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A new species of histiostomatid mite — Myianoetus sovat sp. n., based on the deutonymph, is described from the fly Gymnomus caesius. It differs from other species of Myianoetus by more characters of idiosomal morphometry, body and leg chaetotaxy, solenidiotaxy and shape of the adhering disc and its structures.  相似文献   

Jere Kahanp?? 《ZooKeys》2014,(441):319-324
A Finnish checklist of the sphaeroceroid fly families Chyromyidae and Heleomyzidae is provided.  相似文献   

Karsten Reckardt  Gerald Kerth 《Oikos》2009,118(2):183-190
In a two-year field study, we analyzed the distribution of two hematophagous ectoparasites, the bat fly Basilia nana and the wing mite Spinturnix bechsteini , within and among 14 female colonies and among 26 solitary male Bechstein's bats Myotis bechsteinii . Our goal was to investigate whether differences in the transmission mode of the parasites, which result from differences in their life cycle, affect their distribution between host colonies and among host individuals within colonies. Bat flies deposit puparia in bat roosts, allowing for the transmission of hatched flies via successively shared roosts, independent of body contact between hosts or of hosts occupying a roost at the same time. In contrast, wing mites stay on the bat's body and are transmitted exclusively by contact of bats that roost together. As expected in cases of higher inter-colony transmissibility, bat flies were more prevalent among the demographically isolated Bechstein's bat colonies and among solitary male bats, as compared to wing mites. Moreover, the prevalence and density of wing mites, but not of bat flies, was positively correlated with colony size, as expected in cases of low inter-colony transmissibility. Within colonies, bat flies showed higher abundance on host individuals in good body condition, which are likely to have high nutritional status and strong immunity. Wing mites showed higher abundance on hosts in medium body condition and on reproductive females and juveniles, which are likely to have relatively weak immunity. We suggest that the observed infestation patterns within host colonies reflect different host choice strategies of bat flies and wing mites, which may result from differences in their inter-colony transmissibility. Our data also indicate that infestation with wing mites, but not with bat flies, might be a cost of sociality in Bechstein's bats.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of plant spacing and predator–prey ratio on dispersal and foraging efficiency of the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, on the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. When predators were released at the end of spider mite-infested arrays of lima bean plants that had either no spacing or two different patterns of spacing among plant rows, plant damage was uniformly low throughout the experiment at both predator–prey ratios (1:10 and 3:10) in the treatment with no spacing. In contrast, damage was higher in both treatments where plant rows were interrupted by spacing. At the 1:10 ratio, more plants closer to the predator release point experienced moderate damage than at the 3:10 ratio where only the plant rows farthest from the release point had unacceptable damage. Our findings suggest that point releases of P. persimilis at the standard 1:10 predator–prey ratio should be effective within a diameter of at least 65?cm on mite-infested patches of plants where pots are touching. However, if gaps in plant rows exist, even large numbers of predators may not be sufficient to protect parts of the crop unless predators are released at shorter fixed points in the greenhouse crop.  相似文献   

This work performed a seasonal and spatial survey of Drosophila groups, focusing on the repleta group species, in an enclave of xerophytic vegetation in the Araucaria forest phytophysiognomy. The Drosophilidae community, in terms of Drosophila groups, was seasonally affected probably because of cold winters of the highland Araucaria forest surveyed. The spatial variation of groups was not significant, but distinct distributions were observed, both in height and related to the fragment edge/interior, for some groups. Regarding the repleta group, no clear pattern of species seasonal and spatial distribution was detected, probably due to the observation that some species were collected in different seasons and occupied different regions of the area. The considerably high abundance of D. senei, compared to other studies, is one aspect that should be better investigated.  相似文献   

