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Wild boar Sus scrofa L. rooting is a large and frequent disturbance, very extended all over the world. However, its impact in some sensitive habitats, such as alpine and subalpine grasslands remains unknown. These grasslands are considered important sites for biological conservation and traditional grazing activities, and are frequently affected by wild boar rootings. In this study, we selected three study sites representing a range of scenarios in Pyrenean alpine and subalpine grasslands, with differing protection status and grazing management. We assessed the extent of wild boar rooting, and determined the main variables that influence their distribution, taking into account the interactions among them. Our results showed that wild boar rooting significantly affected alpine and subalpine grasslands in the Pyrenees especially in protected non-hunting areas (up to 12% of the surface). The distribution of disturbed areas was influenced by a hierarchical suite of variables, among which vegetation, that is certain plant communities, was the most important. The apparent preference for dense grasslands might be associated with its soil depth, soil hardness and diversity of feeding resources. The importance of other variables, such as topography, distance to primary resources or grazing management, was site dependent. A broad understanding of the effects of variables and their relationships provide insights into the actual factors affecting the rooting selection. We hypothesize that the selection of feeding habitat, followed by the conditions of the soil to be uprooted and human management, are the main underlying factors that shape the distribution of wild boar rooting in alpine and subalpine grasslands.  相似文献   

A climate envelope approach was used to model the distributions of the intertidal gastropod Patella rustica , to test the robustness of forecast responses to climate change. The model incorporated variables that were likely to determine the abundance and the northern range limit of this species in the NE Atlantic. The model was built using classification and regression tree analysis (CART) trained with historical distribution data from the mid 1950s and a set of corresponding climatic and oceanographic variables. Results indicated air and sea temperature, in particular during the reproductive and settlement periods, as the main determinants of the Atlantic distribution of P. rustica . The model was subsequently fed with contemporary climatic data and its output was compared with the current distribution and abundance of P. rustica , assessed during a 2002–2003 survey. The model correctly hindcasted the recent collapse of a distributional gap in northern Portugal, as well as an increase in abundance at locations within its range. The predicted northward expansion of the northern range limit did not occur because the absence of the species was confirmed in a survey encompassing the whole Atlantic French coast up to Brest. Stretches of unsuitable habitat too long to be overcome by dispersal are the likely mechanism controlling the northern limit of the distribution of this intertidal species.  相似文献   

The task of modeling the distribution of a large number of tree species under future climate scenarios presents unique challenges. First, the model must be robust enough to handle climate data outside the current range without producing unacceptable instability in the output. In addition, the technique should have automatic search mechanisms built in to select the most appropriate values for input model parameters for each species so that minimal effort is required when these parameters are fine-tuned for individual tree species. We evaluated four statistical models—Regression Tree Analysis (RTA), Bagging Trees (BT), Random Forests (RF), and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)—for predictive vegetation mapping under current and future climate scenarios according to the Canadian Climate Centre global circulation model. To test, we applied these techniques to four tree species common in the eastern United States: loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), and white oak (Quercus alba). When the four techniques were assessed with Kappa and fuzzy Kappa statistics, RF and BT were superior in reproducing current importance value (a measure of basal area in addition to abundance) distributions for the four tree species, as derived from approximately 100,000 USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis plots. Future estimates of suitable habitat after climate change were visually more reasonable with BT and RF, with slightly better performance by RF as assessed by Kappa statistics, correlation estimates, and spatial distribution of importance values. Although RTA did not perform as well as BT and RF, it provided interpretive models for species whose distributions were captured well by our current set of predictors. MARS was adequate for predicting current distributions but unacceptable for future climate. We consider RTA, BT, and RF modeling approaches, especially when used together to take advantage of their individual strengths, to be robust for predictive mapping and recommend their inclusion in the ecological toolbox.  相似文献   

