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Cytoplasmic Ca2+ is necessary for thrombin-induced platelet activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
alpha-Thrombin induces a dose-dependent rapid transient increase in platelet cytosolic Ca2+ levels, coming solely from intracellular stores, since EGTA has no effect. In contrast, the post-stimulation equilibrium [Ca2+]in depends upon an influx from the extracellular milieu, and is lower in the presence of EGTA. We measured the Ca2+ transient (with Indo-1, 1-[2-amino-5-(6-carboxyindol-2-yl)-phenoxy]-2-(2'-amino-5'-methylp henoxy)- ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid), cytosolic alkalinization (with BCECF, 2',7-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein), membrane depolarization (with diS-C3-(5), 3,3'-dipropylthiodi-carbocyanide iodide), and degranulation (by beta-glucuronidase release) induced in washed human platelets by 9 nM thrombin in the absence or presence of extracellular or intracellular Ca2+ chelating agents (EGTA and BAPTA, 5,5'-dimethyl-bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, respectively). Platelets loaded simultaneously with 2 microM Indo-1 and 15 microM BAPTA (each as the acetoxymethyl ester) before addition of thrombin exhibited no cytoplasmic Ca2+ transient or alkalinization, no depolarization or degranulation. Replenishment of such cells with extracellular CaCl2 restored resting [Ca2+]in. Upon stimulation with 9 nM thrombin these replenished platelets exhibited no Ca2+ transient, and a slow gradual increase in [Ca2+]in from extracellular stores, a slow alkalinization and depolarization, and partial degranulation, all abolished by extracellular EGTA. Thus thrombin-induced platelet activation exhibits a biphasic Ca2+ requirement: the initial transient increase in [Ca2+]in comes from intracellular stores only, while the later steps of depolarization, alkalinization, and degranulation can proceed, albeit more slowly, if only extracellular Ca2+ is available.  相似文献   

Thrombin plays a central role in normal and abnormal hemostatic processes. It is assumed that alpha-thrombin activates platelets by hydrolyzing the protease-activated receptor (PAR)-1, thereby exposing a new N-terminal sequence, a tethered ligand, which initiates a cascade of molecular reactions leading to thrombus formation. This process involves cross-linking of adjacent platelets mediated by the interaction of activated glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa with distinct amino acid sequences, LGGAKQAGDV and/or RGD, at each end of dimeric fibrinogen molecules. We demonstrate here the existence of a second alpha-thrombin-induced platelet-activating pathway, dependent on GP Ib, which does not require hydrolysis of a substrate receptor, utilizes polymerizing fibrin instead of fibrinogen, and can be inhibited by the Fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody LJIb-10 bound to the GP Ib thrombin-binding site or by the cobra venom metalloproteinase, mocarhagin, that hydrolyzes the extracellular portion of GP Ib. This alternative alpha-thrombin pathway is observed when PAR-1 or GP IIb/IIIa is inhibited. The recognition sites involved in the cross-linking of polymerizing fibrin and surface integrins via the GP Ib pathway are different from those associated with fibrinogen. This pathway is insensitive to RGDS and anti-GP IIb/IIIa antibodies but reactive with a mutant fibrinogen, gamma407, with a deletion of the gamma-chain sequence, AGDV. The reaction is not due to simple trapping of platelets by the fibrin clot, since ligand binding, signal transduction, and second messenger formation are required. The GP Ib pathway is accompanied by mobilization of internal calcium and the platelet release reaction. This latter aspect is not observed with ristocetin-induced GP Ib-von Willebrand factor agglutination nor with GP Ib-von Willebrand factor-polymerizing fibrin trapping of platelets. Human platelets also respond to gamma-thrombin, an autoproteolytic product of alpha-thrombin, through PAR-4. Co-activation of the GP Ib, PAR-1, and PAR-4 pathways elicit synergistic responses. The presence of the GP Ib pathway may explain why anti-alpha-thrombin/anti-platelet regimens fail to completely abrogate thrombosis/restenosis in the cardiac patient.  相似文献   