Elephantotus, a new genus of Tabanidae from the Amazon coast, Brazil, is described based on a new species E. tracuateuensis. Five females were collected in Pará State, and a male in Maranhão State. Arguments are presented for separating the new genus from Dasybasis, as well as the possibility of its occurrence being related to the nesting sites of coastal birds. The new species is characterized by its large size (x = 2.15 cm, n = 5 females), glabrous eyes, reddish-brown tegument, light brown frontal callus not touching the edges of the eyes, extending up to the vertex that has traces of ocelli, basal plate of the antennal flagellum with obtuse angle, without a tooth or spine, wings hyaline, with brown basal cells, without appendix in the fork of vein R4+5, and genital furca wide with extended flaps.  相似文献   

Brevipalpus californicus (Banks) was infected with ‘Candidatus Cardinium’ bacteria (Cardinium). Tetracycline-treated females produced many male progeny even though untreated females produced only female progeny. B. californicus appears to be feminized by Cardinium. The values for net reproduction rate (R0), generation time (T) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) calculated for B. californicus were 7.48/day, 31.45 days and 0.064/day, respectively. The comparison of infected females with uninfected males and other closely related species, indicated that Cardinium does not have a negative effect on the fitness of B. californicus.  相似文献   

Summary. Some insects can develop immune resistance to koinobiont parasitoids. Reciprocally, adaptation to host immunology is critical for parasitoid success. Phylogenetic inertia and correlations between virulence against different hosts can act as constraints preventing these adaptations. Insights on these constraints may be obtained from the analysis of patterns of variations in the interactions at the species or genus level. Multivariate phylogenetic comparative methods were applied to virulence traits of 13 parasitoid strains of Leptopilina spp. (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) on five host strains of the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup (Diptera Drosophilidae). Independent contrasts of virulence were calculated and principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the independent contrasts to estimate the dimensionality of the interactions. Most of the variation of virulence was associated with the first component of the PCA (62.2%). But a significant proportion was explained by the second and third components, suggesting specific interactions. Strain–strain reciprocal specificity was observed in several pairs of host–parasitoid species. Significant phylogenetic inertia was observed on parasitoid virulence, but only at the genus level and only against hosts of intermediate resistance (phylogenetic R2 between 0.62 and 0.85). Some parts of the interaction matrix exhibited specific interactions and others were fixed due to ancestral non-specific virulence (or avirulence). The results were interpreted viewing virulence as a threshold trait determined by underlying liability. When liability is far from the threshold, virulence is fixed. When liability is close to the threshold, virulence varies specifically and reciprocal adaptations can take place. These phylogenetic constraints may lead to a scenario of escape and radiation coevolution in the host–parasitoid system.  相似文献   

The use of molecular markers for resolving systematics issues has improved our knowledge of life history. However, for the taxa studied herein—the predatory mite family Phytoseiidae—molecular phylogeny is impeded by a lack of suitable markers for deeper taxonomic levels. This study aims (i) to establish DNA amplification protocols for molecular markers known to resolve supraspecific nodes in other taxa, (ii) to determine their individual performance in assessing the clustering of species, genera, tribes and subfamilies, and (iii) to characterize the additional information provided when markers are concatenated. A new phylogenetic index is proposed based on ecological concepts, considering trees as a community of nodes. New and efficient protocols for DNA amplification of six molecular markers are provided. The concatenated tree globally provides more robust and reliable information, especially for deeper nodes. However, for assessing species identification and within‐genera phylogenies, the combined use of six markers does not seem necessary, underlining the need to resize experiments depending on their taxonomic objectives. Finally, this study lays the methodological foundations with which to test the present Phytoseiidae classification as the first phylogeny obtained shows incongruence with the present morphological classification.  相似文献   

