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The dynamics of threonine side chains of the Tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein (TmAFP) were investigated using natural abundance (13)C NMR. In TmAFP, the array of threonine residues on one face of the protein is responsible for conferring its ability to bind crystalline ice and inhibit its growth. Heteronuclear longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates and the [(1)H]-(13)C NOE were determined in this study. The C alpha H relaxation measurements were compared to the previously measured (15)N backbone parameters and these are found to be in agreement. For the analysis of the threonine side chain motions, the model of restricted rotational diffusion about the chi(1) dihedral angle was employed [London and Avitabile (1978) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100, 7159-7165]. We demonstrate that the motion experienced by the ice binding threonine side chains is highly restricted, with an approximate upper limit of less than +/-25 degrees.  相似文献   

Side chain dynamics monitored by 13C-13C cross-relaxation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method to measure (13)C-(13)C cross-relaxation rates in a fully (13)C labeled protein has been developed that can give information about the mobility of side chains in proteins. The method makes use of the (H)CCH-NOESY pulse sequence and includes a suppression scheme for zero-quantum (ZQ) coherences that allows the extraction of initial rates from NOE buildup curves.The method has been used to measure (13)C-(13)C cross-relaxation rates in the 269-residue serine-protease PB92. We focused on C(alpha)-C(beta) cross-relaxation rates, which could be extracted for 64% of all residues, discarding serine residues because of imperfect ZQ suppression, and methyl (13)C-(13)C cross-relaxation rates, which could be extracted for 47% of the methyl containing C-C pairs. The C(alpha)-C(beta) cross-relaxation rates are on average larger in secondary structure elements as compared to loop regions, in agreement with the expected higher rigidity in these elements. The cross-relaxation rates for methyl containing C-C pairs show a general decrease of rates further into the side chain, indicating more flexibility with increasing separation from the main chain. In the case of leucine residues also long-range C(beta)-C(delta) cross-peaks are observed. Surprisingly, for most of the leucines a cross-peak with only one of the methyl C(delta) carbons is observed, which correlates well with the chi(2) torsion-angle and can be explained by a difference in mobility for the two methyl groups due to an anisotropic side chain motion.  相似文献   

A suite of Mathematica notebooks has been designed to ease the analysis of protein main chain 15N NMR relaxation data collected at a single magnetic field strength. Individual notebooks were developed to perform the following tasks: nonlinear fitting of 15N-T 1 and -T 2 relaxation decays to a two parameter exponential decay, calculation of the principal components of the inertia tensor from protein structural coordinates, nonlinear optimization of the principal components and orientation of the axially symmetric rotational diffusion tensor, model-free analysis of 15N-T 1, -T 2, and {1H}–15N NOE data, and reduced spectral density analysis of the relaxation data. The principle features of the notebooks include use of a minimal number of input files, integrated notebook data management, ease of use, cross-platform compatibility, automatic visualization of results and generation of high-quality graphics, and output of analyses in text format.L. Spyracopoulos is an AHFMR Medical Research Senior Scholar  相似文献   

Spectral density mapping at multiple NMR field strengths is probably the best method to describe the dynamical behavior of a protein in solution through the analysis of 15N heteronuclear relaxation parameters. Nevertheless, such analyses are scarcely reported in the literature, probably because this method is excessively demanding in spectrometer measuring time. Indeed, when using n different magnetic fields and assuming the validity of the high frequency approximation, the discrete sampling of the spectral density function with 2n + 1 points needs the measurement of 3n 15N heteronuclear relaxation measurements (n R 1, n R 2, and n15N{1H}NOEs). Based on further approximations, we proposed a new strategy that allows us to describe the spectral density with n + 2 points, with the measurement of a total of n + 2 heteronuclear relaxation parameters. Applied to the dynamics analysis of the protein p13 MTCP1 at three different NMR fields, this approach allowed us to divide by nearly a factor of two the total measuring time, without altering further results obtained by the “model free” analysis of the resulting spectral densities. Furthermore, simulations have shown that this strategy remains applicable to any low isotropically tumbling protein ( ns), and is valid for the types of motion generally envisaged for proteins.  相似文献   

NMR spin relaxation experiments are used to characterize the dynamics of the backbone of ubiquitin. Chemical exchange processes affecting residues Ile 23, Asn 25, Thr 55, and Val 70 are characterized using on- and off-resonance rotating-frame 15N R1rho relaxation experiments to have a kinetic exchange rate constant of 25,000 sec(-1) at 280 K. The exchange process affecting residues 23, 25, and 55 appears to result from disruption of N-cap hydrogen bonds of the alpha-helix and possibly from repacking of the side chain of Ile 23. Chemical exchange processes affecting other residues on the surface of ubiquitin are identified using 1H-15N multiple quantum relaxation experiments. These residues are located near or at the regions known to interact with various enzymes of the ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation pathway.  相似文献   

