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Sexual dimorphism in body mass was studied in prepupae, pupae and immature adults of the green dock leaf beetle Gastrophysa viridula under a constant temperature of 24 degreesC and two photoperiods (12L: 12D and 22L:22D). Females were significantly heavier compared to males at all the three developmental stages; just after emergence from pupae they weighed on average 11.4 mg while males -10.3 mg. Sex differences in photoperiodic body mass plasticity were revealed: under short-day conditions pupal and adult mass in females was significantly higher compared to long day, but not in males. Such a response to short day (the factor inducing reproductive diapause in this species) is likely to promote accumulation of greater amount of nutrients by females which is necessary for earlier oviposition after over-wintering.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(6):433-438
Females of leaf beetles and many other herbivorous insects lay eggs in coherent batches. Hatchlings emerge more or less simultaneously and often prey on their late-hatching clutchmates. It is not certain, however, whether this synchrony of hatching is a mere by-product of cannibalism or whether an additional synchronizing factor exists. The following simple experiment was aimed at determining the causal relationship between cannibalism and simultaneous larval emergence. Egg clutches of the dock leaf beetle Gastrophysa viridula were split into two halves. These halves were either kept as coherent groups in two separate dishes or, alternatively, only one half remained whole, whereas the other one was divided into single eggs, each of which was incubated in a separate dish. Halving of a clutch into coherent groups only slightly disrupted the synchrony of emergence. The consequence of individual isolation was more dramatic. Half-clutches consisting of disconnected solitary eggs required almost twice as much time for complete emergence of all larvae, which was significantly more than cannibalism as a sole synchronizing factor might explain. Moreover, survival rates were the same in coherent half-clutches (in the presence of cannibalism) and among isolated individuals. This group effect and the small contribution of cannibalism suggest the existence of an additional synchronizing factor. Possible mechanisms underpinning this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Broad-leaved dock, Rumex obtusifolius L. (Polygonaceae), is the main host plant of the green dock beetle, Gastrophysa viridula Degeer (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Adult beetles are able to attach and walk on leaves of this plant. Leaf surface is rather uneven, because of irregularly shaped prominent epidermal cells with a maximum height of about 9 µm. The surface is covered with a smooth epicuticular wax layer having relatively low free surface energy (FSE). The aim of this study was to measure beetle attachment force applying a 'centrifugal technique' on adult insects on the leaf surface and other substrates, in order to understand the effect of surface architecture and its physicochemical properties on insect attachment. We compared forces on an adaxial leaf surface with forces on a smooth silanized glass plate having low FSE, and on a polishing paper having slightly lower FSE and similar surface roughness (asperities' size = 9 µm). Smooth plate made of normal untreated clean glass with high FSE was used as a reference substrate. On the leaf surface and the polishing paper, attachment forces were lower compared to both glass samples. There was no significant difference between force values on leaves and the polishing paper, but on both glass surfaces they were significantly higher than on the other substrates. Hydrophobicity alone explains a decrease in attachment force of the beetle, but when combined with roughness the decrease in force is four times greater.  相似文献   

Understanding the challenges faced by organisms moving within their environment is essential to comprehending the evolution of locomotor morphology and habitat use. Geckos have developed adhesive toe pads that enable exploitation of a wide range of microhabitats. These toe pads, and their adhesive mechanisms, have typically been studied using a range of artificial substrates, usually significantly smoother than those available in nature. Although these studies have been fundamental in understanding the mechanisms of attachment in geckos, it is unclear whether gecko attachment simply gradually declines with increased roughness as some researchers have suggested, or whether the interaction between the gekkotan adhesive system and surface roughness produces nonlinear relationships. To understand ecological challenges faced in their natural habitats, it is essential to use test surfaces that are more like surfaces used by geckos in nature. We tested gecko shear force (i.e., frictional force) generation as a measure of clinging performance on three artificial substrates. We selected substrates that exhibit microtopographies with peak‐to‐valley heights similar to those of substrates used in nature, to investigate performance on a range of smooth surfaces (glass), and fine‐grained (fine sandpaper) to rough (coarse sandpaper). We found that shear force did not decline monotonically with roughness, but varied nonlinearly among substrates. Clinging performance was greater on glass and coarse sandpaper than on fine sandpaper, and clinging performance was not significantly different between glass and coarse sandpaper. Our results demonstrate that performance on different substrates varies, probably depending on the underlying mechanisms of the adhesive apparatus in geckos.  相似文献   

