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Preparatory to the publication of the Flora of Ethiopia, the following new species and combinations are made: Loranthaceae: Plicosepalus robustus Wiens & Polh., P. ogadenensis M. Gilbert, P. acaciae (Zucc.) Wiens & Polh., P. meridianus (Danser) Wiens & Polh.; Oncocalyx angularis M. Gilbert, O. fischeri (Engl.) M. Gilbert, O. glabratus (Engl.) M. Gilbert, O. ugogensis (Engl.) Wiens & Polh., 0. schimperi (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) M. Gilbert, O. ghikae (Volkens & Schweinfurth) M. Gilbert, O. kelleri (Engl.) M. Gilbert; Erianthemum aethiopicum Balle ex Wiens & Polh.; Englerina woodfordioides (Schweinfurth) Balle ex M. Gilbert; Phragmanthera ahhallensis (Engl.) M. Gilbert, P. erythraea (Sprague) M. Gilbert, P. macrosolen (Steud. ex A. Rich.) M. Gilbert, P. regularis (Steud. ex Sprague) M. Gilbert, P. sarertaensis (Hutch. & Bruce) M. Gilbert, P. usuiensis (Oliver) M. Gilbert. Viscaceae: Viscum triflorum DC. ssp. nervosum (A. Rich.) M. Gilbert.  相似文献   

A summary is presented of taxonomic revisions and rearrangements required in connection with an account of the family Rosaceae for the Flora of Ethiopia. In Rubus the species R. apetalus Poir., R. erlangeri Engl., R. steudneri Engl. and R. volkensii Engl. are treated, whereas in Alchemilla particular attention is given to the species A. abyssinca Fresen., A. fischeri Engl., A. haumanii Rothm., A. kiwuensis Engl., A. microbetula T.C.E. Fr., and A. pedata Hochst. ex A. Rich. Distribution maps are provided for Rubus aethiopicus R. A. Graham, R. erlangeri and R. volkensii as well as for Alchemilla fischeri, A. microbetula and A. pedata.  相似文献   

Sphenostylis, a genus of seven species in tropical and southern Africa, includes three taxa that are used by humans. Flowers and seeds of S. schweinfurthii Harms are occasionally eaten in West Africa, and this species has potential value as a forage crop. Flowers and seeds of Sphenostylis erecta (E. G. Baker) E. G. Baker subsp. erecta are eaten in parts of Central Africa, while the roots are used medicinally and as a source of dye and fish poison. The edible tubers of S. stenocarpa (Hochst, ex A. Rich.) Harms, the African yam bean, are collected from the wild in Central and East Africa. This species is cultivated for its edible seeds in west tropical Africa and for its edible tubers in Zaire. Cultivated races of S. stenocarpa may be considered domesticated forms, since they differ from wild plants of the species in a number of morphological characteristics that are evidently the result of human selection. A list of common names for the three taxa, from throughout their ranges, is presented. Sphenostylis, un género con siete especies de las regiones sur y tropical de Africa, incluye tres taxa utilizados por humanos. Las flores y semillas deS. schweinfurthii Harms son alimento ocasional en el oeste de Africa, y la especie tiene, ademas, valor potencial como forraje. Las flores y semillas de Sphenostylis erecta (E. G. Baker) E. G. Baker subsp. erecta se comen en regiones del centro de Africa, mientras que las raíces tienen usos medicinales y son fuente de colorantes y embarbascantes. Los tubérculos comestibles de S. stenocarpa (Hochst, ex A. Rich.) Harms, la jícama Africana, se colectan de plantas silvestres en el centro y este de Africa. Esta especie se cultiva por sus semillas comestibles en el oeste de Africa tropical, y por sus tubérculos comestibles en Zaire. Las razas cultivadas deS. stenocarpa pueden ser consideradas como formas domesticadas, puesto que difieren de las plantas silvestres en muchas características morfológicas que son, evidentemente, el resultado de la selección humana. Se presenta una lista de los nombres comunes para los tres taxa a lo largo de sus rangos de distribución.  相似文献   

The first set of nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci for Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stap is described. A microsatellite-enriched library was constructed and 19 loci were characterized. About 13 SSR loci were found to be polymorphic and across-taxa amplification tests showed that six of them can be transferred to four other species of Brachiaria. This new SSR resource will be a powerful tool for population genetic studies of B. brizantha, for interspecific genetic studies within the genus Brachiaria, for mapping and for marker assisted selection in breeding.  相似文献   

Meiotic behavior was analyzed in 6 progenies from 3 artificially induced tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36) sexual genotypes (C31, C41, and C48) of the normally apomicticBrachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf., syn.Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R. Webster. These are key plants to allow intraspecific hybridization of this important forage species, widely used for pastures in the tropics. The percentage of abnormal cells among the plants ranged from 39.8% to 63.2%. In the single plant derived from C48, only the common meiotic abnormalities typical of polyploids were observed, while in plants derived from C31 and C41, a distinct behavior was found. In the majority of cells of those plants, the chromosomes remained scattered in the cytoplasm in the first division, without forming a metaphase plate. This abnormality blocked chromosome movements at anaphase I. Several micronuclei of various sizes were formed and, after the occurrence of an irregular first cytokinesis, the meiocytes progressed normally to the second division, generating polyads with unbalanced microspores. Pollen viability was not correlated with meiotic abnormalities. The importance of these findings to theBrachiaria breeding program is discussed. The sexual progeny of C48 seems most suitable as female parents to be used in intra-and interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

