patterns among woody plants in these ecosystems. Competition among woody plants has seldom been invoked as a major explanation for the persistence of herbaceous vegetation in mixed tree–grass ecosystems. On the contrary, the primary resource‐based explanations for tree–grass coexistence are based on tree–grass competition (niche‐separation) that assumes that trees are inferior competitors unless deeper rooting depths provide them exclusive access to water. Alternative nonresource‐based hypotheses postulate that trees are the better competitors, but that tree populations are suppressed by mortality related to fire, herbivores, and other disturbances. If self‐thinning of woody plants can be detected in savannas, stronger evidence for resource‐limitation and competitive interactions among woody plants would suggest that the primary models of savannas need to be adjusted. We present data from savanna sites in South Africa to suggest that self‐thinning among woody plants can be detected in low‐disturbance situations, while also showing signs that juvenile trees, more so than adults, are suppressed when growing with herbaceous vegetation in these ecosystems. This finding we suggest is evidence for size‐asymmetric competition in savannas.  相似文献   

In frequently burnt mesic savannas, trees can get trapped into a cycle of surviving fire-induced stem death (i.e. topkill) by resprouting, only to be topkilled again a year or two later. The ability of savanna saplings to resprout repeatedly after fire is a key component of recent models of tree–grass coexistence in savannas. This study investigated the carbon allocation and biomass partitioning patterns that enable a dominant savanna tree, Acacia karroo, to survive frequent and repeated topkill. Root starch depletion and replenishment, foliage recovery and photosynthesis of burnt and unburnt plants were compared over the first year after a burn. The concentration of starch in the roots of the burnt plants (0.08 ± 0.01 g g−1) was half that of the unburnt plant (0.16 ± 0.01 g g−1) at the end of the first growing season after topkill. However, root starch reserves of the burnt plants were replenished over the dry season and matched that of unburnt plants within 1 year after topkill. The leaf area of resprouting plants recovered to match that of unburnt plants within 4–5 months after topkill. Shoot growth of resprouting plants was restricted to the first few months of the wet season, whereas photosynthetic rates remained high into the dry season, allowing replenishment of root starch reserves. 14C labeling showed that reserves were initially utilized for shoot growth after topkill. The rapid foliage recovery and the replenishment of reserves within a single year after topkill implies that A. karroo is well adapted to survive recurrent topkill and is poised to take advantage of unusually long fire-free intervals to grow into adults. This paper provides some of the first empirical evidence to explain how savanna trees in frequently burnt savannas are able to withstand frequent burning as juveniles and survive to become adults. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp.) dominate many communities across Australia, including frequently burnt tropical savannas and temperate forests, which receive less frequent but more intense fires. Understanding the demographic characteristics that allow related trees to persist in tropical savannas and temperate forest ecosystems can provide insight into how savannas and forests function, including grass–tree coexistence. This study reviews differences in critical stages in the life cycle of savanna and temperate forest eucalypts, especially in relation to fire. It adds to the limited data on tropical eucalypts, by evaluating the effect of fire regimes on the population biology of Corymbia clarksoniana, a tree that dominates some tropical savannas of north‐eastern Australia. Corymbia clarksoniana displays similar demographic characteristics to other tropical savanna species, except that seedling emergence is enhanced when seed falls onto recently burnt ground during a high rainfall period. In contrast to many temperate forest eucalypts, tropical savanna eucalypts lack canopy‐stored seed banks; time annual seed fall to coincide with the onset of predictable wet season rain; have very rare seedling emergence events, including a lack of mass germination after each fire; possess an abundant sapling bank; and every tropical eucalypt species has the ability to maintain canopy structure by epicormically resprouting after all but the most intense fires. The combination of poor seedling recruitment strategies, coupled with characteristics allowing long‐term persistence of established plants, indicate tropical savanna eucalypts function through the persistence niche rather than the regeneration niche. The high rainfall‐promoted seedling emergence of C. clarksoniana and the reduction of seedling survival and sapling growth by fire, support the predictions that grass–tree coexistence in savannas is governed by rainfall limiting tree seedling recruitment and regular fires limiting the growth of juvenile trees to the canopy.  相似文献   

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