Adhesive organs on the legs of arthropods and vertebrates are strongly direction dependent, making contact only when pulled towards the body but detaching when pushed away from it. Here we show that the two types of attachment pads found in cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea), tarsal euplantulae and pretarsal arolium, serve fundamentally different functions. Video recordings of vertical climbing revealed that euplantulae are almost exclusively engaged with the substrate when legs are pushing, whereas arolia make contact when pulling. Thus, upward-climbing cockroaches used front leg arolia and hind leg euplantulae, whereas hind leg arolia and front leg euplantulae were engaged during downward climbing. Single-leg friction force measurements showed that the arolium and euplantulae have an opposite direction dependence. Euplantulae achieved maximum friction when pushed distally, whereas arolium forces were maximal during proximal pulls. This direction dependence was not explained by the variation of shear stress but by different contact areas during pushing or pulling. The changes in contact area result from the arrangement of the flexible tarsal chain, tending to detach the arolium when pushing and to peel off euplantulae when in tension. Our results suggest that the euplantulae in cockroaches are not adhesive organs but 'friction pads', mainly providing the necessary traction during locomotion.  相似文献   

The link between claw morphology and function has been historically difficult to quantify, analyze, and interpret. A confounding factor is the ambiguous morphological relationship between the ungual and the sheath and whether one structure or the other is more useful for inferring function from morphology. In this study, the functional morphology of vertebrate claws is analyzed using sheath and ungual measurements taken from modern claw specimens spanning birds and mammals. Claw measurements were chosen for their potential biomechanical significance and a revised, expanded categorization of claw function is used. When corresponding claw measurements from the ungual and sheath are compared independently, some features are highly correlated whereas others are not. A principal component analysis of the claw measurements reveals that some of the morphological disparity is related to functional differences; however, different functional categories are not clearly separated based solely on morphology. A linear discriminant analysis incorporating a supervised dimensionality reduction method (J-function) successfully classifies 94.52% of the claw specimens to their documented functional categories. When the posterior probabilities of each classification are examined, and the next highest probabilities are considered, the analysis can successfully classify 98.63% of the claw specimens. Sheath measurements perform better than ungual measurements but combining measurements from both structures perform better than considering either structure individually. Both structures contribute valuable morphological information when it comes to inferring claw function from morphology.  相似文献   

This article presents an analogy to illustrate the effect of surface roughness on surface wettability. I used a water-filled balloon to represent water droplet, a toothpick to represent surface roughness and Styrofoam as the surface. The analogies presented in this article will help visualize how roughness affects the wettability of the surface and therefore can be used to introduce surface wettability to high school students.  相似文献   

The arrangement of muscles and tendons has been studied in detail by anatomists, surgeons and biomechanists for over a century, and the energetics and mechanics of muscle contraction for almost as long. Investigation of how muscles function during locomotion and the relative length change in muscle fibres and the associated elastic tendon has, however, been more challenging. In recent years, novel in vivo measurement methods such as ultrasound and sonomicrometry have contributed to our understanding of the dynamics of the muscle tendon unit during locomotion. Here, we examine both published and new data to explore how muscles are arranged to deliver the wide repertoire of locomotor function and the trade-offs between performance and economy that result.  相似文献   

Insects live in a three-dimensional space, and need to be able to attach to different types of surfaces in a variety of environmental and behavioral contexts. Adult leaf beetles possess great attachment ability due to their hairy attachment pads. In contrast, their larvae depend on smooth pads to attach to the same host plant. We tested friction forces generated by larvae and adults of dock leaf beetles Gastrophysa viridula on different rough surfaces, and found that adults generate much higher attachment to various substrates than larvae, but are more susceptible to completely losing attachment ability on surfaces with “critical” roughness. Furthermore, sex-specific setal morphology has the effect that attachment forces of male adults are generally higher than those of females when adjusted for body weight. The results are discussed in the context of development, ecology, and changing behavioral strategies of successive life stages.  相似文献   