To assess the possibility that hydrolysis of the platelet surface thrombin substrate, glycoprotein V, is a necessary step in thrombin-induced platelet activation, thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of glycoprotein V was correlated with thrombin-induced platelet activation. Hydrolysis of tritium-labeled glycoprotein V on washed human platelets was measured by the appearance of a labeled supernatant fragment, and platelet activation was measured as secretion of ATP. Hydrolysis of glycoprotein V was linear with respect to both thrombin concentration and time of incubation. The extent of platelet activation was correlated with the rate of hydrolysis but not with the amount hydrolyzed. Maximum platelet activation could be obtained with thrombin treatments resulting in hydrolysis of as little as 4% of glycoprotein V per min. Glycoprotein V was partially removed from platelets by pretreatment with either platelet calcium-dependent protease or chymotrypsin. The rate of thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the remaining glycoprotein V from these pretreated platelets was as little as 1.5% the rate from control platelets, but there was no impairment of the extent of platelet activation. Thus, these protease-pretreated platelets compared with control platelets showed a different correlation of glycoprotein V hydrolysis with platelet activation. Glycoprotein V was also partially removed by pretreatment of prostacyclin-inhibited platelets with thrombin. After removal of thrombin and prostacyclin, these platelets were desensitized to subsequent activation by thrombin. Incubation of desensitized platelets with nonsaturating levels of thrombin led to less than 25% of the activation seen with control platelets but to a slightly greater hydrolysis of glycoprotein V. Thus, the desensitization to thrombin was not due to loss of ability of the activating thrombin to hydrolyze glycoprotein V. These results do not exclude a role for glycoprotein V as a component of the platelet thrombin receptor, but they indicate that there is no simple relationship between thrombin-induced hydrolysis of glycoprotein V and platelet activation.  相似文献   

Kinetics of thrombin-induced release and activation of platelet factor V   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetics of thrombin-induced platelet factor V activation were studied in suspension of washed human platelets. The effect of thrombin in stimulating the release reaction could be separated from its effect on factor V activation by use of a potent inhibitor of the release reaction, the prostacyclin analogue ZK 36374. When platelets were incubated with ZK 36374 prior to stimulation with thrombin, the amount of ZK 36374 required to inhibit 50% of factor Va formation was 15 pM. ZK 36374 at a final concentration of 1 nM was found to block instantaneously and completely the release of factor Va, whereas it has no effect neither on platelet factor V activation nor on the factor Va assay. By varying the time interval between the addition of thrombin (0.5 nM) and ZK 36374 to suspensions of 4.6 X 10(6) platelets/ml the rate of factor V release was found to be 12 pM factor V/min. In the absence of ZK 36374 the total amount of factor V released was 8 pM, whereas Triton X-100-treated platelets gave 13 pM factor V. It appeared that the amount of factor V that could be released was dependent on the thrombin concentration. Maximum release was obtained at 1 nM thrombin. The rate of factor V release increased in proportion to the thrombin concentration. The rate of factor V activation was found to be proportional to the thrombin concentration as well as to the amount of released factor V. When 4.6 X 10(6) platelets/ml were activated by 0.5 nM thrombin, the rates of factor V activation were found to be 0.3 pM and 1.2 pM factor Va/min at 20% and 90% completion of the release reaction. Therefore, the rate of factor V release was at least one order of magnitude faster than the rate of factor V activation. The kinetics of thrombin-induced platelet factor V activation were compared to those of plasma factor V activation in platelet-rich and platelet-free plasma. The results clearly demonstrate that platelets have no effect on the rate of factor V activation and that the kinetics of plasma factor V activation are identical to those of platelet factor V activation.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of calcium-dependent proteases (calpains) such as leupeptin and antipain have been shown to selectively inhibit platelet activation by thrombin. Based upon this observation, it has been proposed that calpains play a role in the initiation of platelet activation. In the present studies, we have examined the effect of leupeptin on the earliest known event in thrombin-induced platelet activation: the interaction between the agonist, its receptors, and the guanine nucleotide-binding proteins which stimulate phospholipase C (Gp) and inhibit adenylyl cyclase (Gi). We found that leupeptin inhibited thrombin's ability to stimulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis, suppress cAMP formation, and dissociate Gp and Gi into subunits. Leupeptin had no effect, however, on the same responses to other agonists or on thrombin binding to platelets. Although these observations might suggest, as others have concluded, that calpain is involved in the initiation of platelet activation by thrombin, we also found that: 1) substituting platelet membranes for intact platelets and decreasing the free Ca2+ concentration below the threshold required for calpain activation did not diminish the effects of leupeptin on phosphoinositide hydrolysis and cAMP formation, 2) washing the platelets after incubation with leupeptin reversed the effects of the inhibitor, 3) permeabilizing the platelets with saponin did not enhance the inhibitory effects of leupeptin, and 4) leupeptin inhibited the proteolysis of fibrinogen and the hydrolysis of S2238 by thrombin. Similar results in these assays were obtained with antipain. Therefore, our observations suggest that the inhibition of platelet activation by leupeptin is due to a direct interaction with thrombin and need not reflect a role for calpain in the initiation of platelet activation.  相似文献   

