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In a field experiment on winter wheat, take‐all on plants and the infectivity of the soil were studied in crop sequences with different combinations of sowing dates. Take‐all was negligible in the first wheat crop, but thereafter the mean disease intensity (measured using a take‐all rating, TAR, with a maximum of 300) was 108, 190, 118 and 251 in the second to fifth successive crops. In each growing season, the disease differed amongst sequences and built up more rapidly and was more intense on plants sown in mid‐September than on plants sown in mid‐October. In late‐sown plots, where volunteers had been present during the mid‐September to mid‐October period, take‐all reached an intensity intermediate between that in early‐sown plots and that in late‐sown plots that had been kept free of volunteers. Volunteers, therefore, partially offset the expected beneficial effect of decreased disease with later sowing. Differences in take‐all amongst sequences were most pronounced in the second wheat crop and early sowing of the previous wheat increased intensity of disease. In the following (third) crop, differences in disease intensity amongst sequences were smaller. Soil infectivity (measured by seedling bioassay after harvest) built up progressively from a low level after the first crop to peak after the third crop. In this build‐up phase, soil infectivity estimates were always numerically greater after harvest of early‐sown treatments than after later‐sown treatments, although never significant at P= 0.05. The greatest difference (P= 0.06) was recorded in October before sowing of the third crop, where the comparison was between soil after two previous early sowings and soil after two previous later sowings and control of volunteers. In the same autumn, presence of green cover (i.e. volunteers) was associated with a smaller loss of soil infectivity between harvest and later sowing than occurred in an absence of green cover. In 2nd–4th crops, where comparisons were available and mean TARs indicated moderate levels of take‐all, sowing later had no yield benefit, despite more take‐all and greater soil infectivity associated with early sowing. Important considerations for the management of crops at risk of take‐all are 1) choosing appropriate sowing dates to minimize take‐all or to encourage take‐all decline and 2) controlling volunteers and weed hosts where crops are sown late to minimise take‐all. 相似文献
Six sterol biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicides representing several combinations of properties were applied to soil to control naturally-occurring take-all (caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in winter wheat in field experiments in two successive years. The average take-all severity category was never more than moderate in the different clay-loam and sandy loam sites used in each year. At each site in each year there were six treatments and an untreated control in an arrangement based on a balanced-incomplete-block design for six treatments in 10 blocks each with three treatments. Each block had three treated plots and a control plot and was paired with the complementary block of three treatments (plus control) to form a complete replicate, of which there were 30 per site. Take-all assessments in June or July showed that after incorporation into the seed bed (at 2 kg ha“1and sometimes at 1 kg ha”1) in autumn, two non-volatile, strongly lipophilic compounds, nuarimol and triadimenol, with good intrinsic toxicity to the take-all fungus and slow rates of degradation, partially controlled take-all. However, another compound, flutriafol, with similar properties to nuarimol and triadimenol, controlled take-all less. Two slightly volatile, strongly lipophilic compounds, flusilazole and penconazole, with good intrinsic activity, were less effective (at 2 kg ha-1). A volatile, less lipophilic compound, PP 969, with less intrinsic activity, also partially controlled take-all, but only after application as a drench in the spring (2 kg ha-1). The most effective treatments were generally more effective the greater the level of disease (as indicated by assessments of disease in control plots), especially in spring assessments of disease. Although flutriafol did not perform as expected, it still seems reasonable to conclude that the requirements for a soil-applied fungicide to control take-all are likely to be: (i) good intrinsic fungitoxicity, (ii) some mobility in soil water (i.e. not strongly lipophilic), and (iii) season-long persistence. 相似文献
D. HORNBY G. L. BATEMAN R. W. PAYNE M. E. BROWN D. R. HENDEN R. CAMPBELL 《The Annals of applied biology》1993,122(2):253-270