  • 1 Gastrophysa viridula Degeer (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the pathogenic rust fungus Uromyces rumicis (Schum.) Wint. both occur on leaves of Rumex crispus L. and R.obtusifolius L. Individual stages of beetle development, and egg laying, were compared on healthy and infected leaves of each plant species in the laboratory. Oviposition choice was investigated in the field and laboratory.
  • 2 Beetles reared on infected leaves of each species had greater larval mortality and slower development than those reared on healthy leaves. Although larvae feeding on infected leaves consumed up to 2.5 times more dry weight than those reared on healthy leaves, they had a lower relative growth rate and pupated at a lower weight. These changes were consistent with the reduced nutritive quality of rust-infected Rumex leaves.
  • 3 Fecundity of beetles reared on infected leaves of both species was considerably reduced. Eggs laid by beetles feeding on infected R.crispus leaves also had a reduced viability.
  • 4 The beetle developed consistently poorer on healthy R.crispus than on healthy R.obtusifolius throughout its life-cycle. Differences in larval performance were greater between host species than between infected and healthy leaves.
  • 5 Oviposition was similar on infected and healthy R.crispus in both the laboratory and field. However, adults consumed less, and laid fewer eggs on infected than on healthy R.obtusifolius. The pattern of egg laying on different aged leaves was affected by rust infection: a greater proportion of eggs was laid on the older, infected leaves, than on the equivalent aged leaves on the healthy plants. Few larvae survived from eggs laid on rusted leaves in the field.

Year 2010 marked the 25th year since we came to know that roughness of a protein surface has fractal symmetry. Ever since the publication of Lewis and Rees' paper, hundreds of works from a spectrum of perspectives have established that fractal dimension (FD) can be considered as a reliable marker that describes roughness of protein surface objectively. In this article, we introduce readers to the fundamentals of fractals and present categorical biophysical and geometrical reasons as to why FD‐based constructs can describe protein surface roughness more accurately. We then review the commonality (and the lack of it) between numerous approaches that have attempted to investigate protein surface with fractal measures, before exploring the patterns in the results that they have produced. Apart from presenting the genealogy of approaches and results, we present an analysis that quantifies the difference in surface roughness in stretches of protein surface containing the active site, before and after binding to ligands, to underline the utility of FD‐based measures further. It has been found that surface stretches containing the active site, in general, undergo a significant increment in its roughness after binding. After presenting the entire repertoire of FD‐based surface roughness studies, we talk about two yet‐unexplored problems where application of FD‐based techniques can help in deciphering underlying patterns of surface interactions. Finally, we list the limitations of FD‐based constructs and put down several precautions that one must take while working with them. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Methodological advances in light microscopy have made it possible to record the motions of individual lipid and protein molecules resident in the membrane of living cells down to the nanometer level of precision in the x, y plane. Such measurement of a single molecule’s trajectory for a sufficiently long period of time or the measurement of multiple molecules’ trajectories for a shorter period of time can in principle provide the necessary information to derive the particle’s macroscopic two-dimensional-diffusion coefficient—a quantity of vital biological interest. However, one drawback of the light microscopy procedures used in such experiments is their relatively poor discriminatory capability for determining spatial differences along the z axis in comparison to those in the x, y plane. In this study we used computer simulation to examine the likely effect of local surface roughness over the nanometer to micrometer scale on the determination of diffusion constants in the membrane bilayer by the use of such optical-microscope-based single-particle tracking (SPT) procedures. We specifically examined motion of a single molecule along (i) a locally planar and (ii) a locally rough surface. Our results indicate a need for caution in applying overly simplistic analytical strategies to the analysis of data from SPT measurements and provide upper and lower bounds for the likely degree of error introduced on the basis of surface roughness effects alone. Additionally we present an empirical method based on an autocorrelation function approach that may prove useful in identifying the existence of surface roughness and give some idea of its extent.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Observations were made on the biology of Gastrophysu polygoni (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in cereal fields in southern England in 1977, 1978 and 1979. Adults of the overwintering generation emerged in late April/ May and there were usually two generations during the spring and summer months. In 1979 there was some evidence for at least a partial third generation.
2. In the field, the oviposition period was 44 days in the first generation and c . 25 days in the second. Fecundity varied from 586 to 1028 eggs per female and was higher in the first than in the second generation in both 1977 and 1979; in 1978 the reverse was true.
3. Every year there were Iarge losses in the numbers within a generation. However, only one parasite was bred from the developmental stages and a pathogen attacking the larvae was found only in 1977.
4. In some fields and in some years, harvesting and straw burning operations were carried out when eggs were present on the plants. Harvesting did not result in a significant reduction in the numbers of eggs. Burning reduced the numbers of egg batches. The effect was most severe when the straw was spread over the field prior to burning.
5. In the field, significantly more eggs were laid on plants of Polygonum aviculare than on P.convolvulus . In the laboratory, larval survival was higher and duration of development shorter on these two species than on other Polygonaceae found on the farm.  相似文献   