The normally quick response of platelets to alpha-thrombin is delayed under two conditions. After pretreatment of platelets with chymotrypsin or certain other proteases, aggregation and secretion induced by alpha-thrombin begins after a delay of 30 s or more compared to less than 5 s for control platelets, and control platelets are activated by gamma-thrombin with a similar delay (Tam, S. W., Fenton, J. W., II, and Detwiler, T. C. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 6626-6632). Under these conditions, thrombin-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase was blocked. The impaired regulation of adenylate cyclase and delayed secretion had in common: (i) partial correction with high concentrations of thrombin; (ii) similar thrombin dose-response relationships; (iii) similar concentration dependence for chymotrypsin during pretreatment; and (iv) specificity for thrombin. Other parameters of thrombin-induced platelet activation were also analyzed under these conditions. Thrombin-induced hydrolysis of arachidonyl esters and synthesis of prostanoids were similar to regulation of adenylate cyclase; they were blocked, with partial correction at high concentrations of thrombin. In contrast, thrombin-induced synthesis of phosphatidic acid and phosphorylation of a 20- and a 40-kDa protein were similar to secretion; they occurred after a delay but to a normal extent. The thrombin-induced increase in cytosolic calcium ion activity was slightly slower in chymotrypsin-treated platelets or in response to gamma-thrombin, but it was complete prior to initiation of the delayed responses. It is concluded that platelets have at least two types of thrombin receptors or coupling mechanisms, one of which is sensitive to chymotrypsin, unresponsive to gamma-thrombin, and coupled to inhibition of adenylate cyclase and activation of prostanoid synthesis.  相似文献   