钟娇娇  陈杰  陈倩  姬柳婷  康冰 《生态学报》2019,39(1):277-285
采用多元回归树(MRT)对秦岭山地天然次生林群落进行数量分类,采用典范对应分析(CCA)进行排序,分析了秦岭山地天然次生林群落物种多样性沿海拔梯度的变化规律。结果表明:(1) 275个样方共有种子植物195种,隶属61科128属。乔、灌、草3个层次物种多样性变化沿海拔梯度的变化趋势基本一致,呈单峰模型;(2)经交叉验证认为秦岭山地天然次生林群落可分为2类,Ⅰ冬瓜杨(Populus purdomii)+陇东海棠(Malus kansuensis)+蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)群落,Ⅱ锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)+黄栌(Cotinus coggygria)+茜草(Rubia cordifolia)群落;(3) CCA排序结果揭示了群落生境的分布范围,反映出生态轴的排序意义,较好地反映秦岭山地天然次生林群落与环境因子的关系,其结果表明,海拔、坡向、凋落层厚度和干扰情况4个变量对该地区次生林群落的分布有较大的影响。  相似文献   

CD and ORD of twelve gibbane-10-carboxylic acid compounds with an aromatic A ring together with two related compounds were measured. The sign of the Cotton effect was found to be positive (negative) when the configuration of the C–10 carboxyl is β (α). The ORD also provided information to determine the configuration at C–4b. The C–10 carboxyl gave a stronger magnitude and redshift of the peak in a cis relation with 4b–H compared with that in a trans relation.  相似文献   

Aims Preserving and restoring Tamarix ramosissima is urgently required in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Using species distribution models to predict the biogeographical distribution of species is regularly used in conservation and other management activities. However, the uncertainty in the data and models inevitably reduces their prediction power. The major purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of predictor variables and species distribution models on simulating T. ramosissima distribution, to explore the relationships between predictor variables and species distribution models and to model the potential distribution of T. ramosissima in this basin.Methods Three models—the generalized linear model (GLM), classification and regression tree (CART) and Random Forests—were selected and were processed on the BIOMOD platform. The presence/absence data of T. ramosissima in the Tarim Basin, which were calculated from vegetation maps, were used as response variables. Climate, soil and digital elevation model (DEM) data variables were divided into four datasets and then used as predictors. The four datasets were (i) climate variables, (ii) soil, climate and DEM variables, (iii) principal component analysis (PCA)-based climate variables and (iv) PCA-based soil, climate and DEM variables.Important findings The results indicate that predictive variables for species distribution models should be chosen carefully, because too many predictors can reduce the prediction power. The effectiveness of using PCA to reduce the correlation among predictors and enhance the modelling power depends on the chosen predictor variables and models. Our results implied that it is better to reduce the correlating predictors before model processing. The Random Forests model was more precise than the GLM and CART models. The best model for T. ramosissima was the Random Forests model with climate predictors alone. Soil variables considered in this study could not significantly improve the model's prediction accuracy for T. ramosissima. The potential distribution area of T. ramosissima in the Tarim Basin is ~3.57 × 10 4 km 2, which has the potential to mitigate global warming and produce bioenergy through restoring T. ramosissima in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

福建地区马尾松生物量转换和扩展因子的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧强新  李海奎  杨英 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5756-5764
基于第8次国家森林资源清查福建省331块马尾松的固定样地调查数据,利用增强回归树法(BRT)研究地上生物量转换和扩展因子(BCEF)和地下BCEF的影响因素。研究结果表明:林分特征因子和地形因子是影响地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的主导因素,二者对地上BCEF影响的相对贡献率之和为87.20%、地下BCEF为86.59%。其中,龄组和坡向分别是林分特征因子和地形因子中影响地上BCEF的最大因素(41.13%和14.52%)。地上BCEF随龄组的增大而逐渐减小;在东南坡最大、西坡最小。此外,龄组和坡向分别是林分特征因子和地形因子中影响地下BCEF的最大因素(41.54%和15.16%)。地下BCEF随龄组的增大而逐渐减增大;在东南坡最小、西坡最大。土壤因子对地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的影响都较小(12.80%和13.41%),腐殖层厚度是土壤因子中影响地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的最大因素(9.02%和9.13%)。在所有的影响因素中,龄组对地上BCEF以及地下BCEF的影响均最大,依据龄组计算相应的BCEF或者建立林龄普适的BCEF模型,可以有效地提高生物量的估算精度。  相似文献   