Putative biological and chemical treatments for controlling take-all were used in each of three consecutive years at two locations where winter wheat crops were grown in naturally-infested fields. The chemical treatments more often decreased take-all than the biological treatments, but no treatment consistently and significantly decreased take-all, nor did any cause a significant increase in yield. An isolate of Bacillus cereus var. mycoides and one of B. pumilis, applied as soil drenches in autumn or spring, or in the seed furrows, were usually ineffective. Of the few significant effects on disease, half were associated with increases and half with decreases, and most occurred in April and did not persist to late June. Two strains of Pseudomonas pluorescens applied to the seed were ineffective. The fungicide benomyl, applied as a drench in autumn and spring at 20 kg/ha was ineffective, while nuarimol, applied as a drench in autumn at 2 kg/ha was sometimes effective. Nuarimol incorporated into the seed bed at 2 kg/ha was the most effective treatment. In analyses using a functional relationship model for data from treated and untreated plots 12% of 176 data sets for biological treatments, 38% of 96 data sets for chemical treatments and 81% of 16 data sets for combined treatments showed increasing efficiency of the treatment with increasing disease intensity. These findings also demonstrate an additional advantage of the experimental design, namely that treatments are tested at different disease intensity levels within fields. 相似文献
G.L. Bateman R.J. Gutteridge J.F. Jenkyn & M.M. Self 《The Annals of applied biology》2008,152(2):243-254
Seed treatments containing fluquinconazole, silthiofam or a standard fungicide mixture with no activity against take‐all were compared in all combinations of sequences in successive second and third winter wheat crops in five field experiments and second to fourth crops in a sixth experiment. Compared with the standard treatment, silthiofam decreased take‐all more effectively than fluquinconazole when crops were sampled at tillering. In samples taken in summer, during grain filling, silthiofam often decreased the incidence of take‐all (percentage of plants with root symptoms) more than fluquinconazole, but fluquinconazole more effectively decreased the incidence of severe take‐all (percentage of plants with more than 75% of their root systems blackened). It is suggested that these differences are a consequence of more effective control of primary infection of roots by silthiofam and of secondary, root‐to‐root, infection by fluquinconazole. Silthiofam usually increased yield more than did fluquinconazole, perhaps as a consequence of better early protection during tiller and/or spikelet formation. Treatment with either of the fungicides affected epidemic development in the treated crop and in crops grown subsequently. In particular, decreased take‐all had the effect of delaying the year‐to‐year epidemic, so that nontreatment of a subsequent crop resulted in an upsurge in disease. Treatment with either take‐all fungicide of a crop grown after a treated crop was relatively effective if the epidemic in the comparable nontreated crop sequence was continuing to increase. It was, however, detrimental if the disease was approaching its peak in the first treated crop, particularly if a treated (fourth wheat) crop was being compared with a similar crop in a nontreated sequence in which take‐all decline had developed. These results provide a basis for recommendations for the use of seed treatment fungicides in sequences of wheat crops. 相似文献
Yongting Yu Zhensheng Kang Qingmei Han Heinrich Buchenauer Lili Huang 《Journal of Phytopathology》2010,158(5):344-350
The distribution of extracellular 1,3‐β‐glucanase secreted by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) was investigated in situ in inoculated wheat roots by immunogold labelling and transmission electron microscopy. Antiserum was prepared by subcutaneously injecting rabbits with purified 1,3‐β‐glucanase secreted by the pathogenic fungus. A specific antibody of 1,3‐β‐glucanase, anti‐GluGgt, was purified and characterized. Double immunodiffusion tests revealed that the antiserum was specific for 1,3‐β‐glucanase of Ggt, but not for 1,3‐β‐glucanase from wheat plants. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified and crude enzyme extract and immunoblotting showed that the antibody was monospecific for 1,3‐β‐glucanase in fungal extracellular protein populations. After incubation of ultrathin sections of pathogen‐infected wheat roots with anti‐1,3‐β‐glucanase antibody and the secondary antibody, deposition of gold particles occurred over hyphal cells and the host tissue. Hyphal cell walls and septa as well as membranous structures showed regular labelling with gold particles, while few gold particles were detected over the cytoplasm and other organelles such as mitochondria and vacuoles. In host tissues, cell walls in contact with the hyphae usually exhibited a few gold particles, whereas host cytoplasm and cell walls distant from the hyphae were free of labelling. Furthermore, over lignitubers in the infected host cells labelling with gold particles was detected. No gold particles were found over sections of non‐inoculated wheat roots. The results indicate that 1,3‐β‐glucanase secreted by Ggt may be involved in pathogenesis of the take‐all fungus through degradation of callose in postinfectionally formed cell wall appositions, such as lignitubers. 相似文献
