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Inbred strains of mice differ in their susceptibility to excitotoxin-induced cell death, but the genetic basis of individual variation in differential susceptibility is unknown. Previously, we identified a highly significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 18 that influenced susceptibility to kainic acid-induced cell death ( Sicd1 ). Comparison of susceptibility to seizure-induced cell death between reciprocal congenic lines for Sicd1 and parental background mice indicates that genes influencing this trait were captured in both strains. Two positional gene candidates, Galr1 and Mbp , map to 55 cM, where the Sicd1 QTL had been previously mapped. Thus, this study was undertaken to determine if Galr1 and/or Mbp could be considered as candidate genes. Genomic sequence comparison of these two functional candidate genes from the C57BL/6J (resistant at Sicd1 ) and the FVB/NJ (susceptible at Sicd1 ) strains showed no single-nucleotide polymorphisms. However, expression studies confirmed that Galr1 shows significant differential expression in the congenic and parental inbred strains. Galr1 expression was downregulated in the hippocampus of C57BL/6J mice and FVB.B6- Sicd1 congenic mice when compared with FVB/NJ or B6.FVB- Sicd1 congenic mice. A survey of Galr1 expression among other inbred strains showed a significant effect such that 'susceptible' strains showed a reduction in Galr1 expression as compared with 'resistant' strains. In contrast, no differences in Mbp expression were observed. In summary, these results suggest that differential expression of Galr1 may contribute to the differences in susceptibility to seizure-induced cell death between cell death-resistant and cell death-susceptible strains.  相似文献   

应用微卫星遗传标记对近交系C57BL/6J(B6)小鼠遗传稳定性进行分析。用FAM标记的引物PCR扩增了来自北京和上海三个实验动物生产单位提供的三个B6小鼠群体共15个微卫星位点并进行分型。结果显示,所有位点均处于纯合状态,其中7个位点为多态位点。研究表明各B6群体虽然为高度近交群体,但不同生产单位维持的B6群体之间存在遗传分化。  相似文献   

Physiological dependence and associated withdrawal episodes are thought to constitute a motivational force perpetuating continued alcohol use/abuse. Although no animal model duplicates alcoholism, models for specific factors, like the withdrawal syndrome, are useful to identify potential determinants of liability in humans. We previously detected quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with large effects on predisposition to physical dependence and associated withdrawal following chronic or acute alcohol exposure to a large region of chromosome 1 in mice ( Alcdp1 and Alcw1 , respectively). Here, we provide the first confirmation of Alcw1 in a congenic strain, and, using interval-specific congenic strains, narrow its position to a minimal 1.1   Mb (maximal 1.7   Mb) interval syntenic with human chromosome 1q23.2-23.3. We also report the development of a small donor segment congenic that confirms capture of a gene(s) affecting physical dependence after chronic alcohol exposure within this small interval. This congenic will be invaluable for determining whether this interval harbors a gene(s) involved in additional alcohol responses for which QTLs have been detected on distal chromosome 1, including alcohol consumption, alcohol-conditioned aversion and -induced ataxia. The possibility that this QTL plays an important role in such diverse responses to alcohol makes it an important target. Moreover, human studies have identified markers on chromosome 1q associated with alcoholism, although this association is still suggestive and mapped to a large region. Thus, the fine mapping of this QTL and analyses of the genes within the QTL interval can inform developing models for genetic determinants of alcohol dependence in humans.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that adolescent mice display differential sensitivity to the acute locomotor activating effects of cocaine as compared to adults, but the direction of the difference varies across studies and the reasons are not clear. Few studies have directly examined genetic contributions to age differences in locomotor stimulation from cocaine. The goal of this study was to determine the extent to which reduced stimulation in C57BL/6J adolescents as compared to adults generalizes to other strains. Therefore, we examined male and female mice from four genetically divergent inbred stains (BALB/cByJ, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J and FVB/NJ) at two ages, postnatal day 30 and postnatal day 65. Mice received either saline or cocaine (15 or 30 mg/kg), and then immediately were placed back into their home cages. Locomotor activity was recorded continuously in the home cage by video tracking. Adolescents displayed reduced stimulation as compared to adults for C57BL/6J, BALB/cByJ and female FVB/NJ mice. No age differences were observed for DBA/2J or male FVB/NJ. No main effects of sex were observed. Strain differences in pharmacokinetics, neural development or physiology could contribute to the observed differences between ages across strains. Future comparative studies could discover biological differences between strains that explain age differences in cocaine sensitivity.  相似文献   