The impact of studying protein dynamics in supercooled water for identifying slow motional modes on the s time scale is demonstrated. Backbone 15N spin relaxation parameters were measured at –13°C for ubiquitin, which plays a central role for signaling proteolysis, cellular trafficking and kinase activation in eukaryotic organisms. A hitherto undetected motional mode involving Val 70 was found, which may well play an important role for ubiquitin recognition. The measurement of rotating frame 15N relaxation times as a function of the spin-lock field allowed determination of the correlation time of this motional mode, which would not have been feasible above 0°C.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have become a central tool for investigating various biophysical questions with atomistic detail. While many different proxies are used to qualify MD force fields, most are based on largely structural parameters such as the root mean square deviation from experimental coordinates or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts and residual dipolar couplings. NMR derived Lipari–Szabo squared generalized order parameter (O2) values of amide N? H bond vectors of the polypeptide chain were also often employed for refinement and validation. However, with a few exceptions, side chain methyl symmetry axis order parameters have not been incorporated into experimental reference sets. Using a test set of five diverse proteins, the performance of several force fields implemented in the NAMDD simulation package was examined. It was found that simulations employing explicit water implemented using the TIP3 model generally performed significantly better than those using implicit water in reproducing experimental methyl symmetry axis O2 values. Overall the CHARMM27 force field performs nominally better than two implementations of the Amber force field. It appeared that recent quantum mechanics modifications to side chain torsional angles of leucine and isoleucine in the Amber force field have significantly hindered proper motional modeling for these residues. There remained significant room for improvement as even the best correlations of experimental and simulated methyl group Lipari–Szabo generalized order parameters fall below an R2 of 0.8.  相似文献   

We report the first high-resolution structure for a protein containing a fluorinated side chain. Recently we carried out a systematic evaluation of phenylalanine to pentafluorophenylalanine (Phe --> F(5)-Phe) mutants for the 35-residue chicken villin headpiece subdomain (c-VHP), the hydrophobic core of which features a cluster of three Phe side chains (residues 6, 10, and 17). Phe --> F(5)-Phe mutations are interesting because aryl-perfluoroaryl interactions of optimal geometry are intrinsically more favorable than either aryl-aryl or perfluoroaryl-perfluoroaryl interactions, and because perfluoroaryl units are more hydrophobic than are analogous aryl units. Only one mutation, Phe10 --> F(5)-Phe, was found to provide enhanced tertiary structural stability relative to the native core (by approximately 1 kcal/mol, according to guanidinium chloride denaturation studies). The NMR structure of this mutant, described here, reveals very little variation in backbone conformation or side chain packing relative to the wild type. Thus, although Phe --> F(5)-Phe mutations offer the possibility of greater tertiary structural stability from side chain-side chain attraction and/or side chain desolvation, the constraints associated with the native c-VHP fold apparently prevent the modified polypeptide from taking advantage of this possibility. Our findings are important because they complement several studies that have shown that fluorination of saturated side chain carbon atoms can provide enhanced conformational stability.  相似文献   

CaVP is a calcium-binding protein from amphioxus. It has a modular composition with two domains, but only the two EF-hand motifs localized in the C-terminal domain are functional. We recently determined the solution structure of this regulatory half (C-CaVP) in the Ca(2+)-saturated form and characterized the stepwise ion binding. This paper reports the (15)N nuclear relaxation rates of the Ca(2+)-saturated C-CaVP, measured at four different NMR fields (9.39, 11.74, 14.1, and 18.7 T), which were used to map the spectral density function for the majority of the amide H(N)-N vectors. Fitting the spectral density values at eight frequencies by a model-free approach, we obtained the microdynamic parameters characterizing the global and internal movements of the polypeptide backbone. The two EF-hand motifs, including the ion binding loops, behave like compact structural units with restricted mobility as reflected in the quite uniform order parameter and short internal correlation time (< 20 nsec). Comparative analysis of the two Ca(2+) binding sites shows that site III, having a larger affinity for the metal ion, is generally more rigid, and the amide vector in the second residue of each loop is significantly less restricted. The linker fragment is animated simultaneously by a larger amplitude fast motion and a slow conformational exchange on a microsecond to millisecond time scale. The backbone dynamics of C-CaVP characterized here is discussed in relation with other well-characterized Ca(2+)-binding proteins. Supplemental material: See www.proteinscience.org  相似文献   