The species of Urera Gaud. occurring in eastern tropical Africa are revised. Three species are recognized: U. cameroonensis Wedd., occurring from Uganda to the South African Republic (Natal), U. sansibarica Engl., restricted to the coastal zone of Kenya and Tanzania, and U. hypselodendron (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Wedd., occurring in montane forest from Ethiopia to Malawi. The original material of U. hypselodendron var. flamigniana Hauman (nom. inval.) and var. platyrrhachis Hauman (nom. inval.) is excluded from U. hypselodendron; the same applies to the other material of U. hypselodendron cited from central Zaire in Flore du Congo belge. Distribution maps of the eastern African species are provided. Also included is a preliminary study and discussion of the generic subdivision of Urera , with special reference to the species of this revision.  相似文献   

Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. (syn. Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R.D. Webster) is a species used primarily as forage in tropical America and Southeast Asia. B. brizantha has been extensively researched since the 1980s with the initiation of the Tropical Forages Breeding Program conducted by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária; EMBRAPA), holding one of the largest germplasm collections in the world. This work has identified 15 new microsatellite markers for this species, which have been used in addition to five previously reported markers, to estimate the genetic similarities among 172 accessions and six cultivars of this species. Similarity index values ranged from 0.40 to 1.00. Two duplications were found in the germplasm. A Bayesian analysis performed using the STRUCTURE 2.3.3 program revealed the presence of three clusters with different allelic pools. This analysis is valuable for the performance of crosses to explore heterosis; however, the mode of reproduction of the accessions and ploidy barriers must be observed for effective exploration. A grouping analysis using the neighbor-joining method was consistent with the STRUCTURE analysis, and a combination approach suggested that this germplasm collection does not exhibit considerable genetic variability despite the presence of three distinct allelic pools. The lack of correlation between the genetic and geographic distances is also discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of comprehensive herbarium material confirmed that the afroalpine Cerastium adnivale Chiov. is too indistinctly delimited from the earlier described C. octandrum Hochst. ex A. Rich, to be given more than varietal rank. The restricted distribution of var. adnivale on only some of the high mountains harbouring C. octandrum s. lat. as well as results of experimental cultivation show that the reduced pubescence of the former cannot be due to environmental influence alone but must result from genetic differences. The derivation of var. adnivale from C. octandrum s. lat. is discussed.  相似文献   

Since the 19th century many botanists have studied the Chinese Cirsium and a great number of taxa or names has been reported, of which many still need to be reviewed critically This work is a preliminaxy result of study on Chinese species of Cirsium. As many as 65 taxan or names in the literature are reduced to synonym in this paper. The Cirsium in China so far known comprises 49 species, of which 9 are described as new, 1 is a new combination and 4 are new records in Chinese flora. These new species are: C. subulariforme Shih, S. muliense Shih, C. fanjingshanense Shih, C. periacanthaceum Shih, C. racemiforme Ling et Shih, C. vernonioides Shih, C. chrysolepis Shih, C. tenuifolium Shih and the new combination is C. viridifolium (Hand. -Mazz.) Shih. The new records in China are C. serratuloides (L.) Hill., C. incanum (S. G. Gmel.) Fisch. ex MB., C. lanatum (Roxb. ex Willd.) Spreng and C. alatum (S. G. Gmel) Bobr. The Chinese Cirsium is divided into 8 sections in the present paper, of which 3 are new, namely, Sect. Isolepis Shih, Sect. Tricholepis Shilh and Sect. Hymenolepis Shih, and I is a new combination, namely, Sect. Spanioptilon (Cass.) Shih. In addition, a new species of the genus Alfredia, A. aspera Slih, is described.  相似文献   

R. glutinosa Hochst. ex. A. Rich. is lectotypified. R. abyssinica Oliv. and R. neoglutinosa M. Gilbert are reduced to subspecies of R. glutinosa.  相似文献   

About 22 species of the genus Scorzonera L. are so far known to occur in China. Among them, S. pamirica Shih is described as new and 3 species, S. tau-sahyz Lipsch. et Bosse, S. pubescens DC. and S. transiliensis M. Pop., are new records to China. Four names in the literature are reduced to synonyms,and some wrong identications in Chinese botanical literature are pointed out in this work. Some species with considerable variation in morphology, such as, S. pseudodivaricata Lipsch. and S. sinensis Lipsch. ex Krasch., are also discussed here.  相似文献   



The common or brinjal eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) belongs to the Leptostemonum Clade (the “spiny” solanums) of the species-rich genus Solanum (Solanaceae). Unlike most of the genus, the eggplant and its relatives are from the Old World; most eggplant wild relatives are from Africa. An informal system for naming eggplant wild relatives largely based on crossing and other biosystematics data has been in use for approximately a decade. This system recognises several forms of two broadly conceived species, S. incanum L. and S. melongena. Recent morphological and molecular work has shown that species-level differences exist between these entities, and a new species-level nomenclature has been identified as necessary for plant breeders and for the maintenance of accurately named germplasm.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We examined herbarium specimens from throughout the wild species ranges as part of a larger revision of the spiny solanums of Africa. Based on these morphological and molecular studies, we delimited species in the group to which the common eggplant belongs and constructed identification keys for the group. We also examined the monophyly of the group considered as the eggplant relatives by previous authors.