Winter wheat was grown for six successive years (Expt 1) and for three successive years (Expt 2) in field experiments on different soil types. Artificial inoculum of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici cultured on autoclaved oat grains) was incorporated in the soil of some of the plots just before, or at, sowing of the first winter wheat crop. Expt 1 tested the incorporation of similar amounts of inoculum (212 kg ha-1) at different depths. Expt 2 tested different amounts of inoculum at the same, shallow depth. Early sowing (September), late sowing (October) and spring inoculation were additional treatments, applied to the first crop only, in Expt 2. Seasonal factors apart, the disease outcome in the first year after inoculation depended on amounts and placement of applied inoculum, as well as date of sowing. Deeper inoculum resulted in less disease (Expt 1). Severe take-all was produced in Expt 2 by incorporating inoculum shallowly in sufficient quantities (400 kg ha-1 or more). Less inoculum (200 kg ha-1) generated less disease, especially in earlier-sown plots. Differences in disease amongst inoculum treatments were greatest in the first year and diminished subsequently, particularly where sowing had been early in the first year. In Expt 1, where first crops exposed to artificial inoculum developed moderate-to-severe disease, disease in subsequent second and/or third crops was less. In the fourth crop a second peak of disease occurred, coinciding with a first peak in sequences without added inoculum. Take-all decline (TAD) appeared to be expressed in all sequences thereafter. In Expt 2 in sequences without added inoculum, TAD occurred after a peak of disease in the second crop. Where 400 kg ha-1 or more of inoculum were added, disease was severe in the first year and decreased progressively in successive years. Disease was less patchy in plots that received artificial inoculum. However, it remains uncertain mat severe disease caused by artificial inoculation achieved an early onset of true TAD. The infectivity of the top 12 cm of soil in the first 3 yr of Expt 1, determined by bioassay, depended on the depth of added inoculum and amount of disease in subsequent crops. However, at the time of the naturally occurring peak of disease severity (in either inoculated or non-inoculated plots) it did not predict either disease or TAD. Differences and similarities amongst epidemics developing naturally and those developing from different amounts and placement of applied inoculum have been revealed. The epidemiological implications of adding inoculum and the potential value of artificially-created epidemics of take-all in field trials are discussed. 相似文献
全蚀病菌在玉米上的新变种 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文报道了玉米全蚀病菌禾顶囊壳菌(Gaeumannomyces graminis)的新变种——玉米变种[Gaeumannomyces graminis(Sacc.)Arx et Olivler var.maydis Yao Wang et Zhu var.nov.]。该变种在形态学、致病性、生物学及可溶性蛋白电泳谱带等方面,均不同于禾顶囊壳菌小麦变种[G.graminis var,tritici J.Walker)、水稻变种(G.graminis var.graminis Trans.)和燕麦变种[G.graminis var.avenae(Turner)Dennis]。模式标本保存在沈阳农业大学真菌标本室。 相似文献
利用弱致病性白化突变菌株与强致病菌株进行有性重组,研究了小麦全蚀病菌(禾顶囊壳小麦变种,Gaeumannomyces gramimis var. tritici)致病性的遗传规律。结果表明,以接种株地上部干重为致病性指标时,该菌对小麦的致病性为数量遗传性状,估计控制致病性的基因数为5 ~ 7个。弱致病菌株与强致病菌株杂交F1代致病性由弱至强呈连续分布,子代致病性的平均水平接近种亲代致病性的平均值。致病性的遗传力为54.36% ~ 71.00%,平均为62.32%。致病性表型易受环境因素的影响。菌落颜色与致病性无明显相关。 相似文献
Dongdong Zhang Tongguo Gao Hongya Li Baishi Lei 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2017,27(2):237-251
Bacillus subtilis strain Z-14 has biological control activity against the take-all fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt). In Petri dishes, the crude extract from B. subtilis Z-14 culture filtrate reduced take-all severity in roots of wheat seedlings by 91.3% and potted plants by 69.8% compared to the Ggt-inoculated control. Treatment with the crude extract also significantly (P?<?.05) increased growth of roots’ average length, and fresh weight in comparison with those of the Ggt-inoculated control. B. subtilis Z-14 culture filtrate was relatively thermally stable with 88.2% of the antifungal activity being retained after being heated at 100°C for 30?min. Meanwhile, the antifungal activity remained almost unchanged (>95%) when the culture filtrate was exposed to a pH ranging from 3 to 8, but significantly reduced in basic conditions. This activity was not transferred to the organic solvent phase after treatment with organic extraction agents. B. subtilis Z-14 culture filtrate exhibited a broad spectrum of antifungal activities against various phytopathogenic fungi. Three homologs of iturin A (C14–16) were characterised by liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-MS) and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry collision-induced dissociation (ESI-MS/MS CID). 相似文献