A triple-resonance pulse scheme is described which records15N, NH correlations of residues that immediately follow amethyl-containing amino acid. The experiment makes use of a15N, 13C and fractionally deuterated proteinsample and selects for CH2D methyl types. The experiment isthus useful in the early stages of the sequential assignment process as wellas for the confirmation of backbone 15N, NH chemical shiftassignments at later stages of data analysis. A simple modification of thesequence also allows the measurement of methyl side-chain dynamics. This isparticularly useful for studying side-chain dynamic properties in partiallyunfolded and unfolded proteins where the resolution of aliphatic carbon andproton chemical shifts is limited compared to that of amide nitrogens.  相似文献   

(15)N spin relaxation experiments were used to measure the temperature-dependence of protein backbone conformational fluctuations in the thermostable helical subdomain, HP36, of the F-actin-binding headpiece domain of chicken villin. HP36 is the smallest domain of a naturally occurring protein that folds cooperatively to a compact native state. Spin-lattice, spin-spin, and heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect relaxation data for backbone amide (15)N spins were collected at five temperatures in the range of 275-305 K. The data were analyzed using a model-free formalism to determine generalized order parameters, S, that describe the distribution of N-H bond vector orientations in a molecular reference frame. A novel parameter, Lambda=dln(1-S)/dln T is introduced to characterize the temperature-dependence of S. An average value of Lambda=4.5 is obtained for residues in helical conformations in HP36. This value of Lambda is not reproduced by model potential energy functions commonly used to parameterize S. The maximum entropy principle was used to derive a new model potential function that reproduces both S and Lambda. Contributions to the entropy, S(r), and heat capacity, C(r)(p), from reorientational conformational fluctuations were analyzed using this potential energy function. Values of S(r) show a qualitative dependence on S similar to that obtained for the diffusion-in-a-cone model; however, quantitative differences of up to 0.5k, in which k is the Boltzmann constant, are observed. Values of C(r)(p) approach zero for small values of S and approach k for large values of S; the largest values of C(r)(p) are predicted to occur for intermediate values of S. The results suggest that backbone dynamics, as probed by relaxation measurements, make very little contribution to the heat capacity difference between folded and unfolded states for HP36.  相似文献   

The backbone dynamics of bovine heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) and porcine ileal lipid binding protein (ILBP) were studied by 15N NMR relaxation (T1 and T2) and steady state heteronuclear 15N{1H} NOE measurements. The microdynamic parameters characterizing the backbone mobility were determined using the model-free approach. For H-FABP, the non-terminal backbone amide groups display a rather compact protein structure of low flexibility. In contrast, for ILBP an increased number of backbone amide groups display unusually high internal mobility. Furthermore, the data indicate a higher degree of conformational exchange processes in the sec-msec time range for ILBP compared to H-FABP. These results suggest significant differences in the conformational stability for these two structurally highly homologous members of the fatty acid binding protein family.  相似文献   

The 61 kDa colicin E9 protein toxin enters the cytoplasm of susceptible cells by interacting with outer membrane and periplasmic helper proteins, and kills them by hydrolysing their DNA. The membrane translocation function is located in the N-terminal domain of the colicin, with a key signal sequence being a pentapeptide region that governs the interaction with the helper protein TolB (the TolB box). Previous NMR studies (Collins et al., 2002 J. Mol. Biol. 318, 787-804) have shown that the N-terminal 83 residues of colicin E9, which includes the TolB box, is largely unstructured and highly flexible. In order to further define the properties of this region we have studied a fusion protein containing residues 1-61 of colicin E9 connected to the N-terminus of the E9 DNase by an eight-residue linking sequence. 53 of the expected 58 backbone NH resonances for the first 61 residues and all of the expected 7 backbone NH resonances of the linking sequence were assigned with 3D (1)H-(13)C-(15)N NMR experiments, and the backbone dynamics of these regions investigated through measurement of (1)H-(15)N relaxation properties. Reduced spectral density mapping, extended Lipari-Szabo modelling, and fitting backbone R(2) relaxation rates to a polymer dynamics model identifies three clusters of interacting residues, each containing a tryptophan. Each of these clusters is perturbed by TolB binding to the intact colicin, showing that the significant region for TolB binding extends beyond the recognized five amino acids of the TolB box and demonstrating that the binding epitope for TolB involves a considerable degree of order within an otherwise disordered and flexible domain. Abbreviations : Im9, the immunity protein for colicin E9; E9 DNase, the endonuclease domain of colicin E9; HSQC, heteronuclear single quantum coherence; ppm, parts per million; DSS, 2,2-(dimethylsilyl)propanesulfonic acid; TSP, sodium 3-trimethylsilypropionate; T(1 - 61)-DNase fusion protein, residues 1-61 of colicin E9 connected to the N-terminus of the E9 DNase by an eight residue thrombin cleavage sequence.  相似文献   