We recognise ten species in this group: S. aureitomentosum Bitter, S. campylacanthum A.Rich., S. cerasiferum Dunal, S. incanum L., S. insanum L., S. lichtensteinii Willd., S. linnaeanum Hepper & P.-M.L.Jaeger, S. melongena L., S. rigidum Lam. and S. umtuma Voronts. & S.Knapp. We review the history of naming and provide keys and character lists for all species. Ploidy level differences have not been investigated in the eggplant wild relatives; we identify this as a priority for improvement of crop wild relative use in breeding. The application of species-level names to these entities will help focus new collecting efforts for brinjal eggplant improvement and help facilitate information exchange.  相似文献   

Typification of the Linnean species of Saxifraga   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
WEBB, D. A., 1987. Typification of the Linnean species of Saxifraga. Types (mainly lectotypes) arc assigned to all the species of Saxifraga described by Linnaeus. There are 38 names in all, of which one is now assigned to Bergenia, one is known to be a hybrid, three have been rejected in the past as nomina ambigua, one was later reduced to synonymy by Linnaeus himself, while 32 are accepted as valid species today. Three have been previously typified by Pugsley, one by Steam and one by the author; for the others the types are newly proposed here. Nineteen names are typified from the Linnean herbarium in London (LINN), three from the Linnean herbarium in Stockholm (S), seven from the Burser herbarium at Uppsala (UPS), one from the Tournefort herbarium in Paris (P), and eight from illustrations cited by Linnaeus in synonymy. Lists are appended of all specimens of the genus in the Linnean herbaria in London and Stockholm and the Burser herbarium at Uppsala, and a determination is given for each specimen, though in some cases these can only be tentative. The specimens include 15 species which Linnaeus did not describe, though in the case of five he probably regarded them as varieties.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 21 taxa in Lobelia L. and Cyphia Berg, are reported, the majority being new records. 2n = 18 in Cyphia is a new generic report. The new species Lobelia paludigena Thulin (Zaire), L. kundelungensis Thulin (Zaire), L. cheranganiensis Thulin (Kenya) and L. corniculata Thulin (Swaziland and Natal) are described. The distributions of these species, as well as of L. thermalis Thunb., are mapped. L. kalobaënsis E. Wimm. ex Thulin is validated. The new combinations L. trullifolia Hemsl. ssp. delicatula (Compton) Thulin and L. flaccida (Presl) A. DC. ssp. gnmvikii (T. C. E. Fries) Thulin are made. Typifications are provided for the following names: L. stuhlmannii Schweinf. ex Stuhlm., L. gregoriana Bak. f., L. fervens Thunb., L. anceps L. f. and L. depressa L. f.  相似文献   

A tropical African group of species commonly included in the genus Satureja is revised and moved to the genus Clinopodium . Satureja abyssinica (Benth.) Briq. ssp. abyssinica and ssp. condensata (Hedberg) Seybold, S. paradoxa (Vatke) Engl. ex Seybold, S. robusta (Hook.f) Brenan and S. vernayana Brenan should be known under the following names: Clinopodium abyssinicum (Hochst. ex Benth.) Kuntze var. abyssinicum and C. abyssinicum var. condensatum (Hedberg) Ryding, C. paradoxum (Vatke) Ryding, C. robustum (Hook.f) Ryding and C. vernayanum (Brenan) Ryding, respectively. Satureja cacondensis (G. Taylor) Brenan, S. masukuensis (Baker) Eyles and S. myriantha (Baker) Brenan, including its varieties, are amalgamated and should be known by the name Clinopodium myrianthum (Baker) Ryding.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 391–408.  相似文献   

Four diploid South and North American species of Hordeum are revised, viz. H. flexuosum Nees ex Steud., H. euclaslon Steud., H. intercedens Nevski, and H. pusillum Nutt. The synonomy, distribution, chromosome numbers, and variation are treated.  相似文献   

The acaulescent and succulent species of Dorstenia sect. Kosaria in NE tropical Africa include the well defined D. ellenbeckiana and the two polymorphic taxa, the D. barnimiana complex and the D. foetida complex. The D. barnimiana complex is treated as two species, D. barnimiana Schweinf. and D. tropaeolifolia (Schweinf.) Bureau. One specific name and four varietal names are reduced to synonymy. The D. foetida complex is treated as one species, D. foetida (Forssk.) Schweinf., with two subspecies, ssp. foetida and ssp. lancifolia (Rendle) Friis comb, nov., of which the former is further divided into var. foetida and var. obovata (A. Rich.) Schweinf. & Engl. Three species arc reduced to synonymy of D. foetida. The distribution of all the species is mapped.  相似文献   

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