The monotonous cordaitalean leaves are usually difficult to determine as leaf shape and venation can be similar in many species. Therefore cuticular analysis is an important method for distinguishing cordaitalean leaves. Pennsylvanian Cordaites schatzlarensis nov. sp. comes from the ?aclé? locality in the Intrasudetic Basin, Czech Republic. It has been found in mudstone accompanying the upper coal seams No. 9 and 10 of the Jan Šverma Coals, Lampertice Member, ?aclé? Formation and are late Duckmantian in age. The leaves of Cordaites schatzlarensis are lanceolate, amphistomatic. Stomata of the adaxial epidermis are scarce, isolated, or in very short stomatal rows. In contrast, the density of stomata on the abaxial cuticle is high and stomata are arranged into single or double stomatal rows. The cuticles of C. schatzlarensis are comparable with the Chinese Upper Permian C. baodeensis Ge. Leaves can be narrow, comparable to French Bolsovian Dorycordaites zeilleri Ledran, or relatively wide. Accompanying big seeds more than 5 cm in diameter are attributed to Samaropsis newberryi (Andrews) Seward. The pith casts Artisia Sternberg were found in sandy channel fill deposits.  相似文献   

Although numerous parasite species have a simple life cycle (SLC) and complete their life cycle in one host, there are other parasite species that exploit several host species successively. From an evolutionary perspective, understanding the mix of adaptive and contingent forces shaping the transition from an ancestral single‐host state to such a complex life cycle (CLC) has proved an intriguing challenge. In this paper, we propose a new hypothesis, which states that CLCs involving trophic transmission (i.e. transmission to a predator) evolved because they are an efficient way for parasites to meet a sexual partner, assuming that selective benefits are associated with cross‐fertilization. Predators that eat a lot of prey in a relatively short time interval act to concentrate isolated parasites. We use an optimality model to develop our hypothesis and discuss further directions of potential research.  相似文献   

Metamitron is a key herbicide in modern low rate weed control programs in sugar beet. Fat hen (Chenopodium album, CHEAL) is a common, highly competitive, weed in sugar beet and one of the targets of metamitron. Recently, unsatisfactory control of fat hen has been reported in several sugar beet fields situated in various regions in Belgium. Weather conditions as well as the mere fact of using low rate systems have been blamed for these poor performances. To address the question "Is the recently recorded poor control of C. album due to decreased sensitivity to metamitron", greenhouse bioassays were carried out. A first experiment was conducted applying metamitron (0, 350, 700 and 1,400 g ai/ha) postemergence to three "suspected" C. album populations originating from sugar beet fields with unsatisfactory control by standard metamitron based treatment schemes ('Ligne', 'Outgaarden' and 'Boutersem I' respectively) and to one sensitive population originating from an untreated garden site ('Gent'). In a second experiment seven population, five "suspected" fat hen populations from sugar beet fields ('Boutersem I', 'Boutersem II', 'Postel', 'Vissenaken' and 'Kortessem' respectively), one sensitive reference population 'Herbiseed' and one atrazine-resistant reference population 'ME.85.01', were submitted to metamitron (0, 1, 2 and 4 mg ai/kg air-dry soil) and atrazine (1.5 mg ai/kg air-dry soil) preplant incorporated. All "suspected" C. album populations displayed a significantly lower sensitivity to metamitron compared to the sensitive populations ('Gent' and 'Herbiseed') that never had been exposed to this herbicide. As target site cross-resistance of atrazine-resistant C. album, selected by atrazine in maize, to metamitron has been known for a long time, cross-resistance of C. album populations in sugar beet grown on fields with "maize - atrazine" containing rotations might be expected to appear. The outcome of the experiment with atrazine preplant incorporated was the confirmation of resistance in all "suspected" populations ('Boutersem I', 'Boutersem II', 'Postel', 'Vissenaken' and 'Kortessem'). However, some "suspected" populations came from fields with no background of cropping with maize and use of atrazine. So, the question remains whether these triazine-resistant C. album had been imported, e.g. with slurry, or the rather unexpected possibility that metamitron itself did select for metamitron-resistant biotypes bearing cross-resistance to atrazine, had become reality.  相似文献   