郑天义  王丹  姬柳婷  康冰 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7353-7361
通过多元回归树(MRT,multivariate regression trees)对太白山自然保护区典型森林群落进行数量分类,采用典范对应分析(CCA,canonical correspondence analysis)进行排序,并对分类得到的森林群落总体多样性进行分析。研究表明:(1)对30个样地进行MRT分类,经交叉验证得出太白山自然保护区典型森林群落可以分为6类。(2)CCA排序揭示了群落的生境分布范围,并反映了太白山森林群落与环境因子的关系,研究表明,海拔、坡度、枯落物厚度和干扰情况4个变量对本研究区群落分布有显著影响。(3)位于中海拔区域森林群落的3种总体多样性指数均较高,而位于高海拔和低海拔区域森林群落的3种总体多样性指数相对较低。  相似文献   

Groups of black and white colobus monkeys, or guerezas (Colobus guereza), observed in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya, had weak fidelity for sleeping sites. Groups often slept in trees near commonly used food sources, which might reduce the time and energetic costs of travel. Although the home range of each group overlapped with four to seven others, groups seemed to avoid sleeping near other groups, which would give them immediate and exclusive access to nearby food sources in the morning. The number of times a species of tree was slept in was positively correlated with its density. This may have occurred because so many suitable sites were available that proximity to feeding trees could be obtained whether or not groups slept in the feeding trees. Groups slept in tall trees, which provide stable sleeping sites and which may provide protection from both aerial and ground predators. Groups were more tightly clustered on nights with greater visibility, which might reduce the risk of predation. Am. J. Primatol. 45:281–290, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

黄塘小集水区生态经济型防护林林种布局研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1黄塘小集水区概况1.1社会经济概况集水区总面积327km2,有村民小组11个,村民250户,人口1018人,人均耕地0087ha,其中水田0067ha。区内共有劳动力486人,劳动力资源丰富,每年农闲时期外出打工的人数多达300人左右,有94...  相似文献   

地理信息系统及其在动物空间行为研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间属性是动物行为的重要特征,也是行为生态学研究中必须要面对的难题之一。地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)具有强大的空间分析功能,它在动物行为生态学研究中得到了越来越广泛的应用,如生境选择、领域分析、迁徙路线、活动节律等。本文较系统地阐述了GIS的原理以及在行为生态学研究中所涉及的基本概念和原理,对近年来利用GIS进行的行为生态学研究做了回顾和总结,并对其未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

生态位模型通过拟合物种分布与环境变量之间的关系提供物种空间分布预测, 在生物多样性研究中有广泛应用。激光雷达(LiDAR)是一种新兴的主动遥感技术, 已被大量应用于森林三维结构信息的提取, 但其在物种分布模拟的应用研究比较缺乏。本研究以美国加州内华达山脉南部地区的食鱼貂(Martes pennanti)的分布模拟为例, 探索LiDAR技术在物种分布模拟中的有效性。生态位模型采用5种传统多类分类器, 包括神经网络、广义线性模型、广义可加模型、最大熵模型和多元自适应回归样条模型, 并使用正样本-背景学习(presence and background learning, PBL)算法进行模型校正; 同时对这5种模型使用加权平均进行模型集成, 作为第6个模型。此外, 一类最大熵模型也被用于模拟该物种的空间分布。模型的连续输出和二值输出分别使用AUC (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve)以及基于正样本-背景数据的评价指标Fpb进行评价。结果表明, 仅考虑气候因子(温度和降水)时, 7个模型的AUC和Fpb平均值分别为0.779和1.077; 当考虑LiDAR变量(冠层容重、枝下高、叶面积指数、高程、坡度等)后, AUC和Fpb分别为0.800和1.106。该研究表明, LiDAR数据能够提高食鱼貂空间分布的预测精度, 在物种分布模拟方面存在一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