The C57BL/6J (B6) inbred mouse strain is commonly used in biomedical researches. However, some unexpected inconsistency was reported compared with previous studies, and in most cases, it can be attributed to environmental, epigenetic or stochastic differences. The goal of this study was to investigate the genetic stability of the B6 strain maintained in different breeders. B6 mice purchased from five Chinese commercial breeders were examined, and mitochondrial D-loop sequence and 18 microsatellite loci were genotyped. There is no difference in the D-loop sequences, but variations exist in the nucleic microsatellite markers. Combining the data from MGI_4.01, a significant divergence is observed among those mice. The present study indicates that different B6 mice share the common maternal lineage and are still inbred in each breeder, but subline divergence occurs.  相似文献   

C57BL/6J小鼠ES细胞系的建立及其特性分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文报道从C57BL/6J个鼠的囊胚中,建立了三个ES细胞系MESPU17,MESPU18,MESPU19。这些细胞的细胞学特征和强AKP反应,表明这三个细胞系具有干细胞的特征。这三个细胞系均为XY型,正常二倍体核型分别占70%、88%和59%。体外分化可形成简单类胚,体内分化可形成瘤块。与国际上通用的CCE和来自129/ter的ES细胞MESPU13相比,这三个细胞系的ES细胞较大;在体外培养时,生长较慢;细胞也较粘,进行显微注射时,很容易粘在注射针壁上。MESPU17,MESPU18进行了嵌合体制作,以BALB/c和昆明鼠的囊胚为受体,采用囊胚注射法未获嵌合体,但使用昆阴鼠的8细胞胚注射法和共培养法得到嵌合体。  相似文献   

The ability to genetically manipulate mice has led to rapid progress in our understanding of the roles of different gene products in human disease. Transgenic mice have often been created in the FVB/NJ (FVB) strain due to its high fecundity, while gene-targeted mice have been developed in the 129/SvJ-C57Bl/6J strains due to the capacity of 129/SvJ embryonic stem cells to facilitate germline transmission. Gene-targeted mice are commonly backcrossed into the C57Bl/6J (B6) background for comparison with existing data. Genetic modifiers have been shown to modulate mammary tumor latency in mouse models of breast cancer and it is commonly known that the FVB strain is susceptible to mammary tumors while the B6 strain is more resistant. Since gene-targeted mice in the B6 background are frequently bred into the polyomavirus middle T (PyMT) mouse model of breast cancer in the FVB strain, we have sought to understand the impact of the different genetic backgrounds on the resulting phenotype. We bred mice deficient in the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) until they were congenic in the PyMT model in the FVB and B6 strains. Our results reveal that the large difference in mean tumor latencies in the two backgrounds of 53 and 92 days respectively affect the ability to discern smaller differences in latency due to the Nos2 genetic mutation. Furthermore, the longer latency in the B6 strain enables a more detailed analysis of tumor formation indicating that individual tumor development is not stoichastic, but is initiated in the #1 glands and proceeds in early and late phases. NO production affects tumors that develop early suggesting an association of iNOS-induced NO with a more aggressive tumor phenotype, consistent with human clinical data positively correlating iNOS expression with breast cancer progression. An examination of lung metastases, which are significantly reduced in PyMT/iNOS−/− mice compared with PyMT/iNOS+/+ mice only in the B6 background, is concordant with these findings. Our data suggest that PyMT in the B6 background provides a useful model for the study of inflammation-induced breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective: Some cytokines and mediators of inflammation can alter adiposity through their effects on adipocyte number. To probe the molecular basis of obesity, this study determined whether galectin‐3 was present in adipose tissue and investigated its effects on fat cell number. Research Methods and Procedures: In the first study, obesity‐prone C57BL/6J mice were fed with high‐fat (58%) diet. Epididymal fat pads were collected at Day 0, Day 60, and Day 120 after the start of high‐fat feeding. Results: Levels of adipocyte galectin‐3 protein, determined using Western blot analysis, increased as the mice became obese. Galectin‐3 mRNA and protein were then detected in human adipose tissue, primarily in the preadipocyte fraction. It was found that recombinant human galectin‐3 stimulated proliferation of primary cultured preadipocytes as well as DNA synthesis through lectin‐carbohydrate interaction. Discussion: Galectin‐3, which has been known to play a versatile role especially in immune cells, might play a role also in adipose tissue and be associated with the pathophysiology of obesity.  相似文献   