We recently isolated a cDNA clone encoding a functional platelet thrombin receptor that defined a unique mechanism of receptor activation. Thrombin cleaves its receptor''s extracellular amino terminal extension, unmasking a new amino terminus that functions as a tethered peptide ligand and activates the receptor. A novel peptide mimicking this new amino terminus was a full agonist for platelet secretion and aggregation, suggesting that this unusual mechanism accounts for platelet activation by thrombin. Does this mechanism also mediate thrombin''s assorted actions on non-platelet cells? We now report that the novel thrombin receptor agonist peptide reproduces thrombin-induced events (specifically, phosphoinositide hydrolysis and mitogenesis) in CCL-39 hamster lung fibroblasts, a naturally thrombin- responsive cell line. Moreover, these thrombin-induced events could be recapitulated in CV-1 cells, normally poorly responsive to thrombin, after transfection with human platelet thrombin receptor cDNA. Our data show that important thrombin-induced cellular events are mediated by the same unusual mechanism of receptor activation in both platelets and fibroblasts, very likely via the same or very similar receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Platelet microparticles (MPs) are membrane vesicles shed by platelets after activation, and carry antigens characteristic of intact platelets, such as glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa, GPIb and P-selectin. Elevated platelet MPs have been observed in many disorders in which platelet activation is documented. Recently, platelet GPIb has been implicated in the mediation of platelet–leukocyte interaction via binding to its ligand Mac-1 on leukocyte. The role of GPIb for mediating adhesion-activation interactions between platelet MPs and leukocytes has not been clarified. In this study we investigate the role of GPIb in the interplay between platelet MPs and neutrophils. Platelet MPs were obtained from collagen-stimulated platelet-rich plasma (PRP). In a study model of neutrophil aggregation, platelet MPs can serve a bridge to support neutrophil aggregation under venous level shear stress, suggesting that platelet MPs may enhance leukocyte aggregation, which would bear clinical relevance in diseases where the platelet MPs are elevated. The level of aggregation can be reduced by GPIb blocking antibodies, AP1 and SZ2, but not by anti-CD18 mAb. The GPIb blocking antibodies also decreased platelet MP-mediated neutrophil activation, including β2 integrin expression, adherence-dependent superoxide release and platelet MP-mediated neutrophil adherence to immobilized fibrinogen. Our data provide the evidence for the involvement of GPIb–Mac-1 interaction in the cross-talk between platelet MPs and neutrophils.  相似文献   

The Src homology (SH)2 domain-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 is tyrosine phosphorylated in platelets in response to the glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-selective agonist collagen-related peptide (CRP), collagen, and thrombin. Two major unidentified tyrosine-phosphorylated bands of 28 and 32 kDa and a minor band of 130 kDa coprecipitate with SHP-1 in response to all three agonists. Additionally, tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins of 50-55 and 70 kDa specifically associate with SHP-1 following stimulation by CRP and collagen. The tyrosine kinases Lyn, which exists as a 53 and 56-kDa doublet, and Syk were identified as major components of these bands, respectively. Kinase assays on SHP-1 immunoprecipitates performed in the presence of the Src family kinase inhibitor PP1 confirmed the presence of a Src kinase in CRP- but not thrombin-stimulated cells. Lyn, Syk, and SLP-76, along with tyrosine-phosphorylated 28-, 32-, and 130-kDa proteins, bound selectively to a glutathione S-transferase protein encoding the SH2 domains of SHP-1, suggesting that this is the major site of interaction. Platelets isolated from motheaten viable mice (mev/mev) revealed the presence of a heavily tyrosine-phosphorylated 26-kDa protein that was not found in wild-type platelets. CRP-stimulated mev/mev platelets manifested hypophosphorylation of Syk and Lyn and reduced P-selectin expression relative to controls. These observations provide evidence of a functional role for SHP-1 in platelet activation by GPVI.  相似文献   

Purified plasma fibronectin was digested sequentially by thrombin and cathepsin G or by cathepsin G alone and the degradation products and their gelatin-binding and heparin-binding fractions were analyzed in NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting with a defined monoclonal anti-fibronectin antibody. In early cathepsin G digests, several gelatin-binding fragments were detected: a few large (Mr greater than or equal to 150 000) polypeptides and fragments of Mr = 85 000, 72 000, 64 000 and 40 000. The 85 000-Mr and 64 000-Mr fragments appeared as closely spaced doublets and reacted with the antibody while the 72 000-Mr and 40 000-Mr fragments did not. Therefore the 64 000-Mr fragments are likely to be derived from the 85 000-Mr fragments. Three large fragments that bound to heparin, but not to gelatin were detected: Mr = 145 000, 135 000 and 120 000. Of these only the 135 000-Mr peptide reacted with the antibody. When fibronectin was digested with thrombin, polypeptides of Mr = 180 000-200 000 and a 30 000-Mr NH2-terminal fragment were produced. Cathepsin G added to this mixture further cleaved the fragments to a digestion pattern resembling that obtained from intact fibronectin except that the 85 000-Mr and 64 000-Mr fragments appeared as single bands and the amount of the 72 000-Mr fragment was reduced. The results suggest that thrombin cleaves the 30 000-Mr fragment preferentially from the NH2-terminal end of one of the two subunits of fibronectin and that the 85 000-Mr, 72 000-Mr and 64 000-Mr fragments obtained by the additional cathepsin G digestion were derived from the other chain. The results are consistent with the model that the antigenic determinant resides 72 000-85 000 Da from the NH2-terminus and is cleaved by cathepsin G alternatively at one of its sides. Thus, the components of the 85 000-Mr and 64 000-Mr doublets are derived from different subunits and the region located by the antibody may be responsible for the difference in their migration in the polyacrylamide gel.  相似文献   