We and others have shown that in individual human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, the adaptive evolution of HIV-1 is influenced by host immune competence. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that in addition to selective forces operating within the host, transmission bottlenecks have an impact on HIV-1 intrahost evolution. Therefore, we studied the intrahost evolution of the V3 region of the external glycoprotein gp120 of HIV-1 during the 3- and 5-year periods following seroconversion after parenteral versus sexual (male-to-male) transmission in 41 participants of the Amsterdam prospective cohorts of homosexual men (n = 31) and intravenous drug users (IVDUs; n = 10) who were AIDS free and had comparable numbers of CD4+ cells. We observed that HIV-1 strains in homosexual men accumulated over 5 years more nonsynonymous substitutions within the V3 loop than HIV-1 strains in IVDUs as a result of lower rates of nonsynonymous evolution in both the initial 3-year period from seroconversion and the following 2-year period as well as a larger proportion of nonsynonymous back substitutions in IVDUs. The mean numbers of synonymous substitutions did not differ between the two risk groups. Since HIV-1 strains in IVDUs could be distinguished from the viruses of homosexual men based on several nucleotide substitutions of which the most conserved is a synonymous substitution at the tip of the V3 loop (GGC pattern), we studied whether the founder virus population itself has an impact on the intrahost evolution of HIV-1. The mean number of nonsynonymous substitutions accumulated over 5 years within the V3 loop was lower in 10 IVDUs infected by the HIV-1 strains with the GGC signature than in 4 IVDUs infected by HIV-1 strains lacking this pattern, while the mean numbers of synonymous substitutions were similar in the two groups.  相似文献   

An entomological survey was conducted from July-December 2009 and September-December 2010, as part of the epidemiological monitoring of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in the municipality of Lábrea, state of Amazonas (AM), Brazil. Sandflies were collected using CDC light traps installed in intra and peridomiciliary locations, as well as the border of forested areas around houses where autochthonous cases of ACL were recorded. A total of 510 sandflies belonging to 26 species were collected. The most abundant species was Nyssomyia antunesi (44.5%) followed by Evandromyia walkeri (10.6%) and Micropygomyia rorotaensis (9.8%). Here we also describe Evandromyia (Aldamyia) apurinan sp. nov. and report new records for Trichophoromyia flochi and Evandromyia sipani in AM and Brazil, respectively. Our results describe the composition of the sandfly fauna in the south of AM and suggest Ny. antunesi as the putative vector in the transmission of Leishmania in this area of the Amazon Region.  相似文献   

Organisms with vast distributions often represent geographical mosaics of cryptic species. The black fly Simulium (Wilhelmia) lineatum is among the most widely distributed members of the family Simuliidae, ranging from the British Isles to eastern China. Rather than viewing S. lineatum as a possible aggregate of multiple species, taxonomists have suggested a more inclusive taxon with additional synonyms. Accordingly, S. lineatum is an ideal candidate for testing the hypothesis that a wide geographical distribution signals the presence of more than one species. A cytogenetic approach was used to probe the macrogenome of S. lineatum and other taxa proposed by taxonomists as conspecific. The banding patterns in the polytene chromosomes of 480 larvae from 15 countries across the Palearctic Region revealed 128 rearrangements of the complement. All rearrangements were autosomal and 89% were inversions nonrandomly distributed among species and among chromosome arms. The analyses clarify long‐standing confusion over previously proposed names and reveal a longitudinal succession of four species sequentially replacing one another from west to east: Simulium lineatum s.s., Simulium balcanicum, Simulium turgaicum, and Simulium takahasii. Thus, S. turgaicum is recalled from synonymy and the other three species are validated. Within the most‐represented species, S. balcanicum, the frequency of inversions follows a longitudinal gradient with a north–south bias; as the distance between the sites increases along this north‐west–south‐east axis, the similarity of inversion frequencies between sites decreases. Validation of the concept that broadly distributed black flies are composites of structurally similar species provides a framework for guiding discovery of additional biodiversity. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 163–183.  相似文献   