桂林岩溶石山青冈群落数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物群落的数量分类和排序可以客观地揭示植物群落与环境之间的关系,从而能为植被恢复与重建、森林经营与管理和生物多样性保护等提供理论依据。基于群落学调查和环境因子测定数据,采用Ward聚类、双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和多元回归树(MRT)对桂林岩溶石山青冈群落进行数量分类,选用冗余分析(RDA)进行排序,分析其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:(1)3种分类方法所得结果基本一致,可将桂林岩溶石山青冈群落划分为3个群丛类型,分别为青冈-粗糠柴+龙须藤+红背山麻杆-三穗薹草群丛(Ass.Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Mallotus philippensis+Bauhinia championi+Alchornea trewioides-Carex tristachya)、青冈-龙须藤+红背山麻杆+干花豆-宽叶沿阶草+三穗薹草群丛(Ass.Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Bauhinia championi+Alchornea trewioides+Fordia cauliflora-Ophiopogon platyphyllus+Carex tristachya)、青冈-粗糠柴+干花豆-三穗薹草群丛(Ass.Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Mallotus philippensis+Fordia cauliflora-Carex tristachya);(2)冗余分析结果较好地反映出各群丛类型的分布格局及其与环境梯度的相互关系,在10个环境因子中,岩石裸露率、土壤含水量、pH值、全氮、全磷、全钾、速效钾这7个环境因子对群落的分布影响显著。土壤含水量和全钾含量可能是影响该植物群落物种组成与分布的重要生态因子。  相似文献   

Here, we review the diversity, evolutionary history, and genomics of falcons in the context of their conservation and interactions with humans, and provide a perspective on how new genomic approaches may be applied to expand our knowledge of these topics. For millennia, humans and falcons (genus Falco) have developed unique relationships through falconry, religious rituals, conservation efforts, and human lifestyle transitions. From an evolutionary perspective, falcons remain an enigma. Having experienced several recent radiations, they have reached an unparalleled and almost global distribution, with an intrageneric species richness that is roughly an order of magnitude higher than typical within their family (Falconidae) and across other birds (Phylum: Aves). This diversity has evolved in the context of unusual genomic architecture that includes unique chromosomal rearrangements, relatively low chromosome counts, extremely low microdeletion rates, and high levels of nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments (NUMTs). These genomic peculiarities combine with high levels of ecological and organismal diversity and a legacy of human interactions to make falcons obvious candidates for evolutionary studies, providing unique research opportunities in common topics, including chromosomal evolution, the mechanics of speciation, local adaptation, domestication, and urban adaptation.  相似文献   

We trialled the efficacy of various exogenous hormones to induce spermiation, courtship behavior, and spawning in the “endangered” southern bell frog, Litoria raniformis. Intralymphatic administration of Lucrin®, a synthetic nonapeptide luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), was used successfully to induce courting behaviors and ejaculation of spermatozoa in males. Various hormones, including Lucrin®, another synthetic LHRH analog ([des‐Gly10, D‐Ala6]‐LHRH), human chorionic gonadotropin, progesterone, and a dopamine receptor antagonist failed to promote oviposition and spawning in females. This and earlier studies indicate that in the efficacy of hormonal induction in amphibians varies between taxa, hormones, and genders. The lack of response in females may limit the use of reproduction technology in the southern bell frog and closely related species of Australian bell frogs. Zoo Biol 29:774–782, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Innovation holds the potential for economic prosperity. Biotechnology (BT) has proved to be a viable vehicle for the development and utilization of technologies, which has brought not only advances to society, but also career opportunities to nation-states that have enabling conditions. In this review, we assess the current state of BT-related activities within selected new and preaccession EU countries (NPA) of CEE region namely Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, examining educational programs, research activity, enterprises, and the financing systems. The field of BT covers a broad area of activities, including medical, food and agriculture, aquaculture or marine, environmental, biofuels, bioinformatics, and many others. Under the European Commission (EC), member-states are to set their Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3), to identify priorities or strengths in order to develop knowledge intensive economies. As the four countries highlighted in this review are in the early stages of implementing RIS3 or have not yet fully formulated, it presents an opportunity to learn from the successes and failures of those that have already received major structural funds from the EC. A critical point will be the ability of the public and private sectors’ actors to align, in the implementation of RIS3 as new investment instruments emerge, and to concentrate efforts on a few select target goals, rather than distribute funding widely without respect to a long-term vision.  相似文献   

Acetanilide derivatives, 2,2′-thiobis[N-(4-nitrophenyl)acetamide] and 2,2′-thiobis[N-(4-chlorophenyl)acetamide], were synthesized and characterized. They were shown to cause a considerable oxidative stress in rats.  相似文献   