Artifacts associated with the measurement of methyl 1H single quantum CPMG-based relaxation dispersion profiles are described. These artifacts arise due to the combination of cross-correlated spin relaxation effects involving intra-methyl 1H–1H dipolar interactions and imperfections in 1H refocusing pulses that are applied during CPMG intervals that quantify the effects of chemical exchange on measured transverse relaxation rates. As a result substantial errors in extracted exchange parameters can be obtained. A simple work-around is presented where the 1H chemical shift difference between the exchanging states is extracted from a combination of 13C single quantum and 13C–1H multiple quantum dispersion profiles. The approach is demonstrated with an application to a folding/unfolding reaction involving a G48M mutant Fyn SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli (AKeco), consisting of a single 23.6 kDa polypeptide chain folded into domains CORE, AMPbd and LID, catalyzes the reaction AMP+ATP-->2ADP. In the ligand-free enzyme the domains AMPbd and LID execute large-amplitude movements controlling substrate binding and product release during catalysis. Domain flexibility is investigated herein with the slowly relaxing local structure (SRLS) model for (15)N relaxation. SRLS accounts rigorously for coupling between the global and local N-H motions through a local ordering potential exerted by the protein structure at the N-H bond. The latter reorients with respect to its protein surroundings, which reorient on the slower time scale associated with the global protein tumbling. AKeco diffuses globally with correlation time tau(m)=15.1 ns, while locally two different dynamic cases prevail. The domain CORE features ordering about the equilibrium N-H bond orientation with order parameters, S(2), of 0.8-0.9 and local motional correlation times, tau, mainly between 5-130 ps. This represents a conventional rigid protein structure with rapid small-amplitude N-H fluctuations. The domains AMPbd and LID feature small parallel (Z(M)) ordering of S(2)=0.2-0.5 which can be reinterpreted as high perpendicular (Y(M)) ordering. M denotes the local ordering/local diffusion frame. Local motion about Z(M) is given by tau( parallel) approximately 5 ps and local motion of the effective Z(M) axis about Y(M) by tau( perpendicular)=6-11 ns. Z(M) is tilted at approximately 20 degrees from the N-H bond. The orientation of the Y(M) axis may be considered parallel to the C(alpha)(i-1)-C(alpha)(i) axis. The tau( perpendicular) mode reflects collective nanosecond peptide-plane motions, interpretable as domain motion. A powerful new model of protein flexibility/domain motion has been established. Conformational exchange (R(ex)) processes accompany the tau( perpendicular) mode. The SRLS analysis is compared with the conventional model-free analysis.  相似文献   

The backbone dynamics of the tetrameric p53 oligomerization domain (residues 319-360) have been investigated by two-dimensional inverse detected heteronuclear 1H-15N NMR spectroscopy at 500 and 600 MHz. 15N T1, T2, and heteronuclear NOEs were measured for 39 of 40 non-proline backbone NH vectors at both field strengths. The overall correlation time for the tetramer, calculated from the T1/T2 ratios, was found to be 14.8 ns at 35 degrees C. The correlation times and amplitudes of the internal motions were extracted from the relaxation data using the model-free formalism (Lipari G, Szabo A, 1982, J Am Chem Soc 104:4546-4559). The internal dynamics of the structural core of the p53 oligomerization domain are uniform and fairly rigid, with residues 327-354 exhibiting an average generalized order parameter (S2) of 0.88 +/- 0.08. The N- and C-termini exhibit substantial mobility and are unstructured in the solution structure of p53. Residues located at the N- and C-termini, in the beta-sheet, in the turn between the alpha-helix and beta-sheet, and at the C-terminal end of the alpha-helix display two distinct internal motions that are faster than the overall correlation time. Fast internal motions (< or = 20 ps) are within the extreme narrowing limit and are of uniform amplitude. The slower motions (0.6-2.2 ns) are outside the extreme narrowing limit and vary in amplitude.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The backbone dynamics of a 15N-labeled recombinant PAK pilin peptide spanning residues 128–144 in the C-terminal receptor binding domain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pilin protein strain PAK (Lys128-Cys-Thr-Ser-Asp-Gln-Asp-Glu-Gln-Phe-Ile-Pro-Lys-Gly-Cys-Ser-Lys144) were probed by measurements of 15N NMR relaxation. This PAK(128–144) sequence is a target for the design of a synthetic peptide vaccine effective against multiple strains of P. aeruginosa infection. The 15N longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) relaxation rates and the steady-state heteronuclear {1H}-15N NOE were measured at three fields (7.04, 11.74 and 14.1 Tesla), five temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25°C ) and at pH 4.5 and 7.2. Relaxation data was analyzed using both the `model-free' formalism [Lipari, G. and Szabo, A. (1982) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104, 4546–4559 and 4559–4570] and the reduced spectral density mapping approach [Farrow, N.A., Szabo, A., Torchia, D.A. and Kay, L.E. (1995) J. Biomol. NMR, 6, 153–162]. The relaxation data, spectral densities and order parameters suggest that the type I and type II -turns spanning residues Asp134-Glu-Gln-Phe137 and Pro139-Lys-Gly-Cys142, respectively, are the most ordered and structured regions of the peptide. The biological implications of these results will be discussed in relation to the role that backbone motions play in PAK pilin peptide immunogenicity, and within the framework of developing a pilin peptide vaccine capable of conferring broad immunity across P. aeruginosa strains.  相似文献   