We have developed a radioiodinated photoaffinity label, N-formyl-Nle-Leu-Phe-Nle-125I-Tyr-Lys-N-6-(4'-azido-2'-nitrophenylamino) hexanoate (where Nle represents norleucine) (125I-PAL), which forms a covalent complex with the formyl peptide chemotactic receptor of living human neutrophils. Labeling was 12 to 16% efficient and did not alter cell viability. The receptor on live neutrophils and neutrophil membranes has an apparent molecular weight of 50,000 to 70,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis. The receptor on intact cells possesses one predominant papain cleavage site, yielding a 35,000-Da fragment. This receptor fragment retains an affinity for N-formyl-Nle-Leu-Phe-Nle-125I-Tyr-Lys indistinguishable from the receptor on control cells (KD = 1.9 and 1.8 nM, respectively). The 35,000-Da papain fragment was biologically active as evidenced by an unchanged dose-response curve for peptide-stimulated beta-glucuronidase release and fluorescent peptide uptake. Papain treatment of 125I-PAL-labeled neutrophil membranes or of digitonin-soluble 125I-PAL-labeled receptors produced a predominant 28,000-Da fragment without evidence of the 35,000-Da fragment seen with whole cells. Pronase, which did not cleave the receptor on intact cells, produced multiple receptor fragments when used to treat 125I-PAL-labeled membranes.  相似文献   

Aggregin: a platelet ADP receptor that mediates activation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
R W Colman 《FASEB journal》1990,4(5):1425-1435
ADP is known to induce platelet shape change, aggregation, and exposure of fibrinogen binding sites as well as inhibit stimulated adenylate cyclase. The platelet is unique in that its purinergic receptor prefers ADP over ATP, which functions as a competitive antagonist. The affinity reagent, 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine (FSBA), has been used to covalently label a single membrane protein, aggregin, on the external platelet surface with mol wt of 100 kDa. Concomitant with incorporation of FSBA, ADP-induced shape change, aggregation, and fibrinogen binding is inhibited. FSBA is also a weak agonist at short times and high concentration, which suggests that prior noncovalent binding to aggregin takes place before covalent modification. Aggregin differs from platelet glycoprotein IIIa in its physical and immunochemical properties. Aggregin is distinct from the receptor coupled to adenylate cyclase. Using FSBA as a probe, platelet aggregation by thromboxane A2 analogs and collagen was shown to be dependent on ADP but not the shape change induced by these agonists. Binding to aggregin is required for epinephrine-induced aggregation. In turn, epinephrine increases the affinity of ADP for its receptor. Thrombin at concentrations greater than 2 nM (0.2 units/ml) stimulates platelet aggregation independent of ADP, but by raising cytoplasmic Ca2+ it activates platelet calpain, which in turn cleaves aggregin. Thus aggregin, in addition to serving as the ADP receptor linked to shape change and aggregation, plays a role in fibrinogen receptor latency that is relieved entirely by ADP binding to or proteolysis of aggregin.  相似文献   