We recently mapped two quantitative trait loci that have widespread effects on hippocampal architecture in mouse: Hipp1a and Hipp5a. We also noted remarkable strain differences in the relative sizes of different hippocampal regions. Estimated heritable variation for these differences was 42% in hippocampus proper, 40% in dentate gyrus, 31% in granule cell layer and 18% in pyramidal cell layer. Region size varied at least 50% from largest to smallest measurement. Here we have utilized these differences to identify loci with effects on the dentate gyrus, granule cell layer, hippocampus proper and pyramidal cell layer. Our sample consists of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J and 32 BXD recombinant inbred strains. Volumetric data were corrected for shrinkage and for differences in brain weight. We identified significant loci on chromosomes (Chr) 6, 13 and 15, and a significant interaction locus on proximal Chr 11. A suggestive distal Chr 1 locus overlaps with Hipp1a. HipV13a (Chr 13, 42-78Mb) has an additive effect of 0.56 mm3 (12.1%) on dentate gyrus volume, while GrV6a (Chr 6, 29-65 Mb) has additive effects of 0.14 mm3 (16.0%) on the volume of the granule cell layer. HipV13a also interacts with DGVi11a, a locus on proximal Chr 11 that operates exclusively through its epistatic effect on HipV13a and has no independent main effect HipV15a (Chr 15, 0-51 Mb) has an additive effect of 1.76 mm3 (9.0%) on the volume of the hippocampus proper. We used WebOTL, a recently described web-based tool, to examine genetic correlation of gene expression with hippocampal volume. We identified a number of genes that map within the OTL intervals and have highly correlated expression patterns. Using WebQTL's extensive database of published BXD phenotypes, we also detected a strong and potentially biologically meaningful correlation between hippocampal volume and the acoustic startle response.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in sensitivity to nicotine have been reported in both animals and humans. The present study utilized a novel methodology to map genes involved in regulating both the psychostimulant and depressant effects of nicotine in the AcB/BcA recombinant congenic strains (RCS) of mice. Locomotor activity was measured in a computerized open-field apparatus following subcutaneous administration of saline (days 1 and 2) or nicotine on day 3. The phenotypic measures obtained from this experimental design included total basal locomotor activity, as well as total nicotine activity, nicotine difference scores, nicotine percent change and nicotine regression residual scores. The results indicated that the C57BL/6J (B6) were insensitive to nicotine over the entire dose-response curve (0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mg/kg). However, the 0.8-mg/kg dose of nicotine produced a significant decrease in the locomotor activity in the A/J strain and a wide and continuous range of both locomotor excitation and depression among the AcB/BcA RCS. Single-locus association analysis in the AcB RCS identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the psychostimulant effects of nicotine on chromosomes 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17 and one QTL for nicotine-induced depression on chromosome 11. In the BcA RCS, nicotine-induced locomotor activation was associated with seven putative regions on chromosomes 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16 and 17. There were no overlapping QTL and no genetic correlations between saline- and nicotine-related phenotypes in the AcB/BcA RCS. A number of putative candidate genes were in proximity to regions identified with nicotine sensitivity, including the alpha2 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and the dopamine D3 receptor.  相似文献   

重症肌无力小鼠模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立重症肌无力小鼠模型。方法电鳗乙酰胆碱受体(TnAChR)和完全弗氏佐剂(CFA)混合物免疫C57BL/6J小鼠,经二次加强免疫后,检测肌力、腓肠肌肌电图、膈肌终板电镜、血清抗体水平等指标。结果与对照小鼠相比,发病小鼠表现出肌力减弱的症状,肌电图显示小鼠腓肠肌复合动作电位振幅幅度显著下降,电镜证实神经肌接头处突触后膜变平、皱褶减少、空泡样变性,发病小鼠血清抗体水平明显升高。结论成功建立了重症肌无力小鼠模型,有助于探讨其发病机理及探索治疗自身免疫病新的途径和方法。  相似文献   


The myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is a major protein kinase C (PKC) substrate in brain that binds the inner surface of the plasma membrane, calmodulin, and cross-links filamentous actin, all in a PKC phosphorylation-reversible manner. MARCKS has been implicated in hippocampal-dependent learning and long-term potentiation (LTP). Previous studies have shown DBA/2 mice to exhibit poor spatial/contextual learning, impaired hippocampal LTP, and hippocampal mossy fiber hypoplasia, as well as reduced hippocampal PKC activity and expression relative to C57BL/6 mice. In the present study, we assessed the expression (mRNA and protein) and subcellular distribution (membrane and cytolsol) of MARCKS in the hippocampus and frontal cortex of C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice using quantitative western blotting. In the hippocampus, total MARCKS mRNA and protein levels in C57BL/6J mice were significantly lower ( approximately 45%) compared with DBA/2J mice, and MARCKS protein was observed predominantly in the cytosolic fraction. MARCKS expression in frontal cortex did not differ significantly between strains. To examine the dynamic regulation of MARCKS subcellular distribution, mice from each strain were subjected to 60 min restraint stress and MARCKS subcellular distribution was determined 24 h later. Restraint stress resulted in a significant reduction in membrane MARCKS expression in C57BL/6J hippocampus but not in the DBA/2J hippocampus despite similar stress-induced increases in serum corticosterone. Restraint stress did not affect cytosolic or total MARCKS levels in either strain. Similarly, restraint stress (30 min) in rats also induced a significant reduction in membrane MARCKS, but not total or cytosolic MARCKS, in the hippocampus but not in frontal cortex. In rats, chronic lithium treatment prior to stress exposure reduced hippocampal MARCKS expression but did not affect the stress-induced reduction in membrane MARCKS. Collectively these data demonstrate higher resting levels of MARCKS in the hippocampus of DBA/2J mice compared to C57BL/6J mice, and that acute stress leads to a long-term reduction in membrane MARCKS expression in C57BL/6J mice and rats but not in DBA/2J mice. These strain differences in hippocampal MARCKS expression and subcellular translocation following stress may contribute to the differences in behaviors requiring hippocampal plasticity observed between these strains.  相似文献   

In mice, a minimum number of healthy embryos is required to trigger and maintain pregnancy. Therefore, when recovering mouse embryos from a limited litter, one useful technique is to transfer carrier ICR embryos along with the embryos of interest, a technique referred to as cotransfer. In this study, we examined suitable mouse strains for cotransfer with C57BL/6J (B6) embryos in regards to the maintenance of pregnancy, number of pups born, intrauterine growth, and postnatal growth. Because the coat color of B6 is black, we compared two white coat-colored strains, SJL/J and ICR. Cotransfer of SJL/J and ICR embryos had similar effects on maintenance of pregnancy, number of pups born, and intrauterine growth. However, the postnatal growth of B6 mouse pups cotransferred and grown with SJL/J pups was better than for B6 mouse pups cotransferred and grown with ICR pups, suggesting competition among littermates. These results demonstrate that cotransfer of SJL/J embryos will be useful not only as carrier embryos with B6-background embryos but also as a model system to examine littermate competition.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(11):3597-3604.e3
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ES细胞(EmbryonicStemCels)是来源于小鼠早期胚胎的细胞系,它可以在体外大量培养而不失去其发育的多潜能性。ES细胞不仅可以用来制作转基因动物,而且能够作为载体进行基因打靶等多种研究。目前,国际上常用的胚胎干细胞系都是来源于129小鼠的胚胎。因而,有必要探讨用其它品系小鼠建立ES系。1991年,Ledermann等人首次报道从C57BL/6J小鼠胚胎中建成了ES细胞系,但是没有对建立的细胞系进行特性分析。国内柴桂萱等人虽然做了特性分析,但是他们所建细胞系的细胞直径较大,生长速度较慢,不同于常见的ES细胞系。我们从C57BL/6J品系小鼠胚胎中共分离了四个ES细胞系,分别命名为CE1、CE2、CE3、CE4(Fig.1a&b)。这四个细胞系核型正常率均达到70%以上。我们检查了CE2细胞的分化能力,当将CE2细胞注入同基因型小鼠的皮下后,获得的畸胎瘤(Fig.3)组织切片检查的结果表明:该细胞能够分化成多种组织(Fig.2)。我们也研究了ES细胞的嵌合能力,用ICR小鼠胚胎作为受体胚胎,采用囊胚显微注射法构建嵌合鼠。在幸存的幼鼠中我们获得了来源于CE2细胞的嵌合鼠(Table1,Fig.4)。综  相似文献   