新疆焉耆盆地人类活动与气候变化的效应机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对新疆焉耆盆地及其周边近40a(1973—2014)的气候变化趋势检测、LUCC和生物量估算,探讨气候变化和人类活动的生态效应机制,研究区域陆地生态系统演变及其归因。分析结果表明:(1)焉耆盆地山区和平原区降水变化都有明显的突变点,并呈现增加趋势,蒸发量在山区减少,在平原区波动性减少趋势;(2)LUCC分析表明,山区裸地面积减少5.40%,冰川面积减少3.36%,高地植被面积增加8.76%;同时平原区天然绿洲面积增加1.96%,沙漠面积减少1.62%,水域面积减少1.30%,人工绿洲面积增加15.41%,湿地面积增加1.27%;(3)山区陆地生态系统对区域气候变化非常敏感,其中降水变化是决定山区地表植被生存状态和分布的重要因素;(4)人类活动的推动作用和有益气候变化的支撑是绿洲平原区生态系统好转的原因,其中人口急剧增加和社会经济快速发展,导致绿洲平原区生态系统结构及其时空分布的主要因素。焉耆盆地及其周围区域陆地生态系统的演变对气候变化和人类活动有明显的时空尺度效应,其反应程度各不相同。  相似文献   

谷子幼苗对土壤铅、铬的生长响应及吸收积累的差异性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽土培试验,研究了谷子幼苗对土壤中不同含量铅(Pb)、铬(Cr)的生长响应和吸收积累的差异性。结果表明,在所试浓度(50~800 mg·kg-1)范围内,Pb、Cr在谷子幼苗地上部和地下部的积累量存在较大差异,幼苗重金属的吸收富集和转运系数均为Pb大于Cr、Pb、Cr胁迫对幼苗生物量的影响表现为低浓度的促进和高浓度的抑制作用,但Cr对生物量的影响比Pb更强。相同处理条件下,幼苗茎叶中可溶性蛋白质、DNA含量和增色效应对Pb、Cr的响应也有明显差别,Cr对幼苗的生理毒性和DNA损伤效应的作用强度大于Pb。  相似文献   

Two surveys were conducted to investigate weed vegetation in a 153-hm^2 sampling area of summer crop fields from Anhui Province, China, through visual scoring of the level of weed infestation compared with summer crops on a seven-class scale. In total, 155 sampling sites were selected in the field based on crops, tillage, rotation systems, geographical regions, and soil types across the province. Data on weed communities and environmental factors were collected and analyzed through principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), and the output was interpreted ecologically. Results showed that the main factors influencing the structure and distribution of weed communities in summer crop fields were the soil submersion period, latitude, and soil type and pH. The CCA indicated a significant relationship between weed dominance and soil submersion duration, latitude, and soil pH. From the result of the PCA and CCA ordination, the 155 sampling sites could be divided into three groups based on geographic and floristic composition, as well as weed abundance. The southern dry land group, which was characterized by a double-cropping system in the hilly regions of southern and central Anhui Province with a continuous summer crop and an autumn dry land crop, was dominated by Galium aparine Linn. var. tenerum (Gren. et Godr) Robb., Avenafatua L., and Veronica persica Poir. The northern dry land group, which had the same cropping system as the southern dry land group, was dominated by G. aparine var. tenerum, Galium tricorne Stokes, Descurainia sophia (L.) Schur., and Lithospermum arvense L. in the North Anhui Province, China. These two dry land groups could be combined into one large dry land group, in which the Galium weed vegetation type dominated. The third group was the paddy soil group, which was characterized by a continu- ous summer crop and double- or triple-cropping systems of rice, and prevailed in the south and central areas of Anhui Province; Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. was the dominant weed in this group. Other main weeds in this group included Malachium aquaticum (L.) Fries, Stellaria alsine Grimm, Alopecurusjaponicus Steud., and Lapsana apogonoides Maxim. Thus, the weed community distributions in this group were described as the Alopecurus weed vegetation type. The paddy soil group could be divided into two subgroups, one southern and one central paddy soil subgroup. A strategy for integrated weed management is suggested according to the weed distribution pattern. The present study serves as a good example of how a quantitative research method was used to associate a visual estimate of weed infestation with multivariate analyses, such as PCA and CCA, and how this method can be applied to the study of weed vegetation on arable land.  相似文献   

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