We report the effects of peptide binding on the (15)N relaxation rates and chemical shifts of the C-SH3 of Sem-5. (15)N spin-lattice relaxation time (T(1)), spin-spin relaxation time (T(2)), and ((1)H)-(15)N NOE were obtained from heteronuclear 2D NMR experiments. These parameters were then analyzed using the Lipari-Szabo model free formalism to obtain parameters that describe the internal motions of the protein. High-order parameters (S(2) > 0.8) are found in elements of regular secondary structure, whereas some residues in the loop regions show relatively low-order parameters, notably the RT loop. Peptide binding is characterized by a significant decrease in the (15)N relaxation in the RT loop. Concomitant with the change in dynamics is a cooperative change in chemical shifts. The agreement between the binding constants calculated from chemical shift differences and that obtained from ITC indicates that the binding of Sem-5 C-SH3 to its putative peptide ligand is coupled to a cooperative conformational change in which a portion of the binding site undergoes a significant reduction in conformational heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary Order parameters for the backbone N–H and C–H bond vectors have been calculated from a 150 ps molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of human type- transforming growth factor in H2O solvent. Two kinds of crankshaft motions of the polypeptide backbone are observed in this MD trajectory. The first involves small-amplitude rocking of the rigid peptide bond due to correlated changes in the backbone dihedral angles i–1 and i. These high-frequency librational crankshaft motions are correlated with systematically smaller values of motional order parameters for backbone N–H bond vectors compared to C–H bond vectors. In addition, infrequent crankshaft flips of the peptide bond from one local minimum to another are observed for several amino acid residues. These MD simulations demonstrate that comparisons of N–H and C–H order parameters provide a useful approach for identifying crank-shaft librational motions in proteins.  相似文献   

Backbone dynamics of uniformly 15N-labeled free barnase and its complex with unlabelled barstar have been studied at 40°C, pH 6.6, using 15N relaxation data obtained from proton-detected 2D {1H}-15N NMR spectroscopy. 15N spin-lattice relaxation rate constants (R1), spin-spin relaxation rate constants (R2), and steady-state heteronuclear {1H}-15N NOEs have been measured at a magnetic field strength of 14.1 Tesla for 91 residues of free barnase and for 90 residues out of a total of 106 in the complex (excluding three prolines and the N-terminal residue) backbone amide 15N sites of barnase. The primary relaxation data for both the cases have been analyzed in the framework of the model-free formalism using both isotropic and axially symmetric models of the rotational diffusion tensor. As per the latter, the overall rotational correlation times (m) are 5.0 and 9.5 ns for the free and complexed barnase, respectively. The average order parameter is found to be 0.80 for free barnase and 0.86 for the complex. However, the changes are not uniform along the backbone and for about 5 residues near the binding interface there is actually a significant decrease in the order parameters on complex formation. These residues are not involved in the actual binding. For the residues where the order parameter increases, the magnitudes vary significantly. It is observed that the complex has much less internal mobility, compared to free barnase. From the changes in the order parameters, the entropic contribution of NH bond vector motion to the free energy of complex formation has been calculated. It is apparent that these motions cause significant unfavorable contributions and therefore must be compensated by many other favorable contributions to effect tight complex formation. The observed variations in the motion and their different locations with regard to the binding interface may have important implications for remote effects and regulation of the enzyme action.  相似文献   

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