Lengthened circadian period of locomotor activity is a characteristic of a congenic strain of mice carrying a nonsense mutation in exon 5 of the carbonic anhydrase II gene, car2. The null mutation in car2 is located on a DBA/2J inbred strain insert on proximal chromosome 3, on an otherwise C57BL/6J genomic background. Since reducing the size of the congenic region would narrow the possible candidate genes for period, two recombinant congenic strains (R1 and R2) were developed from the original congenic strain. These new congenic strains were assessed for period, genetic composition, and the presence of immunoreactive carbonic anhydrase II. R1 mice were homozygous DBA/2J for the distal portion of the original DBA/2J insert, while R2 mice were homozygous DBA/2J for the proximal portion. R1 mice had a significantly lengthened period compared to R2 mice and wild-type C57BL/6J mice, indicating that the gene(s) affecting period is likely found within the reduced DBA/2J insert (~1 cM) in the R1 mice. The R1 mice also possessed the null mutation in car2. This study confirmed the presence of a gene(s) affecting period on proximal chromosome 3 and significantly reduced the size of the congenic region and the number of candidate genes. Future studies will focus on identifying the gene influencing period.  相似文献   

Lengthened circadian period of locomotor activity is a characteristic of a congenic strain of mice carrying a nonsense mutation in exon 5 of the carbonic anhydrase II gene, car2. The null mutation in car2 is located on a DBA/2J inbred strain insert on proximal chromosome 3, on an otherwise C57BL/6J genomic background. Since reducing the size of the congenic region would narrow the possible candidate genes for period, two recombinant congenic strains (R1 and R2) were developed from the original congenic strain. These new congenic strains were assessed for period, genetic composition, and the presence of immunoreactive carbonic anhydrase II. R1 mice were homozygous DBA/2J for the distal portion of the original DBA/2J insert, while R2 mice were homozygous DBA/2J for the proximal portion. R1 mice had a significantly lengthened period compared to R2 mice and wild-type C57BL/6J mice, indicating that the gene(s) affecting period is likely found within the reduced DBA/2J insert (?1 cM) in the R1 mice. The R1 mice also possessed the null mutation in car2. This study confirmed the presence of a gene(s) affecting period on proximal chromosome 3 and significantly reduced the size of the congenic region and the number of candidate genes. Future studies will focus on identifying the gene influencing period.  相似文献   



Systemic neovascularization of the lung during chronic ischemia has been observed in all mammals studied. However, the proteins that orchestrate the complex interaction of new vessel growth and tunneling through lung tissue matrix have not been described. Although previous work has demonstrated the CXC chemokines are essential growth factors in the process of angiogenesis in mice and rats, key matrix proteins have not been identified.


Since the degradation of chemokines has been shown to be dependent on metalloproteinases (MMP), we first surveyed gene expression patterns (real time RT-PCR) of several lung matrix proteins in DBA/J (D2) mice and C57Bl/6 (B6) mice, strains known to have divergent parenchymal responses in other lung disease models. We studied changes in the time course of MMP-12 activity in D2 and B6 mice. Functional angiogenesis was determined 14 days after the onset of complete left lung ischemia induced by left pulmonary artery ligation (LPAL), using fluorescent microspheres.


Our results confirmed higher levels of MMP-12 gene expression in D2 mice relative to B6, which corresponded to a phenotype of minimal systemic angiogenesis in D2 mice and more robust angiogenesis in B6 mice (p < 0.01). MMP-12 activity decreased over the course of 14 days in B6 mice whereas it increased in D2 mice (p < 0.05). MMP-12 was associated largely with cells expressing the macrophage marker F4/80. Genetic deficiency of MMP-12 resulted in significantly enhanced neovascularization (p < 0.01 from B6).


Taken together, our results suggest macrophage-derived MMP-12 contributes to angiostasis in the ischemic lung.  相似文献   

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