Recently a thrombin receptor with a unique mechanism of activation was cloned from a megakaryocyte-like cell line (Vu et al., Cell 64:1057-1068, 1991). Thrombin cleaves a portion of this receptor creating a new N-terminus that acts as a "tethered-ligand" to activate the receptor. A thrombin receptor activating peptide (SFLLRNPNDKYEPF) homologous to the new N-terminus was shown to activate platelets. We synthesized this peptide and demonstrated that it desensitized platelets to activation by low concentrations of alpha-thrombin but not gamma-thrombin. We also synthesized a thrombin exosite inhibitor (BMS 180742) that inhibited platelet aggregation induced by low, but not high, concentrations of alpha-thrombin. In contrast, a thrombin active site inhibitor, N alpha-(2-naphthylsulfonyl-glycyl)-D,L-amidinophenylalanylpiperi dide, competitively inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. We conclude that thrombin-induced platelet activation is mediated by at least two pathways: one activated by low concentrations of alpha-thrombin and blocked by a thrombin exosite inhibitor that appears to be coupled to the "tethered-ligand" thrombin receptor, and another that is stimulated by higher concentrations of alpha-thrombin and by gamma-thrombin and does not require the thrombin exosite for activation. Both pathways are blocked by a thrombin active site inhibitor.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of cytokine receptor activation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cytokine receptors are transmembrane proteins that transmit a signal into the cell upon ligand binding. Commonly, these molecules have one hydrophobic segment of about 20-26 amino acids that is believed to span the membrane as a helix and this divides these receptors into extra- and intracellular components. By utilizing two different epitopes, the cytokines bridge two receptor chains, resulting in a close proximity of the intracellular component and thereby initiating the intracellular signalling cascade. The dimerization event is believed to be the mechanism by which the signal is transmitted across a membrane. In the light of new results obtained for the erythropoietin receptor, James A. Wells questioned whether any dimer would be sufficient. This review will expand upon the above question by discussing the more complex signal-transducing receptor subunits of the Interleukin-6 type family of cytokines. Based on the recently solved quaternary structure of the Insulin receptor, possible analogies will be confronted.  相似文献   

Human prolactin (hPRL), a member of the family of hematopoietic cytokines, functions as both an endocrine hormone and autocrine/paracrine growth factor. We have previously demonstrated that recognition of the hPRL·receptor depends strongly on solution acidity over the physiologic range from pH 6 to pH 8. The hPRL·receptor binding interface contains four histidines whose protonation is hypothesized to regulate pH-dependent receptor recognition. Here, we systematically dissect its molecular origin by characterizing the consequences of His to Ala mutations on pH-dependent receptor binding kinetics, site-specific histidine protonation, and high resolution structures of the intermolecular interface. Thermodynamic modeling of the pH dependence to receptor binding affinity reveals large changes in site-specific protonation constants for a majority of interface histidines upon complexation. Removal of individual His imidazoles reduces these perturbations in protonation constants, which is most likely explained by the introduction of solvent-filled, buried cavities in the crystallographic structures without inducing significant conformational rearrangements.  相似文献   

Summary Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is known to induce platelet shape change, aggregation and fibrinogen binding, followed by secretion. These processes are mediated by the binding of ADP to an externally oriented protein of the platelet plasma membrane. An affinity analog of ATP, a competitive inhibitor of the action of ADP, has been utilized to probe the structure and function of this receptor. FSBA (5-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine) covalently modifies a single protein in intact platelets with Mr = 100 000 and concomitantly inhibits platelet shape change, aggregation and fibrinogen binding. Studies on platelet membranes demonstrate non-covalent association of ADP-binding protein with actin which is also labeled by FSBA but only in isolated membranes. This finding suggests a structural and functional coupling of the receptor to the contractile process. The putative ADP receptor covalently modified with FSBA is cleaved by chymotrypsin, a process that reverses the inability of the platelets to bind fibrinogen. Thus, the Mr = 100 000 polypeptide may be involved in the proteolytic exposure of fibrinogen binding sites on the platelet surface. The ability of FSBA to inhibit platelet aggregation and fibrinogen binding by prostaglandin H2 derivatives and epinephrine suggest that ADP is involved in these processes. However, the interaction is not at the receptor level since shape change, stimulated by PGH2 derivatives and yohimbine (epinephrine antagonist) binding are unaffected by FSBA. Finally, the action of ADP to inhibit PGE1- or PGI2-stimulated adenylate cyclase appears to be mediated by a receptor distinct for the protein modified by FSBA.Abbreviation 5FSBA 5-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl adenosine  相似文献   