The variability of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici ( Ggt ) isolates was evaluated at an intravarietal level using non-molecular and molecular methods. Pathogenicity and linear growth rate of the pathogen were estimated. Very high pathogenicity was found in 44% of the isolates, medium in 20% and low only in 8%. Significant differences in mycelial growth rate were observed. The quickest linear growth rate of Ggt mycelium was observed at 25°C. Isolates derived from winter wheat grew faster than those obtained from spring wheat. The correlation between growth rates and pathogenicity was not significant. DNA polymorphism determined by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)–PCR was used to assess genetic variation among isolates. Thirty-two RAPD markers revealed DNA polymorphism suitable for assessing variability among isolates examined. Cluster analysis of RAPD data identified a few groups of isolates. RAPD markers associated with pathogenicity as well as mycelium growth rate were found. 相似文献
J.G. Maciá-Vicente L.C. Rosso A. Ciancio H.-B. Jansson & L.V. Lopez-Llorca 《The Annals of applied biology》2009,155(3):391-401
Colonisation of plant roots by endophytic fungi may confer benefits to the host such as protection against abiotic or biotic stresses or plant growth promotion. The exploitation of these properties is of great relevance at an applied level, either to increase yields of agricultural crops or in reforestation activities. Fusarium equiseti is a naturally occurring endophyte in vegetation under stress in Mediterranean ecosystems. Pochonia chlamydosporia is a nematode egg-parasitic fungus with a worldwide distribution. Both fungi have the capacity to colonise roots of non-host plants endophytically and to protect them against phytopathogenic fungi under laboratory conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the root population dynamics of these fungi under non-axenic practical conditions. Both fungal species were inoculated into barley roots. Their presence in roots and effects on plant growth and incidence of disease caused by the pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici were monitored periodically. Both fungi colonised barley roots endophytically over the duration of the experiment and competed with other existing fungal root colonisers. Furthermore, colonisation of roots by P. chlamydosporia promoted plant growth. Although a clear suppressive effect on disease could not be detected, F. equiseti isolates reduced the mean root lesion length caused by the pathogen. Results of this work suggest that both F. equiseti and P. chlamydosporia are long-term root endophytes that confer beneficial effects to the host plant. 相似文献
Wheat inoculated with the root pathogen Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) was grown in quartz silt at two levels of potassium nutrition. While in plants well supplied with K the incidence of
Ggt did not affect plant growth, it reduced shoot and root weight of K deficient plants. Denitrification, measured by the
acetylene inhibition technique and expressed as N2O/mg root weight, was increased either by low K nutrition or by Ggt infection. Highest denitrification in the rhizosphere
of plants was found with a combination of both, K deficiency and Ggt attack. 相似文献
宁夏灌区小麦白粉病菌子囊壳的存活力 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在宁夏灌区,小麦白粉病菌(Erysiphegraminisf.sp.tritici)子囊壳的存活力可达9个月以上。在不同发育时期,以贮存于4℃冰箱里的子囊壳存活率为最高;埋在小麦种子中的次之;置于室外的最低。大气温度和湿度对子囊壳存活力有影响,而以夏季高温为重。 相似文献
Mohamad Dalvand Ramin Roohparvar Milad Aeini 《Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection》2013,46(13):1621-1628
Septoria tritici blotch is an important wheat disease in many areas of the world including Iran’s warm, humid regions. In this study, reaction of 79 lines from elite regional wheat yield trials of the Cereal Research Department from four climate zones was evaluated to S. tritici leaf blotch in adult plant stage under an artificial field inoculation in Khuzestan province in the south of Iran for two years (2008–2009 and 2009–2010). Nurseries were artificially inoculated by spreading infected plant debris (from last growing season). Taking notes was performed with a modified Saari and Prescott method in 00–99 double-digit scale. Wheat lines were classified in groups of immune (00), highly resistant (11–14), resistant (15–34), moderately resistant (35–44), moderately susceptible (45–64), susceptible (65–84) and highly susceptible (85–99). Result showed that from 79 lines, 37 lines had susceptible reaction; 2 lines had moderately susceptible; and 40 lines showed immune. 相似文献