Shark skin is covered with numerous placoid scales or dermal denticles. While previous research has used scanning electron microscopy and histology to demonstrate that denticles vary both around the body of a shark and among species, no previous study has quantified three‐dimensional (3D) denticle structure and surface roughness to provide a quantitative analysis of skin surface texture. We quantified differences in denticle shape and size on the skin of three individual smooth dogfish sharks (Mustelus canis) using micro‐CT scanning, gel‐based surface profilometry, and histology. On each smooth dogfish, we imaged between 8 and 20 distinct areas on the body and fins, and obtained further comparative skin surface data from leopard, Atlantic sharpnose, shortfin mako, spiny dogfish, gulper, angel, and white sharks. We generated 3D images of individual denticles and measured denticle volume, surface area, and crown angle from the micro‐CT scans. Surface profilometry was used to quantify metrology variables such as roughness, skew, kurtosis, and the height and spacing of surface features. These measurements confirmed that denticles on different body areas of smooth dogfish varied widely in size, shape, and spacing. Denticles near the snout are smooth, paver‐like, and large relative to denticles on the body. Body denticles on smooth dogfish generally have between one and three distinct ridges, a diamond‐like surface shape, and a dorsoventral gradient in spacing and roughness. Ridges were spaced on average 56 µm apart, and had a mean height of 6.5 µm, comparable to denticles from shortfin mako sharks, and with narrower spacing and lower heights than other species measured. We observed considerable variation in denticle structure among regions on the pectoral, dorsal, and caudal fins, including a leading‐to‐trailing edge gradient in roughness for each region. Surface roughness in smooth dogfish varied around the body from 3 to 42 microns.  相似文献   

Here, we used an obstacle treadmill experiment to investigate the neuromuscular control of locomotion in uneven terrain. We measured in vivo function of two distal muscles of the guinea fowl, lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and digital flexor-IV (DF), during level running, and two uneven terrains, with 5 and 7 cm obstacles. Uneven terrain required one step onto an obstacle every four to five strides. We compared both perturbed and unperturbed strides in uneven terrain to level terrain. When the bird stepped onto an obstacle, the leg became crouched, both muscles acted at longer lengths and produced greater work, and body height increased. Muscle activation increased on obstacle strides in the LG, but not the DF, suggesting a greater reflex contribution to LG. In unperturbed strides in uneven terrain, swing pre-activation of DF increased by 5 per cent compared with level terrain, suggesting feed-forward tuning of leg impedance. Across conditions, the neuromechanical factors in work output differed between the two muscles, probably due to differences in muscle-tendon architecture. LG work depended primarily on fascicle length, whereas DF work depended on both length and velocity during loading. These distal muscles appear to play a critical role in stability by rapidly sensing and responding to altered leg-ground interaction.  相似文献   

The influences of surface roughness on the boundary conditions for a simple fluid flowing over hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces are investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The degree of slip is found to decrease with surface roughness for both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. The flow rates measured in hydrophobic channels are larger than those in hydrophilic channels with the presence of slip velocity at the walls. The simulation results of flow rate are correlated with the theoretical predictions according to the assumption of no slip boundary condition. The slip boundary condition also strongly depends on the shear rate near the surface. For hydrophobic surfaces, apparent fluid slips are observed on smooth and rough surfaces. For simple fluids flowing over a hydrophobic surface, the slip length increases linearly with shear rate for both the smooth and rough surfaces. Alternately, the slip length has a power law dependence on the shear rate for the cases of hydrophilic surfaces. It is observed that there is a no-slip boundary condition only when shear rate is low, and partial slip occurs when it exceeds a critical level.  相似文献   

Seagrasses provide various ecosystem functions in coastal areas of the world. In the Mediterranean Sea, Posidonia oceanica is an endemic species threatened by several activities despite being protected by national and international laws. Currently, several transplanting initiatives have been carried out using different methods, among which those including seeds and seedlings are considered the most ecological and low-cost ones. Beach-cast fruits and seeds can be found in spring and their appearance can easily be reported, through a citizen science approach, by the community. One of the obstacles in using these methods is identifying the best substrate in which to place P. oceanica seeds to facilitate root adhesion of the seedlings prior to their transplantation into the sea. In the present study, we analyzed, using a 3D surface optical microscope, the roughness of natural rocks to identify the availability of specific roughness ranges suitable for adhesion and root anchoring of P. oceanica seedlings. Conventional roughness parameters and roughness power spectral density were calculated for the inner and outer surfaces of 9 different rock samples. Among the rock samples examined, the calcarenitic ones and in particular marsala calcarenite, due to the presence of the “ideal roughness for seedlings” can be considered one of the best consolidated substrates to be used for the construction of ad hoc devices on which plantlet of P. oceanica can grow for the purpose of restoration.  相似文献   

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