The oestroid family Tachinidae represents one of the most diverse lineages of insect parasitoids. Despite their broad distribution, diversity and important role as biological control agents, the phylogeny of this family remains poorly known. Here, we review the history of tachinid systematics and present the first quantitative phylogenetic analysis of the family based on morphological data. Cladistic analyses were conducted using 135 morphological characters from 492 species belonging to 180 tachinid genera, including the four currently recognized subfamilies (Dexiinae, Exoristinae, Phasiinae, Tachininae) and all major tribes. We used characters of eggs, first‐instar larvae and adults of both sexes. We examined the effects of implied weighting by reanalysing the data with varying concavity factors. Our analysis generally supports the subfamily groupings Dexiinae + Phasiinae and Tachininae + Exoristinae, with only the Exoristinae and the Phasiinae reconstructed as monophyletic assemblages under a wide range of weighting schemes. Under these conditions, the Dexiinae, which were previously considered a well‐established monophyletic assemblage, are reconstructed as being paraphyletic with respect to the Phasiinae. The Tachininae are reconstructed as a paraphyletic grade from which the monophyletic Exoristinae arose. The Exoristinae are reconstructed as a monophyletic lineage, but phylogenetic relationships within the subfamily are largely unresolved. We further explored the evolution of oviposition strategy and found that the oviparous groups are nested within ovolarviparous assemblages, suggesting that ovipary may have evolved several times independently from ovolarviparous ancestors. This counterintuitive pattern is a novel hypothesis suggested by the results of this analysis. Finally, two major patterns emerge when considering host associations across our phylogeny under equal weights: (i) although more than 60% of tachinids are parasitoids of Lepidoptera larvae, none of the basal clades is unambiguously associated with Lepidoptera as a primitive condition, suggesting that tachinids were slow to colonize these hosts, but then radiated extensively on them; and (ii) there is general agreement between host use and monophyly of the major lineages.  相似文献   

Development, reproduction, and life table parameters of the phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus idaeus Denmark & Muma preying on various stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch fed on papaya or snap bean plant were studied at 25 ± 2°C, 77 ± 2% RH and 12L:12D photoperiod. Most characteristics of the predator, including the duration of the immature stages, preoviposition and oviposition periods, and female longevity did not differ significantly among the different food combinations. During the adult stage, N. idaeus females survived up to 14 days. The net reproductive rate, the mean generation time, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase of N. idaeus were very similar on all T. urticae stage – host plant combinations, ranging from 5.15 to 6.61 females, 10.15 to 12.62 days, and 0.150 to 0.168, respectively. These results indicate that T. urticae reared either on papaya or snap bean is an adequate prey for the development and reproduction of N. idaeus. Moreover, the current findings demonstrate that the host plant of T. urticae did not affect the predator. The implications of these results for the success of N. idaeus as a biological control agent of T. urticae in papaya orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Life history trade‐offs emerge when limited resources are allocated to multiple functions of an organism. Under highly competitive conditions trade‐offs can result in alternative phenotypes that differ morphologically and physiologically. Such is the case in insect species that grow under high densities, where competition for resources but also the risk of disease contagion is high, prompting important adjustments in immune response and melanic cuticular pigmentation, with consequent sacrifices in other fitness‐related traits. 2. In the present study, the potential trade‐offs between total‐ and active phenoloxidase (PO), body size and body pigmentation in Sepsis thoracica black scavenger flies that show alternative male morphs differing in cuticular pigmentation, and body size were evaluated. 3. As expected, small/dark (obsidian) males showed higher total‐PO activity than larger/orange (amber) males. A negative relationship was found between total‐PO activity and body size in females and obsidian but not amber males, suggesting that growth and immunity are more costly for the former. In contrast, density did not affect PO activity, as predicted by the density‐dependent prophylaxis hypothesis, which had not been tested in dipterans before. However, rearing density did affect the body size negatively in females and amber but not obsidian males, showing that male morph is largely determined by condition‐dependent plasticity rather than genes. 4. This study provides good evidence that trade‐offs between different life‐history traits can result in alternative resource allocation strategies, even within one species. These strategies can produce strikingly different alternative phenotypes, evincing that there is not only one optimal solution to address fitness optimisation.  相似文献   

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