The ability of rat hepatocytes to degrade internalized surface-bound 125I-asialoorosomucoid (ASOR) was determined by measuring the appearance of acid-soluble radioactivity at 37 degrees C. The degradation kinetics were biphasic in cells previously equilibrated at 37 degrees C for 1 h or cultured for 24 h. Degradation began immediately and was linear for at least 20 min after which the rate increased to a steady state value 3-4 times greater than the initial rate. We previously showed that hepatocytes have two functionally distinct populations of galactosyl receptors that mediate ligand dissociation by two kinetically different pathways (Weigel, P. H., Clarke, B. L., and Oka, J. A. (1986) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 140, 43-50). The activity of one receptor population, designated State 2 galactosyl receptors, can be reversibly modulated by incubating cells between 22 and 37 degrees C and is not expressed on the surface of freshly isolated cells. When 125I-ASOR was prebound to freshly isolated cells at 4 degrees C and degradation was assessed subsequently at 37 degrees C, the kinetics were monophasic, not biphasic. Degradation of the surface-bound 125I-ASOR began immediately and was greater than 90% complete by 6 h. Freshly isolated cells were incubated at temperatures between 22 and 37 degrees C, chilled to 4 degrees C, allowed to pre-bind 125I-ASOR, and then incubated at 37 degrees C. As the State 2 galactosyl receptor population increased, the kinetics of degradation became progressively more biphasic and the rate of the delayed degradation process increased. This effect could be reversed in cells in culture or in suspension by down-modulating surface receptor activity at temperatures below 37 degrees C; only the degradation process appearing after a 20-min lag was affected. Degradation in both pathways is an apparent first order process with identical rate constants (kappa = 0.006 min-1, t1/2 = 116 min). We conclude that there are two separate pathways by which asialoglycoproteins are degraded. The major "classic" pathway mediated by State 2 galactosyl receptors occurs after a 20-min lag and the minor pathway mediated by State 1 galactosyl receptors begins immediately with no detectable lag.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor: mechanisms of activation and signalling   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) is one of four homologous transmembrane proteins that mediate the actions of a family of growth factors including EGF, transforming growth factor-alpha, and the neuregulins. We review the structure and function of the EGFR, from ligand binding to the initiation of intracellular signalling pathways that lead to changes in the biochemical state of the cell. The recent crystal structures of different domains from several members of the EGFR family have challenged our concepts of these processes.  相似文献   

Trypsin causes rapid activation of intact platelets that mimics many actions of thrombin, including the stimulation of phospholipase C (PLC). We have examined the effects of thrombin and trypsin on PLC in a platelet membrane preparation using exogenous [3H]-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) as substrate. Trypsin induced PIP2 breakdown, which was maximal at 20 micrograms/ml, but was reduced at higher concentrations. alpha- and gamma-Thrombins also stimulated PLC-induced hydrolysis of PIP2 in membranes. This effect was inhibited by leupeptin. Exogenous [3H]phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate (PIP) was hydrolyzed in response to both thrombin and trypsin in the same ratio as PIP2. Activation of membrane-bound PLC persisted after removal of thrombin and trypsin. The hydrolysis of [3H]phosphatidylinositol was not activated by alpha-thrombin and trypsin. We examined the question of whether calpain was involved in the observed PLC activation by thrombin and trypsin. Although dibucaine activated a Ca2(+)-dependent protease as judged by the hydrolysis of actin-binding protein and by the activation of phosphoprotein phosphatases, it failed to stimulate the generation of phosphatidic acid in 32P-prelabeled platelets. Moreover, when PLC was assayed in the membranes, the addition of Ca2(+)-activated neutral proteinases did not increase the rate of hydrolysis of either PIP or PIP2. Our results show that proteases such as trypsin and thrombin are able to stimulate membrane-bound PLC, but this activation does not seem to be related to calpain.  相似文献   

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